For some reason this file was encoded as a MacRoman or some sort
of high ASCII non utf-8 encoding that made my editor sad.
Also, update the copyright and style while I'm at it.
Fixing the autoconf test: attempt to create file in place of already
existing symlink. On error exit put_vnode was called explicitly before
returning error. The second, implicit call to put_vnode was issued on
destroying the VNodePutter instance that references the same vnode. At
this time the vnode has references count equal to 0 so corresponding
panic was executed. Great thanks to Ingo for pointing it out!
... for package changes performed manually by the user (i.e.
adding/removing files in a packages directory). Currently only done for
the system root. Alternative roots should still work as before, so this
shouldn't affect haikuporter (not tested yet).
Needs some more work (e.g. the GUI part).
* Rename TransactionHandler -> InstallationInterface and
DaemonClientTransactionHandler -> ClientInstallationInterface.
* Add InstallationInterface::InitInstalledRepository(). Use in
_AddInstalledRepository() to get the repository packages instead of
using the package roster. The ClientInstallationInterface
implementation does it that way.
* parameters web compilation improved - harvest the feature units
assigned to non-streaming output terminals in the same way as ones
assigned to streaming output terminals.
* The bullet paragraphs were already working, now we have
bold and italic plus the heading style. The links in the
original changelog are not yet supported.
* Also include the terminating \0 in the loop
over the characters, in order to consume the
last paragraph correctly when it's not finished
by a line break.
* Follows MediaWiki or TracWiki style.
* Supports only level 2 headings, bold, italic and top-level
bullet paragraphs.
* Line break handling would need to be changed.
* Outputs a TextDocument.
* Bail early if the TextSpan length is 0.
* When the span starts with a space, the work
around for the app_server bug, which I should fix,
needs to offset by the other delta.
* Added convenience methods to derive the bold and italic
font face from the currently set font. May not yield
results depending on wether a specific face is available
for the font.
Ü * Changed test accordinly.