diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/be.catkeys index 993b97c0f6..22d1fee95f 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/be.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 3775412465 +1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 758245016 DriveSetup System name Рэдыктар дыскаў Cancel AbstractParametersPanel Адмяніць Delete MainWindow Выдаліць @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Rescan MainWindow Перасканіраваць OK MainWindow ОК Could not aquire partitioning information. MainWindow Не ўдалося атрымаць інфармацыю аб падзелах. There's no space on the partition where a child partition could be created. MainWindow Няма мечца на падзеле для стварэння даччынага падзела. +Could not unmount partition MainWindow Немагчыма размантаваць дыск Initialize InitializeParametersPanel Ініцыялізіраваць OK AbstractParametersPanel Добра PartitionList <пуста> @@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ No disk devices have been recognized. DiskView Не знойдзена ніяк Failed to initialize the disk %s!\n MainWindow Не ўдалося ініцыялізіраваць падзел %s!\n The selected disk is read-only. MainWindow Абраны дыск толькі для чытання. Are you sure you want to format the partition \"%s\"? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Вы упэўнены, што жадаеце фарматаваць падзел \"%s\"? Дадатковае пацвержанне спатрэбіцца і непасрэдна перад запісам на дыск. +Should unmounting be forced?\n\nNote: If an application is currently writing to the volume, unmounting it now might result in loss of data.\n MainWindow Размантаваць усё роўна?\n\nКалі том зараз ужываецца нейкай праграмай, вы можаце згубіць даныя пры размантаванні.\n Could not mount partition %s. MainWindow Не ўдалося змантаваць падзел %s. The partition %s has been successfully formatted.\n MainWindow Падзел %s паспяхова фарматаваны.\n Change parameters MainWindow Змяніць параметры @@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ Are you sure you want to change parameters of the selected partition?\n\nThe par Eject MainWindow Выцягнуць Partition MainWindow Падзел Validation of the given parameters failed. MainWindow Не удалася праверка дадзеных параметраў стварэння падзелу. +Force unmount MainWindow Размантаваць усё роўна Create CreateParametersPanel Стварыць File system PartitionList Файлавая сістэма Validation of the given creation parameters failed. MainWindow Не удалася праверка дадзеных параметраў стварэння падзелу. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haiku-depot/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haiku-depot/be.catkeys index e3948a0c73..a029558c78 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/haiku-depot/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haiku-depot/be.catkeys @@ -1,18 +1,24 @@ -1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 361026504 +1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 4291855824 Name PackageListView Імя Installed packages Model Усталяваныя пакункі User modified packages Model Пакункі мадыфікаваныя карыстальнікам Update available Model Ёсьць абноўленыя пакункі Changelog PackageInfoView Гісторыя зменаў +Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Клікніце пакет каб пабачыць інфарамацыю пра яго for %Version% PackageInfoView для %Version% +No changelog available. PackageInfoView Спіс змен не існуе Depot: FilterView Сховішча: Description PackageListView Апісанне Install PackageManager Усталяваць +Tools MainWindow Прылады HaikuDepot System name HaikuDepot Uninstall PackageManager Выдаліць + PackageInfoView <няма інфармацыі> An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Падчас ініцыялізацыі пакункавага мэнэджэра здарылася памылка: %message% +Close PackageManager Закрыць Status PackageListView Стан Development Model Распрацоўка +Fatal error PackageManager Фатальная памылка Ratings PackageInfoView Рэйтынг 1 item PackageListView 1 элемент Inactive PackageListView Неактыўны @@ -20,12 +26,16 @@ Refresh depots MainWindow Перачытаць сховішчы Main Menu MainWindow Галоўнае меню Command line Model Загадны радок (%Votes%) PackageInfoView (%Votes%) +Downloading: PackageInfoView Спампоўваецца: Search terms: FilterView Умовы пошуку: %Version% PackageInfoView %Version% +No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Рэйтынг карыстальнікаў не існуе An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Падчас аднаўлення інфармацыі сховішчаў адбылася памылка: %error% (%details%) +Show source packages MainWindow Паказваць пакеты з зыходным кодам Productivity Model Прадукцыйнасць Show: FilterView Паказаць: Size PackageListView Памер +Options MainWindow Параметры Games Model Гульні Rating PackageListView Рэйтынг Downloading Model Спампоўваецца @@ -42,6 +52,7 @@ Unknown PackageListView Невядомы All depots FilterView Усе сховішчы Available PackageListView Даступна n/a PackageInfoView н/н +Show develop packages MainWindow Паказаць пакункі для распрацоўшчыкаў Show FilterView Паказаць Uninstalled packages Model Выдаленыя пакункі Audio Model Аўдыё diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/be.catkeys index 65d74ee9d9..382a1460c8 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/be.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 belarusian x-vnd.haiku-icon_o_matic 1336797042 +1 belarusian x-vnd.haiku-icon_o_matic 28048799 Select All Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Выбраць Усё Add Style Icon-O-Matic-AddStylesCmd Дадаць Стыль Color (#%02x%02x%02x) Style name after dropping a color Колер (#%02x%02x%02x) @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ Perspective Transformation Перспэктыва Move Transformer Icon-O-Matic-MoveTransformersCmd Перамясціць Трансформер Opacity Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Непразрыстасць Add with path Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Дадаць са шляхом +Export icon Dialog title Экспартаваць значак Gradient type Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Тып градыенту Icon-O-Matic System name Рэдактар значкаў Cancel Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Скасаваць @@ -190,6 +191,7 @@ Overwrite Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport Перазапісаць Freeze Shapes Icon-O-Matic-FreezeTransformationCmd Замарозіць Фігуры Split Control Point Icon-O-Matic-SplitPointsCmd Раздзяліць Кантрольную Кропку Open… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Адкрыць… +Save icon Dialog title Захаваць значак Color (#%02x%02x%02x) Icon-O-Matic-StyledTextImport Колер (#%02x%02x%02x) Edit Gradient Icon-O-Matic-SetGradientCmd Правіць Градыент Clean Up Path Icon-O-Matic-CleanUpPathCmd Ачысціць Шлях diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/pt_BR.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/pt_BR.catkeys index 523534cde6..ede7acd474 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/pt_BR.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/pt_BR.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.haiku-icon_o_matic 1336797042 +1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.haiku-icon_o_matic 28048799 Select All Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Selecionar Tudo Add Style Icon-O-Matic-AddStylesCmd Adicionar Estilo Color (#%02x%02x%02x) Style name after dropping a color Cor (#%02x%02x%02x) @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ Perspective Transformation Perspectiva Move Transformer Icon-O-Matic-MoveTransformersCmd Mover Transformador Opacity Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Opacidade Add with path Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Adicionar com caminho +Export icon Dialog title Exportar ícone Gradient type Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Tipo de gradiente Icon-O-Matic System name Icon-O-Matic Cancel Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Cancelar @@ -190,6 +191,7 @@ Overwrite Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport Sobrescrever Freeze Shapes Icon-O-Matic-FreezeTransformationCmd Congelar Formas Split Control Point Icon-O-Matic-SplitPointsCmd Dividir Ponto de Controle Open… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Abrir... +Save icon Dialog title Salvar ícone Color (#%02x%02x%02x) Icon-O-Matic-StyledTextImport Cor (#%02x%02x%02x) Edit Gradient Icon-O-Matic-SetGradientCmd Editar Gradiente Clean Up Path Icon-O-Matic-CleanUpPathCmd Limpar Caminho diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/be.catkeys index f6510c07dc..7fb14b4b0f 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/be.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Дадайце ў канец кожнага з ніжэйшых запісаў меню нешта падобнае да гэтага:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Сапраўды спыніць усталёўку і перазагрузіць сістэму? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Installer\n\tАўтары: Jérôme Duval, Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Новыя версіі GRUB карыстуюць дадатковы канфігурацыйны файл для дадання запісаў у меню загрузкі. Каб дадаць іх даверху, вы павінны стварыць/паправіць файл праз кансольную каманду:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Тут вам трэба закаменціраваць страку \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" з дапамогай \"#\" у яе пачатку, каб убачыць меню запуску.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Усталёўка завершана. Загрузачны сектар запісаны ў '%s'. Націсніце Выйсці, каб пакінуць усталёўшчык ці абраць іншы том для новай усталёўкі. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/de.catkeys index cba7814454..4e8f67d857 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/de.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/de.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Gegen Ende der Datei fügt man unter den anderen Menüeinträgen etwas in dieser Art an:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Soll die Installation tatsächlich abgebrochen und der Rechner neu gestartet werden? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Installer\n\tvon Jérôme Duval und Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Neuere Versionen von GRUB benutzen eine spezielle Konfigurationsdatei, um zusätzliche Einträge zum Bootmenü hinzuzufügen. Um diese an oberster Stelle einzufügen, muss eine Datei erstellt/bearbeitet werden:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Hier muss die Zeile \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" auskommentiert werden, indem ein \"#\" davor gesetzt wird, um das Boot-Menü überhaupt anzuzeigen.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Installation abgeschlossen. Der Bootsektor wurde nach '%s' geschrieben. 'Beenden' klicken, um das Installationsprogramm zu verlassen, oder ein anderes Ziellaufwerk für eine weitere Installation auswählen. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/el.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/el.catkeys index c0ac3d0c2d..e47f60c8d0 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/el.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/el.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 2099988747 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Οπως στις άλλες καταχωρήσεις του μενού, στην κάτω μεριά του αρχείου προσθέστε κάτι ανάλογο των παρακάτω γραμμών:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Είστε σίγουρος πως θέλετε να ακυρώσετε την εγκατάσταση και να επανεκκινήσετε το σύστημα; -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Το Πρόγραμμα Εγκατάστασης\n\γράφτηκε από τους Jérôme Duval και Stephan Aßmus\n\tΠνευματικά δικαιώματα 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Οι νεότερες εκδόσεις του GRUB κάνουν χρήση ενός αρχείου ρυθμίσεων για επιπρόσθετες καταχωρίσεις στο boot μενού. Για την καταχώρισει τους στην αρχή, πρέπει να δημιουργήσετε/επεξεργαστείτε το αρχείο χρησιμοποιόντας τον αγαπημένο σας συντάκτης αρχείων από ένα Terminal σαν αυτον:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Εδώ έχετε να σχολιάσετε τη γραμμή \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT = 0\" με την τοποθέτηση ενός \"#\" μπροστά του, ώστε να εμφανιστεί ουσιαστικά το μενού εκκίνησης.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Η εγκατάσταση ολοκληρώθηκε. Ο τομέας εκκίνησης γράφτηκε στο '% s'. Πατήστε Έξοδος για να εγκαταλείψετε την εγκατάσταση ή επιλέξετε μία νέα μονάδα για να εκτελέσετε μια άλλη εγκατάσταση. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/fi.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/fi.catkeys index 83736c694f..dd104b22c1 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/fi.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/fi.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Joten lisää muiden valikkorivien alapuolelle tiedoston loppuun joitakin seuraavanlaisia rivejä:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Oletko varma, että haluat keskeyttää asennuksen ja käynnistää järjestelmän uudelleen? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Asennusohjelma\n\ttekijät: Jérôme Duval ja Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Uudemmat GRUB-versiot käyttävät ylimääräistä asetustiedostoa räätälöityjen rivien lisäämiseksi alkukäynnistysvalikkoon. Niiden lisäämiseksi luo/muokkaa ensimmäiseksi tiedostoa käynnistämällä suosikkieditorisi Pääteikkunassa esimerkiksi näin:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Tässä sinun on muutettava rivi ”GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0” kommentiksi laittamalla merkin ”#” sen eteen, jotta alkukäynnistysvalikko todella näytettäisiin.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Asennus valmis. Alkulataussektori kirjoitettiin kohteeseen ’%s’. Jätä asennusohjelma painamalla Lopeta-painiketta tai valitse uusi kohdetaltio toisen asennuksen suorittamiseksi. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/fr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/fr.catkeys index ea9031a2fb..2b37154702 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/fr.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/fr.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Ainsi, après les autres entrées du menu vers la fin du fichier, ajouter quelque chose semblable à ces lignes :\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir abandonner l'installation et redémarrer le système ? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Installeur\n\técrit par Jérôme Duval et Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Les nouvelles versions de GRUB utilisent un fichier de configuration supplémentaire pour ajouter des entrées au menu de lancement. Pour en ajouter en haut, vous devez créer ou éditer un fichier à l'aide de votre éditeur de texte favori depuis un terminal comme ceci :\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Vous devez commenter la ligne « GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 » en y ajoutant un « # » au début pour afficher le menu de démarrage.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow L'installation est terminée. Le secteur d'amorce a été écrit sur « %s ». Cliquer sur Quitter pour sortir de l'Installeur ou choisir un nouveau volume cible pour faire une autre installation. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/hi.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/hi.catkeys index 0b2c155819..ab57ba467a 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/hi.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/hi.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 1583043680 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp तो फिर फाइल के नीचे की ओर अन्य मेनू प्रविष्टियों के पीछे, इन पंक्तियों के समान कुछ जोड़ें:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow आप सुनिश्चित हैं कि आप स्थापना रद्द करके सिस्टम को पुनः आरंभ करना चाहते हैं? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp इंस्टॉलर\n\tजेरोम डुवाल और स्टेपहान एब्मस द्वारा लिखा गया है\n\t२००५-२०१० कॉपीराइट, हाइकू|\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp ग्रब के नए संस्करण में एक अतिरिक्त विन्यास फाइल का प्रयोग बूट मेनू में कस्टम प्रविष्टियों को जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है| उन्हें ऊपर जमा करने के लिए, आपको इस तरह अपने पसंदीदा टर्मिनल को शुरू करके एक फाइल बनानी/संपादित करनी पड़ती है:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp यहाँ वास्तव में बूट मेनू प्रदर्शित करने के लिए आपको लाइन के सामने एक \"#\" डालकर इस लाइन को कॉमेंट आउट करना है - \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow स्थापना पूरी हो गयी| बूट क्षेत्र '%s' में लिखा दिया गया है| इंस्टॉलर छोड़ने के लिए छोड़ने का बटन दबाएँ या एक नया लक्ष्य के लिए एक और अधिष्ठापन के निष्पादन की मात्रा का चयन करें| diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/hu.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/hu.catkeys index 9b5006dd05..d6a8204ee8 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/hu.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/hu.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Tehát a többi bejegyzés után a fájl aljára írjon be valami hasonlót:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Biztosan meg szeretné szakítani a telepítést? A számítógép újra fog indulni! -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Telepítő\n\Írta Jérôme Duval és Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp A GRUB újabb verziói egy külön konfigurációs fájlt használnak új bejegyzések hozzáadásához. Ha a menü tetejére szeretné ezeket elhelyezni, létre kell hoznia/át kell szerkesztenie egy ilyen fájlt:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Itt a \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" sor elé rakjon egy \"#\" jelet ha azt szeretné, hogy a boot menü ténylegesen meg is jelenjen.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow A telepítés befejeződött! A(z) „%s” lemez bootszektora elkészült. A „Kilépés” gombbal elhagyhatja a telepítőt, vagy új partíciót választhat egy új rendszer telepítéséhez. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ja.catkeys index 91c45dd6bd..a66c2c155d 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ja.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ja.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp したがって、Haikuを GRUBメニューに追加するには、ファイルの最後に下記のような記述をしてください。\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow インストールを中止して、システムを再起動しますか? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Haiku インストーラー\n\tJérôme Duval および Stephan Aßmus 作\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp 新しいバージョンのGRUBは、ブートメニューにカスタム項目を追加するために特別な設定ファイルを使用します。項目をメニューの一番上に表示するには、ターミナルから好みのエディターを起動してファイルを作成するか編集する必要があります。\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp ここで、ブートメニューを実際に表示するために、\"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\"の行の先頭に \"#\"を追加して、コメントアウトする必要があります。 Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow インストールが完了し、ブートセクターが '%s' に書き込まれました。終了ボタンでインストーラーを終了するか、他に Haiku をインストールするボリュームを選択してください。 diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/lt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/lt.catkeys index ffcf296b64..ad036c0d26 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/lt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/lt.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Taigi, /boot/grub/menu.lst failo gale, po visų kitų meniu punktų aprašų, prirašykite kažką panašaus į šias eilutes:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Ar tikrai norite nutraukti diegimą ir paleisti kompiuterį iš naujo? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp „Haiku“ įdiegimo programa\n\tsukurta Jérôme'o Duval'io ir Stephan'o Aßmus'o\n\t© 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Naujesnės „GRUB“ versijos naudoja atskirą konfigūracijos failą papildomiems įrašams į paleidyklės meniu įtraukti. Kad juos pridėtumėte, turite papildyti (o jeigu reikia – ir sukurti) šį failą savo mėgiamu tekstų redaktoriumi, iš terminalo įvykdydami štai tokią komandinę eilutę:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Čia turėsite užkomentuoti eilutę „GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0“, jos pradžioje įrašydami simbolį „#“. To nepadarius, paleidyklės meniu tiesiog nebus rodomas.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Diegimas baigtas. Paleidimo sektorius įrašytas į „%s“. Spauskite „Baigti“, kad užbaigtumėte įdiegimo programos darbą, arba rinkitės naują paskirties skaidinį, jei norite „Haiku“ įdiegti dar kartą. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/nl.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/nl.catkeys index 08c4630bcf..2544880a81 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/nl.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/nl.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Voeg dus achter de andere menu-onderdelen aan de onderkant van het bestand iets soortgelijks als dit toe: Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Bent u zeker dat u de installatie wilt afbreken en het systeem wilt herstarten? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Installer\n\tdoor Jérôme Duval en Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Nieuwere versies van GRUB gebruiken een extra configuratiebestand om zelfbepaalde onderdelen aan het bootmenu toe te kunnen voegen. Om deze bovenaan toe te voegen, moet u een bestand maken/aanpassen door uw favoriete editor op de volgende manier vanuit Terminal op te starten: Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Hier moet u de regel \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\"deactiveren door er een \"#\" voor te plaatsen, zodat het bootmenu ook echt getoond wordt. Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Installatie is afgerond. De opstartsector werd naar '%s' geschreven. Klik op Afsluiten om de Installer te verlaten of kies een nieuwe gegevensdrager als doel voor nog een installatie. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pl.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pl.catkeys index 682cd097ec..bdfb19b774 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pl.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pl.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Więc za innymi wpisami na samym dole pliku, dodaj coś podobnego do tych linii:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Na pewno chcesz przerwać instalację i uruchomić ponownie system? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Instalator\n\tnapisany przez Jérôme'a Duvala oraz Stephana Aßmusa\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Nowe wersje GRUBa korzystają z dodatkowego pliku konfiguracyjnego, aby dodawać własne wpisy do menu rozruchu. Aby dodać je na górę, musisz utworzyć/edytować plik poprzez uruchomienie ulubionego edytora z Terminala w taki oto sposób:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Tutaj musisz zakomentować linię \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" przez postawienie znaku \"#\" na początku linii, aby właściwie móc wyświetlić menu rozruchu.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Zakończono instalację. Sektor rozruchowy został zapisany do '%s'. Należy nacisnąć Zamknij, aby opuścić instalator lub wybrać nowy wolumin docelowy w celu przeprowadzenia następnej instalacji. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pt_BR.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pt_BR.catkeys index 8fec1272b5..b0fd01abc0 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pt_BR.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pt_BR.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Assim, por trás das outras entradas do menu em direção à parte inferior do arquivo, adicione algo semelhante a estas linhas:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Você tem certeza que deseja abortar a instalação e reiniciar o sistema? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t }\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Instalador\n\desenvolvido por Jérôme Duval e Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t }\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Novas versões do GRUB usam um arquivo de configuração extra para adicionar entradas no menu de inicialização. Para adicioná-las no topo, é preciso criar/editar um arquivo através de seu editor favorito, de um Terminal como este:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Aqui é necessário comentar a linha \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" colocando um \"#\" na frente dela a fim de realmente mostrar o menu de inicialização.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow A instalação está completa. O setor de inicialização foi escrito em '%s'. Pressione Sair para deixar o Instalador ou escolha uma nova partição para realizar outra instalação. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ro.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ro.catkeys index e907592eda..562b501c06 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ro.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ro.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 2099988747 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp În spatele celorlalte intrări din meniu spre baza fișierului, adăugați ceva asemănător cu aceste linii:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Sigur doriți să anulați instalarea și să reporniți sistemul? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Program de instalare\n\tscris de Jérôme Duval și Stephan Aßmus\n\tDrepturi de autor 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Versiunile de GRUB mai noi utilizează un fișier de configurare pentru a adăuga intrări personalizate la meniul de boot. Pentru a le adăuga la vârf, trebuie să creați/editați un fișier prin pornirea editorului de text favorit dintr-un Terminal astfel:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Aici trebuie să transformați linia „GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0” într-un comentariu punând un „#” în fața acesteia pentru a afișa meniul de pornire a sistemului.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Instalarea s-a terminat. Sectorul de boot a fost scris pe „%s”. Clic pe Părăsește pentru a ieși din programul de instalare sau alege un volum de destinație nou pentru a executa altă instalare. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ru.catkeys index b19094cd2a..36ccfcc358 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ru.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/ru.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Поэтому в самом конце файла /boot/grub/menu.lst добавьте что-то вроде этого:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Вы уверены, что хотите прервать установку и перезагрузить компьютер? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Installer\n\n\tразработал Jérôme Duval и Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Новые версии GRUB используют дополнительный конфигурационный файл для добавления пользовательских записей в загрузочное меню. Чтобы добавить их, вы должны создать/изменить файл, запустив ваш текстовый редактор из терминала, например так:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Здесь вы должны закомментировать строку \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\", поставив решетку \"#\" в начале этой строки, для того, чтобы появилось загрузочное меню.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Установка завершена. Загрузочный сектор был записан на раздел '%s'. Нажмите Выход чтобы закрыть Установщик или выберите другой раздел, если хотите выполнить новую установку. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sk.catkeys index 2fc15eba23..22924510f3 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sk.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sk.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Za ďalšie položky menu blízko konca súboru pridajte niečo podobné týmto riadkom:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Ste si istí, že chcete zrušiť inštaláciu a reštartovať systém? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Inštalátor\n\tnapísal Jérôme Duval a Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Novšie verzie GRUB používajú ďalší konfiguračný súbor na pridanie ďalších položiek do menu zavádzača. Ak ich chcete pridať na vrch, musíte vytvoriť alebo upraviť súbor spustením vášho obľúbeného textového editora z Terminálu takto:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Tu musíte zakomentovať riadok „GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0“ tým, že predeň dáte znak „#“. Tým sa vlastne zobrazí menu zavádzača.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Inštalácia bola dokončená. Zavádzací sektor bol zapísaný na „%s“. Stlačením „Ukončiť“ opusťte Inštalátor alebo zvoľte nový cieľový zväzok, ak chcete vykonať ďalšiu inštaláciu. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sv.catkeys index ba2d09258a..ea1139fcfd 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sv.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sv.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Efter de andra menyposterna mot slutet av filen, lägg till något som liknar dessa rader:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Är du säker på att du vill avbryta installationen och starta om systemet -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Installerare\n\tskriven av Jérôme Duval och Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Nyare versioner av GRUB använder en extra konfigurationsfil för att lägga till egna poster i startmenyn. För att lägga till dem överst så måste du skapa/redigera en fil genom att starta din favorit editor från en Terminal så här:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Här måste du kommentera bort raden \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" genom att sätta en \"#\" framför den för att verkligen visa startmenyn.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Installationen är klar. Startsektorn har skrivits på volymen %s. Klicka på Avsluta för att lämna installationsprogrammet eller välj en ny volym att installera på. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/uk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/uk.catkeys index cedb189ba7..3a3715fba6 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/uk.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/uk.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 2099988747 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Так позаду інших пунктів меню, що вказані зверху файлу просто додайте щось схоже на ці рядки:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Ви впевнені що бажаєте зупинити встановлення і перезавантажити систему? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Встановлювач\n\tАвтори Jérôme Duval і Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005–2010, Haiku.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Найновіші версії GRUB використовують спеціальний конфігураційний файл, щоб додати пункти до бутменю. Для додавання у список досить створити/редагувати файл у вашому улюбленому текстовому редакторі запустивши його з Terminal'у, наприклад, так:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Там ви можете закоментувати рядок \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" помістивши \"#\" перед ним, з метою появи меню завантаження.\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Встановлення завершене. Завантажувальний сектор записано до '%s'. Натисніть Вихід щоб покинути Встановлювач або виберіть інший цільовий том для виконання другого встановлення. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/zh_Hans.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/zh_Hans.catkeys index 80770c125e..8dac3d25f0 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/zh_Hans.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/zh_Hans.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 1 english x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3488795908 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp 在接近文件末尾,其他菜单条目之后,添加类似于下面的内容:\n\n Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow 您是否确定终止安装,重新启动系统? -\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp 系统安装器\n\t编写者:Jérôme Duval 和 Stephan Aßmus \n\t版权所有 2005-2001 Haiku, Inc.\n\n +\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n Newer versions of GRUB use an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp 新的 GRUB 版本使用附加的配置文件以添加自定义条目到引导菜单。如果希望将它们放置在前面,您必须从终端中启动偏好编辑器以创建/编辑文件,如下所示:\n\n Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp 如下,您需要添加 \"#\" 到 \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" 的行首以注释掉该行,从而显示实际的引导菜单。\n\n Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow 系统安装完成。引导扇区已经写入到 '%s'。按下“退出”关闭系统安装器或者另选分区重复安装操作。 diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mediaplayer/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaplayer/be.catkeys index edf1c00644..9eab54fc7c 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/mediaplayer/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaplayer/be.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-MediaPlayer 2969013755 +1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-MediaPlayer 1727923642 raw audio MediaPlayer-InfoWin нефарматаване аўдыё Location MediaPlayer-InfoWin Месцазнаходжанне 1.85 : 1 (American) MediaPlayer-Main 1.85 : 1 (Амерыка) @@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ Close MediaPlayer-Main Закрыць Display Mode MediaPlayer-InfoWin Рэжым паказу Some files could not be moved into Trash. MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Нельга адправіць некаторыя файлы ў Сметніцу. MediaPlayer-InfoWin <невядома> +Seek MediaPlayer-Main Пракруціць Open MediaPlayer-Main Адкрыць Next MediaPlayer-Main Наступны OK MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow ОК Track %d MediaPlayer-Main Дарожка %d +Gets/sets the current playing position in microseconds. MediaPlayer-Main Бярэ/ставіць наяўную пазіцыю ў мілісекундах 2.35 : 1 (Cinemascope) MediaPlayer-Main 2.35 : 1 (Кінатэатр) Display mode MediaPlayer-InfoWin Рэжым паказу Medium MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Сярэдняе @@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ Select all MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Пазначыць усе Move Entry MediaPlayer-MovePLItemsCmd Перамясціць элемент Open MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Адкрыць Stop playing. MediaPlayer-Main Спыніць прайгранне. +Seek by the specified amounts of microseconds. MediaPlayer-Main Пракруціць на дадзеную колькасць мікрасекундаў The file '%filename' could not be opened.\n\n MediaPlayer-Main Файл '%filename' немагчыма адкрыць.\n\n Error: MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Памылка: Audio MediaPlayer-InfoWin Аўдыё @@ -100,6 +103,7 @@ All files could not be moved into Trash. MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Нель PlaylistItem-title <неназваны> Track Audio Track Menu Дарожка unknown format MediaPlayer-InfoWin невядомы фармат +Position MediaPlayer-Main Пазіцыя MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow <няма чаго перарабляць> Skip to the next track. MediaPlayer-Main Пераскочыць да наступнай дарожкі. Play MediaPlayer-Main Прайграць @@ -135,12 +139,14 @@ Edit MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Правіць Start media server MediaPlayer-Main Запусціць медыясервер %.3f fps MediaPlayer-InfoWin %.3f fps Toggle fullscreen. MediaPlayer-Main Пераключыць поўны экран. +Gets the duration of the currently playing item in microseconds. MediaPlayer-Main Узяць працягласьць бягучага элемента ў мікрасекундах. ToggleFullscreen MediaPlayer-Main ПераключыцьПоўныЭкран PlaylistItem-name <неназваны> Open Clips MediaPlayer-Main Адкрыць Кліпы OK MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow ОК none Audio track menu няма Gets/sets the volume (0.0-2.0). MediaPlayer-Main Вызначае/прызначае гучнасць (0.0-2.0). +Duration MediaPlayer-Main Працягласць Playlist… MediaPlayer-Main Плэйліст… PlaylistItem-author <невядомы> Save as… MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Захаваць як… diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/be.catkeys index d5bbbe5b22..827144c8e6 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/be.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 belarusian x-vnd.haiku-screenshot 913664967 +1 belarusian x-vnd.haiku-screenshot 1483476245 seconds ScreenshotWindow секунд Desktop ScreenshotWindow Рабочы стол Include window border ScreenshotWindow Уключыць мяжу вакна @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Select ScreenshotWindow Выбраць Capture active window ScreenshotWindow Захваціць актыўнае вакно Cancel ScreenshotWindow Адмена Name: ScreenshotWindow Імя: +This file already exists.\n Are you sure you would like to overwrite it? ScreenshotWindow Гэты файл ужо існуе.\n Вы ўпэўнены што жадаеце яго перапісаць? Choose folder ScreenshotWindow Выберыце каталог Save ScreenshotWindow Захаваць Overwrite ScreenshotWindow Перазапiсаць diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/pt_BR.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/pt_BR.catkeys index 0a5263b13e..782e619e46 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/pt_BR.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/pt_BR.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.haiku-screenshot 913664967 +1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.haiku-screenshot 1483476245 seconds ScreenshotWindow segundos Desktop ScreenshotWindow Desktop Include window border ScreenshotWindow Incluir borda da janela @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Select ScreenshotWindow Escolher Capture active window ScreenshotWindow Capturar janela ativa Cancel ScreenshotWindow Cancelar Name: ScreenshotWindow Nome: +This file already exists.\n Are you sure you would like to overwrite it? ScreenshotWindow Este arquivo já existe.\n Deseja realmente sobrescrevê-lo? Choose folder ScreenshotWindow Escolher pasta Save ScreenshotWindow Salvar Overwrite ScreenshotWindow Sobrescrever diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/be.catkeys index a065d59087..b774bbf511 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/be.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Зацыкліць Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Немагчыма знайсці стандартную аўдыё апаратуру Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Немагчыма знайсці часовы файл, створаны для захавання новага запісу Sample size: RecorderWindow Памер сэмплу: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Няма чаго іграць Duration: RecorderWindow Працягласць: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Некаторыя з файлаў не падобныя да аўдыё файлаў File info RecorderWindow Інфа пра файл Drop files here SoundListView Кідайце файлы сюды Input RecorderWindow Уваход @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Няправільныя аўдыё файл seconds RecorderWindow секунды OK RecorderWindow ОК Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Немагчыма адкрыць часовы файл, створаны для захавання новага запісу -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Ні адзін з файлаў не месціць аўдыё даных Input: RecorderWindow Уваход: Forward RecorderWindow Уперад Play RecorderWindow Іграць diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/de.catkeys index 806b6d2a25..a47e7eeae5 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/de.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/de.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 german x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 german x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Schleife Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Standard-Audiohardware wurde nicht gefunden. Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Die temporäre Datei, in der die neue Aufnahme gespeichert wurde, kann nicht gefunden werden. Sample size: RecorderWindow Samplegröße: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Nichts abzuspielen Duration: RecorderWindow Dauer: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Einige der Dateien scheinen keine Audiodateien zu sein. File info RecorderWindow Datei Info Drop files here SoundListView Dateien hier fallen lassen Input RecorderWindow Eingang @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Ungültige Audiodateien seconds RecorderWindow Sekunden OK RecorderWindow OK Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Die temporäre Datei, in der die neue Aufnahme gespeichert wurde, kann nicht geöffnet werden. -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Keine der Dateien scheinen Audiodateien zu sein. Input: RecorderWindow Eingang: Forward RecorderWindow Vorwärts Play RecorderWindow Wiedergabe diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/el.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/el.catkeys index ba0ed97acf..97d899655b 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/el.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/el.catkeys @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3266675535 +1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 804840835 Loop RecorderWindow Βρόχος Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Αδυναμία εύρεσης προεπιλεγμένου υλικού ήχου Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Αδυναμία εύρεσης του προσωρινού αρχείου που δημιουργήθηκε για να κρατήσει τη νέα ηχογράφηση Nothing to play RecorderWindow Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα για αναπαραγωγή -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Ορισμένα από τα αρχεία δεν φαίνεται να είναι αρχεία ήχου File info RecorderWindow Πληροφορίες αρχείου Drop files here SoundListView Σύρετε τα αρχεία εδώ Input RecorderWindow Είσοδος @@ -14,7 +13,6 @@ Sample rate: RecorderWindow Ρυθμός δειγματοληψίας: Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Άκυρα αρχεία ήχου OK RecorderWindow Εντάξει Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Αδυναμία ανοίγματος του προσωρινού αρχείου που δημιουργήθηκε για να κρατήσει τη νέα ηχογράφηση -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Κανένα από τα αρχεία δεν φαίνεται να είναι αρχεία ήχου Input: RecorderWindow Είσοδος: Forward RecorderWindow Προς τα εμπρός Play RecorderWindow Αναπαραγωγή diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/fi.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/fi.catkeys index 4326998f60..be3501f167 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/fi.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/fi.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Silmukka Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Oletusäänilaitteen löytäminen epäonnistui Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Ei kyetä löytämään tilapäistä tiedostoa, joka luotiin säilyttämään uusi äänitys. Sample size: RecorderWindow Näytekoko: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Ei mitään soitettavaa Duration: RecorderWindow Kesto: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Jotkut tiedostot eivät tunnu olevan äänitiedostoja File info RecorderWindow Tiedostotiedot Drop files here SoundListView Pudota tiedostot tänne Input RecorderWindow Syöte @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Virheelliset äänitiedostot seconds RecorderWindow sekuntia OK RecorderWindow Valmis Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Ei kyetä avaamaan tilapäistä tiedostoa, joka luotiin säilyttämään uusi äänitys -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Mitkään tiedostoista eivät näytä olevan äänitiedostoja Input: RecorderWindow Syöte: Forward RecorderWindow Eteenpäin Play RecorderWindow Soita diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/fr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/fr.catkeys index a664796e95..6b17f1f242 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/fr.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/fr.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 french x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 french x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Boucler Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Impossible de trouver le périphérique audio par défaut Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Impossible de trouver le fichier temporaire créé pour contenir le nouvel enregistrement. Sample size: RecorderWindow Taille de l'échantillon : Nothing to play RecorderWindow Rien à jouer Duration: RecorderWindow Durée : -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Certains fichiers semblent ne pas être des fichiers audio File info RecorderWindow Informations du fichier Drop files here SoundListView Déposez les fichiers ici Input RecorderWindow Source @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Fichiers audio non valides seconds RecorderWindow secondes OK RecorderWindow OK Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier temporaire créé pour recevoir le nouvel enregistrement -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Aucun des fichiers ne semble-t-être un fichier audio Input: RecorderWindow Source : Forward RecorderWindow Avancer Play RecorderWindow Lecture diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/hi.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/hi.catkeys index 44a75bdb75..73eebf878f 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/hi.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/hi.catkeys @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3223747972 +1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 761913272 Loop RecorderWindow लूप Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow डिफ़ॉल्ट ऑडियो हार्डवेयर नहीं मिल सका Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow नई रिकॉर्डिंग पकड़ने के लिए बनायी गई अस्थायी फ़ाइल को नहीं खोज सका Nothing to play RecorderWindow खेलने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं Duration: RecorderWindow अवधि: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow कुछ फ़ाइलें ऑडियो फ़ाइल प्रतीत नहीं होती हैं File info RecorderWindow फ़ाइल की जानकारी Drop files here SoundListView फ़ाइलें यहाँ ड्रॉप करे Input RecorderWindow इनपुट @@ -17,7 +16,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow अवैध ऑडियो फाइले seconds RecorderWindow सेकंड OK RecorderWindow ठीक है Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow नई रिकॉर्डिंग पकड़ने के लिए बनायी गई अस्थायी फ़ाइल को नहीं खोल सकता -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow फ़ाइलों में से कोई भी फ़ाइल ऑडियो नही दिखाई देते हैं Input: RecorderWindow आगत: Forward RecorderWindow आगे करें Play RecorderWindow चलाएं diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/hu.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/hu.catkeys index 8864528cab..9442cd9f03 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/hu.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/hu.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Ismétlés Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Nem található az alapértelmezett hangeszköz Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Nem található az új felvételt tároló ideiglenes fájl Sample size: RecorderWindow Méret: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Nincs mit lejátszani Duration: RecorderWindow Hossz: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow A fájlok között van olyan, ami nem hangfájl File info RecorderWindow Fájlinformációk Drop files here SoundListView Húzza ide a fájlokat Input RecorderWindow Bemenet @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Érvénytelen hangfájlok seconds RecorderWindow másodperc OK RecorderWindow Rendben Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Nem sikerült megnyitni az új felvételt tároló ideiglenes fájlt -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow A fájlok egyike sem hangfájl Input: RecorderWindow Bemenet: Forward RecorderWindow Előretekerés Play RecorderWindow Lejátszás diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ja.catkeys index bd1c1ef496..d068ed3843 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ja.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ja.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow 繰り返し Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow デフォルトのオーディオハードウェアが見つかりません Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow 新規レコーディングを保存する一時ファイルが見つかりません Sample size: RecorderWindow ビット深度: Nothing to play RecorderWindow 再生するものがない Duration: RecorderWindow 再生時間: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow ファイルのいくつかはオーディオファイルでは無いようです。 File info RecorderWindow ファイル情報 Drop files here SoundListView ここにファイルをドロップしてください Input RecorderWindow 入力 @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow 無効なオーディオファイル seconds RecorderWindow 秒 OK RecorderWindow OK Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow 新規レコーディングを保存する一時ファイルを開けません -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow ファイルはオーディオファイルで無いようです Input: RecorderWindow 入力: Forward RecorderWindow 送る Play RecorderWindow 再生 diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/lt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/lt.catkeys index c4c1fa8416..d78db00d4e 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/lt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/lt.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Kartoti Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Nepavyko rasti numatytosios garso techninės įrangos Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Nepavyko rasti laikinojo failo, sukurto naujam įrašui talpinti Sample size: RecorderWindow Garso elemento dydis: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Nėra ką groti Duration: RecorderWindow Trukmė: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Panašu, jog kai kurie failai nėra garso įrašai File info RecorderWindow Failo savybės Drop files here SoundListView Meskite failus čia Input RecorderWindow Įvestis @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Netinkami garso įrašai seconds RecorderWindow sek. OK RecorderWindow Gerai Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Nepavyko atverti laikinojo failo, sukurto naujam įrašui talpinti -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Panašu, jog nė vienas failas nėra garso įrašas Input: RecorderWindow Įvestis: Forward RecorderWindow Pervynioti pirmyn Play RecorderWindow Groti diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/nl.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/nl.catkeys index b6542fa144..b52bd6ffbe 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/nl.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/nl.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Herhalen Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Kan de standaard-hardware voor geluid niet vinden Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Kan het tijdelijke bestand van de nieuwe opname niet vinden. Sample size: RecorderWindow Samplegrootte: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Niets om af te spelen Duration: RecorderWindow Tijdsduur: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Sommige bestanden lijken geen geluidsbestanden te zijn File info RecorderWindow Bestandsinfo Drop files here SoundListView Sleep bestanden hierheen Input RecorderWindow Input @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Ongeldige geluidsbestanden seconds RecorderWindow seconden OK RecorderWindow Oké Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Kan het tijdelijke bestand van de nieuwe opname niet openen. -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Geen van de bestanden lijkt een geluidsbestand te zijn Input: RecorderWindow Input: Forward RecorderWindow Vooruit Play RecorderWindow Afspelen diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/pl.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/pl.catkeys index 39c9801a99..ae6b1671ea 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/pl.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/pl.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Pętla Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Nie można odnaleść domyślnego urządzenia audio Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Nie można zlokalizować pliku tymczasowego przechowującego nowe nagrania Sample size: RecorderWindow Rozmiar próbki: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Nic do otworzenia Duration: RecorderWindow Czas trwania: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Część plików nie jest rozpoznawana jako pliki audio File info RecorderWindow Informacje o pliku Drop files here SoundListView Upuść pliki tutaj Input RecorderWindow Wejście @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Nieprawidłowe pliki audio seconds RecorderWindow sekund OK RecorderWindow OK Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Nie można odnaleść pliku tymczasowego przechowującego nowe nagrania -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Żaden z tych plików nie jest rozpoznawany jako plik audio Input: RecorderWindow Wejście: Forward RecorderWindow Do przodu Play RecorderWindow Odtwórz diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/pt_BR.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/pt_BR.catkeys index b0ab1fea0f..3eea461e2f 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/pt_BR.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/pt_BR.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Repetição Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Não é possível encontrar hardware padrão de áudio Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Não é possível encontrar o arquivo temporário criado para conter a nova gravação Sample size: RecorderWindow Tamanho da amostragem: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Nada para tocar Duration: RecorderWindow Duração: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Alguns dos arquivos não parecem ser arquivos de áudio File info RecorderWindow Informações do arquivo Drop files here SoundListView Soltar arquivos aqui Input RecorderWindow Entrada @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Arquivos de áudio inválidos seconds RecorderWindow segundos OK RecorderWindow OK Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Não é possível abir o arquivo temporário criado para abrigar a nova gravação -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Nenhum dos arquivos parecem ser arquivos de áudio Input: RecorderWindow Entrada: Forward RecorderWindow Avançar Play RecorderWindow Reproduzir diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ro.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ro.catkeys index 3d1116e066..f69adadd6e 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ro.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ro.catkeys @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 4189888707 +1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 1728054007 Loop RecorderWindow Buclă Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Nu se poate găsi harware-ul audio implicit Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Nu se poate găsi fișierul temporar creat pentru a păstra înregistrarea nouă Nothing to play RecorderWindow Nimic de redat -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Unele fișiere nu par a fi niște fișiere audio File info RecorderWindow Info fișier Drop files here SoundListView Plasați fișiere aici Input RecorderWindow Intrare @@ -13,7 +12,6 @@ Rewind RecorderWindow Derulează înapoi Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Fișiere audio nevalide OK RecorderWindow Bine Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Nu se poate deschide fișierul temporar creat pentru a păstra înregistrarea nouă -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Niciunul dintre fișiere nu pare a fi din fișierele audio Input: RecorderWindow Intrare: Forward RecorderWindow Înainte Play RecorderWindow Redă diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ru.catkeys index e1489e2180..3ba60575e7 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ru.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/ru.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Закольцевать Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Не найдено аудио оборудование Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Не найден временный файл, созданный для хранения новой записи Sample size: RecorderWindow Размер сэмпла: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Нечего играть Duration: RecorderWindow Продолжительность: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Некоторые из файлов не являются аудио файлами File info RecorderWindow Информация о файле: Drop files here SoundListView Перенесите сюда файлы Input RecorderWindow Вход @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Некорректные аудио файл seconds RecorderWindow секунд OK RecorderWindow ОК Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Невозможно открыть временный файл, созданный для хранения новой записи -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Ни один из файлов не является файлом аудио Input: RecorderWindow Звуковой вход: Forward RecorderWindow Вперед Play RecorderWindow Играть diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/sk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/sk.catkeys index 3104b4b90e..796b60fc03 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/sk.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/sk.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Opakovať Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Štandardný zvukový hardvér nenájdený Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Nebol nájdený dočasný súbor obsahujúci nový záznam Sample size: RecorderWindow Veľkosť vzorky: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Niet čo prehrať Duration: RecorderWindow Trvanie: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Zdá sa, že niektoré súbory nie sú zvukové súbory File info RecorderWindow Info súboru Drop files here SoundListView Pretiahnite súbory sem Input RecorderWindow Vstup @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Neplatné zvukové súbory seconds RecorderWindow sekúnd OK RecorderWindow OK Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Nie je možné otvoriť dočasný súbor pre nový záznam -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Zdá sa, že žiadne z týchto súborov nie sú zvukové súbory Input: RecorderWindow Vstup: Forward RecorderWindow Vpred Play RecorderWindow Prehrať diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/sv.catkeys index 25351441a2..d27423dcac 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/sv.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/sv.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow Loop Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Kan inte hitta den förvalda ljudhårdvaran Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Kan inte hitta den temporära filen skapad för att lagra den nya inspelningen Sample size: RecorderWindow Samplingsstorlek: Nothing to play RecorderWindow Inget att spela Duration: RecorderWindow Längd: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Några av filerna verkar inte vara ljudfiler File info RecorderWindow Filinformation Drop files here SoundListView Släpp filer här Input RecorderWindow Inmatning @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Ogiltiga ljudfiler seconds RecorderWindow sekunder OK RecorderWindow OK Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Kan inte hitta den temporära filen skapad för att lagra den nya inspelningen -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Ingen av filerna verkar vara ljudfiler Input: RecorderWindow Inmatning: Forward RecorderWindow Framåt Play RecorderWindow Spela diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/uk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/uk.catkeys index f7b9fccfe9..272e03a990 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/uk.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/uk.catkeys @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 4189888707 +1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 1728054007 Loop RecorderWindow Петля Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow Неможливо знайти звуковий пристрій за замовчуванням Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Неможливо знайти тимчасовий файл створений для збереження нового запису Nothing to play RecorderWindow Нічого для відтворення -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Деякі з файлів виявилися не звуковими File info RecorderWindow Інфо про файл Drop files here SoundListView Киньте файли сюди Input RecorderWindow Вхід @@ -13,7 +12,6 @@ Rewind RecorderWindow Перемотка Invalid audio files RecorderWindow Неправильні аудіо файли OK RecorderWindow Гаразд Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow Неможливо відкрити тимчасовий файл створений для збереження нового запису -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow Жодних файлів, які могли би бути аудіо Input: RecorderWindow Вхід: Forward RecorderWindow Вперед Play RecorderWindow Відтворити diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/zh_Hans.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/zh_Hans.catkeys index 5e681d4a6b..6d6c16e18e 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/zh_Hans.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/soundrecorder/zh_Hans.catkeys @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -1 english x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 2149017672 +1 english x-vnd.Haiku-SoundRecorder 3982150268 Loop RecorderWindow 循环 Cannot find default audio hardware RecorderWindow 未发现默认音频设备 Cannot find the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow 未找到存储新记录的临时文件 Sample size: RecorderWindow 示例大小: Nothing to play RecorderWindow 无播放文件 Duration: RecorderWindow 录制时间: -Some of the files don't appear to be audio files RecorderWindow 其中的一些文件不是音频文件 File info RecorderWindow 文件信息 Drop files here SoundListView 在这里放置文件 Input RecorderWindow 输入 @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ Invalid audio files RecorderWindow 无效音频文件 seconds RecorderWindow 秒 OK RecorderWindow 确定 Cannot open the temporary file created to hold the new recording RecorderWindow 无法打开用于存储新记录的临时文件 -None of the files appear to be audio files RecorderWindow 所有文件都不是音频文件 Input: RecorderWindow 输入: Forward RecorderWindow 向前 Play RecorderWindow 播放 diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/terminal/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/terminal/be.catkeys index 4efc779335..01f77269eb 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/terminal/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/terminal/be.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal 2967760334 +1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal 1655135592 Not found. Terminal TermWindow Не знойдзена. Switch Terminals Terminal TermWindow Пераключыць Тэрміналы Change directory Terminal TermView Змяніць дырэкторыю @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ Blinking cursor Terminal AppearancePrefView Мільгаючы курсор Don't save Terminal PrefWindow Не захоўваць Set window title Terminal TermWindow Прызначыць імя вакна Terminal System name Тэрмінал +Copy path Terminal TermView Капіяваць шлях Close other tabs Terminal TermWindow Закрыць астатнія ўкладкі Match word Terminal FindWindow Усё слова Nothing is selected. Terminal TermWindow Нічога не выбрана. @@ -80,10 +81,12 @@ Text encoding Terminal TermWindow Кадоўка тэксту size Terminal TermView памер Close window Terminal TermWindow Закрыць вакно \t%d\t-\tThe current working directory of the active process in the\n\t\t\tcurrent tab. Optionally the maximum number of path components\n\t\t\tcan be specified. E.g. '%2d' for at most two components.\n\t%T\t-\tThe Terminal application name for the current locale.\n\t%e\t-\tThe encoding of the current tab. Not shown for UTF-8.\n\t%i\t-\tThe index of the window.\n\t%p\t-\tThe name of the active process in the current tab.\n\t%t\t-\tThe title of the current tab.\n\t%%\t-\tThe character '%'. Terminal ToolTips \t%d\t-\tРабочы каталог актыўнага працэсу\n\t\t\tў цякучай укладцы.Дадаткова можна ўказаць макісмальную колькасць кампанентаў пуці.\n\t\t\t Напрыклад, '%2d' - не больша за два кампаненты.\n\t%T\t-\tІмя праграмы Тэрмінала ў актуальнай лакалі.\n\t%e\t-\tКадоўка актыўнай укладкі. Калі UTF-8 то не паказваецца.\n\t%i\t-\tІндэкс вакна.\n\t%p\t-\tІмя актыўнага працэсу ў цякучай укладцы.\n\t%t\t-\tІмя цякучай укладкі.\n\t%%\t-\tСімвал '%'. +Copy absolute path Terminal TermView Капіяваць абсалютны шлях Save as default Terminal TermWindow Захаваць як прадвызначаныя Set tab title Terminal TermWindow Прызначыць імя ўкладкі Settings… Terminal TermWindow Наладкі… Abort Terminal Shell Спыніць +Open link Terminal TermView Адкрыць спасылку Edit Terminal TermWindow Правіць Color: Terminal AppearancePrefView Колер: The pattern specifying the window title. The following placeholders\ncan be used:\n Terminal TermWindow Шаблон для імёнаў вакон. Можна ўжываць наступныя\n запаўняльнікі:\n @@ -94,7 +97,9 @@ OK Terminal TermApp ОК Find failed Terminal TermWindow Не ўдалося знайсці Search forward Terminal FindWindow Шукаць далей Edit tab title… Terminal TermWindow Правіць імя ўкладкі… +Open path Terminal TermView Адкрыць шлях Find previous Terminal TermWindow Знайсці ранейшае +Copy link location Terminal TermView Капіяваць спасылку Tab title: Terminal TermWindow Імя ўкладкі: Find next Terminal TermWindow Знайсці далейшае Close active tab Terminal TermWindow Закрыць актыўную ўкладку diff --git a/data/catalogs/bin/desklink/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/bin/desklink/be.catkeys index 267d48969f..db1d727966 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/bin/desklink/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/bin/desklink/be.catkeys @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-desklink 2797960853 +1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-desklink 3451447865 Control physical output MediaReplicant Кантраляваць фізічны выхад Couldn't launch MediaReplicant Немагчыма запусціць +Muted MediaReplicant Сцішаны OK MediaReplicant ОК Sound preferences… MediaReplicant Наладкі гука… %g dB MediaReplicant %g дБ diff --git a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/be.catkeys index 99a2307ac1..5e4812d837 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/be.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2187262474 +1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2212190051 OK WidgetAttributeText ОК Icon view VolumeWindow Від іконак Add-ons FilePanelPriv Дапаўненні @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ New folder FilePanelPriv Новы каталог %name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title %name інфа Favorites FavoritesMenu Выбранае Add-ons VolumeWindow Дапаўненні +\"%name\" is an unsupported executable. FSUtils \"%name\" непадтрымліваемы тып праграмы. Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. PoseView Прабачце, вы не можаце капіяваць элементы ў Сметніцу. List view VolumeWindow Від спісу matches wildcard expression SelectionWindow супадае з падстановачнымі выразамі @@ -408,6 +409,7 @@ Paste layout ContainerWindow Уставіць макет Select InfoWindow Выбраць Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error FSUtils Не ўдалося абнавіць правы файла \"%name\". %error Select… FilePanelPriv Выбраць… +\"%name\" is a legacy executable. Please obtain an updated version or recompile the application. FSUtils \"%name\" есць праграмай старога тыпу. Калі ласка набудзце ці збярыце яе новую версію. There was an error resolving the link. Tracker Адбылася памылка пры разборы спасылкі. %BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/s You can't move or copy the trash. FSUtils Вы не можаце перамяшчаць ці капіяваць у Сметніцу. @@ -427,6 +429,7 @@ New ContainerWindow Новы Name matches wildcard expression:### SelectionWindow Імя супадае з падстановачным выразам less than FindPanel менш за 64 x 64 DeskWindow 64 x 64 +develop B_SYSTEM_DEVELOP_DIRECTORY распрацоўка Modified ContainerWindow Зменены Edit Query template FindPanel Правіць шаблон Запыту Prompt FSUtils Падказка diff --git a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/de.catkeys index bd3c21ab1a..52d1e2e29e 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/de.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/de.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2187262474 +1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2212190051 OK WidgetAttributeText OK Icon view VolumeWindow Icon-Ansicht Add-ons FilePanelPriv Add-ons @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ New folder FilePanelPriv Neuer Ordner %name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title %name Info Favorites FavoritesMenu Favoriten Add-ons VolumeWindow Add-ons +\"%name\" is an unsupported executable. FSUtils \"%name\" hat ein nicht-unterstütztes Programmformat. Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. PoseView Objekte können leider nicht in den Papierkorb kopiert werden. List view VolumeWindow Listenansicht matches wildcard expression SelectionWindow entspricht Platzhalter-Ausdruck @@ -408,6 +409,7 @@ Paste layout ContainerWindow Anordnung einfügen Select InfoWindow Auswählen Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error FSUtils Konnte die Berechtigungen der Datei \"%name\" nicht aktualisieren. %error Select… FilePanelPriv Auswählen… +\"%name\" is a legacy executable. Please obtain an updated version or recompile the application. FSUtils \"%name\" hat ein veraltetest Programmformat. Die Anwendung muss neu kompiliert, bzw. eine aktualisierte Version installiert werden. There was an error resolving the link. Tracker Fehler beim Auflösen der Verknüpfung. %BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/s You can't move or copy the trash. FSUtils Der Papierkorb kann nicht verschoben oder kopiert werden. @@ -427,6 +429,7 @@ New ContainerWindow Neu Name matches wildcard expression:### SelectionWindow Name trifft auf Platzhalter-Ausdruck zu:### less than FindPanel kleiner als 64 x 64 DeskWindow 64 x 64 +develop B_SYSTEM_DEVELOP_DIRECTORY Programmierung Modified ContainerWindow Geändert Edit Query template FindPanel Query-Vorlage bearbeiten Prompt FSUtils Nachfragen diff --git a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/hu.catkeys b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/hu.catkeys index 46c34511a6..10d36417e2 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/hu.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/hu.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2187262474 +1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2212190051 OK WidgetAttributeText Rendben Icon view VolumeWindow Ikon nézet Add-ons FilePanelPriv Kiegészítők @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ New folder FilePanelPriv Új mappa %name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title %name Favorites FavoritesMenu Kedvencek Add-ons VolumeWindow Kiegészítők +\"%name\" is an unsupported executable. FSUtils \"%name\" egy nem támogatott futtatható fájl. Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. PoseView Sajnáljuk, de nem lehet a Szemetesbe másolni. List view VolumeWindow Lista nézet matches wildcard expression SelectionWindow megfelel a helyettesítő kifejezésnek @@ -408,6 +409,7 @@ Paste layout ContainerWindow Elrendezés beillesztése Select InfoWindow Kijelölés Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error FSUtils Nem sikerült módosítani a fájl (%name) jogosultságait.\n\t%error Select… FilePanelPriv Kijelölés… +\"%name\" is a legacy executable. Please obtain an updated version or recompile the application. FSUtils \"%name\" egy régebbi futtatható fájl. Frissítés vagy újra felépítés szükséges. There was an error resolving the link. Tracker Hiba történt a hivatkozás feloldása során. %BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/mp You can't move or copy the trash. FSUtils A Szemetest nem lehet mozgatni vagy másolni. @@ -427,6 +429,7 @@ New ContainerWindow Új Name matches wildcard expression:### SelectionWindow A név illeszkedik ezekre a helyettesítőkarakterekre:### less than FindPanel kisebb, mint 64 x 64 DeskWindow 64 x 64 +develop B_SYSTEM_DEVELOP_DIRECTORY Fejlesztés Modified ContainerWindow Módosítva Edit Query template FindPanel Keresési sablon szerkesztése Prompt FSUtils Kérdés diff --git a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/ja.catkeys index be7772dffd..07dffa93f7 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/ja.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/ja.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 296461196 +1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1108469663 OK WidgetAttributeText OK Icon view VolumeWindow アイコン表示 Add-ons FilePanelPriv アドオン @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ New folder FilePanelPriv 新規フォルダー %name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title %name の情報 Favorites FavoritesMenu お気に入り Add-ons VolumeWindow アドオン +\"%name\" is an unsupported executable. FSUtils \"%name\" はサポートされていない実行形式です。 Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. PoseView ごみ箱にコピーすることはできません。 List view VolumeWindow 一覧表示 matches wildcard expression SelectionWindow ワイルドカード表現と一致 @@ -406,7 +407,8 @@ OK FSUtils OK Paste layout ContainerWindow レイアウトを貼り付ける Select InfoWindow 選択 Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error FSUtils \"%name\"の権限を更新できませんでした。%error -Select… FilePanelPriv 選択… +Select… FilePanelPriv \"%name\" は古い実行形式です。最新版を入手するか、アプリケーションをリコンパイルしてください。 +\"%name\" is a legacy executable. Please obtain an updated version or recompile the application. FSUtils \"%name\" は古い実行形式です。最新版を入手するか、アプリケーションを再コンパイルしてください。 There was an error resolving the link. Tracker リンクの解釈に失敗しました。 %BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/秒 You can't move or copy the trash. FSUtils ごみ箱の移動やコピーはできません。 diff --git a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/pt_BR.catkeys b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/pt_BR.catkeys index 0eb6ca1636..9ca8597734 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/pt_BR.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/pt_BR.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2187262474 +1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2212190051 OK WidgetAttributeText OK Icon view VolumeWindow Em ícones Add-ons FilePanelPriv Adicionais @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ New folder FilePanelPriv Nova pasta %name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title Informações de %name Favorites FavoritesMenu Favoritos Add-ons VolumeWindow Adicionais +\"%name\" is an unsupported executable. FSUtils \"%name\" é um executável não suportado. Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. PoseView Desculpe, você não pode copiar itens para a Lixeira. List view VolumeWindow Em lista matches wildcard expression SelectionWindow encaixa na expressão coringa @@ -408,6 +409,7 @@ Paste layout ContainerWindow Colar disposição Select InfoWindow Selecionar Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error FSUtils Não foi possível atualizar permissões do arquivo \"%name\". %error Select… FilePanelPriv Selecionar… +\"%name\" is a legacy executable. Please obtain an updated version or recompile the application. FSUtils \"%name\" é um executável legado. Por favor obtenha uma versão atualizada ou recompile o aplicativo. There was an error resolving the link. Tracker Ocorreu um erro resolvendo um vínculo. %BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/s You can't move or copy the trash. FSUtils Não é possível mover ou copiar a lixeira. @@ -427,6 +429,7 @@ New ContainerWindow Novo Name matches wildcard expression:### SelectionWindow Nome corresponde à expressão especial:### less than FindPanel menor que 64 x 64 DeskWindow 64 x 64 +develop B_SYSTEM_DEVELOP_DIRECTORY desenvolvimento Modified ContainerWindow Modificado Edit Query template FindPanel Editar modelo de Consulta Prompt FSUtils Prompt diff --git a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/ru.catkeys index b9c5814767..dd7ce0f4b3 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/ru.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/ru.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1400181584 +1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2212190051 OK WidgetAttributeText ОК Icon view VolumeWindow Большие значки Add-ons FilePanelPriv Дополнения @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ New folder FilePanelPriv Новая папка %name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title Информация о %name Favorites FavoritesMenu Закладки Add-ons VolumeWindow Дополнения +\"%name\" is an unsupported executable. FSUtils \"%name\" неподдерживаемый исполняемый файл. Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. PoseView Извините, но вы не можете копировать объекты в корзину. List view VolumeWindow Список matches wildcard expression SelectionWindow совпадает с шаблонным выражением @@ -408,6 +409,7 @@ Paste layout ContainerWindow Вставить вид папки Select InfoWindow Выделить Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error FSUtils Невозможно обновить права файла \"%name\". %error Select… FilePanelPriv Выделить… +\"%name\" is a legacy executable. Please obtain an updated version or recompile the application. FSUtils \"%name\" программа устаревшего типа. Пожалуйста получите обновленную версию. There was an error resolving the link. Tracker Возникла ошибка при открытии ссылки. %BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/с You can't move or copy the trash. FSUtils Вы не можете перемещать или копировать корзину. diff --git a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/sv.catkeys index 929c0df86f..bdbb972b52 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/sv.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/sv.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2187262474 +1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2212190051 OK WidgetAttributeText OK Icon view VolumeWindow Ikonvy Add-ons FilePanelPriv Tillägg @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ New folder FilePanelPriv Ny mapp %name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title %name information Favorites FavoritesMenu Favoriter Add-ons VolumeWindow Tillägg +\"%name\" is an unsupported executable. FSUtils \"%name\" är en osupporterad körbarfil Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. PoseView Du kan inte kopiera filer till Papperskorgen. List view VolumeWindow Listvy matches wildcard expression SelectionWindow matchar jokeruttryck @@ -408,6 +409,7 @@ Paste layout ContainerWindow Klistra in layout Select InfoWindow Markera Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error FSUtils Kunde inte uppdatera rättigheterna i filen "%name". %error Select… FilePanelPriv Markera... +\"%name\" is a legacy executable. Please obtain an updated version or recompile the application. FSUtils \"%name\" Den körbara filen är från ett gammalt system. Var vänlig uppdatera din fil eller bygg om programmet. There was an error resolving the link. Tracker Det uppstod ett fel vid uppslag av länk. %BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/s You can't move or copy the trash. FSUtils Du kan inte flytta eller kopiera Papperskorgen. @@ -427,6 +429,7 @@ New ContainerWindow Ny Name matches wildcard expression:### SelectionWindow Namn matchar jokertuttryck:### less than FindPanel mindre än 64 x 64 DeskWindow 64 x 64 +develop B_SYSTEM_DEVELOP_DIRECTORY utvecklare Modified ContainerWindow Ändrad Edit Query template FindPanel Redigera sökmall Prompt FSUtils Prompt diff --git a/data/catalogs/preferences/notifications/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/preferences/notifications/be.catkeys index c814d9f218..dc3f3ab4a9 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/preferences/notifications/be.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/preferences/notifications/be.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1398224574 +1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 3366464357 An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Адбылася памылка пры захаванні наладак.\nМагчыма, не хапае месца на дыску. Notifications GeneralView Паведамленні seconds of inactivity GeneralView секунд прастою @@ -45,5 +45,6 @@ There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Уключыць паведамленні пры запуску Notifications PrefletView Абвесткі The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Сервер паведамленняў не знойдзены, гэта сведчыць аб няўдалай усталёўцы InfoPopper. +Can't save preferences, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Не ўдалося захаваць наладкі, верагодна вы не маеце права пісаць у папку наладак. Applications NotificationView Праграмы Events are notified GeneralView Пра падзеі паведамляецца