Add preliminary DirectWindow documentation

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John Scipione 2012-12-21 20:37:55 -05:00
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* Copyright 2012 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* John Scipione,
* Corresponds to:
* src/kits/game/DirectWindow.cpp hrev45044
* src/kits/game/DirectWindow.h hrev45044
\file DirectWindow.h
\brief Provides the DirectWindow class.
\enum direct_buffer_state
\brief Direct buffer state constants
\enum direct_driver_state
\brief Direct driver state constants
\struct direct_buffer_info
\brief Direct butter info struct
\var direct_buffer_info::buffer_state
State of the direct buffer access privileges.
It can have one of the following values:
\var direct_buffer_info::driver_state
State of the graphics card on which your direct window is displayed.
There are two possible values:
- \c B_MODE_CHANGED The resolution or color depth has changed.
- \c B_DRIVER_CHANGED The window was moved onto another monitor.
\var direct_buffer_info::bits
Pointer to the frame buffer in your team's memory space.
\var direct_buffer_info::pci_bits
Pointer to the frame buffer in the PCI memory space. This value is
typically needed to control DMA.
\var direct_buffer_info::bytes_per_row
Number of bytes used to represent a single row of pixels in the frame buffer.
\var direct_buffer_info::bits_per_pixel
number of bits actually used to store a single pixel, including reserved,
unused, or alpha channel bits. This value is usually a multiple of eight.
\var direct_buffer_info::pixel_format
The format used to encode a pixel as defined by the \c color_space type.
\var direct_buffer_info::layout
Reserved for future use.
\var direct_buffer_info::orientation
Reserved for future use.
\var direct_buffer_info::_reserved[9]
Reserved for future use.
\var direct_buffer_info::_dd_type_
Reserved for future use.
\var direct_buffer_info::_dd_token_
Reserved for future use.
\var direct_buffer_info::clip_list_count
Number of rectangles in \c clip_list.
\var direct_buffer_info::window_bounds
Rectangle that defines the full content area of the window in screen
\var direct_buffer_info::clip_bounds
Bounding rectangle of the visible part of the content area of the window
in screen coordinates.
\var direct_buffer_info::clip_list
List of rectangles that together define the visible region of the content
area of the window in screen coordinates.
\class DirectWindow
\ingroup game
\ingroup libbe
\brief Provides direct access to the video card graphics frame buffer.
\fn BDirectWindow::BDirectWindow(BRect frame, const char *title,
window_type type, uint32 flags, uint32 workspace)
\brief Creates and initializes a BDirectWindow.
\param frame The initial frame coordinates of the window.
\param title Window title
\param type Window type (see BWindow)
\param flags Window flags (see BWindow)
\param workspace Workspace (see BWindow)
\fn BDirectWindow::BDirectWindow(BRect frame, const char *title,
window_look look, window_feel feel, uint32 flags, uint32 workspace)
\brief Creates and initializes a BDirectWindow.
\param frame The initial frame coordinates of the window.
\param title Window title
\param look window look (see BWindow)
\param feel window feel (see BWindow)
\param flags window flags (see BWindow)
\param workspace workspace (see BWindow)
\fn BDirectWindow::~BDirectWindow()
\brief Destroys the BDirectWindow and frees all memory used by it.
Do not delete a BDirectWindow object directly, call Quit() instead.
Set the fConnectionDisabled flag to \c true to prevent DirectConnected()
from attempting to reconnect while it's being destroyed.
next call Hide() and finally Sync() to force the direct window to
disconnect from direct access.
\fn BArchivable* BDirectWindow::Instantiate(BMessage *data)
\brief Instantiate window from message \a data. Not implemented.
\fn status_t BDirectWindow::Archive(BMessage *data, bool deep) const
\brief Archive window into message \a data. Not implemented.
\fn void BDirectWindow::DirectConnected(direct_buffer_info *info)
\brief hook function called when your application learns about the state
of the graphics display and changes occur.
This is the heart of BDirectWindow.
\param info The \c direct_buffer_info struct
\fn status_t BDirectWindow::GetClippingRegion(BRegion *region,
BPoint *origin) const
\brief Sets \a region to the current clipping region of the direct window.
If \a origin is not \c NULL, the \a region is offset by \a origin.
\warning GetClippingRegion() should only be called from within the
DirectConnected() method. If called outside GetClippingRegion() will
return \c B_ERROR.
\param region The clipping region to fill out.
\param origin An origin to offset the region by.
\returns A status code.
\retval B_OK Everything went as expected.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE \a region was NULL.
\retval B_ERROR Window not locked or not in DirectConnected() method.
\retval B_NO_MEMORY Not enough memory to fill \a region
\fn status_t BDirectWindow::SetFullScreen(bool enable)
\brief Enables or disables full-screen mode.
The SupportsWindowMode() method determines whether or not the video card
is capable of supporting windowed mode.
When the window is in full screen mode it will always have the focus and
no other window can be in front of it.
\param enable \c true to enable fullscreen mode, \c false for windowed mode.
\returns A status code.
\retval B_OK Everything went as expected.
\retval B_ERROR An error occurred while trying to switch between full screen
and windowed mode.
\sa BDirectWindow::SupportsWindowMode()
\fn bool BDirectWindow::IsFullScreen() const
\brief Returns whether the window is in full-screen or windowed mode.
\returns \c true if in full-screen mode, \c false if in windowed mode.
\fn static bool BDirectWindow::SupportsWindowMode(screen_id id)
\brief Returns whether or not the specified screen supports windowed mode.
Because this is a static function you don't have to construct a
BDirectWindow object to call it.
\param id The id of the screen you want to check, \c B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID by
\returns \c true if the screen support windowed mode, \c false otherwise.