/* * Copyright 2005, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de */ #include "EventDispatcher.h" #include "EventStream.h" #include "HWInterface.h" #include "InputManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define TRACE_EVENTS #ifdef TRACE_EVENTS # define ETRACE(x) printf x #else # define ETRACE(x) ; #endif /*! The EventDispatcher is a per Desktop object that handles all input events for that desktop. The events are processed as needed in the Desktop class (via EventFilters), and then forwarded to the actual target of the event, a client window (or more correctly, to its EventTarget). You cannot set the target of an event directly - the event filters need to specify the targets. The event loop will make sure that every target and interested listener will get the event - it also delivers mouse moved events to the previous target once so that this target can then spread the B_EXITED_VIEW transit to the local target handler (usually a BView). If you look at the event_listener structure below, the differentiation between target and token may look odd, but it really has a reason as well: All events are sent to the preferred window handler only - the window may then use the token or token list to identify the specific target view(s). This makes it possible to send every event only once, no matter how many local target handlers there are. */ struct event_listener { int32 token; uint32 event_mask; uint32 options; uint32 temporary_event_mask; uint32 temporary_options; uint32 EffectiveEventMask() const { return event_mask | temporary_event_mask; } }; static const char* kTokenName = "_token"; static const float kMouseMovedImportance = 0.1f; static const float kMouseTransitImportance = 1.0f; static const float kStandardImportance = 0.9f; static const float kListenerImportance = 0.8f; EventTarget::EventTarget() : fListeners(2, true) { } EventTarget::~EventTarget() { } void EventTarget::SetTo(const BMessenger& messenger) { fMessenger = messenger; } event_listener* EventTarget::FindListener(int32 token, int32* _index) { for (int32 i = fListeners.CountItems(); i-- > 0;) { event_listener* listener = fListeners.ItemAt(i); if (listener->token == token) { if (_index) *_index = i; return listener; } } return NULL; } bool EventTarget::_RemoveTemporaryListener(event_listener* listener, int32 index) { if (listener->event_mask == 0) { // this is only a temporary target ETRACE(("events: remove temp. listener: token %ld, eventMask = %ld, options = %ld\n", listener->token, listener->temporary_event_mask, listener->temporary_options)); fListeners.RemoveItemAt(index); delete listener; return true; } if (listener->temporary_event_mask != 0) { ETRACE(("events: clear temp. listener: token %ld, eventMask = %ld, options = %ld\n", listener->token, listener->temporary_event_mask, listener->temporary_options)); listener->temporary_event_mask = 0; listener->temporary_options = 0; } return false; } void EventTarget::RemoveTemporaryListeners() { for (int32 index = CountListeners(); index-- > 0;) { event_listener* listener = ListenerAt(index); _RemoveTemporaryListener(listener, index); } } bool EventTarget::RemoveTemporaryListener(int32 token) { int32 index; event_listener* listener = FindListener(token, &index); if (listener == NULL) return false; return _RemoveTemporaryListener(listener, index); } bool EventTarget::RemoveListener(int32 token) { int32 index; event_listener* listener = FindListener(token, &index); if (listener == NULL) return false; if (listener->temporary_event_mask != 0) { // we still need this event listener->event_mask = 0; listener->options = 0; return false; } fListeners.RemoveItemAt(index); delete listener; return true; } bool EventTarget::AddListener(int32 token, uint32 eventMask, uint32 options, bool temporary) { event_listener* listener = new (std::nothrow) event_listener; if (listener == NULL) return false; listener->token = token; if (temporary) { listener->event_mask = 0; listener->options = 0; listener->temporary_event_mask = eventMask; listener->temporary_options = options; } else { listener->event_mask = eventMask; listener->options = options; listener->temporary_event_mask = 0; listener->temporary_options = 0; } bool success = fListeners.AddItem(listener); if (!success) delete listener; return success; } // #pragma mark - EventDispatcher::EventDispatcher() : BLocker("event dispatcher"), fStream(NULL), fThread(-1), fCursorThread(-1), fPreviousMouseTarget(NULL), fFocus(NULL), fSuspendFocus(false), fMouseFilter(NULL), fKeyboardFilter(NULL), fTargets(10), fCursorLock("cursor loop lock"), fHWInterface(NULL) { } EventDispatcher::~EventDispatcher() { _Unset(); } status_t EventDispatcher::SetTo(EventStream* stream) { ETRACE(("event dispatcher: stream = %p\n", stream)); _Unset(); if (stream == NULL) return B_OK; fStream = stream; return _Run(); } status_t EventDispatcher::InitCheck() { if (fStream != NULL) { if (fThread < B_OK) return fThread; return B_OK; } return B_NO_INIT; } void EventDispatcher::_Unset() { if (fStream == NULL) return; fStream->SendQuit(); status_t status; wait_for_thread(fThread, &status); wait_for_thread(fCursorThread, &status); fThread = fCursorThread = -1; gInputManager->PutStream(fStream); fStream = NULL; } status_t EventDispatcher::_Run() { fThread = spawn_thread(_event_looper, "event loop", B_REAL_TIME_DISPLAY_PRIORITY - 10, this); if (fThread < B_OK) return fThread; if (fStream->SupportsCursorThread()) { ETRACE(("event stream supports cursor thread!\n")); fCursorThread = spawn_thread(_cursor_looper, "cursor loop", B_REAL_TIME_DISPLAY_PRIORITY - 5, this); if (resume_thread(fCursorThread) != B_OK) { kill_thread(fCursorThread); fCursorThread = -1; } } return resume_thread(fThread); } /*! \brief Removes any reference to the target, but doesn't delete it. */ void EventDispatcher::RemoveTarget(EventTarget& target) { BAutolock _(this); if (fFocus == &target) fFocus = NULL; if (fPreviousMouseTarget == &target) fPreviousMouseTarget = NULL; fTargets.RemoveItem(&target); } /*! \brief Adds the specified listener or updates its event mask and options if already added. It follows the BView semantics in that specifiying an event mask of zero leaves the event mask untouched and just updates the options. */ bool EventDispatcher::_AddListener(EventTarget& target, int32 token, uint32 eventMask, uint32 options, bool temporary) { BAutolock _(this); if (!fTargets.HasItem(&target)) fTargets.AddItem(&target); event_listener* listener = target.FindListener(token); if (listener != NULL) { // we already have this target, update its event mask if (temporary) { if (eventMask != 0) listener->temporary_event_mask = eventMask; listener->temporary_options = options; } else { if (eventMask != 0) listener->event_mask = eventMask; listener->options = options; } return true; } if (eventMask == 0) return false; ETRACE(("events: add listener: token %ld, eventMask = %ld, options = %ld, %s\n", token, eventMask, options, temporary ? "temporary" : "permanent")); // we need a new target bool success = target.AddListener(token, eventMask, options, temporary); if (!success) { if (target.IsEmpty()) fTargets.RemoveItem(&target); } else { if (options & B_SUSPEND_VIEW_FOCUS) fSuspendFocus = true; } return success; } void EventDispatcher::_RemoveTemporaryListeners() { for (int32 i = fTargets.CountItems(); i-- > 0;) { EventTarget* target = fTargets.ItemAt(i); target->RemoveTemporaryListeners(); } } bool EventDispatcher::AddListener(EventTarget& target, int32 token, uint32 eventMask, uint32 options) { options &= B_NO_POINTER_HISTORY; // that's currently the only allowed option return _AddListener(target, token, eventMask, options, false); } bool EventDispatcher::AddTemporaryListener(EventTarget& target, int32 token, uint32 eventMask, uint32 options) { return _AddListener(target, token, eventMask, options, true); } void EventDispatcher::RemoveListener(EventTarget& target, int32 token) { BAutolock _(this); ETRACE(("events: remove listener token %ld\n", token)); if (target.RemoveListener(token) && target.IsEmpty()) fTargets.RemoveItem(&target); } void EventDispatcher::RemoveTemporaryListener(EventTarget& target, int32 token) { BAutolock _(this); ETRACE(("events: remove temporary listener token %ld\n", token)); if (target.RemoveTemporaryListener(token) && target.IsEmpty()) fTargets.RemoveItem(&target); } void EventDispatcher::SetMouseFilter(EventFilter* filter) { BAutolock _(this); if (fMouseFilter == filter) return; delete fMouseFilter; fMouseFilter = filter; } void EventDispatcher::SetKeyboardFilter(EventFilter* filter) { BAutolock _(this); if (fKeyboardFilter == filter) return; delete fKeyboardFilter; fKeyboardFilter = filter; } void EventDispatcher::GetMouse(BPoint& where, int32& buttons) { BAutolock _(this); where = fLastCursorPosition; buttons = fLastButtons; } void EventDispatcher::SendFakeMouseMoved(EventTarget& target, int32 viewToken) { BAutolock _(this); BMessage moved(B_MOUSE_MOVED); moved.AddPoint("screen_where", fLastCursorPosition); moved.AddInt32("buttons", fLastButtons); moved.AddInt32("_view_token", viewToken); if (fDraggingMessage) { /* moved.AddInt32("_msg_data", ); moved.AddInt32("_msg_base_", ); moved.AddInt32("_msg_what_", fDragMessage->what);*/ moved.AddMessage("be:drag_message", &fDragMessage); } _SendMessage(target.Messenger(), &moved, kMouseTransitImportance); } bool EventDispatcher::HasCursorThread() { return fCursorThread >= B_OK; } /*! \brief Sets the HWInterface to use when moving the mouse cursor. \a interface is allowed to be NULL. */ void EventDispatcher::SetHWInterface(HWInterface* interface) { BAutolock _(fCursorLock); fHWInterface = interface; } void EventDispatcher::SetDragMessage(BMessage& message) { printf("EventDispatcher::SetDragMessage()\n"); BAutolock _(*this); fDragMessage = message; fDraggingMessage = true; } // #pragma mark - Message methods /*! \brief Sends \a message to the provided \a messenger. TODO: the following feature is not yet implemented: If the message could not be delivered immediately, it is included in a waiting message queue with a fixed length - the least important messages are removed first when that gets full. Returns "false" if the target port does not exist anymore, "true" if it doesn't. */ bool EventDispatcher::_SendMessage(BMessenger& messenger, BMessage* message, float importance) { // TODO: add failed messages to a queue, and start dropping them by importance status_t status = messenger.SendMessage(message, (BHandler*)NULL, 100000); if (status != B_OK) { printf("EventDispatcher: failed to send message '%.4s' to target: %s\n", (char*)&message->what, strerror(status)); } if (status == B_BAD_PORT_ID) { // the target port is gone return false; } return true; } bool EventDispatcher::_AddTokens(BMessage* message, EventTarget* target, uint32 eventMask) { _RemoveTokens(message); int32 count = target->CountListeners(); for (int32 i = count; i-- > 0;) { event_listener* listener = target->ListenerAt(i); if ((listener->EffectiveEventMask() & eventMask) == 0) { count--; continue; } ETRACE((" add token %ld\n", listener->token)); if (message->AddInt32(kTokenName, listener->token) != B_OK) count--; } return count != 0; } void EventDispatcher::_RemoveTokens(BMessage* message) { message->RemoveName(kTokenName); } void EventDispatcher::_SetFeedFocus(BMessage* message) { if (message->ReplaceBool("_feed_focus", true) != B_OK) message->AddBool("_feed_focus", true); } void EventDispatcher::_UnsetFeedFocus(BMessage* message) { message->RemoveName("_feed_focus"); } void EventDispatcher::_DeliverDragMessage() { printf("EventDispatcher::_DeliverDragMessage()\n"); if (fDraggingMessage && fPreviousMouseTarget) { fDragMessage.RemoveName("_original_what"); fDragMessage.AddInt32("_original_what", fDragMessage.what); fDragMessage.what = _MESSAGE_DROPPED_; // fDragMessage.AddBool("dropped", true); printf(" sending message to previous mouse target\n"); _SendMessage(fPreviousMouseTarget->Messenger(), &fDragMessage, 100.0); } fDragMessage.MakeEmpty(); fDragMessage.what = 0; fDraggingMessage = false; fHWInterface->SetDragBitmap(NULL, B_ORIGIN); } // #pragma mark - Event loops void EventDispatcher::_EventLoop() { BMessage* event; while (fStream->GetNextEvent(&event)) { if (event == NULL) { // may happen in out of memory situations or junk at the port // we can't do anything about those yet continue; } BAutolock _(this); EventTarget* current = NULL; EventTarget* previous = NULL; bool pointerEvent = false; bool keyboardEvent = false; bool addedTokens = false; switch (event->what) { case B_MOUSE_MOVED: { BPoint where; if (event->FindPoint("where", &where) == B_OK) fLastCursorPosition = where; if (fDraggingMessage) { /* event->AddInt32("_msg_data", ); event->AddInt32("_msg_base_", ); event->AddInt32("_msg_what_", fDragMessage->what);*/ event->AddMessage("be:drag_message", &fDragMessage); } if (!HasCursorThread()) { // there is no cursor thread, we need to move the cursor ourselves BAutolock _(fCursorLock); if (fHWInterface != NULL) { fHWInterface->MoveCursorTo(fLastCursorPosition.x, fLastCursorPosition.y); } } // supposed to fall through } case B_MOUSE_DOWN: case B_MOUSE_UP: { #ifdef TRACE_EVENTS if (event->what != B_MOUSE_MOVED) printf("mouse up/down event, previous target = %p\n", fPreviousMouseTarget); #endif pointerEvent = true; if (fMouseFilter == NULL) break; EventTarget* mouseTarget = fPreviousMouseTarget; int32 viewToken = B_NULL_TOKEN; if (fMouseFilter->Filter(event, &mouseTarget, &viewToken) == B_SKIP_MESSAGE) { // this is a work-around if the wrong B_MOUSE_UP // event is filtered out if (event->what == B_MOUSE_UP) { fSuspendFocus = false; _RemoveTemporaryListeners(); } break; } int32 buttons; if (event->FindInt32("buttons", &buttons) == B_OK) fLastButtons = buttons; else fLastButtons = 0; // the "where" field will be filled in by the receiver // (it's supposed to be expressed in local window coordinates) event->RemoveName("where"); event->AddPoint("screen_where", fLastCursorPosition); if (event->what == B_MOUSE_MOVED && fPreviousMouseTarget != NULL && mouseTarget != fPreviousMouseTarget) { // target has changed, we need to notify the previous target // that the mouse has exited its views addedTokens = _AddTokens(event, fPreviousMouseTarget, B_POINTER_EVENTS); _SendMessage(fPreviousMouseTarget->Messenger(), event, kMouseTransitImportance); previous = fPreviousMouseTarget; } current = fPreviousMouseTarget = mouseTarget; if (current != NULL) { addedTokens |= _AddTokens(event, current, B_POINTER_EVENTS); if (viewToken != B_NULL_TOKEN) event->AddInt32("_view_token", viewToken); _SendMessage(current->Messenger(), event, event->what == B_MOUSE_MOVED ? kMouseMovedImportance : kStandardImportance); } break; } case B_KEY_DOWN: case B_KEY_UP: case B_UNMAPPED_KEY_DOWN: case B_UNMAPPED_KEY_UP: case B_MODIFIERS_CHANGED: ETRACE(("key event, focus = %p\n", fFocus)); if (fKeyboardFilter != NULL && fKeyboardFilter->Filter(event, &fFocus) == B_SKIP_MESSAGE) break; keyboardEvent = true; if (current != NULL && _AddTokens(event, fFocus, B_KEYBOARD_EVENTS)) { // if tokens were added, we need to explicetly suspend // focus in the event - if not, the event is simply not // forwarded to the target addedTokens = true; if (!fSuspendFocus) _SetFeedFocus(event); } // supposed to fall through default: current = fFocus; if (current != NULL && (!fSuspendFocus || addedTokens)) _SendMessage(current->Messenger(), event, kStandardImportance); break; } if (keyboardEvent || pointerEvent) { // send the event to the additional listeners if (addedTokens) { _RemoveTokens(event); _UnsetFeedFocus(event); } if (pointerEvent) { // this is added in the Desktop mouse processing // but it's only intended for the focus view event->RemoveName("_view_token"); } for (int32 i = fTargets.CountItems(); i-- > 0;) { EventTarget* target = fTargets.ItemAt(i); // we already sent the event to the all focus and last focus tokens if (current == target || previous == target) continue; // don't send the message if there are no tokens for this event if (!_AddTokens(event, target, keyboardEvent ? B_KEYBOARD_EVENTS : B_POINTER_EVENTS)) continue; if (!_SendMessage(target->Messenger(), event, event->what == B_MOUSE_MOVED ? kMouseMovedImportance : kListenerImportance)) { // the target doesn't seem to exist anymore, let's remove it fTargets.RemoveItemAt(i); } } if (event->what == B_MOUSE_UP) { fSuspendFocus = false; _RemoveTemporaryListeners(); if (fDraggingMessage) _DeliverDragMessage(); } } delete event; } } void EventDispatcher::_CursorLoop() { BPoint where; while (fStream->GetNextCursorPosition(where)) { BAutolock _(fCursorLock); if (fHWInterface != NULL) fHWInterface->MoveCursorTo(where.x, where.y); } fCursorThread = -1; } /*static*/ status_t EventDispatcher::_event_looper(void* _dispatcher) { EventDispatcher* dispatcher = (EventDispatcher*)_dispatcher; ETRACE(("Start event loop\n")); dispatcher->_EventLoop(); return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t EventDispatcher::_cursor_looper(void* _dispatcher) { EventDispatcher* dispatcher = (EventDispatcher*)_dispatcher; ETRACE(("Start cursor loop\n")); dispatcher->_CursorLoop(); return B_OK; }