TextDocument: Change _Insert() to use TextDocument

In preparation for implementing Undo/Redo support, we need _Insert() to
take a TextDocument instead of a BString, CharacterStyle and ParagraphStyle.
When a chunk of the TextDocument has been removed, we need to be able to
Insert() that as part of the Undo operation. Not well tested, but typing
still works.
This commit is contained in:
Stephan Aßmus 2015-09-20 22:14:01 +02:00
parent 2e2ff27a92
commit f890fab65b
2 changed files with 183 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ TextDocument::TextDocument()
TextDocument::TextDocument(const CharacterStyle& characterStyle,
const ParagraphStyle& paragraphStyle)
TextDocument::TextDocument(CharacterStyle characterStyle,
ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle)
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ TextDocument::Insert(int32 textOffset, const BString& text)
TextDocument::Insert(int32 textOffset, const BString& text,
const CharacterStyle& style)
CharacterStyle style)
return Replace(textOffset, 0, text, style);
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ TextDocument::Insert(int32 textOffset, const BString& text,
TextDocument::Insert(int32 textOffset, const BString& text,
const CharacterStyle& characterStyle, const ParagraphStyle& paragraphStyle)
CharacterStyle characterStyle, ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle)
return Replace(textOffset, 0, text, characterStyle, paragraphStyle);
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ TextDocument::Replace(int32 textOffset, int32 length, const BString& text)
TextDocument::Replace(int32 textOffset, int32 length, const BString& text,
const CharacterStyle& style)
CharacterStyle style)
return Replace(textOffset, length, text, style,
@ -124,7 +124,18 @@ TextDocument::Replace(int32 textOffset, int32 length, const BString& text,
TextDocument::Replace(int32 textOffset, int32 length, const BString& text,
const CharacterStyle& characterStyle, const ParagraphStyle& paragraphStyle)
CharacterStyle characterStyle, ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle)
TextDocumentRef document = NormalizeText(text, characterStyle,
if (document.Get() == NULL || document->Length() != text.CountChars())
return B_NO_MEMORY;
return Replace(textOffset, length, document);
TextDocument::Replace(int32 textOffset, int32 length, TextDocumentRef document)
int32 firstParagraph = 0;
int32 paragraphCount = 0;
@ -135,8 +146,7 @@ TextDocument::Replace(int32 textOffset, int32 length, const BString& text,
if (ret != B_OK)
return ret;
ret = _Insert(textOffset, text, characterStyle, paragraphStyle,
firstParagraph, paragraphCount);
ret = _Insert(textOffset, document, firstParagraph, paragraphCount);
_NotifyTextChanged(TextChangedEvent(firstParagraph, paragraphCount));
@ -180,6 +190,13 @@ TextDocument::ParagraphStyleAt(int32 textOffset) const
// #pragma mark -
TextDocument::CountParagraphs() const
return fParagraphs.CountItems();
TextDocument::ParagraphIndexFor(int32 textOffset, int32& paragraphOffset) const
@ -350,32 +367,71 @@ TextDocument::PrintToStream() const
/*static*/ TextDocumentRef
TextDocument::NormalizeText(const BString& text,
CharacterStyle characterStyle, ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle)
TextDocumentRef document(new(std::nothrow) TextDocument(characterStyle,
paragraphStyle), true);
if (document.Get() == NULL)
throw B_NO_MEMORY;
Paragraph paragraph(paragraphStyle);
// Append TextSpans, splitting 'text' into Paragraphs at line breaks.
int32 length = text.CountChars();
int32 chunkStart = 0;
while (chunkStart < length) {
int32 chunkEnd = text.FindFirst('\n', chunkStart);
bool foundLineBreak = chunkEnd >= chunkStart;
if (foundLineBreak)
chunkEnd = length;
BString chunk;
text.CopyCharsInto(chunk, chunkStart, chunkEnd - chunkStart);
TextSpan span(chunk, characterStyle);
if (!paragraph.Append(span))
throw B_NO_MEMORY;
if (paragraph.Length() > 0 && !document->Append(paragraph))
throw B_NO_MEMORY;
paragraph = Paragraph(paragraphStyle);
chunkStart = chunkEnd + 1;
return document;
// #pragma mark -
TextDocument::AddListener(const TextListenerRef& listener)
TextDocument::AddListener(TextListenerRef listener)
return fTextListeners.Add(listener);
TextDocument::RemoveListener(const TextListenerRef& listener)
TextDocument::RemoveListener(TextListenerRef listener)
return fTextListeners.Remove(listener);
TextDocument::AddUndoListener(const UndoableEditListenerRef& listener)
TextDocument::AddUndoListener(UndoableEditListenerRef listener)
return fUndoListeners.Add(listener);
TextDocument::RemoveUndoListener(const UndoableEditListenerRef& listener)
TextDocument::RemoveUndoListener(UndoableEditListenerRef listener)
return fUndoListeners.Remove(listener);
@ -385,8 +441,7 @@ TextDocument::RemoveUndoListener(const UndoableEditListenerRef& listener)
TextDocument::_Insert(int32 textOffset, const BString& text,
const CharacterStyle& characterStyle, const ParagraphStyle& paragraphStyle,
TextDocument::_Insert(int32 textOffset, TextDocumentRef document,
int32& index, int32& paragraphCount)
int32 paragraphOffset;
@ -394,86 +449,128 @@ TextDocument::_Insert(int32 textOffset, const BString& text,
if (index < 0)
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if (text.Length() == 0)
if (document->Length() == 0)
return B_OK;
textOffset -= paragraphOffset;
bool hasLineBreaks = text.FindFirst('\n', 0) >= 0;
bool hasLineBreaks;
if (document->CountParagraphs() > 1) {
hasLineBreaks = true;
} else {
const Paragraph& paragraph = document->ParagraphAt(0);
hasLineBreaks = paragraph.EndsWith("\n");
if (hasLineBreaks) {
// Split paragraph at textOffset
Paragraph paragraph1(ParagraphAt(index).Style());
Paragraph paragraph2(paragraphStyle);
const TextSpanList& textSpans = ParagraphAt(index).TextSpans();
int32 spanCount = textSpans.CountItems();
for (int32 i = 0; i < spanCount; i++) {
const TextSpan& span = textSpans.ItemAtFast(i);
int32 spanLength = span.CountChars();
if (textOffset >= spanLength) {
textOffset -= spanLength;
} else if (textOffset > 0) {
span.SubSpan(0, textOffset));
span.SubSpan(textOffset, spanLength - textOffset));
textOffset = 0;
} else {
Paragraph paragraph2(document->ParagraphAt(
document->CountParagraphs() - 1).Style());
const TextSpanList& textSpans = ParagraphAt(index).TextSpans();
int32 spanCount = textSpans.CountItems();
for (int32 i = 0; i < spanCount; i++) {
const TextSpan& span = textSpans.ItemAtFast(i);
int32 spanLength = span.CountChars();
if (textOffset >= spanLength) {
if (!paragraph1.Append(span))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
textOffset -= spanLength;
} else if (textOffset > 0) {
if (!paragraph1.Append(
span.SubSpan(0, textOffset))
|| !paragraph2.Append(
spanLength - textOffset))) {
return B_NO_MEMORY;
textOffset = 0;
} else {
if (!paragraph2.Append(span))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
// Insert TextSpans, splitting 'text' into Paragraphs at line breaks.
int32 length = text.CountChars();
int32 chunkStart = 0;
while (chunkStart < length) {
int32 chunkEnd = text.FindFirst('\n', chunkStart);
bool foundLineBreak = chunkEnd >= chunkStart;
if (foundLineBreak)
chunkEnd = length;
BString chunk;
text.CopyCharsInto(chunk, chunkStart, chunkEnd - chunkStart);
TextSpan span(chunk, characterStyle);
if (foundLineBreak) {
// Append first paragraph in other document to first part of
// paragraph at insert position
const Paragraph& otherParagraph = document->ParagraphAt(0);
const TextSpanList& textSpans = otherParagraph.TextSpans();
int32 spanCount = textSpans.CountItems();
for (int32 i = 0; i < spanCount; i++) {
const TextSpan& span = textSpans.ItemAtFast(i);
// TODO: Import/map CharacterStyles
if (!paragraph1.Append(span))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
if (paragraph1.Length() > 0) {
if (!fParagraphs.Add(paragraph1, index))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
paragraph1 = Paragraph(paragraphStyle);
} else {
if (!paragraph2.Prepend(span))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
chunkStart = chunkEnd + 1;
// Insert the first paragraph-part again to the document
if (!fParagraphs.Add(paragraph1, index))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
// Insert the other document's paragraph save for the last one
for (int32 i = 1; i < document->CountParagraphs() - 1; i++) {
const Paragraph& otherParagraph = document->ParagraphAt(i);
// TODO: Import/map CharacterStyles and ParagraphStyle
if (!fParagraphs.Add(otherParagraph, ++index))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
int32 lastIndex = document->CountParagraphs() - 1;
if (lastIndex > 0) {
const Paragraph& otherParagraph = document->ParagraphAt(lastIndex);
if (otherParagraph.EndsWith("\n")) {
// TODO: Import/map CharacterStyles and ParagraphStyle
if (!fParagraphs.Add(otherParagraph, ++index))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
} else {
const TextSpanList& textSpans = otherParagraph.TextSpans();
int32 spanCount = textSpans.CountItems();
for (int32 i = 0; i < spanCount; i++) {
const TextSpan& span = textSpans.ItemAtFast(i);
// TODO: Import/map CharacterStyles
if (!paragraph2.Prepend(span))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
// Insert back the second paragraph-part
if (paragraph2.IsEmpty()) {
// Make sure Paragraph has at least one TextSpan, even
// if its empty.
const TextSpanList& spans = paragraph1.TextSpans();
const TextSpan& span = spans.LastItem();
paragraph2.Append(TextSpan("", span.Style()));
if (!paragraph2.Append(TextSpan("", span.Style())))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
if (!fParagraphs.Add(paragraph2, index))
if (!fParagraphs.Add(paragraph2, ++index))
return B_NO_MEMORY;
} else {
Paragraph paragraph(ParagraphAt(index));
paragraph.Insert(textOffset, TextSpan(text, characterStyle));
const Paragraph& otherParagraph = document->ParagraphAt(0);
const TextSpanList& textSpans = otherParagraph.TextSpans();
int32 spanCount = textSpans.CountItems();
for (int32 i = 0; i < spanCount; i++) {
const TextSpan& span = textSpans.ItemAtFast(i);
paragraph.Insert(textOffset, span);
textOffset += span.CountChars();
if (!fParagraphs.Replace(index, paragraph))
return B_NO_MEMORY;

View File

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ class TextDocument : public BReferenceable {
const CharacterStyle& characterStyle,
const ParagraphStyle& paragraphStyle);
CharacterStyle characterStyle,
ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle);
TextDocument(const TextDocument& other);
TextDocument& operator=(const TextDocument& other);
@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ public:
// Text insertion and removing
status_t Insert(int32 textOffset, const BString& text);
status_t Insert(int32 textOffset, const BString& text,
const CharacterStyle& style);
CharacterStyle style);
status_t Insert(int32 textOffset, const BString& text,
const CharacterStyle& characterStyle,
const ParagraphStyle& paragraphStyle);
CharacterStyle characterStyle,
ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle);
status_t Remove(int32 textOffset, int32 length);
@ -48,11 +48,13 @@ public:
const BString& text);
status_t Replace(int32 textOffset, int32 length,
const BString& text,
const CharacterStyle& style);
CharacterStyle style);
status_t Replace(int32 textOffset, int32 length,
const BString& text,
const CharacterStyle& characterStyle,
const ParagraphStyle& paragraphStyle);
CharacterStyle characterStyle,
ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle);
status_t Replace(int32 textOffset, int32 length,
TextDocumentRef document);
// Style access
const CharacterStyle& CharacterStyleAt(int32 textOffset) const;
@ -62,6 +64,8 @@ public:
const ParagraphList& Paragraphs() const
{ return fParagraphs; }
int32 CountParagraphs() const;
int32 ParagraphIndexFor(int32 textOffset,
int32& paragraphOffset) const;
@ -82,18 +86,22 @@ public:
void PrintToStream() const;
// Support
static TextDocumentRef NormalizeText(const BString& text,
CharacterStyle characterStyle,
ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle);
// Listener support
bool AddListener(const TextListenerRef& listener);
bool RemoveListener(const TextListenerRef& listener);
bool AddListener(TextListenerRef listener);
bool RemoveListener(TextListenerRef listener);
bool AddUndoListener(
const UndoableEditListenerRef& listener);
UndoableEditListenerRef listener);
bool RemoveUndoListener(
const UndoableEditListenerRef& listener);
UndoableEditListenerRef listener);
status_t _Insert(int32 textOffset, const BString& text,
const CharacterStyle& characterStyle,
const ParagraphStyle& paragraphStyle,
status_t _Insert(int32 textOffset,
TextDocumentRef document,
int32& firstParagraph,
int32& paragraphCount);
status_t _Remove(int32 textOffset, int32 length,