* Add new build profile 'minimum', which defines a minimum set of
* Introduce HAIKU_BOOTSTRAP_SOURCES_PROFILE and let it default to
'@minimum-raw'. This can be overruled in UserBuildConfig, setting
it to '@release-raw' will cause all source packages required for a
full release to be put onto the bootstrap-image.
* Add new image HaikuImageMinimum, which is meant to define the minimum
useful Haiku image (yeah, I know that's vague).
* Add HAIKU_MINIMUM_BUILD, which indicates that HaikuImageMinimum should
be used (it would be better to merge this with HAIKU_BOOTSTRAP_BUILD
into something like HAIKU_BUILD_TYPE)
* Cleanup duplicate references to basic packages - those are now added
by the topmost Jamfile (no longer referenced by the build profiles).
* as Ingo has pointed out, the remote user settings doesn't
relate to the build configuration at all, so setting the
remote user via HAIKU_REMOTE_USER in UserBuildConfig or
via shell environment is the way to go
* additionally: drop debug output
* add option --remote-user to configure, which sets HAIKU_REMOTE_USER
* add evaluation of HAIKU_REMOTE_USER variable when ssh-ing
into git.haiku-os.org
* HaikuRepository rule: Create the repository config.
* HaikuImage: Add the repository config for the Haiku image. The
repository cache is not added, though (it would only be available, if
the repository had been built before).
Implements #10287. The Haiku repository is now available in Haiku by
Instead of the repository the URL can now be passed. It can use the
"$version" placeholder, which will be replaced by the content of the
given version file. If the URL is not given, the one from the repository
info will be used.
* PreprocessPackageInfo rule: Pull out new rule
PreprocessPackageOrRepositoryInfo which does the sed substituation and
optionally the filtering through the C preprocessor.
* HaikuRepository rule: Generate the repository info file (from the
given template). No longer do that in the build_haiku_repository
* Add rule HaikuRepository to build a repository from a repository info
file and a list of package files. It calls a build_haiku_repository
script which does all the work.
* Add target <repository>haiku for building the Haiku package
It should be built via "jam -q @alpha-raw build <repository>haiku";
the build profile is only needed to activate all build features.
* 'jam build-remote-test-repository' can now be used to create a
remote repository which will then be used by the build system,
such that the resulting package set can be tested.
* We are moving the HaikuPorts repositories over from haiku-files.org
to packages.haiku-os.org, and we will be creating new repositories
during a push hook from now on. As a result, only a small helper for
uploading new packages into the appropriate upload folder is required.
The developer building the packages should enter their own address
instead. I just noticed that a lot of the HaikuPorts package have a
packager attribute with the dummy address "The Haiku build system
<build-system@haiku-os.org>" due to the previous default value.
* Introduce build variable HAIKU_IMAGE_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES which can be
set to add additional packages to the image.
* Use HAIKU_IMAGE_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES to support specifying a list of
additional packages via the build-package-list build profile action.
* Add htmldoc and texi2html when building the list of the packages for
which we need source packages when building the bootstrap Haiku image.
We don't want them on the regular image, but they are needed to build
some packages that are on it.
* IsPackageAvailable, FetchPackage: Add flags parameter. The only
flag supported ATM is nameResolved, indicating that the specified
package name does not need to be resolved with respect to a secondary
architecture anymore.
* Add build profile action "build-package-list". As an argument the
file to which the list of all packages needed for the image is
written. The rule BuildHaikuImagePackageList implements the action.
* BuildBootstrapRepositoryConfig: Does now require the variable
HAIKU_REPOSITORY_TREE_PATH to be set on the config file target instead
of hard-coding the path. Allows reuse of the actions.
* Add rules BuildHaikuPortsSourcePackageDirectory and
BuildHaikuPortsRepositoryConfig. The former builds all HaikuPorts
source packages needed to build the packages for an alpha image. The
latter generates a haikuports.conf file for use on the bootstrap
* HaikuImageBootstrap: Add directory /boot/home/haikuports which
contains a subdirectory with the source packages and a
* Add rule FSplitPackageName. It splits a package name into port name
and package suffix.
* FSetConditionsHold: Rename to FConditionsHold and replace the set
parameter by a predicate rule parameter, thus adding more flexibility.
* FIsBuildFeatureEnabled: Use the faster check.
* Add rule FQualifiedBuildFeatureName. Given a build feature name, it
prepends the current packaging architecture to yield a qualified
feature name. Is used by the other build feature rules so that the
same build feature can be configured differently for each arch.
* ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: The supplied list is now filtered via
FFilterByBuildFeatures, allowing for build feature conditions in the
* Add rule InitArchitectureBuildFeatures. It is called early for each
configured architecture, setting up some basic build features for it.
"primary" is set for the primary architecture and a "secondary_<arch>"
is set for each secondary architecture.
* BuildFeatures: Add secondary architecture support: Use the correct
paths for libraries and headers (subdir for secondary architecture)
and configure the icu and zlib sources only for the primary
* BootstrapPackageRepository: The package lists are now filtered via
FFilterByBuildFeatures, allowing for build feature conditions in the
* IsPackageAvailable, FetchPackage: Add secondary architecture support.
* HaikuPortsCross/x86_gcc2: Add icu and zlib x86 secondary packages.
The second stage Haiku cross devel package for the secondary
architecture can now be built.
* All packaging architecture dependent variables do now have a
respective suffix and are set up for each configured packaging
architecture, save for the kernel and boot loader variables, which
are still only set up for the primary architecture.
and TARGET_LIBSTDC++ are set to the respective values for the primary
packaging architecture by default.
* Introduce a set of MultiArch* rules to help with building targets for
multiple packaging architectures. Generally the respective targets are
(additionally) gristed with the packaging architecture. For libraries
the additional grist is usually omitted for the primary architecture
(e.g. libroot.so and <x86>libroot.so for x86_gcc2/x86 hybrid), so that
Jamfiles for targets built only for the primary architecture don't
need to be changed.
* Add multi-arch build support for all targets needed for the stage 1
cross devel package as well as for libbe (untested).
* Add configure option --bootstrap which allows specifying the
haikuporter and HaikuPorts repository paths.
* Add rules for supporting a second repository type. The
PackageRepository rule is now private and RemotePackageRepository is
used for remote repositories. The new BootstrapPackageRepository rule
is for defining a bootstrap repository (there will probably be only
the HaikuPorts cross repository) whose packages can be built as needed
via haikuporter.
* Rename DownloadPackage to FetchPackage.
* Define repository HaikuPortsCross.
* HaikuCrossDevel package(s): There are now two sets of packages: A
"stage1" set with the same content as before and a final set
additionally containing the libraries libbe, libnetwork, libpackage.
Those are needed for building the libsolv bootstrap package while for
building them we need other bootstrap packages (ICU, libz).
This is basically all that's required to build a bootstrap Haiku
completely from sources, with a few caveats:
* There's no ICU bootstrap recipe yet (so one has to cheat and use the
prebuilt package ATM).
* Probably doesn't work on Haiku yet (tested on Linux only).
* A 32 bit environment must be used (otherwise building the gcc 2
bootstrap package fails).
* Building with multiple jobs doesn't work yet, since haikuporter uses
common directories for building different packages and there's no
explicit serialization yet.
* Haven't tested the resulting image save for booting it. So it probably
needs a bit more work before it can actually build the final
HaikuPorts packages.
* Under the base URL there are supposed to be the repository files and a
subdirectory "packages".
* Fix the repository URL related confusion introduced earlier. The URL
the repository info (and thus in the repository file) is supposed to
be the base URL for the repository. It is not a (potentially)
different base URL for the package files. Package and repository
files were supposed to live in the same directory. Now, by requiring
the package files to live in a subdirectory -- which can also be a
symlink -- we gain some flexibility.
The URL in the repository config is usually the same as the in the
repository info, unless it refers to a mirror site. This allows for
mirrors to copy the original repository verbatim.
* Remove the PackageURL rule and introduce a DownloadPackage rule
instead. The URL for a package file cannot be computed in the jam
parsing phase anymore, as it contains the hash value of the package
* BRepositoryConfig: Add PackagesURL() for convenience.
The package kit actually requires the files "repo", "repo.info",
"repo.sha256" to be located under the repository base URL, so the
approach to name the repository file "repo-<hash>" doesn't work.
Now there's a directory "<hash>" which contains the files.
This commit moves the computation of the hash and downloading the
repository file from the build_haiku_image script to the jam build
system. The repo.info is also downloaded and a repository config file
is generated.
* Build libsolv and the dependency solver part of the package kit for
the build platform.
* Add build tool get_package_dependencies. Given a list of package files
and a list of repository files it determines the additional packages
that need to be retrieved from the repositories and prints their URLs.
* Add rules to work with external repositories in the build system
- PackageRepository declares an external repository with all its
packages. The URL of the repository file isn't specified. It is
computed from a given base URL and the SHA256 hash of the list of
package files.
- GeneratedRepositoryPackageList generates a file containing the file
names of all packages in a repository.
- IsPackageAvailable returns whether a package is available in any
- PackageURL returns the URL for a package.
* Declare the HaikuPorts repository for x86_gcc2
* Add rule AddHaikuImagePackages to add a package to the image and rule
IsHaikuImagePackageAdded to determine whether a package has been
* OptionalPackages: Remove all entries that just downloaded and
installed an external package. AddHaikuImagePackages can be used
instead and is used in the remaining entries. Also move the remaining
optional package dependency declarations from
OptionalPackageDependencies here.
* ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Instead of the URL parameter a package
name must be specified now. This allows to simplify BuildFeatures
significantly, since there's no dealing with URLs anymore. "if" out
the entries that aren't supported yet.
* build_haiku_image: For the packages installed in system and common
resolve their dependencies and download and install them as well.