桌面栏: | ||
位置: | /boot/system/apps/MediaPlayer | |
设置: | ~/config/settings/MediaPlayer |
MediaPlayer is the default player for all audio and video files. Thanks to its ffmpeg backend, a plethora of widely used formats are supported. Its simple interface has all the controls you'd expect:


对所有媒体都可用的是 ALTI)。它显示有关当前载入文件的信息,如播放时间或音频/视频轨道细节和它的编码。
在 菜单下,您可以看到用于缩放窗口或强制使用纵横比。保持纵横比为默认的 非常适用于正确的编码文件。
媒体播放器支持 SRT 格式中的子标题。为了让其显示于 之下,它们的文件名必须与其视频文件相同,但其后缀必须为 ".srt" ,而不是视频扩展。例如:
MyMovie.avi MyMovie.Deutsch.srt MyMovie.English.srt MyMovie.Français.srt
子菜单中可用。当有可用的多声道视频时, 子菜单提供了同样的内容。您可以切换为 ALT ENTER 或 F 或双击左键),使用 隐藏媒体播放器的窗口边框和控件(ALT H 或双击右键)或者可以让其 (ALT A)。
ALT P) 打开窗口显示当前播放队列中的文件。双击条目将会开始播放。
You can add more files by dropping them into the list and rearrange their position via drag & drop. New files are added in the order they were selected from a Tracker window. Drag & dropping them with the right mouse button shows a context menu to insert them
From the menu you can or (DEL) an entry from the list or delete the actual file with (ALT T).
播放列表以便之后 ,或这双击播放列表文件打开。设置

The first batch,
Start playback automatically, close windows when finished or play clips in a loop.
From the pop-up menu you choose MediaPlayer's launch behavior. Should it resume playing where it left off last time: , , or .
Next are different
You can opt to , which cuts down CPU usage but only works for one video window and needs a supporting video card driver.
You can (when not in overlay mode) which uses very fast filtering to smooth over otherwise blocky pixels when zooming video or watching in full-screen mode.
if you prefer slightly bigger controls, maybe because you watch the screen from a bit farther away when in full-screen mode.
Then there are settings for and . They can be shown at the , which will always have them overlayed over the picture. Or , which allows you to resize the window vertically and have the subtitles appear in the black bar at the bottom instead.
,至少为 或者直接 。键盘控制
Z | 跳转到上一个。 | |
X | 播放 | |
C | 暂停 | |
V | 停止 | |
B | 跳转到下一个 |
← / → | 向前/向后查找 | |
SHIFT ← / → | 后退/前进 10 秒 | |
ALT ← / → | 后退/前进 30 秒 | |
↓ / ↑ | 减小/增大音量 | |
ALT ↓ / ↑ | 跳过到下一个/上一个轨道 | |
空格键 | 切换 播放/暂停 | |
ALT ENTER | 切换全屏模式(也可以通过双击屏幕区域,或者按下 F 或者 TAB 完成) | |
ALT SHIFT 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 | 修改屏幕长宽比为 | (视频编码原生模式), (将视频像素以 1:1 比例映射到屏幕), ,