Update translations from Pootle

This commit is contained in:
Niels Sascha Reedijk 2013-05-18 06:13:16 +02:00
parent d51ab41d49
commit 81abe2a6a3
42 changed files with 179 additions and 97 deletions

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Output treble MultiAudio Выхад высокіх
Mono mix MultiAudio Моно мікс
General MultiAudio Агульны
Input & Output MultiAudio Выхад і Ўваход
Enhanced Setup MultiAudio Спец. Наладкі
Enhanced Setup MultiAudio Спецыяльныя Наладкі
Stereo mix MultiAudio Стэрэа мікс
Output 3D depth MultiAudio Выхад глыбіня 3D
Volume MultiAudio Гучнасьць

@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Be-TSKB 1042823442
1 belarusian x-vnd.Be-TSKB 2335730970
Power off DeskbarMenu Выключыць
Sort applications by name PreferencesWindow Сартаваць прагамы па назвах
Suspend DeskbarMenu Прыпыніць
Hide clock TimeView Схаваць гадзіннік
Applications PreferencesWindow Праграмы
Time preferences… TimeView Наладкі Часу…
About Haiku DeskbarMenu Пра Haiku
Edit in Tracker… PreferencesWindow Рэдагаваць у Тракеры…
Recent documents: PreferencesWindow Нядаўнія дакументы:
Recent applications DeskbarMenu Нядаўнія праграмы
Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications Праграмы
Find… DeskbarMenu Знайсці…
Show clock Tray Паказаць гадзіннік
Window PreferencesWindow Акно
Defaults PreferencesWindow Прадвызначаныя
Menu PreferencesWindow Меню
Recent documents DeskbarMenu Нядаўнія дакументы
Auto-hide PreferencesWindow Схаваць аўтаматычна
@ -28,6 +31,7 @@ Restart Tracker DeskbarMenu Перазапусціць Tracker
Close all WindowMenu Закрыць усё
Deskbar preferences PreferencesWindow Наладкі Deskbar
Mount DeskbarMenu Прымацаваць
Revert PreferencesWindow Вярнуць
Small PreferencesWindow Малы
Recent applications: PreferencesWindow Нядаўнія праграмы:
Shutdown… DeskbarMenu Спыніць…

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 1752326393
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 3775412465
DriveSetup System name Рэдыктар дыскаў
Cancel AbstractParametersPanel Адмяніць
Delete MainWindow Выдаліць
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ OK MainWindow ОК
Could not aquire partitioning information. MainWindow Не ўдалося атрымаць інфармацыю аб падзелах.
There's no space on the partition where a child partition could be created. MainWindow Няма мечца на падзеле для стварэння даччынага падзела.
Initialize InitializeParametersPanel Ініцыялізіраваць
OK AbstractParametersPanel ОК
OK AbstractParametersPanel Добра
<empty> PartitionList <пуста>
Unable to find the selected partition by ID. MainWindow Не ўдалося знайсці абраны падзел па ID.
Select a partition from the list below. DiskView Абярыце падзел са спісу нішэй.
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ The selected disk is read-only. MainWindow Абраны дыск толькі
Are you sure you want to format the partition \"%s\"? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Вы упэўнены, што жадаеце фарматаваць падзел \"%s\"? Дадатковае пацвержанне спатрэбіцца і непасрэдна перад запісам на дыск.
Could not mount partition %s. MainWindow Не ўдалося змантаваць падзел %s.
The partition %s has been successfully formatted.\n MainWindow Падзел %s паспяхова фарматаваны.\n
Change parameters MainWindow Змяніць параметры
The partition %s is already unmounted. MainWindow Падзел %s ужо змантаваны.
Failed to delete the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Не ўдалося выдаліць падзел. Змены не былі запісаны на дыск.
Could not delete the selected partition. MainWindow Немагчыма выдаліць абраны падзел.
@ -36,38 +37,53 @@ Write changes MainWindow Запісаць змены
There was an error preparing the disk for modifications. MainWindow Адбылася памылка пры падрыхтоўцы дыску да мадыфікацый.
The partition %s is already mounted. MainWindow Падзел %s ужо змантаваны.
Are you sure you want to format the partition? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Вы упэўнены, што жадаеце фарматаваць падзел? Дадатковае пацвержанне спатрэбіцца і непасрэдна перад запісам на дыск.
Partition name: ChangeParametersPanel Імя падзела:
Change ChangeParametersPanel Змяніць
Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the disk %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Сапраўды жадаеце запісаць змены на дыск?\n\nУсе данные на абраным падзеле %s будуць беззваротна згублены!
Are you sure you want to delete the selected partition?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Сапрўды жадаеце выдаліць абраны падзел?\n\nУсе данные на абраным падзеле будуць беззваротна згублены!
Create… MainWindow Стварыць…
Disk system \"%s\"\" not found! MainWindow Дыскавая сістэма \"%s\"\" не знойдзена!
The disk has been successfully initialized.\n MainWindow Дыск быў паспяхова ініцыялізаваны.\n
Could not unmount partition %s. MainWindow Не ўдалося змантаваць падзел %s.
Failed to change the parameters of the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Не ўдалося зманіць параметры падзела. Змены не былі запісаныя на дыск.
Failed to format the partition %s!\n MainWindow Не ўдалося фарматаваць падзел %s!\n
Mount MainWindow Змантаваць
Partition type PartitionList Тып падзела
Are you sure you want to format a raw disk? (most people initialize the disk with a partitioning system first) You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Вы упэўнены, што жадаеце фарматаваць ўвесь дыск? (у большасці выпадкаў на дыску ствараюць сыстэму падзелаў) Дадатковае пацвержанне спатрэбіцца і непасрэдна перад запісам на дыск.
The panel experienced a problem! MainWindow З панэллю ёсьць пэўная праблема!
Change parameters… MainWindow Змяніць параметры…
Device PartitionList Прылада
Disk MainWindow Дыск
Are you sure you want to initialize the selected disk? All data will be lost. You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk.\n MainWindow Вы упэўнены, што жадаеце ініцыялізаваць абраны дыск? Усе дадзеныя з яго будуць страчаны. Дадатковае пацвержанне спатрэбіцца і непасрэдна перад запісам на дыск.\n
Partition size CreateParametersPanel Памер падзела
Device DiskView Прылада
Active PartitionList Актыўны
Volume name PartitionList Імя тому
Continue MainWindow Працягнуць
Cannot delete the selected partition. MainWindow Немагчыма выдаліць абраны падзел.
Mount all MainWindow Зманатаваць усё
End: %s Support Канец: %s
The panel could not return successfully. MainWindow Панэль не можа вярнуцца карэктна.
Cancel MainWindow Адмяніць
Delete partition MainWindow Выдаліць падзел
Are you sure you want to change parameters of the selected partition?\n\nThe partition may no longer be recognized by other operating systems anymore! MainWindow Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце зманіць параметры абранага падзел?\n\nГэты падзел можа стаць нераспазнаваным для іншых аперацыйных сістэм!
Eject MainWindow Выцягнуць
Partition MainWindow Падзел
Validation of the given parameters failed. MainWindow Не удалася праверка дадзеных параметраў стварэння падзелу.
Create CreateParametersPanel Стварыць
File system PartitionList Файлавая сістэма
Validation of the given creation parameters failed. MainWindow Не удалася праверка дадзеных параметраў стварэння падзелу.
Partition type: ChangeParametersPanel Тып падзела:
Size PartitionList Памер
Wipe (not implemented) MainWindow Вынішчыць усе дадзеныя (пакуль не працуе)
Validation of the given initialization parameters failed. MainWindow Не удалася праверка дадзеных параметраў ініцыялізацыі падзелу.
The selected partition does not contain a partitioning system. MainWindow Абраны падзел не мае сістымы дзялення.
Offset: %s Support Зрух: %s
Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Сапрўды жадаеце запісаць змены на дыск?\n\nУсе данные на абраным падзеле %s будуць беззваротна згублены!
The partition %s is currently mounted. MainWindow Падзел %s зараз змантаваны.
Surface test (not implemented) MainWindow Тэст паверхні (не ажыццявіма)
Format MainWindow Фарматаваць
Could not change the parameters of the selected partition. MainWindow Немагчыма змяніць параметры абранага падзела.
Parameters PartitionList Параметры
Creation of the partition has failed. MainWindow Не удалося стварыць падзел.
The currently selected partition is not empty. MainWindow Абраны зараз падзел не пусты.

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 2015202924
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 3460572565
DriveSetup System name Разметка диска
Cancel AbstractParametersPanel Отмена
Delete MainWindow Удалить
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ Create… MainWindow Создать…
Disk system \"%s\"\" not found! MainWindow Дисковая система \"%s\"\" не обнаружена!
The disk has been successfully initialized.\n MainWindow Диск был успешно инициализирован.\n
Could not unmount partition %s. MainWindow Невозможно отключить раздел %s.
Failed to change the parameters of the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Не удалось изменить параметры раздела. Изменения не были записаны на диск.
Failed to format the partition %s!\n MainWindow Не удалось инициализировать раздел %s!\n
Mount MainWindow Подключить
Partition type PartitionList Тип раздела
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ Mount all MainWindow Подключить все
End: %s Support Конец: %s
Cancel MainWindow Отмена
Delete partition MainWindow Удалить раздел
Are you sure you want to change parameters of the selected partition?\n\nThe partition may no longer be recognized by other operating systems anymore! MainWindow Вы уверены, что хотите изменить параметры выбранного раздела?\n\nРаздел может больше не распознаваться другими операционными системами!
Eject MainWindow Извлечь
Partition MainWindow Раздел
Validation of the given parameters failed. MainWindow Проверка введённых параметров не удалась.
@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the
The partition %s is currently mounted. MainWindow Раздел %s в данный момент подключен.
Surface test (not implemented) MainWindow Тест поверхности (еще не реализовано)
Format MainWindow Инициализировать
Could not change the parameters of the selected partition. MainWindow Невозможно изменить параметры выбранного раздела.
Parameters PartitionList Параметры
Creation of the partition has failed. MainWindow Не удалось создать раздел.
The currently selected partition is not empty. MainWindow Текущий выбранный раздел не является пустым.

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt 988630706
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt 2649051796
Custom BootPromptWindow Карыстальніка
Boot to Desktop BootPromptWindow Загрузіць Працоўны Стол
Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n BootPromptWindow For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <www.haiku-os.org>.\" Мы дзякуем вас за спробу усталяваць Haiku. Спадзяемся, што вам спадабаецца!\n\nВы можаце абраць пажаданую мову інтэрфейса і раскладку клавіятуры ў левым спісе. Гэтыя параметры таксма могуць быць змененыя пазней.\n\nЖадаеце запусціць Усталёўшчык ці загрузіць Дэсктоп?\n
Language BootPromptWindow Мова
Welcome to Haiku! BootPromptWindow Вітаем!

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-LaunchBox 3016105370
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-LaunchBox 3692177981
New LaunchBox Новы
Set description… LaunchBox Прызначыць апісанне…
Vertical layout LaunchBox Вертыкальная расстаноўка
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ OK LaunchBox ОК
Pad 1 LaunchBox Падложка 1
last chance LaunchBox апошняя магчымасць
Quit LaunchBox Выйсці
Open containing folder LaunchBox Адкрыць папку, якая змяшчае аб'ект
Clear button LaunchBox Ачысціць кнопку
LaunchBox System name СтартПалічка
Ignore double-click LaunchBox Ігнараваць падвойны клік

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-MediaConverter 2955071341
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-MediaConverter 2722282283
Video using parameters form settings MediaConverter Відэа карыстае параметры з наладак
Video encoding: MediaConverter Кадаванне відэа:
Error read audio frame %lld MediaConverter Памылка чытання фрэйма %lld
No audio Audio codecs list Няма аўдыё
Error MediaConverter Памылка
Error loading a file MediaConverter Немагчыма адкрыць файл
Error read video frame %lld MediaConverter Памылка чытання фрэйма %lld
File Error MediaConverter-FileInfo Памылка файла
Open… Menu Адкрыць…
Start [ms]: MediaConverter Пачатак [мсек]:
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ Audio: MediaConverter-FileInfo Аўдыё:
OK MediaConverter-FileInfo ОК
seconds MediaFileInfo секундаў
Source files MediaConverter Зыходныя файлы
Error writing video frame %lld MediaConverter Памылка запісу фрэйма %lld
Error writing audio frame %lld MediaConverter Памылка запіса аўдыё фрэйма %lld
Cancelling MediaConverter Адмена
%d byte MediaFileInfo %d байтаў
Error loading files MediaConverter Немагчыма загрузіць файлы

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Ужыванне памяці
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Сапраўды жадаеце знішчыць групу \"%s\"?
Idle priority ProcessController Прыярытэт спакою
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Перазапусціць Deskbar
Custom priority ProcessController Нестандартны прыярытэт
Debug thread ProcessController Адладжваць паток
This team is already gone… ProcessController Гэтая група ўжо не існуе…
Error saving file ProcessController Памылка пры захаванні файла
Real-time priority ProcessController Прыярытэт рэальнага часу
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Ужыванне: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name Працэсы і патокі
Real-time display priority ProcessController Прыярытэт адлюстравання ў рэальным часе
Please confirm ProcessController Калі ласка падцвердзіце
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Так, знішчыць гэтую групу!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Сістэмныя рэсурсы & кэш…
That's no Fun! ProcessController Гэта непрыкольна!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Вы можаце запускаць ProcessController у вакне або ўсталяваць яго ў Deskbar.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Speicherverbrauch
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Soll das Team \"%s\" wirklich beendet werden?
Idle priority ProcessController Leerlauf-Priorität
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Deskbar neu starten
Custom priority ProcessController Anwendungsspezifische Priorität
Debug thread ProcessController Debug Thread
This team is already gone… ProcessController Dieses Team existiert nicht mehr…
Error saving file ProcessController Fehler beim Speichern der Datei
Real-time priority ProcessController Echtzeit-Priorität
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Gebrauch: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name Systemmanager
Real-time display priority ProcessController Echtzeit-Anzeigen-Priorität
Please confirm ProcessController Bitte bestätigen
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Ja, dieses Team beenden!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Systemressourcen & Cache…
That's no Fun! ProcessController Nicht lustig!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Der Systemmanager kann im Fenster ausgeführt oder in der Deskbar installiert werden.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Χρήση μνήμης
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Θέλετε σίγουρα να τερματίσετε την ομάδα \"%s\";
Idle priority ProcessController Ανενεργή προτεραιότητα
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Επανεκκίνηση Deskbar
Custom priority ProcessController Προσαρμοσμένη προτεραιότητα
Debug thread ProcessController Αποσφαλμάτωση νήματος
This team is already gone… ProcessController Αυτή η όμαδα έχει ήδη εξαφανιστεί
Error saving file ProcessController Σφάλμα κατα την αποθήκευση του αρχείου
Real-time priority ProcessController Προτεραιότητα πραγματικού χρόνου
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Χρήση: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name ProcessController
Real-time display priority ProcessController Προτεραιότητα εμφάνισης πραγματικού χρόνου
Please confirm ProcessController Παρακαλώ επιβεβαιώστε
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Ναι, τερματισμός της ομάδας!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Πόροι & λανθάνουσα μνήμη συστήματος...
That's no Fun! ProcessController Αυτό δεν έχει πλάκα!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Μπορείτε να εκτελέσετε το ProcessController σε ένα παράθυρο ή να το εγκαταστήσετε στη Deskbar.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Muistikäyttö
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Haluatko todella lopettaa ryhmän ”%s”?
Idle priority ProcessController Joutokäyntiprioriteetti
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Käynnistä Työpöytäpalkki uudelleen
Custom priority ProcessController Räätälöity prioriteetti
Debug thread ProcessController Vikajäljitä säiettä
This team is already gone… ProcessController Tämä ryhmä on jo poistunut...
Error saving file ProcessController Virhe tallennettaessa tiedostoa
Real-time priority ProcessController Ajantasaprioriteetti
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Käyttö: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name Prosessiohjain
Real-time display priority ProcessController Ajantasanäyttöprioriteetti
Please confirm ProcessController Vahvista
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Kyllä, lopeta tämä ryhmä!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Järjestelmäresurssit ja välimuistit…
That's no Fun! ProcessController Se ei ole hauskaa!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Voit suorittaa Prosessiohjaimen ikkunassa tai asentaa sen Työpöytäpalkkiin.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Consommation mémoire
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Voulez-vous vraiment tuer le processus « %s » ?
Idle priority ProcessController Priorité inactive
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Redémarrer la Deskbar
Custom priority ProcessController Priorité personnalisée
Debug thread ProcessController Déboguer la tâche
This team is already gone… ProcessController Ce processus n'existe déjà plus…
Error saving file ProcessController Erreur à l'enregistrement du fichier
Real-time priority ProcessController Priorité temps-réel
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Utilisation : %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name ProcessControlleur
Real-time display priority ProcessController Priorité affichage temps-réel
Please confirm ProcessController Veuillez confirmer
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Oui, tuer ce processus !
System resources & caches… ProcessController Resources du système & caches…
That's no Fun! ProcessController C'est pas fun !
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Vous pouvez exécuter ProcessControlleur dans une fenêtre ou l'installer dans la Deskbar.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController स्मृति के उपयोग
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController क्या आप वास्तव में टीम को मारना चाहते हैं \"%s\"?
Idle priority ProcessController आइडल प्राथमिकता
Restart Deskbar ProcessController डेस्कबार पुनः आरंभ करें
Custom priority ProcessController प्राथमिकता कस्टम है
Debug thread ProcessController डिबग थ्रेड
This team is already gone… ProcessController यह टीम पहले से ही जा चुकी है...
Error saving file ProcessController त्रुटि फ़ाइल सहेजने मैं
Real-time priority ProcessController रियल-टाइम प्राथमिकता
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController प्रयोग: %s [-डेस्
ProcessController System name ProcessController
Real-time display priority ProcessController प्राथमिकता रियल-टाइम डिस्प्ले है
Please confirm ProcessController कृपया पक्का करें
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController हाँ, यह टीम को मार डालो!
System resources & caches… ProcessController सिस्टम रिसोर्से & कैशेस...
That's no Fun! ProcessController वह कुछ भी मज़ा नहीं है!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController आप एक खिड़की में प्रक्रिया नियंत्रक रन कर सकते या उसको डेस्कबार में स्थापित कर सकते हैं.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Memóriahasználat
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Biztosan le kívánja állítani: %s?
Idle priority ProcessController Üresjárat prioritás
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Asztalsáv újraindítása
Custom priority ProcessController Egyéni prioritás
Debug thread ProcessController Szál hibakeresése
This team is already gone… ProcessController Ez a csapat már eltűnt…
Error saving file ProcessController Hiba történt a fájl mentése során
Real-time priority ProcessController Valós idejű prioritás
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Használat: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name Folyamatkezelő
Real-time display priority ProcessController Valós idejű kijelzési prioritás
Please confirm ProcessController Jóváhagyás
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Igen, állítsa le a csapatot!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Rendszer erőforrásai és gyorsítótárai…
That's no Fun! ProcessController Ez nem vicces!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Futtathatja a Folyamatkezelőt egy ablakban, vagy feltelepítheti azt az Asztalsávra.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController メモリ使用量
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController 本当に team \"%s\" を強制終了してよいですか?
Idle priority ProcessController アイドル優先度
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Deskbar を再起動
Custom priority ProcessController カスタム優先度
Debug thread ProcessController スレッドをデバッグ
This team is already gone… ProcessController Team はすでに終了しています…
Error saving file ProcessController ファイル保存中にエラーが発生しました
Real-time priority ProcessController リアルタイム優先度
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name プロセスコントローラー
Real-time display priority ProcessController リアルタイム表示優先度
Please confirm ProcessController 確認してください。
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController はい、team を強制終了します !
System resources & caches… ProcessController システムリソースとキャッシュ…
That's no Fun! ProcessController そんなのおもしろくない!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController プロセスコントローラーをウィンドウモードで起動するか、または Deskbar にインストールできます。

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Atminties naudojimas
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Ar tikrai norite nutraukti užduoties „%s“ darbą?
Idle priority ProcessController Nulinis prioritetas
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Perleisti Užduočių juostą
Custom priority ProcessController Parinktinis prioritetas
Debug thread ProcessController Derinti giją
This team is already gone… ProcessController Šios užduoties jau nebėra…
Error saving file ProcessController Klaida įrašant failą
Real-time priority ProcessController Tikralaikis prioritetas
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Naudojimas: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name Procesų valdiklis
Real-time display priority ProcessController Tikralaikio rodymo prioritetas
Please confirm ProcessController Prašome patvirtinti
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Taip, nutraukti šios užduoties darbą!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Sistemos ištekliai ir podėliai…
That's no Fun! ProcessController Visai nejuokinga!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Šią programą galite paleisti atskirame lange arba patalpinti pranešimų srityje.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Geheugengebruik
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Wilt u echt team \"%s\" afbreken?
Idle priority ProcessController Inactieve prioriteit
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Deskbar herstarten
Custom priority ProcessController Aangepaste prioriteit
Debug thread ProcessController Thread debuggen
This team is already gone… ProcessController Dit team is al verdwenen...
Error saving file ProcessController Fout bij bestandsopslag
Real-time priority ProcessController Real-time prioriteit
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Gebruik: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name ProcessController
Real-time display priority ProcessController Real-time weergave prioriteit
Please confirm ProcessController Gelieve te bevestigen
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Ja, breek dit team af!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Systeembronnen en -caches...
That's no Fun! ProcessController Da's niet Leuk!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController U kunt ProcessController in een venster actief hebben, of in Deskbar installeren.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Użycie pamięci
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Czy na pewno chcesz zakończyć zespół \"%s\"?
Idle priority ProcessController Priorytet bezczynności
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Zrestartuj Deskbar
Custom priority ProcessController Własny priorytet
Debug thread ProcessController Debuguj wątek
This team is already gone… ProcessController Ten zespół nie jest już obecny…
Error saving file ProcessController Błąd przy zapisywaniu pliku
Real-time priority ProcessController Priorytet czasu rzeczywistego
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Użycie: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name ProcessController
Real-time display priority ProcessController Czasu rzeczywistego priorytet wyświetlania
Please confirm ProcessController Proszę potwierdź
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Tak, zakończ ten zespół!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Zasoby i bufory systemu…
That's no Fun! ProcessController To nie zabawa!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Możesz uruchomić ProcessController w oknie lub zainstalować go w Deskbarze.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Uso de memória
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Deseja realmente matar a equipe \"%s\"?
Idle priority ProcessController Prioridade ociosa
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Reiniciar o Deskbar
Custom priority ProcessController Prioridade personalizada
Debug thread ProcessController Processo de depuração
This team is already gone… ProcessController Esta equipe já se foi…
Error saving file ProcessController Erro ao gravar o arquivo
Real-time priority ProcessController Prioridade em tempo real
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Utilização: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name Controlador de Processo
Real-time display priority ProcessController Exibir prioridade de tempo real
Please confirm ProcessController Favor confirmar
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Sim, mate esta equipe!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Recursos & caches de sistema…
That's no Fun! ProcessController Isso não é Engraçado!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController É possível executar o Controlador de Processo em uma janela ou instalá-lo no Deskbar.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Utilizarea memoriei
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Doriți să terminați forțat echipa „%s”?
Idle priority ProcessController Prioritate în așteptare
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Repornește bara de desktop
Custom priority ProcessController Prioritate personalizată
Debug thread ProcessController Depanează firul de execuție
This team is already gone… ProcessController Această echipă este plecată deja...
Error saving file ProcessController Eroare la salvarea fișierului
Real-time priority ProcessController Prioritate în timp real
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Utilizare: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name ControlProcese
Real-time display priority ProcessController Prioritate afișaj în timp real
Please confirm ProcessController Confirmați
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Da, termină forțat această echipă!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Resurse de sistem & cache-uri
That's no Fun! ProcessController Nu e amuzant!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Puteți să rulați ControlerProces într-o fereastră sau să îl instalați pe bara de desktop.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Использование памяти
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Вы действительно хотите убить \"%s\"?
Idle priority ProcessController Приоритет бездействия
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Перезапустить Deskbar
Custom priority ProcessController Заданный приоритет
Debug thread ProcessController Отладить поток
This team is already gone… ProcessController Этого приложения уже не существует…
Error saving file ProcessController Ошибка при сохранении файла
Real-time priority ProcessController Приоритет реального времени
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Использование: %s [-deskb
ProcessController System name Контроллер процессов
Real-time display priority ProcessController Приоритет отображения реального времени
Please confirm ProcessController Пожалуйста, подтвердите
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Да, убить это приложение!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Системные ресурсы и кеш
That's no Fun! ProcessController Это не смешно!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Вы можете запустить контроллер процессов в окне или установить его в Deskbar.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Využitie pamäte
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Skutočne chcete ukončiť tím „%s“?
Idle priority ProcessController Priorita nečinný
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Reštartovať Panel
Custom priority ProcessController Vlastná priorita
Debug thread ProcessController Ladiť vlákno
This team is already gone… ProcessController Tento tím už je preč…
Error saving file ProcessController Chyba pri ukladaní súboru
Real-time priority ProcessController Priorita v reálnom čase
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Použitie: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name Správca procesov
Real-time display priority ProcessController Priorita zobrazenie v reálnom čase
Please confirm ProcessController Prosím, potvrďte
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Áno, ukončiť tento tím!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Zdroje a vyrovnávacia pamäť systému…
That's no Fun! ProcessController To nie je sranda!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Správcu procesov môžete spúšťať v okne alebo ho nainštalovať do Panelu.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Minnesanvändning
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Vill du verkligen avsluta processen "%s"?
Idle priority ProcessController Overksam prioritet
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Starta om Deskbar
Custom priority ProcessController Annan prioritet
Debug thread ProcessController Felsök tråd
This team is already gone… ProcessController Processen är redan avslutad...
Error saving file ProcessController Fel vid sparning av fil
Real-time priority ProcessController Realtidsprioritet
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Hantering: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name ProcessKontroll
Real-time display priority ProcessController Realtidsvisningprioritet
Please confirm ProcessController Vänligen bekräfta
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Ja, avsluta den här processen!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Systemresurser & filsystemscache…
That's no Fun! ProcessController Det var inte roligt!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Du kan köra ProcessKontroll i ett fönster eller installera den i Deskbar.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController Використання пам'яті
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Ви дійсно бажаєте вбити потік \"%s\"?
Idle priority ProcessController Idle priority
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Перезапустити Deskbar
Custom priority ProcessController Заданий приорітет
Debug thread ProcessController Нитка відладки
This team is already gone… ProcessController Потік повністю запущений…
Error saving file ProcessController Помилка при збереженні файлу
Real-time priority ProcessController Приорітет реального часу
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Використання: %s [-deskbar
ProcessController System name ProcessController
Real-time display priority ProcessController Приорітет реального часу
Please confirm ProcessController Повторіть
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController Так , вбити цей потік!
System resources & caches… ProcessController Системні ресурси і кеші…
That's no Fun! ProcessController Це не жарт!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Ви можете запустити ProcessController у вікні або встановити в Deskbar.

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2887520383
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
Memory usage ProcessController 内存使用
Do you really want to kill the team \"%s\"? ProcessController 您确定要杀死该组 \"%s\"?
Idle priority ProcessController 空闲优先级
Restart Deskbar ProcessController 重启桌面栏
Custom priority ProcessController 自定义优先级
Debug thread ProcessController 调试线程
This team is already gone… ProcessController 该组已经结束...
Error saving file ProcessController 保存文件错误
Real-time priority ProcessController 实时优先级
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController 用法: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name 进程控制器
Real-time display priority ProcessController 实时显示优先级
Please confirm ProcessController 请确认
Yes, kill this team! ProcessController 是的,杀死该组!
System resources & caches… ProcessController 系统资源与缓存...
That's no Fun! ProcessController 不好玩的!
You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController 您可以在窗口中运行进程控制器或者将其安装到桌面栏。

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal 328707356
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal 2967760334
Not found. Terminal TermWindow Не знойдзена.
Switch Terminals Terminal TermWindow Пераключыць Тэрміналы
Change directory Terminal TermView Змяніць дырэкторыю
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ Clear all Terminal TermWindow Ачысціць усё
Text encoding Terminal TermWindow Кадоўка тэксту
size Terminal TermView памер
Close window Terminal TermWindow Закрыць вакно
\t%d\t-\tThe current working directory of the active process in the\n\t\t\tcurrent tab. Optionally the maximum number of path components\n\t\t\tcan be specified. E.g. '%2d' for at most two components.\n\t%T\t-\tThe Terminal application name for the current locale.\n\t%e\t-\tThe encoding of the current tab. Not shown for UTF-8.\n\t%i\t-\tThe index of the window.\n\t%p\t-\tThe name of the active process in the current tab.\n\t%t\t-\tThe title of the current tab.\n\t%%\t-\tThe character '%'. Terminal ToolTips \t%d\t-\tРабочы каталог актыўнага працэсу\n\t\t\tў цякучай укладцы.Дадаткова можна ўказаць макісмальную колькасць кампанентаў пуці.\n\t\t\t Напрыклад, '%2d' - не больша за два кампаненты.\n\t%T\t-\tІмя праграмы Тэрмінала ў актуальнай лакалі.\n\t%e\t-\tКадоўка актыўнай укладкі. Калі UTF-8 то не паказваецца.\n\t%i\t-\tІндэкс вакна.\n\t%p\t-\tІмя актыўнага працэсу ў цякучай укладцы.\n\t%t\t-\tІмя цякучай укладкі.\n\t%%\t-\tСімвал '%'.
Save as default Terminal TermWindow Захаваць як прадвызначаныя
Set tab title Terminal TermWindow Прызначыць імя ўкладкі
Settings… Terminal TermWindow Наладкі…

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 233049275
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 3577331897
Show home button Settings Window Паказваць кнопку "Дадому"
Username: Authentication Panel Карыстальнік:
Copy URL to clipboard Download Window Скапіяваць спасылку
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Start page: Settings Window Пачатковая старонка:
History WebPositive Window Гісторыя
Error opening downloads folder Download Window Немагчыма адчыніць папку запампованых файлаў
Paste WebPositive Window Уставіць
Proxy username: Settings Window Імя карыстальніка проксі:
Settings Settings Window Наладкі
%seconds seconds left Download Window Засталося %seconds секунд
Confirmation WebPositive Window Пацверджанне
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ Quit WebPositive Window Выйсці
Full screen WebPositive Window Поўнаэкранны рэжым
Open download error Download Window Немагчыма адкрыць спампаваны файл
Standard font: Settings Window Звычайны шрыфт:
Find previous occurrence of search terms WebPositive Window find bar previous button tooltip Знайсці папярэдні выпадак таго што шукаеце
Restart Download Window Перазапусціць
Proxy server Settings Window Проксі-сервер
Open containing folder Download Window Адкрыць паку з гэтым файлам
@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ Cut WebPositive Window Выразаць
Bookmark this page WebPositive Window Дадаць гэтую старонку ў закладкі
There was an error trying to show the Bookmarks folder.\n\nError: %error WebPositive Window Don't translate variable %error Памылка падчас апрацоўкі папкі закладак.\n\nПамылка: %error
Open downloads folder Download Window Адкрыць папку спамповак
Proxy password: Settings Window Пароль проксі:
Number of days to keep links in History menu: Settings Window Выдаляць спасылкі з гісторыі пасля [дзён]:
Hide Download Window Схаваць
Reset size WebPositive Window Вярнуць памер
@ -67,6 +70,7 @@ There was an error retrieving the bookmark folder.\n\nError: %error WebPositive
Over 1 day left Download Window Засталося болей 1 дня
Downloads WebPositive Window Спампоўкі
Requesting %url WebPositive Window Запыт да %url
Find next occurrence of search terms WebPositive Window find bar next button tooltip Знайсці наступны выпадак таго, што шукаеце
Apply Settings Window Ужыць
Bookmark info WebPositive Window Інфа пра закладку
Size: Font Selection view Памер:
@ -80,6 +84,7 @@ Open blank page Settings Window Адчыніць пустую старонку
New tabs: Settings Window Новыя ўкаладкі:
Cancel WebPositive Window Скасаваць
Open all WebPositive Window Адчыніць усе
Proxy server requires authentication Settings Window Проксі сервер патрабуе ідэнтыфікацыі
Clear URL Bar Ачысьціць
Cut URL Bar Выразаць
Clear WebPositive Window Ачысьціць

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 3504008668
gamma AboutWindow гамма
beta AboutWindow бэта
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f ГіБ
@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ alpha AboutWindow альфа
Error PrintJob Памылка
No Pages to print! PrintJob Няма старонак для друку!
All Rights Reserved. AboutWindow Усе правы захаваныя.
About %app% AboutWindow Пра %app%
OK Dragger ОК
OK PrintJob ОК
Green: ColorControl Зялёны:
Ok AboutWindow Добра
Version history: AboutWindow Гісторыя версій:
Remove replicant Dragger Выдаліць рэпліканта
OK ZombieReplicantView ОК

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 3504008668
gamma AboutWindow Gamma
beta AboutWindow Beta
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f GiB
@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ alpha AboutWindow Alpha
Error PrintJob Fehler
No Pages to print! PrintJob Keine Seiten zu drucken!
All Rights Reserved. AboutWindow Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
About %app% AboutWindow Über %app%
OK Dragger OK
OK PrintJob OK
Green: ColorControl Grün:
Ok AboutWindow OK
Version history: AboutWindow Historie:
Remove replicant Dragger Replikant entfernen
OK ZombieReplicantView OK

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 3504008668
gamma AboutWindow gamma
beta AboutWindow bêta
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f Gio
@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ alpha AboutWindow alpha
Error PrintJob Erreur
No Pages to print! PrintJob Aucune page à imprimer !
All Rights Reserved. AboutWindow Tous droits réservés.
About %app% AboutWindow À propos de %app%
OK Dragger OK
OK PrintJob OK
Green: ColorControl Vert :
Ok AboutWindow Ok
Version history: AboutWindow Historique des versions :
Remove replicant Dragger Enlever le réplicant
OK ZombieReplicantView OK

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 3504008668
gamma AboutWindow gamma
beta AboutWindow béta
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f GB
@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ alpha AboutWindow alfa
Error PrintJob Hiba
No Pages to print! PrintJob Nincs nyomtatható oldal!
All Rights Reserved. AboutWindow Minden jog fenntartva.
About %app% AboutWindow %app% névjegye
OK Dragger Rendben
OK PrintJob Rendben
Green: ColorControl Zöld:
Ok AboutWindow Rendben
Version history: AboutWindow Előző verziók:
Remove replicant Dragger Replikáns eltávolítása
OK ZombieReplicantView Rendben

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 3504008668
gamma AboutWindow гамма
beta AboutWindow бета
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f ГБ
@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ alpha AboutWindow альфа
Error PrintJob Ошибка
No Pages to print! PrintJob Нет страниц для печати
All Rights Reserved. AboutWindow Все права защищены.
About %app% AboutWindow О программе…
OK Dragger ОК
OK PrintJob ОК
Green: ColorControl Зеленый:
Ok AboutWindow Ок
Version history: AboutWindow История версий:
Remove replicant Dragger Удалить репликант
OK ZombieReplicantView ОК

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-libtextencoding 3062073902
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-libtextencoding 1525027211
ISO Greek textencodings ISO Греческая
ISO South European textencodings ISO Южноевропейская
Chinese Big5 textencodings Китайская Big5
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ISO Arabic textencodings ISO Арабская
ISO Latin 9 textencodings ISO Latin 9
Japanese Shift JIS textencodings Японская Shift JIS
DOS Cyrillic textencodings DOS Кириллица
Windows Central European (CP 1250) textencodings Windows Центральная Европа (CP 1250)
Windows Cyrillic (CP 1251) textencodings Windows Кириллица (CP 1251)
Japanese EUC textencodings Японская EUC
Unicode textencodings Юникод

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1762695842
common B_COMMON_DIRECTORY агульны
OK WidgetAttributeText ОК
Icon view VolumeWindow Від іконак
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Arrange by ContainerWindow Сартаваць па
Mount server error AutoMounterSettings Памылка сервера мантавання
Search FindPanel Пошук
Preparing to empty Trash… StatusWindow Падрыхтоўка да ачысткі Сметніцы…
You cannot put the selected item(s) into the trash. FSUtils Немагчыма змясціць абраныя элементы ў сметніцу.
You cannot put the selected item(s) into the trash. FSUtils Немагчыма змясціць абраны(я) элемент(ы) ў сметніцу.
Disks Model Дыскі
Create link ContainerWindow Стварыць спасылку
develop B_COMMON_DEVELOP_DIRECTORY распрацоўка
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ Add-ons ContainerWindow Дапаўненні
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu Правіць шаблоны…
Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left StatusWindow Завяршэнне: %time - Засталося каля %finishtime
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils Элемент \"%name\" у гэтым каталозе ўжо існуе. Ці жадаеце замяніць яго ствараемай спасылкай?
Fewer options FindPanel Менш наладак
Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection. FSUtils Прабачце, не хапае месца на томе прызначэння для капіявання выбранага.
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). FSUtils Нельга адкрыць \"%document\" праграмай \"%app\" (%error).
Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed. FilePanelPriv Прабачце, захаванне больш чым аднаго элемента не дазволена.
@ -236,6 +237,7 @@ Temporary FindPanel Часовы
Version OpenWithWindow Версія
Default application InfoWindow Прадвызначаная праграма
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow Падрыхтоўка да капіявання…
Save query as template… FindPanel Захаваць запыт як шаблон…
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Паказваць адрас каталога у імені ўкладкі
Proceed FSUtils Далей
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils Некаторыя элементы ужо існуюць у гэтым каталозе з тымі ж імёнамі, як і ў элементаў, якія вы %verb.\n \nЖадаеце замяніць іх тымі, што вы %verb, або вырашыць асобна для кожнага элемента?
@ -334,6 +336,7 @@ The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose anothe
Clean up ContainerWindow Прыбрацца
after FindPanel пасля
Select… QueryContainerWindow Выбраць…
More options FindPanel Больш параметраў
link FSUtils filename link спасылка
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState У %func \nfind_directory() не ўдалося. \nПрычына: %error
The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv Пазначанае імя недапушчальна. Калі ласка, выберыце іншае.
@ -445,6 +448,7 @@ contains FindPanel месціць
Relation OpenWithWindow Адносіны
Open FilePanelPriv Адкрыць
Mount DeskWindow Змантаваць
Recent queries FindPanel Папярэднія запыты
Mount ContainerWindow Змантаваць
%capacity (%used used -- %free free) InfoWindow %capacity (%used выкарыстана -- %free свабодна)
Cancel FSClipBoard Адмена

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1762695842
common B_COMMON_DIRECTORY Allgemein
OK WidgetAttributeText OK
Icon view VolumeWindow Icon-Ansicht
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ Add-ons ContainerWindow Add-ons
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu Vorlagen bearbeiten…
Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left StatusWindow Fertig: %time - Noch über %finishtime
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils Ein Objekt mit dem Namen \"%name\" existiert bereits in diesem Ordner. Soll es mit der Verknüpfung ersetzt werden, die gerade erstellt werden soll?
Fewer options FindPanel Weniger Optionen
Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection. FSUtils Es ist nicht genug Speicherplatz auf dem Zieldatenträger frei, um die Auswahl zu kopieren.
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). FSUtils \"%document\" konnte nicht mit der Anwendung \"%app\" geöffnet werden (%error).
Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed. FilePanelPriv Es kann leider immer nur ein einzelnes Objekt gespeichert werden.
@ -236,6 +237,7 @@ Temporary FindPanel Temporär
Version OpenWithWindow Version
Default application InfoWindow Standardanwendung
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow Kopieren wird vorbereitet…
Save query as template… FindPanel Query als Vorlage speichern…
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Ordnerpfad im Fenstertitel zeigen
Proceed FSUtils Fortfahren
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils Manche Objekte in diesem Ordner heißen genauso wie Objekte, die gerade %verb werden sollen.\n\nSollen sie alle ersetzt werden, oder soll jedes Mal einzeln nachgefragt werden?
@ -334,6 +336,7 @@ The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose anothe
Clean up ContainerWindow Icons ausrichten
after FindPanel nach
Select… QueryContainerWindow Auswählen…
More options FindPanel Weitere Optionen
link FSUtils filename link Verknüpfung
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState Bei %func \nfind_directory() fehlgeschlagen \nGrund: %error
The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv Der angegebene Name ist nicht gültig. Bitte einen anderen wählen.
@ -445,6 +448,7 @@ contains FindPanel enthält
Relation OpenWithWindow Beziehung
Open FilePanelPriv Öffnen
Mount DeskWindow Einhängen
Recent queries FindPanel Letzte Queries
Mount ContainerWindow Einhängen
%capacity (%used used -- %free free) InfoWindow %capacity (%used benutzt -- %free frei)
Cancel FSClipBoard Abbrechen

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1762695842
common B_COMMON_DIRECTORY commun
OK WidgetAttributeText OK
Icon view VolumeWindow Vue en icônes
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ Add-ons ContainerWindow Extensions
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu Éditer les modèles…
Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left StatusWindow Fin : %time - il reste plus de %finishtime
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils Un élément nommé « %name » existe déjà dans ce dossier. Voulez vous le remplacer par le lien symbolique que vous créez ?
Fewer options FindPanel Moins d'options
Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection. FSUtils Désolé, il n'y a pas assez d'espace libre dans le volume cible pour copier la sélection.
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). FSUtils Impossible d'ouvrir « %document » avec l'application « %app » (%error).
Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed. FilePanelPriv Désolé, il n'est pas permis de sauvegarder plus d'un élément.
@ -236,6 +237,7 @@ Temporary FindPanel Temporaire
Version OpenWithWindow Version
Default application InfoWindow Application par défaut
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow Copie des éléments en préparation…
Save query as template… FindPanel Enregistrer le modèle de la requête…
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Afficher l'emplacement du dossier dans la barre de titre
Proceed FSUtils Procéder
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils Plusieurs éléments de ce dossier portent les mêmes noms que des éléments que vous êtes en train de %verb.\n\nVoulez-vous les remplacer par ceux que vous êtes en train de %verb ou voulez-vous qu'une confirmation vous soit demandée pour chacun d'eux ?
@ -334,6 +336,7 @@ The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose anothe
Clean up ContainerWindow Nettoyer
after FindPanel après
Select… QueryContainerWindow Sélectionner…
More options FindPanel Plus d'options
link FSUtils filename link lien
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState Dans %func\nfind_directory() a échoué.\nMotif : %error
The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv Le nom indiqué n'est pas valide. Veuillez choisir un autre nom.
@ -445,6 +448,7 @@ contains FindPanel contient
Relation OpenWithWindow Relation
Open FilePanelPriv Ouvrir
Mount DeskWindow Monter
Recent queries FindPanel Requêtes récentes
Mount ContainerWindow Monter
%capacity (%used used -- %free free) InfoWindow %capacity (%used utilisés -- %free libres)
Cancel FSClipBoard Annuler

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1762695842
OK WidgetAttributeText Rendben
Icon view VolumeWindow Ikon nézet
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ Add-ons ContainerWindow Kiegészítők
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu Sablonok szerkesztése…
Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left StatusWindow Befejezés: %time - Több, mint %finishtime van hátra
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils Már van ebben a mappában egy elem ezzel a névvel: %name. Szeretné felülírni a most elkészítendő szimbolikus hivatkozást?
Fewer options FindPanel Kevesebb opció
Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection. FSUtils Sajnáljuk, de nincs elég hely a kiválasztott lemezen a másoláshoz.
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). FSUtils Nem sikerült megnyitni a dokumentumot (%document) a programmal (%app).\n\t%error
Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed. FilePanelPriv Sajnálom, de egyszerre csak egy elemet lehet elmenteni.
@ -236,6 +237,7 @@ Temporary FindPanel Ideiglenes megőrzés
Version OpenWithWindow Verzió
Default application InfoWindow Alapértelmezett program
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow Felkészülés az elemek másolására…
Save query as template… FindPanel Keresés mentése sablonként…
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Mappa helyének megjelenítése a fülön
Proceed FSUtils Folytatás
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils A mappában már néhány elem neve megyegyezik azzal, amit Ön %verb akar.\n\nSzeretné lecserélni öket azokkal amiket ön szeretne most %verb, vagy minden elemnél kérdezzük meg?
@ -334,6 +336,7 @@ The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose anothe
Clean up ContainerWindow Rendrakás
after FindPanel utána
Select… QueryContainerWindow Kijelölés…
More options FindPanel További opciók
link FSUtils filename link hivatkozás
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState Ennél: %func \nsikertelen volt a find_directory(). \nOka: %error
The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv A megadott név szabálytalan. Kérjük válasszon egy másik nevet.
@ -445,6 +448,7 @@ contains FindPanel tartalmazza
Relation OpenWithWindow Kapcsolat
Open FilePanelPriv Megnyitás
Mount DeskWindow Csatolás
Recent queries FindPanel Előző keresések
Mount ContainerWindow Csatolás
%capacity (%used used -- %free free) InfoWindow %capacity (%used használt -- %free szabad)
Cancel FSClipBoard Mégse

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1762695842
OK WidgetAttributeText ОК
Icon view VolumeWindow Большие значки
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ Add-ons ContainerWindow Дополнения
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu Изменить шаблоны…
Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left StatusWindow Окончание: %time - Осталось более %finishtime
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils Объект с именем \"%name\" уже существует в этой папке. Заменить его ссылкой, которую вы создаёте?
Fewer options FindPanel Меньше опций
Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection. FSUtils Извините, но на принимающем разделе недостаточно свободного места для копирования выделенных файлов.
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). FSUtils Невозможно открыть \"%document\" приложением \"%app\" (%error).
Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed. FilePanelPriv Извините, сохранение более одного файла недопустимо.
@ -236,6 +237,7 @@ Temporary FindPanel Временный запрос
Version OpenWithWindow Версия
Default application InfoWindow приложении по умолчанию
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow Подготовка к копированию файлов…
Save query as template… FindPanel Сохранить запрос как шаблон…
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Показывать путь папки в заголовке окна
Proceed FSUtils Исправить
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils Некоторые объекты с такими же именами, которые вы %verb, уже существуют в этой папке.\n \nЗаменить их теми, которые вы %verb или спрашивать для каждого объекта?
@ -334,6 +336,7 @@ The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose anothe
Clean up ContainerWindow Выстроить
after FindPanel после
Select… QueryContainerWindow Выделить…
More options FindPanel Больше опций
link FSUtils filename link ссылка
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState Не удалось выполнить %func в find_directory(). \nПричина: %error
The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv Введённое имя недопустимо. Введите какое-нибудь другое.
@ -445,6 +448,7 @@ contains FindPanel содержит
Relation OpenWithWindow Возможности
Open FilePanelPriv Открыть
Mount DeskWindow Подключить
Recent queries FindPanel Недавние запросы
Mount ContainerWindow Подключить
%capacity (%used used -- %free free) InfoWindow %capacity (%used занято -- %free свободно)
Cancel FSClipBoard Отмена

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance 2993758435
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance 727801787
Plain font: Font view Простой шрифт:
Control highlight Colors tab Подсветка элемента
Control border Colors tab Граница элемента
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Font Selection view Don't translate
%decorName\n\nAuthors:\n\t%decorAuthors\n\nURL: %decorURL\nLicense: %decorLic\n\n%decorDesc\n DecorSettingsView %decorName\n\nАвторы:\n\t%decorAuthors\n\nURL: %decorURL\nЛицензия: %decorLic\n\n%decorDesc\n
Reduce colored edges filter strength: AntialiasingSettingsView Фильтрация цветных краев:
Subpixel based anti-aliasing in combination with glyph hinting is not available in this build of Haiku to avoid possible patent issues. To enable this feature, you have to build Haiku yourself and enable certain options in the libfreetype configuration header. AntialiasingSettingsView Субпиксельное сглаживание в комбинации с уточнением глифов недоступно в этой сборке Haiku во избежание возможных патентных проблем. Для включения этой возможности вам придется собрать Haiku самостоятельно, включив особые опции в заголовке конфигурации libfreetype.
Scroll bar thumb Colors tab Ползунок прокрутки
Control text Colors tab Текст элемента
Single: DecorSettingsView Одинарный:
Tooltip text Colors tab Текст подсказки

@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Network 781877986
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Network 1341378870
Choose automatically EthernetSettingsView Выбіраць аўтаматычна
Gateway: EthernetSettingsView Шлюз:
Netmask: EthernetSettingsView Маска сеткі:
DHCP EthernetSettingsView DHCP
DNS #2: EthernetSettingsView DNS #2:
Apply EthernetSettingsView Ужыць
Netmask is invalid EthernetSettingsView Няслушная маска падсеткі.
Netmask is invalid EthernetSettingsView Няслушная маска падсеткі
OK EthernetSettingsView ОК
DNS #1: EthernetSettingsView DNS #1:
IP address: EthernetSettingsView IP адрас:
Adapter: EthernetSettingsView Адаптар:
Domain: EthernetSettingsView Домен:
Gateway is invalid EthernetSettingsView Шлюз несапраўдны
DNS #1 is invalid EthernetSettingsView DNS #1 некарэктны
Revert EthernetSettingsView Вярнуць
<no wireless networks found> EthernetSettingsView <не знойдзена бесшнуравых сетак>
Network System name Сетка
Mode: EthernetSettingsView Рэжым:
IP address is invalid EthernetSettingsView IP адрас некарэктны
Network: EthernetSettingsView Сетка:
The net_server needs to run for the auto configuration! EthernetSettingsView Неабходна запусціць net_server для аўтаканфігурацыі!
Disabled EthernetSettingsView Выключаны
Auto-configuring failed: EthernetSettingsView Аўтаканфігурацыі не ўдалася:
Static EthernetSettingsView Статычны
DNS #2 is invalid EthernetSettingsView DNS #2 некарэктны
<no adapter> EthernetSettingsView <адаптары ня знойдзены>

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-InterfacesAddOn 160108912
Interface InterfaceWindow Інтэрфейс
Configure… InterfacesListView Канфігураваць…
Static IntefaceAddressView Статычны
None InterfacesListView Няма
IP: InterfacesListView IPv4 address label IP:
Status: IntefaceHardwareView Стан:
IPv6: InterfacesListView IPv6 address label IPv6:
Save InterfaceWindow Захаваць
Link speed: IntefaceHardwareView Хуткасць злучэння:
Renegotiate InterfacesAddOn Перазлучыць
The method for obtaining an IP address IntefaceAddressView Метад атрыманя IP адрасу
Your gateway IntefaceAddressView Ваш gateway
Enable InterfacesListView Дазволіць
Received: IntefaceHardwareView Атрымана:
Revert InterfaceWindow Вярнуць
connected IntefaceHardwareView злучаны
Gateway: IntefaceAddressView Брама:
Disable InterfacesListView Выключыць
Sent: IntefaceHardwareView Адаслана:
Disable InterfacesAddOn Выключыць
Configure… InterfacesAddOn Канфігураваць…
Renegotiate Address InterfacesListView Перазлучыць адрас
DHCP IntefaceAddressView DHCP
Mode: IntefaceAddressView Рэжым:
Your netmask IntefaceAddressView Маска
IP Address: IntefaceAddressView IP адрас:
Off IntefaceAddressView Адключыць
MAC address: IntefaceHardwareView MAC адрас:
Netmask: IntefaceAddressView Маска:
Your IP address IntefaceAddressView IP адрас
%llu KBytes IntefaceHardwareView %llu КБайт
disconnected IntefaceHardwareView адлучана

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Playground 1375574837
Line Playground Радок
Fill Playground Запоўніць
Over Playground Па над
Quit Playground Выйсці
Rect Playground Прамакутнік
Select Playground Вылучыць
Click and drag to draw an object Playground Націсніце і цягніце каб намаляваць аб'ект
Controls Playground Кіраваньне
Round rect Playground Круглы прамакутнік
Alpha: Playground Альфа:
Mode: Playground Рэжым:
Submenu Playground Падменю
Copy Playground Скапіяваць
Cancel Playground Адмена
Clear Playground Ачысьціць
Min Playground Мін
Blend Playground Змешваць
Invert Playground Інвэртаваць
Clear all drawing objects? Playground Выдаліць усе аб'екты?
Width: Playground Шырыня:
Alpha Playground Альфа
New object Playground Новы аб'ект
Test Playground Тэст
Max Playground Макс
Add Playground Дадаць
Playground System name Пляцоўка для гульняў
Erase Playground Выдаліць
File Playground Файл
Subtract Playground Адняць
<pick> Playground <абраць>
Ellipse Playground Эліпс