* Restore std::cout flags (CID11245, CID11246) after using hexadecimal
and zero-filled flags;
* Fix uninit MimeAttribute::fStatus field in one ctor. CID11292.
* Fixing gcc2 build by removing exceptions using, that are looking like
not supported by our version of compiler.
* Thanks to Alexander von Gluck for pointing the problem out.
* Implemented writembr tool used to update MBR area with easy boot
loader starting the system from currently active partition;
* This work fixes#5595;
* This is result of GCI2011 task.
Signed-off-by: Siarzhuk Zharski <zharik@gmx.li>
The actual xfreopen function is only relevant if O_BINARY != 0 and all
places invoking it are surrounded by if statements that are always
false if O_BINARY == 0. The compiler therefore stripped all the calls
out at the default -O2, but this obviously breaks down with DEBUG on.
* Support for bitmap and vector icons added;
* Attribute type representation is improved;
* Fixed problem with current attributes loading;
* sniffer rule checking fixed;
* supress useless lines in -dumpIcons and -dumpSniffRules for MIME types
without icons and sniffer rules correspondently.
Signed-off-by: Siarzhuk Zharski <zharik@gmx.li>
* This tool was created and implemented in draft during GCI 2011
by Aleksas Pantechovskis, <alexp.frl@gmail.com>;
* Later it was heavily refactored and optimized to Haiku Coding
Standards by Siarzhuk Zharski;
* Icons support still missing;
* Thank you for the contribution, Aleksas!
Signed-off-by: Siarzhuk Zharski <zharik@gmx.li>
* Remove InitCheck() and the initializing constructor.
* Rename PackageCount() to CountPackages().
* Use BOpenHashTable instead of HashMap for the internal PackageMap.
* Allow multiple packages with the same name. Equally named packages are
in a singly linked list after the first package with that name.
* Add an Iterator inner class and a GetIterator() method, so one can now
iterate through the packages in the repository.
* With -b building a build package can be requested. It will be empty
save for the .PackageInfo. No license check is performed.
* -I allows to specify an install path.
The attribute is intended for simplifying package building. The
package's install path will be used for the package's .self package
symlink, allowing installation to a temporary directory when building
the package.
* Add hooks HandleSectionStart() and HandleSectionEnd(). They are
invoked to bracket package file section, so the handler can
discriminate which section the attributes belong to.
HandleSectionStart() features a return parameter _handleSection, which
allows to handler to pick which sections it wants to handle.
* "package dump" does now print the section names.
In HandleEntry() create the file/directory with sufficient permissions
for the user and set the archived permissions in HandleEntryDone(). This
makes sure child attributes and entries can be created.
* The version string pattern is now:
* Add "preRelease" field to BPackageVersionData.
* Add "preRelease" property to BPackageVersion and packagefs's Version.
* Adjust package reader and writer code accordingly.
Bring the changes that aren't package management related and the ones
that are but don't take effect as long as they are ignored by the build
system into the master.
Summary of changes:
* Introduce private header <directories.h> with constants for a good
deal of paths that should usually be retrieved via find_directory().
* Replace hard-coded paths by using find_directory() or the
<directories.h> constants (e.g. in drivers and the kernel).
* Add find_directory() constants needed for package management.
* src/apps/deskbar: BeMenu.* -> DeskbarMenu.*,
DeskBarUtils.* -> DeskbarUtils.*
* Change deskbar menu settings directory from ~/config/be to
* Other smaller cleanups, changes, and fixes.
* The sa_flags field of the structure passed to sigaction() wasn't
cleared, which resulted in the wrong type of handler function being
called and the second parameter not being the expected user data.
* Always check fCaughtDeadlySignal in the main loop, so the signal
doesn't have to hit the _kern_system_profiler_next_buffer() call
(though that's the most likely one anyway).
Now scheduling_recorder can be stopped with a single Ctrl-C again.
git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@43219 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
Some changes to the API for notifications.
* Don't go through be_roster to send a notification, but use Notification->Send() instead.
* Rename App to Group to make the purpose clearer
And some changes to the notification code itself:
* Use the Notification class as the way to convey informations about a notification. Allows easier extension of this class
* Code cleanup
* Use of the layout kit for the notify window
Unfortunately, the latter part clashes quite a bit with the changes I already did to the notification window, so it's now quite broken. Working on that next, but I wanted to separate that work from the patch ...
git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@43114 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
Added support for the useless about: URI scheme, which asks an app with the provided signature its about window, or launched AboutSystem.
git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@43103 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
attribute/resource method in locale kit catalogs
* Only load the embedded catalog if nothing else was found, so it can easily
be overridden
* Change the resource type to 'CADA' (CAtalog DAta) for embedded catalogs, and
use a hash of the language code as the resource ID. This allows multiple
languages to be stored in the same file and does not interfere with the user
storing his own BMessages as resources.
git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@43057 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96