Update translations from Pootle
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 1349121828
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 626071694
<Choose action> ConfigView <Kies actie>
Header field (e.g. Subject, From, ...) ConfigView Headerveld (bijv. Onderwerk, Van, …)
Account ConfigView Account
has ConfigView Heeft
Move to ConfigView Verplaats naar
Then ConfigView Dan
@ -8,5 +10,7 @@ Delete message ConfigView Bericht verwijderen
<Choose account> ConfigView <Kies account>
Set flags to ConfigView Markeer als
Set as read ConfigView Als gelezen markeren
Match header RuleFilter Header matchen
Reply with ConfigView Antwoord met
If ConfigView Als
Match \"%attribute\" against \"%regex\" RuleFilter Match \"%attribute\" tegen \"%regex\"
@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ Set as read ConfigView Marchează ca citit
Match header RuleFilter Potrivește antet
Reply with ConfigView Răspunde cu
If ConfigView Dacă
Match \"%attribute\" against \"%regex\" RuleFilter Găsește \"%attribute\" în \"%regex\"
Wildcard value like \"*spam*\".\nPrefix with \"REGEX:\" in order to use regular expressions. ConfigView Valoare metacaracter ca \"*spam*\".\nPrefixați cu \"REGEX:\" pentru a utiliza expresii regulate.
Match \"%attribute\" against \"%regex\" RuleFilter Potrivește \„%attribute\” peste \„%regex\”
Wildcard value like \"*spam*\".\nPrefix with \"REGEX:\" in order to use regular expressions. ConfigView O valoare de metacaracter precum \„*spam*\”.\nPrefixați cu \„REGEX:\” pentru a utiliza expresii regulate.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-EXRTranslator 2160233532
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-EXRTranslator 3596882613
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Versiune %d.%d.%d, %s
EXR image translator EXRTranslator Traducătorul de imagini EXR
EXR Settings main Configurări EXR
@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ EXR images EXRTranslator Imagini EXR
a division of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd ConfigView o diviziune a Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd
EXR image EXRTranslator Imagine EXR
EXR image translator ConfigView Traducătorul de imagini EXR
Based on OpenEXR %version% ConfigView Bazat pe OpenEXR %version%
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Грунтуецца на распрацоўках праекту HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Версія %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Памылка: Немагчыма апрацаваць даныя малюнку %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator Выява HPGS
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Наладкі канвертара HPGS
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Памылка: Немагчыма далучыць прыладу малявання да чытача: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView Выявы HPGS
HPGS images HPGSTranslator Выявы HPGS
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator не hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator Канвертар выяваў HPGS
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Памылка запісу %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 czech x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Vytvořeno na základě HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Chyba: Nemohu naplnit vykreslovací zařízení pro prohlížeč: %s\n
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Chyba: Nemohu vykreslit data %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator obraz HPGS
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator překladač HPGS obrazů
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS obrazy
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS obrazy
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Nastavení převadače HPGS
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Verze %d.%d.%d, %s
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Chyba zápisu %s\n
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator není hpgs\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Basiert auf HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Fehler: Kann Plot-Daten %s nicht verarbeiten\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator HPGS-Bild
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView HPGSTranslator-Einstellungen
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Fehler: Für den Reader konnte kein Vektorzeichner gesetzt werden (hpgs_reader_imbue): %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS-Bilder
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS-Bilder
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator kein HPGS\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator HPGS-Bild-Translator
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Schreibfehler %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 spanish; castilian x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Basado en HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Versión %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Error: No se pueden procesar los datos de trazado %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator Imagen HPGS
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Configuraciones de HPGSTranslator
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Error: No se sabe de qué dispositivo de trazado leer: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView Imágenes HPGS
HPGS images HPGSTranslator Imágenes HPGS
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator sin hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator Traductor de imagen HPGS
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Error de escritura %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Perustuu HPGS-tulkkiin (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Versio %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Virhe: Piirtämistietojen %s käsitteleminen epäonnistui\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator HPGS-kuva
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView HPGS-muunninasetukset
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Virhe: Piirtämislaiteen täyttäminen lukijaan epäonnistui: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS-kuvat
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS-kuvat
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator ei hpgs:ää\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator HPGS-kuvamuunnin
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Kirjoitusvirhe %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Basé sur HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Erreur : Impossible de traiter des données de points à tracer %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator Image HPGS
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Réglages du traducteur HPGS
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Erreur : Impossible d’asservir le traceur au lecteur : %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView Images HPGS
HPGS images HPGSTranslator Images HPGS
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator non HPGS\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator Traducteur d’images HPGS
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Erreur d’écriture %s\n
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
1 croatian x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 1567171363
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Bazirano na HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Verzija %d.%d.%d, %s
HPGS image HPGSTranslator HPGS slika
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Postavke HPGSTprevoditelja
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS slike
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS slike
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator HPGS prevoditelj slika
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Greška pisanja %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView HPGS kód alapján (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView %d.%d.%d, %s verzió
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Hiba: Plot adatok nem feldolgozhatóak %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator HPGS kép
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView HPGSÉrtelemző beállítások
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Hiba: Nem lehet befoglalni plot eszközt az olvasóba: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS kép
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS kép
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator nem hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator HPGS kép értelemző
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Íráshiba: %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Basato su HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Versione %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Errore: Impossibile processare i dati per il plot %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator Immagine HPGS
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Impostazioni Translator HPGS
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Errore: Impossibile collegare il dispositivo di plot al lettore: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView Immagini HPGS
HPGS images HPGSTranslator Immagini HPGS
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator nessun hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator Translator immagine HPGS
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Errore di scrittura %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) に基づく
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView バージョン %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator エラー: プロットデータ %s を処理できません\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator HPGS イメージ
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView HPGSTranslator 設定
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator エラー: リーダーにプロットデバイスを埋め込むことができません: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS イメージ
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS イメージ
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator hpgs がありません\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator HPGS イメージトランスレーター
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator 書き込みエラー %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Sukurta HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) pagrindu
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Versija %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Klaida: nepavyko apdoroti braižymo duomenų %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator HPGS paveikslas
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView HPGS keitiklio nuostatos
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Nepavyko prijungti braižytuvo prie skaitytuvo: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS paveikslai
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS paveikslai
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator ne hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator HPGS paveikslų keitiklis
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Rašymo klaida %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Gebaseerd op HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Versie %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Fout: kan plot data niet verwerken %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator HPGS afbeelding
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView HPGSTranslator instellingen
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Fout: kan niet doordringen tot lees apparaat: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS afbeeldingen
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS-afbeeldingen
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator geen hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator HPGS afbeelding vertaler
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Schrijffout %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Oparte na HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Wersja %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Błąd: nie można przetworzyć danych wykresu %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator Obraz HPGS
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Ustawienia translatora HPGS
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Błąd: nie można nasycić urządzenia kreślenia do czytnika: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView Obrazy HPGS
HPGS images HPGSTranslator Obrazy HPGS
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator brak hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator Translator obrazów HPGS
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Błąd zapisu %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Baseado em HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Versão %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Erro: Não foi possível processar dados de argumento %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator Imagem HPGS
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Configuração do HPGSTranslator
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Erro: não foi possível impregnar o dispositivo gráfico ao leitor: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView Imagens HPGS
HPGS images HPGSTranslator Imagens HPGS
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator nenhum hgps\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator Tradutor de imagem HPGS
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Erro ao gravar %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Bazat pe HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Versiune %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Eroare: Nu se pot procesa datele de plot %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator Imagine HPGS
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Configurări TraducătorHPGS
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Eroare: Nu se poate integra dispozitivul de plot la cititor: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView Imagini HPGS
HPGS images HPGSTranslator Imagini HPGS
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator nu hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator Traducător de imagine HPGS
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Eroare de scriere %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Основано на HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Версия %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Ошибка: Невозможно обработать часть данных %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator HPGS изображение
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Настройки HPGS транслятора
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Ошибка: Невозможно подключить рисовальщик к читателю: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS изображения
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS изображения
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator не hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator Транслятор HPGS изображений
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Ошибка записи %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Založené na HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Verzia %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Chyba: Nemožno spracovať dáta výkresu %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator Obrázok HPGS
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Nastavenia HPGSTranslator
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Chyba: Nemožno vložiť vykresľovacie zariadenie do čítača: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView Obrázky HPGS
HPGS images HPGSTranslator Obrázky HPGS
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator bez hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator Prekladač obrázkov HPGS
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Chyba zápisu %s\n
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
1 slovenian x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 2175197908
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Temelji na HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de/)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Verzija %d.%d.%d, %s
HPGS image HPGSTranslator Slika HPGS
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Nastavitve prevajalca HPGS
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Baserad på HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Fel: Kan inte bearbeta plotterdata %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator HPGS bild
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView HPGS översättningsinställningar
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Fel: Kan inte koppla plotter till läsaren: %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS bilder
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS bilder
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator ingen HPGS\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator HPGS bildöversättning
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Skrivfel %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView Базується на HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Версія %d.%d.%d, %s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator Помилка: Неможливо обробити дані малюнку %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator Зображення HPGS
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView Налаштування перетворювача HPGS
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator Помилка: Неможливо підключити прилад малювання до читача %s\n
HPGS images ConfigView Зображення HPGS
HPGS images HPGSTranslator Зображення HPGS
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator немає hpgs\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator Перетворювач зображень HPGS
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator Помилка запису %s\n
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-HPGSTranslator 3633584048
Based on HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de) ConfigView 基于 HPGS (http://hpgs.berlios.de)
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView 版本 %d.%d.%d,%s
Error: Cannot process plot data %s\n HPGSTranslator 错误:无法处理绘图数据 %s\n
HPGS image HPGSTranslator HPGS 图像
HPGSTranslator Settings ConfigView HPGS 转换器设置
Error: Cannot imbue plot device to reader: %s\n HPGSTranslator 错误:无法嵌入绘图设备到扫描器:%s\n
HPGS images ConfigView HPGS 图像
HPGS images HPGSTranslator HPGS 图像
no hpgs\n HPGSTranslator 无 HPGS\n
HPGS image translator HPGSTranslator HPGS 图像转换器
Write error %s\n HPGSTranslator 写入出错 %s\n
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-ICNSTranslator 2416672857
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-ICNSTranslator 660278989
Valid colors: RGB32, RGBA32 ICNSConfig Culori valide: RGB32, RGBA32
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ICNSConfig Versiunea %d.%d.%d, %s
Apple icons ICNSTranslator Pictograme Apple
Apple icon translator ICNSTranslator Traducător pictogramă Apple
Valid sizes: 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024 ICNSConfig Dimensiuni valide: 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Apple icon translator ICNSConfig Traducător pictogramă Apple
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-WebPTranslator 3343078170
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-WebPTranslator 828165164
©2010-2017 Haiku Inc. ConfigView ©2010-2017 Haiku Inc.
Compression method: ConfigView Metodă de compresie:
WebP image translator ConfigView Traducător imagine WebP
Preset ConfigView Predefinit
WebP images WebPTranslator Imagini WebP
WebPTranslator Settings ConfigView Configurări TraducătorWebP
Output quality: ConfigView Calitate de ieșire:
©2010-2017 Google Inc. ConfigView ©2010-2017 Google Inc.
WebP Settings main Configurări WebP
Text ConfigView Text
Slower but better ConfigView Mai încet dar mai bine
@ -14,6 +16,7 @@ Picture ConfigView Imagine
Low ConfigView Scăzut
High ConfigView Ridicat
Drawing ConfigView Desenare
Based on libwebp %version% ConfigView Bazat pe libwebp %version%
Default ConfigView Implicit
Fast ConfigView Rapid
Photo ConfigView Fotografie
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-About 2396522871
Copyright © 1999-2010 by the authors of Gutenprint. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2010 de autorii pentru Gutenprint. Toate drepturile rezervate.
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-About 3317318166
Copyright © 1999-2010 by the authors of Gutenprint. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2010 de către autorii ai Gutenprint. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg. AboutView Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm și Werner Lemberg.
Past website & marketing:\n AboutView Site web și marketing anterior:\n
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (și nucleul său NewOS)\n
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Copyright © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 19
Source Code: AboutView Cod sursă:
{0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# Processors:}} AboutView \"Processor:\" or \"2 Processors:\" {0, plural, one{Procesor:} other{# Procesoare:}}
Kernel: AboutView Nucleu:
Copyright © 2002-2014 Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas Digital Ltd. LLC. AboutView Drepturi de autor © 2002-2014 Industrial Light & Magic, o diviziune a Lucas Digital Ltd. LLC.
BSD (4-clause) AboutWindow BSD (clauza 4)
Copyright © 2012-2016 Google Internationalization team. AboutView Drepturi de autor © 2012-2016 Echipa de Internaționalizare Google.
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku® and the HAIKU logo® are registered trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Drepturile de autor ale codului Haiku reprezintă proprietatea a Haiku, Inc. sau a respectivilor autori atunci când este notat explicit în sursă. Haiku® şi logoul HAIKU® sunt mărci înregistrate ale Haiku, Inc.\n\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 3676898540
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 124574598
Enclosed alphanumerics UnicodeBlocks Alfanumerice încercuite
Basic Latin UnicodeBlocks Latină de bază
Cyrillic extended C UnicodeBlocks Chirilic extins C
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Ol Chiki UnicodeBlocks Ol Chiki
Arabic UnicodeBlocks Arabic
Ethiopic extended UnicodeBlocks Etiopic extins
Arrows UnicodeBlocks Săgeți
Sutton SignWriting UnicodeBlocks SignWriting Sutton
Font CharacterWindow Font
Hatran UnicodeBlocks Hatran
Variation selectors supplement UnicodeBlocks Supliment selectori de variație
@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ Code CharacterWindow Cod
Lepcha UnicodeBlocks Lepcha
Sinhala UnicodeBlocks Sinhala
Ancient Greek musical notation UnicodeBlocks Notație muzicală greaca veche
Early Dynastic Cuneiform UnicodeBlocks Cuneiformă dinastică veche
Geometric shapes UnicodeBlocks Forme geometrice
Letterlike symbols UnicodeBlocks Simboluri asemănătoare cu literele
Hangul Jamo UnicodeBlocks Hangul Jamo
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 3127821216
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 4084227647
Name PackageListView Імя
Close RatePackageWindow Закрыць
Changelog PackageInfoView Гісторыя зменаў
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Клікніце пакет каб пабачыць інфарамацыю пра яго
for %Version% PackageInfoView для %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Спіс змен не існуе
Description PackageListView Апісанне
Install PackageManager Усталяваць
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2069133245
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2705096857
Name PackageListView Name
Available packages MainWindow Verfügbare Pakete
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager %DeskbarLink% öffnen
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilität:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Paket anklicken, um Infos anzuzeigen
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Diese Bewertung ist für andere Anwender sichtbar
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilität
for %Version% PackageInfoView für %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Änderungsprotokoll nicht vorhanden.
Description PackageListView Beschreibung
Install PackageManager Installieren
@ -28,12 +27,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Paket bewerten…
Category FilterView Kategorie
Uninstall PackageManager Deinstallieren
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Beim Anfordern der Paketliste trat ein Fehler auf: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Die Bewertung wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
<no info> PackageInfoView <keine Info>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Der Paket-Daemon konnte nicht gestartet werden:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Bei der Initialisierung des Paketmanagers trat ein Fehler auf: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow E-Mail-Adresse:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Die Bewertung wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen. Sie kann jederzeit durch eine erneute Bewertung aktualisiert oder gelöscht werden.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Sehr instabil
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Der Inhalt kann nur für bereits heruntergeladene Pakete angezeigt werden>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Dieser Benutzername ist bereits vergeben. Bitte einen anderen versuchen.
@ -66,19 +63,15 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Erfolg
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App Um richtig zu funktionieren, benötigt HaikuDepot den Paket-Daemon, der aber anscheinend gerade nicht läuft.\nSoll er gestartet werden?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Aktueller Download:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Ziemlich stabil
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow Der Web-Dienst hat mit einer wirren Meldung geantwortet.
Log out MainWindow Abmelden
Repository PackageListView Paketquelle
Education Model Bildung
Search terms: FilterView Suchbegriffe:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Keine Bewertungen vorhanden.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Die Bewertung konnte nicht aktualisiert werden.
Does not start RatePackageWindow Startet nicht
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Bei der Aktualisierung des Depots trat ein Fehler auf: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Der Web-Dienst konnte nicht erreicht werden.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Es gibt Probleme mit dem Format:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow Das Paket konnte nicht vom Web-Dienst gefunden werden. Wahrscheinlich stammt das Paket aus einem Depot, das nicht vom Web-Dienst verwaltet wird. Solche Pakete können leider nicht bewertet werden.
Create account UserLoginWindow Benutzerkonto erstellen
Productivity Model Büro
No, quit HaikuDepot App Nein, HaikuDepot beenden
@ -87,9 +80,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Angemeldet als %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow Sprache
Size PackageListView Größe
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Anlegen oder Aktualisieren der Bewertung fehlgeschlagen: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Nur angemeldete Benutzer können Pakete bewerten.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Es hat geantwortet:
User name: UserLoginWindow Benutzername:
User Menu MainWindow Benutzermenü
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Instabil aber brauchbar
@ -102,7 +93,6 @@ Graphics Model Grafik
Local MainWindow Lokal
Close MainWindow Schließen
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Bevorzugte Sprache:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Paket konnte nicht bewertet werden
Internet & Network Model Internet & Netzwerk
Refresh repositories MainWindow Paketquellen aktualisieren
Cancel MainWindow Abbrechen
@ -144,7 +134,6 @@ Check for updates… MainWindow Aktualisierungen suchen…
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Mit den eingegebenen Daten gab es Probleme:\n\n
Start package daemon App Paket-Daemon starten
Manage repositories… MainWindow Paketquellen verwalten…
Success RatePackageWindow Erfolg
Business Model Geschäft
Audio Model Audio
About PackageInfoView Über
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 spanish; castilian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1195245614
1 spanish; castilian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1831209226
Name PackageListView Nombre
Available packages MainWindow Paquetes disponibles
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Abrir %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Estabilidad:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Haga clic en un paquete para ver su información
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Otros usuarios pueden ver esta puntuación
Stability RatePackageWindow Estabilidad
for %Version% PackageInfoView para %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView No hay registro de cambios disponible.
Description PackageListView Descripción
Install PackageManager Instalar
@ -27,12 +26,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Puntuar paquete…
Category FilterView Categoría
Uninstall PackageManager Desinstalar
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Ocurrió un error al obtener la lista de paquetes: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Su puntuación fue enviada exitosamente.
<no info> PackageInfoView <no hay información>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Fallo al iniciar el demonio de paquete:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Ocurrió un error al iniciar el administrador de paquetes: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Dirección de correo electrónico:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Su puntuación fue enviada exitosamente. Puede actualizarla o borrarla en cualquier momento puntuado el paquete otra vez.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Muy inestable
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <El contenido del paquete no está disponible para paquetes remotos>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow El nombre de usuario ya fue tomado. Por favor elija otro.
@ -64,18 +61,14 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Éxito
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App HaikuDepot necesita que el demonio de paquete funcione, y parece no estar corriendo.\n¿Le gustaría iniciarlo ahora?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Descargando:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Mayormente estable
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow Hubo una respuesta misteriosa desde el servicio Web.
Log out MainWindow Cerrar sesión
Education Model Educación
Search terms: FilterView Términos de búsqueda
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView No hay valoraciones de usuario disponibles.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Fallo al actualizar la valoración
Does not start RatePackageWindow No inicia
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Ocurrió un error mientras se actualizaba el repositorio: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Fue imposible contactar con el servicio Web.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Hay problemas en el formulario:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow El paquete no se encontró por el servicio Web. Esto probablemente signifique que viene de un depósito el cual no se rastrea aquí. Valorar tales paquetes desafortunadamente no está soportado.
Create account UserLoginWindow Crear cuenta
Productivity Model Productividad
No, quit HaikuDepot App No, salir de HaikuDepot
@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Sesión iniciada como %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow Idioma
Size PackageListView Tamaño
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Fallo al crear o actualizar la valoración: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Necesita haber ingresado con una cuenta antes de poder valorar paquetes.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Respondió con:
User name: UserLoginWindow Nombre de usuario:
User Menu MainWindow Menú de usuario
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Inestable pero usable
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ Graphics Model Gráficos
Local MainWindow Local
Close MainWindow Cerrar
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Idioma preferido:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Fallo al valorar el paquete
Internet & Network Model Internet y red
Refresh repositories MainWindow Actualizar repositorios
Cancel MainWindow Cancelar
@ -139,7 +129,6 @@ Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Fallo al registrar la cuenta
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Hubo problemas con la información que se ingresó:\n\n
Start package daemon App Arrancar demonio de paquetes
Manage repositories… MainWindow Administrar repositorios…
Success RatePackageWindow Éxito
Business Model Trabajo
Audio Model Audio
About PackageInfoView Acerca de
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1195245614
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1831209226
Name PackageListView Nimi
Available packages MainWindow Saatavilla olevat pakkaukset
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Avaa %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabiilisuus:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Napsauta pakkausta tietojen katsomiseksi
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Muut käyttäjät voivat nähdä tämän arvosanan
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabiilisuus
for %Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Mitään muutoslokia ei ole saatavilla.
Description PackageListView Kuvaus
Install PackageManager Asenna
@ -27,12 +26,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Anna pakkaukselle arvosana...
Category FilterView Luokka
Uninstall PackageManager Poista asennus
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Pakkausluetteloa haettaessa tapahtui virhe: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Arvosanasi päivitys onnistui.
<no info> PackageInfoView <ei tietoja>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Pakkaustaustaprosessin käynnistyminen epäonnistui:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Pakkaushallintaa alustettaessa tapahtui virhe: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Sähköpostiosoite:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Arvosanasi kopiointi palvelimelle onnistui. Voit päivittää tai poistaa sen milloin vain antamalla pakkaukselle arvosanan uudelleen.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Hyvin epävakaa
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Etäpakkausten sisältö ei ole saatavilla>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Käyttäjätunnus on jo varattu. Valitse toinen käyttäjätunnus.
@ -64,18 +61,14 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Valmis
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App HaikuVarasto tarvitsee toimiakseen pakkaustaustaprosessin, ja se ei näytä olevan käynnissä.\nHaluaisitko käynnistää sen nyt?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Ladataan:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Äärimmäisen stabiili
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow Webbipalvelun vastaus oli pulmallinen.
Log out MainWindow Kirjaudu ulos
Education Model Koulutus
Search terms: FilterView Hakusanat:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Käyttäjäarvosanoja ei ole saatavilla.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Arvosanan päivittäminen epäonnistui
Does not start RatePackageWindow Ei käynnisty
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Varastoa päivitettäessä tapahtui virhe: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Webbipalveluun ei saatu yhteyttä.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Muodossa on pulmia:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow Webbipalvelu ei löytänyt pakkausta. Tämä tarkoittaa luultavasti, että se tulee varastosta, jota ei seurata täällä. Arvosanojen antamista sellaisille pakkauksille ei tueta.
Create account UserLoginWindow Luo tili
Productivity Model Tuottavuus
No, quit HaikuDepot App Ei, poistu HaikuVarastosta
@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Kirjautuneena tunnuksella %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 kibitavua
Language RatePackageWindow Kieli
Size PackageListView Koko
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Arvosanan luominen tai päivittäminen epäonnistui: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Sinun on kirjauduttava tilille ennen kuin voit antaa arvosanoja pakkauksille.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Se vastasi:
User name: UserLoginWindow Käyttäjätunnus:
User Menu MainWindow Käyttäjävalikko
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Epävakaa, mutta käyttökelpoinen
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ Graphics Model Grafiikka
Local MainWindow Paikallinen
Close MainWindow Sulje
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Ensisijainen kieli:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Arvosanan antaminen paketille epäonnistui
Internet & Network Model Internet ja verkko
Refresh repositories MainWindow Virkistä tietovarastoja
Cancel MainWindow Peru
@ -139,7 +129,6 @@ Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Tilin luominen epäonnistui
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Syöttämissäsi tiedoissa oli pulmia:\n\n
Start package daemon App Käynnistä pakkaustaustaprosessi
Manage repositories… MainWindow Hallinnoi tietovarastoja...
Success RatePackageWindow Onnistui
Business Model Yritys
Audio Model Ääni
About PackageInfoView Ohjelmasta
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1195245614
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1831209226
Name PackageListView Nom
Available packages MainWindow Paquets disponibles
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Ouvrir %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilité :
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Cliquez sur un paquet pour afficher ses informations
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Les autres utilisateurs peuvent voir cette évaluation
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilité
for %Version% PackageInfoView pour %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView La liste des modifications n’est pas disponible.
Description PackageListView Description
Install PackageManager Installer
@ -27,12 +26,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Évaluer le paquet…
Category FilterView Catégorie
Uninstall PackageManager Désinstaller
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Une erreur est survenue pendant l’obtention de la liste des paquets : %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Votre évaluation a été prise en compte.
<no info> PackageInfoView <pas d’info>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Le démarrage du serveur de paquets a échoué :\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Une erreur est survenue à l’initialisation du gestionnaire de paquet : %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Adresse e-mail :
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Votre évaluation a été prise en compte. Vous pouvez la mettre à jour ou l’effacer en évaluant de nouveau le paquet.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Très instable
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Contenu du paquet indisponible pour les paquets distants>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Ce nom d’utilisateur est déjà pris. Veuillez en choisir un autre.
@ -64,18 +61,14 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Opération réussie
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App Le Dépôt Haiku a besoin du serveur de paquets pour fonctionner, et il ne semble pas être démarré.\nVoulez-vous le démarrer maintenant ?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Téléchargement en cours :
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Plutôt stable
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow La réponse du service web est incompréhensible.
Log out MainWindow Déconnexion
Education Model Enseignement
Search terms: FilterView Termes à rechercher :
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Aucun avis d’utilisateurs.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Impossible de modifier l’évaluation.
Does not start RatePackageWindow Ne démarre pas
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Une erreur est survenue lors du rafraîchissement du dépôt : %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Le service web n’a pas pu être joint.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Il y a des problèmes dans le formulaire :\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow Le service web n’a pas trouvé le paquet. Ce dernier a probablement été retiré du dépôt duquel il provient. Dans ce cas, il n’est malheureusement plus possible d’évaluer le paquet.
Create account UserLoginWindow Créer un compte
Productivity Model Bureautique
No, quit HaikuDepot App Non, quitter le Dépôt Haiku
@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Connecté en tant que %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 Kio
Language RatePackageWindow Langue
Size PackageListView Taille
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Votre évaluation n’a pas été prise en compte : %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Vous devez vous authentifier pour évaluer les paquets.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Il a répondu :
User name: UserLoginWindow Nom d’utilisateur :
User Menu MainWindow Menu Utilisateur
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Instable mais utilisable
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ Graphics Model Graphisme
Local MainWindow Local
Close MainWindow Fermer
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Langue préférée :
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Impossible d’évaluer le paquet
Internet & Network Model Internet & Réseau
Refresh repositories MainWindow Rafraîchir les dépôts
Cancel MainWindow Annuler
@ -139,7 +129,6 @@ Failed to create account UserLoginWindow La création du compte a échoué
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Il y a des problèmes dans les données saisies :\n\n
Start package daemon App Démarrer le gestionnaire de paquets
Manage repositories… MainWindow Gérer les dépôts…
Success RatePackageWindow Opération réussie
Business Model Professionnel
Audio Model Son
About PackageInfoView À propos
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 croatian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1582810306
1 croatian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2141757280
Name PackageListView Ime
Close RatePackageWindow Zatvori
Changelog PackageInfoView Dnevnik promjena
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilnost:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Klikni na paket da vidiš informacije
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Ostali korisnici mogu vidjeti ovo ocjenjivanje
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilnost
for %Version% PackageInfoView za %Verziju%
Description PackageListView Opis
Install PackageManager Instaliraj
Source packages MainWindow Izvorni paketi
@ -21,11 +20,9 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Ocijeni paket...
Category FilterView Kategorija
Uninstall PackageManager Deinstaliraj
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Došlo je do greške kod pribavljanja liste paketa: %poruka%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Ocjena je uspješno poslana.
<no info> PackageInfoView <no info>
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Došlo je do greške pri iniciranju upravitelja paketima: %poruka%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Adresa e-pošte:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Vaše ocjenjivanje je uspješno poslano, Možete ga ažurirati ili ukloniti bilo kada ocjenjujući paket ponovno.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Vrlo nestabilan
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Korisničko ime je već zauzeto. Molim izaberite drugo.
Close PackageManager Zatvori
@ -53,7 +50,6 @@ Education Model Obrazovanje
Search terms: FilterView Pojmovi pretrage:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Verzija%
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Dogodila se greška kod osvježavanja repozitorija:%greška% (%pojedinosti%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Nije bilo moguće kontaktirati web servis.
Create account UserLoginWindow Napravi račun
Productivity Model Produktivnost
Authentication failed UserLoginWindow Neuspjela ovjera
@ -70,7 +66,6 @@ Graphics Model Grafika
Local MainWindow Lokalno
Close MainWindow Zatvori
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Preferirani jezik:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Neuspjelo ocjenjivanje paketa
Internet & Network Model Internet i mreža
Cancel MainWindow Otkaži
Update RatePackageWindow Ažuriraj
@ -90,7 +85,6 @@ Send RatePackageWindow Pošalji
Category: FilterView Kategorija:
Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Neuspjelo kreiranje računa
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Ima problema sa podacima koje ste unijeli:\n\n
Success RatePackageWindow Uspjeh
Business Model Posao
Audio Model Audio
About PackageInfoView O programu
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1195245614
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1831209226
Name PackageListView Név
Available packages MainWindow Elérhető csomagok
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager %DeskbarLink% megnyitása
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilitás:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Válasszon egy csomagot az információk megtekintéséhez
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow A többi felhasználó számára látható az értékelés
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilitás
for %Version% PackageInfoView %Version% verzióhoz
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Nincs módosítás-előzmény
Description PackageListView Leírás
Install PackageManager Telepítés
@ -27,12 +26,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Csomag értékelése…
Category FilterView Kategória
Uninstall PackageManager Eltávolítás
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Hiba történt a csomagok letöltésekor %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Az értékelés elküldése megtörtént.
<no info> PackageInfoView <nincs információ>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App A csomag démon indítása sikertelen:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Hiba történt a csomagkezelő indításakor: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow E-mail cím:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Az értékelés elküldve. A későbbiekben bármikor módosítható, csupán újra értékelni kell a csomagot.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Nagyon instabil
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Távoli csomagok esetében a csomag tartalma nem érhető el>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Ez a felhasználónév már foglalt. Válasszon másikat.
@ -64,18 +61,14 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Sikeres
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App A Raktárnak szüksége van a csomag démonra a helyes működéshez, de úgy látszik, hogy az nem fut.\nElindíthatom?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Letöltés:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Nagyrészt stabil
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow A webes szolgáltatás rejtélyes választ adott.
Log out MainWindow Kijelentkezés
Education Model Oktatás
Search terms: FilterView Keresési feltétel:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Felhasználói értékelés nem áll rendelkezésre.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Az értékelés frissítése meghiúsult
Does not start RatePackageWindow Nem indul el
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Hiba történt a raktár frissítésekor: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Nem sikerült elérni a webes szolgáltatást.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Az űrlap hibás:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow A csomag nem található. Lehetséges, hogy a csomag olyan raktárban van, ami nincs használatban. Az értékelés nem lehetséges.
Create account UserLoginWindow Felhasználói fiók létrehozása
Productivity Model Alkalmazások
No, quit HaikuDepot App Nem, a Raktár bezárása.
@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Bejelentkezett mint %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow Nyelv
Size PackageListView Méret
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Az értékelés létrehozása vagy frissítése nem sikerült: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Csomag értékelése előtt be kell jelentkezni egy felhasználói fiókba.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Ezt válaszolta:
User name: UserLoginWindow Felhasználónév:
User Menu MainWindow Felhasználói menü
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Instabil, de használható
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ Graphics Model Grafika
Local MainWindow Helyi
Close MainWindow Bezárás
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Előnyben részesített nyelv:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow A csomag értékelése sikertelen
Internet & Network Model Internet és hálózat
Refresh repositories MainWindow Tárolók frissítése
Cancel MainWindow Mégse
@ -139,7 +129,6 @@ Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Nem sikerült a fiók létrehozása
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Tévesen megadott adatok:\n\n
Start package daemon App Csomag démon indítása
Manage repositories… MainWindow Csomagtárolók kezelése…
Success RatePackageWindow Sikeres
Business Model Üzleti
Audio Model Audió
About PackageInfoView Névjegy
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2069133245
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2705096857
Name PackageListView 名前
Available packages MainWindow 使用可能なパッケージ
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager %DeskbarLink% を開く
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow 安定度:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView パッケージをクリックして情報を見る
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow ほかのユーザーがこの評価を見ることができます
Stability RatePackageWindow 安定度
for %Version% PackageInfoView %Version% に対して
No changelog available. PackageInfoView 変更記録はありません。
Description PackageListView 説明
Install PackageManager インストール
@ -28,12 +27,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView パッケージを評価…
Category FilterView 分類
Uninstall PackageManager アンインストール
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow 次のパッケージリストの取得中にエラーが発生しました: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow 評価の更新に成功しました。
<no info> PackageInfoView <情報無し>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App パッケージデーモンの起動に失敗しました:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow パッケージマネジャーの初期化中にエラーが発生しました: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow メールアドレス:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow 評価の更新に成功しました。もう一度パッケージを評価すれば、いつでも評価を更新または削除できます。
Very unstable RatePackageWindow 非常に不安定
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <リモートパッケージには利用できません>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow ユーザー名はすでに使われています。他の名前を選んでください。
@ -66,19 +63,15 @@ Success UserLoginWindow 成功
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App HaikuDepot はパッケージデーモンが動作することを必要とします。 そしてそれは動作していないようです。\n今起動しますか?
Downloading: PackageInfoView ダウンロード中:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow ほとんど安定
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow ウェブサービスから不可解なレスポンスがあった。
Log out MainWindow ログアウト
Repository PackageListView リポジトリ
Education Model 教育
Search terms: FilterView 検索:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView ユーザー評価はありません。
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow 評価の更新に失敗しました
Does not start RatePackageWindow 開始しない
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow リポジトリの更新中にエラーが発生しました: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow ウェブサービスにコンタクトできなかった。
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow 次のフォームに問題があります:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow ウェブサービスはパッケージを見つけられませんでした。これは、おそらくここで追跡されていないデポからのパッケージであることを意味します。残念ながら、このようなパッケージの評価はサポートされていません。
Create account UserLoginWindow アカウントの作成
Productivity Model ビジネス
No, quit HaikuDepot App いいえ、HaikuDepot を終了します
@ -87,9 +80,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow %User% としてログイン
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow 言語
Size PackageListView サイズ
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow 次の評価の作成または更新に失敗しました: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow パッケージを評価する前にアカウントにログインする必要があります。
It responded with: RatePackageWindow 反応する:
User name: UserLoginWindow ユーザー名:
User Menu MainWindow ユーザーメニュー
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow 不安定であるが有用
@ -102,7 +93,6 @@ Graphics Model グラフィック
Local MainWindow ローカル
Close MainWindow 閉じる
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow 優先言語:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow パッケージの評価に失敗しました
Internet & Network Model インターネット & ネットワーク
Refresh repositories MainWindow リポジトリの更新
Cancel MainWindow キャンセル
@ -144,7 +134,6 @@ Check for updates… MainWindow 更新をチェック…
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow 入力したデーターに問題があります:\n\n
Start package daemon App パッケージデーモンを起動
Manage repositories… MainWindow リポジトリの管理…
Success RatePackageWindow 成功
Business Model ビジネス
Audio Model オーディオ
About PackageInfoView パッケージについて
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 3127821216
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 4084227647
Name PackageListView Pavadinimas
Close RatePackageWindow Užverti
Changelog PackageInfoView Pakeitimų žurnalas
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Spustelėkite paketą jo informacijai pamatyti
for %Version% PackageInfoView versijai %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Pakeitimų žurnalas neprieinamas.
Description PackageListView Aprašas
Install PackageManager Įdiegti
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1195245614
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1831209226
Name PackageListView Nazwa
Available packages MainWindow Pakiety dostępne
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Otwórz %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilność:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Kliknij na pakiet, aby zobaczyć informacje
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Inni użytkownicy będą mogli zobaczyć tę ocenę
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilność
for %Version% PackageInfoView dla %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Dziennik zmian nie jest dostępny.
Description PackageListView Opis
Install PackageManager Zainstaluj
@ -27,12 +26,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Oceń pakiet…
Category FilterView Kategoria
Uninstall PackageManager Usuń
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Wystąpił błąd podczas próby uzyskania listy pakietów: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Twoja ocena została zapisana.
<no info> PackageInfoView <brak informacji>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Uruchamianie demona pakietów nie powiodło się:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Wystąpił błąd podczas inicjalizacji menedżera pakietów: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Adres e-mail:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Twoja ocena została zapisana. Możesz ją zaktualizować lub usunąć w każdej chwili przez ponowną ocenę pakietu.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Bardzo niestabilny
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Podgląd zawartości nie jest dostępny dla zdalnych pakietów>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Ta nazwa użytkownika jest już zajęta. Wybierz inną.
@ -64,18 +61,14 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Powodzenie
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App HaikuDepot wymaga demona pakietów do działania, a ten wydaje się nie być uruchomiony.\nCzy chcesz go uruchomić?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Pobieranie:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Całkiem stabilny
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow Odebrano dziwną odpowiedź od usługi sieciowej.
Log out MainWindow Wyloguj
Education Model Edukacja
Search terms: FilterView Szukana fraza:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Brak ocen użytkowników.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Nie udało się zaktualizować oceny
Does not start RatePackageWindow Nie uruchamia się
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Wystąpił błąd podczas odświeżania repozytorium: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Nie udało się połączyć z usługą sieciową.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow W formularzu występują problemy:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow Usługa sieciowa nie odnalazła pakietu. To prawdopodobnie oznacza, że pochodzi z repozytorium, które nie jest tutaj obsługiwane. Ocenianie takich pakietów jest niestety nieobsługiwane.
Create account UserLoginWindow Utwórz konto
Productivity Model Programy użytkowe
No, quit HaikuDepot App Nie, zakończ HaikuDepot
@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Zalogowano jako %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow Język
Size PackageListView Rozmiar
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Nie udało się utworzyć lub zaktualizować oceny: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Musisz być zalogowany, aby móc oceniać pakiety.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Odpowiedź:
User name: UserLoginWindow Nazwa użytkownika:
User Menu MainWindow Menu użytkownika
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Niestabilny, ale używalny
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ Graphics Model Grafika
Local MainWindow Lokalne
Close MainWindow Zamknij
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Preferowany język:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Nie udało się ocenić pakietu
Internet & Network Model Internet i sieć
Refresh repositories MainWindow Odśwież repozytoria
Cancel MainWindow Anuluj
@ -139,7 +129,6 @@ Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Nie udało się utworzyć konta
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow We wprowadzonych danych występują problemy:\n\n
Start package daemon App Uruchom demona pakietów
Manage repositories… MainWindow Zarządzaj repozytoriami…
Success RatePackageWindow Sukces
Business Model Firma
Audio Model Dźwięk
About PackageInfoView O pakiecie
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1919719066
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2555682678
Name PackageListView Nome
Available packages MainWindow Pacotes disponíveis
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Abrir %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Estabilidade:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Clique em um pacote para visualizar a informação
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Outros usuários podem ver esta avaliação
Stability RatePackageWindow Estabilidade
for %Version% PackageInfoView para %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Nenhum relatório de mudanças disponível.
Description PackageListView Descrição
Install PackageManager Instalar
@ -27,12 +26,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Avaliar pacote...
Category FilterView Categoria
Uninstall PackageManager Desinstalar
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Um erro ocorreu ao obter a lista de pacotes: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Sua avaliação foi atualizada com sucesso.
<no info> PackageInfoView <sem informação>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App A inicialização do daemon de pacote falhou:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Um erro ocorreu ao inicializar o gerenciador de pacotes: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Endereço de e-mail:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Sua classificação foi enviada com sucesso. Você pode atualizá-la ou removê-la a qualquer tempo para classificar o pacote novamente.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Muito instável
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Conteúdos de pacote não disponíveis para pacotes remotos>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Este nome de usuário já pertence a alguém. Escolha outro, por favor.
@ -64,18 +61,14 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Sucesso
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App O Depósito Haiku precisa do daemon de pacote para funcionar e ele parece não estar em execução.\nGostaria de iniciá-lo agora?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Baixando:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Na maior parte estável
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow Houve uma resposta enigmática do serviço web.
Log out MainWindow Sair
Education Model Educação
Search terms: FilterView Termos para pesquisa:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Nenhuma avaliação de usuário disponível.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Falhou ao atualizar a avaliação
Does not start RatePackageWindow Não iniciar
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Um erro ocorreu ao atualizar o repositório: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Não é possível contatar o serviço web.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Existem problemas no formulário:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow O pacote não foi encontrado pelo serviço web. Isto provavelmente significa que veio de um depósito que não foi rastreado lá. Avaliar tais pacotes infelizmente não é suportado.
Create account UserLoginWindow Criar conta
Productivity Model Produtividade
No, quit HaikuDepot App Não, fechar Depósito Haiku
@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Autenticado como %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow Idioma
Size PackageListView Tamanho
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Falha ao criar ou atualizar classificação: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Você precisa estar autenticado em uma conta antes de poder classificar pacotes.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Ele respondeu com:
User name: UserLoginWindow Nome do usuário:
User Menu MainWindow Menu do Usuário
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Instável mas utilizável
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ Graphics Model Gráficos
Local MainWindow Local
Close MainWindow Fechar
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Idioma preferido:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Falhou ao avaliar pacote
Internet & Network Model Internet & Rede
Cancel MainWindow Cancelar
Quit HaikuDepot App Fechar o Depósito Haiku
@ -137,7 +127,6 @@ Category: FilterView Categoria:
Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Falhou ao criar conta
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Existem problemas com os dados que você inseriu:\n\n
Start package daemon App Iniciar daemon de pacote
Success RatePackageWindow Sucesso
Business Model Negócios
Audio Model Áudio
About PackageInfoView Sobre
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1195245614
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2705096857
Name PackageListView Nume
Available packages MainWindow Pachete disponibile
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Deschide %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilitate:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Clic pe un pachet pentru a vizualiza informații
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Alți utilizatori pot vedea această evaluare
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilitate
for %Version% PackageInfoView pentru %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Nu există jurnal de modificări disponibil.
Description PackageListView Descriere
Install PackageManager Instalare
All repositories MainWindow Toate depozitele
Source packages MainWindow Pachete sursă
Authentication failed. The user does not exist or the wrong password was supplied. UserLoginWindow Autentificare eșuată. Utilizatorul nu există sau parola incorectă a fost furnizată.
Account created successfully. You can now rate packages and do other useful things. UserLoginWindow Cont creat cu succes. Acum puteți evalua pachete și face alte lucruri folositoare.
@ -27,12 +27,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Evaluați pachet…
Category FilterView Categorie
Uninstall PackageManager Dezinstalare
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow O eroare s-a întâmplat obținând lista de pachete: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Evaluarea a fost actualizată cu succes.
<no info> PackageInfoView <no info>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Pornirea demonului de pachete a eșuat:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow O eroare s-a întâmplat inițializând managerul de pachete: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Adresă email:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Evaluarea a fost încărcată cu succes. Puteți s-o actualizați sau elimina oricând prin evaluarea din nou a pachetului.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Foarte instabil
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Conținutul pachetelor nu este disponibil pentru pachetele de la distanță>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Acest nume de utilizator este deja folosit. Alegeți altul.
@ -45,6 +43,7 @@ Switch account… MainWindow Schimbare cont…
Ignore UserLoginWindow Ignoră
Language UserLoginWindow Limbă
The password is too weak or invalid. Please use at least 8 characters with at least 2 numbers and 2 upper-case letters. UserLoginWindow Parola e prea slabă sau nevalidă. Utilizați cel puțin 8 caractere cu minimum 2 numere și 2 litere majuscule.
Show only featured packages FilterView Arată doar pachetele recomandate
Rate package RatePackageWindow Evaluați pachet
Development Model Dezvoltare
Fatal error PackageManager Eroare fatală
@ -64,18 +63,15 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Succes
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App HaikuDepot are nevoie de serviciul de pachete pentru a functiona și se pare că nu rulează.\nDoriți să-l porniți acum?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Se descarcă:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Majoritatea stabile
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow A apărut un răspuns neobișnuit de la serviciul web.
Log out MainWindow Ieșire
Repository PackageListView Depozit
Education Model Educație
Search terms: FilterView Termeni de căutat:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Nu sunt disponibile evaluări de utilizator.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Nu s-a putut actualiza evaluarea
Does not start RatePackageWindow Nu pornește
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow O eroare s-a întâmplat actualizând depozitul: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Contactarea serviciului web nu a fost posibilă.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Sunt probleme de forma:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow Pachetul nu a fost găsit de către serviciul web. Asta înseamnă că acesta provine probabil de la un depozit care nu este urmărit acolo. Evaluarea unor asemenea pachete nu este suportată.
Create account UserLoginWindow Creează cont
Productivity Model Productivitate
No, quit HaikuDepot App Nu, închideți HaikuDepot
@ -84,9 +80,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Autentificat ca %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow Limbă
Size PackageListView Mărime
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Eșec la crearea sau actualizarea evaluării: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Trebuie să fiți autentificat într-un cont înainte de a evalua pachete.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow A răspuns cu:
User name: UserLoginWindow Nume utilizator:
User Menu MainWindow Meniu utilizator
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Instabil dar utilizabil
@ -99,7 +93,6 @@ Graphics Model Grafică
Local MainWindow Local
Close MainWindow Închidere
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Limbă preferată:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Eșec la evaluarea pachetului
Internet & Network Model Internet & Rețea
Refresh repositories MainWindow Actualizare depozite
Cancel MainWindow Anulează
@ -133,17 +126,19 @@ Cancel RatePackageWindow Anulează
Package action failed PackageInfoView Acțiune pachet eșuată
OK UserLoginWindow OK
Send RatePackageWindow Trimitere
Repositories MainWindow Depozite
- no package size -
Category: FilterView Categorie:
Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Eșec la crearea contului
Check for updates… MainWindow Verifică pentru actualizări…
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Există probleme cu datele pe care le-ați introdus:\n\n
Start package daemon App Pornire demon de pachet
Manage repositories… MainWindow Gestionare depozite...
Success RatePackageWindow Succes
Business Model Afaceri
Audio Model Audio
About PackageInfoView Despre
Active PackageListView Activ
It was not possible to contact the web service. UserLoginWindow Contactarea serviciului web nu a fost posibilă.
Refreshing... MainWindow Se împrospătează...
Failed to create account: %s\n UserLoginWindow Nu s-a putut crea contul: %s\n
Cancel UserLoginWindow Anulează
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1195245614
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1831209226
Name PackageListView Имя
Available packages MainWindow Доступные пакеты
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Открыть %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Стабильность:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Нажмите на пакет, чтобы увидеть информацию о нем
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Другие пользователи могут видеть этот рейтинг
Stability RatePackageWindow Стабильность
for %Version% PackageInfoView для %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView История изменений недоступна.
Description PackageListView Описание
Install PackageManager Установить
@ -27,12 +26,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Оценить пакет…
Category FilterView Все категории
Uninstall PackageManager Удалить
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Возникла ошибка при получении списка пакетов: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Ваш рейтинг был успешно отправлен.
<no info> PackageInfoView <нет информации>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Не удалось запустить пакетный демон:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Возникла ошибка при инициализации менеджера пакетов: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Email адрес:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Ваш рейтинг был успешно отправлен. Вы можете изменить или удалить его в любой момент оценив пакет еще раз.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Очень нестабилен
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Содержимое пакетов недоступно для нелокальных пакетов>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Такой логин уже занят, выберите другой.
@ -64,18 +61,14 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Выполнено успешно
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App HaikuDepot требует для своей работы демон пакетов, который не запущен.\nВы хотите запустить его сейчас?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Загружается:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow В основном стабилен
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow Был получен странный ответ от веб сервера.
Log out MainWindow Выход из системы
Education Model Образование
Search terms: FilterView Условия поиска:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Рейтинг пользователей недоступен.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Не удалось обновить рейтинг
Does not start RatePackageWindow Не запускается
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Возникла ошибка при обновлении репозитория: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Не удалось связаться с веб сервером.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow В этой форме присутствуют ощибки:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow Пакет не был найден в веб сервисе. Скорее всего это охначает, что он был установлен из склада, который отслеживается в веб сервисе. Оценка таких пакетов, к сожалению, не поддерживается.
Create account UserLoginWindow Создать учётную запись
Productivity Model Офис
No, quit HaikuDepot App Нет, выйти из HaikuDepot
@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Выполнен вход под пользов
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow Язык
Size PackageListView Размер
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Не удалось создать или изменить рейтинг: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Вы должны войти в свою учётную запись перед тем как оценить пакет.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Он ответил так:
User name: UserLoginWindow Имя пользователя:
User Menu MainWindow Меню пользователя
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Нестабилен, но пригодный для использования
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ Graphics Model Графика
Local MainWindow Локальный
Close MainWindow Закрыть
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Предпочитаемый язык:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Не удалось оценить пакет
Internet & Network Model Интернет и сеть
Refresh repositories MainWindow Обновить репозитории
Cancel MainWindow Отменить
@ -139,7 +129,6 @@ Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Не удалось создать у
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Проблемы с данными, которые вы ввели:\n\n
Start package daemon App Запустить пакетный демон
Manage repositories… MainWindow Управление репозиториями…
Success RatePackageWindow Выполнено успешно
Business Model Бизнес
Audio Model Аудио
About PackageInfoView О программе
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1195245614
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1831209226
Name PackageListView Názov
Available packages MainWindow Dostupné balíky
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Otvoriť %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilita:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Informácie zobrazíte kliknutím na balík
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Toto hodnotenie uvidia aj iní používatelia
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilita
for %Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Záznam zmien nie je dostupný.
Description PackageListView Popis
Install PackageManager Nainštalovať
@ -27,12 +26,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Ohodnotiť balík…
Category FilterView Kategória
Uninstall PackageManager Odinštalovať
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Vyskytla sa chyba pri získavaní zoznamu balíkov: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Vaše hodnotenie bolo úspešne aktualizované.
<no info> PackageInfoView <žiadne info>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Spustenie démona balíkov zlyhalo:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Vyskytla sa chyba pri inicializovaní správcu balíkov: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Emailová adresa:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Vaše hodnotenie bolo úspešne nahrané. Môžete ho kedykoľvek aktualizovať alebo odstrániť tým, že balík znova ohodnotíte.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Veľmi nestabilný
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Pri vzdialených balíkoch obsah balíka nie je k dispozícii>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Toto používateľské meno už niekto používa. Prosím, vyberte si iné.
@ -64,18 +61,14 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Úspech
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App HaikuDepot vyžaduje funkčný démon balíkov. Zdá sa, že nebeží.\nChcete ho teraz spustiť?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Sťahuje sa:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Prevažne stabilný
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow Webová služba poslala neočakávanú odpoveď.
Log out MainWindow Odhlásiť sa
Education Model Vzdelávanie
Search terms: FilterView Hľadaný výraz:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Používateľské hodnotenie nie je dostupné.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Nepodarilo sa aktualizovať hodnotenie
Does not start RatePackageWindow Nespúšťa sa
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Vyskytla sa chyba pri obnovovaní zdroja: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Nepodarilo sa kontaktovať webovú službu.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Vyskytli sa problémy s formulárom:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow Webová služba nenašla balík. To pravdepodobne znamená, že to pochádza zo zdroja, ktorý tu nie je uvedený. Hodnotenie takých balíkov bohužiaľ nie je podporované.
Create account UserLoginWindow Vytvoriť účet
Productivity Model Kancelária
No, quit HaikuDepot App Nie, ukončiť HaikuDepot
@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Prihlásený ako %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow Jazyk
Size PackageListView Veľkosť
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť alebo aktualizovať hodnotenie: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Musíte byť prihlásení do účtu predtým, než budete môcť hodnotiť balíky.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Prišla odpoveď:
User name: UserLoginWindow Používateľské meno:
User Menu MainWindow Používateľské menu
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Nestabilný, ale použiteľný
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ Graphics Model Grafika
Local MainWindow Miestne
Close MainWindow Zatvoriť
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Preferovaný jazyk:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Nepodarilo sa ohodnotiť balík
Internet & Network Model Internet a siete
Refresh repositories MainWindow Obnoviť zdroje softvéru
Cancel MainWindow Zrušiť
@ -139,7 +129,6 @@ Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť účet
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Vyskytli sa problémy v údajoch, ktoré ste zadali:\n\n
Start package daemon App Spustiť démona balíkov
Manage repositories… MainWindow Spravovať zdroje softvéru…
Success RatePackageWindow Úspešné
Business Model Obchod
Audio Model Zvuk
About PackageInfoView O aplikácii
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 slovenian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1203079461
1 slovenian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2257471805
Name PackageListView Ime
Close RatePackageWindow Zapri
Changelog PackageInfoView Zapisnik sprememb
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilnost:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Kliknite na paket, da vidite informacije o njem
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Ostali uporabniki lahko vidijo to oceno
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilnost
for %Version% PackageInfoView za %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Zapisnik sprememb ni na voljo.
Description PackageListView Opis
Install PackageManager Namesti
@ -23,10 +22,8 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Oceni paket…
Category FilterView Kategorija
Uninstall PackageManager Odstrani
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Med pridobivanjem seznama paketov je prišlo do napake: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Vaša ocena je bila uspešno posodobljena.
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Med zagonom upravitelja paketov je prišlo do napake: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Naslov elektronske pošte:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Vaša ocena je bila uspešno oddana. Kadarkoli jo lahko posodobite ali odstranite tako, da paket še enkrat ocenite.
Close PackageManager Zapri
Language UserLoginWindow Jezik
The password is too weak or invalid. Please use at least 8 characters with at least 2 numbers and 2 upper-case letters. UserLoginWindow Geslo je prešibko. Prosimo, uporabite vsaj 8 znakov z vsaj dvema števkama in dvema velikima črkama.
@ -46,14 +43,10 @@ Education Model Izobrazba
Search terms: FilterView Pogoji iskanja:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Ocene uporabnikov niso na voljo.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Ni bilo mogoče posodobiti ocene
Does not start RatePackageWindow Se ne zažene
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Prišlo je do napake med osveževanjem zbirke: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Ni se bilo mogoče povezati s spletno storitvijo.
Language RatePackageWindow Jezik
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Ni bilo mogoče ustvariti ali posodobiti ocene: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Prijaviti se morate v svoj račun, preden lahko ocenjujete pakete.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Odgovoril je:
User name: UserLoginWindow Uporabniško ime:
User Menu MainWindow Uporabniški meni
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Nestabilen, toda ne neuporaben
@ -82,7 +75,6 @@ Send RatePackageWindow Pošlji
Category: FilterView Kategorija:
Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Ni bilo mogoče ustvariti računa
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow S podatki, ki ste jih vnesli, ni vse v redu:\n\n
Success RatePackageWindow Uspeh
Business Model Posel
Audio Model Audio
Active PackageListView Aktiven
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2069133245
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2705096857
Name PackageListView Namn
Available packages MainWindow Tillgängliga paket
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Öppna %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilitet:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Klicka på ett paket för att se information
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Andra användare kan se denna bedömning
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilitet
for %Version% PackageInfoView för %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Ingen ändringslogg finns.
Description PackageListView Beskrivning
Install PackageManager Installera
@ -28,12 +27,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Betygsätt paket...
Category FilterView Kategori
Uninstall PackageManager Avinstallera
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Ett fel inträffade när packet manager hämtade paketlistan: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Ditt betyg har uppdaterats med lyckat resultat.
<no info> PackageInfoView <Ingen information>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Starta package daemon misslyckades:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Ett fel inträffade när packet manager startade: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow E-postadress:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Din betygsättning laddadesupp ok. Du kan närsomhelst uppdatera eller tabort ditt betyg för paketet genom att ge ett nytt betyg.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Mycket ostabil
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Paketinehållet är inte tillgängligt för externa paket>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Användarnamnet används redan. Välj ett annat.
@ -66,19 +63,15 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Klar
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App Servicen behövs för HaikuDepot och den verkar inte köra.\nSkulle du vilja starta den nu?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Mestadels stabil
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Mestadels stabil
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow Det kom ett konstigt meddelande från webb servicen.
Log out MainWindow Logga ut
Repository PackageListView Repositorie
Education Model Utbildning
Search terms: FilterView Sökvillkor
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Ingen betygsättnings tillgänglig.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Misslyckades uppdatera betyg
Does not start RatePackageWindow Starta inte
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Ett fel inträffade när repositoriet uppdaterades: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Det gick inte att få kontakt med webb servicen.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Det finns problem i formuläret:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow Paketet hittades inte av webb servicen. Troligen beror det på att paketet kommer från en depå som inte följs. Betygsättning av sådana paket supporteras tvärr inte.
Create account UserLoginWindow Skapa konto
Productivity Model Produktivitet
No, quit HaikuDepot App Nej, avsluta HaikuDepot
@ -87,9 +80,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Inloggad som %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow Språk
Size PackageListView Storlek
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Gick inte att skapa eller uppdatera betyg: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Du måste logga in för att kunna betygsätta paket.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Den svarade med:
User name: UserLoginWindow Användarnamn:
User Menu MainWindow Användarmeny
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Ostabil men kan användas
@ -102,7 +93,6 @@ Graphics Model Grafik
Local MainWindow Lokal
Close MainWindow Stäng
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Föredraget språk:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Misslyckades gradera paketet
Internet & Network Model Internet & Nätverk
Refresh repositories MainWindow Ladda om repositorier
Cancel MainWindow Avbryt
@ -144,7 +134,6 @@ Check for updates… MainWindow Leta efter uppdateringar…
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Det är något problem med data du skrev:\n\n
Start package daemon App Starta paket-servicen
Manage repositories… MainWindow Hantera repositorier...
Success RatePackageWindow Klar
Business Model Företag
Audio Model Ljud
About PackageInfoView Om
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1195245614
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1831209226
Name PackageListView Ім'я
Available packages MainWindow Доступні пакети
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Відкрити %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow Стабільність:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Клікніть по пакунку, для відображення інформації про нього
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Інші користувачі можуть побачити цю оцінку
Stability RatePackageWindow Стабільність
for %Version% PackageInfoView для %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Історія змін недоступна
Description PackageListView Опис
Install PackageManager Встановити
@ -27,12 +26,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView Оцінити пакет…
Category FilterView Категорія
Uninstall PackageManager Видалити
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Сталася помилка при отриманні списку пакета: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Ваша оцінка обновлена.
<no info> PackageInfoView <немає інформації>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Запуск демона пакету призупинено:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Виникла помилка при ініціалізації менеджера пакету: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Адреса Email:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Ваша оцінка завантажена успішно. Ви зможете будь-коли обновити або видалили її при наступній спробі оцінки пакету.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Дуже нестабільний
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Вміст пакету недоступний для відддалених пакетів>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Ім'я користувача задіяне. Виберіть інше, буль-ласка.
@ -64,18 +61,14 @@ Success UserLoginWindow Успішно
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App Сховище Haiku потребує запуску демона пакетів, який напевно не працює.\nЗапустити його зараз?
Downloading: PackageInfoView Завантаження:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Найстабільніший
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow Загадкова відповідь від мережевого сервісу.
Log out MainWindow Вийти
Education Model Освіта
Search terms: FilterView Умови пошуку:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Оцінка для користувача недоступна.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Оновлення оцінки призупинено
Does not start RatePackageWindow Не починається
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Виникла помилка при оновленні репозиторія: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Неможливо під'єднатись до мережевого сервісу
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Існують проблеми у вигляді:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow Пакет на мережевому сервісі не знайдено. Це, ймовірно, означає що він розташований у репозиторії котрий нами не відслідковується. Оцінка таких пакетів нажаль не підтримується.
Create account UserLoginWindow Створити обліковий запис
Productivity Model Продуктивність
No, quit HaikuDepot App Ні, залишити Сховище Depot
@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow Авторизуваний як %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow Мова
Size PackageListView Розмір
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Призупинено оцінку або її оновлення: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Для оцінки пакетів спочатку необхідно авторизуватись.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Отримана відповідь:
User name: UserLoginWindow Користувач:
User Menu MainWindow Меню користувача
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Нестабільний але використання можливе
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ Graphics Model Зображення
Local MainWindow Локальний
Close MainWindow Закрити
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Бажана мова:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Оцінку пакету призупинено
Internet & Network Model Інтернет та Мережа
Refresh repositories MainWindow Оновити репозиторії
Cancel MainWindow Відмінити
@ -139,7 +129,6 @@ Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Створення обліковог
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Сталися проблеми з введеними даними:\n\n
Start package daemon App Запустити демон пакетів
Manage repositories… MainWindow Обробка репозиторіїв…
Success RatePackageWindow Успіх
Business Model Бізнес
Audio Model Звук
About PackageInfoView Про програму
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1919719066
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2555682678
Name PackageListView 名称
Available packages MainWindow 可用软件包
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager 打开 %DeskbarLink%
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Stability: RatePackageWindow 稳定性:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView 点击软件包查看信息
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow 其他用户可以看到该评级
Stability RatePackageWindow 稳定性
for %Version% PackageInfoView 用于 %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView 未发现更新记录。
Description PackageListView 描述
Install PackageManager 安装
@ -27,12 +26,10 @@ Rate package… PackageInfoView 软件包评分…
Category FilterView 分类
Uninstall PackageManager 卸载
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow 获取软件包列表出现错误: %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow 您的评分更新成功。
<no info> PackageInfoView <无信息>
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App 包管理服务启动失败:\n\n%Error%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow 软件包管理器初始化出现错误:%message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow 邮箱地址:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow 您的评分上传成功。您可以随时对该包的评分进行更新或者删除。
Very unstable RatePackageWindow 非常不稳定
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <软件包内容对于远程包不可用>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow 用户名已经存在。请选择其他用户名。
@ -64,18 +61,14 @@ Success UserLoginWindow 成功
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App HaikuDepot 需要包管理后台工作,现在它并未运行。\n是否需要进行启动?
Downloading: PackageInfoView 下载中:
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow 基本稳定
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow 网络服务响应异常。
Log out MainWindow 注销
Education Model 教育
Search terms: FilterView 搜索项目:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView 未发现用户评分。
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow 更新评分失败
Does not start RatePackageWindow 未开始
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow 刷新软件库出现错误:%error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow 无法连接网络服务。
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow 列表中存在问题:\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow 网络服务中未发现该软件包。可能由于该软件包来源未被跟踪。目前对这些软件包的评分不支持。
Create account UserLoginWindow 创建账号
Productivity Model 生产力
No, quit HaikuDepot App 否,强制退出 HaikuDepot
@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ Logged in as %User% MainWindow 登录 as %User%
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
Language RatePackageWindow 语言
Size PackageListView 大小
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow 无法创建或更新评分: %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow 在对软件包进行评级之前,您需要进行账户登录。
It responded with: RatePackageWindow 回复内容为:
User name: UserLoginWindow 用户名:
User Menu MainWindow 用户菜单
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow 不稳定,但是可用
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ Graphics Model 图形
Local MainWindow 本地
Close MainWindow 关闭
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow 首选语言:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow 软件包评级失败
Internet & Network Model 互联网和网络
Cancel MainWindow 取消
Quit HaikuDepot App 退出 HaikuDepot
@ -137,7 +127,6 @@ Category: FilterView 分类:
Failed to create account UserLoginWindow 账户创建失败
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow 您所输入的数据存在问题:\n\n
Start package daemon App 启动软件包管理后台
Success RatePackageWindow 成功
Business Model 商业
Audio Model 音频
About PackageInfoView 关于
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.haiku-softwareupdater 256495760
1 romanian x-vnd.haiku-softwareupdater 3418694338
No active network connection was found UpdateManager Error message Nu s-a găsit o conexiune la rețea activă
Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow Anulează
Packages are being updated UpdateManager Se actualizează pachetele
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Updates completed UpdateManager Actualizări completate
Invalid update type, cannot continue with updates UpdateAction Tip de actualizare nevalid, nu se poate continua cu actualizările
Packages to be uninstalled SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Pachetele de dezinstalat
Updates have not been completed, are you sure you want to quit? SoftwareUpdaterWindow Actualizările nu au fost completate, sigur doriți să ieșiți?
Usage: SoftwareUpdater <command> [ <option> ]\nUpdates installed packages.\n\nCommands:\n update - Search repositories for updates on all packages.\n check - Check for available updates but only display a notification with results.\n full-sync - Synchronize the installed packages with the repositories.\n\nOptions:\n -h or --help Print this usage help\n -v or --verbose Output verbose information\n SoftwareUpdaterApp Command line usage help Utilizare: SoftwareUpdater <command> [ <option> ]\nActualizează pachetele instalate.\n\nComenzi:\n update - Caută în depozite actualizări pentru toate pachetele.\n check - Verifică dacă există actualizări disponibile dar afișează doar o notificare cu rezultatele.\n full-sync - Sincronizează pachetele instalate cu depozitele.\n\nOpțiuni:\n -h or --help Tipărește acest ajutor de utilizare\n -v or --verbose Produce informații detaliate\n
There were no updates found. CheckAction Nu s-au găsit actualizări.
%i of %i UpdateManager Do not translate %i %i din %i
Updates found SoftwareUpdaterWindow Actualizări găsite
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Button label Ieșire
Click here to run SoftwareUpdater. Some updates will require a problem solution to be selected. CheckManager Apăsați clic aici pentru a rula SoftwareUpdater. Unele actualizări vor necesita selectarea unei soluții pentru problemă.
Contacting software repositories to check for package updates. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Se contactează depozitele de programe pentru a verifica dacă sunt actualizări de pachete.
Unrecognized argument SoftwareUpdaterApp Error message Argument nerecunoscut
Please choose from these update options:\n\nUpdate:\n\tUpdates all installed packages.\nFull sync:\n\tSynchronizes the installed packages with the repositories. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alegeți din aceste opțiuni de actualizare:\n\nActualizare:\n\tActualizează toate pachetele instalate.\nSincronizare completă:\n\tSincronizează pachetele instalate cu depozitele.
Exception occurred while checking for updates: %s\n CheckAction A apărut o excepție în timpul verificării pentru actualizări: %s\n
Exception occurred while updating packages : %s\n UpdateAction A apărut o excepție în timpul încărcării pachetelor: %s\n
Update SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Actualizează
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Updates completed UpdateManager Uppdatering slutförd
Invalid update type, cannot continue with updates UpdateAction Ogiltig uppdateringstyp, kan inte fortsätta att uppdatera
Packages to be uninstalled SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Paket att avinstallera
Updates have not been completed, are you sure you want to quit? SoftwareUpdaterWindow Uppdateringarna har inte slutförts. Är du säker på att du vill avsluta?
Usage: SoftwareUpdater <command> [ <option> ]\nUpdates installed packages.\n\nCommands:\n update - Search repositories for updates on all packages.\n check - Check for available updates but only display a notification with results.\n full-sync - Synchronize the installed packages with the repositories.\n\nOptions:\n -h or --help Print this usage help\n -v or --verbose Output verbose information\n SoftwareUpdaterApp Command line usage help Användande: SoftwareUpdater <kommando> [ <alternativ> ]\nUppdaterar installerade paket.\n\nKommandon:\n update - Sök i repositorier efter uppdateringar för alla paket.\n check - Kolla efter tillgängliga uppdateringar och visa en lista med resultat.\n full-sync - Synkronisera alla installerade paket med repositoriernas paket.\n\nAlternativ:\n -h eller --help Skriv ut detta hjälpavsnitt\n -v eller --verbose Skriv ut mångordig information\n
Usage: SoftwareUpdater <command> [ <option> ]\nUpdates installed packages.\n\nCommands:\n update - Search repositories for updates on all packages.\n check - Check for available updates but only display a notification with results.\n full-sync - Synchronize the installed packages with the repositories.\n\nOptions:\n -h or --help Print this usage help\n -v or --verbose Output verbose information\n SoftwareUpdaterApp Command line usage help Användande: ProgramUppdatering <kommando> [ <alternativ> ]\nUppdaterar installerade paket.\n\nKommandon:\n update - Sök i repositorier efter uppdateringar för alla paket.\n check - Kolla efter tillgängliga uppdateringar och visa en lista med resultat.\n full-sync - Synkronisera alla installerade paket med repositoriernas paket.\n\nAlternativ:\n -h eller --help Skriv ut detta hjälpavsnitt\n -v eller --verbose Skriv ut mångordig information\n
There were no updates found. CheckAction Inga uppdateringar kunde hittas.
%i of %i UpdateManager Do not translate %i %i av %i
Updates found SoftwareUpdaterWindow Uppdateringar hittades
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku.TextSearch 3108411238
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku.TextSearch 3622532554
%s: Not enough room to escape the filename. Grepper %s: Nu există spațiu suficient pentru a tasta numele de fișier.
Trim to selection GrepWindow Potrivește la selecție
Failed to open errors pipe! Grepper Nu s-a putut deschide canalul de erori!
Follow symbolic links GrepWindow Urmărește legăturile simbolice
Close GrepWindow Închide
Cancel GrepWindow Anulează
The unselected files will be removed from the list. GrepWindow Fișierele neselectate vor fi eliminate din listă.
Regular expression GrepWindow Expresie regulată
Set target… GrepWindow Configurează destinație…
Failed to open output pipe! Grepper Nu s-a putut deschide canalul de ieșire!
Please select the files you wish to have selected for you in Tracker. GrepWindow Selectați fișierele pe care le doriți selectate pentru dumneavoastră în Tracker.
Open files in Pe GrepWindow Deschide fișiere în Pe
%appname% : %path% GrepWindow %appname% : %path%
@ -22,7 +25,9 @@ Actions GrepWindow Acțiuni
File GrepWindow Fișier
Encoding GrepWindow Codare
History GrepWindow Istoric
Failed to start xargs program! Grepper Nu s-a putut porni programul xargs!
New window GrepWindow Fereastră nouă
Failed to open input pipe! Grepper Nu s-a putut deschide canalul de intrare!
Please select the files you wish to keep searching. GrepWindow Selectați fișierele pe care doriți să le căutați în continuare.
TextSearch GrepWindow CăutareText
Quit GrepWindow Închidere
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 670043186
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 2763299522
Show home button Settings Window Afișează buton acasă
Username: Authentication Panel Nume utilizator:
Copy URL to clipboard Download Window Copiază URL la clipboard
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ Number of days to keep links in History menu: Settings Window Numărul de zile
Reset size WebPositive Window Resetează dimensiunea
Find: WebPositive Window Caută:
Increase size WebPositive Window Mărește dimensiunea
There was an error retrieving the bookmark folder.\n\nError: %error WebPositive Window Don't translate the variable %error A apărut o eroare la recuperarea a dosarului de favorite.\n\nEroare: %error
Downloads WebPositive Window Descărcări
Requesting %url WebPositive Window Se solicită %url
Find next occurrence of search terms WebPositive Window find bar next button tooltip Caută următoarea apariție a termenilor căutării
@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ Paste URL Bar Lipire
Cookie manager WebPositive Window Manager de cookie
/s) Download Window ...as in 'per second' /s)
Hide password text Authentication Panel Ascunde textul parolei
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Font Selection view Don't translate this literally ! Use a phrase showing all chars from A to Z. Vând muzică de jazz și haine de bun-gust în New-York și Quebec, la preț fix.
Open start page Settings Window Deschide pagina de început
Continue downloads WebPositive Continuă descărcările
Cancel Download Window Anulează
@ -130,6 +132,7 @@ Style: Font Selection view Stil:
General Settings Window General
View WebPositive Window Vizualizare
Previous WebPositive Window Anterior
There was an error creating the bookmark file.\n\nError: %error WebPositive Window Don't translate variable %error A apărut o eroare la crearea dosarului de favorite.\n\nEroare: %error
(Finish: %date - Over %duration left) Download Window (Terminare: %date - peste %duration rămas)
Bookmark error WebPositive Window Eroare de marcaj
Do you really want to clear the browsing history? WebPositive Window Sigur doriți să ștergeți istoricul de navigare?
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ usage: %s [--help] [--directory folder] [--load|--save] [--title ttl] [--single]
usage: %s [-h] [-d folder] [-l|-s] [-t ttl] [-1] [-m] [-a pattern] [-f pattern]\n FilePanelApp utilizare: %s [-h] [-d dosar] [-l|-s] [-t ttl] [-1] [-m] [-a model] [-f model]\n
-d\t--directory\topen at <folder>\n FilePanelApp -d\t--directory\tdeschide la <folder>\n
%s not a valid option\n FilePanelApp %s nu este o opțiune validă\n
short\tlong\tdescription\n FilePanelApp scurtă\tlungă\tdescriere\n
short\tlong\tdescription\n FilePanelApp descriere\tscurtă\tlungă\n
%s: this option requires a parameter\n FilePanelApp %s: această opțiune necesită un parametru\n
-l\t--load\tuse a load FilePanel (default)\n FilePanelApp -l\t--load\tutilizează pentru a încărca FilePanel (implicit)\n
-f\t--forbid\tunimplemented\n FilePanelApp -f\t--forbid\tnu e implementat\n
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Phone DeviceClass Telefon
17-33% utilized DeviceClass 17-33% utilizat
#ServerNotReady#Not Valid name RemoteDevice #ServerNotReady#Nume nevalid
Combo keyboard/pointing device DeviceClass Combinație tastatură/dispozitiv de indicare
Controller DeviceClass Controler
Controller DeviceClass Controlor
No service available DeviceClass Niciun serviciu disponibil
Wearable DeviceClass A wearable computer Portabil
Handheld DeviceClass Calculator de buzunar
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-libpackage 3617505391
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-libpackage 2012114212
Package %s-%s doesn't have a matching requires for its base package \"%s\" PackageManagerKit Pachetul %s-%s nu are un requires pereche pentru pachetul de bază \„%s\”
Failed to get repository names PackageManagerKit Nu s-au putut obține numele de depozite
Failed to get cache for repository \"%s\". Skipping. PackageManagerKit Nu s-a putut obține cache-ul pentru depozitul \„%s\”. Se sare.
Refreshing repository \"%s\" failed PackageManagerKit Reîmprospătarea depozitului \„%s\” a eșuat
Failed to get config for repository \"%s\". Skipping. PackageManagerKit Nu s-a putut obține configurarea pentru depozitul \„%s\”. Se sare.
Failed to remove transaction directory PackageManagerKit Nu s-a putut elimina dosarul de tranzacție
@ -1,12 +1,38 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-libsolvsolver 959039750
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-libsolvsolver 3404387783
%dependency% is provided by the system SolverProblem %dependency% este furnizat de către sistem
package %source% conflicts with %dependency% provided by %target% SolverProblem pachetul %source% este în conficlt cu %dependency% furnizat de %target%
nothing provides requested %dependency% SolverProblem nimic nu furnizează %dependency% cerută
unspecified problem SolverProblem problemă nespecificată
keep %source% despite its inferior architecture SolverProblemSolution păstrează %source% în ciuda arhitecturii inferioare
do not deinstall \"%selection%\" SolverProblemSolution nu dezinstala \„%selection%\”
%source% has inferior architecture SolverProblem %source% are o arhitectură inferioară
dependency problem SolverProblem problemă de dependențe
do not keep %source% installed SolverProblemSolution nu păstra %source% instalat
package %source% implicitly obsoletes %dependency% provided by %target% SolverProblem pachetul %source% face să fie depășită implicit %dependency% furnizată de %target%
do not deinstall all resolvables \"%selection%\" SolverProblemSolution nu dezinstala toate lucrurile care se pot rezolva \„%selection%\”
keep %source% from excluded repository SolverProblemSolution păstrează %source% din depozitul exclus
install %selection% despite its old version SolverProblemSolution instalează %selection% chiar dacă există versiunea veche
allow downgrade of %source% to %target% SolverProblemSolution permite retrogradarea a %source% la %target%
do not lock \"%selection%\" SolverProblemSolution nu bloca \„%selection%\”
install %source% despite its inferior architecture SolverProblemSolution instalează %source% chiar dacă are o arhitectură inferioară
do not install \"%selection%\" SolverProblemSolution nu instala \„%selection%\”
do something SolverProblemSolution face ceva
do not install the most recent version of \"%selection%\" SolverProblemSolution nu instala cea mai recentă versiune a \„%selection%\”
package %source% conflicts with %dependency% provided by itself SolverProblem pachetul %source% se află în conflict cu %dependency% furnizată de el însuși
cannot install both %source% and %target% SolverProblem nu se pot instala atât %source% cât și %target%
allow vendor change from \"%sourceVendor%\" (%source%) to \"%targetVendor%\" (%target%) SolverProblemSolution permite modificarea vânzătorului de la \„%sourceVendor%\” (%source%) la \„%targetVendor%\” (%target%)
install %source% from excluded repository SolverProblemSolution instalează %source% din depozitul exclus
keep old %source% SolverProblemSolution păstrează %source% veche
conflicting requests SolverProblem cereri în conflict
package %source% requires %dependency%, but none of the providers can be installed SolverProblem pachetul %source% necesită %dependency% dar nu se pot instala niciunul dintre furnizori
do not forbid installation of %source% SolverProblemSolution nu interzice instalarea a %source%
allow architecture change of %source% to %target% SolverProblemSolution permite modificarea arhitecturii a %source% la %target%
allow name change of %source% to %target% SolverProblemSolution permite modificarea numelui a %source% la %target%
allow replacement of %source% with %target% SolverProblemSolution permite înlocuirea a %source% cu %target%
allow deinstallation of %source% SolverProblemSolution permite dezinstalarea a %source%
%source% does not belong to a distupgrade repository SolverProblem %source% nu aparține unui depozit distupgrade
package %source% obsoletes %dependency% provided by %target% SolverProblem pachetul %source% face să fie depășită %dependency% furnizată de %target%
package %source% is not installable SolverProblem pachetul %source% nu se poate instala
installed package %source% obsoletes %dependency% provided by %target% SolverProblem pachetul instalat %source% face să fie depășită %dependency% furnizată de %target%
problem with installed package %source% SolverProblem problemă la instalarea pachetului %source%
nothing provides %dependency% needed by %source% SolverProblem nimic nu furnizează %dependency% necesitată de %source%
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Link text Colors tab Text legătură
Link active Colors tab Legătură activă
Choose Decorator DecorSettingsView Alege decorator
Success Colors tab Succes
Inactive window tab text Colors tab Text de fereastră tab inactivă
Inactive window tab text Colors tab Textul tabului ferestrei inactive
Failure Colors tab Eşec
Hinting menu AntialiasingSettingsView Meniu de sugestii
Scroll bar: DecorSettingsView Bară de derulare:
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Backgrounds 3336272562
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Backgrounds 1458061718
Backgrounds System name Fundaluri
X: Main View X:
Setting the background image failed: Main View Stabilirea imaginii de fundal a eșuat.
Resolution: Image Filepanel Rezoluție:
pick one Main View alege una
Default Main View Implicit
Center Main View Centru
Manual Main View Manual
Set background image error Main View Eroare la stabilirea imaginii de fundal
Default folder Main View Dosar implicit
Revert Main View Revenire
None Main View Nimic
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 902476840
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 332239666
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. PrefletWin A apărut o eroare la salvarea preferințelor.\nEste posibil că rămâneți fără spațiu pe hard disc.
Add… NotificationView Adaugă…
Status NotificationView Stare
@ -10,16 +10,26 @@ OK PrefletWin OK
Duration: GeneralView Durată:
OK NotificationView OK
Application does not have a valid signature NotificationView Alert message Aplicația nu are o semnătură validă
Follow Deskbar GeneralView Urmărește Deskbar
Notifications PrefletWin Înștiințări
Timeout: GeneralView Pauză:
Muted NotificationView Mutat
General PrefletView General
Allowed NotificationView Permis
Remove NotificationView Elimină
Lower right GeneralView Dreapta jos
Notifications preflet sample PrefletWin Mostră de aplicație de preferințe ale notificărilor
Notifications System name Înștiințări
Position: GeneralView Poziție:
Applications PrefletView Aplicații
Defaults PrefletWin Implicite
pixels GeneralView pixeli
Application NotificationView Aplicație
Width: GeneralView Lățime:
seconds GeneralView secunde
Mute notifications from this application NotificationView Mută notificări de la această aplicație
Upper right GeneralView Dreapta sus
is already listed NotificationView Alert message este deja listat
Lower left GeneralView Stânga jos
Upper left GeneralView Stânga sus
Applications NotificationView Aplicații
@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Repositories 346515317
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Repositories 2658607939
Completed TaskLooper Completed task status message Completat
Repositories System name Depozite
There was an error enabling the repository %url% TaskLooper Error message, do not translate %url% A apărut o eroare la activarea depozitului %url%
Remove this repository? RepositoriesView Removal alert confirmation message Se elimină acest depozit?
Description TaskLooper Failed task error description Descriere
Add AddRepoWindow Button label Adaugă
URL RepositoriesView Column title URL
Repositories could not retrieve the names of the currently enabled repositories. RepositoriesView Alert error message Depozite nu a putut recupera numele depozitelor activate curent.
Keep trying TaskTimer Button label Continuă să încerci
This is not a valid URL. AddRepoWindow Add URL error message Acesta nu este un URL valid.
Repository URL: AddRepoWindow Text box label URL Depozit:
Error getting repository configuration for %name%. RepositoriesView Alert error message, do not translate %name% Eroare la obținerea configurației depozitului pentru %name%.
Details TaskLooper Job log details header Detalii
Good news! The task for repository %name% completed. TaskTimer Alert message. Do not translate %name% Vești bune! Sarcina pentru depozitul %name% este terminată.
Status RepositoriesView Column title Stare
@ -16,16 +20,22 @@ Remove RepositoriesView Button label Elimină
Changes completed RepositoriesView Status view text Modificări completate
Name RepositoriesView Column title Nume
Enable RepositoriesView Button label Activează
Enable repositories to use with package management: RepositoriesView Label text Activați depozitele de utilizat cu administratorul de pachete:
There was an error refreshing the repository cache for %name% TaskLooper Error message, do not translate %name% A apărut o eroare la împrospătarea cache-ului depozitului pentru %name%
Only one URL for each repository can be enabled. Please change your selections. RepositoriesView Error message Doar un URL pentru fiecare depozit poate fi activat. Modificați selectările.
Failed TaskLooper Failed task status message Eșuat
OK Constants Button label OK
Cancel task TaskTimer Button label Anulează sarcina
Remove these repositories? RepositoriesView Removal alert confirmation message Elimină aceste depozite?
Cancel Constants Button label Anulează
Changes pending: RepositoriesView Status view text Modificări în așteptare:
There was an error disabling the repository %name% TaskLooper Error message, do not translate %name% A apărut o eroare la dezactivarea depozitului %name%
Remove Constants Button label Elimină
Enable all RepositoriesView Button label Activează toate
Stop and quit RepositoriesWindow Button label Oprire și ieșire
The task for repository %name% is taking a long time to complete. TaskTimer Alert message. Do not translate %name% Sarcina pentru depozitul %name% durează mult timp până la finalizare.
Disable all RepositoriesView Button label Dezactivează toate
Some tasks are still running. Stop these tasks and quit? RepositoriesWindow Application quit alert message Unele sarcini rulează încă. Se opresc aceste sarcini și se iese?
This repository URL already exists. RepositoriesView Error message Acest URL de depozit există deja.
Disable RepositoriesView Button label Dezactivează
Unknown Constants Unknown repository name Necunoscut
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Time 3566599171
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Time 3755504714
GMT (UNIX compatible) Time GMT (compatibil cu UNIX)
OK Time OK
Asia Time Asia
\nNow: Time \nAcum:
Africa Time Africa
Reset to default server list Time Restabilește la lista de server implicită
Could not resolve server address Time Nu s-a putut rezolva adresa serverului
Stop Time Oprește
Australia Time Australia
Preview time: Time Previzualizare oră:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ This application hasn't been granted access before. AppAccessRequestWindow Aces
Unlock KeyRequestWindow Deblochează
This application has been updated since it was last granted access. AppAccessRequestWindow Această applicație a fost actualizată de când i s-a permis accesul ultima oară.
Allow always AppAccessRequestWindow Permite întotdeauna
Application keyring access AppAccessRequestWindow Acces inel de chei aplicație
Application keyring access AppAccessRequestWindow Accesul la inelul de chei al aplicației
to perform the following action:\n%accessString%\n\n AppAccessRequestWindow pentru a performa următoarea acțiune:\n%accessString%\n\n
The application:\n%signature% (%path%)\n\n AppAccessRequestWindow Aplicația:\n%signature% (%path%)\n\n
This application doesn't yet have the required privileges. AppAccessRequestWindow Această aplicație nu are încă privilegiile necesare.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Orange ChartWindow Portocaliu
Refresh rate ChartWindow Rata de actualizare
Blue ChartWindow Albastru
Colors ChartWindow Culori
Novas ChartWindow Super nove
Novas ChartWindow Nove
LineArray ChartWindow LineArray
0.6 f/s (logarythmic scale) ChartWindow 0.6 f/s (scală logaritmică)
Free motion ChartWindow Mişcare liberă
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 romanian x.vnd.OBOS-Inspector 577867100
User Translators ActiveTranslatorsWindow Traducători ai utilizatorului
User Translators ActiveTranslatorsWindow Traducători de utilizator
No image available to save. ImageWindow Nu este disponibilă nicio imagine de salvat.
Sorry, unable to write the image file. ImageView Îmi pare rău, nu s-a putut scrie fișierul imagine.
Number of Documents: %1\n\nTranslator Used:\nName: %2\nInfo: %3\nVersion: %4\n ImageView Număr de documete: %1\n\nTraducător utilizat:\nNume: %2\nInfo: %3\nVersiune: %4\n
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