* fix warnings in mail
git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@38271 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ unsigned long update_crc(unsigned long crc_accum, const char *data_blk_ptr,
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ FileEntry::FileEntry(const char *entryString)
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ WIndex::SetTo(const char *dataPath, const char *indexPath)
BFile* dataFile;
BFile indexFile;
dataFile = new BFile();
if (dataFile->SetTo(dataPath, B_READ_ONLY) != B_OK) {
@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ WIndex::SetTo(const char *dataPath, const char *indexPath)
} else {
bool buildIndex = true;
time_t mtime;
time_t modified;
if (indexFile.SetTo(indexPath, B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK) {
attr_info info;
if ((indexFile.GetAttrInfo("WINDEX:version", &info) == B_OK)) {
@ -171,25 +171,25 @@ WIndex::UnflattenIndex(BPositionIO *io)
if (fEntryList)
WIndexHead head;
io->Seek(0, SEEK_SET);
io->Read(&head, sizeof(head));
io->Seek(head.offset, SEEK_SET);
fEntrySize = head.entrySize;
fEntries = head.entries;
fMaxEntries = fEntriesPerBlock;
fBlockSize = fEntriesPerBlock * fEntrySize;
fBlocks = fEntries / fEntriesPerBlock + 1;;
fIsSorted = true;
int32 size = (head.entries + 1) * head.entrySize;
if (!(fEntryList = (uint8 *)malloc(size)))
return B_ERROR;
if (fEntries)
io->Read(fEntryList, size);
return B_OK;
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ WIndex::FlattenIndex(BPositionIO *io)
if (fEntries && !fIsSorted)
WIndexHead head;
head.entries = fEntries;
head.entrySize = fEntrySize;
head.offset = sizeof(WIndexHead);
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ WIndex::FlattenIndex(BPositionIO *io)
io->Write(&head, sizeof(head));
if (fEntries)
io->Write(fEntryList, head.entries * head.entrySize);
return B_OK;
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ WIndex::Lookup(int32 key)
return -1;
if (!fIsSorted)
// Binary Search
int32 M, Lb, Ub;
Lb = 0;
@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ WIndex::AddItem(WIndexEntry *entry)
if (_BlockCheck() == B_ERROR)
return B_ERROR;
memcpy(((WIndexEntry *)(fEntryList + (fEntries * fEntrySize))), entry,
memcpy(((WIndexEntry *)(fEntryList + (fEntries * fEntrySize))), entry,
fIsSorted = false;
return B_OK;
return B_OK;
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ WIndex::InitIndex(void)
WIndex::GetKey(const char *s)
int32 key = 0;
/*int32 x;
int32 a = 84589;
@ -303,16 +303,16 @@ WIndex::GetKey(const char *s)
int32 m = 217728;
while (*s) {
x = *s++ - 'a';
key ^= (a * x + b) % m;
key <<= 1;
key = update_crc(0, s, strlen(s));
if (key < 0) // No negative values!
key = ~key;
return key;
@ -344,14 +344,14 @@ WIndex::FindFirst(const char *word)
if (!fEntries)
return -1;
int32 index;
char nword[256];
int32 key;
NormalizeWord(word, nword);
key = GetKey(nword);
if ((index = Lookup(key)) < 0)
return -1;
// Find first instance of key
@ -369,13 +369,13 @@ WIndex::GetEntry(int32 index)
WIndexEntry *ientry;
FileEntry *dentry;
char *buffer;
dentry = new FileEntry();
ientry = ItemAt(index);
int32 size;
fDataFile->Seek(ientry->offset, SEEK_SET);
buffer = dentry->LockBuffer(256);
fDataFile->Read(buffer, 256);
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ WIndex::_GetEntrySize(WIndexEntry *entry, const char *entryData)
// eliminate unused parameter warning
return strcspn(entryData, "\n\r");
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ WIndex::NormalizeWord(const char *word, char *dest)
const char *src;
char *dst;
// remove dots and copy
src = word;
dst = dest;
@ -419,54 +419,53 @@ WIndex::NormalizeWord(const char *word, char *dest)
*dst = 0;
// convert to lower-case
dst = dest;
while (*dst)
*dst++ = tolower(*dst);
for (dst = dest; *dst; dst++)
*dst = tolower(*dst);
return dest;
/* crc32h.c -- package to compute 32-bit CRC one byte at a time using */
/* the high-bit first (Big-Endian) bit ordering convention */
/* */
/* Synopsis: */
/* gen_crc_table() -- generates a 256-word table containing all CRC */
/* remainders for every possible 8-bit byte. It */
/* must be executed (once) before any CRC updates. */
/* */
/* unsigned update_crc(crc_accum, data_blk_ptr, data_blk_size) */
/* unsigned crc_accum; char *data_blk_ptr; int data_blk_size; */
/* Returns the updated value of the CRC accumulator after */
/* processing each byte in the addressed block of data. */
/* */
/* It is assumed that an unsigned long is at least 32 bits wide and */
/* that the predefined type char occupies one 8-bit byte of storage. */
/* */
/* The generator polynomial used for this version of the package is */
/* x^32+x^26+x^23+x^22+x^16+x^12+x^11+x^10+x^8+x^7+x^5+x^4+x^2+x^1+x^0 */
/* as specified in the Autodin/Ethernet/ADCCP protocol standards. */
/* Other degree 32 polynomials may be substituted by re-defining the */
/* symbol POLYNOMIAL below. Lower degree polynomials must first be */
/* multiplied by an appropriate power of x. The representation used */
/* is that the coefficient of x^0 is stored in the LSB of the 32-bit */
/* word and the coefficient of x^31 is stored in the most significant */
/* bit. The CRC is to be appended to the data most significant byte */
/* first. For those protocols in which bytes are transmitted MSB */
/* first and in the same order as they are encountered in the block */
/* this convention results in the CRC remainder being transmitted with */
/* the coefficient of x^31 first and with that of x^0 last (just as */
/* would be done by a hardware shift register mechanization). */
/* */
/* The table lookup technique was adapted from the algorithm described */
/* by Avram Perez, Byte-wise CRC Calculations, IEEE Micro 3, 40 (1983).*/
/* crc32h.c -- package to compute 32-bit CRC one byte at a time using */
/* the high-bit first (Big-Endian) bit ordering convention */
/* */
/* Synopsis: */
/* gen_crc_table() -- generates a 256-word table containing all CRC */
/* remainders for every possible 8-bit byte. It */
/* must be executed (once) before any CRC updates. */
/* */
/* unsigned update_crc(crc_accum, data_blk_ptr, data_blk_size) */
/* unsigned crc_accum; char *data_blk_ptr; int data_blk_size; */
/* Returns the updated value of the CRC accumulator after */
/* processing each byte in the addressed block of data. */
/* */
/* It is assumed that an unsigned long is at least 32 bits wide and */
/* that the predefined type char occupies one 8-bit byte of storage. */
/* */
/* The generator polynomial used for this version of the package is */
/* x^32+x^26+x^23+x^22+x^16+x^12+x^11+x^10+x^8+x^7+x^5+x^4+x^2+x^1+x^0 */
/* as specified in the Autodin/Ethernet/ADCCP protocol standards. */
/* Other degree 32 polynomials may be substituted by re-defining the */
/* symbol POLYNOMIAL below. Lower degree polynomials must first be */
/* multiplied by an appropriate power of x. The representation used */
/* is that the coefficient of x^0 is stored in the LSB of the 32-bit */
/* word and the coefficient of x^31 is stored in the most significant */
/* bit. The CRC is to be appended to the data most significant byte */
/* first. For those protocols in which bytes are transmitted MSB */
/* first and in the same order as they are encountered in the block */
/* this convention results in the CRC remainder being transmitted with */
/* the coefficient of x^31 first and with that of x^0 last (just as */
/* would be done by a hardware shift register mechanization). */
/* */
/* The table lookup technique was adapted from the algorithm described */
/* by Avram Perez, Byte-wise CRC Calculations, IEEE Micro 3, 40 (1983).*/
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x04c11db7L
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x04c11db7L
static unsigned long crc_table[256];
static unsigned long crc_table[256];
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ enum {
MAXMETAPH is the length of the Metaphone code.
Four is a good compromise value for English names. For comparing words
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ enum {
length for more precise matches.
The default here is 5.
#define MAXMETAPH 6
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Words::Words(bool useMetaphone)
@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ Words::Words(BPositionIO* thes, bool useMetaphone)
@ -119,27 +119,27 @@ Words::BuildIndex(void)
char *nptr, *eptr;
int64 blockOffset;
int32 blockSize;
// The Word Entry
WIndexEntry entry;
char entryName[256], *namePtr = entryName;
char suffixName[256];
char flags[32], *flagsPtr = flags;
// State Info
int32 state = FIND_WORD;
// Make sure we are at start of file
fDataFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET);
entry.offset = -1;
// Read blocks from thes until eof
while (true) {
// Get next block
blockOffset = fDataFile->Position();
if ((blockSize = fDataFile->Read(buffer, 16384)) == 0)
// parse block
for (nptr = buffer, eptr = buffer + blockSize; nptr < eptr; nptr++) {
// Looking for start of word?
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ Words::BuildIndex(void)
// Add base word
entry.key = GetKey(entryName);
// Add suffixed words if any
if (flagsPtr != flags) {
// printf("Base: %s, flags: %s\n", entryName, flags);
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Words::BuildIndex(void)
if (*nptr == '/') {
*namePtr = 0; // terminate word
// printf("Found word: %s\n", entryName);
state = GET_FLAGS;
} else {
*namePtr++ = *nptr; // copy word
@ -210,12 +210,12 @@ Words::GetKey(const char* s)
int32 key = 0;
int32 offset;
char c;
metaphone(s, Metaph, GENERATE);
// Compact Metaphone from 6 bytes to 4
// printf("%s -> %s: \n", s, Metaph);
for (sPtr = Metaph, offset = 25; *sPtr; sPtr++, offset -= 5) {
c = *sPtr - 'A';
// printf("%d,", int16(c));
@ -470,13 +470,13 @@ word_match(const char* reference, const char* test)
char c1, c2;
s1 = test;
s2 = reference;
bool a, b;
while (*s2 || *s1) {
c1 = tolower(*s1);
c2 = tolower(*s2);
if (*s2 && *s1) {
if (c1 != c2) {
a = (tolower(s1[1]) == c2);
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ word_match(const char* reference, const char* test)
// Equivalent Character
else if (vsvfn[c1] == vsvfn[c2])
else if (vsvfn[(unsigned)c1] == vsvfn[(unsigned)c2])
// Unrelated Character
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ word_match(const char* reference, const char* test)
if (*s1)
return x;
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ int32
suffix_word(char* dst, const char* src, char flag)
char* end;
end = stpcpy(dst, src);
flag = toupper(flag);
switch(flag) {
@ -706,46 +706,46 @@ Words::FindBestMatches(BList* matches, const char* s)
int32 index;
// printf("*** Looking for %s: ***\n", s);
if ((index = FindFirst(s)) >= 0) {
BString srcWord(s);
FileEntry* entry;
WIndexEntry* indexEntry;
int32 key = (ItemAt(index))->key;
int32 suffixLength;
char word[128], suffixWord[128];
const char *src, *testWord;
const char *suffixFlags;
char *dst;
gCmpKey = srcWord.String();
uint8 hashTable[32];
uint8 hashValue, highHash, lowHash;
for (int32 i = 0; i < 32; i++)
hashTable[i] = 0;
do {
indexEntry = ItemAt(index);
// Hash the entry offset; we use this to make sure we don't add
// the same word file entry twice;
// It is possible for the same entry in the words file to have
// multiple entries in the index.
hashValue = indexEntry->offset % 256;
highHash = hashValue >> 3;
lowHash = 0x01 << (hashValue & 0x07);
// printf("Testing Entry: %ld: hash=%d, highHash=%d, lowHash=%d\n",
// indexEntry->offset, hashValue, (uint16)highHash,
// indexEntry->offset, hashValue, (uint16)highHash,
// (uint16)lowHash);
// Has this entry offset been seen before?
if (!(hashTable[highHash] & lowHash)) {
// printf("New Entry\n");
hashTable[highHash] |= lowHash; // Mark this offset so we don't add it twice
entry = GetEntry(index);
src = entry->String();
while (*src && !isalpha(*src))
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ Words::FindBestMatches(BList* matches, const char* s)
suffixFlags = src + 1;
suffixFlags = src;
// printf("Base Word: %s\n", word);
// printf("Flags: %s\n", suffixFlags);
testWord = word; // Test the base word first
@ -769,12 +769,12 @@ Words::FindBestMatches(BList* matches, const char* s)
// And does it look close enough to the compare key?
// word_match(gCmpKey, testWord)
// <= int32((strlen(gCmpKey)-1)/2))
&& word_match(gCmpKey, testWord)
&& word_match(gCmpKey, testWord)
<= int32(float(strlen(gCmpKey)-1)*.75)) {
// printf("Added: %s\n", testWord);
matches->AddItem((void*)(new BString(testWord)));
// If suffix, transform and test
if (*suffixFlags) {
// Repeat until valid suffix found or end is reached
@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ Words::FindBestMatches(BList* matches, const char* s)
} while (key == (ItemAt(index))->key);
return matches->CountItems();
} else {
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user