Merge branch 'master' into package-management
Conflicts: build/jam/HaikuImage src/system/kernel/arch/x86/64/arch.S
This commit is contained in:
@ -173,11 +173,7 @@ SubDir HAIKU_TOP ;
UserBuildConfigRulePostBuildTargets ;
# specify the Haiku image and network boot archive contents
if $(TARGET_ARCH) = x86_64 {
include [ FDirName $(HAIKU_BUILD_RULES_DIR) Haiku64Image ] ;
} else {
include [ FDirName $(HAIKU_BUILD_RULES_DIR) HaikuImage ] ;
include [ FDirName $(HAIKU_BUILD_RULES_DIR) HaikuImage ] ;
include [ FDirName $(HAIKU_BUILD_RULES_DIR) NetBootArchive ] ;
include [ FDirName $(HAIKU_BUILD_RULES_DIR) FloppyBootImage ] ;
include [ FDirName $(HAIKU_BUILD_RULES_DIR) CDBootImage ] ;
@ -100,10 +100,13 @@ SYSTEM_NETWORK_DATALINK_PROTOCOLS = ethernet_frame <module>arp loopback_frame
SYSTEM_NETWORK_PROTOCOLS = ipv4 tcp udp icmp unix icmp6 ipv6 ;
x86,x86_64 @{
}@ # x86,x86_64
x86 @{
3dfx.accelerant ati.accelerant matrox.accelerant neomagic.accelerant
nvidia.accelerant intel_810.accelerant intel_extreme.accelerant
radeon.accelerant radeon_hd.accelerant s3.accelerant vesa.accelerant
radeon.accelerant radeon_hd.accelerant s3.accelerant
#via.accelerant vmware.accelerant
}@ # x86
] ;
@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_MEDIA = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures
@ -155,18 +158,21 @@ SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_SCREENSAVERS = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures
SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_AUDIO = auich auvia echo3g emuxki hda ice1712 sis7018 ;
SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_AUDIO_OLD = ; #cmedia usb_audio ;
x86,x86_64 @{
}@ # x86,x86_64
x86 @{
ati 3dfx intel_810 intel_extreme matrox neomagic nvidia radeon radeon_hd
s3 vesa #via vmware
s3 #via vmware
}@ # x86
] ;
SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_MIDI = emuxki ice1712 usb_midi ;
x86 @{
x86,x86_64 @{
3com atheros813x ar81xx attansic_l1 attansic_l2 broadcom440x
broadcom570x dec21xxx ipro100 ipro1000 jmicron2x0 marvell_yukon nforce
pcnet rtl8139 rtl81xx sis19x syskonnect via_rhine vt612x
}@ # x86
}@ # x86_64
etherpci pegasus sis900 usb_davicom usb_asix usb_ecm wb840
@ -183,11 +189,12 @@ SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_NET = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures
] ;
SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_POWER = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures acpi_button@x86 ] ;
ata@ata pci ps2@x86 isa@x86
ide@ide scsi config_manager agp_gart usb firewire acpi@x86
ata@ata pci ps2@x86,x86_64 isa@x86,x86_64
ide@ide scsi config_manager agp_gart@x86 usb firewire@x86 acpi@x86
] ;
SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_FILE_SYSTEMS = bfs bindfs btrfs cdda exfat ext2 fat iso9660 nfs
nfs4 attribute_overlay write_overlay ntfs packagefs reiserfs udf googlefs ;
nfs4 attribute_overlay write_overlay ntfs packagefs reiserfs@x86 udf
googlefs ;
# build the haiku system package and add it
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ rule FFilterByBuildFeatures list
switch $(element) {
case }@ :
# Pop the topmost specificaton off the stack.
# Pop the topmost specification off the stack.
evaluationStack = $(evaluationStack[2-]) ;
if ! $(evaluationStack) {
Exit "FFilterByBuildFeatures: Unbalanced @( in: " $(list) ;
@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ AddFilesToPackage add-ons kernel debugger
<kdebug>run_on_exit ;
AddFilesToPackage add-ons kernel file_systems : $(SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_FILE_SYSTEMS) ;
AddFilesToPackage add-ons kernel generic
: ata_adapter@ata bios@x86 dpc ide_adapter@ide
: ata_adapter@ata bios@x86,x86_64 dpc ide_adapter@ide
locked_pool mpu401 scsi_periph <module>tty ;
AddFilesToPackage add-ons kernel partitioning_systems
: amiga_rdb apple efi_gpt intel session ;
AddFilesToPackage add-ons kernel interrupt_controllers : openpic@ppc ;
if $(TARGET_ARCH) = x86 {
if $(TARGET_ARCH) = x86 || $(TARGET_ARCH) = x86_64 {
AddFilesToPackage add-ons kernel cpu : generic_x86 ;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ AddDriversToPackage : console dprintf null random <driver>tty
AddDriversToPackage audio hmulti : $(SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_AUDIO) ;
AddDriversToPackage audio old : $(SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_AUDIO_OLD) ;
AddDriversToPackage midi : $(SYSTEM_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_MIDI) ;
AddDriversToPackage bus : usb_raw fw_raw ;
AddDriversToPackage bus : usb_raw fw_raw@x86 ;
AddDriversToPackage disk floppy : pc_floppy@x86 ;
AddDriversToPackage disk usb : usb_disk ;
AddDriversToPackage disk usb : usb_floppy ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-KeyboardInputServerDevice 2536418998
Kill application Team monitor Matar aplicação
Quit application Team monitor Fechar aplicativo
Select an application from the list above and click one of the buttons 'Kill application' and 'Quit application' in order to close it.\n\nHold CONTROL+ALT+DELETE for %ld seconds to reboot. Team monitor Selecione uma aplicação da lista acima e clique um dos botões 'Matar aplicativo' e 'Fechar aplicativo' de maneira a fechá-lo.\n\nPressione CONTROL+ALT+DELETE por %ld segundos para reiniciar.
Select an application from the list above and click one of the buttons 'Kill application' and 'Quit application' in order to close it.\n\nHold CONTROL+ALT+DELETE for %ld seconds to reboot. Team monitor Selecione um aplicativo da lista acima e clique um dos botões 'Matar aplicativo' e 'Fechar aplicativo' de maneira a fechá-lo.\n\nPressione CONTROL+ALT+DELETE por %ld segundos para reiniciar.
If the application will not quit you may have to kill it. Team monitor Se a aplicação não fechar, você deve matá-la.
Force reboot Team monitor Forçar a reinicialização
Team monitor Team monitor Monitor de equipe
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-GIFTranslator 2708495435
Websafe GIFView Websafe
Write interlaced images GIFView Escrever imagens entrelaçadas
Optimal GIFView Ideal
Optimal GIFView Ótimo
Greyscale GIFView Escala de cinza
Be Bitmap Format (GIFTranslator) GIFTranslator Formato de Mapa de Bits Be (Tradutor GIF)
GIF image translator GIFView Tradutor de imagem GIF
GIF image GIFTranslator imagem GIF
GIF image GIFTranslator Imagem GIF
Write transparent images GIFView Gravar imagens transparentes
Palette GIFView Paleta
Use RGB color GIFView Usar cor RGB
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Be-TSKB 1042823442
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Be-TSKB 2335730970
Power off DeskbarMenu Desligar
Sort applications by name PreferencesWindow Ordenar aplicativos pelo nome
Suspend DeskbarMenu Suspender
Hide clock TimeView Ocultar relógio
Applications PreferencesWindow Aplicativos
Time preferences… TimeView Preferências de hora…
About Haiku DeskbarMenu Sobre o Haiku
Edit in Tracker… PreferencesWindow Editar no Rastreador…
Recent documents: PreferencesWindow Documentos recentes:
Recent applications DeskbarMenu Aplicativos recentes
Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications Aplicativos
Find… DeskbarMenu Localizar…
Show clock Tray Exibir relógio
Window PreferencesWindow Janela
Defaults PreferencesWindow Padrões
Menu PreferencesWindow Menu
Recent documents DeskbarMenu Documentos recentes
Auto-hide PreferencesWindow Ocultar automaticamente
@ -28,6 +31,7 @@ Restart Tracker DeskbarMenu Reiniciar Rastreador
Close all WindowMenu Fechar tudo
Deskbar preferences PreferencesWindow Preferências da Deskbar
Mount DeskbarMenu Montar
Revert PreferencesWindow Reverter
Small PreferencesWindow Pequeno
Recent applications: PreferencesWindow Aplicativos recentes:
Shutdown… DeskbarMenu Desligar…
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal 328707356
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal 2967760334
Not found. Terminal TermWindow Não localizado.
Switch Terminals Terminal TermWindow Alternar Terminais
Change directory Terminal TermView Mudar de pasta
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ Clear all Terminal TermWindow Limpar tudo
Text encoding Terminal TermWindow Codificação de texto
size Terminal TermView tamanho
Close window Terminal TermWindow Fechar janela
\t%d\t-\tThe current working directory of the active process in the\n\t\t\tcurrent tab. Optionally the maximum number of path components\n\t\t\tcan be specified. E.g. '%2d' for at most two components.\n\t%T\t-\tThe Terminal application name for the current locale.\n\t%e\t-\tThe encoding of the current tab. Not shown for UTF-8.\n\t%i\t-\tThe index of the window.\n\t%p\t-\tThe name of the active process in the current tab.\n\t%t\t-\tThe title of the current tab.\n\t%%\t-\tThe character '%'. Terminal ToolTips \t%d\t-\tO diretório atualmente em uso do processo ativo na\n\t\t\tguia atual. Opcionalmente o número máximo de componentes do caminho\n\t\t\tpode ser especificado. Por exemplo, '%2d' para ao menos dois componentes.\n\t%T\t-\tO nome do aplicativo Terminal para a localidade atual.\n\t%e\t-\tA codificação da guia atual. Não exibido para UTF-8.\n\t%i\t-\tO índice da janela.\n\t%p\t-\tO nome do processo ativo na guia atual.\n\t%t\t-\tO título da guia atual.\n\t%%\t-\tO caractere '%'.
Save as default Terminal TermWindow Salvar como padrão
Set tab title Terminal TermWindow Definir o título da guia
Settings… Terminal TermWindow Configurações...
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 672385853
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
gamma AboutWindow гамма
beta AboutWindow бэта
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f ГіБ
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ About %app% AboutMenuItem Пра %app%
Cut TextView Выразаць
Version AboutWindow Версія
Cannot create the replicant for \"%description\".\n%error ZombieReplicantView Немагчыма стварыць рэплікант \"%description\".\n%error
About AboutWindow Пра праграму
Copy TextView Капіяваць
%3.2f KiB StringForSize %3.2f КіБ
%d bytes StringForSize %d байтаў
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 672385853
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
gamma AboutWindow Gamma
beta AboutWindow Beta
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f GiB
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ About %app% AboutMenuItem Über %app%
Cut TextView Ausschneiden
Version AboutWindow Version
Cannot create the replicant for \"%description\".\n%error ZombieReplicantView Replikant für \"%description\" konnte nicht erstellt werden.\n%error
About AboutWindow Über
Copy TextView Kopieren
%3.2f KiB StringForSize %3.2f KiB
%d bytes StringForSize %d Bytes
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 672385853
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
gamma AboutWindow gamma
beta AboutWindow beeta
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f gibitavua
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ About %app% AboutMenuItem Ohjelmasta %app%
Cut TextView Leikkaa
Version AboutWindow Versio
Cannot create the replicant for \"%description\".\n%error ZombieReplicantView Ei voida luoda replikanttia kohteelle ”%description”.\n%error
About AboutWindow Ohjelmasta
Copy TextView Kopioi
%3.2f KiB StringForSize %3.2f kibitavua
%d bytes StringForSize %d tavua
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 672385853
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
gamma AboutWindow gamma
beta AboutWindow bêta
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f Gio
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ About %app% AboutMenuItem À propos de %app%
Cut TextView Couper
Version AboutWindow Version
Cannot create the replicant for \"%description\".\n%error ZombieReplicantView Impossible de créer le réplicant pour « %description ».\n%error
About AboutWindow À propos
Copy TextView Copier
%3.2f KiB StringForSize %3.2f Kio
%d bytes StringForSize %d octets
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 672385853
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
gamma AboutWindow gamma
beta AboutWindow béta
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f GB
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ About %app% AboutMenuItem %app% névjegye
Cut TextView Kivágás
Version AboutWindow Verzió
Cannot create the replicant for \"%description\".\n%error ZombieReplicantView Nem lehet replikánst létrehozni ehhez: %description.\n%error
About AboutWindow Névjegy
Copy TextView Másolás
%3.2f KiB StringForSize %3.2f KB
%d bytes StringForSize %Ld byte
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 3504008668
gamma AboutWindow gama
beta AboutWindow beta
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f GB
@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ alpha AboutWindow alfa
Error PrintJob Erro
No Pages to print! PrintJob Nenhuma Página para imprimir!
All Rights Reserved. AboutWindow Todos os direitos reservados.
About %app% AboutWindow Sobre %app%
OK Dragger OK
OK PrintJob OK
Green: ColorControl Verde:
Ok AboutWindow Ok
Version history: AboutWindow Histórico de versões
Remove replicant Dragger Remover replicante
OK ZombieReplicantView OK
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libtextencoding 3062073902
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libtextencoding 1525027211
ISO Greek textencodings ISO Griechisch
ISO South European textencodings ISO Südeuropäisch
Chinese Big5 textencodings Chinesisch Big5
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ISO Arabic textencodings ISO Arabisch
ISO Latin 9 textencodings ISO Latin-9
Japanese Shift JIS textencodings Japanisch (Shift-JIS)
DOS Cyrillic textencodings DOS Kyrillisch
Windows Central European (CP 1250) textencodings Windows Zentraleuropäisch (CP 1250)
Windows Cyrillic (CP 1251) textencodings Kyrillisch Windows (CP 1251)
Japanese EUC textencodings Japanisch EUC
Unicode textencodings Unicode
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-libtextencoding 3062073902
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-libtextencoding 1525027211
ISO Greek textencodings Grego ISO
ISO South European textencodings Europeu do Sul ISO
Chinese Big5 textencodings Chinês Big5
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ISO Arabic textencodings Árabe ISO
ISO Latin 9 textencodings Latino 9 ISO
Japanese Shift JIS textencodings Japonês Shift JIS
DOS Cyrillic textencodings Cirílico DOS
Windows Central European (CP 1250) textencodings Windows Centro-europeu (CP 1250)
Windows Cyrillic (CP 1251) textencodings Cirílico Windows (CP 1251)
Japanese EUC textencodings Japonês EUC
Unicode textencodings Unicode
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 4167158175
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
common B_COMMON_DIRECTORY агульны
OK WidgetAttributeText ОК
Icon view VolumeWindow Від іконак
@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ Resize to fit VolumeWindow Расцягнуць
Could not find application \"%appname\" OpenWithWindow Не ўдалося знайсці праграму \"%appname\"
The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView Выбраны элемент нельга адправіць у Сметніцу. Жадаеце выдаліць іх беззваротна?
Invert SelectionWindow Інвертаваць
Save Query as template… FindPanel Захаваць Запыт як шаблон…
rename InfoWindow As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de) перайменуеце
Find FindPanel Знайсці
Move FSUtils Button label, 'Move' (en), 'Verschieben' (de) Перасунуць
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 4167158175
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
common B_COMMON_DIRECTORY Allgemein
OK WidgetAttributeText OK
Icon view VolumeWindow Icon-Ansicht
@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ Resize to fit VolumeWindow Optimale Größe
Could not find application \"%appname\" OpenWithWindow Die Anwendung \"%appname\" wurde nicht gefunden.
The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView Das ausgewählte Objekt kann nicht in den Papierkorb verschoben werden. Soll es stattdessen gelöscht werden? (Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.)
Invert SelectionWindow Umkehren
Save Query as template… FindPanel Query als Vorlage speichern…
rename InfoWindow As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de) umbenannt
Find FindPanel Suchen
Move FSUtils Button label, 'Move' (en), 'Verschieben' (de) Verschieben
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 3015739927
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 487315638
OK WidgetAttributeText Εντάξει
Icon view VolumeWindow Προβολή εικονιδίου
@ -197,7 +197,6 @@ Resize to fit VolumeWindow Αλλαγή μεγέθους για να χωράε
Could not find application \"%appname\" OpenWithWindow Αδυναμία εύρεσης της εφαρμογής \"%appname\"
The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView To επιλεγμένο στοιχείο δε μπορεί να μετακινηθεί στον κάδο απορριμμάτων. Θα θέλατε να το διαγράψετε αντ' αυτού; (Αυτή η λειτουργία δεν μπορεί να επανέλθει.)
Invert SelectionWindow Αντιστροφή
Save Query as template… FindPanel Αποθήκευση του ερωτήματος ως πρότυπο...
rename InfoWindow As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de) μετονομασία
Find FindPanel Εύρεση
Move FSUtils Button label, 'Move' (en), 'Verschieben' (de) Μετακίνηση
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 4167158175
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
common B_COMMON_DIRECTORY yhteinen
OK WidgetAttributeText Valmis
Icon view VolumeWindow Kuvakenäkymä
@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ Resize to fit VolumeWindow Muunna koko sopimaan
Could not find application \"%appname\" OpenWithWindow Ei voitu löytää sovellusta ”%appname”
The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView Valittua kohdetta ei voida siirtää roskakoriin. Haluaisitko sen sijaan poistaa sen? (Tätä toimintoa ei voida palauttaa.)
Invert SelectionWindow Käänteinen
Save Query as template… FindPanel Tallenna kysely mallinteena...
rename InfoWindow As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de) nimeä uudelleen
Find FindPanel Haku
Move FSUtils Button label, 'Move' (en), 'Verschieben' (de) Siirrä
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 4167158175
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
common B_COMMON_DIRECTORY commun
OK WidgetAttributeText OK
Icon view VolumeWindow Vue en icônes
@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ Resize to fit VolumeWindow Ajuster
Could not find application \"%appname\" OpenWithWindow Impossible de trouver l'application « %appname »
The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView L'élément sélectionné ne peut pas être envoyé à la Corbeille. Voulez vous le supprimer ? (Cette opération est irrémédiable.)
Invert SelectionWindow Inverser
Save Query as template… FindPanel Enregistrer le modèle de la requête…
rename InfoWindow As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de) renommez
Find FindPanel Rechercher
Move FSUtils Button label, 'Move' (en), 'Verschieben' (de) Déplacer
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1458537919
1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 3225080926
common B_COMMON_DIRECTORY सामान्य
OK WidgetAttributeText ठीक है
Icon view VolumeWindow चिह्न दृश्य
@ -197,7 +197,6 @@ Resize to fit VolumeWindow आकार बदलने के फिट कर
Could not find application \"%appname\" OpenWithWindow आवेदन नहीं मिला \"%appname\"
The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView चयनित आइटम को कचरा पेटी में स्थानांतरित नहीं किया जा सकता है. क्या आप इसे इसकी बजाय मिटाना चाहते हैं? (यह आपरेशन किया जाना है. नहीं लौट सकते हैं)
Invert SelectionWindow पलटे
Save Query as template… FindPanel टेम्पलेट के रूप में सहेजें क्वेरी...
rename InfoWindow As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de) फिर से नाम दें
Find FindPanel खोजें
Move FSUtils Button label, 'Move' (en), 'Verschieben' (de) मूव
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 4167158175
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
OK WidgetAttributeText Rendben
Icon view VolumeWindow Ikon nézet
@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ Resize to fit VolumeWindow Átméretezés hogy elférjen
Could not find application \"%appname\" OpenWithWindow A program (%appname) nem található
The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView A kiválasztott elemet nem lehet a Szemetesbe mozgatni. Szeretné inkább törölni? (Nem vonható vissza.)
Invert SelectionWindow Megfordítás
Save Query as template… FindPanel Keresés mentése sablonként…
rename InfoWindow As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de) átnevezi
Find FindPanel Keresés
Move FSUtils Button label, 'Move' (en), 'Verschieben' (de) Mozgatás
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 419889716
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1188087477
OK WidgetAttributeText OK
Icon view VolumeWindow アイコン表示
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ Add-ons ContainerWindow アドオン
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu テンプレートを編集…
Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left StatusWindow 終了: %time - 残り %finishtime 以上
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils このフォルダーにすでに \"%name\" という項目があります。作成しようとしているシンボリックリンクと置き換えますか?
Fewer options FindPanel 検索オプションを隠す
Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection. FSUtils コピー先ディスクの空き容量が不足しています。コピーができません。
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). FSUtils アプリケーション \"%app\" を使って \"%document\" を開けませんでした (%error)。
Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed. FilePanelPriv 2 項目以上は保存できません。
@ -234,6 +235,7 @@ Temporary FindPanel 一時的なクエリ
Version OpenWithWindow バージョン
Default application InfoWindow デフォルトアプリケーション
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow コピーの準備をしています…
Save query as template… FindPanel クエリテンプレートとして保存…
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView タイトルタブにフォルダー位置を表示
Proceed FSUtils 続行
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils %verbしようとしているものと同じ名前の項目がすでにフォルダーの中に存在します。\n \n%verbして置き換えますか?それとも、一つずつ確認しますか?
@ -331,6 +333,7 @@ The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose anothe
Clean up ContainerWindow アイコンの整列
after FindPanel 以降
Select… QueryContainerWindow 選択…
More options FindPanel 検索オプションを表示
link FSUtils filename link リンク
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState %func にて\nfind_directory() が失敗。\nエラー: %error
The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv 指定された名前は利用できない文字を含んでいます。他の名前を指定してください。
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1762695842
OK WidgetAttributeText OK
Icon view VolumeWindow Em ícones
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ Add-ons ContainerWindow Adicionais
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu Editar modelos...
Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left StatusWindow Término: %time - Mais de %finishtime restante
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils Um item chamado \"%name\" já existe nesta pasta. Gostaria de substituí-lo pelo link simbólico que está sendo criado?
Fewer options FindPanel Menos opções
Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection. FSUtils Desculpe, não existe espaço livre suficiente no volume de destino para para copiar a seleção.
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). FSUtils Não foi possível abrir \"%document\" com a aplicativo \"%app\" (%error).
Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed. FilePanelPriv Desculpe, salvar mais de um item não é permitido.
@ -236,6 +237,7 @@ Temporary FindPanel Temporário
Version OpenWithWindow Versão
Default application InfoWindow Aplicativo padrão
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow Preparando para copiar itens...
Save query as template… FindPanel Salvar consulta como modelo…
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Mostrar local da pasta na barra de títulos
Proceed FSUtils Prosseguir
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils Alguns itens já existem nesta pasta com os mesmos nomes dos itens que você quer %verb.\n \nVocê gostaria de substituí-los com aqueles que você vai %verb ou ser perguntado em cada um?
@ -334,6 +336,7 @@ The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose anothe
Clean up ContainerWindow Limpeza
after FindPanel após
Select… QueryContainerWindow Selecionar…
More options FindPanel Mais opções
link FSUtils filename link vínculo
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState Em %func \nfind_directory() falhou. \nRazão: %error
The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv O nome especificado é ilegal. Por favor escolha outro nome.
@ -445,6 +448,7 @@ contains FindPanel contém
Relation OpenWithWindow Relação
Open FilePanelPriv Abrir
Mount DeskWindow Montar
Recent queries FindPanel Consultas recentes
Mount ContainerWindow Montar
%capacity (%used used -- %free free) InfoWindow %capacity (%used utilizados -- %free livres)
Cancel FSClipBoard Cancelar
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance 2993758435
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance 727801787
Plain font: Font view Normal:
Control highlight Colors tab Steuerelement - Ausgewählt
Control border Colors tab Steuerelement - Rahmen
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Font Selection view Don't translate
%decorName\n\nAuthors:\n\t%decorAuthors\n\nURL: %decorURL\nLicense: %decorLic\n\n%decorDesc\n DecorSettingsView %decorName\n\nAutoren:\n\t%decorAuthors\n\nURL: %decorURL\nLizens: %decorLic\n\n%decorDesc\n
Reduce colored edges filter strength: AntialiasingSettingsView Farbsaumfilter:
Subpixel based anti-aliasing in combination with glyph hinting is not available in this build of Haiku to avoid possible patent issues. To enable this feature, you have to build Haiku yourself and enable certain options in the libfreetype configuration header. AntialiasingSettingsView Zur Vermeidung von möglichen Patentproblemen ist die Kombination von Subpixel-Kantenglättung und Glyph-Hinting deaktiviert. Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, müssen spezielle Optionen im Konfigurationsheader der Freetype-Bibliothek freigeschaltet und anschließend Haiku neu kompiliert werden.
Scroll bar thumb Colors tab Scroll-Balken
Control text Colors tab Steuerelement - Text
Single: DecorSettingsView Einfach:
Tooltip text Colors tab Tooltip - Text
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance 1457181689
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance 727801787
Plain font: Font view Fonte plana:
Control highlight Colors tab Realce do controle
Control border Colors tab Borda do controle
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Success Colors tab Sucesso
Inactive window tab text Colors tab Texto da aba de janela inativa
Failure Colors tab Falha
Hinting menu AntialiasingSettingsView Menu de sugestão
Scroll bar: DecorSettingsView Barra de rolagem:
Document background Colors tab Plano de fundo do documento
Revert APRWindow Reverter
Window tab Colors tab Aba da janela
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Font Selection view Don't translate
%decorName\n\nAuthors:\n\t%decorAuthors\n\nURL: %decorURL\nLicense: %decorLic\n\n%decorDesc\n DecorSettingsView %decorName\n\nAutores:\n\t %decorAuthors\n\nURL: %decorURL\nLicença: %decorLic\n\n%decorDesc\n
Reduce colored edges filter strength: AntialiasingSettingsView Reduzir a força do filtro de bordas coloridas:
Subpixel based anti-aliasing in combination with glyph hinting is not available in this build of Haiku to avoid possible patent issues. To enable this feature, you have to build Haiku yourself and enable certain options in the libfreetype configuration header. AntialiasingSettingsView A possibilidade de usar o antiserrilhamento baseado em Subpíxeis juntamente com o alisamento de glifos não está disponível nesta versão do Haiku para evitar possíveis problemas com patentes. Para habilitar esta funcionalidade, você terá que compilar o Haiku e ativar certas opções no cabeçalho de configuração da libfreetype.
Scroll bar thumb Colors tab Botão da barra de rolagem
Control text Colors tab Texto do controle
Single: DecorSettingsView Único:
Tooltip text Colors tab Texto da dica
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Start mail services on startup Config Window Lancer les services de mail au dé
E-mail address: E-Mail Adresse email :
Account name: E-Mail Nom du compte :
Account name: Config Views Nom du compte :
Create new account AutoConfigWindow Créé un nouveau compte
Create new account AutoConfigWindow Créer un nouveau compte
OK Config Views OK
The filter could not be moved. Deleting filter. Config Views Le filtre n'a pas pu être déplacé. Suppression du filtre.
Revert Config Window Rétablir
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Network 365183238
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Network 781877986
Choose automatically EthernetSettingsView Выбіраць аўтаматычна
Gateway: EthernetSettingsView Шлюз:
Netmask: EthernetSettingsView Маска сеткі:
DHCP EthernetSettingsView DHCP
DNS #2: EthernetSettingsView DNS #2:
Apply EthernetSettingsView Ужыць
Netmask is invalid EthernetSettingsView Няслушная маска падсеткі.
OK EthernetSettingsView ОК
DNS #1: EthernetSettingsView DNS #1:
IP address: EthernetSettingsView IP адрас:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 814394708
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 2177286129
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Адбылася памылка пры захаванні наладак.\nМагчыма, не хапае месца на дыску.
Notifications GeneralView Паведамленні
seconds of inactivity GeneralView секунд прастою
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView
Progress NotificationView Прагрэс
Last Received NotificationView Апошняе атрыманае
General PrefletView Агульныя
Apply PrefletWin Ужыць
Display PrefletView Экран
Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permission to the boot settings directory. GeneralView Не ўдалося занесці паведамленні ў аўтазапуск, магчыма, вы не маеце правоў на змяненне дырэкторыі аўтазапуску.
Search: NotificationView Пошук:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Time 3544635877
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Time 3259467657
GMT (UNIX compatible) Time GMT (як у UNIX)
OK Time ОК
Asia Time Азія
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Preview time: Time Праглядзець час:
Synchronize Time Сінхранізаваць
Revert Time Адвярнуць
Pacific Time Ціхі акіян
Show day of week Time Паказваць дзень тыдню
Add Time Дадаць
Date and time Time Дата і Час
about Time пра праграму
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ Time Time Час
Indian Time Індыя
Sending request failed Time Немагчыма адаслаць запыт
Arctic Time Арктыка
Display time with seconds Time Паказваць час з секундамі
Time System name Дата і Час
America Time Амерыка
Reset Time Скінуць
@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ Synchronize at boot Time Сінхранізаваць падчас старту
Time & Date, written by:\n\n\tAndrew Edward McCall\n\tMike Berg\n\tJulun\n\tPhilippe Saint-Pierre\n\nCopyright 2004-2012, Haiku. Time Time & Date, распрацавана:\n\n\t Andrew Edward McCall\n\t Mike Berg\n\t Julun\n\t Philippe Saint-Pierre\n\nCopyright 2004-2012, Haiku.
Received invalid time Time Атрыманы несапраўдны час
Antarctica Time Антарктыка
Show time zone Time Паказаць часавы пояс
Show clock in Deskbar Time Паказваць гадзіннік у Deskbar-ы
The following error occured while synchronizing:r\n%s: %s Time Памылка падчас сінхранізацыі:r\n%s: %s
<Other> Time <Іншае>
Current time: Time Сапраўдны час:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Be-PSRV 1761631281
1 belarusian x-vnd.Be-PSRV 123334776
Undefined ConfigWindow Нявызначаны
Return the number of available transports PrintServerApp Scripting Вярнуць колькасць даступных транспортаў
Return the number of available printers PrintServerApp Scripting Вярнуць колькасць даступных прынтэраў
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Retrieve a specific printer PrintServerApp Scripting Вызначыць аса
Page %1 to %2 ConfigWindow Старонкі з %1 па %2
Get name of the printer add-on used for this printer Printer Scripting Вызначыць імя дапаўнення, ужытага для гэтага прынтэра
Page setup: ConfigWindow Наладкі старонкі:
B5 (JIS) ConfigWindow JIS P0138 B5, a Japanese paper size B5 (JIS)
OK ConfigWindow Так
Cancel ConfigWindow Адмена
Printer server ConfigWindow Сервер друку
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Be-PSRV 1761631281
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Be-PSRV 123334776
Undefined ConfigWindow Indefinido
Return the number of available transports PrintServerApp Scripting Mostrar o número de transportes disponíveis
Return the number of available printers PrintServerApp Scripting Mostrar o número de impressoras disponíveis
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Retrieve a specific printer PrintServerApp Scripting Obter uma impressora espec
Page %1 to %2 ConfigWindow Página %1 até %2
Get name of the printer add-on used for this printer Printer Scripting Obter o nome de um adicional usado para esta impressora
Page setup: ConfigWindow Configurações de página:
B5 (JIS) ConfigWindow JIS P0138 B5, a Japanese paper size B5 (JIS)
OK ConfigWindow OK
Cancel ConfigWindow Cancelar
Printer server ConfigWindow Servidor de impressão
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-InterfacesAddOn 160108912
Interface InterfaceWindow Interface
Configure… InterfacesListView Configurar…
Static IntefaceAddressView Estático
None InterfacesListView Nenhum
IP: InterfacesListView IPv4 address label IP:
Status: IntefaceHardwareView Estado:
IPv6: InterfacesListView IPv6 address label IPv6:
Save InterfaceWindow Salvar
Link speed: IntefaceHardwareView Velocidade do link:
Renegotiate InterfacesAddOn Renegociar
The method for obtaining an IP address IntefaceAddressView O método para obter um endereço IP
Your gateway IntefaceAddressView Sua rota padrão
Enable InterfacesListView Habilitar
Received: IntefaceHardwareView Recebido:
Revert InterfaceWindow Reverter
connected IntefaceHardwareView conectado
Gateway: IntefaceAddressView Rota padrão:
Disable InterfacesListView Desabilitar
Sent: IntefaceHardwareView Enviado:
Disable InterfacesAddOn Desabilitar
Configure… InterfacesAddOn Configurar…
Renegotiate Address InterfacesListView Endereço de renegociação
DHCP IntefaceAddressView DHCP
Mode: IntefaceAddressView Modo:
Your netmask IntefaceAddressView Sua máscara de rede
IP Address: IntefaceAddressView Endereço IP:
Off IntefaceAddressView Desligar
MAC address: IntefaceHardwareView Endereço MAC:
Netmask: IntefaceAddressView Máscara de rede:
Your IP address IntefaceAddressView Seu endereço IP
%llu KBytes IntefaceHardwareView %llu KBytes
disconnected IntefaceHardwareView desconectado
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2007-2009, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2007-2013 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef _MENU_H
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <List.h>
#include <View.h>
class BMenu;
class BMenuBar;
class BMenuItem;
@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ private:
void _ComputeColumnLayout(int32 index, bool bestFit,
bool moveItems, BRect* override, BRect& outRect);
void _ComputeRowLayout(int32 index, bool bestFit,
bool moveItems, BRect& outRect);
bool moveItems, BRect& outRect);
void _ComputeMatrixLayout(BRect& outRect);
BRect _CalcFrame(BPoint where, bool* scrollOn);
@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ class BMenuField : public BView {
BMenuField(BRect frame, const char* name,
const char* label, BMenu* menu,
uint32 resize = B_FOLLOW_LEFT|B_FOLLOW_TOP,
uint32 resizingMode = B_FOLLOW_LEFT
uint32 flags = B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE);
BMenuField(BRect frame, const char* name,
const char* label, BMenu* menu,
bool fixed_size,
uint32 resize = B_FOLLOW_LEFT|B_FOLLOW_TOP,
uint32 resizingMode = B_FOLLOW_LEFT
uint32 flags = B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE);
BMenuField(const char* name,
const char* label, BMenu* menu,
@ -35,14 +37,14 @@ public:
virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* archive,
bool deep = true) const;
virtual void Draw(BRect update);
virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect);
virtual void AttachedToWindow();
virtual void AllAttached();
virtual void MouseDown(BPoint where);
virtual void KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes);
virtual void MakeFocus(bool state);
virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message);
virtual void WindowActivated(bool state);
virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message);
virtual void WindowActivated(bool state);
virtual void MouseUp(BPoint where);
virtual void MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 transit,
const BMessage* dragMessage);
@ -58,24 +60,24 @@ public:
virtual void SetLabel(const char* label);
const char* Label() const;
virtual void SetEnabled(bool on);
virtual void SetEnabled(bool on);
bool IsEnabled() const;
virtual void SetAlignment(alignment label);
alignment Alignment() const;
virtual void SetDivider(float dividing_line);
virtual void SetDivider(float position);
float Divider() const;
void ShowPopUpMarker();
void HidePopUpMarker();
virtual BHandler* ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message,
virtual BHandler* ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message,
int32 index, BMessage* specifier,
int32 form, const char* property);
virtual status_t GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data);
virtual status_t GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data);
virtual void ResizeToPreferred();
virtual void GetPreferredSize(float* width, float* height);
virtual void ResizeToPreferred();
virtual void GetPreferredSize(float* width, float* height);
virtual BSize MinSize();
virtual BSize MaxSize();
@ -87,8 +89,8 @@ public:
virtual status_t Perform(perform_code d, void* arg);
virtual status_t AllArchived(BMessage* into) const;
virtual status_t AllUnarchived(const BMessage* from);
virtual status_t AllArchived(BMessage* into) const;
virtual status_t AllUnarchived(const BMessage* from);
virtual void LayoutInvalidated(bool descendants);
virtual void DoLayout();
@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ private:
void InitObject(const char* label);
void InitObject2();
void DrawLabel(BRect bounds, BRect update);
void DrawLabel(BRect updateRect);
static void InitMenu(BMenu* menu);
int32 _MenuTask();
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ typedef generic_addr_t generic_size_t;
/* off_t */
#define B_PRIdOFF B_PRId64
#define B_PRIiOFF B_PRIi64
#define B_PRIxOFF B_PRIx64
/* dev_t */
#define B_PRIdDEV B_PRId32
#define B_PRIiDEV B_PRIi32
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class AreaKeeper {
area_id Create(const char *name, void **_virtualAddress, uint32 spec,
size_t size, uint32 lock, uint32 protection);
area_id Map(const char *name, void *physicalAddress, size_t numBytes,
area_id Map(const char *name, addr_t physicalAddress, size_t numBytes,
uint32 spec, uint32 protection, void **_virtualAddress);
status_t InitCheck() { return fArea < B_OK ? (status_t)fArea : B_OK; }
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ AreaKeeper::Create(const char *name, void **_virtualAddress, uint32 spec,
AreaKeeper::Map(const char *name, void *physicalAddress, size_t numBytes,
AreaKeeper::Map(const char *name, addr_t physicalAddress, size_t numBytes,
uint32 spec, uint32 protection, void **_virtualAddress)
fArea = map_physical_memory(name, (addr_t)physicalAddress, numBytes, spec,
fArea = map_physical_memory(name, physicalAddress, numBytes, spec,
protection, _virtualAddress);
return fArea;
@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ struct intel_allocate_graphics_memory {
uint32 size;
uint32 alignment;
uint32 flags;
uint32 buffer_base;
addr_t buffer_base;
// free graphics memory
struct intel_free_graphics_memory {
uint32 magic;
uint32 buffer_base;
addr_t buffer_base;
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class AreaKeeper {
area_id Create(const char *name, void **_virtualAddress, uint32 spec,
size_t size, uint32 lock, uint32 protection);
area_id Map(const char *name, void *physicalAddress, size_t numBytes,
area_id Map(const char *name, addr_t physicalAddress, size_t numBytes,
uint32 spec, uint32 protection, void **_virtualAddress);
status_t InitCheck() { return fArea < B_OK ? (status_t)fArea : B_OK; }
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ AreaKeeper::Create(const char *name, void **_virtualAddress, uint32 spec,
AreaKeeper::Map(const char *name, void *physicalAddress, size_t numBytes,
AreaKeeper::Map(const char *name, addr_t physicalAddress, size_t numBytes,
uint32 spec, uint32 protection, void **_virtualAddress)
fArea = map_physical_memory(name, (addr_t)physicalAddress, numBytes, spec,
fArea = map_physical_memory(name, physicalAddress, numBytes, spec,
protection, _virtualAddress);
return fArea;
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
* Copyright 2001-2009 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2001-2013 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Marc Flerackers (
* Stephan Aßmus <>
* Stephan Aßmus,
* Marc Flerackers,
* John Scipione,
#ifndef _BMC_PRIVATE_H
#define _BMC_PRIVATE_H
@ -12,9 +13,9 @@
#include <BeBuild.h>
#include <MenuBar.h>
#include <MenuItem.h>
#include <MessageFilter.h>
class BMessageRunner;
@ -36,8 +37,7 @@ class _BMCMenuBar_ : public BMenuBar {
_BMCMenuBar_(BRect frame, bool fixedSize,
BMenuField* menuField);
_BMCMenuBar_(bool fixedSize,
BMenuField* menuField);
_BMCMenuBar_(BMenuField* menuField);
_BMCMenuBar_(BMessage* data);
virtual ~_BMCMenuBar_();
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public:
bool IsPopUpMarkerShown() const
{ return fShowPopUpMarker; }
virtual BSize MinSize();
virtual BSize MinSize();
virtual BSize MaxSize();
@ -60,10 +60,11 @@ class BStringField : public BField
void SetString (const char* string);
const char* String () const;
void SetClippedString (const char* string);
bool HasClippedString () const;
const char* ClippedString ();
void SetWidth (float);
float Width ();
float fWidth;
BString fString;
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ class BDateField : public BField
time_t Seconds ();
time_t UnixTime ();
struct tm fTime;
time_t fUnixTime;
time_t fSeconds;
@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ class BBitmapColumn : public BTitledColumn
virtual int CompareFields (BField* field1, BField* field2);
virtual bool AcceptsField (const BField* field) const;
// Column to display BIntegerField objects as a graph.
@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ class BAboutWindow : public BWindow {
void AddVersionHistory(const char** history);
void AddExtraInfo(const char* extraInfo);
void AddText(const char* header,
const char** contents = NULL);
BBitmap* Icon();
void SetIcon(BBitmap* icon);
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ extern void save_lvds_mode(void);
extern status_t create_mode_list(void);
// memory.cpp
extern void intel_free_memory(uint32 base);
extern status_t intel_allocate_memory(size_t size, uint32 flags, uint32 &base);
extern void intel_free_memory(addr_t base);
extern status_t intel_allocate_memory(size_t size, uint32 flags, addr_t &base);
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
intel_free_memory(uint32 base)
intel_free_memory(addr_t base)
if (base == 0)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ intel_free_memory(uint32 base)
intel_allocate_memory(size_t size, uint32 flags, uint32 &base)
intel_allocate_memory(size_t size, uint32 flags, addr_t &base)
intel_allocate_graphics_memory allocMemory;
allocMemory.magic = INTEL_PRIVATE_DATA_MAGIC;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ struct pll_limits {
static status_t
get_i2c_signals(void* cookie, int* _clock, int* _data)
uint32 ioRegister = (uint32)cookie;
uint32 ioRegister = (uint32)(addr_t)cookie;
uint32 value = read32(ioRegister);
*_clock = (value & I2C_CLOCK_VALUE_IN) != 0;
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ get_i2c_signals(void* cookie, int* _clock, int* _data)
static status_t
set_i2c_signals(void* cookie, int clock, int data)
uint32 ioRegister = (uint32)cookie;
uint32 ioRegister = (uint32)(addr_t)cookie;
uint32 value;
if (gInfo->shared_info->device_type.InGroup(INTEL_TYPE_83x)) {
@ -488,17 +488,20 @@ sanitize_display_mode(display_mode& mode)
// TODO: verify constraints - these are more or less taken from the
// radeon driver!
const display_constraints constraints = {
display_constraints constraints = {
// resolution
320, 8192, 200, 4096,
// pixel clock
// horizontal
{olderCard ? 2 : 1, 0, 8160, 32, 8192, 0, 8192},
{1, 0, 8160, 32, 8192, 0, 8192},
{1, 1, 4092, 2, 63, 1, 4096}
if (olderCard)
constraints.horizontal_timing.resolution = 2;
return sanitize_display_mode(mode, constraints,
gInfo->has_edid ? &gInfo->edid_info : NULL);
@ -563,7 +566,7 @@ status_t
i2c_bus bus;
bus.cookie = (void*)INTEL_I2C_IO_A;
bus.cookie = (void*)(addr_t)INTEL_I2C_IO_A;
bus.set_signals = &set_i2c_signals;
bus.get_signals = &get_i2c_signals;
@ -762,7 +765,7 @@ if (first) {
uint32 base;
addr_t base;
if (intel_allocate_memory(bytesPerRow * target.virtual_height, 0,
base) < B_OK) {
// oh, how did that happen? Unfortunately, there is no really good way
@ -609,10 +609,10 @@ KeyStrokeSequenceCommandActuator::KeyStrokeSequenceCommandActuator(int32 argc,
BString newStr = fSequence;
newStr.Append(((unicodeVal > 0) && (unicodeVal < 127)) ?
((char)unicodeVal): ' ',1);
newStr.Append(&fSequence.String()[nextEnd + 2]);
@ -636,22 +636,22 @@ KeyStrokeSequenceCommandActuator::KeyStrokeSequenceCommandActuator(
int32 temp;
for (int32 i = 0; from->FindInt32("ooffsets", i, &temp) == B_NO_ERROR;
i++) {
if (from->FindInt32("overrides", i, &temp) != B_NO_ERROR)
temp = ' ';
if (from->FindInt32("omods", i, &temp) != B_NO_ERROR)
temp = -1;
if (from->FindInt32("okeys", i, &temp) != B_NO_ERROR)
temp = 0;
@ -682,9 +682,9 @@ KeyStrokeSequenceCommandActuator::_GenerateKeyCodes()
uint32 overrideKey= 0;
uint32 overrideMods = (uint32)-1;
for (int32 j = fOverrideOffsets.CountItems()-1; j >= 0; j--) {
if ((int32)fOverrideOffsets.ItemAt(j) == i) {
overrideKey= (uint32) fOverrideKeyCodes.ItemAt(j);
overrideMods = (uint32) fOverrideModifiers.ItemAt(j);
if ((int32)(addr_t)fOverrideOffsets.ItemAt(j) == i) {
overrideKey= (uint32)(addr_t) fOverrideKeyCodes.ItemAt(j);
overrideMods = (uint32)(addr_t) fOverrideModifiers.ItemAt(j);
@ -853,19 +853,23 @@ KeyStrokeSequenceCommandActuator::Archive(BMessage* into, bool deep) const
int32 numOverrides = fOverrideOffsets.CountItems();
status_t tmp = B_OK;
for (int32 i = 0; i < numOverrides; i++) {
ret = into->AddInt32("ooffsets", (int32)fOverrideOffsets.ItemAt(i));
ret = into->AddInt32("ooffsets",
if (ret != B_NO_ERROR)
tmp = B_ERROR;
ret = into->AddInt32("overrides", (int32)fOverrides.ItemAt(i));
ret = into->AddInt32("overrides",
if (ret != B_NO_ERROR)
tmp = B_ERROR;
ret = into->AddInt32("omods", (int32)fOverrideModifiers.ItemAt(i));
ret = into->AddInt32("omods",
if (ret != B_NO_ERROR)
tmp = B_ERROR;
ret = into->AddInt32("okeys", (int32)fOverrideKeyCodes.ItemAt(i));
ret = into->AddInt32("okeys",
if (tmp == B_ERROR)
@ -895,9 +899,9 @@ KeyStrokeSequenceCommandActuator::KeyEvent(const BMessage* keyMsg,
int32 override = -1;
for (int32 j = fOverrideOffsets.CountItems()-1; j >= 0; j--) {
int32 offset = (int32) fOverrideOffsets.ItemAt(j);
int32 offset = (int32)(addr_t) fOverrideOffsets.ItemAt(j);
if (offset == i) {
override = (int32) fOverrides.ItemAt(j);
override = (int32)(addr_t) fOverrides.ItemAt(j);
@ -2039,7 +2039,7 @@ KC_changeServer(uiContext d, char *arg)
return 0;
return (int)RkwGetServerName();
return (int)(addr_t)RkwGetServerName();
static int
@ -2103,7 +2103,7 @@ KC_setUserInfo(uiContext d, jrUserInfoStruct *arg)
sprintf(buf, "%s/%s",
uinfo->topdir ? uinfo->topdir : "", "default.can");
wcKanjiControl((int)d, KC_SETINITFILENAME, buf);
wcKanjiControl((int)(addr_t)d, KC_SETINITFILENAME, buf);
RkwSetUserInfo(uinfo->uname, uinfo->gname, uinfo->topdir);
ret = 1;
goto return_ret;
@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ _RkRealizeDD(struct DD *dd)
int ret = -1;
int tmpres;
int fdes;
long tloc;
time_t tloc;
char *whattime, *header, *dicsdir, *backup;
whattime = (char *)malloc(RK_LINE_BMAX);
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ check_capabilities(agp_device_info &deviceInfo, uint32 &command)
agpStatus = fix_rate_support(agpStatus);
TRACE("device %u.%u.%u has AGP capabilities %lx\n",,
TRACE("device %u.%u.%u has AGP capabilities %" B_PRIx32 "\n",,
||||,, agpStatus);
// block non-supported AGP modes
@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ Aperture::CreateMemory(size_t size, size_t alignment, uint32 flags)
return NULL;
TRACE("create memory %p, base %lx, size %lx, flags %lx\n", memory,
memory->base, memory->size, flags);
TRACE("create memory %p, base %" B_PRIxADDR ", size %" B_PRIxSIZE
", flags %" B_PRIx32 "\n", memory, memory->base, memory->size, flags);
memory->flags = flags;
#if defined(__HAIKU__) && !defined(GART_TEST)
@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ Aperture::_Insert(aperture_memory *memory, size_t size, size_t alignment,
get_nth_agp_info(uint32 index, agp_info *info)
TRACE("get_nth_agp_info(index %lu)\n", index);
TRACE("get_nth_agp_info(index %" B_PRIu32 ")\n", index);
if (index >= sDeviceCount)
return B_BAD_VALUE;
@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ release_agp(void)
set_agp_mode(uint32 command)
TRACE("set_agp_mode(command %lx)\n", command);
TRACE("set_agp_mode(command %" B_PRIx32 ")\n", command);
if ((command & AGP_ENABLE) == 0) {
@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ set_agp_mode(uint32 command)
command = fix_rate_command(command);
TRACE("set AGP command %lx on all capable devices.\n", command);
TRACE("set AGP command %" B_PRIx32 " on all capable devices.\n", command);
// The order of programming differs for enabling/disabling AGP mode
// (see AGP specification)
@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ agp_init(void)
TRACE("found %ld AGP devices\n", sDeviceCount);
TRACE("found %" B_PRId32 " AGP devices\n", sDeviceCount);
// Since there can be custom aperture modules (for memory management only),
// we always succeed if we could get the resources we need.
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ intel_map(intel_info &info)
AreaKeeper mmioMapper;
info.registers_area = mmioMapper.Map("intel GMCH mmio",
info.display.u.h0.base_register_sizes[mmioIndex], B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS,
B_KERNEL_READ_AREA | B_KERNEL_WRITE_AREA, (void**)&info.registers);
if (mmioMapper.InitCheck() < B_OK) {
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ intel_map(intel_info &info)
AreaKeeper gttMapper;
info.gtt_area = gttMapper.Map("intel GMCH gtt",
(void*)info.gtt_physical_base, gttSize, B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS,
info.gtt_physical_base, gttSize, B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS,
B_KERNEL_READ_AREA | B_KERNEL_WRITE_AREA, (void**)&info.gtt_base);
if (gttMapper.InitCheck() < B_OK) {
dprintf("intel_gart: could not map GTT!\n");
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ intel_map(intel_info &info)
AreaKeeper apertureMapper;
info.aperture_area = apertureMapper.Map("intel graphics aperture",
(void*)info.aperture_physical_base, info.aperture_size,
info.aperture_physical_base, info.aperture_size,
B_READ_AREA | B_WRITE_AREA, (void**)&info.aperture_base);
if (apertureMapper.InitCheck() < B_OK) {
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ intel_map(intel_info &info)
dprintf(DEVICE_NAME ": enabling write combined mode failed.\n");
info.aperture_area = apertureMapper.Map("intel graphics aperture",
(void*)info.aperture_physical_base, info.aperture_size,
info.aperture_physical_base, info.aperture_size,
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ typedef struct controller_data {
uint32 int_num;
area_id mmio_area;
uint32 mmio_addr;
addr_t mmio_addr;
uint32 lost; // != 0 if device got removed, i.e. if it must not
// be accessed anymore
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ controller_init(device_node *node, void **_controllerCookie)
pci_device *device;
uint32 asicIndex;
uint32 mmioBase;
uint32 mmioAddr;
addr_t mmioAddr;
area_id mmioArea;
uint32 interruptNumber;
status_t res;
@ -286,10 +286,10 @@ controller_init(device_node *node, void **_controllerCookie)
sDeviceManager->get_driver(parent, (driver_module_info **)&pci, (void **)&device);
TRACE("asic index %ld\n", asicIndex);
TRACE("asic index %" B_PRId32 "\n", asicIndex);
TRACE("asic name %s\n", kASICData[asicIndex].asic_name);
TRACE("int num %ld\n", interruptNumber);
TRACE("mmio addr %p\n", (void *)mmioAddr);
TRACE("int num %" B_PRId32 "\n", interruptNumber);
TRACE("mmio addr %" B_PRIxADDR"\n", mmioAddr);
controller->pci = pci;
controller->device = device;
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ channel_init(device_node *node, void **_channelCookie)
TRACE("channel_index %ld\n", channelIndex);
TRACE("channel_index %" B_PRId32 "\n", channelIndex);
TRACE("channel name: %s\n", kControllerChannelData[channelIndex].name);
TRACE("channel %p\n", channel);
@ -685,19 +685,19 @@ dma_prepare(void *channelCookie, const physical_entry *sg_list,
for (i = sg_list_count - 1, prd = channel->prdt; i >= 0;
--i, ++prd, ++sg_list ) {
prd->address = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32((uint32)pci->ram_address(device,
prd->address = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32((uint32)(addr_t)pci->ram_address(device,
// 0 means 64K - this is done automatically by discarding upper 16 bits
prd->count = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT16((uint16)sg_list->size);
prd->EOT = i == 0;
FLOW("%x, %x, %d\n", (int)prd->address, prd->count, prd->EOT);
FLOW("%" B_PRIx32", %" B_PRId16", %" B_PRId8"\n", prd->address, prd->count, prd->EOT);
// XXX move this to chan init?
temp = (*channel->bm_prdt_address) & 3;
temp |= B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32((uint32)pci->ram_address(device,
temp |= B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32((uint32)(addr_t)pci->ram_address(device,
(void *)(addr_t)channel->prdt_phys)) & ~3;
*channel->bm_prdt_address = temp;
@ -131,13 +131,15 @@ midi_read(void* cookie, off_t pos, void* ptr, size_t* nread)
static status_t
midi_write(void* cookie, off_t pos, const void* ptr, size_t* nwritten)
midi_write(void* cookie, off_t pos, const void* ptr, size_t* _nwritten)
echo_dev *card = (echo_dev *) cookie;
DWORD nwritten = *_nwritten;
err = card->pEG->WriteMidi(*nwritten, (PBYTE)ptr, nwritten);
err = card->pEG->WriteMidi(nwritten, (PBYTE)ptr, &nwritten);
*_nwritten = nwritten;
return (err != ECHOSTATUS_OK) ? B_ERROR : B_OK;
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ echo_channel_get_mix(void *card, MIXER_AUDIO_CHANNEL channel, int32 type, float
} else {
values[0] = function[0].Data.iNominal == 4 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
PRINT(("echo_channel_get_mix iLevel: %ld, %d, %ld\n", function[0].Data.iLevel,
channel.wChannel, channel.dwType));
PRINT(("echo_channel_get_mix iLevel: %" B_PRId32 ", %d, %" B_PRIu32
"\n", function[0].Data.iLevel, channel.wChannel, channel.dwType));
@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ echo_channel_set_mix(void *card, MIXER_AUDIO_CHANNEL channel, int32 type, float
dev->pEG->ProcessMixerMultiFunction(multi_function, size);
if (function[0].RtnStatus == ECHOSTATUS_OK) {
PRINT(("echo_channel_set_mix OK: %ld, %d, %ld\n", function[0].Data.iLevel,
channel.wChannel, channel.dwType));
PRINT(("echo_channel_set_mix OK: %" B_PRId32 ", %d, %" B_PRIu32 "\n",
function[0].Data.iLevel, channel.wChannel, channel.dwType));
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ echo_create_controls_list(multi_dev *multi)
multi->control_count = index;
PRINT(("multi->control_count %lu\n", multi->control_count));
PRINT(("multi->control_count %" B_PRIu32 "\n", multi->control_count));
return B_OK;
@ -256,7 +256,8 @@ echo_get_mix(echo_dev *card, multi_mix_value_info * mmvi)
for (i = 0; i < mmvi->item_count; i++) {
id = mmvi->values[i].id - MULTI_CONTROL_FIRSTID;
if (id < 0 || id >= card->multi.control_count) {
PRINT(("echo_get_mix : invalid control id requested : %li\n", id));
PRINT(("echo_get_mix : invalid control id requested : %" B_PRIu32
"\n", id));
control = &card->multi.controls[id];
@ -297,7 +298,8 @@ echo_set_mix(echo_dev *card, multi_mix_value_info * mmvi)
for (i = 0; i < mmvi->item_count; i++) {
id = mmvi->values[i].id - MULTI_CONTROL_FIRSTID;
if (id < 0 || id >= card->multi.control_count) {
PRINT(("echo_set_mix : invalid control id requested : %li\n", id));
PRINT(("echo_set_mix : invalid control id requested : %" B_PRIu32
"\n", id));
control = &card->multi.controls[id];
@ -307,7 +309,8 @@ echo_set_mix(echo_dev *card, multi_mix_value_info * mmvi)
if (i + 1 < mmvi->item_count) {
id = mmvi->values[i + 1].id - MULTI_CONTROL_FIRSTID;
if (id < 0 || id >= card->multi.control_count) {
PRINT(("echo_set_mix : invalid control id requested : %li\n", id));
PRINT(("echo_set_mix : invalid control id requested : %"
B_PRIu32 "\n", id));
} else {
control2 = &card->multi.controls[id];
if (control2->mix_control.master != control->
@ -995,21 +998,21 @@ echo_open(const char *name, uint32 flags, void** cookie)
value = strtoul (item, &end, 0);
if (*end == '\0') current_settings.sample_rate = value;
PRINT(("sample_rate %lu\n", current_settings.sample_rate));
PRINT(("sample_rate %" B_PRIu32 "\n", current_settings.sample_rate));
item = get_driver_parameter (settings_handle, "buffer_frames", NULL, NULL);
if (item) {
value = strtoul (item, &end, 0);
if (*end == '\0') current_settings.buffer_frames = value;
PRINT(("buffer_frames %lu\n", current_settings.buffer_frames));
PRINT(("buffer_frames %" B_PRIu32 "\n", current_settings.buffer_frames));
item = get_driver_parameter (settings_handle, "buffer_count", NULL, NULL);
if (item) {
value = strtoul (item, &end, 0);
if (*end == '\0') current_settings.buffer_count = value;
PRINT(("buffer_count %lu\n", current_settings.buffer_count));
PRINT(("buffer_count %" B_PRId32 "\n", current_settings.buffer_count));
unload_driver_settings (settings_handle);
@ -353,12 +353,12 @@ emuxki_mem_free(emuxki_dev *card, void *ptr)
static void
emuxki_chanparms_set_defaults(emuxki_channel *chan)
chan->fxsend.a.level = chan->fxsend.b.level =
chan->fxsend.c.level = chan->fxsend.d.level =
chan->fxsend.a.level = chan->fxsend.b.level
= chan->fxsend.c.level = chan->fxsend.d.level
/* for audigy */
chan->fxsend.e.level = chan->fxsend.f.level =
chan->fxsend.g.level = chan->fxsend.h.level =
IS_AUDIGY(&chan->voice->stream->card->config) ? 0xc0 : 0xff; /* not max */
= chan->fxsend.e.level = chan->fxsend.f.level
= chan->fxsend.g.level = chan->fxsend.h.level
= IS_AUDIGY(&chan->voice->stream->card->config) ? 0xc0 : 0xff; /* not max */
chan->fxsend.a.dest = 0x0;
chan->fxsend.b.dest = 0x1;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ static char **gDeviceNames = NULL;
static status_t
usb_raw_device_added(usb_device newDevice, void **cookie)
TRACE((DRIVER_NAME": device_added(0x%08lx)\n", newDevice));
TRACE((DRIVER_NAME": device_added(0x%08" B_PRIx32 ")\n", newDevice));
raw_device *device = (raw_device *)malloc(sizeof(raw_device));
mutex_init(&device->lock, "usb_raw device lock");
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ usb_raw_device_added(usb_device newDevice, void **cookie)
if (gUSBModule->usb_ioctl('DNAM', deviceName, sizeof(deviceName)) >= B_OK) {
snprintf(device->name, sizeof(device->name), "bus/usb/%s", deviceName);
} else {
snprintf(device->name, sizeof(device->name), "bus/usb/%08lx",
snprintf(device->name, sizeof(device->name), "bus/usb/%08" B_PRIx32,
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ usb_raw_device_added(usb_device newDevice, void **cookie)
TRACE((DRIVER_NAME": new device: 0x%08lx\n", (uint32)device));
TRACE((DRIVER_NAME": new device: 0x%p\n", device));
*cookie = (void *)device;
return B_OK;
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ usb_raw_device_added(usb_device newDevice, void **cookie)
static status_t
usb_raw_device_removed(void *cookie)
TRACE((DRIVER_NAME": device_removed(0x%08lx)\n", (uint32)cookie));
TRACE((DRIVER_NAME": device_removed(0x%p)\n", cookie));
raw_device *device = (raw_device *)cookie;
@ -825,7 +825,8 @@ init_driver()
status_t result = get_module(B_USB_MODULE_NAME,
(module_info **)&gUSBModule);
if (result < B_OK) {
TRACE((DRIVER_NAME": getting module failed 0x%08lx\n", result));
TRACE((DRIVER_NAME": getting module failed 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n",
return result;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#define DRIVER_NAME "usb_floppy"
#define DEVICE_NAME_BASE "disk/ufi/"
#define DEVICE_NAME DEVICE_NAME_BASE"%ld/%d/raw"
#define DEVICE_NAME DEVICE_NAME_BASE "%" B_PRId32 "/%d/raw"
//#define TRACE_USB_DISK
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ status_t usb_disk_transfer_data(disk_device *device, bool directionIn,
status_t usb_disk_receive_csw(disk_device *device,
command_status_wrapper *status);
status_t usb_disk_operation(device_lun *lun, uint8* operation,
void *data, uint32 *dataLength,
void *data, size_t *dataLength,
bool directionIn);
status_t usb_disk_send_diagnostic(device_lun *lun);
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ usb_disk_transfer_data(disk_device *device, bool directionIn, void *data,
usb_disk_interrupt(void* cookie, int32 status, void* data, uint32 length)
usb_disk_interrupt(void* cookie, int32 status, void* data, size_t length)
disk_device* dev = (disk_device*)cookie;
// We release the lock even if the interrupt is invalid. This way there
@ -202,7 +202,8 @@ usb_disk_interrupt(void* cookie, int32 status, void* data, uint32 length)
if (length != 2) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("interrupt of length %ld! (expected 2)\n", length);
TRACE_ALWAYS("interrupt of length %" B_PRIuSIZE "! (expected 2)\n",
// In this case we do not reschedule the interrupt. This means the
// driver will be locked. The interrupt should perhaps be scheduled
// when starting a transfer instead. But getting there means something
@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ usb_disk_receive_csw(disk_device *device, command_status_wrapper *status)
usb_disk_operation(device_lun *lun, uint8* operation,
void *data, uint32 *dataLength, bool directionIn)
void *data, size_t *dataLength, bool directionIn)
// TODO: remove transferLength
TRACE("operation: lun: %u; op: 0x%x; data: %p; dlen: %p (%lu); in: %c\n",
@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ usb_disk_send_diagnostic(device_lun *lun)
usb_disk_request_sense(device_lun *lun)
uint32 dataLength = sizeof(scsi_request_sense_6_parameter);
size_t dataLength = sizeof(scsi_request_sense_6_parameter);
uint8 commandBlock[12];
memset(commandBlock, 0, sizeof(commandBlock));
@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ usb_disk_request_sense(device_lun *lun)
usb_disk_mode_sense(device_lun *lun)
uint32 dataLength = sizeof(scsi_mode_sense_6_parameter);
size_t dataLength = sizeof(scsi_mode_sense_6_parameter);
uint8 commandBlock[12];
memset(commandBlock, 0, sizeof(commandBlock));
@ -459,7 +460,7 @@ usb_disk_test_unit_ready(device_lun *lun)
usb_disk_inquiry(device_lun *lun)
uint32 dataLength = sizeof(scsi_inquiry_6_parameter);
size_t dataLength = sizeof(scsi_inquiry_6_parameter);
uint8 commandBlock[12];
memset(commandBlock, 0, sizeof(commandBlock));
@ -526,7 +527,7 @@ usb_disk_reset_capacity(device_lun *lun)
usb_disk_update_capacity(device_lun *lun)
uint32 dataLength = sizeof(scsi_read_capacity_10_parameter);
size_t dataLength = sizeof(scsi_read_capacity_10_parameter);
scsi_read_capacity_10_parameter parameter;
status_t result = B_ERROR;
@ -668,8 +669,8 @@ usb_disk_device_added(usb_device newDevice, void **cookie)
mutex_init(&device->lock, "usb_disk device lock");
status_t result = device->notify =
create_sem(0, "usb_disk callback notify");
status_t result = device->notify
= create_sem(0, "usb_disk callback notify");
if (result < B_OK) {
@ -1172,7 +1173,7 @@ usb_disk_ioctl(void *cookie, uint32 op, void *buffer, size_t length)
TRACE_ALWAYS("unhandled ioctl %ld\n", op);
TRACE_ALWAYS("unhandled ioctl %" B_PRIu32 "\n", op);
@ -1223,7 +1224,7 @@ usb_disk_read(void *cookie, off_t position, void *buffer, size_t *length)
*length = 0;
TRACE_ALWAYS("read fails with 0x%08lx\n", result);
TRACE_ALWAYS("read fails with 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", result);
return result;
@ -1274,7 +1275,7 @@ usb_disk_write(void *cookie, off_t position, const void *buffer,
*length = 0;
TRACE_ALWAYS("write fails with 0x%08lx\n", result);
TRACE_ALWAYS("write fails with 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", result);
return result;
@ -1314,7 +1315,7 @@ init_driver()
status_t result = get_module(B_USB_MODULE_NAME,
(module_info **)&gUSBModule);
if (result < B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("getting module failed 0x%08lx\n", result);
TRACE_ALWAYS("getting module failed 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", result);
return result;
@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ status_t nbd_alloc_request(struct nbd_device *dev, struct nbd_request_entry **re
struct nbd_request_entry *r;
status_t err = EINVAL;
uint64 handle;
PRINT((DP ">%s(%ld, %Ld, %ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, type, from, len));
PRINT((DP ">%s(%" B_PRIu32 ", %" B_PRIdOFF ", %ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, type,
from, len));
if (type != NBD_CMD_READ && type != NBD_CMD_WRITE && type != NBD_CMD_DISC)
return err;
@ -223,14 +224,14 @@ status_t nbd_alloc_request(struct nbd_device *dev, struct nbd_request_entry **re
dprintf(DP " %s: error 0x%08lx\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
dprintf(DP " %s: error 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
return err;
status_t nbd_queue_request(struct nbd_device *dev, struct nbd_request_entry *req)
PRINT((DP ">%s(handle:%Ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, req->handle));
PRINT((DP ">%s(handle:%" B_PRIu64 ")\n", __FUNCTION__, req->handle));
req->next = dev->reqs;
dev->reqs = req;
return B_OK;
@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ status_t nbd_queue_request(struct nbd_device *dev, struct nbd_request_entry *req
status_t nbd_dequeue_request(struct nbd_device *dev, uint64 handle, struct nbd_request_entry **req)
struct nbd_request_entry *r, *prev;
PRINT((DP ">%s(handle:%Ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, handle));
PRINT((DP ">%s(handle:%" B_PRIu64 ")\n", __FUNCTION__, handle));
r = dev->reqs;
prev = NULL;
while (r && r->handle != handle) {
@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ status_t nbd_dequeue_request(struct nbd_device *dev, uint64 handle, struct nbd_r
status_t nbd_free_request(struct nbd_device *dev, struct nbd_request_entry *req)
PRINT((DP ">%s(handle:%Ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, req->handle));
PRINT((DP ">%s(handle:%" B_PRIu64 ")\n", __FUNCTION__, req->handle));
return B_OK;
@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ int32 nbd_postoffice(void *arg)
return 0;
dprintf(DP "%s: %s: error 0x%08lx\n", __FUNCTION__, reason, err);
dprintf(DP "%s: %s: error 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, reason, err);
return err;
@ -397,7 +398,8 @@ status_t nbd_connect(struct nbd_device *dev)
dev->size = B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(initpkt.device_size);
dprintf(DP " %s: connected, device size %Ld bytes.\n", __FUNCTION__, dev->size);
dprintf(DP " %s: connected, device size %" B_PRIu64 " bytes.\n",
__FUNCTION__, dev->size);
err = dev->postoffice = spawn_kernel_thread(nbd_postoffice, "nbd postoffice", B_REAL_TIME_PRIORITY, dev);
if (err < B_OK)
@ -415,7 +417,7 @@ err1:
dev->sock = -1;
dprintf(DP "<%s: error 0x%08lx\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
dprintf(DP "<%s: error 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
return err;
@ -435,7 +437,7 @@ status_t nbd_teardown(struct nbd_device *dev)
status_t nbd_post_request(struct nbd_device *dev, struct nbd_request_entry *req)
status_t err;
PRINT((DP ">%s(handle:%Ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, req->handle));
PRINT((DP ">%s(handle:%" B_PRIu64 ")\n", __FUNCTION__, req->handle));
err = ksend(dev->sock, &req->req, sizeof(req->req), 0);
if (err < 0)
@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ status_t nbd_open(const char *name, uint32 flags, cookie_t **cookie) {
int kfd;
struct nbd_device *dev = NULL;
PRINT((DP ">%s(%s, %lx, )\n", __FUNCTION__, name, flags));
PRINT((DP ">%s(%s, %" B_PRIx32 ", )\n", __FUNCTION__, name, flags));
(void)name; (void)flags;
dev = nbd_find_device(name);
if (!dev || !dev->valid)
@ -509,7 +511,7 @@ err2:
dprintf(DP " %s: error 0x%08lx\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
dprintf(DP " %s: error 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
return err;
@ -564,7 +566,8 @@ status_t nbd_free(cookie_t *cookie) {
status_t nbd_control(cookie_t *cookie, uint32 op, void *data, size_t len) {
PRINT((DP ">%s(%d, %lu, , %ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, WHICH(cookie->dev), op, len));
PRINT((DP ">%s(%d, %" B_PRIu32 ", , %ld)\n", __FUNCTION__,
WHICH(cookie->dev), op, len));
switch (op) {
case B_GET_DEVICE_SIZE: /* this one is broken anyway... */
if (data) {
@ -623,7 +626,8 @@ status_t nbd_read(cookie_t *cookie, off_t position, void *data, size_t *numbytes
struct nbd_device *dev = cookie->dev;
struct nbd_request_entry *req;
status_t err, semerr;
PRINT((DP ">%s(%d, %Ld, , )\n", __FUNCTION__, WHICH(cookie->dev), position));
PRINT((DP ">%s(%d, %" B_PRIdOFF ", , )\n", __FUNCTION__,
WHICH(cookie->dev), position));
if (position < 0)
return EINVAL;
@ -692,7 +696,8 @@ status_t nbd_write(cookie_t *cookie, off_t position, const void *data, size_t *n
struct nbd_device *dev = cookie->dev;
struct nbd_request_entry *req;
status_t err, semerr;
PRINT((DP ">%s(%d, %Ld, %ld, )\n", __FUNCTION__, WHICH(cookie->dev), position, *numbytes));
PRINT((DP ">%s(%d, %" B_PRIdOFF ", %ld, )\n", __FUNCTION__,
WHICH(cookie->dev), position, *numbytes));
if (position < 0)
return EINVAL;
@ -244,7 +244,9 @@ cx23882_int(void *data)
// serious error, these bits should not be set
dprintf("cx23882_int error: msk 0x%08lx, stat 0x%08lx, mstat 0x%08lx\n", reg_read32(REG_PCI_INT_MSK), reg_read32(REG_PCI_INT_STAT), mstat);
dprintf("cx23882_int error: msk 0x%08" B_PRIx32 ", stat 0x%08" B_PRIx32
", mstat 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", reg_read32(REG_PCI_INT_MSK),
reg_read32(REG_PCI_INT_STAT), mstat);
reg_write32(REG_PCI_INT_MSK, 0);
@ -254,7 +256,7 @@ cx23882_int(void *data)
reg_write32(REG_PCI_INT_STAT, wmstat);
if (wmstat)
dprintf("cx23882_int got 0x%08lx\n", wmstat);
dprintf("cx23882_int got 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", wmstat);
if (mstat & PCI_INT_STAT_TS_INT) {
@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ typedef struct {
area_id dma_buf1_area;
void * dma_buf1_virt;
void * dma_buf1_phys;
phys_addr_t dma_buf1_phys;
area_id dma_buf2_area;
void * dma_buf2_virt;
void * dma_buf2_phys;
phys_addr_t dma_buf2_phys;
sem_id capture_sem;
void * capture_data;
@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ dtt7592_set_frequency(i2c_bus *bus, uint32 frequency, dvb_bandwidth_t bandwidth)
if (divider > 0x7fff)
divider = 0x7fff;
TRACE("dtt7592_set_frequency frequency %ld, divider 0x%lx (%ld)\n", frequency, divider, divider);
TRACE("dtt7592_set_frequency frequency %" B_PRId32 ", divider 0x%"
B_PRIx32 " (%" B_PRId32 ")\n", frequency, divider, divider);
data[0] = divider >> 8;
data[1] = (uint8)divider;
@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ interface_attach(void **cookie, const pci_info *info)
// adjust PCI latency timer
val = gPci->read_pci_config(device->pci_info->bus, device->pci_info->device, device->pci_info->function, PCI_latency, 1);
TRACE("PCI latency is %02lx, changing to %02x\n", val, PCI_LATENCY);
TRACE("PCI latency is %02" B_PRIx32 ", changing to %02x\n", val,
gPci->write_pci_config(device->pci_info->bus, device->pci_info->device, device->pci_info->function, PCI_latency, 1, PCI_LATENCY);
// get IRQ
@ -113,8 +114,9 @@ interface_attach(void **cookie, const pci_info *info)
dprintf("cx23882: Error, no memory space assigned\n");
goto err;
TRACE("hardware register address %p\n", (void *) val);
device->regs_area = map_mem(&device->regs, (void *)val, 16777216 /* 16 MB */, 0, "cx23882 registers");
TRACE("hardware register address 0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n", val);
device->regs_area = map_mem(&device->regs, (addr_t)val,
16777216 /* 16 MB */, 0, "cx23882 registers");
if (device->regs_area < B_OK) {
dprintf("cx23882: Error, can't map hardware registers\n");
goto err;
@ -37,47 +37,49 @@
map_mem(void **virt, void *phy, size_t size, uint32 protection,
map_mem(void **virt, phys_addr_t phy, size_t size, uint32 protection,
const char *name)
uint32 offset;
void *phyadr;
phys_addr_t phyadr;
void *mapadr;
area_id area;
TRACE("mapping physical address %p with %ld bytes for %s\n", phy, size,
TRACE("mapping physical address %" B_PRIxPHYSADDR " with %ld bytes for %s\n",
phy, size, name);
offset = (uint32)phy & (B_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
phyadr = (char *)phy - offset;
phyadr = phy - offset;
size = ROUNDUP(size + offset, B_PAGE_SIZE);
area = map_physical_memory(name, (addr_t)phyadr, size,
area = map_physical_memory(name, phyadr, size,
B_ANY_KERNEL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, protection, &mapadr);
if (area < B_OK) {
TRACE("mapping '%s' failed, error 0x%lx (%s)\n", name, area, strerror(area));
TRACE("mapping '%s' failed, error 0x%" B_PRIx32 " (%s)\n", name, area,
return area;
*virt = (char *)mapadr + offset;
TRACE("physical = %p, virtual = %p, offset = %ld, phyadr = %p, mapadr = %p, size = %ld, area = 0x%08lx\n",
phy, *virt, offset, phyadr, mapadr, size, area);
TRACE("physical = %" B_PRIxPHYSADDR ", virtual = %p, offset = %" B_PRIu32
", phyadr = %" B_PRIxPHYSADDR ", mapadr = %p, size = %" B_PRIuSIZE
", area = 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", phy, *virt, offset, phyadr, mapadr,
size, area);
return area;
alloc_mem(void **virt, void **phy, size_t size, uint32 protection,
alloc_mem(void **virt, phys_addr_t *phy, size_t size, uint32 protection,
const char *name)
// TODO: phy should be phys_addr_t*!
physical_entry pe;
void * virtadr;
area_id areaid;
status_t rv;
TRACE("allocating %ld bytes for %s\n", size, name);
TRACE("allocating %" B_PRIuSIZE " bytes for %s\n", size, name);
size = ROUNDUP(size, B_PAGE_SIZE);
areaid = create_area(name, &virtadr, B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS, size,
@ -97,7 +99,8 @@ alloc_mem(void **virt, void **phy, size_t size, uint32 protection,
if (virt)
*virt = virtadr;
if (phy)
*phy = (void*)(addr_t)pe.address;
TRACE("area = %ld, size = %ld, virt = %p, phy = %" B_PRIxPHYSADDR "\n", areaid, size, virtadr, pe.address);
*phy = pe.address;
TRACE("area = %" B_PRId32 ", size = %" B_PRIuSIZE ", virt = %p, phy = %"
B_PRIxPHYSADDR "\n", areaid, size, virtadr, pe.address);
return areaid;
@ -27,8 +27,10 @@
#include <OS.h>
area_id map_mem(void **virt, void *phy, size_t size, uint32 protection, const char *name);
area_id alloc_mem(void **virt, void **phy, size_t size, uint32 protection, const char *name);
area_id map_mem(void **virt, phys_addr_t phy, size_t size, uint32 protection,
const char *name);
area_id alloc_mem(void **virt, phys_addr_t *phy, size_t size, uint32 protection,
const char *name);
// generic macro for rounding, can only be used for power of 2 blocksize
#define ROUNDUP(size, blocksize) (((size) + (blocksize) - 1) & ~((blocksize) - 1))
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ device_ioctl(void* data, uint32 op, void* buffer, size_t bufferLength)
status_t status = intel_allocate_memory(*info, allocMemory.size,
allocMemory.alignment, allocMemory.flags,
(addr_t* )&allocMemory.buffer_base);
if (status == B_OK) {
// copy result
#ifdef __HAIKU__
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ init_driver(void)
gDeviceInfo[found]->init_status = B_NO_INIT;
gDeviceInfo[found]->id = found;
gDeviceInfo[found]->pci = info;
gDeviceInfo[found]->registers = (uint8*)info->u.h0.base_registers[0];
gDeviceInfo[found]->registers = info->u.h0.base_registers[0];
gDeviceInfo[found]->device_identifier = kSupportedDevices[type].name;
gDeviceInfo[found]->device_type = kSupportedDevices[type].type;
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ intel_extreme_init(intel_info &info)
AreaKeeper mmioMapper;
info.registers_area = mmioMapper.Map("intel extreme mmio",
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ struct intel_info {
addr_t aperture_base;
aperture_id aperture;
uint8* registers;
addr_t registers;
area_id registers_area;
struct intel_shared_info* shared_info;
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ init_driver(void)
gDeviceInfo[found]->init_status = B_NO_INIT;
gDeviceInfo[found]->id = found;
gDeviceInfo[found]->pci = info;
gDeviceInfo[found]->registers = (uint8*)info->u.h0.base_registers[0];
gDeviceInfo[found]->registers = info->u.h0.base_registers[0];
gDeviceInfo[found]->pciID = kSupportedDevices[type].pciID;
gDeviceInfo[found]->deviceName = kSupportedDevices[type].deviceName;
gDeviceInfo[found]->chipsetID = kSupportedDevices[type].chipsetID;
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ radeon_hd_init(radeon_info &info)
// *** Map Memory mapped IO
AreaKeeper mmioMapper;
info.registers_area = mmioMapper.Map("radeon hd mmio",
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ radeon_hd_init(radeon_info &info)
// *** Framebuffer mapping
AreaKeeper frambufferMapper;
info.framebuffer_area = frambufferMapper.Map("radeon hd frame buffer",
info.shared_info->frame_buffer_size * 1024,
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ struct radeon_info {
status_t init_status;
int32 id;
pci_info* pci;
uint8* registers;
addr_t registers;
uint8* atom_buffer; // buffer for atombios
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ create_device(const usb_device* dev, uint16 ifno)
midiDevice->sem_lock = sem = create_sem(1, DRIVER_NAME "_lock");
if (sem < 0) {
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "create_sem() failed 0x%lx\n", sem));
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "create_sem() failed 0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n", sem));
return NULL;
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ create_device(const usb_device* dev, uint16 ifno)
(void**)&midiDevice->buffer, B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS,
if (area < 0) {
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "create_area() failed 0x%lx\n", area));
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "create_area() failed 0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n", area));
return NULL;
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ create_device(const usb_device* dev, uint16 ifno)
(usb_midi_event_packet*)((uint8*)midiDevice->buffer + B_PAGE_SIZE / 2);
midiDevice->sem_send = sem = create_sem(1, DRIVER_NAME "_send");
if (sem < 0) {
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "create_sem() failed 0x%lx\n", sem));
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "create_sem() failed 0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n", sem));
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ midi_usb_read_callback(void* cookie, status_t status,
(usb_callback_func)midi_usb_read_callback, midiDevice);
if (st != B_OK) {
/* probably endpoint stall */
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "queue_bulk() error 0x%lx\n", st));
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "queue_bulk() error 0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n", st));
@ -358,7 +358,8 @@ usb_midi_added(const usb_device* dev, void** cookie)
if ((status = usb->set_configuration(dev, conf)) != B_OK) {
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "set_configuration() failed 0x%lx\n", status));
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "set_configuration() failed 0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n",
return B_ERROR;
@ -430,7 +431,7 @@ got_one:
(usb_callback_func)midi_usb_read_callback, midiDevice);
if (status != B_OK) {
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "queue_bulk() error 0x%lx\n", status));
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "queue_bulk() error 0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n", status));
return B_ERROR;
@ -504,7 +505,8 @@ usb_midi_open(const char* name, uint32 flags,
assert(name != NULL);
assert(out_cookie != NULL);
DPRINTF_INFO((MY_ID "usb_midi_open(%s) flags=%lx\n", name, flags));
DPRINTF_INFO((MY_ID "usb_midi_open(%s) flags=%" B_PRIx32 "\n", name,
if ((port = search_port_info(name)) == NULL)
@ -519,7 +521,8 @@ usb_midi_open(const char* name, uint32 flags,
cookie->sem_cb = create_sem(0, DRIVER_NAME "_cb");
if (cookie->sem_cb < 0) {
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "create_sem() failed 0x%lx\n", cookie->sem_cb));
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "create_sem() failed 0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n",
return B_ERROR;
@ -674,8 +677,8 @@ usb_midi_write(driver_cookie* cookie, off_t position,
* packet_count, (usb_callback_func)midi_usb_write_callback,
if (status != B_OK) {
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "midi write queue_bulk() error 0x%lx\n",
DPRINTF_ERR((MY_ID "midi write queue_bulk() error 0x%" B_PRIx32
"\n", status));
return B_ERROR;
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ ASIXDevice::ModifyMulticastTable(bool join, ether_address_t* group)
ASIXDevice::_ReadCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
TRACE_FLOW("ReadCB: %d bytes; status:%#010x\n", actualLength, status);
ASIXDevice *device = (ASIXDevice *)cookie;
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ ASIXDevice::_ReadCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
ASIXDevice::_WriteCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
TRACE_FLOW("WriteCB: %d bytes; status:%#010x\n", actualLength, status);
ASIXDevice *device = (ASIXDevice *)cookie;
@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ ASIXDevice::_WriteCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
ASIXDevice::_NotifyCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
ASIXDevice *device = (ASIXDevice *)cookie;
atomic_add(&device->fInsideNotify, 1);
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ virtual status_t SetupDevice(bool deviceReplugged);
static void _ReadCallback(void *cookie, int32 status,
void *data, uint32 actualLength);
void *data, size_t actualLength);
static void _WriteCallback(void *cookie, int32 status,
void *data, uint32 actualLength);
void *data, size_t actualLength);
static void _NotifyCallback(void *cookie, int32 status,
void *data, uint32 actualLength);
void *data, size_t actualLength);
status_t _SetupEndpoints();
@ -363,7 +363,8 @@ publish_devices()
gDeviceNames[deviceCount] = (char *)malloc(strlen(sDeviceBaseName) + 4);
if (gDeviceNames[deviceCount]) {
sprintf(gDeviceNames[deviceCount], "%s%ld", sDeviceBaseName, i);
sprintf(gDeviceNames[deviceCount], "%s%" B_PRId32, sDeviceBaseName,
TRACE("publishing %s\n", gDeviceNames[deviceCount]);
} else
@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ void usb_asix_trace(bool force, const char* func, const char *fmt, ...)
bigtime_t time = system_time();
uint32 msec = time / 1000;
uint32 sec = msec / 1000;
sprintf(buf_ptr, "%02ld.%02ld.%03ld:", sec / 60, sec % 60, msec % 1000);
sprintf(buf_ptr, "%02" B_PRId32 ".%02" B_PRId32 ".%03" B_PRId32 ":",
sec / 60, sec % 60, msec % 1000);
buf_ptr += strlen(buf_ptr);
@ -346,11 +346,12 @@ DavicomDevice::Write(const uint8 *buffer, size_t *numBytes)
struct _TXHeader {
uint countLow :8;
uint countHigh :8;
uint8 countLow;
uint8 countHigh;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
_TXHeader header = { length & 0xff, length >> 8 & 0xff };
_TXHeader header = { (uint8)(length & 0xff),
(uint8)((length >> 8) & 0xff) };
uint8 padding = 0;
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ DavicomDevice::_ModifyMulticastTable(bool join, ether_address_t *group)
DavicomDevice::_ReadCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
TRACE_RX("ReadCB: %d bytes; status:%#010x\n", actualLength, status);
DavicomDevice *device = (DavicomDevice *)cookie;
@ -834,7 +835,7 @@ DavicomDevice::_ReadCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
DavicomDevice::_WriteCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
TRACE_TX("WriteCB: %d bytes; status:%#010x\n", actualLength, status);
DavicomDevice *device = (DavicomDevice *)cookie;
@ -847,7 +848,7 @@ DavicomDevice::_WriteCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
DavicomDevice::_NotifyCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
DavicomDevice *device = (DavicomDevice *)cookie;
atomic_add(&device->fInsideNotify, 1);
@ -1117,7 +1118,7 @@ DavicomDevice::_WriteMII(uint8 reg, uint16 data)
// put the value to data register
uint8 values[] = { data & 0xff, ( data >> 8 ) & 0xff };
uint8 values[] = { (uint8)(data & 0xff), (uint8)((data >> 8) & 0xff) };
result = _WriteRegister(RegEPDRL, sizeof(uint16), values);
if (result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Failed to put data %#x. Error:%#x\n", data, result);
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ public:
static void _ReadCallback(void *cookie, int32 status,
void *data, uint32 actualLength);
void *data, size_t actualLength);
static void _WriteCallback(void *cookie, int32 status,
void *data, uint32 actualLength);
void *data, size_t actualLength);
static void _NotifyCallback(void *cookie, int32 status,
void *data, uint32 actualLength);
void *data, size_t actualLength);
status_t _SetupEndpoints();
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ publish_devices()
gDeviceNames[deviceCount] = (char *)malloc(strlen(sDeviceBaseName) + 4);
if (gDeviceNames[deviceCount]) {
sprintf(gDeviceNames[deviceCount], "%s%ld", sDeviceBaseName, i);
sprintf(gDeviceNames[deviceCount], "%s%" B_PRId32, sDeviceBaseName, i);
TRACE("publishing %s\n", gDeviceNames[deviceCount]);
} else
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void usb_davicom_trace(bool force, const char* func, const char *fmt, ...)
bigtime_t time = system_time();
uint32 msec = time / 1000;
uint32 sec = msec / 1000;
sprintf(buf_ptr, "%02ld.%02ld.%03ld:",
sprintf(buf_ptr, "%02" B_PRId32 ".%02" B_PRId32 ".%03" B_PRId32 ":",
sec / 60, sec % 60, msec % 1000);
buf_ptr += strlen(buf_ptr);
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ usb_ecm_device_added(usb_device device, void **cookie)
if (gECMDevices[i]->CompareAndReattach(device) != B_OK)
TRACE_ALWAYS("ecm device %ld replugged\n", i);
TRACE_ALWAYS("ecm device %" B_PRId32 " replugged\n", i);
*cookie = gECMDevices[i];
return B_OK;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ usb_ecm_device_added(usb_device device, void **cookie)
gECMDevices[i] = ecmDevice;
*cookie = ecmDevice;
TRACE_ALWAYS("ecm device %ld added\n", i);
TRACE_ALWAYS("ecm device %" B_PRId32 " added\n", i);
return B_OK;
@ -258,7 +258,8 @@ publish_devices()
gDeviceNames[deviceCount] = (char *)malloc(strlen(sDeviceBaseName) + 4);
if (gDeviceNames[deviceCount]) {
sprintf(gDeviceNames[deviceCount], "%s%ld", sDeviceBaseName, i);
sprintf(gDeviceNames[deviceCount], "%s%" B_PRId32, sDeviceBaseName,
TRACE("publishing %s\n", gDeviceNames[deviceCount]);
} else
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ ECMDevice::Read(uint8 *buffer, size_t *numBytes)
if (fStatusRead != B_OK && fStatusRead != B_CANCELED && !fRemoved) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("device status error 0x%08lx\n", fStatusRead);
TRACE_ALWAYS("device status error 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", fStatusRead);
result = gUSBModule->clear_feature(fReadEndpoint,
if (result != B_OK) {
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ ECMDevice::Write(const uint8 *buffer, size_t *numBytes)
if (fStatusWrite != B_OK && fStatusWrite != B_CANCELED && !fRemoved) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("device status error 0x%08lx\n", fStatusWrite);
TRACE_ALWAYS("device status error 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", fStatusWrite);
result = gUSBModule->clear_feature(fWriteEndpoint,
if (result != B_OK) {
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ ECMDevice::Control(uint32 op, void *buffer, size_t length)
TRACE_ALWAYS("unsupported ioctl %lu\n", op);
TRACE_ALWAYS("unsupported ioctl %" B_PRIu32 "\n", op);
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ ECMDevice::_ReadMACAddress(usb_device device, uint8 *buffer)
ECMDevice::_ReadCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
ECMDevice *device = (ECMDevice *)cookie;
device->fActualLengthRead = actualLength;
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ ECMDevice::_ReadCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
ECMDevice::_WriteCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
ECMDevice *device = (ECMDevice *)cookie;
device->fActualLengthWrite = actualLength;
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ ECMDevice::_WriteCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
ECMDevice::_NotifyCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
ECMDevice *device = (ECMDevice *)cookie;
atomic_add(&device->fInsideNotify, 1);
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ ECMDevice::_NotifyCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
if (status != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("device status error 0x%08lx\n", status);
TRACE_ALWAYS("device status error 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", status);
if (gUSBModule->clear_feature(device->fNotifyEndpoint,
TRACE_ALWAYS("failed to clear halt state in notify hook\n");
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ public:
static void _ReadCallback(void *cookie, int32 status,
void *data, uint32 actualLength);
void *data, size_t actualLength);
static void _WriteCallback(void *cookie, int32 status,
void *data, uint32 actualLength);
void *data, size_t actualLength);
static void _NotifyCallback(void *cookie, int32 status,
void *data, uint32 actualLength);
void *data, size_t actualLength);
status_t _SetupDevice();
status_t _ReadMACAddress(usb_device device, uint8 *buffer);
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ publish_devices()
if (gSerialDevices[i]) {
gDeviceNames[j] = (char *)malloc(strlen(sDeviceBaseName) + 4);
if (gDeviceNames[j]) {
sprintf(gDeviceNames[j], "%s%ld", sDeviceBaseName, i);
sprintf(gDeviceNames[j], "%s%" B_PRId32, sDeviceBaseName, i);
} else
TRACE_ALWAYS("publish_devices - no memory to allocate device names\n");
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ SerialDevice::_WriteToDevice()
SerialDevice::_ReadCallbackFunction(void *cookie, status_t status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
TRACE_FUNCALLS("read callback: cookie: 0x%08x status: 0x%08x data: 0x%08x "
"length: %lu\n", cookie, status, data, actualLength);
@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ SerialDevice::_ReadCallbackFunction(void *cookie, status_t status, void *data,
SerialDevice::_WriteCallbackFunction(void *cookie, status_t status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength)
size_t actualLength)
TRACE_FUNCALLS("write callback: cookie: 0x%08x status: 0x%08x data: 0x%08x "
"length: %lu\n", cookie, status, data, actualLength);
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ SerialDevice::_WriteCallbackFunction(void *cookie, status_t status, void *data,
SerialDevice::_InterruptCallbackFunction(void *cookie, status_t status,
void *data, uint32 actualLength)
void *data, size_t actualLength)
TRACE_FUNCALLS("interrupt callback: cookie: 0x%08x status: 0x%08x data: "
"0x%08x len: %lu\n", cookie, status, data, actualLength);
@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ static int32 _InputThread(void *data);
static void _ReadCallbackFunction(void *cookie,
int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength);
size_t actualLength);
static void _WriteCallbackFunction(void *cookie,
int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength);
size_t actualLength);
static void _InterruptCallbackFunction(void *cookie,
int32 status, void *data,
uint32 actualLength);
size_t actualLength);
usb_device fDevice; // USB device handle
uint16 fVendorID;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#define DRIVER_NAME "usb_printer"
#define DEVICE_NAME_BASE "printer/usb/"
#define SECONDS ((bigtime_t)1000 * 1000)
#define MINUTES (60 * SECONDS)
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ usb_printer_callback(void *cookie, status_t status, void *data,
static status_t
usb_printer_device_added(usb_device newDevice, void **cookie)
TRACE("device_added(0x%08lx)\n", newDevice);
TRACE("device_added(0x%08" B_PRIx32 ")\n", newDevice);
printer_device *device = (printer_device *)malloc(sizeof(printer_device));
device->device = newDevice;
device->removed = false;
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ usb_printer_device_added(usb_device newDevice, void **cookie)
sprintf(device->name, DEVICE_NAME, deviceNumber);
TRACE("new device: 0x%08lx\n", (uint32)device);
TRACE("new device: 0x%p\n", device);
*cookie = (void *)device;
return B_OK;
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ usb_printer_device_added(usb_device newDevice, void **cookie)
static status_t
usb_printer_device_removed(void *cookie)
TRACE("device_removed(0x%08lx)\n", (uint32)cookie);
TRACE("device_removed(0x%p)\n", cookie);
printer_device *device = (printer_device *)cookie;
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ usb_printer_ioctl(void *cookie, uint32 op, void *buffer, size_t length)
TRACE_ALWAYS("unhandled ioctl %ld\n", op);
TRACE_ALWAYS("unhandled ioctl %" B_PRIu32 "\n", op);
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ usb_printer_read(void *cookie, off_t position, void *buffer, size_t *length)
if (buffer == NULL || length == NULL)
return B_BAD_VALUE;
TRACE("read(%lld, %ld)\n", position, *length);
TRACE("read(%" B_PRIdOFF ", %" B_PRIuSIZE ")\n", position, *length);
printer_device *device = (printer_device *)cookie;
if (device->removed) {
@ -472,12 +472,12 @@ usb_printer_read(void *cookie, off_t position, void *buffer, size_t *length)
if (result == B_OK) {
TRACE("read successful with %ld bytes\n", *length);
TRACE("read successful with %" B_PRIuSIZE " bytes\n", *length);
return B_OK;
*length = 0;
TRACE_ALWAYS("read fails with 0x%08lx\n", result);
TRACE_ALWAYS("read fails with 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", result);
return result;
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ usb_printer_write(void *cookie, off_t position, const void *buffer,
if (buffer == NULL || length == NULL)
return B_BAD_VALUE;
TRACE("write(%lld, %ld)\n", position, *length);
TRACE("write(%" B_PRIdOFF ", %" B_PRIuSIZE ")\n", position, *length);
printer_device *device = (printer_device *)cookie;
if (device->removed) {
@ -503,12 +503,12 @@ usb_printer_write(void *cookie, off_t position, const void *buffer,
if (result == B_OK) {
TRACE("write successful with %ld bytes\n", *length);
TRACE("write successful with %" B_PRIuSIZE " bytes\n", *length);
return B_OK;
*length = 0;
TRACE_ALWAYS("write fails with 0x%08lx\n", result);
TRACE_ALWAYS("write fails with 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", result);
return result;
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ init_driver()
status_t result = get_module(B_USB_MODULE_NAME,
(module_info **)&gUSBModule);
if (result < B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("getting module failed 0x%08lx\n", result);
TRACE_ALWAYS("getting module failed 0x%08" B_PRIx32 "\n", result);
return result;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2001-2012, Axel Dörfler,
* Copyright 2001-2013, Axel Dörfler,
* This file may be used under the terms of the MIT License.
@ -206,7 +206,8 @@ InodeAllocator::New(block_run* parentRun, mode_t mode, block_run& run,
run = fRun;
fInode = new Inode(volume, *fTransaction, volume->ToVnode(run), mode, run);
fInode = new(std::nothrow) Inode(volume, *fTransaction,
volume->ToVnode(run), mode, run);
if (fInode == NULL)
@ -235,7 +236,8 @@ InodeAllocator::CreateTree()
if ((fInode->Mode() & S_INDEX_TYPES) == 0)
fInode->Node().mode |= HOST_ENDIAN_TO_BFS_INT32(S_STR_INDEX);
BPlusTree* tree = fInode->fTree = new BPlusTree(*fTransaction, fInode);
BPlusTree* tree = fInode->fTree
= new(std::nothrow) BPlusTree(*fTransaction, fInode);
if (tree == NULL || tree->InitCheck() < B_OK)
return B_ERROR;
@ -347,7 +349,7 @@ Inode::Inode(Volume* volume, ino_t id)
fOldLastModified = LastModified();
if (IsContainer())
fTree = new BPlusTree(this);
fTree = new(std::nothrow) BPlusTree(this);
if (NeedsFileCache()) {
SetFileCache(file_cache_create(fVolume->ID(), ID(), Size()));
SetMap(file_map_create(volume->ID(), ID(), Size()));
@ -2881,7 +2883,7 @@ AttributeIterator::GetNext(char* name, size_t* _length, uint32* _type,
BPlusTree* tree = fAttributes->Tree();
if (tree == NULL
|| (fIterator = new TreeIterator(tree)) == NULL) {
|| (fIterator = new(std::nothrow) TreeIterator(tree)) == NULL) {
FATAL(("could not get tree in AttributeIterator::GetNext(ino_t"
" = %" B_PRIdINO ",name = \"%s\")\n", fInode->ID(), name));
@ -2892,7 +2894,7 @@ AttributeIterator::GetNext(char* name, size_t* _length, uint32* _type,
ino_t id;
status_t status = fIterator->GetNextEntry(name, &length,
if (status < B_OK)
if (status != B_OK)
return status;
Vnode vnode(volume, id);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2001-2010, Axel Dörfler,
* Copyright 2001-2013, Axel Dörfler,
* This file may be used under the terms of the MIT License.
@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ Journal::_WriteTransactionToLog()
LogEntry* logEntry = new LogEntry(this, fVolume->LogEnd(),
LogEntry* logEntry = new(std::nothrow) LogEntry(this, fVolume->LogEnd(),
if (logEntry == NULL) {
FATAL(("no memory to allocate log entries!"));
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2001-2009, Axel Dörfler,
* Copyright 2001-2013, Axel Dörfler,
* Copyright 2010, Clemens Zeidler <>
* This file may be used under the terms of the MIT License.
@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ Equation::PrepareQuery(Volume* /*volume*/, Index& index,
if (tree == NULL)
return B_ERROR;
*iterator = new TreeIterator(tree);
*iterator = new(std::nothrow) TreeIterator(tree);
if (*iterator == NULL)
return B_NO_MEMORY;
@ -1249,11 +1249,11 @@ Term*
Operator::Copy() const
if (fEquation != NULL) {
Equation* equation = new Equation(*fEquation);
Equation* equation = new(std::nothrow) Equation(*fEquation);
if (equation == NULL)
return NULL;
Term* term = new Term(equation);
Term* term = new(std::nothrow) Term(equation);
if (term == NULL)
delete equation;
@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ Operator::Copy() const
return NULL;
Term* term = new Term(left, fOp, right);
Term* term = new(std::nothrow) Term(left, fOp, right);
if (term == NULL) {
delete left;
delete right;
@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@ Expression::ParseEquation(char** expr)
return term;
Equation* equation = new Equation(expr);
Equation* equation = new(std::nothrow) Equation(expr);
if (equation == NULL || equation->InitCheck() < B_OK) {
delete equation;
return NULL;
@ -1413,8 +1413,8 @@ Expression::ParseAnd(char** expr)
Term* right = ParseAnd(expr);
Term* newParent = NULL;
if (right == NULL
|| (newParent = new Operator(left, OP_AND, right)) == NULL) {
if (right == NULL || (newParent = new(std::nothrow) Operator(left,
OP_AND, right)) == NULL) {
delete left;
delete right;
@ -1438,8 +1438,8 @@ Expression::ParseOr(char** expr)
Term* right = ParseAnd(expr);
Term* newParent = NULL;
if (right == NULL
|| (newParent = new Operator(left, OP_OR, right)) == NULL) {
if (right == NULL || (newParent = new(std::nothrow) Operator(left,
OP_OR, right)) == NULL) {
delete left;
delete right;
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
#include <AutoDeleter.h>
#include <util/AutoLock.h>
#include <util/DoublyLinkedList.h>
#include <util/kernel_cpp.h>
#include <util/SinglyLinkedList.h>
#include <util/Stack.h>
@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ Attribute::_Lookup(const char* name, size_t nameLength,
status_t status = fInode->GetVolume()->FSTree()->FindExact(key,
(void**)&entries, &length);
if (status != B_OK) {
TRACE("AttributeIterator::Lookup(): Couldn't find entry with hash %lu "
"\"%s\"\n", hash, name);
TRACE("AttributeIterator::Lookup(): Couldn't find entry with hash %"
B_PRIu32 " \"%s\"\n", hash, name);
return status;
@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ status_t
BPlusTree::_Find(struct btrfs_key &key, void** _value, size_t* _size,
bplustree_traversing type)
TRACE("Find() objectid %lld type %d offset %lld \n", key.ObjectID(),
key.Type(), key.Offset());
TRACE("Find() objectid %" B_PRId64 " type %d offset %" B_PRId64 " \n",
key.ObjectID(), key.Type(), key.Offset());
btrfs_stream *stream = fStream;
CachedBlock cached(fVolume);
fsblock_t physical;
if (stream == NULL) {
if (fVolume->FindBlock(fRootBlock, physical) != B_OK) {
ERROR("Find() unmapped block %lld\n", fRootBlock);
ERROR("Find() unmapped block %" B_PRId64 "\n", fRootBlock);
return B_ERROR;
stream = (btrfs_stream *)cached.SetTo(physical);
@ -107,19 +107,19 @@ BPlusTree::_Find(struct btrfs_key &key, void** _value, size_t* _size,
uint32 i = 1;
for (; i < stream->header.ItemCount(); i++) {
int32 comp = _CompareKeys(stream->index[i].key, key);
TRACE("Find() found index %ld at %lld comp %ld\n", i,
stream->index[i].BlockNum(), comp);
TRACE("Find() found index %" B_PRIu32 " at %" B_PRId64 " comp %"
B_PRId32 "\n", i, stream->index[i].BlockNum(), comp);
if (comp < 0)
if (comp > 0 || type == BPLUSTREE_BACKWARD)
TRACE("Find() getting index %ld at %lld\n", i - 1,
TRACE("Find() getting index %" B_PRIu32 " at %" B_PRId64 "\n", i - 1,
stream->index[i - 1].BlockNum());
if (fVolume->FindBlock(stream->index[i - 1].BlockNum(), physical)
!= B_OK) {
ERROR("Find() unmapped block %lld\n",
ERROR("Find() unmapped block %" B_PRId64 "\n",
stream->index[i - 1].BlockNum());
return B_ERROR;
@ -128,18 +128,19 @@ BPlusTree::_Find(struct btrfs_key &key, void** _value, size_t* _size,
uint32 i;
TRACE("Find() dump count %ld\n", stream->header.ItemCount());
TRACE("Find() dump count %" B_PRId32 "\n", stream->header.ItemCount());
for (i = 0; i < stream->header.ItemCount(); i++) {
int32 comp = _CompareKeys(key, stream->entries[i].key);
TRACE("Find() dump %ld %ld offset %lld comp %ld\n",
TRACE("Find() dump %" B_PRIu32 " %" B_PRIu32 " offset %" B_PRId64
" comp %" B_PRId32 "\n", stream->entries[i].Offset(),
stream->entries[i].Size(), stream->entries[i].key.Offset(), comp);
for (i = 0; i < stream->header.ItemCount(); i++) {
int32 comp = _CompareKeys(key, stream->entries[i].key);
TRACE("Find() found %ld %ld oid %lld type %d offset %lld comp %ld\n",
TRACE("Find() found %" B_PRIu32 " %" B_PRIu32 " oid %" B_PRId64
" type %d offset %" B_PRId64 " comp %" B_PRId32 "\n",
stream->entries[i].Offset(), stream->entries[i].Size(),
stream->entries[i].key.ObjectID(), stream->entries[i].key.Type(),
stream->entries[i].key.Offset(), comp);
@ -163,8 +164,8 @@ BPlusTree::_Find(struct btrfs_key &key, void** _value, size_t* _size,
if (i < stream->header.ItemCount()
&& stream->entries[i].key.Type() == key.Type()) {
TRACE("Find() found %ld %ld\n", stream->entries[i].Offset(),
TRACE("Find() found %" B_PRIu32 " %" B_PRIu32 "\n",
stream->entries[i].Offset(), stream->entries[i].Size());
if (_value != NULL) {
*_value = malloc(stream->entries[i].Size());
memcpy(*_value, ((uint8 *)&stream->entries[0]
@ -178,7 +179,8 @@ BPlusTree::_Find(struct btrfs_key &key, void** _value, size_t* _size,
TRACE("Find() not found %lld %lld\n", key.Offset(), key.ObjectID());
TRACE("Find() not found %" B_PRId64 " %" B_PRId64 "\n", key.Offset(),
@ -35,13 +35,15 @@ Chunk::Chunk(struct btrfs_chunk* chunk, fsblock_t offset)
memcpy(fChunk, chunk, sizeof(struct btrfs_chunk)
+ chunk->StripeCount() * sizeof(struct btrfs_stripe));
TRACE("chunk[0] length %llu owner %llu stripe_length %llu type %llu "
"stripe_count %u sub_stripes %u sector_size %lu\n", chunk->Length(),
chunk->Owner(), chunk->StripeLength(), chunk->Type(),
chunk->StripeCount(), chunk->SubStripes(), chunk->SectorSize());
TRACE("chunk[0] length %" B_PRIu64 " owner %" B_PRIu64 " stripe_length %"
B_PRIu64 " type %" B_PRIu64 " stripe_count %u sub_stripes %u "
"sector_size %" B_PRIu32 "\n", chunk->Length(), chunk->Owner(),
chunk->StripeLength(), chunk->Type(), chunk->StripeCount(),
chunk->SubStripes(), chunk->SectorSize());
for(int32 i = 0; i < chunk->StripeCount(); i++) {
TRACE("chunk.stripe[%ld].physical %lld deviceid %lld\n", i,
chunk->stripes[i].Offset(), chunk->stripes[i].DeviceID());
TRACE("chunk.stripe[%" B_PRId32 "].physical %" B_PRId64 " deviceid %"
B_PRId64 "\n", i, chunk->stripes[i].Offset(),
@ -66,8 +68,8 @@ Chunk::FindBlock(off_t logical, off_t &physical)
if (fChunk == NULL)
return B_NO_INIT;
if (logical < fChunkOffset
|| logical > (fChunkOffset + fChunk->Length()))
if (logical < (off_t)fChunkOffset
|| logical > (off_t)(fChunkOffset + fChunk->Length()))
return B_BAD_VALUE;
// only one stripe
@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ DirectoryIterator::Lookup(const char* name, size_t nameLength, ino_t* _id)
status_t status = fInode->GetVolume()->FSTree()->FindExact(key,
(void**)&entries, &length);
if (status != B_OK) {
TRACE("DirectoryIterator::Lookup(): Couldn't find entry with hash %lu "
"\"%s\"\n", hash, name);
TRACE("DirectoryIterator::Lookup(): Couldn't find entry with hash %" B_PRIu32
" \"%s\"\n", hash, name);
return status;
@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ Inode::CheckPermissions(int accessMode) const
return (accessMode & ~permissions) == 0 ? B_OK : B_NOT_ALLOWED;
return B_OK;
@ -149,12 +148,13 @@ Inode::FindBlock(off_t pos, off_t& physical, off_t *_length)
status_t status = fVolume->FSTree()->FindPrevious(search_key,
if (status != B_OK) {
ERROR("Inode::FindBlock(): Couldn't find extent_data 0x%lx\n", status);
ERROR("Inode::FindBlock(): Couldn't find extent_data 0x%" B_PRIx32
"\n", status);
return status;
TRACE("Inode::FindBlock(%" B_PRIdINO ") key.Offset() %lld\n", ID(),
TRACE("Inode::FindBlock(%" B_PRIdINO ") key.Offset() %" B_PRId64 "\n",
ID(), search_key.Offset());
off_t diff = pos - search_key.Offset();
off_t logical = 0;
@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ Inode::FindBlock(off_t pos, off_t& physical, off_t *_length)
status = fVolume->FindBlock(logical, physical);
if (_length != NULL)
*_length = extent_data->Size() - diff;
TRACE("Inode::FindBlock(%" B_PRIdINO ") %lld physical %lld\n", ID(),
pos, physical);
TRACE("Inode::FindBlock(%" B_PRIdINO ") %" B_PRIdOFF " physical %"
B_PRIdOFF "\n", ID(), pos, physical);
return status;
@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ Inode::ReadAt(off_t pos, uint8* buffer, size_t* _length)
// set/check boundaries for pos/length
if (pos < 0) {
ERROR("inode %" B_PRIdINO ": ReadAt failed(pos %lld, length %lu)\n",
ID(), pos, length);
ERROR("inode %" B_PRIdINO ": ReadAt failed(pos %" B_PRIdOFF
", length %lu)\n", ID(), pos, length);
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if (pos >= Size() || length == 0) {
TRACE("inode %" B_PRIdINO ": ReadAt 0 (pos %lld, length %lu)\n",
ID(), pos, length);
TRACE("inode %" B_PRIdINO ": ReadAt 0 (pos %" B_PRIdOFF
", length %lu)\n", ID(), pos, length);
*_length = 0;
return B_NO_ERROR;
@ -204,14 +204,15 @@ Inode::ReadAt(off_t pos, uint8* buffer, size_t* _length)
status_t status = fVolume->FSTree()->FindPrevious(search_key,
(void**)&extent_data, &item_size);
if (status != B_OK) {
ERROR("Inode::FindBlock(): Couldn't find extent_data 0x%lx\n", status);
ERROR("Inode::FindBlock(): Couldn't find extent_data 0x%" B_PRIx32
"\n", status);
return status;
uint8 compression = extent_data->Compression();
if (FileCache() != NULL
&& extent_data->Type() == BTRFS_EXTENT_DATA_REGULAR) {
TRACE("inode %" B_PRIdINO ": ReadAt cache (pos %lld, length %lu)\n",
TRACE("inode %" B_PRIdINO ": ReadAt cache (pos %" B_PRIdOFF ", length %lu)\n",
ID(), pos, length);
if (compression == BTRFS_EXTENT_COMPRESS_NONE)
@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ Inode::ReadAt(off_t pos, uint8* buffer, size_t* _length)
panic("unknown extent compression; %d\n", compression);
TRACE("Inode::ReadAt(%" B_PRIdINO ") key.Offset() %lld\n", ID(),
TRACE("Inode::ReadAt(%" B_PRIdINO ") key.Offset() %" B_PRId64 "\n", ID(),
off_t diff = pos - search_key.Offset();
@ -256,8 +257,8 @@ Inode::ReadAt(off_t pos, uint8* buffer, size_t* _length)
size_t inline_size = item_size - 13;
bool headerRead = false;
TRACE("Inode::ReadAt(%" B_PRIdINO ") diff %lld size %ld\n", ID(),
diff, item_size);
TRACE("Inode::ReadAt(%" B_PRIdINO ") diff %" B_PRIdOFF " size %"
B_PRIuSIZE "\n", ID(), diff, item_size);
do {
ssize_t bytesRead = min_c(sizeof(in), inline_size - offset);
@ -278,14 +278,15 @@ Volume::Mount(const char* deviceName, uint32 flags)
fBlockSize = fSuperBlock.BlockSize();
TRACE("block size %ld\n", fBlockSize);
TRACE("block size %" B_PRIu32 "\n", fBlockSize);
uint8* start = (uint8*)&fSuperBlock.system_chunk_array[0];
uint8* end = (uint8*)&fSuperBlock.system_chunk_array[2048];
while (start < end) {
struct btrfs_key* key = (struct btrfs_key*)start;
TRACE("system_chunk_array object_id 0x%llx offset 0x%llx type 0x%x\n",
key->ObjectID(), key->Offset(), key->Type());
TRACE("system_chunk_array object_id 0x%" B_PRIx64 " offset 0x%"
B_PRIx64 " type 0x%x\n", key->ObjectID(), key->Offset(),
if (key->Type() != BTRFS_KEY_TYPE_CHUNK_ITEM) {
@ -297,16 +298,17 @@ Volume::Mount(const char* deviceName, uint32 flags)
start += sizeof(struct btrfs_key) + fChunk->Size();
TRACE("Volume::Mount() generation: %lld\n", fSuperBlock.Generation());
TRACE("Volume::Mount() generation: %" B_PRIu64 "\n",
fsblock_t physical = 0;
FindBlock(fSuperBlock.Root(), physical);
TRACE("Volume::Mount() root: %lld (physical %lld)\n",
TRACE("Volume::Mount() root: %" B_PRIu64 " (physical %" B_PRIu64 ")\n",
fSuperBlock.Root(), physical);
FindBlock(fSuperBlock.ChunkRoot(), physical);
TRACE("Volume::Mount() chunk_root: %lld (physical %lld)\n",
fSuperBlock.ChunkRoot(), physical);
TRACE("Volume::Mount() chunk_root: %" B_PRIu64 " (physical %" B_PRIu64
")\n", fSuperBlock.ChunkRoot(), physical);
FindBlock(fSuperBlock.LogRoot(), physical);
TRACE("Volume::Mount() log_root: %lld (physical %lld)\n",
TRACE("Volume::Mount() log_root: %" B_PRIu64 " (physical %" B_PRIu64 ")\n",
fSuperBlock.LogRoot(), physical);
// check if the device size is large enough to hold the file system
@ -329,13 +331,13 @@ Volume::Mount(const char* deviceName, uint32 flags)
return B_NO_MEMORY;
FindBlock(fSuperBlock.Root(), physical);
TRACE("Volume::Mount() root: %lld (physical %lld)\n",
TRACE("Volume::Mount() root: %" B_PRIu64 " (physical %" B_PRIu64 ")\n",
fSuperBlock.Root(), physical);
FindBlock(fSuperBlock.ChunkRoot(), physical);
TRACE("Volume::Mount() chunk_root: %lld (physical %lld)\n",
fSuperBlock.ChunkRoot(), physical);
TRACE("Volume::Mount() chunk_root: %" B_PRIu64 " (physical %" B_PRIu64
")\n", fSuperBlock.ChunkRoot(), physical);
FindBlock(fSuperBlock.LogRoot(), physical);
TRACE("Volume::Mount() log_root: %lld (physical %lld)\n",
TRACE("Volume::Mount() log_root: %" B_PRIu64 " (physical %" B_PRIu64 ")\n",
fSuperBlock.LogRoot(), physical);
fRootTree = new(std::nothrow) BPlusTree(this, fSuperBlock.Root());
@ -351,7 +353,8 @@ Volume::Mount(const char* deviceName, uint32 flags)
ERROR("Volume::Mount(): Couldn't find extent root\n");
return B_ERROR;
TRACE("Volume::Mount(): Found extent root: %lld\n", root->BlockNum());
TRACE("Volume::Mount(): Found extent root: %" B_PRIu64 "\n",
fExtentTree = new(std::nothrow) BPlusTree(this, root->BlockNum());
if (fExtentTree == NULL)
@ -363,7 +366,7 @@ Volume::Mount(const char* deviceName, uint32 flags)
ERROR("Volume::Mount(): Couldn't find fs root\n");
return B_ERROR;
TRACE("Volume::Mount(): Found fs root: %lld\n", root->BlockNum());
TRACE("Volume::Mount(): Found fs root: %" B_PRIu64 "\n", root->BlockNum());
fFSTree = new(std::nothrow) BPlusTree(this, root->BlockNum());
if (fFSTree == NULL)
@ -375,7 +378,8 @@ Volume::Mount(const char* deviceName, uint32 flags)
ERROR("Volume::Mount(): Couldn't find dev root\n");
return B_ERROR;
TRACE("Volume::Mount(): Found dev root: %lld\n", root->BlockNum());
TRACE("Volume::Mount(): Found dev root: %" B_PRIu64 "\n",
fDevTree = new(std::nothrow) BPlusTree(this, root->BlockNum());
if (fDevTree == NULL)
@ -387,7 +391,8 @@ Volume::Mount(const char* deviceName, uint32 flags)
ERROR("Volume::Mount(): Couldn't find checksum root\n");
return B_ERROR;
TRACE("Volume::Mount(): Found checksum root: %lld\n", root->BlockNum());
TRACE("Volume::Mount(): Found checksum root: %" B_PRIu64 "\n",
fChecksumTree = new(std::nothrow) BPlusTree(this, root->BlockNum());
if (fChecksumTree == NULL)
@ -401,8 +406,8 @@ Volume::Mount(const char* deviceName, uint32 flags)
return status;
TRACE("Volume::Mount(): Found root node: %lld (%s)\n", fRootNode->ID(),
TRACE("Volume::Mount(): Found root node: %" B_PRIu64 " (%s)\n",
fRootNode->ID(), strerror(fRootNode->InitCheck()));
// all went fine
@ -488,7 +493,8 @@ status_t
Volume::FindBlock(off_t logical, off_t &physical)
if (fChunkTree == NULL
|| (logical >= fChunk->Offset() && logical < fChunk->End())) {
|| (logical >= (off_t)fChunk->Offset()
&& logical < (off_t)fChunk->End())) {
// try with fChunk
return fChunk->FindBlock(logical, physical);
@ -509,8 +515,8 @@ Volume::FindBlock(off_t logical, off_t &physical)
status = _chunk.FindBlock(logical, physical);
if (status != B_OK)
return status;
TRACE("Volume::FindBlock(): logical: %lld, physical: %lld\n", logical,
TRACE("Volume::FindBlock(): logical: %" B_PRIdOFF ", physical: %" B_PRIdOFF
"\n", logical, physical);
return B_OK;
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ btrfs_read_pages(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _node, void* _cookie,
while (true) {
file_io_vec fileVecs[8];
uint32 fileVecCount = 8;
size_t fileVecCount = 8;
status = file_map_translate(inode->Map(), pos, bytesLeft, fileVecs,
&fileVecCount, 0);
@ -321,10 +321,10 @@ btrfs_get_file_map(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _node, off_t offset,
offset += blockLength;
size -= blockLength;
if (size <= vecs[index - 1].length || offset >= inode->Size()) {
if ((off_t)size <= vecs[index - 1].length || offset >= inode->Size()) {
// We're done!
*_count = index;
TRACE("btrfs_get_file_map for inode %lld\n", inode->ID());
TRACE("btrfs_get_file_map for inode %" B_PRIdINO "\n", inode->ID());
return B_OK;
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ static status_t
btrfs_ioctl(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _node, void* _cookie, uint32 cmd,
void* buffer, size_t bufferLength)
TRACE("ioctl: %lu\n", cmd);
TRACE("ioctl: %" B_PRIu32 "\n", cmd);
/*Volume* volume = (Volume*)_volume->private_volume;*/
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