From bfa67886bacf9fe5a408df54d11fbc49e930f350 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Autocomitter <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2021 09:19:24 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update translations from Pootle

 .../catalogs/apps/cortex/AddOnHost/ja.catkeys |  4 +
 .../catalogs/apps/cortex/AddOnHost/sv.catkeys |  2 +
 .../apps/cortex/DormantNodeView/ja.catkeys    |  3 +
 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/ca.catkeys | 27 +++++-
 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/de.catkeys | 33 +++++++-
 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/fr.catkeys | 18 +++-
 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/tr.catkeys | 27 +++++-
 .../apps/cortex/MediaRoutingView/fr.catkeys   |  6 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/de.catkeys |  3 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/fr.catkeys |  4 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/ja.catkeys | 24 ++++++
 .../apps/cortex/TipManager/de.catkeys         |  2 +
 .../apps/cortex/TipManager/ja.catkeys         |  2 +
 .../apps/cortex/TipManager/tr.catkeys         |  2 +
 .../apps/cortex/TransportView/tr.catkeys      | 23 ++++++
 .../cortex/addons/AudioAdapter/fr.catkeys     |  5 +-
 .../apps/cortex/addons/Flanger/fr.catkeys     |  5 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/support/tr.catkeys  | 82 ++++++++++++++++++-
 data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ca.catkeys      |  3 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/de.catkeys      |  3 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/fr.catkeys      |  4 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ja.catkeys      |  3 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/sv.catkeys      |  8 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/tr.catkeys      |  3 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/mail/de.catkeys            |  6 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/serialconnect/de.catkeys   | 37 +++++++++
 data/catalogs/apps/serialconnect/sv.catkeys   | 19 +++++
 data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/sv.catkeys      |  2 +-
 28 files changed, 337 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/AddOnHost/ja.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/AddOnHost/sv.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/DormantNodeView/ja.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/ja.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/de.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/ja.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/tr.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TransportView/tr.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/serialconnect/de.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/serialconnect/sv.catkeys

diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/AddOnHost/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/AddOnHost/ja.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba69174750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/AddOnHost/ja.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+1	japanese	application/x-vnd.Cortex.AddOnHost	69183245
+Continue	CortexAddOnHost		続ける
+Cortex AddOnHost	CortexAddOnHost		Cortex AddOnHost
+Quit	CortexAddOnHost		終了
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/AddOnHost/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/AddOnHost/sv.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0257aadf49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/AddOnHost/sv.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+1	swedish	application/x-vnd.Cortex.AddOnHost	1187369093
+This program runs in the background, and is started automatically by Cortex when necessary. You probably don't want to start it manually.	CortexAddOnHost		Detta program körs i bakgrunden och startas automatiskt av Cortex vid behov. Du vill antagligen inte starta det manuellt.
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/DormantNodeView/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/DormantNodeView/ja.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8c5711ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/DormantNodeView/ja.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+1	japanese	application/x-vnd.Cortex.DormantNodeView	4224945067
+Media add-ons	CortexDormantNodeWindow		Media add-ons
+Get info	CortexDormantNodeListItem		情報を見る
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/ca.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/ca.catkeys
index dd5e786b1d..0fa9ca8467 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/ca.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/ca.catkeys
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
-1	catalan; valencian	application/x-vnd.Cortex.InfoView	1146959223
+1	catalan; valencian	application/x-vnd.Cortex.InfoView	2382053937
+Offset	InfoView		Desplaçament
 Description	DormantNodeInfoView		Descripció
+Byte order	InfoView		Ordre de bits
+Connection	InfoView		Connexió
 Output formats	DormantNodeInfoView		Formats de sortida
+History	InfoView		Historial
 Input formats	DormantNodeInfoView		Formats d'entrada
 Signature	AppNodeInfoView		Signatura
+Video data between	InfoView		Interval de dades de vídeo
 Any number	DormantNodeInfoView	For 'Max. instances' field	Qualsevol número
+Flags	InfoView		Banderes
+Media output	InfoView		Sortida de mitjans
+Active lines	InfoView		Línies actives
+Buffer size	InfoView		Mida de memòria intermèdia
 \n- Quality:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Qualitat:
 Kinds	LiveNodeInfoView		Tipus
 Application	AppNodeInfoView		Aplicació
@@ -12,23 +21,39 @@ Max. instances	DormantNodeInfoView		Màx. d'instàncies
 \n- Duration:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Durada:
 Dormant media node	DormantNodeInfoView		Node de mitjans inactius
 Latency	LiveNodeInfoView		Latència
+Media type	InfoView		Tipus de mitjà
 Live media node	LiveNodeInfoView		Node de mitjans actius
+Field rate	InfoView		Taxa de camp
 Kinds	DormantNodeInfoView		Tipus
 %title% info	InfoView		Informació sobre %title%
 Node ID	LiveNodeInfoView		ID de node
+Resolution	InfoView		Resolució
+Chunk size	InfoView		Mida del fragment
 File format	AppNodeInfoView		Format del fitxer
+Matrix mask	InfoView		Màscara del matriu
+Channel mask	InfoView		Màscara del canal
+Orientation	InfoView		Orientació
 Live file-interface node	FileNodeInfoView		Node d'interfície de fitxer actiu
+Channels	InfoView		Canals
+Sample rate	InfoView		Freqüència de mostratge
 File format	FileNodeInfoView		Format del fitxer
 (no file)	FileNodeInfoView		(cap fitxer)
+Media input	InfoView		Entrada de mitjans
+Bit rate	InfoView		Taxa de bits
 Input format	DormantNodeInfoView		Format d'entrada
+Format	InfoView		Format
 Version	AppNodeInfoView		Versió
 AddOn ID	DormantNodeInfoView		ID del complement
+Frame size	InfoView		Mida del marc
 Flavor ID	DormantNodeInfoView		ID del gust
 Run mode	LiveNodeInfoView		Mode d'execució
 \n- Codec:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Còdec:
 Port	LiveNodeInfoView		Port
 Output format	DormantNodeInfoView		Format de sortida
+Aspect ratio	InfoView		Relació d'aspecte
 Application-owned node	AppNodeInfoView		Node propietat de l'aplicació
 Tracks	FileNodeInfoView		Pistes
+Source	InfoView		Font
+Destination	InfoView		Destinació
 Copyright	FileNodeInfoView		Drets de còpia
 ID:	FileNodeInfoView		ID:
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/de.catkeys
index 2fe9279d86..6fa429a54b 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/de.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/de.catkeys
@@ -1,32 +1,59 @@
-1	german	application/x-vnd.Cortex.InfoView	3761768827
+1	german	application/x-vnd.Cortex.InfoView	2382053937
+Offset	InfoView		Versatz
 Description	DormantNodeInfoView		Beschreibung
+Byte order	InfoView		Byte-Reihenfolge
+Connection	InfoView		Verbindung
 Output formats	DormantNodeInfoView		Ausgangeformate
+History	InfoView		Historie
 Input formats	DormantNodeInfoView		Eingangsformate
 Signature	AppNodeInfoView		Signatur
+Video data between	InfoView		Videodaten zwischen
 Any number	DormantNodeInfoView	For 'Max. instances' field	beliebig viele
+Flags	InfoView		Flags
+Media output	InfoView		Media-Ausgang
+Active lines	InfoView		Aktive Zeilen
+Buffer size	InfoView		Puffergröße
 \n- Quality:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Qualität:
 Kinds	LiveNodeInfoView		Arten
 Application	AppNodeInfoView		Anwendung
 Flavor flags	DormantNodeInfoView		Variante
 Max. instances	DormantNodeInfoView		Max. Instanzen
 \n- Duration:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Dauer:
-Dormant media node	DormantNodeInfoView		Schlafende Media Node
+Dormant media node	DormantNodeInfoView		Schlafende Media-Node
 Latency	LiveNodeInfoView		Latenz
-Live media node	LiveNodeInfoView		Live Media Node
+Media type	InfoView		Mediatyp
+Live media node	LiveNodeInfoView		Live Media-Node
+Field rate	InfoView		Feldrate
 Kinds	DormantNodeInfoView		Arten
 %title% info	InfoView		%title% Info
 Node ID	LiveNodeInfoView		Node ID
+Resolution	InfoView		Auflösung
+Chunk size	InfoView		Chunk-Größe
 File format	AppNodeInfoView		Dateiformat
+Matrix mask	InfoView		Matrixmaske
+Channel mask	InfoView		Kanalmaske
+Orientation	InfoView		Ausrichtung
 Live file-interface node	FileNodeInfoView		Live Datei-Interface Node
+Channels	InfoView		Kanäle
+Sample rate	InfoView		Abtastrate
 File format	FileNodeInfoView		Dateiformat
 (no file)	FileNodeInfoView		(keine Datei)
+Media input	InfoView		Media-Eingang
+Bit rate	InfoView		Bitrate
 Input format	DormantNodeInfoView		Eingangsformat
+Format	InfoView		Format
 Version	AppNodeInfoView		Version
 AddOn ID	DormantNodeInfoView		Add-on ID
+Frame size	InfoView		Rahmengröße
 Flavor ID	DormantNodeInfoView		Variaten ID
 Run mode	LiveNodeInfoView		Laufmodus
 \n- Codec:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Codec:
 Port	LiveNodeInfoView		Port
 Output format	DormantNodeInfoView		Ausgangsformat
+Aspect ratio	InfoView		Seitenverhältnis
 Application-owned node	AppNodeInfoView		Anwendungs-Node
 Tracks	FileNodeInfoView		Spuren
+Source	InfoView		Quelle
+Destination	InfoView		Ziel
+Copyright	FileNodeInfoView		Copyright
+ID:	FileNodeInfoView		ID:
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/fr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/fr.catkeys
index 77a7cdcefc..adaf9e67f8 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/fr.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/fr.catkeys
@@ -1,13 +1,29 @@
-1	french	application/x-vnd.Cortex.InfoView	1657177474
+1	french	application/x-vnd.Cortex.InfoView	2085848286
 Description	DormantNodeInfoView		Description
+Connection	InfoView		Connexion
 Output formats	DormantNodeInfoView		Formats de sorties
+History	InfoView		Historique
 Input formats	DormantNodeInfoView		Formats d’entrées
+Signature	AppNodeInfoView		Signature
+Flags	InfoView		Drapeaux
+Buffer size	InfoView		Taille du tampon
+\n- Quality:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Qualité :
 Latency	LiveNodeInfoView		Latence
 Node ID	LiveNodeInfoView		ID de nœud
+Resolution	InfoView		Résolution
 File format	AppNodeInfoView		Format de fichier
+Orientation	InfoView		Orientation
+Channels	InfoView		Canaux
 File format	FileNodeInfoView		Format de fichier
+(no file)	FileNodeInfoView		(Aucun fichier)
+Input format	DormantNodeInfoView		Format d’entrée
+Format	InfoView		Format
 Version	AppNodeInfoView		Version
 Run mode	LiveNodeInfoView		Mode d’exécution
+\n- Codec:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Codec :
 Port	LiveNodeInfoView		Port
 Output format	DormantNodeInfoView		Format
+Tracks	FileNodeInfoView		Piste
+Source	InfoView		Source
+Destination	InfoView		Destination
 ID:	FileNodeInfoView		ID :
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/tr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/tr.catkeys
index 1d3eda207e..6d269e8297 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/tr.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/InfoView/tr.catkeys
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
-1	turkish	application/x-vnd.Cortex.InfoView	1146959223
+1	turkish	application/x-vnd.Cortex.InfoView	2382053937
+Offset	InfoView		Ofset
 Description	DormantNodeInfoView		Açıklama
+Byte order	InfoView		Bayt sırası
+Connection	InfoView		Bağlantı
 Output formats	DormantNodeInfoView		Çıkış biçimleri
+History	InfoView		Geçmiş
 Input formats	DormantNodeInfoView		Giriş biçimleri
 Signature	AppNodeInfoView		İmza
+Video data between	InfoView		Aradaki video verisi
 Any number	DormantNodeInfoView	For 'Max. instances' field	Herhangi bir sayı
+Flags	InfoView		Bayraklar
+Media output	InfoView		Ortam çıkışı
+Active lines	InfoView		Etkin hatlar
+Buffer size	InfoView		Arabellek boyutu
 \n- Quality:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Kalite:
 Kinds	LiveNodeInfoView		Türler
 Application	AppNodeInfoView		Uygulama
@@ -12,23 +21,39 @@ Max. instances	DormantNodeInfoView		En çok oluşum
 \n- Duration:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Süre:
 Dormant media node	DormantNodeInfoView		Etkin olmayan ortam düğümü
 Latency	LiveNodeInfoView		Gecikme
+Media type	InfoView		Ortam türü
 Live media node	LiveNodeInfoView		Canlı ortam düğümü
+Field rate	InfoView		Alan oranı
 Kinds	DormantNodeInfoView		Türler
 %title% info	InfoView		%title% bilgisi
 Node ID	LiveNodeInfoView		Düğüm kimliği
+Resolution	InfoView		Çözünürlük
+Chunk size	InfoView		İri parça boyutu
 File format	AppNodeInfoView		Dosya biçimi
+Matrix mask	InfoView		Dizey maskesi
+Channel mask	InfoView		Kanal maskesi
+Orientation	InfoView		Yön
 Live file-interface node	FileNodeInfoView		Canlı dosya arayüzü düğümü
+Channels	InfoView		Kanallar
+Sample rate	InfoView		Örnek oran
 File format	FileNodeInfoView		Dosya biçimi
 (no file)	FileNodeInfoView		(dosya yok)
+Media input	InfoView		Ortam girişi
+Bit rate	InfoView		Bit oranı
 Input format	DormantNodeInfoView		Giriş biçimi
+Format	InfoView		Biçim
 Version	AppNodeInfoView		Sürüm
 AddOn ID	DormantNodeInfoView		Eklenti kimliği
+Frame size	InfoView		Çerçeve boyutu
 Flavor ID	DormantNodeInfoView		Çeşit kimliği
 Run mode	LiveNodeInfoView		Çalışma kipi
 \n- Codec:	FileNodeInfoView		\n- Kod çözücü
 Port	LiveNodeInfoView		Kapı
 Output format	DormantNodeInfoView		Çıkış biçimi
+Aspect ratio	InfoView		En boy oranı
 Application-owned node	AppNodeInfoView		Uygulamanın iyesi olduğu düğüm
 Tracks	FileNodeInfoView		Parçalar
+Source	InfoView		Kaynak
+Destination	InfoView		Hedef
 Copyright	FileNodeInfoView		Telif hakkı
 ID:	FileNodeInfoView		Kimlik:
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/MediaRoutingView/fr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/MediaRoutingView/fr.catkeys
index 4d77c9bf36..46c3ef457e 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/MediaRoutingView/fr.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/MediaRoutingView/fr.catkeys
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
-1	french	application/x-vnd.Cortex.MediaRoutingView	717483812
+1	french	application/x-vnd.Cortex.MediaRoutingView	2534343060
 Video output	MediaRoutingView		Sortie vidéo
 OK	MediaRoutingView		OK
 Audio input	MediaRoutingView		Entrée audio
 Video input	MediaRoutingView		Entrée vidéo
 Disconnect	MediaRoutingView		Déconnecter
+Could not disconnect	MediaRoutingView		Déconnexion impossible
+Could not instantiate '%infoname%'	MediaRoutingView		Impossible d’instancier « %infoname% »
 Input	MediaJack		Entrée
 Error	MediaRoutingView		Erreur
+Could not release '%refname%'	MediaRoutingView		Impossible de libérer « %refname% »
 Output	MediaJack		Sortie
+Could not connect	MediaRoutingView		Connexion impossible
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/de.catkeys
index f8b35791f6..7df147c48f 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/de.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/de.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	german	application/x-vnd.Cortex.Route	2636226021
+1	german	application/x-vnd.Cortex.Route	51642783
 Node '%name%' released	CortexRouteApp		Node '%name%' freigegeben
 OK	CortexRouteApp		OK
 About Cortex/Route…	CortexRouteApp		Über Cortex/Route…
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Between:	CortexRouteApp		Zwischen:
 Cortex	CortexRouteApp		Cortex
 Open…	CortexRouteApp		Öffnen…
 Connection made	CortexRouteApp		Verbindung hergestellt
+Show transport	CortexRouteApp		Transport anzeigen
 Show add-ons	CortexRouteApp		Add-ons anzeigen
 Quit	CortexRouteApp		Beenden
 Cortex/Route 2.1.2\n\nCopyright 1999-2000 Eric Moon\nAll rights reserved.\n\nThe Cortex Team:\n\nChristopher Lenz: UI\nEric Moon: UI, back-end\n\nThanks to:\nJohn Ashmun\nJon Watte\nDoug Wright\n<your name here>\n\nCertain icons used herein are the property of\nBe, Inc. and are used by permission.	CortexRouteApp		Cortex/Route 2.1.2\n\nCopyright 1999-2000 Eric Moon\nAlle Rechte vorbehalten.\n\nDas Cortex Team:\n\nChristopher Lenz: UI\nEric Moon: UI, back-end\n\nDank an:\nJohn Ashmun\nJon Watte\nDoug Wright\n<Dein Name hier>\n\nEinige der verwendeten Icons sind im Besitz von\nBe, Inc. und für die Nutzung freigegeben.
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/fr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/fr.catkeys
index 9acbf44c09..1e29332107 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/fr.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/fr.catkeys
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-1	french	application/x-vnd.Cortex.Route	1918933736
+1	french	application/x-vnd.Cortex.Route	2895281500
 Node '%name%' released	CortexRouteApp		Nœud « %name% » libéré
 OK	CortexRouteApp		OK
 About Cortex/Route…	CortexRouteApp		À propos de Cortex/Route…
 File	CortexRouteApp		Fichier
 Connection '%name%' made	CortexRouteApp		Connexion « %name% » effectuée
+Save nodes…	CortexRouteApp		Enregistrer les nœuds…
 Node '%name%' created	CortexRouteApp		Nœud « %name% » créé
+Window	CortexRouteApp		Fenêtre
 Between:	CortexRouteApp		Entre :
 Cortex	CortexRouteApp		Cortex
 Open…	CortexRouteApp		Ouvrir…
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/ja.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1314874ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/RouteApp/ja.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+1	japanese	application/x-vnd.Cortex.Route	2905481185
+Node '%name%' released	CortexRouteApp		ノード '%name%' がリリースされました
+OK	CortexRouteApp		OK
+About Cortex/Route…	CortexRouteApp		Cortex/Routeについて…
+File	CortexRouteApp		ファイル
+Connection '%name%' made	CortexRouteApp		接続 '%name%' が作成されました
+Save nodes…	CortexRouteApp		ノードを保存…
+%producer% and %consumer%	CortexRouteApp		%producer% および %consumer%
+Node '%name%' created	CortexRouteApp		ノード '%name%' が生成されました
+Window	CortexRouteApp		ウィンドう
+Transport	CortexRouteApp		トランスポート
+Connection broken	CortexRouteApp		接続が壊れています
+Untitled group	CortexRouteApp		名称未設定グループ
+Connection failed	CortexRouteApp		接続が失敗しました
+Connection '%name%' broken	CortexRouteApp		接続 '%name%' は壊れています
+Between:	CortexRouteApp		以下の間
+Cortex	CortexRouteApp		Cortex
+Open…	CortexRouteApp		開く…
+Connection made	CortexRouteApp		接続が生成された
+Show transport	CortexRouteApp		トランスポートを表示
+Show add-ons	CortexRouteApp		Add-onを表示
+Quit	CortexRouteApp		終了
+Cortex/Route 2.1.2\n\nCopyright 1999-2000 Eric Moon\nAll rights reserved.\n\nThe Cortex Team:\n\nChristopher Lenz: UI\nEric Moon: UI, back-end\n\nThanks to:\nJohn Ashmun\nJon Watte\nDoug Wright\n<your name here>\n\nCertain icons used herein are the property of\nBe, Inc. and are used by permission.	CortexRouteApp		Cortex/Route 2.1.2\n\nCopyright 1999-2000 Eric Moon\nAll rights reserved.\n\nThe Cortex Team:\n\nChristopher Lenz: UI\nEric Moon: UI, back-end\n\nThanks to:\nJohn Ashmun\nJon Watte\nDoug Wright\n<your name here>\n\nCertain icons used herein are the property of\nBe, Inc. and are used by permission.
+Tried format:	CortexRouteApp		信頼できるフォーマット
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/de.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38d8c69a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/de.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+1	german	application/x-vnd.Cortex.TipManager	3157385962
+(no info)	TipWindow		(keine Info)
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/ja.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74e2a51be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/ja.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+1	japanese	application/x-vnd.Cortex.TipManager	3157385962
+(no info)	TipWindow		(情報なし)
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/tr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/tr.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9694d3cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TipManager/tr.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+1	turkish	application/x-vnd.Cortex.TipManager	3157385962
+(no info)	TipWindow		(bilgi yok)
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TransportView/tr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TransportView/tr.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d712e7bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/TransportView/tr.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+1	turkish	application/x-vnd.Cortex.TransportView	1534931965
+Roll	TransportView		Döndür
+(none)	TransportView		(yok)
+{0, plural, one{# node} other{# nodes}}	TransportView		{0, plural, one{# düğüm} other{# düğüm}}
+Start	TransportView		Başlat
+No errors.	TransportView		Hata yok.
+to	TransportView		->
+Offline	TransportView		Çevrimdışı
+(???)	TransportView		(???)
+Stop	TransportView		Durdur
+(no group)	TransportView		(grup yok)
+Drop data	TransportView		Veriyi bırak
+To:	TransportView		Kime:
+Recording	TransportView		Kaydediliyor
+Increase latency	TransportView		Gecikmeyi artır
+Time source:	TransportView		Zaman kaynağı:
+DAC time source	TransportView		DAC zaman kaynağı
+Decrease precision	TransportView		Kesinliği azalt
+System clock	TransportView		Sistem saati
+From:	TransportView		Kimden:
+Roll from	TransportView		Şuradan döndür:
+Preroll	TransportView		Ön döndürme
+Run mode:	TransportView		Çalıştırma kipi:
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/addons/AudioAdapter/fr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/addons/AudioAdapter/fr.catkeys
index d68b23138a..8254d4bf94 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/addons/AudioAdapter/fr.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/addons/AudioAdapter/fr.catkeys
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-1	french	application/x-vnd.moon-AudioAdapter.media_addon	2797708755
+1	french	application/x-vnd.moon-AudioAdapter.media_addon	2282220510
 Input format	CortexAudioAdapter		Format d'entrée
+Channels:	CortexAudioAdapter		Canaux :
 stereo	CortexAudioAdapter		stéréo
 mono	CortexAudioAdapter		mono
 Output format	CortexAudioAdapter		Format de sortie
 Audio input	CortexAddOnsCommon		Entrée audio
+Sample format:	CortexAudioAdapter		Format d’échantillonnage :
 Audio output	CortexAddOnsCommon		Sortie audio
+%groupname% parameters	CortexAddOnsCommon		Paramètres %groupname%
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/addons/Flanger/fr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/addons/Flanger/fr.catkeys
index 8d107d2bec..8528beee44 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/addons/Flanger/fr.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/addons/Flanger/fr.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-1	french	application/x-vnd.moon-Flanger.media_addon	2653912368
+1	french	application/x-vnd.moon-Flanger.media_addon	2928223885
+Delay	CortexAddOnsFlanger		Retard
+Depth	CortexAddOnsFlanger		Profondeur
+Feedback	CortexAddOnsFlanger		Rétroaction
 OK	CortexAddOnsCommonMediaNodeControlApp		OK
 controls	CortexAddOnsCommonMediaNodeControlApp		contrôles
 Audio input	CortexAddOnsFlanger		Entrée audio
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/support/tr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/support/tr.catkeys
index fd1b256c8f..e6c8608b2f 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/support/tr.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/cortex/support/tr.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	turkish	application/	253230062
+1	turkish	application/	2630173556
 Header has flags	MediaString		Üstbilginin bayrakları var
 32 bit HLS	MediaString		32 bit HLS
 Recording	MediaString		Kayıt yapılıyor
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Rear-right	MediaString		Sağ arka
 {0, plural, one{# pixel} other{# pixels}}	MediaString		{0, plural, one{# piksel} other{# piksel}}
 Mono	MediaString		Tek kanallı
 MPEG1	MediaString		MPEG1
-ASF format family	MediaString		ASF biçim ailesi
+ASF format family	MediaString		ASF biçimleri ailesi
 Encoded video	MediaString		Kodlanmış video
 YUV444	MediaString		YUV444
 Port	MediaString		Kapı
@@ -58,11 +58,89 @@ QuickTime format family	MediaString		QuickTime biçimleri ailesi
 Any format family	MediaString		Herhangi bir biçim ailesi
 Timecode	MediaString		Zaman kodu
 Top-Front-right	MediaString		Üst sağ ön
+32 bit float	MediaString		32 bit kayan noktalı değer
+Controllable	MediaString		Denetlenebilir
+32 bit integer	MediaString		32 bit tamsayı
 Front-right-center	MediaString		Ön merkez sağ
 Side-right	MediaString		Sağ kenar
+ kHz	MediaString		 kHz
+Little endian	MediaString		Küçük son haneli
+(unknown matrix mask)	MediaString		(bilinmeyen dizey maskesi)
+32 bit LAB	MediaString		32 bit LAB
 Side-left	MediaString		Sol kenar
+{0, plural, one{# byte per buffer} other{# bytes per buffer}}	MediaString		{0, plural, one{arabellek başına # bayt} other{arabellek başına # bayt}}
+32 bit CMYK	MediaString		32 bit CMYK
+(unknown multistream format)	MediaString		(bilinmeyen çoklu akış biçimi)
+8 bit integer	MediaString		8 bit tamsayı
+8 bit grayscale-index	MediaString		8 bit gri tonlu indeks
+YCbCr444	MediaString		YCbCr444
+Buffer producer	MediaString		Arabellek üreticisi
+Buffer consumer	MediaString		Arabellek tüketicisi
+Increase latency	MediaString		Gecikmeyi artır
 Front-left-center	MediaString		Ön merkez sol
+MPEG format family	MediaString		MPEG biçimleri ailesi
+(none)	MediaString		(yok)
+Center	MediaString		Merkez
+ kb/s (max)	MediaString		 kb/sn (en çok)
+Monochrome	MediaString		Siyah beyaz
+Private Be media type	MediaString		Özel Be ortam türü
+24 bit UVL	MediaString		24 bit UVL
+32 bit HSV	MediaString		32 bit HSV
+ID	MediaString		Kimlik
+AIFF format family	MediaString		AIFF biçimleri ailesi
 Top-Back-left	MediaString		Üst sol arka
+16 bit RGB	MediaString		16 bit RGB
+YCbCr422	MediaString		YCbCr422
+Raw audio	MediaString		Ham ses
+32 bit LABA	MediaString		32 bit LABA
+24 bit HLS	MediaString		24 bit HLS
+Non-interlaced 	MediaString		Üst üste bindirilmemiş 
+{0, plural,one{# byte (avg)}other{# bytes (avg)}}	MediaString		{0, plural,one{# bayt (ort.)}other{# bayt (ort.)}}
+MIDI	MediaString		MIDI
+YUV12	MediaString		YUV12
+WAV format family	MediaString		WAV biçimleri ailesi
+ (NTSC)	MediaString		 (NTSC)
+Physical input	MediaString		Fiziksel giriş
+Big endian	MediaString		Büyük son haneli
+Sub	MediaString		Alt
+{0, plural,one{# byte (max)}other{# bytes (max)}}	MediaString		{0, plural,one{# bayt (en çok)}other{# bayt (en çok)}}
+YUV411	MediaString		YUV411
+Multistream media	MediaString		Çoklu akış ortam
+Encoded audio	MediaString		Kodlanmış ses
+Decrease precision	MediaString		Kesinliği azalt
+File interface	MediaString		Dosya arabirimi
+(unknown byte order)	MediaString		(bilinmeyen bayt sırası)
+32 bit HSI	MediaString		32 bit HSI
+Typeless media	MediaString		Türsüz ortam
+ (PAL)	MediaString		 (PAL)
+32 bit RGBA	MediaString		32 bit RGBA
+YCbCr420	MediaString		YCbCr420
+ kb/s (avg)	MediaString		 kb/s (ort.)
+HTML	MediaString		HTML
+Time source	MediaString		Zaman kaynağı
+15 bit RGB	MediaString		15 bit RGB
+ProLogic LR	MediaString		ProLogic LR
+{0, plural,one{# byte per frame}other{# bytes per frame}}	MediaString		{0, plural,one{çerçeve başına # bayt}other{çerçeve başına # bayt}}
+Parameters	MediaString		Parametreler
+Raw data from VBL area	MediaString		VBL alanından ham veri
 Top-Back-right	MediaString		Üst sağ arka
+{0, plural, one{# byte per row}other{# bytes per row}}	MediaString		{0, plural, one{satır başına # bayt}other{satır başına # bayt}}
 Left	MediaString		Sol
+BeOS video	MediaString		BeOS video
+24 bit CMY	MediaString		24 bit CMY
+32 bit UVLA	MediaString		32 bit UVLA
+Top-center	MediaString		Üst merkez
+Entity interface	MediaString		Varlık arabirimi
+Stereo	MediaString		Çift kanallı
+8 bit color-index	MediaString		8 bit renk indeksi
 Bottom to top, left to right	MediaString		Alttan üste, soldan sağa
+32 bit UVL	MediaString		32 bit UVL
+{0, plural, one{# line} other{# lines}}	MediaString		{0, plural, one{# hat} other{# hat}}
+Text	MediaString		Metin
+Unknown media type	MediaString		Bilinmeyen ortam türü
+MPEG2	MediaString		MPEG2
+Miscellaneous format family	MediaString		Diğer biçim aileleri
+24 bit RGB	MediaString		24 bit RGB
+{0, plural,one{# frame backward}other{# frames backward}}	MediaString		{0, plural,one{# çerçeve geriye}other{# çerçeve geriye}}
+32 bit HSIA	MediaString		32 bit HSIA
+Raw video	MediaString		Ham video
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ca.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ca.catkeys
index d84b7c35d8..259d4f0f3c 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ca.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ca.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	catalan; valencian	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	2940546158
+1	catalan; valencian	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	3544756144
 Repository update error	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		Error d'actualització del repositori
 Network error	ServerHelper		Error de xarxa
 An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error%	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		Hi ha hagut un error en actualitzar el repositori: %error%
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Local	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		Local
 Rate %Package%	RatePackageWindow		Puntueu %Package%
 An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message%	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		Hi ha hagut un error en iniciar el gestor de paquets: %message%
 Quit HaikuDepot	App		Surt del Dipòsit del Haiku
+Would it be acceptable to send anonymous usage data to the HaikuDepotServer system from this computer? You can change your preference in the \"Settings\" window later.	MainWindow		Seria acceptable enviar dades d’ús anònimes al sistema del servidor del Dipòsit del Haiku des d’aquest ordinador? En podeu canviar les preferències a la finestra de \Paràmetres\ més endavant.
 An unexpected error '%Message%' has arisen with property '%Property%'	UserLoginWindow		L'error inesperat "%Message%" ha sorgit amb la propietat "%Property%".
 A response to the captcha question must be provided.	UserLoginWindow		Cal proporcionar una resposta a la pregunta de CAPTCHA.
 Category	FilterView		Categoria
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/de.catkeys
index fc4744acc2..ffcb87dfd1 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/de.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/de.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	german	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	2940546158
+1	german	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	3544756144
 Repository update error	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		Fehler bei Paketquellenaktualisierung
 Network error	ServerHelper		Netzwerk Fehler
 An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error%	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		Fehler bei der Aktualisierung der Paketquelle: %error%
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Local	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		Lokal
 Rate %Package%	RatePackageWindow		%Package% bewerten
 An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message%	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		Fehler beim Initialisieren des Paketmanagers: %message%
 Quit HaikuDepot	App		HaikuDepot beenden
+Would it be acceptable to send anonymous usage data to the HaikuDepotServer system from this computer? You can change your preference in the \"Settings\" window later.	MainWindow		Dürfen anonyme Nutzungsdaten von diesem Computer an den HaikuDepotServer geschickt werden? Die Option kann jederzeit im \"Einstellungen\" Fenster geändert werden.
 An unexpected error '%Message%' has arisen with property '%Property%'	UserLoginWindow		Es trat ein unerwarteter Fehler '%Message%'  mit der Eigenschaft '%Property%' auf.
 A response to the captcha question must be provided.	UserLoginWindow		Das Captcha muss beantwortet werden.
 Category	FilterView		Kategorie
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/fr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/fr.catkeys
index 0b16e1be7d..6f0fdcf7a8 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/fr.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/fr.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	french	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	2197264646
+1	french	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	3544756144
 Repository update error	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		Erreur à l’actualisation du dépôt
 Network error	ServerHelper		Erreur réseau
 An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error%	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		Une erreur est survenue lors du rafraîchissement : %error%
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Local	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		Local
 Rate %Package%	RatePackageWindow		Évaluer %Package%
 An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message%	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		Une erreur est survenue lors de l’initialisation du gestionnaire de paquets : %message%
 Quit HaikuDepot	App		Quitter DépôtHaiku
+Would it be acceptable to send anonymous usage data to the HaikuDepotServer system from this computer? You can change your preference in the \"Settings\" window later.	MainWindow		Considéreriez-vous comme acceptable d'envoyer des données d'utilisation anonymes au système du Serveur de dépôt Haiku depuis cet ordinateur ? Vous pouvez changer votre préférence dans la fenêtre des « Réglages » ultérieurement.
 An unexpected error '%Message%' has arisen with property '%Property%'	UserLoginWindow		Une erreur inattendue « %Message% » est survenue avec la propriété « %Property% ».
 A response to the captcha question must be provided.	UserLoginWindow		Vous devez fournir une réponse à la question Captcha.
 Category	FilterView		Catégorie
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ Cancel	UserLoginWindow		Annuler
 HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now?	App		Le DépôtHaiku a besoin du serveur de paquets pour fonctionner, et il ne semble pas être démarré.\nVoulez-vous le démarrer maintenant ?
 Click a package to view information	PackageInfoView		Cliquez sur un paquet pour afficher ses informations
 The password must be at least eight characters long, consist of at least two digits and one upper case character.	UserLoginWindow		Le mot de passe doit être composé d’au moins huit caractères, composé d’au moins deux chiffres et d’un caractère majuscule.
+Share anonymous usage data with HaikuDepotServer	SettingsWindow		Partager des données d'utilisation anonymes avec le système du Serveur de dépôt Haiku
 Contents	PackageInfoView		Contenu
 Close	PackageManager		Fermer
 Changelog	PackageInfoView		Journal des modifications
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ja.catkeys
index 31c420a141..aa74ee34e0 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ja.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ja.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	2940546158
+1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	3544756144
 Repository update error	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		リポジトリアップデートエラー
 Network error	ServerHelper		ネットワークエラー
 An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error%	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		リポジトリの更新中に次のエラーが発生しました: %error%
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Local	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		ローカル
 Rate %Package%	RatePackageWindow		%Package% を評価
 An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message%	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		パッケージマネージャーの初期化中にエラーが発生しました: %message%
 Quit HaikuDepot	App		HaikuDepot を終了
+Would it be acceptable to send anonymous usage data to the HaikuDepotServer system from this computer? You can change your preference in the \"Settings\" window later.	MainWindow		このコンピューターから匿名の使用情報をHaikuDepotServerシステムに送信することに問題はありますか? あとで、\"設定\"ウインドウで選択を変えられます。
 An unexpected error '%Message%' has arisen with property '%Property%'	UserLoginWindow		予期しないエラー '%Message%' が、プロパティ '%Property%' で発生しました。
 A response to the captcha question must be provided.	UserLoginWindow		キャプチャへの回答は提供される必要がある。
 Category	FilterView		分類
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/sv.catkeys
index d9091b4c02..986907d046 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/sv.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/sv.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	2453709986
+1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	3544756144
 Repository update error	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		Fel vid uppdatering av repositorie
 Network error	ServerHelper		Nätverksfel
 An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error%	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		Ett fel inträffade vid uppdatering av repositoriet: %error%
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Local	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		Lokal
 Rate %Package%	RatePackageWindow		Betyg %Package%
 An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message%	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		Ett fel inträffade vid initiering av pakethanteraren: %message%
 Quit HaikuDepot	App		Avsluta HaikuDepot
+Would it be acceptable to send anonymous usage data to the HaikuDepotServer system from this computer? You can change your preference in the \"Settings\" window later.	MainWindow		Skulle det vara acceptabelt att skicka anonyma användningsdata till HaikuDepotServer-systemet från den här datorn? Du kan ändra dina preferenser i fönstret \"Inställningar \" senare.
 An unexpected error '%Message%' has arisen with property '%Property%'	UserLoginWindow		Ett oväntat fel '%Message%' har uppstått med egenskapen '%Property%'
 A response to the captcha question must be provided.	UserLoginWindow		Ett svar på captcha-frågan måste tillhandahållas.
 Category	FilterView		Kategori
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ Cancel	UserLoginWindow		Avbryt
 HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now?	App		Servicen behövs för HaikuDepot och den verkar inte köra.\nSkulle du vilja starta den nu?
 Click a package to view information	PackageInfoView		Klicka på ett paket för att se information
 The password must be at least eight characters long, consist of at least two digits and one upper case character.	UserLoginWindow		Lösenordet måste vara minst åtta tecken långt och innehålla minst två siffror och en versal.
+Share anonymous usage data with HaikuDepotServer	SettingsWindow		Dela anonym användningsinformation med HaikuDepotServer
 Contents	PackageInfoView		Innehåll
 Close	PackageManager		Stäng
 Changelog	PackageInfoView		Ändringslogg
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ Send	RatePackageWindow		Skicka
 Start package daemon	App		Starta paket-servicen
 The password must be repeated in order to reduce the chance of entering the password incorrectly.	UserLoginWindow		Lösenordet måste upprepas för att minska risken att det anges felaktigt.
 The package action could not be scheduled: %Error%	PackageInfoView		Paket körningen kunde inte planeras: %Error%
+Cancel	SettingsWindow		Avbryt
 Cancel	RatePackageWindow		Avbryt
 Inactive	PackageListView		Inaktiv
 Nickname:	UserLoginWindow		Användarnamn:
@@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ OK	MainWindow		OK
 Usage conditions download problem	UserLoginWindow		Fel vid hämtning av användarvillkor
 OK	PackageInfoView		OK
 Downloading:	PackageInfoView		Mestadels stabil
+Quit	MainWindow		Avsluta
 Success	UserLoginWindow		Klar
 No	MainWindow		Nej
 Package daemon problem	App		Problem med paketdemonen
@@ -99,6 +103,7 @@ Close	UserLoginWindow		Stäng
 Close	RatePackageWindow		Stäng
 An unexpected error has been sent from the server [%i]	ServerHelper		Ett oväntat fel har skickats från servern [%i]
 Synchronizing package data for repository '%REPO_NAME%'	ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess		Synkroniserar paketdata för repositoriet '%REPO_NAME%'
+Settings	SettingsWindow		Inställningar
 An error has arisen downloading the usage conditions required to create a new user. Check the log for details and try again. \nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide.	UserLoginWindow		Ett fel har uppstått vid nedladdning av de användningsvillkor som krävs för att skapa en ny användare. Kontrollera loggen för mer information och försök igen. \nInformation om hur du ser loggarna finns i avsnittet HaikuDepot i Haiku användarhandbok.
 View the usage conditions	UserLoginWindow		Visa användarvillkor
 Login issue	MainWindow		Inloggnings problem
@@ -118,6 +123,7 @@ Refresh repositories	MainWindow		Ladda om repositorier
 Continue	App		Fortsätt
 A password is required.	UserLoginWindow		Ett lösenord krävs.
 This package doesn't seem to be on the HaikuDepot Server, so it's not possible to create a new rating or edit an existing rating.	MainWindow		Det här paketet verkar inte finnas på HaikuDepot-servern, så det är inte möjligt att skapa ett nytt betyg eller redigera ett befintligt betyg.
+Apply	SettingsWindow		Tillämpa
 Language	RatePackageWindow		Språk
 Log out	MainWindow		Logga ut
 Comment language:	RatePackageWindow		Kommentarspråk:
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/tr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/tr.catkeys
index f7a4f1efc4..7b0a8fb6f9 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/tr.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/tr.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	turkish	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	2940546158
+1	turkish	x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot	3544756144
 Repository update error	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		Depo güncelleme hatası
 Network error	ServerHelper		Ağ hatası
 An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error%	LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess		Depo güncellenirken bir hata oluştu: %error%
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Local	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		Yerel
 Rate %Package%	RatePackageWindow		%Package% paketini derecelendir
 An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message%	LocalPkgDataLoadProcess		Paket yöneticisi başlatılırken bir hata oluştu: %message%
 Quit HaikuDepot	App		Haiku Depo'dan çık
+Would it be acceptable to send anonymous usage data to the HaikuDepotServer system from this computer? You can change your preference in the \"Settings\" window later.	MainWindow		Anonim kullanım istatistiklerini Haiku Depo sunucusu ile paylaşmak ister misiniz? Tercihinizi daha sonra \"Ayarlar\" penceresinden değiştirebilirsiniz.
 An unexpected error '%Message%' has arisen with property '%Property%'	UserLoginWindow		'%Property%' ile beklenmeyen bir '%Message%' hatası alındı
 A response to the captcha question must be provided.	UserLoginWindow		CAPTCHA sorusuna bir yanıt sağlanmalıdır.
 Category	FilterView		Kategori
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mail/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mail/de.catkeys
index 49dec75891..01bc73aefa 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/mail/de.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mail/de.catkeys
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Reply	Mail		Antworten
 Next message	Mail		Nächste Nachricht
 Mailing	Mail		Nachrichten
 Unread	Mail		Ungelesen
-Same sender	Mail		Selber Absender
+Same sender	Mail		Gleiche Absender
 Copy to new	Mail		In neue Nachricht kopieren
 Save as draft	Mail		Als Entwurf speichern
 Encoding:	Mail		Zeichenkodierung:
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Only files can be added as attachments.	Mail		Nur Dateien können als Anhang hin
 Close	Mail		Schließen
 Untitled	Mail		Unbenannt
 Removing attachments from a forwarded mail is not yet implemented!\nIt will not yet work correctly.	Mail		Anhänge von weitergeleiteten Nachrichten zu entfernen wird noch nicht unterstützt.\nEs wird nicht richtig funktionieren.
-Same recipient	Mail		Selber Empfänger
+Same recipient	Mail		Gleiche Empfänger
 Previous message	Mail		Vorherige Nachricht
 (Address unavailable)	Mail		(Adresse nicht verfügbar)
 Enclosure: %name% (Type: %type%)	Mail	Don't translate the variables %name% and %type%.	Anhang: %name% (Typ: %type%)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Colored quotes:	Mail		Farbige Zitate:
 Automatic	Mail		Automatisch
 Open this link	Mail		Link öffnen
 Auto signature:	Mail		Automatische Signatur:
-Same subject	Mail		Selbes Betreff
+Same subject	Mail		Gleicher Betreff
 Send	Mail		Senden
 Open draft	Mail		Entwurf öffnen
 Leave as 'New'	Mail	Do not translate New - this is non-localizable e-mail status	Status 'New' belassen
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/serialconnect/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/serialconnect/de.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..559ae346ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/serialconnect/de.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+1	german	x-vnd.haiku.SerialConnect	354154115
+Hardware	SerialWindow	Flowcontrol	Hardware
+Connection	SerialWindow		Verbindung
+Raw send…	SerialWindow		Raw senden…
+Baud rate	SerialWindow		Baudrate
+Stop bits	SerialWindow		Stopbits
+None	SerialWindow	Flowcontrol	Keine
+Cancel	Custom baudrate window		Abbrechen
+Sending…	XModemStatus		Senden…
+<no serial port available>	SerialWindow		<kein serieller Port vorhanden>
+Log to file…	SerialWindow		In Datei loggen…
+Custom baudrate	Custom baudrate window		Eigene Baudrate
+File	SerialWindow		Datei
+SerialConnect	System name		SerialConnect
+custom…	SerialWindow	Baudrate	eigene…
+Parity	SerialWindow		Parität
+None	SerialWindow	Parity	Keine
+Disconnect	SerialWindow		Trennen
+Everything sent, waiting for acknowledge	XModemStatus		Alles gesendet, warte auf Bestätigung
+Odd	SerialWindow	Parity	Ungerade
+Flow control	SerialWindow		Datenflusskontrolle
+file transfer progress	SerialWindow		Fortschritt der Dateiübertragung
+CRC requested	XModemStatus		CRC angefordert
+Data bits	SerialWindow		Datenbits
+Both	SerialWindow	Flowcontrol	Beide
+Edit	SerialWindow		Bearbeiten
+XModem send…	SerialWindow		XModem senden…
+Baudrate:	Custom baudrate window		Baudrate:
+OK	Custom baudrate window		OK
+Waiting for receiver…	XModemStatus		Warte auf Empfänger…
+Clear history	SerialWindow		Historie leeren
+Checksum error, re-send block	XModemStatus		Checksummenfehler, Block nochmal senden
+Settings	SerialWindow		Einstellungen
+Even	SerialWindow	Parity	Gerade
+Software	SerialWindow	Flowcontrol	Software
+Line terminator	SerialWindow		Zeilenendmarke
+Remote cancelled transfer	XModemStatus		Übertragung von Gegenstelle abgebrochen
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/serialconnect/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/serialconnect/sv.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc3685e00e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/serialconnect/sv.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+1	swedish	x-vnd.haiku.SerialConnect	562718401
+Hardware	SerialWindow	Flowcontrol	Hårdvara
+Connection	SerialWindow		Förbindelse
+Raw send…	SerialWindow		Skicka rådata...
+Baud rate	SerialWindow		Överföringshastighet
+Stop bits	SerialWindow		Stoppa bitar
+None	SerialWindow	Flowcontrol	Ingen
+Cancel	Custom baudrate window		Avbryt
+Sending…	XModemStatus		Skickar...
+<no serial port available>	SerialWindow		<ingen seriell port tillgänglig>
+Log to file…	SerialWindow		Logga till fil...
+Custom baudrate	Custom baudrate window		Anpassad baudrate
+File	SerialWindow		Fil
+SerialConnect	System name		SerialConnect
+custom…	SerialWindow	Baudrate	inställning...
+Parity	SerialWindow		Paritet
+None	SerialWindow	Parity	Ingen
+Everything sent, waiting for acknowledge	XModemStatus		Allt skickat och väntar på bekräftelse
+Checksum error, re-send block	XModemStatus		Fel i kontrollsumman, skicka blocket igen
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/sv.catkeys
index fd1321240b..b149cfbabc 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/sv.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/sv.catkeys
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Default	Menus		Standard
 OK	SaveAlert		OK
 Color	Menus		Färg
 Save changes to the document \"%s\"? 	QuitAlert		Spara ändringar till dokumentet \"%s\"? 
-StyledEdit	System name		SkrivStiligt
+StyledEdit	System name		StyledEdit
 Find:	FindandReplaceWindow		Sök:
 Undo typing	QuitAlert		Ångra inmatning
 Error loading \"%s\":\n\t%s	LoadAlert		Fel vid inläsning \"%s\":\n\t%s