Change suppress warnings options to -Wno-sign-compare
since -Wno-error= can be used with gcc 4.2 or later.
Signed-off-by: Jérôme Duval <>
- Introduces new network API class BSocketMessenger, allowing one to send
and receive BMessages across a network socket in a BMessenger-like
fashion. Still very much WIP, hence currently not exposed via public headers.
Based partly on previous work by Axel.
...instead of DrawBox().
Also use ceilf when calculating tab height to prevent non-integral height.
More Todo:
You have to understand way too much about how this class draws if you
want to have any hope of overriding one of its Draw... methods and have
it do what you expect.
e.g. The BeBook implies that the tabs are drawn first, then the box, but, we
draw them in the opposite order. Probably better this way but not intuitive.
There are a number of remaining questions:
1. Why don't we need to draw the bottom of tabs if B_FANCY_BORDER?
2. Why do we need to expand tab border horizontally if B_PLAIN_BORDER?
3. Why is the bottom border color (152, 152, 152) instead of (151, 151, 151)?
Add a bunch of TODOs for these questions and more.
There can be some unitiutive gaps between the box border and view
depending on if you choose B_FANCY_BORDER or B_PLAIN_BORDER.
You don't notice the gaps unless the view draws right on it's edge. Some
views, including in Devices and Media Prefs do this though. Media Prefs
further complicates matters by overriding BTabView.
border vs. borders is confusing.
BTabView: Rename border param to borderStyle
BTabView docs: rename border param to borderStyle
enumerate border styles in docs
* New class ElfSymbolLookup. Given a data source, the address of a
symbol table, symbol hash table, string table, and a few more details
it provides access to the symbol information.
* CoreFile: Add CreateSymbolLookup(). Creates an ElfSymbolLookup for a
specified image.
* CoreFileDebuggerInterface: Implement GetSymbolInfos() for regular
images (no commpage yet) via the new functionality.
- Add functionality to listen for and accept new connections, thus allowing
one to use the socket classes for server functionality as well.
- Adjust to take into account differences between how SSL needs to be called
when accepting an incoming connection vs initiating an outbound one.
The handshake on the accepted connection stills fails for unknown reasons
at the moment though.
Note that these changes break the ABI, and thus any packages making use of
them directly will need a rebuild.
* If older generation, check for mobile. If mobile GPU
is found, make an assumption that a LVDS panel exists
and attempt to leverage the vbios or VESA EDID.
* Either gcc or bison version changes are throwing a
sign-compare Werror in the generateda irs nslexer.c
* This simply targets that Werror and disabled it in irs
- Add request hook for writing a core file. Implement in TeamDebugger.
- Add new job to actually dispatch the core file request via the debugger
- Add listener event + hook for notifications when a core file gets written.
Implement in CLI.
- Add event flag for core file changed.
- Add 'write-core' command. This optionally takes a path to write the core to,
otherwise one is automatically generated by, similarly to debug reports. As
such, one can now generate cores for things like app_server and registrar
crashes if desired, in addition to reports.
- During the TargetHostInterface refactoring, a parameter was accidentally
omitted for the debugger options in the command line and report interfaces,
leading to a crash during TeamDebugger init.
- Add virtual hook for requesting a core dump of the current team. Implement
accordingly in LocalDebuggerInterface, and add a no-op stub in
* The Haiku specific notes contain a structure size field, now.
* Change the type of the count and size fields in the Haiku specific
notes to uint32 also for 64 bit ELF. The size field for a note is a
uint32 anyway.
- The Show() method now checks if the team window is already visible. If
it is, we instead call Activate() to focus it. Fixes the problem that
attempting to attach to a team which we already had a running team
debugger for would appear to do nothing, rather than focusing that window.
- Add accessor to query whether the debugger's interface is a post mortem core
rather than a live team.
- When asked to locate a team debugger by team_id, as is done for attach
requests to determine if we already have an existing instance attached, skip
over post mortems. This takes care of the potential problem of detecting a
core instance with the same team_id as a live team, and consequently refusing
the attach request.
- When a team debugger quits, use its actual pointer to look it up rather than its
team ID, as we could otherwise potentially remove the wrong one in the case of a
- Add virtual method for requesting a debugger interface for a core file.
Implement accordingly in LocalTargetHostInterface based on Ingo's
previous implementation in the Debugger app.
- Add an enum to define the type of team debugger request being made
to explicitly make this clear rather than guessing based on the provided
arguments. Set accordingly in the various cases.
- Add a parameter for the core file path.
- Refactor to fill in TeamDebuggerOptions appropriately for core file
requests, and consequently simplify code.
This doesn't yet deal with the fact that a post-mortem team's ID can
clash with that of a live team, which may lead to issues when attempting
to attach to a live team in such a case.
* DebuggerInterface: Add method IsPostMortem() to be able to
descriminate between live and post mortem debugging.
* Add DebuggerInterface implementation CoreFileDebuggerInterface which
provides information from a core file.
* TeamDebugger: Don't start the debug event thread when debugging post
* Debugger: New command line variant "Debugger --core <file path>",
which starts a team debugger using the core file.
There are a few issues:
* I didn't see an easy way to integrate with the new
TargetHostInterface framework and I didn't want to get into Rene's
way changing stuff. As a side effect core file debug windows are not
counted and Debugger will quit when only those are left, respectively
will additionally open a teams window on start-up.
* There aren't any symbols yet. We can't use the debug kit
functionality, since it isn't bitness/endianess agnostic. So either
it needs to be adjusted or ported over to Debugger.
* It was previously geared towards shared object files. Now it is
fairly agostic and also accepts e.g. files without sections and
different endianess.
* The handling of 32 vs. 64 bit files works a bit differently now.
There're structs ElfClass32 and ElfClass64 now which provide the
types for the respective bitness.
* Add a few more getters.
* Add function core_dump_write_core_file(). It writes a core file for
the current thread's team. The file format is similar to that of
other OSs (i.e. ELF with PT_LOAD segments and a PT_NOTE segment), but
most of the notes are Haiku specific (infos for team, areas, images,
threads). More data will probably need to be added.
* Add team flag TEAM_FLAG_DUMP_CORE, thread flag
THREAD_FLAGS_TRAP_FOR_CORE_DUMP, and Team property coreDumpCondition,
a condition variable available while a core dump is progress. A
thread that finds its flag THREAD_FLAGS_TRAP_FOR_CORE_DUMP set before
exiting the kernel to userland calls core_dump_trap_thread(), which
blocks on the condition variable until the core dump has finished. We
need the team's threads to stop so we can get their CPU state (and
have a generally unchanging team state while writing the core file).
* Add user debugger message B_DEBUG_WRITE_CORE_FILE. It causes
core_dump_write_core_file() to be called for the team.
* Dumping core as an immediate effect of a terminal signal has not been
implemented yet, but that should be fairly straight forward.
Similar to arch_get_debug_cpu_state(), but the thread whose CPU state
to retrieve is specified. Works only for threads that aren't running,
and on x86-64 we can get the FPU state only when the thread was
interrupted in userland.
Not implemented for the incomplete architecture ports.
This resolves a TODO: We used thread_interrupt() to wake up the thread
from an interruptable wait. However, if the thread was already in the
kernel and about to start waiting, that would have no effect and the
thread would wait anyway. Now there's the new non-blockable signal
SIGNAL_DEBUG_THREAD, which is sent to the thread instead, making sure
that thread doesn't start waiting.