This depends on quite a nasty hack to generate those, namely using
inline assembly to generate a file with things that are not actually
assembly, which Clang therefore filters out.
This adds to the "unittests" target a dependency on the
"AppTestRunApp3a" (etc.) files meant to be copied as part of the
BApplication test suite so they are generated when "jam unittests" is
* TestsRules: Add "UnitTestDependency" rule.
* testapps/Jamfile: Make unit tests depend on copied files.
Signed-off-by: Adrien Destugues <>
Having to upload the 650+ MiB source package with every new version is a drag.
People interested in the code can get it directly at
* There is a small API change, and only the x86_gcc2 package was
updated. This means the x86 and x86_64 builds are broken until someone
updates the packages.
* Fix several small bugs, the most important one being that cookies are
written to disk again.
While the game is pure python and packaged for any architecture, the
engine (FIFE) is C++ with python binding via swig, making the game
only installable on x86 and x86_64. We'd need to provide a python_x86
to support secondary architecture python modules.
Solves #9322. Thanks to dsjonny for the original work, that I
slightly improved upon.
The Userguide and Welcome pages now load the page of the user's
system language.
Splitting the almost 70 MiB userguide package into one package per
language at ~4.5 MiB saves time and space when installing/updating.
At the online tool that manages the user guide pages, we have to
make changes to fall back to the online page if you try to switch
to a language you haven't installed locally. See #9322.
* The same mechanism (and the same PostInstallScript) is used for this.
* If a file first_login exists in ~/config/settings/boot, the first-login
scripts are launched, and the file removed.
* This fixes adding the deskbar tray icons even when there is no Deskbar
running yet (for example on first boot when the FirstBootPrompt
starts), or, IOW bug #12275.
Diver and others have worked on a number of recipes that are now added to the
haikuports repo:
smplayer_x86, smtube_x86, qutim_x86, vmware_addons, lnlauncher, album,
aspell, libgsasl, libbluray_x86, netpulse, clipdinger