MessageFormat: Add test for Russian and fix Polish ones.

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Adrien Destugues 2014-10-19 11:46:53 +02:00
parent a7f7bf3dc9
commit fc1d09374e

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@ -39,13 +39,23 @@ MessageFormatTest::TestFormat()
"few{Wybrano # obiekty} many{Wybrano # obiektów} "
"other{Wybrano # obyektu}}";
// There are 4 rules in russian: one (1, 21, ...), few (2-4, 22-24, ...),
// many (anything else), and other (non-integer numbers). When formatting
// integers only, either both many and other must be there (with other
// not being used), or one/few/other must be used.
static const char* russianTemplate = "{0, plural, one{# объект} "
"few{# объекта} other{# объектов}}";
static const Test tests[] = {
{"en_US", "{0, plural, one{# dog} other{# dogs}}", 1, "1 dog"},
{"en_US", "{0, plural, one{# dog} other{# dogs}}", 2, "2 dogs"},
{"pl_PL", polishTemplate, 1, "Wybrano 1 obiekt"},
{"pl_PL", polishTemplate, 3, "Wybrano 3 obyektu"},
{"pl_PL", polishTemplate, 5, "Wybrano 5 obyektu"},
{"pl_PL", polishTemplate, 23, "Wybrano 23 obyektu"},
{"pl_PL", polishTemplate, 3, "Wybrano 3 obiekty"},
{"pl_PL", polishTemplate, 5, "Wybrano 5 obiektów"},
{"pl_PL", polishTemplate, 23, "Wybrano 23 obiekty"},
{"ru_RU", russianTemplate, 1, "1 объект"},
{"ru_RU", russianTemplate, 2, "2 объекта"},
{"ru_RU", russianTemplate, 5, "5 объектов"},