Update translations from Pootle
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg. Ab
Contains software from the FreeBSD Project, released under the BSD license:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Aşağıdaki yazılımlar FreeBSD projesinden alınmış olup BSD lisansı ile yayımlanmıştır:\nftpd, ping, telnet, Telnet, traceroute\nTelif hakkı © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. Tüm hakları saklıdır.
Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. All rights reserved. AboutView Telif hakkı © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. Tüm hakları saklıdır.
Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. AboutView Telif hakkı © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard ve diğerleri
Current maintainers:\n AboutView Şu anki geliştiriciler:\n
Current maintainers:\n AboutView Geliştiriciler:\n
Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. All rights reserved. AboutView Telif hakkı © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. Tüm hakları saklıdır.
Version: AboutView Sürüm:
The BeGeistert team\n AboutView BeGeistert takımı\n
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Overlay MediaPlayer-InfoWin Накладання
Rating MediaPlayer-Main Рейтинг
Internal error (out of memory). Saving the playlist failed. MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Внутрішня помилка (нестача памяті). Збій збереження списку відтворення.
Video MediaPlayer-Main Відео
There is no decoder installed to handle the file format, or the decoder has trouble with the specific version of the format. MediaPlayer-Main Не встановлено декодера для підтримки файла цього формату, або у декодера є проблема з спеціальною версією формату.
There is no decoder installed to handle the file format, or the decoder has trouble with the specific version of the format. MediaPlayer-Main Відсутній декодер для обробки файлів такого типу, або декодер не розпізнає конкретну версію формату.
Lock Peaks MediaPlayer-PeakView Блокувати піки
none Audio track menu пусто
Open network stream MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Відкрити мережевий потік
@ -117,15 +117,15 @@ min MediaPlayer-InfoWin Minutes хв
Saving the playlist failed:\n\nError: MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Збій збереження списку відтворення:\n\nПомилка:
Video MediaPlayer-InfoWin Відео
File info… MediaPlayer-Main Інформація про файл…
1.85 : 1 (American) MediaPlayer-Main 1.85 : 1 (Амер.)
1.85 : 1 (American) MediaPlayer-Main 1.85 : 1 (Американський)
<unnamed> PlaylistItem-name <неназваний>
Track Video Track Menu Трек
Full screen MediaPlayer-Main Повний екран
Full screen MediaPlayer-Main На весь екран
OK MediaPlayer-NetworkStream ОК
Internal error (locking failed). Saving the playlist failed. MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Внутрішня помилка (збій блокування). Збій збереження списку відтворення.
100% scale MediaPlayer-Main Масштаб 100%
<nothing to redo> MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow <нічого повторити>
Bad URL MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Невірний URL
Bad URL MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Недійсний URL
Save MediaPlayer-Main Зберегти
Close window after playing video MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Закрити вікно після відтворення відео
Scale movies smoothly (non-overlay mode) MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Масштаб зображення зглажений (без режиму накладання)
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ None of the files you wanted to play appear to be media files. MediaPlayer-Main
Remove Entry MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Видалити запис
Remove Entries into Trash MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Вилучити записи до смітника
Subtitle size: MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Розмір субтитрів:
No aspect correction MediaPlayer-Main Немає корекції погляду
No aspect correction MediaPlayer-Main Без корекції формату
raw video MediaPlayer-InfoWin необроблене відео
Container MediaPlayer-InfoWin Контейнер
none MediaPlayer-Main пусто
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Document statistics Statistics Статыстыка дакументу
Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Немагчыма вярнуцца, файл \"%s\" ня знойдзены.
Cut Menus Выразаць
Center Menus Цэнтар
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Пошук з пераходам
Page setup… Menus Наладкі старонкі…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Пошук з пераходам
Untitled StyledEditWindow Без назвы
OK Statistics ОК
Find FindandReplaceWindow Шукаць
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ Italic Menus Нахілены
Can't undo Menus Немагчыма адмяніць
Replace… Menus Замяняць…
File Menus Файл
Bold Menus Тлусты
Paste Menus Уставіць
Bold Menus Тлусты
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Файл \"%file%\" быў мадыфікаваны іншай праграмай, перачытаць?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Файл \"%file%\" быў выдалены іншай праграмай, аднавіць яго?
Lines: Statistics Радкоў:
@ -67,22 +67,22 @@ OK LoadAlert Так
Save QuitAlert Захаваць
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow З улікам рэгістру
Find selection Menus Шукаць пазначанае
Cancel SaveAlert Адмена
Find… Menus Пошук…
Cancel SaveAlert Адмена
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Вярнуць
Size Menus Памер
Autodetect Menus Аўтаматычна
Replace next Menus Замяніць наступны
OK QuitAlert Так
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Змяніць на:
Edit Menus Рэдагаваць
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Змяніць на:
Open… Menus Адкрыць…
Save as… Menus Захаваць як…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Замяніць
Characters: Statistics Знакаў:
Don't save QuitAlert Не захоўваць
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Гэты файл пазначаны толькі для чытання. Захаваць змены ў дакумент \"%s\"?
Align Menus Раўнаванне
Font Menus Шрыфт
Align Menus Раўнаванне
Select all Menus Абраць усё
Right Menus Права
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert No es pot revertir: e
Cut Menus Retalla
Center Menus Centrat
Increase size Menus Augmenta'n la mida
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Cerca cíclica
Page setup… Menus Configuració de la pàgina...
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Cerca cíclica
Untitled StyledEditWindow Sense títol
OK Statistics D'acord
Find FindandReplaceWindow Troba
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Cursiva
Can't undo Menus No es pot refer
Replace… Menus Reemplaça...
File Menus Fitxer
Bold Menus Negreta
Paste Menus Enganxa
Bold Menus Negreta
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts El fitxer \"%file%\" ha estat modificat per una altra aplicació. El torno a carregar?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts El fitxer \"%file%\" ha estat suprimit per una altra aplicació. El recupero?
Lines: Statistics Línies:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert D'acord
Save QuitAlert Desa
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Distingeix majúscules
Find selection Menus Troba la selecció
Cancel SaveAlert Cancel·la
Find… Menus Troba...
Cancel SaveAlert Cancel·la
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Reverteix
Decrease size Menus Redueix-ne la mida
Size Menus Mida
Decrease size Menus Redueix-ne la mida
Autodetect Menus Detecta-ho automàticament
Replace next Menus Reemplaça'n el següent
OK QuitAlert D'acord
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Reemplaça-ho per:
Edit Menus Edita
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Reemplaça-ho per:
Open… Menus Obre...
Save as… Menus Desa com a...
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Reemplaça
Characters: Statistics Caràcters:
Don't save QuitAlert No ho desis
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Aquest fitxer és només de lectura. Voleu desar els canvis al document \"%s\"?
Align Menus Alinea
Font Menus Lletra
Align Menus Alinea
Select all Menus Selecciona-ho tot
Right Menus Dreta
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Kan ikke tilbageføre
Cut Menus Klip
Center Menus Centrér
Increase size Menus Større
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Indpak-omkring søgning
Page setup… Menus Sideopsætning…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Indpak-omkring søgning
Untitled StyledEditWindow Unavngivet
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Find
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Skrå
Can't undo Menus Kan ikke fortryde
Replace… Menus Erstat…
File Menus Fil
Bold Menus Tyk
Paste Menus Indsæt
Bold Menus Tyk
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Filen \"%file%\" blev ændret af et andet program, genindlæs den?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Filen \"%file%\" blev fjernet af et andet program, gendan den?
Lines: Statistics Linjer:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert Gem
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Versalfølsom
Find selection Menus Find valgte
Cancel SaveAlert Annuller
Find… Menus Find…
Cancel SaveAlert Annuller
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Tilbagefør
Decrease size Menus Mindre
Size Menus Størrelse
Decrease size Menus Mindre
Autodetect Menus Automatisk registrering
Replace next Menus Erstat næste
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Erstat med:
Edit Menus Rediger
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Erstat med:
Open… Menus Åbn…
Save as… Menus Gem som…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Erstat
Characters: Statistics Tegn:
Don't save QuitAlert Gem ikke
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Filen er markeret som skrivebeskyttet. Gem ændringer til dokumentet \"%s\"?
Align Menus Tilpas
Font Menus Skrifttype
Align Menus Tilpas
Select all Menus Vælg alt
Right Menus Højre
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Rückgängig machen u
Cut Menus Ausschneiden
Center Menus Zentriert
Increase size Menus Vergrößern
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Gesamtes Dokument durchsuchen
Page setup… Menus Seite einrichten…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Gesamtes Dokument durchsuchen
Untitled StyledEditWindow Unbenannt
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Suchen
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Kursiv
Can't undo Menus Rückgängig nicht möglich
Replace… Menus Ersetzen…
File Menus Datei
Bold Menus Fett
Paste Menus Einfügen
Bold Menus Fett
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Die Datei \"%file%\" wurde von einer anderen Anwendung verändert.\nSoll sie neu geladen werden?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Die Datei \"%file%\" wurde von einer anderen Anwendung entfernt. Soll sie wiederhergestellt werden?
Lines: Statistics Zeilen:
@ -67,23 +67,23 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert Speichern
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten
Find selection Menus Auswahl suchen
Cancel SaveAlert Abbrechen
Find… Menus Suchen…
Cancel SaveAlert Abbrechen
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Wiederherstellen
Decrease size Menus Verkleinern
Size Menus Größe
Decrease size Menus Verkleinern
Autodetect Menus Automatisch
Replace next Menus Weiter ersetzen
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Ersetzen durch:
Edit Menus Bearbeiten
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Ersetzen durch:
Open… Menus Öffnen…
Save as… Menus Speichern unter…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Ersetzen
Characters: Statistics Zeichen:
Don't save QuitAlert Verwerfen
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Diese Datei ist als schreibgeschützt gekennzeichnet. Änderungen am Dokument \"%s\" speichern?
Align Menus Ausrichtung
Font Menus Schrift
Align Menus Ausrichtung
Select all Menus Alles auswählen
Right Menus Rechts
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Δεν μπορεί
Cut Menus Αποκοπή
Center Menus Κέντρο
Increase size Menus Αύξηση μεγέθους
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Κυκλική αναζήτηση
Page setup… Menus Διαμόρφωση σελίδας…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Κυκλική αναζήτηση
Untitled StyledEditWindow Χωρίς τίτλο
OK Statistics Εντάξει
Find FindandReplaceWindow Εύρεση
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Πλάγια
Can't undo Menus Αδυναμία αναίρεσης
Replace… Menus Αντικατάσταση…
File Menus Αρχείο
Bold Menus Έντονα
Paste Menus Επικόλληση
Bold Menus Έντονα
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Το αρχείο \"%file%\" έχει επεξεργαστεί από μία άλλη εφαρμογή, θέλετε να το επαναφορτώσετε;
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Το αρχείο \"%file%\" έχει αφαιρεθεί από μία άλλη εφαρμογή, θέλετε να το επαναφέρετε;
Lines: Statistics Γραμμές:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert Εντάξει
Save QuitAlert Αποθήκευση
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Ταίριασμα πεζών/κεφαλαίων
Find selection Menus Εύρεση επιλεγμένου
Cancel SaveAlert Άκυρο
Find… Menus Εύρεση…
Cancel SaveAlert Άκυρο
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Επαναφορά
Decrease size Menus Μείωση μεγέθους
Size Menus Μέγεθος
Decrease size Menus Μείωση μεγέθους
Autodetect Menus Αυτόματος εντοπισμός
Replace next Menus Αντικατάσταση επόμενου
OK QuitAlert Εντάξει
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Αντικατάσταση με:
Edit Menus Επεξεργασία
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Αντικατάσταση με:
Open… Menus Άνοιγμα…
Save as… Menus Αποθήκευση ως…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Αντικατάσταση
Characters: Statistics Χαρακτήρες:
Don't save QuitAlert Χωρίς αποθήκευση
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Αυτό το αρχείο είναι μόνο για ανάγνωση. Θέλετε να αποθηκεύσετε τις αλλαγές σας στο έγγραφο \"%s\";
Align Menus Στοίχιση
Font Menus Γραμματοσειρά
Align Menus Στοίχιση
Select all Menus Επιλογή όλων
Right Menus Δεξιά
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Ne povas malfari, dos
Cut Menus Eltondi
Center Menus Centre
Increase size Menus Pligrandigi
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Iteracia serĉo
Page setup… Menus Agordo de paĝo…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Iteracia serĉo
Untitled StyledEditWindow Sentitola
OK Statistics Bone
Find FindandReplaceWindow Serĉi
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Kursiva
Can't undo Menus Ne povas malfari
Replace… Menus Anstataŭigi…
File Menus Dosiero
Bold Menus Grasa
Paste Menus Alglui
Bold Menus Grasa
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Dosiero \"%file%\" estas ŝanĝita per alia programo, ĉu reŝargi ĝin?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Dosiero \"%file%\" estas forigita per alia programo, ĉu restaŭri ĝin?
Lines: Statistics Vicojn:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert Bone
Save QuitAlert Konservi
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Usklecodistinga
Find selection Menus Serĉi elektitan
Cancel SaveAlert Nuligi
Find… Menus Serĉi…
Cancel SaveAlert Nuligi
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Malfari
Decrease size Menus Malgrandigi
Size Menus Grado
Decrease size Menus Malgrandigi
Autodetect Menus Detekti aŭtomate
Replace next Menus Anstataŭigi tekston
OK QuitAlert Bone
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Anstataŭigi per:
Edit Menus Redakti
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Anstataŭigi per:
Open… Menus Uzi…
Save as… Menus Konservi kiel…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Anstataŭigi
Characters: Statistics Signojn:
Don't save QuitAlert Ne konservi
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert La dosiero estas markita kiel nurlegebla. Ĉu konservi ŝanĝojn en dokumento \"%s\"?
Align Menus Ĝisrandigi
Font Menus Tiparo
Align Menus Ĝisrandigi
Select all Menus Elekti ĉion
Right Menus Dekstre
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert No se puede revertir,
Cut Menus Cortar
Center Menus Centro
Increase size Menus Aumentar tamaño
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Buscar desde el principio
Page setup… Menus Configuarción de pagina...
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Buscar desde el principio
Untitled StyledEditWindow Sin nombre
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Buscar
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Itálica
Can't undo Menus No se puede deshacer
Replace… Menus Reemplazar...
File Menus Archivo
Bold Menus Negrita
Paste Menus Pegar
Bold Menus Negrita
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts El archivo \"%file%\" se modificó por otra aplicación, ¿recargarlo?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts El archivo \"%file%\" se removió por otra aplicación, ¿recuperarlo?
Lines: Statistics Pauta
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert Aceptar
Save QuitAlert Guardar
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Distinguir mayúsculas de minúsculas
Find selection Menus Encontrar selección
Cancel SaveAlert Cancelar
Find… Menus Buscar…
Cancel SaveAlert Cancelar
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Revertir
Decrease size Menus Reducir tamaño
Size Menus Tamaño
Decrease size Menus Reducir tamaño
Autodetect Menus Autodetectar
Replace next Menus Reemplazar siguiente
OK QuitAlert Aceptar
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Reemplazar con:
Edit Menus Editar
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Reemplazar con:
Open… Menus Abrir…
Save as… Menus Guardar como...
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Reemplazar
Characters: Statistics Carácteres:
Don't save QuitAlert No guardar
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Este archivo está marcado como solo lectura. ¿Guardar cambios al documento \"%s\"?
Align Menus Alinear
Font Menus Tipografía
Align Menus Alinear
Select all Menus Seleccionar todo
Right Menus Derecha
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Palauttaminen epäonn
Cut Menus Leikkaa
Center Menus Keskitä
Increase size Menus Kasvata kokoa
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Kierrätä haku alkuun
Page setup… Menus Sivuasetus...
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Kierrätä haku alkuun
Untitled StyledEditWindow Otsikoton
OK Statistics Valmis
Find FindandReplaceWindow Haku
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Kursivointi
Can't undo Menus Ei voi perua
Replace… Menus Korvaa…
File Menus Tiedosto
Bold Menus Lihavointi
Paste Menus Liitä
Bold Menus Lihavointi
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Jokin toinen sovellus muokkasi tiedostoa ”%file%”, ladataanko se uudelleen?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Jokin muu sovellus poisti tiedoston ”%file%”, palautetaanko se?
Lines: Statistics Rivejä:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert Valmis
Save QuitAlert Tallenna
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Kirjainkoosta riippuva
Find selection Menus Hakuvalinta
Cancel SaveAlert Peru
Find… Menus Hae…
Cancel SaveAlert Peru
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Palauta
Decrease size Menus Pienennä kokoa
Size Menus Koko
Decrease size Menus Pienennä kokoa
Autodetect Menus Automaattinen tunnistus
Replace next Menus Korvaa seuraava
OK QuitAlert Valmis
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Korvaa sisällöllä:
Edit Menus Muokkaa
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Korvaa sisällöllä:
Open… Menus Avaa…
Save as… Menus Tallenna nimellä...
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Korvaa
Characters: Statistics Merkkejä:
Don't save QuitAlert Älä tallenna
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Tämä tiedosto on merkitty kirjoitussuojatuksi. Tallennetaanko muutokset asiakirjaan ”%s”?
Align Menus Tasaa
Font Menus Kirjasin
Align Menus Tasaa
Select all Menus Valitse kaikki
Right Menus Oikea
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Rétablissement impos
Cut Menus Couper
Center Menus Centré
Increase size Menus Augmenter la taille
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Recherche en boucle
Page setup… Menus Mise en page…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Recherche en boucle
Untitled StyledEditWindow Sans titre
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Trouver
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Italique
Can't undo Menus Impossible d’annuler
Replace… Menus Remplacer…
File Menus Fichier
Bold Menus Gras
Paste Menus Coller
Bold Menus Gras
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Le fichier « %file% » a été modifié par une autre application, voulez-vous le recharger ?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Le fichier « %file% » a été supprimé par une autre application, voulez-vous le restaurer ?
Lines: Statistics Lignes :
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert Sauvegarder
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Sensible à la casse
Find selection Menus Chercher la sélection
Cancel SaveAlert Annuler
Find… Menus Chercher…
Cancel SaveAlert Annuler
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Rétablir
Decrease size Menus Diminuer la taille
Size Menus Taille
Decrease size Menus Diminuer la taille
Autodetect Menus Détection automatique
Replace next Menus Remplacer le suivant
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Remplacer par :
Edit Menus Édition
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Remplacer par :
Open… Menus Ouvrir…
Save as… Menus Enregistrer sous…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Remplacer
Characters: Statistics Caractères :
Don't save QuitAlert Ne pas enregistrer
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Ce fichier est en lecture seule. Voulez-vous sauvegarder les modifications dans le document « %s » ?
Align Menus Aligner
Font Menus Police
Align Menus Aligner
Select all Menus Selectionner tout
Right Menus À droite
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Impussibil ripristin
Cut Menus Taie
Center Menus Centre
Increase size Menus Aumente dimension
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Cîr tor ator tal document
Page setup… Menus Configure pagjine…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Cîr tor ator tal document
Untitled StyledEditWindow Cence non
OK Statistics Va ben
Find FindandReplaceWindow Cjate
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Corsîf
Can't undo Menus Impussibil disfâ
Replace… Menus Sostituìs…
File Menus File
Bold Menus Neret
Paste Menus Tache
Bold Menus Neret
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Il file \"%file%\" al è stât modificât di une altre aplicazion, tornâ a cjariâlu?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Il file \"%file%\" al è stât gjavât di une altre aplicazion, recuperâlu?
Lines: Statistics Riis:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert Va ben
Save QuitAlert Salve
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Sensibil maiusculis/minusculis
Find selection Menus Cjate selezion
Cancel SaveAlert Anule
Find… Menus Cjate…
Cancel SaveAlert Anule
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Torne indaûr
Decrease size Menus Diminuìs dimension
Size Menus Dimension
Decrease size Menus Diminuìs dimension
Autodetect Menus Rilevament automatic
Replace next Menus Sostituì prossim
OK QuitAlert Va ben
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Sostituìs cun:
Edit Menus Modifiche
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Sostituìs cun:
Open… Menus Vierç…
Save as… Menus Salve come…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Sostituìs
Characters: Statistics Caratars:
Don't save QuitAlert No sta salvâ
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Chest file al è di dome-leture. Salvâ lis modifichis al document \"%s\"?
Align Menus Inlineâ
Font Menus Caratar
Align Menus Inlineâ
Select all Menus Selezione dut
Right Menus Diestre
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Italic Menus Italik
Can't undo Menus Nemoguće vratiti korak nazad
Replace… Menus Zamjeni...
File Menus Datoteka
Bold Menus Podebljano
Paste Menus Zalijepi
Bold Menus Podebljano
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Datoteka \"%file%\" je izmjenjena drugom aplikacijom, ponovno je učitati?
Lines: Statistics Linije:
Replace in all windows FindandReplaceWindow Zamjeni u svim prozorima
@ -58,21 +58,21 @@ OK LoadAlert U redu
Save QuitAlert Spremi
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Osjetljivo na veličinu slova
Find selection Menus Nađi označeno
Cancel SaveAlert Otkaži
Find… Menus Pronađi...
Cancel SaveAlert Otkaži
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Obrnuto
Decrease size Menus Smanji veličinu
Size Menus Veličina
Decrease size Menus Smanji veličinu
Replace next Menus Zamijeni slijedeće
OK QuitAlert U redu
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Zamjeni sa:
Edit Menus Uredi
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Zamjeni sa:
Open… Menus Otvori...
Save as… Menus Spremi kao...
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Zamijeni
Characters: Statistics Znakovi:
Don't save QuitAlert Nemoj spremiti
Align Menus Poredaj
Font Menus Font
Align Menus Poredaj
Select all Menus Odaberi sve
Right Menus Desno
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Document statistics Statistics Statisztika
Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Nem vonható vissza, a fájl \"%s\" nem található.
Cut Menus Kivágás
Center Menus Középre
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Folyamatos keresés
Page setup… Menus Oldalbeállítás…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Folyamatos keresés
Untitled StyledEditWindow Névtelen
OK Statistics Rendben
Find FindandReplaceWindow Keresés
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ Italic Menus Dőlt
Can't undo Menus Nem vonható vissza
Replace… Menus Csere…
File Menus Fájl
Bold Menus Félkövér
Paste Menus Beillesztés
Bold Menus Félkövér
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts A fájlt \"%file"\" egy másik program módosította. Újratöltsem?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts A fájlt \"%file%\" egy másik program törölte. Helyre szeretnéd állítani?
Lines: Statistics Sor:
@ -67,22 +67,22 @@ OK LoadAlert Rendben
Save QuitAlert Mentés
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Betűérzékeny
Find selection Menus Keresés a kijelölésben
Cancel SaveAlert Mégse
Find… Menus Keresés…
Cancel SaveAlert Mégse
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Visszaállítás
Size Menus Méret
Autodetect Menus Automatikus felismerés
Replace next Menus Következő cseréje
OK QuitAlert Rendben
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Csere erre:
Edit Menus Szerkesztés
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Csere erre:
Open… Menus Megnyitás…
Save as… Menus Mentés másként…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Cserél
Characters: Statistics Karakter:
Don't save QuitAlert Ne mentse
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Ez a fájl írásvédett. Menti a \"%s\" dokumentum változtatásait?
Align Menus Igazítás
Font Menus Betűtípus
Align Menus Igazítás
Select all Menus Összes kijelölése
Right Menus Jobbra
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Tidak dapat mengembal
Cut Menus Potong
Center Menus Tengah
Increase size Menus Tambah ukuran
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Pencarian menyeluruh
Page setup… Menus Pengaturan halaman…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Pencarian menyeluruh
Untitled StyledEditWindow Tanpa judul
OK Statistics OKE
Find FindandReplaceWindow Cari
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Miring
Can't undo Menus Tidak dapat membatalkan
Replace… Menus Ganti…
File Menus Berkas
Bold Menus Tebal
Paste Menus Tempel
Bold Menus Tebal
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Berkas \"%file%\" telah dimodifikasi oleh aplikasi lain, muat ulang?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Berkas \"%file%\" telah dihapus oleh aplikasi lain, pulihkan?
Lines: Statistics Baris:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert OKE
Save QuitAlert Simpan
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow bedakan huruf besar-kecil
Find selection Menus Temukan pilihan
Cancel SaveAlert Batal
Find… Menus Cari…
Cancel SaveAlert Batal
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Pulihkan
Decrease size Menus Kurangi ukuran
Size Menus Ukuran
Decrease size Menus Kurangi ukuran
Autodetect Menus Otodeteksi
Replace next Menus Ganti selanjutnya
OK QuitAlert OKE
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Ganti dengan:
Edit Menus Edit
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Ganti dengan:
Open… Menus Buka…
Save as… Menus Simpan sebagai…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Ganti
Characters: Statistics Karakter:
Don't save QuitAlert Jangan simpan
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Berkas ini ditandai hanya baca. Simpan perubahan ke dokumen \"%s\"?
Align Menus Rata
Font Menus Fon
Align Menus Rata
Select all Menus Pilih semua
Right Menus Kanan
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Impossibile ripristin
Cut Menus Taglia
Center Menus Centra
Increase size Menus Aumenta dimensioni
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Cerca in tutto il documento
Page setup… Menus Imposta pagina…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Cerca in tutto il documento
Untitled StyledEditWindow Senza nome
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Cerca
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Corsivo
Can't undo Menus Impossibile annullare
Replace… Menus Sostituisci…
File Menus File
Bold Menus Grassetto
Paste Menus Incolla
Bold Menus Grassetto
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Il file \"%file%\" è stato modificato da un'altra applicazione, caricarlo nuovamente?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Il file \"%file%\" è stato rimosso da un'altra applicazione. Recuperarlo?
Lines: Statistics Righe:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert Salva
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Distingue maiuscole e minuscole
Find selection Menus Cerca nel testo selezionato
Cancel SaveAlert Annulla
Find… Menus Trova…
Cancel SaveAlert Annulla
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Ripristina
Decrease size Menus Diminuisci dimensioni
Size Menus Dimensione
Decrease size Menus Diminuisci dimensioni
Autodetect Menus Rilevamento automatico
Replace next Menus Sostituisci successivo
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Sostituisci con:
Edit Menus Modifica
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Sostituisci con:
Open… Menus Apri…
Save as… Menus Salva con nome…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Sostituisci
Characters: Statistics Caratteri:
Don't save QuitAlert Non salvare
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Il file è di sola lettura. Salvare comunque i cambiamenti al documento \"%s\"?
Align Menus Allinea
Font Menus Carattere
Align Menus Allinea
Select all Menus Seleziona tutto
Right Menus Destra
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert ファイル \"%s\"
Cut Menus 切り取り
Center Menus 中央揃え
Increase size Menus 拡大
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow 折り返し検索
Page setup… Menus ページ設定…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow 折り返し検索
Untitled StyledEditWindow 無題
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow 検索
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus イタリック
Can't undo Menus 元に戻せません
Replace… Menus 置換…
File Menus ファイル
Bold Menus 太字
Paste Menus 貼り付け
Bold Menus 太字
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts ファイル \"%file%\" はほかのアプリケーションにより変更されています。再読み込みしますか?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts ファイル \"%file%\" はほかのアプリケーションにより削除されました。回復しますか?
Lines: Statistics 行数:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert 保存
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow 大文字小文字を区別
Find selection Menus 選択範囲を検索
Cancel SaveAlert 中止
Find… Menus 検索…
Cancel SaveAlert 中止
Revert RevertToSavedAlert 戻す
Decrease size Menus 縮小
Size Menus サイズ
Decrease size Menus 縮小
Autodetect Menus 自動判別
Replace next Menus 次を置換
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow 置換:
Edit Menus 編集
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow 置換:
Open… Menus 開く…
Save as… Menus 名前を付けて保存…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow 置換
Characters: Statistics 文字数:
Don't save QuitAlert 保存しない
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert このファイルは読み取り専用です。変更をドキュメント\"%s\"に保存しますか?
Align Menus 配置
Font Menus フォント
Align Menus 配置
Select all Menus すべて選択
Right Menus 右揃え
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Document statistics Statistics Dokumento statistika
Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Negrįžtama, failas nerastas: „%s“.
Cut Menus Iškirpti
Center Menus Centrinė
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Tęsti paiešką nuo dokumento pradžios
Page setup… Menus Puslapio nuostatos…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Tęsti paiešką nuo dokumento pradžios
Untitled StyledEditWindow Bevardis
OK Statistics Gerai
Find FindandReplaceWindow Ieškoti
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ Italic Menus Kursyvas
Can't undo Menus Atšaukti negalima
Replace… Menus Pakeisti…
File Menus Failas
Bold Menus Pastorintas
Paste Menus Įdėti
Bold Menus Pastorintas
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Failą „%file%“ modifikavo kita programa. Ar įkelti jį iš naujo?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Failą „%file%“ pašalino kita programa. Ar atkurti?
Lines: Statistics Eilučių:
@ -67,22 +67,22 @@ OK LoadAlert Gerai
Save QuitAlert Įrašyti
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Paisyti raidžių registro
Find selection Menus Ieškoti pažymėto teksto
Cancel SaveAlert Atsisakyti
Find… Menus Ieškoti…
Cancel SaveAlert Atsisakyti
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Atšaukti pakeitimus
Size Menus Dydis
Autodetect Menus Nustatyti automatiškai
Replace next Menus Pakeisti kitą
OK QuitAlert Gerai
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Keisti į:
Edit Menus Taisa
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Keisti į:
Open… Menus Atverti…
Save as… Menus Įrašyti kaip…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Pakeisti
Characters: Statistics Simbolių:
Don't save QuitAlert Neįrašyti
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Šis failas pažymėtas kaip skirtas tik skaitymui. Ar įrašyti dokumento „%s“ pakeitimus?
Align Menus Lygiuotė
Font Menus Šriftas
Align Menus Lygiuotė
Select all Menus Pažymėti viską
Right Menus Dešininė
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Kan niet herstellen,
Cut Menus Knippen
Center Menus Centreren
Increase size Menus Vergroten
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Rondgaand zoeken
Page setup… Menus Pagina-configuratie...
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Rondgaand zoeken
Untitled StyledEditWindow Naamloos
OK Statistics Oké
Find FindandReplaceWindow Zoeken
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Cursief
Can't undo Menus Kan niet ongedaan maken
Replace… Menus Vervangen...
File Menus Bestand
Bold Menus Vet
Paste Menus Plakken
Bold Menus Vet
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Bestand \"%file%\" was gewijzigd door een andere toepassing. Bestand herladen?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Bestand \"%file%\" was verwijderd door een andere toepassing. Bestand herstellen?
Lines: Statistics Regels:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert Oké
Save QuitAlert Opslaan
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Hoofdlettergevoelig
Find selection Menus Selectie vinden
Cancel SaveAlert Annuleren
Find… Menus Zoeken...
Cancel SaveAlert Annuleren
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Herstellen
Decrease size Menus Verkleinen
Size Menus Grootte
Decrease size Menus Verkleinen
Autodetect Menus Automatisch detecteren
Replace next Menus Volgende vervangen
OK QuitAlert Oké
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Vervangen door:
Edit Menus Bewerken
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Vervangen door:
Open… Menus Openen…
Save as… Menus Opslaan als...
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Vervangen
Characters: Statistics Karakters:
Don't save QuitAlert Niet opslaan
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Dit bestand is aangeduid als alleen-lezen. Wijzigingen opslaan in document \"%s\"?
Align Menus Uitlijnen
Font Menus Lettertype
Align Menus Uitlijnen
Select all Menus Alles selecteren
Right Menus Rechts
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Nie można przywróci
Cut Menus Wytnij
Center Menus Wyśrodkuj
Increase size Menus Zwiększ rozmiar
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Szukanie owijające
Page setup… Menus Ustawienia strony…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Szukanie owijające
Untitled StyledEditWindow Bez tytułu
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Znajdź
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Kursywa
Can't undo Menus Nie można cofnąć
Replace… Menus Zastąp…
File Menus Plik
Bold Menus Pogrubienie
Paste Menus Wklej
Bold Menus Pogrubienie
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Plik „%file%” został zmieniony przez inny program. Czy wczytać go ponownie?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Plik „%file%” został usunięty przez inny program. Czy chcesz go przywrócić?
Lines: Statistics Linie:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert Zapisz
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Uwzględnij wielkość liter
Find selection Menus Znajdź zaznaczenie
Cancel SaveAlert Anuluj
Find… Menus Znajdź…
Cancel SaveAlert Anuluj
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Przywróć
Decrease size Menus Zmniejsz rozmiar
Size Menus Rozmiar
Decrease size Menus Zmniejsz rozmiar
Autodetect Menus Autodetekcja
Replace next Menus Zamień następne
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Zamień na:
Edit Menus Edycja
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Zamień na:
Open… Menus Otwórz…
Save as… Menus Zapisz jako…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Zamień
Characters: Statistics Znaków:
Don't save QuitAlert Nie zapisuj
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Ten plik jest oznaczony jako tylko do odczytu. Czy zapisać zmiany w dokumencie „%s”?
Align Menus Wyrównaj
Font Menus Font
Align Menus Wyrównaj
Select all Menus Zaznacz wszystko
Right Menus Prawo
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Impossível reverter,
Cut Menus Cortar
Center Menus Ao centro
Increase size Menus Aumentar tamanho
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Pesquisar em todo o documento
Page setup… Menus Configuração de página…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Pesquisar em todo o documento
Untitled StyledEditWindow Sem título
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Procurar
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Itálico
Can't undo Menus Impossível desfazer
Replace… Menus Substituir…
File Menus Ficheiro
Bold Menus Negrito
Paste Menus Colar
Bold Menus Negrito
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts O ficheiro \"%file%\" foi modificado por outra aplicação. Voltar a carregar?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts O ficheiro \"%file%\" foi eliminado por outra aplicação. Recuperar?
Lines: Statistics Linhas:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert Guardar
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Sensível a minúsculas e maiúsculas
Find selection Menus Procurar selecção
Cancel SaveAlert Cancelar
Find… Menus Procurar…
Cancel SaveAlert Cancelar
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Reverter
Decrease size Menus Diminuir tamanho
Size Menus Tamanho
Decrease size Menus Diminuir tamanho
Autodetect Menus Detetar automaticamente
Replace next Menus Substituir seguinte
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Substituir por:
Edit Menus Editar
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Substituir por:
Open… Menus Abrir…
Save as… Menus Guardar como…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Substituir
Characters: Statistics Personagens:
Don't save QuitAlert Não guardar
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Este ficheiro está marcado como só de leitura. Guardar as alterações ao documento \"%s\"?
Align Menus Alinhar
Font Menus Tipo de letra
Align Menus Alinhar
Select all Menus Seleccionar tudo
Right Menus À Direita
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Document statistics Statistics Estatísticas do documento
Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Impossível reverter, arquivo não encontrado: \"%s\".
Cut Menus Recortar
Center Menus Centralizado
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Localizar em torno de
Page setup… Menus Configurar página…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Localizar em torno de
Untitled StyledEditWindow Sem título
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Localizar
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ Italic Menus Itálico
Can't undo Menus Impossível desfazer
Replace… Menus Substituir…
File Menus Arquivo
Bold Menus Negrito
Paste Menus Colar
Bold Menus Negrito
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Arquivo \"%file\" foi modificado por outro aplicativo, recarregar?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Arquivo \"%file%\" foi removido por outro aplicativo, recuperar?
Lines: Statistics Linhas:
@ -67,22 +67,22 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert Salvar
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Diferenciar maiúsculas/minúsculas
Find selection Menus Localizar seleção
Cancel SaveAlert Cancelar
Find… Menus Localizar…
Cancel SaveAlert Cancelar
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Reverter
Size Menus Tamanho
Autodetect Menus Auto-detectar
Replace next Menus Substituir próximo
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Substituir com:
Edit Menus Editar
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Substituir com:
Open… Menus Abrir...
Save as… Menus Salvar como...
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Substituir
Characters: Statistics Caracteres:
Don't save QuitAlert Não salvar
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Este arquivo está marcado como somente leitura. Salvar alterações para o documento \"%s\"?
Align Menus Alinhar
Font Menus Fonte
Align Menus Alinhar
Select all Menus Selecionar tudo
Right Menus Direito
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Nu se poate reveni, n
Cut Menus Taie
Center Menus Centru
Increase size Menus Crește dimensiunea
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Căutare încadrează împrejur
Page setup… Menus Configurări pagină…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Căutare încadrează împrejur
Untitled StyledEditWindow Fără titlu
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Găsește
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Cursiv
Can't undo Menus Nu se poate reface
Replace… Menus Înlocuiește…
File Menus Fișier
Bold Menus Aldin
Paste Menus Lipește
Bold Menus Aldin
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Fișierul \"%file%\" a fost modificat de altă aplicație, îl reîncărcați?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Fișierul \"%file%\" a fost eliminat de altă aplicație, îl recuperați?
Lines: Statistics Linii:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert Salvează
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Sensibil la majuscule
Find selection Menus Găsește selecție
Cancel SaveAlert Anulează
Find… Menus Găsește…
Cancel SaveAlert Anulează
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Revenire
Decrease size Menus Scade dimensiunea
Size Menus Dimensiune
Decrease size Menus Scade dimensiunea
Autodetect Menus Detectează automat
Replace next Menus Înlocuiește următorul
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Înlocuiește cu:
Edit Menus Editează
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Înlocuiește cu:
Open… Menus Deschide…
Save as… Menus Salvează ca…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Înlocuiește
Characters: Statistics Caractere:
Don't save QuitAlert Nu salva
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Acest fișier este marcat ca protejat la scriere. Salvați modificările la documentul \"%s\"?
Align Menus Aliniază
Font Menus Font
Align Menus Aliniază
Select all Menus Selectează tot
Right Menus Dreapta
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Невозможно
Cut Menus Вырезать
Center Menus По центру
Increase size Menus Увеличить размер
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Поиск по всему документу
Page setup… Menus Настройка печати…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Поиск по всему документу
Untitled StyledEditWindow Новый документ
OK Statistics ОК
Find FindandReplaceWindow Найти
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Наклонный
Can't undo Menus Невозможно отменить
Replace… Menus Заменить…
File Menus Файл
Bold Menus Жирный
Paste Menus Вставить
Bold Menus Жирный
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Файл \"%file%\" был изменен другой программой, перезагрузить его?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Файл \"%file%\" был удален другой программой, восстановить его?
Lines: Statistics Строк:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert ОК
Save QuitAlert Сохранить
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Учитывать регистр
Find selection Menus Найти выделенное
Cancel SaveAlert Отмена
Find… Menus Найти…
Cancel SaveAlert Отмена
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Вернуть
Decrease size Menus Уменьшить размер
Size Menus Размер
Decrease size Menus Уменьшить размер
Autodetect Menus Автоопределение
Replace next Menus Заменить далее
OK QuitAlert ОК
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Заменить на:
Edit Menus Изменить
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Заменить на:
Open… Menus Открыть…
Save as… Menus Сохранить как…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Заменить
Characters: Statistics Символов:
Don't save QuitAlert Не сохранять
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Этот файл отмечен только для чтения. Сохранить изменения в документе \"%s\"?
Align Menus Выровнять
Font Menus Шрифт
Align Menus Выровнять
Select all Menus Выделить всё
Right Menus По правому краю
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Document statistics Statistics Štatistika dokumentu
Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Nie je možné vrátiť späť, súbor nebol nájdený: „%s“.
Cut Menus Vystrihnúť
Center Menus Stred
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Pokračovať v hľadaní od začiatku
Page setup… Menus Nastavenie stránky…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Pokračovať v hľadaní od začiatku
Untitled StyledEditWindow Bez názvu
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Nájsť
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ Italic Menus Kurzíva
Can't undo Menus Nie je možné vrátiť späť
Replace… Menus Nahradiť…
File Menus Súbor
Bold Menus Hrubé
Paste Menus Vložiť
Bold Menus Hrubé
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Súbor „%file%“ zmenila iná aplikácia. Chcete ho znovu načítať?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Súbor „%file%“ odstránila iná aplikácia. Chcete ho obnoviť?
Lines: Statistics Riadkov:
@ -67,22 +67,22 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert Uložiť
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Rozlišovať veľkosť písmen
Find selection Menus Nájsť výber
Cancel SaveAlert Zrušiť
Find… Menus Nájsť…
Cancel SaveAlert Zrušiť
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Vrátiť späť
Size Menus Veľkosť
Autodetect Menus Zistiť automaticky
Replace next Menus Nahradiť ďalší
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Nahradiť čím:
Edit Menus Upraviť
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Nahradiť čím:
Open… Menus Otvoriť…
Save as… Menus Uložiť ako…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Nahradiť
Characters: Statistics Znakov:
Don't save QuitAlert Neukladať
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Tento súbor je označený iba na čítanie. Uložiť zmeny v dokumente „%s“?
Align Menus Zarovnať
Font Menus Písmo
Align Menus Zarovnať
Select all Menus Vybrať všetky
Right Menus Vpravo
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Kan inte återgå, fi
Cut Menus Klipp ut
Center Menus Mitten
Increase size Menus Öka storleken
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Fortsätt sökning vid andra änden
Page setup… Menus Sidinställningar...
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Fortsätt sökning vid andra änden
Untitled StyledEditWindow Namnlös
OK Statistics OK
Find FindandReplaceWindow Sök
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Kursiv
Can't undo Menus Kan inte ångra
Replace… Menus Ersätt…
File Menus Arkiv
Bold Menus Fet
Paste Menus Klistra in
Bold Menus Fet
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Filen \"%file%\" blev modifierad av ett annat program. Vill du laddaom programmet?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Filen \"%file%\" blev bortplockad av ett annat program. Vill du plocka tillbaka den?
Lines: Statistics Rader:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert OK
Save QuitAlert Spara
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Skiftlägeskänslig
Find selection Menus Sök efter markerad text
Cancel SaveAlert Avbryt
Find… Menus Sök…
Cancel SaveAlert Avbryt
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Återställ
Decrease size Menus Minska storleken
Size Menus Storlek
Decrease size Menus Minska storleken
Autodetect Menus Identifiera automatiskt
Replace next Menus Ersätt nästa
OK QuitAlert OK
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Ersätt med:
Edit Menus Redigera
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Ersätt med:
Open… Menus Öppna…
Save as… Menus Spara som...
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Ersätt
Characters: Statistics Tecken:
Don't save QuitAlert Spara inte
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Denna fil är markerad som endast läsbar. Vill du spara ändringarna till dokumentet \"%s\"?
Align Menus Justera
Font Menus Font
Align Menus Justera
Select all Menus Markera allt
Right Menus Höger
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert ไม่สามา
Cut Menus ตัด
Center Menus ศุนย์กลาง
Increase size Menus เพิ่มขนาด
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow ค้นหาแบบครอบคลุม
Page setup… Menus ตั้งค่าหน้า
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow ค้นหาแบบครอบคลุม
Untitled StyledEditWindow ไม่ได้ตั้งชื่อ
OK Statistics ตกลง
Find FindandReplaceWindow ค้นหา
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus ตัวเอียง
Can't undo Menus ไม่สามารถเลิกทำ
Replace… Menus แทนที่
File Menus ไฟล์
Bold Menus ตัวหนา
Paste Menus วาง
Bold Menus ตัวหนา
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts ไฟล์ \"%file%\" ถูกแก้ไขโดยแอปพลิเคชันอื่น โหลดใหม่หรือไม่
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts ไฟล์ \"%file%\" ถูกลบโดยแอปพลิเคชันอื่น กู้คืนหรือไม่
Lines: Statistics บรรทัด:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert ตกลง
Save QuitAlert บันทึก
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow เป็นกรณี ๆ ไป
Find selection Menus ค้นหาตัวเลือก
Cancel SaveAlert ยกเลิก
Find… Menus ค้นหา
Cancel SaveAlert ยกเลิก
Revert RevertToSavedAlert เปลี่ยนกลับ
Decrease size Menus ลดขนาด
Size Menus ขนาด
Decrease size Menus ลดขนาด
Autodetect Menus ตรวจจับอัตโนมัติ
Replace next Menus แทนที่ถัดไป
OK QuitAlert ตกลง
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow แทนที่ด้วย:
Edit Menus แก้ไข:
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow แทนที่ด้วย:
Open… Menus เปิด
Save as… Menus บันทึกเป็น
Replace FindandReplaceWindow แทนที่
Characters: Statistics ตัวอักษร:
Don't save QuitAlert ไม่บันทึก
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert ไฟล์นี้ถูกทำเครื่องหมายว่าอ่านอย่างเดียว บันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงเอกสาร \"%s\" หรือไม่?
Align Menus ตําแหน่ง
Font Menus ตัวอักษร
Align Menus ตําแหน่ง
Select all Menus เลือกทั้งหมด
Right Menus ขวา:
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Geri alınamıyor, do
Cut Menus Kes
Center Menus Ortala
Increase size Menus Büyüt
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Tüm dosyada ara
Page setup… Menus Sayfa yapısı…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Tüm dosyada ara
Untitled StyledEditWindow Adsız
OK Statistics Tamam
Find FindandReplaceWindow Bul
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Eğik
Can't undo Menus Değişiklik yok
Replace… Menus Değiştir…
File Menus Dosya
Bold Menus Kalın
Paste Menus Yapıştır
Bold Menus Kalın
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts \"%file%\" başka bir uygulama tarafından değiştirilmiş, yeniden yüklensin mi?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts \"%file%\" başka bir uygulama tarafından kaldırılmış, kurtarılsın mı?
Lines: Statistics Satır:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert Tamam
Save QuitAlert Kaydet
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow BÜYÜK/küçük harf duyarlı
Find selection Menus Seçimi bul
Cancel SaveAlert İptal
Find… Menus Bul…
Cancel SaveAlert İptal
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Eski haline döndür
Decrease size Menus Küçült
Size Menus Boyut
Decrease size Menus Küçült
Autodetect Menus Kendiliğinden algıla
Replace next Menus Sonrakini değiştir
OK QuitAlert Tamam
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Şununla değiştir:
Edit Menus Düzen
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Şununla değiştir:
Open… Menus Aç…
Save as… Menus Farklı kaydet…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Değiştir
Characters: Statistics Karakter:
Don't save QuitAlert Kaydetme
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Bu dosya saltokunur olarak imlenmiş. \"%s\" belgesindeki değişiklikler kaydedilsin mi?
Align Menus Hizalama
Font Menus Yazıtipi
Align Menus Hizalama
Select all Menus Tümünü seç
Right Menus Sağ
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert Неможливо з
Cut Menus Вирізати
Center Menus Центр
Increase size Menus Збільшити розмір
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Шукати по всьому документу
Page setup… Menus Налаштування сторінки…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow Шукати по всьому документу
Untitled StyledEditWindow Неназваний
OK Statistics ОК
Find FindandReplaceWindow Знайти
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Italic Menus Курсив
Can't undo Menus Неможливо відмінити
Replace… Menus Замінити…
File Menus Файл
Bold Menus Жирний
Paste Menus Вставити
Bold Menus Жирний
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts Файл \"%file%\" був змінений іншою програмою, перезавантажити його?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts Файл \"%file%\" був вилучений іншою програмою, відновити його?
Lines: Statistics Рядків:
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ OK LoadAlert ОК
Save QuitAlert Зберегти
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow Чутливий до регістра
Find selection Menus Знайти вибране
Cancel SaveAlert Скасувати
Find… Menus Знайти…
Cancel SaveAlert Скасувати
Revert RevertToSavedAlert Без змін
Decrease size Menus Зменшити розмір
Size Menus Розмір
Decrease size Menus Зменшити розмір
Autodetect Menus Автовизначення
Replace next Menus Замінити наступний
OK QuitAlert ОК
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Замінити на:
Edit Menus Редагувати
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow Замінити на:
Open… Menus Відкрити…
Save as… Menus Зберегти як…
Replace FindandReplaceWindow Замінити
Characters: Statistics Символів:
Don't save QuitAlert Не зберігати
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert Цей файл помічений тільки для читання. Зберегти зміни в документі \"%s\"?
Align Menus Вирівняти
Font Menus Шрифт
Align Menus Вирівняти
Select all Menus Вибрати все
Right Menus Вправо
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Document statistics Statistics 文档统计
Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\". RevertToSavedAlert 无法恢复,文件未找到:\"%s\"。
Cut Menus 剪切
Center Menus 居中
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow 循环搜索
Page setup… Menus 页面设置…
Wrap-around search FindandReplaceWindow 循环搜索
Untitled StyledEditWindow 未命名
OK Statistics 确定
Find FindandReplaceWindow 查找
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ Italic Menus 斜体
Can't undo Menus 无法撤销
Replace… Menus 替换…
File Menus 文件
Bold Menus 粗体
Paste Menus 粘贴
Bold Menus 粗体
File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it? NodeMonitorAlerts 文件 \"%file%\" 已由其他程序修改,是否重新载入?
File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it? NodeMonitorAlerts \"%file%\" 文件已被其他应用删除,是否恢复该文件?
Lines: Statistics 行数:
@ -67,22 +67,22 @@ OK LoadAlert 确定
Save QuitAlert 保存
Case-sensitive FindandReplaceWindow 区分大小写
Find selection Menus 搜索选中
Cancel SaveAlert 取消
Find… Menus 查找…
Cancel SaveAlert 取消
Revert RevertToSavedAlert 取消
Size Menus 大小
Autodetect Menus 自动删除
Replace next Menus 替换文本
OK QuitAlert 确定
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow 替换为:
Edit Menus 编辑
Replace with: FindandReplaceWindow 替换为:
Open… Menus 打开…
Save as… Menus 保存为...
Replace FindandReplaceWindow 替换
Characters: Statistics 字符数:
Don't save QuitAlert 不保存
This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? SaveAlert 文件标记为只读。是否将修改保存到文档 \"%s\" ?
Align Menus 对齐
Font Menus 字体
Align Menus 对齐
Select all Menus 全选
Right Menus 居右
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 1591513524
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 1976607515
Authentication required Authentication Panel Потрібна авторизація
Previous WebPositive Window Попереднє
(Finish: %date) Download Window (Завершення: %date)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Delete Cookie Manager Видалити
(Finish: %date - Over %duration left) Download Window (Завершення: %date - Понад %duration залишилось)
Open containing folder Download Window Відкрити папку, що містить
Find previous WebPositive Window Знайти попереднє
Full screen WebPositive Window Повний екран
Full screen WebPositive Window На весь екран
Downloads in progress WebPositive Завантаження триває
Do you want to open %addedCount bookmarks all at once? WebPositive Window Don't translate variable %addedCount. Ви бажаєте відкрити всі закладки %addedCount одразу?
Copy URL to clipboard Download Window Копіювати до буферу обміну
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Cookies for %s Cookie Manager Cookies для %s
The download could not be opened. Download Window Неможливо відкрити завантажене.
Close Download Window Закрити
WebPositive System name WebPositive
%s - Search term Settings Window %s - Параметри пошуку
Reload WebPositive Window Перезавантажити
Expiration Cookie Manager Термін дії
Download finished Download Window Завантаження завершене
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ There was an error creating the bookmark file.\n\nError: %error WebPositive Wind
OK Download Window ОК
Proxy username: Settings Window Користувач проксі:
Manage bookmarks WebPositive Window Управління закладками
/s) Download Window ...as in 'per second' /s)
/s) Download Window ...as in 'per second' /с)
Restart Download Window Перезапустити
Serif font: Settings Window Шрифт Serif:
Apply Settings Window Застосувати
@ -105,9 +106,9 @@ Show tabs if only one page is open Settings Window Показати вклад
Close tab WebPositive Window Закрити вкладку
Remove Download Window Вилучити
About WebPositive Window Про програму
There are still downloads in progress, do you really want to quit WebPositive now? WebPositive Триває завантаження, Ви дійсно бажаєте покинути WebPositive зараз?
There are still downloads in progress, do you really want to quit WebPositive now? WebPositive Триває завантаження, Ви дійсно бажаєте вийти з WebPositive зараз?
Continue downloads WebPositive Продовжити завантаження
Proxy server requires authentication Settings Window Проксі-сервер вимагає аутентифікації
Proxy server requires authentication Settings Window Проксі-сервер потребує автентифікації
Cancel Settings Window Скасувати
History WebPositive Window Історія
Reset size WebPositive Window Скинути розмір
@ -119,10 +120,10 @@ Find previous occurrence of search terms WebPositive Window find bar previous bu
Remember username and password for this site Authentication Panel Запам'ятати логін та пароль для цього сайту
(Finish: %date - %duration left) Download Window (Завершення: %date - %duration залишилось)
Cookie manager Cookie Manager Менеджер coookie
Show home button Settings Window Показати домашню кнопку
Show home button Settings Window Показати кнопку Додому
Start new session Settings Window Запуск нового сеансу
The cookie jar is empty! Cookie Manager Архів cookie порожній!
Value Cookie Manager Величина
Value Cookie Manager Значення
Remove missing Download Window Вилучити відсутні
Paste WebPositive Window Вставити
Double-click or middle-click to open new tab. Tab Manager Подвійний або середній клік для відкриття нової вкладки.
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ Downloads Download Window Завантаження
Open blank page Settings Window Відкрити порожню сторінку
Clear history WebPositive Window Очистити історію
Cancel WebPositive Window Скасувати
Bookmark info WebPositive Window Про Закладки
Bookmark info WebPositive Window Інформація про закладку
Script console Console Window Консоль сценаріїв
Copy URL Bar Копіювати
Open start page Settings Window Відкрити стартову сторінку
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-Network 2923905377
Ethernet device InterfaceListItem Ethernet устройство
Ethernet device InterfaceListItem Проводное устройство
Link speed: IntefaceView Скорость соединения:
disconnected IntefaceView отключено
IP Address: IntefaceAddressView IP-адрес:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-GLInfo 2211760527
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-GLInfo 1282327690
Maximum clipping planes Capabilities Max. Clipping Ebenen
Maximum evaluators equation order Capabilities Max. Evaluatoren der Formelreihenfolge
Texture stack size Capabilities Stackgröße für Texturen
@ -13,12 +13,15 @@ Value Capabilities Wert
Name stack size Capabilities Stackgröße für Namen
Capabilities Capabilities Leistungsdaten
Maximum texture units Capabilities Max. Textureinheiten
Unknown or missing OpenGL renderer. InfoView Unbekannter oder fehlender OpenGL Renderer.
Capability Capabilities Leistungsdaten
Maximum 2D texture size Capabilities Max. 2D Texturgröße
Auxiliary buffer(s) Capabilities Zusätzlich(e) Puffer
Unknown vendor InfoView Unbekannter Hersteller
Maximum convolution Capabilities Max. Faltung
Maximum 3D texture size Capabilities Max. 3D Texturgröße
Maximum recommended index elements Capabilities Max. empfohlene Indexelemente
Unknown version InfoView Unbekannte Version
List stack size Capabilities Stackgröße für Listen
Model stack size Capabilities Stackgröße für Modelle
Projection stack size Capabilities Stackgröße für Projektionen
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-GLInfo 2211760527
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-GLInfo 1282327690
Maximum clipping planes Capabilities Максимум площин відсікання
Maximum evaluators equation order Capabilities Максимальний порядок рівнянь оцінювачів
Texture stack size Capabilities Розмір стека текстур
@ -13,12 +13,15 @@ Value Capabilities Значення
Name stack size Capabilities Розмір стека імен
Capabilities Capabilities Спроможність
Maximum texture units Capabilities Максимум текстурних одиниць
Unknown or missing OpenGL renderer. InfoView Невідомий або відсутній рендерер OpenGL
Capability Capabilities Спромога
Maximum 2D texture size Capabilities Максимальний розмір 2D текстур
Auxiliary buffer(s) Capabilities Допоміжний буфер
Unknown vendor InfoView Невідомий вендор
Maximum convolution Capabilities Максимальне згортання
Maximum 3D texture size Capabilities Максимальний розмір 3D текстур
Maximum recommended index elements Capabilities Максимум рекомендованих індексних елементів
Unknown version InfoView Невідома версія
List stack size Capabilities Розмір стека списку
Model stack size Capabilities Розмір стека моделі
Projection stack size Capabilities Розмір стека проекцій
Reference in New Issue
Block a user