Updated catkeys from HTA. Thanks all.
git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@42581 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 934971625
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 1205906732
<Choose account> ConfigView <Välj konto>
<Choose action> ConfigView <Välj åtgärd>
Delete message ConfigView Radera meddelande
If ConfigView Om
Move to ConfigView Flytta till
Reply with ConfigView Svara med
Rule filter RuleFilter Filterregel
Set as read ConfigView Markera som läst
Set flags to ConfigView Markera som
Then ConfigView Då
Then ConfigView Åtgärd
has ConfigView har
header (e.g. Subject) ConfigView huvud (ex Rubrik)
this field is based on the action ConfigView detta fält är baserat på åtgärden
value (use REGEX: in from of regular expressions like *spam*) ConfigView värde (använd reguljära uttryck i format som *skräppost*)
value (use REGEX: in from of regular expressions like *spam*) ConfigView värde (använd reguljära uttryck i format som *spam*)
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-SpamFilter 3701267948
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-SpamFilter 1975155212
Add spam rating to start of subject SpamFilterConfig Lägg till skräpranking före rubriken
Close SpamFilterConfig Stäng
Genuine below and uncertain above: SpamFilterConfig Säkert under eller osäkert över:
Learn from all incoming e-mail SpamFilterConfig Lär från all inkommande e-post
Sorry, unable to launch the spamdbm program to let you edit the server settings. SpamFilterConfig Kunde inte starta spamdb-programmet för redigering av serverinställningarna.
Spam Filter (AGMS Bayesian) SpamFilter Skräppostfilter (AGMS Bayesian)
Spam above: SpamFilterConfig Skräppost över:
or empty e-mail SpamFilterConfig eller tomt e-post
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-About 128117018
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-About 282658629
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f ГГц
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB усяго
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB выкарыстана (%d%%)
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView Каманада BeGeistert\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Каманда Haiku-Ports\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Каманда Haikuware і ихнія ахвяраванні\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Код, унікальны для Haiku, асабіста ядро і ўвесь код, да якога могуць звяртацца праграмы, распаўсюджваецца ў межах %MIT licence%. Некаторыя сістэмныя бібліятэкі змяшчаюць код, які распаўсюджваецца ў межах ліцэнзіі LGPL. Аўтарскія правы на код трэціх старон глядзіце ніжэй.\n\n
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Аўтарскія правы на зыходны код Haiku належаць Haiku, Inc. ці суадносным аўтарам якія пазначаны ў зыходных тэкстах. Haiku™ і HAIKU logo® з´яўляюцца зарэгістраванымі гандлёвымі знакамі Haiku, Inc.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Час працы:
Translations:\n AboutView Пераклады:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 czech x-vnd.Haiku-About 1388347678
1 czech x-vnd.Haiku-About 1542889289
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB celkem
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB používáno (%d%%)
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView Tým BeGeister\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Tým Haiku-Ports\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Tým Haikuware a jejich systém prémií\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView Aucklandská Universita a Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Kód, který je jedinečný pro Haiku, zejména jádro a veškerý kód, ke kterému se mohou odkazovat aplikace, je distribuován pod podmínkami %MIT licence%. Některé knihovny obsahují kód třetích stran distribuovaný pod licencí LGPL. Copyrighty ke kódu třetích stran je možno nalézt níže.
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Autorská práva ke kódu Haiku jsou majetkem společnosti Haiku, Inc., nebo příslušných autorů, je-li to výslovně uvedeno ve zdroji. Haiku a logo Haiku jsou ochranné známky společnosti Haiku, Inc.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Uptime:
Translations:\n AboutView Překlady:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-About 128117018
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-About 3091539351
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB gesamt
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB benutzt (%d%%)
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
%ld Processors: AboutView %ld Prozessoren:
%total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inaccessible AboutView %total MiB gesamt, %inaccessible MiB nicht verfügbar
... and the many people making donations!\n\n AboutView ... und die vielen Leute, die durch Spenden geholfen haben!\n\n
2001 by Andy Ritger based on the Generalized Timing Formula AboutView Copyright © 2001 Andy Ritger, basierend auf 'Generalized Timing Formula'.
About this system AboutWindow Über dieses System
AboutSystem System name Über Haiku
BSD (2-clause) AboutView 2-Klausel-BSD
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView Das BeGeistert-Team\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Das Haiku-Ports-Team\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Das Haikuware-Team und deren Bounty-Programm\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView Die Universität von Auckland und Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Der von Haiku selbst erstellte Quellcode, besonders der Kernel und alle Teile des Codes, gegen den Anwendungen gelinkt werden können, steht unter den Bedingungen der %MIT Lizenz%. Einige Systembibliotheken, die Code von Dritten enthalten, stehen unter der LGPL Lizenz. Angaben zum Copyright von externen Quellen sind unten aufgeführt.\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT license%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView %MIT license% isn't a variable and has to be translated. Der von Haiku selbst erstellte Quellcode, besonders der Kernel und alle Teile des Codes, gegen den Anwendungen gelinkt werden können, wird unter den Bedingungen der %MIT Lizenz% veröffentlicht. Einige Systembibliotheken, die Code von Dritten enthalten, stehen unter der LGPL Lizenz. Angaben zum Copyright von externen Quellen sind unten aufgeführt.\n\n
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Die Urheberrechte am Haiku-Code liegen bei Haiku, Inc., beziehungsweise bei den entsprechenden Autoren, die explizit im Quelltext aufgeführt sind. Haiku™ und das HAIKU Logo® sind (registrierte) Marken von Haiku, Inc.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Laufzeit:
Translations:\n AboutView Übersetzungen:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 esperanto x-vnd.Haiku-About 3149623567
1 esperanto x-vnd.Haiku-About 3304165178
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiBajtoj ĉiomaj
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiBajtoj uzataj (%d%%)
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView La grupo BeGeistert\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView La Hajku-Portantaro\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView La Haikuware grupo kaj ilia premia programo\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView la Universitato de Aŭklando kaj Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView La fontkodo unika je Haiku, speciale la kerno kaj la binditaj aplikaĵoj, disiĝas laŭ la termoj de la %permesilo MIT%. Certaj sistemaj bibliotekoj enhavas eksterpartian fontkodon disiĝintan laŭ la permesilo LGPL. Vi trovos la aŭtorrajtojn pro la eksterpartia fontkodo pieden.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Ruldaŭro:
Translations:\n AboutView Tradukoj:\n
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (kaj lia NewOS kerno)\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 spanish x-vnd.Haiku-About 3149623567
1 spanish x-vnd.Haiku-About 3304165178
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB en total
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB usados (%d%%)
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView El equipo de BeGeistert\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView El equipo Haiku-Ports\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView El equipo de Haikuware y su programa de recompensas\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView La Universidad de Auckland y a Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView El código que es único de Haiku, en especial el núcleo y todo el código al cual se enlazan las aplicaciones, se distribuye bajo los términos de la %licencia MIT%. Algunas librerías del sistema contienen código de terceras personas distribuidas bajo la licencia LGPL. Los derechos de autor de terceras personas se encuentran a continuación.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Tiempo en ejecución:
Translations:\n AboutView Traducciones:\n
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (y su núcleo NewOS)\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-About 1190044815
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-About 3091539351
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d mebitavua yhteensä
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d mebitavua käytetty (%d%%)
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView BeGeistert-ryhmä\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Haiku-Ports -ryhmä\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Haikuware-ryhmä ja heidän bounty-ohjelmansa\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView Aucklandin yliopisto ja Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Haikulle uniikki koodi, erityisesti ydin ja kaikki koodi, johon sovellukset linkitetään, jaellaan %MIT licence%-lisenssin ehtojen alla. Jotkut järjestelmäkirjastot sisältävät kolmannen osapuolen koodia, joka jaetaan LGPL-lisenssin alla. Löydät kolmannen osapuolen tekijänoikeustiedot alta.\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT license%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView %MIT license% isn't a variable and has to be translated. Haikulle uniikki koodi, erityisesti ydin ja kaikki koodi, johon sovellukset ehkä linkitetään, jaellaan %MIT licence%-lisenssin ehtojen alla. Jotkut järjestelmäkirjastot sisältävät kolmannen osapuolen koodia, joka jaetaan LGPL-lisenssin alla. Löydät kolmannen osapuolen tekijänoikeustiedot alta.\n\nHuomautus: %MIT license% ei ole muuttuja ja se on suomennettava.
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Tekijänoikeus Haiku-koodiin on Haiku, Inc.-yrityksen tai vastaavien lähdekoodissa nimenomaisesti ilmaistujen tekijöiden omaisuutta. Haiku™ ja Haiku logo® ovat Haiku, Inc. -yrityksen (rekisteröityjä) tavaramerkkejä.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Käynnissäoloaika:
Translations:\n AboutView Käännökset:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-About 128117018
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-About 282658629
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d Mio au total
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d Mio utilisés (%d%%)
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView L'équipe BeGeistert\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView L'équipe de Haiku-Ports\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView L'équipe Haikuware et son programme de récompenses\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView L'université d'Auckland et Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Le code source spécifique à Haiku, en particulier, celui du noyau et des applications liées, est distribué suivant les termes de la %licence MIT%. Quelques librairies systèmes contiennent du code tiers, distribué sous licence LGPL. Vous pouvez trouver les copyrights de ce code ci-dessous.
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Les droits d'auteurs sur le code d'Haiku sont la propriété d'Haiku, Inc ou de ses auteurs respectifs, conformément à ce qui est expressément indiqué dans les sources. Haiku™ et le logo HAIKU ® sont des marques (déposées) de Haiku, Inc\n\n
Time running: AboutView Temps depuis le démarrage :
Translations:\n AboutView Traductions :\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-About 3149623567
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-About 3304165178
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB totali
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB utilizzati (%d%%)
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView Il team del BeGeistert\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Il team di Haiku-Ports\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Il team di Haikuware e il loro programma di bounty\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView L'Università di Auckland e Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Il codice che è unico di Haiku, in particolare il kernel e tutto il codice che le applicazioni possono linkare, è distribuito secondo i termini della %licenza MIT%. Alcune librerie di sistema contengono codice di terze parti distribuito sotto licenza LGPL. È possibile trovare il copyright del codice di terze parti qui sotto.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Tempo dall'avvio:
Translations:\n AboutView Traduzioni:\n
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (e il suo kernel NewOS)\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-About 128117018
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-About 1344586426
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView 合計 %d MiB
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB 使用中 (%d%%)
@ -6,11 +6,12 @@
%ld Processors: AboutView %ld プロセッサー:
%total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inaccessible AboutView 合計 %total MiB / %inaccessible MiB アクセス不可
... and the many people making donations!\n\n AboutView ...寄付をしていただいた大勢の方々!\n\n
2001 by Andy Ritger based on the Generalized Timing Formula AboutView 2001 by Andy Ritger based on the Generalized Timing Formula
About this system AboutWindow このシステムについて
AboutSystem System name このシステムについて
BSD (2-clause) AboutView BSD (第2条)
BSD (3-clause) AboutView BSD (第3条)
BSD (4-clause) AboutView BSD (第4条)
BSD (2-clause) AboutView BSD (2条項)
BSD (3-clause) AboutView BSD (3条項)
BSD (4-clause) AboutView BSD (4条項)
Be Inc. and its developer team, for having created BeOS!\n\n AboutView Be Inc. およびその開発チーム: 彼らはBeOSを創造してくれました!
Contains software developed by the NetBSD Foundation, Inc. and its contributors:\nftp, tput\nCopyright © 1996-2008 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. AboutView 次のソフトウェアはNetBSD Foundation, Inc.およびその貢献者らにより開発されたソフトウェアを含みます:\nftp, tput\nCopyright © 1996-2008 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains software from the FreeBSD Project, released under the BSD license:\ncal, ftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. AboutView 次のソフトウェアはFreeBSD Projectで開発され、BSDライセンスで公開されているソフトウェアを含みます:\ncal, ftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved.
@ -70,7 +71,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView BeGeistert 展チーム\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Haiku-Ports チーム\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Haikuware チーム&報奨金プログラム\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView Auckland 大学 と Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Haiku 特有のコード、特にカーネルとカーネルにリンクするアプリケーションのコードは、%MIT licence%で公開しています。一部のシステムライブラリが LPGL ライセンスで公開されている第三者が作のコードを含めています。第三者の著作権情報は下記に記載されています。\n\n
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Haikuのコードの著作権はHaiku, Inc.または各ソースコードに明示された個々の著者に帰属します。Haiku™およびHAIKUロゴ・マーク®はHaiku, Inc.の(登録)商標です。
Time running: AboutView 稼動時間:
Translations:\n AboutView 各国語翻訳:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-About 3149623567
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-About 3304165178
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB iš viso
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB naudojama (%d%%)
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView „BeGeistert“ komandai\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView „Haiku-Ports“ komandai\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView „Haikuware“ komandai ir jos premijavimo programai\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView Oklando universitetui ir Kristofui Luterotui\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Pirminiai tekstai, naudojami išimtinai „Haiku“, ypač branduolio bei visas kodas su kuriuo galima saistyti programas, platinamas pagal %MIT licence%. Kai kuriose sistemos bibliotekose yra trečiųjų šalių kodo, platinamo LGPL licenzijos sąlygomis. Trečiųjų šalių kodo autorių teisės yra išvardintos žemiau žemiau.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Veikimo laikas:
Translations:\n AboutView Vertimai:\n
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Traviui Geiselbrecht (bei jo NewOS branduoliui)\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 norwegian_bokmål x-vnd.Haiku-About 128117018
1 norwegian_bokmål x-vnd.Haiku-About 282658629
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB totalt
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB brukt (%d%%)
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView BeGeistert-teamet\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Haiku-Ports-teamet\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Haikuware-teamet og deres dusørprogram\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView University of Auckland og Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Koden som er unik for Haiku, særlig kjernen og all kode som applikasjoner kan lenkes til, distribueres under %MIT-lisensen%. Noen systembiblioteker inneholder kode fra tredjepart som distribueres under LGPL-lisensen. Opphavsrettighetene til tredjepartskode finner du nedenfor.\n\n
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Opphavsretten til Haiku-koden tilhører Haiku, Inc. eller de respektive forfattere der det er uttrykkelig nevnt i kildekoden. Haiku™ og HAIKU-logoen® er (registrerte) varemerker tilhørende Haiku, Inc.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Oppetid:
Translations:\n AboutView Oversettelse:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 dutch x-vnd.Haiku-About 2763068380
1 dutch x-vnd.Haiku-About 2917609991
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB totaal
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB gebruikt (%d%%)
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView Het BeGeistert-team\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Het Haiku-Ports-team\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Het Haikuware-team en hun bountyprogramma\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView De Universiteit van Auckland en Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView De code die uniek van Haiku is, in het bijzonder de kernel en alle code waar applicaties naar kunnen linken, wordt verspreid onder de %MIT-licence%. Sommige systeembibliotheken bevatten code van een derde partij, verspreid onder de LGPL-licentie. U kunt de copyrights van de code van derde partijen hieronder vinden.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Looptijd:
Translations:\n AboutView Vertalingen:\n
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (en zijn NewOS kernel)\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-About 3149623567
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-About 3304165178
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB ogółem
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB użyte (%d%%)
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView Grupy BeGeistert\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Zespółu Haiku-Ports\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Zespółu Haikuware i ich program nagród\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView Uniwersytetu w Auckland oraz Christofa Lutterotha
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Kod unikalny dla projektu Haiku, w szczególności jądro systemu oraz kod źródłowy, do którego odwołują się aplikacje systemowe, jest udostępniany na licencji %MIT licence%. Część bibliotek systemowych zawiera kod źródłowy stron trzecich, dystrybuowany na zasadach licencji LGPL. Prawa autorskie do kodu stron trzecich możesz znaleźć na liście poniżej.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Czas działania:
Translations:\n AboutView Tłumaczenie:\n
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (i jego kernela NewOS)\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 brazilian_portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-About 2709881985
1 brazilian_portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-About 2864423596
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB usados (%d%%)
%total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inaccessible AboutView %total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inacessíveis
... and the many people making donations!\n\n AboutView ... e as muitas pessoas que fizeram doações!\n\n
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ Source Code: AboutView Código fonte:
The BeGeistert team\n AboutView A equipe BeGeistert\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView A equipe Haiku-Ports\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView A equipe do Haikuware e o seu programa de recompensas\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Este código do Haiku é único, especialmente o kernel e todo o código que pode ser ligado nos aplicativos, são distribuídos sob os termos da %MIT licence%. Algumas bibliotecas do sistema contém código de terceiros distribuído sob a licença LGPL. Você pode encontrar os direitos autorais para o código de terceiros abaixo.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Tempo de funcionamento:
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (e seu kernel NewOS)\n
Website, marketing & documentation:\n AboutView Website, marketing e documentação:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-About 128117018
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-About 282658629
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB total
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB utilizați (%d%%)
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView Echipa BeGeistert\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Echipa Haiku-Ports\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Echipa Haikuware și programul lor de recompense\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView Universitatea Auckland și Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Codul sursă care este unic pentru Haiku, în special nucleul și întreg codul sursă utilizat de acesta, este distribuit utilizând termenii descriși de %MIT licence%. O parte din bibliotecile sistemului conțin cod sursă provenind de la terți distribuit sub licența LGPL. Puteți găsi mai jos mențiunile referitoare la drepturile de autor asupra codulului sursă provenit de la terți.\n\n
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Drepturile de autor ale codului Haiku sunt proprietăți ale Haiku, Inc. sau ale autorilor respectivi când este notat în mod special în sursă. Haiku™ și sigla® Haiku sunt mărci (înregistrate) ale Haiku, Inc.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Rulează de:
Translations:\n AboutView Traduceri:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-About 128117018
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-About 282658629
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB celkom
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB využitých (%d%%)
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView Tím BeGeistert\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Tím Haiku-Ports\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Tím Haikuware a ich program odmien\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView University of Auckland a Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Kód, ktorý je charakteristický pre Haiku, najmä jadro a kód, ktorý využívajú aplikácie môže byť šírený za podmienok %MIT licence%. Niektoré systémové knižnice obsahujú kód tretích strán šírený pod licenciou LGPL. Autorské práva tretích strán nájdete uvedené nižšie.
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Autorské práva ku kódu Haiku sú vlastníctvom Haiku, Inc. alebo jednotlivých autorov, kde sú v kóde výslovne uvedení. Haiku™ a logo HAIKU® sú (registrované) obchodné známky Haiku, Inc.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Čas behu:
Translations:\n AboutView Preklady:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-About 128117018
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-About 3091539351
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB totalt
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB använt (%d%%)
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
%ld Processors: AboutView %ld Processorer:
%total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inaccessible AboutView %total MiB totalt, %inaccessible MiB otillgängligt
... and the many people making donations!\n\n AboutView ...och alla de som har skänkt pengar!\n\n
2001 by Andy Ritger based on the Generalized Timing Formula AboutView 2001 av Andy Ritger, baserat på generaliserad tidsformel
About this system AboutWindow Om Haiku
AboutSystem System name OmHaiku
BSD (2-clause) AboutView BSD (2-klausul)
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView BeGeistert-teamet\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Haiku Ports-teamet\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Haikuware-teamet och deras belöningsprogram\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView The University of Auckland och Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView Koden som är unik för Haiku, speciellt kärnan och all kod som applikationer kan länka till, är distribuerad under villkoren av %MIT licence%. Vissa systembibliotek kan innehålla kod från tredjepart distribuerad under LGPL licensen. Här under kan du finna upphovsrätten till kod från tredjepart.\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT license%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView %MIT license% isn't a variable and has to be translated. Koden som är unik för Haiku, särskilt kärnan och all kod som program länkar mot, är distribuerad under villkoren hos %MIT licensen%. Några systembibliotek innehåller tredjepartskod distribuerat under villkoren för LGPL licensen. Du kan finna upphovsrättsvillkoren för tredjepartskod nedan.\n\n
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Upphovsrätten till Haikus källkod är en egendom tillhörande Haiku, Inc eller dess respektive skapare där det uttryckligen är angivet i källkoden. Haiku™ och HAIKU logotyp® är (registrerade) varumärken tillhörande Haiku, Inc.\n\n
Time running: AboutView Tid sedan uppstart:
Translations:\n AboutView Översättningar:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 simplified_chinese x-vnd.Haiku-About 3511832710
1 simplified_chinese x-vnd.Haiku-About 3666374321
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%d MiB total AboutView 总计%d MiB
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView 已用 %d MiB (%d%%)
@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ The BeGeistert team\n AboutView BeGeistert 小组 \n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Haiku-Ports 小组\n
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Haikuware 小组及其维护程序\n
The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView 奥克兰大学与 Christof Lutteroth\n\n
The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the %MIT licence%. Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the LGPL license. You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView 专用于 Haiku 的代码在 %MIT协议% 下发布,特别是内核与所有应用程序可能链接使用的代码。某些系统库可能包含在 LGPL协议 下发布的第三方代码。在下面的介绍中,您可以找到第三方代码所使用的授权协议。\n\n
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku™ and the HAIKU logo® are (registered) trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Haiku 源代码版权是 Haiku, Inc 和源码中声明的贡献者所拥有的财产。Haiku™ 和 HAIKU logo® 是 Haiku, Inc 的(注册)商标。\n\n
Time running: AboutView 运行时间:
Translations:\n AboutView 翻译:\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 2137207616
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 4082916013
Aegean numbers UnicodeBlocks Ägäische Zahlen
Alphabetic presentation forms UnicodeBlocks Alphabetische Präsentationsformen
Ancient Greek musical notation UnicodeBlocks Antike griechische musikalische Notation
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Combining diacritical marks supplement UnicodeBlocks Kombinierende diakritische
Combining half marks UnicodeBlocks Kombinierende halbe diakritische Zeichen
Control pictures UnicodeBlocks Steuerzeichensymbole
Coptic UnicodeBlocks Koptisch
Copy as escaped byte string CharacterView Zeichen als Byte-Code kopieren
Copy character CharacterView Zeichen kopieren
Counting rod numerals UnicodeBlocks Rechenstab-Numerale
Cuneiform UnicodeBlocks Keilschrift
Cuneiform numbers and punctuation UnicodeBlocks Keilförmige Nummern und Zeichensetzung
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 1169041226
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 1451954922
Aegean numbers UnicodeBlocks Nombres égéens
Alphabetic presentation forms UnicodeBlocks Formes de présentation alphabétiques
Ancient Greek musical notation UnicodeBlocks Musique grecque ancienne
@ -22,20 +22,23 @@ Buhid UnicodeBlocks Bouhid
Byzantine musical symbols UnicodeBlocks Symboles musicaux byzantins
CJK compatibility UnicodeBlocks Compatibilité CJC
CJK compatibility forms UnicodeBlocks Formes compatibles CJC
CJK compatibility ideographs UnicodeBlocks Idéogrammes CJC de compatibilité
CJK compatibility ideographs Supplement UnicodeBlocks Supplément idéogrammes CJC de compatibilité
CJK compatibility ideographs UnicodeBlocks Idéogrammes de compatibilité CJC
CJK compatibility ideographs Supplement UnicodeBlocks Supplément d'idéogrammes de compatibilité CJC
CJK radicals supplement UnicodeBlocks Formes supplémentaires de clés CJC
CJK strokes UnicodeBlocks Traits CJC
CJK symbols and punctuation UnicodeBlocks Ponctuation CJC
CJK unified ideographs UnicodeBlocks Idéogrammes unifiés CJC
CJK unified ideographs extension A UnicodeBlocks Supplément A idéogrammes unifiés CJC
CJK unified ideographs extension B UnicodeBlocks Supplément B idéogrammes unifiés CJC
CJK unified ideographs extension A UnicodeBlocks Supplément A aux idéogrammes unifiés CJC
CJK unified ideographs extension B UnicodeBlocks Supplément B aux idéogrammes unifiés CJC
Carian UnicodeBlocks Carien
Cham UnicodeBlocks Cham
CharacterMap System name Table des caractères
Cherokee UnicodeBlocks Chérokî
Clear CharacterWindow Nettoyer
Code CharacterWindow Code
Combining diacritical marks UnicodeBlocks Marques diacritiques d'association
Combining diacritical marks for symbols UnicodeBlocks Marques diacritiques d'association pour les symboles
Combining diacritical marks supplement UnicodeBlocks Supplément aux marques diacritiques d'association
Combining half marks UnicodeBlocks Demi-signes combinatoires
Control pictures UnicodeBlocks Pictogrammes de commande
Coptic UnicodeBlocks Copte
@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ Greek and Coptic UnicodeBlocks Grec et Copte
Greek extended UnicodeBlocks Grec étendu
Gujarati UnicodeBlocks Goudjarati
Gurmukhi UnicodeBlocks Gourmoukhî
Halfwidth and fullwidth forms UnicodeBlocks Formulaires demi-largeur et largeur complète
Hangul Jamo UnicodeBlocks Jamos Hangûl
Hangul compatibility Jamo UnicodeBlocks Jamos de compatibilité hangûl
Hangul syllables UnicodeBlocks Syllabes hangûl
@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ Miscellaneous mathematical symbols B UnicodeBlocks Divers symboles mathématiqu
Miscellaneous symbols UnicodeBlocks Symboles divers
Miscellaneous symbols and arrows UnicodeBlocks Divers symboles et flèches
Miscellaneous technical UnicodeBlocks Signes techniques divers
Modifier tone letters UnicodeBlocks Supplément de modificateurs de ton
Modifier tone letters UnicodeBlocks Lettres modificatives de ton
Mongolian UnicodeBlocks Mongol
Muscial symbols UnicodeBlocks Symboles musciaux
Myanmar UnicodeBlocks Myanmar (Birman)
@ -121,6 +125,7 @@ Number forms UnicodeBlocks Formes numérales
Ogham UnicodeBlocks Oġam
Ol Chiki UnicodeBlocks Santâlî
Old Persian UnicodeBlocks Perse ancien
Old italic UnicodeBlocks Italique ancien
Optical character recognition UnicodeBlocks Reconnaissance optique de caractères
Oriya UnicodeBlocks Oriyâ
Osmanya UnicodeBlocks Osmanya
@ -138,6 +143,7 @@ Shavian UnicodeBlocks Shavien
Show private blocks CharacterWindow Montrer les zones privées
Sinhala UnicodeBlocks Singhalais
Small form variants UnicodeBlocks Petites variantes de forme
Spacing modifier letters UnicodeBlocks Lettres modificatives d'espace
Specials UnicodeBlocks Caractères spéciaux
Sundanese UnicodeBlocks Soudanais
Superscripts and subscripts UnicodeBlocks Exposants et indices
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 2137207616
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 4082916013
Aegean numbers UnicodeBlocks エーゲ数字
Alphabetic presentation forms UnicodeBlocks アルファベット表示形
Ancient Greek musical notation UnicodeBlocks 古代ギリシャ記譜法
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Combining diacritical marks supplement UnicodeBlocks 結合分音記号補助
Combining half marks UnicodeBlocks 半記号(合成可能)
Control pictures UnicodeBlocks 制御機能用記号
Coptic UnicodeBlocks コプト文字
Copy as escaped byte string CharacterView エスケープされた数値としてコピー
Copy character CharacterView 文字をコピー
Counting rod numerals UnicodeBlocks 算木
Cuneiform UnicodeBlocks 楔形文字
Cuneiform numbers and punctuation UnicodeBlocks 楔形文字数字と句読点
@ -1,28 +1,178 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 2467880345
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 1331216786
Aegean numbers UnicodeBlocks Egejské čísla
Alphabetic presentation forms UnicodeBlocks Varianty abecedných znakov
Ancient Greek musical notation UnicodeBlocks Starogrécky hudobný zápis
Ancient Greek numbers UnicodeBlocks Starogrécke čísla
Ancient smbols UnicodeBlocks Staroveké symboly
Arabic UnicodeBlocks Arabčina
Arabic presentation forms A UnicodeBlocks Varianty arabských znakov A
Arabic presentation forms B UnicodeBlocks Varianty arabských znakov B
Arabic supplement UnicodeBlocks Arabčina, dodatok
Armenian UnicodeBlocks Arménčina
Arrows UnicodeBlocks Šípky
Balinese UnicodeBlocks Balinézske
Basic Latin UnicodeBlocks Latinka - základné znaky
Bengali UnicodeBlocks Bengálčina
Block elements UnicodeBlocks Blokové prvky
Bopomofo UnicodeBlocks Bopomofo
Bopomofo extended UnicodeBlocks Bopomofo - ďalšie znaky
Box drawing UnicodeBlocks Kreslenie rámčekov
Braille patterns UnicodeBlocks Braillove vzory
Buginese UnicodeBlocks Buginézština
Buhid UnicodeBlocks Buhidčina
Byzantine musical symbols UnicodeBlocks Byzantské hudobné symboly
CJK compatibility UnicodeBlocks ČJK - kompatibilné formáty
CJK compatibility forms UnicodeBlocks ČJK - kompatibilné varianty
CJK compatibility ideographs UnicodeBlocks ČJK - kompatibilné idiogramy
CJK compatibility ideographs Supplement UnicodeBlocks ČJK - kompatibilné idiogramy, doplnok
CJK radicals supplement UnicodeBlocks ČJK – radikály, dodatok
CJK strokes UnicodeBlocks Ťahy ČJK
CJK symbols and punctuation UnicodeBlocks ČJK symboly a intepunkcia
CJK unified ideographs UnicodeBlocks Zjednotené ideogramy pre ČJK
CJK unified ideographs extension A UnicodeBlocks Zjednotené ideogramy pre ČJK, rozšírenie A
CJK unified ideographs extension B UnicodeBlocks Zjednotené ideogramy pre ČJK, rozšírenie B
Carian UnicodeBlocks Carian
Cham UnicodeBlocks Cham
CharacterMap System name Mapa znakov
Cherokee UnicodeBlocks Cherokee
Clear CharacterWindow Vyčistiť
Code CharacterWindow Kód
Combining diacritical marks UnicodeBlocks Kombinujúce diakritické značky
Combining diacritical marks for symbols UnicodeBlocks Kombinujúce diakritické značky pre symboly
Combining diacritical marks supplement UnicodeBlocks Kombinujúce diakritické značky - doplnok
Combining half marks UnicodeBlocks Kombinujúce poloznačky
Control pictures UnicodeBlocks Riadiace obrázky
Coptic UnicodeBlocks Koptčina
Counting rod numerals UnicodeBlocks Tyčové číslovky
Cuneiform UnicodeBlocks Klinové písmo
Cuneiform numbers and punctuation UnicodeBlocks Klinové písmo - čísla a diakritika
Currency symbols UnicodeBlocks Symboly mien
Cypriot syllabary UnicodeBlocks Cyperské slabičné písmo
Cyrillic UnicodeBlocks Cyrilika
Cyrillic extended A UnicodeBlocks Cyrillika, rozšírená A
Cyrillic extended B UnicodeBlocks Cyrillika, rozšírená A
Cyrillic supplement UnicodeBlocks Cyrilika, dodatok
Deseret UnicodeBlocks Deseret
Devanagari UnicodeBlocks Dévanágarí
Dingbats UnicodeBlocks Symboly a znaky dingbats
Domino tiles UnicodeBlocks Kocky domino
Enclosed CJK letters and months UnicodeBlocks Uzavreté ČJK znaky a mesiace
Enclosed alphanumerics UnicodeBlocks Uzavreté alfanumerické znaky
Ethiopic UnicodeBlocks Etiópčina
Ethiopic extended UnicodeBlocks Etiópčina – ďalšie znaky
Ethiopic supplement UnicodeBlocks Etiópčina, dodatok
File CharacterWindow Súbor
Filter: CharacterWindow Filter:
Font CharacterWindow Písmo
General punctuation UnicodeBlocks Všeobecná diakritika
Font size: CharacterWindow Veľksť písma:
General punctuation UnicodeBlocks Všeobecná intepunkcia
Geometric shapes UnicodeBlocks Geometrické tvary
Georgian UnicodeBlocks Gruzínčina
Georgian supplement UnicodeBlocks Gruzínčina, dodatok
Gothic UnicodeBlocks Gotické
Greek and Coptic UnicodeBlocks Gréčtina a koptčina Off
Greek extended UnicodeBlocks Gréčtina - ďalšie znaky
Gujarati UnicodeBlocks Gudžarátčina
Gurmukhi UnicodeBlocks Gurumukhí
Halfwidth and fullwidth forms UnicodeBlocks Znaky s polovičnou a plnou šírkou
Hangul Jamo UnicodeBlocks Znaky jamo abecedy hangul
Hangul compatibility Jamo UnicodeBlocks Kompatibilné znaky jamo abecedy hangul
Hangul syllables UnicodeBlocks Hangul - slabiky
Hanunoo UnicodeBlocks Hanunóo
Hebrew UnicodeBlocks Hebrejčina
Hiragana UnicodeBlocks Hiragana
IPA extensions UnicodeBlocks Znaky fonetickej abecedy IPA
Ideographic description characters UnicodeBlocks Ideografické popisné znaky
Kanbun UnicodeBlocks Kanbun
Kangxi radicals UnicodeBlocks Kandži – radikály
Kannada UnicodeBlocks Kannadčina
Katakana UnicodeBlocks Katakana
Katakana phonetic extensions UnicodeBlocks Katakana - fonetické rozšírenia
Kayah Li UnicodeBlocks Kayah Li
Kharoshthi UnicodeBlocks Kharoshthi
Khmer UnicodeBlocks Khmérčina
Khmer symbols UnicodeBlocks Khmérske symboly
Lao UnicodeBlocks Laoština
Latin extended A UnicodeBlocks Rozšírená latinka A
Latin extended B UnicodeBlocks Rozšírená latinka B
Latin extended C UnicodeBlocks Rozšírená latinka C
Latin extended D UnicodeBlocks Rozšírená latinka D
Latin extended additional UnicodeBlocks Rozšírená latinka, dodatok
Latin-1 supplement UnicodeBlocks Latinka-1, dodatok
Lepcha UnicodeBlocks Lepcha
Letterlike symbols UnicodeBlocks Symboly podpobné písmenám
Limbu UnicodeBlocks Limbu
Linear B ideograms UnicodeBlocks Lineárne písmo B - ideogramy
Linear B syllabary UnicodeBlocks Lineárne písmo B - slabičné písmo
Lycian UnicodeBlocks Lycian
Lydian UnicodeBlocks Lydian
Mahjong tiles UnicodeBlocks Dlaždice Mahjong
Malayalam UnicodeBlocks Malajálamčina
Mathematical alphanumeric symbols UnicodeBlocks Matematické alfanumerické symboly
Mathematical operators UnicodeBlocks Matematické operátory
Miscellaneous mathematical symbols A UnicodeBlocks Rozličné matematické symboly A
Miscellaneous mathematical symbols B UnicodeBlocks Rozličné matematické symboly B
Miscellaneous symbols UnicodeBlocks Rozličné symboly
Miscellaneous symbols and arrows UnicodeBlocks Rôzne symboly a šípky
Miscellaneous technical UnicodeBlocks Rozličné technické
Modifier tone letters UnicodeBlocks Písmená modifikátorov tónu
Mongolian UnicodeBlocks Mongolské
Muscial symbols UnicodeBlocks Hudobné symboly
Myanmar UnicodeBlocks Mjanmarčina
N'Ko UnicodeBlocks N'Ko
New Tai Lue UnicodeBlocks New Tai Lue
Number forms UnicodeBlocks Číselné tvary
Ogham UnicodeBlocks Ogam
Ol Chiki UnicodeBlocks Ol Chiki
Old Persian UnicodeBlocks Staroperzské
Old italic UnicodeBlocks Starotalianske
Optical character recognition UnicodeBlocks Optické rozpoznávanie znakov
Oriya UnicodeBlocks Uríjčina
Osmanya UnicodeBlocks Osmanya
Phags-pa UnicodeBlocks Phags-pa
Phaistos disc UnicodeBlocks Disk z Faistu
Phoenician UnicodeBlocks Fenické
Phonetic extensions UnicodeBlocks Fonetické rozšírenia
Phonetic extensions supplement UnicodeBlocks Fonetické rozšírenia, doplnok
Private use area UnicodeBlocks Oblasť na súkromné použitie
Quit CharacterWindow Ukončiť
Rejang UnicodeBlocks Rejang
Runic UnicodeBlocks Runy
Saurashtra UnicodeBlocks Saurashtra
Shavian UnicodeBlocks Shavianské
Show private blocks CharacterWindow Zobrziť privátne bloky
Sinhala UnicodeBlocks Sinhalčina
Small form variants UnicodeBlocks Malé varianty znakov
Spacing modifier letters UnicodeBlocks Písmená na úpravu medzier
Specials UnicodeBlocks Špeciálne znaky
Sundanese UnicodeBlocks Sundčina
Superscripts and subscripts UnicodeBlocks Horné a dolné indexy
Supplement punctuation UnicodeBlocks Doplnková intepunkcia
Supplemental arrows A UnicodeBlocks Šípky, doplnok A
Supplemental arrows B UnicodeBlocks Šípky, doplnok B
Supplemental mathematical operators UnicodeBlocks Doplnkové matematické operátory
Supplementary private use area A UnicodeBlocks Doplnková oblasť A pre súkromné použitie
Supplementary private use area B UnicodeBlocks Doplnková oblasť A pre súkromné použitie
Syloti Nagri UnicodeBlocks Syloti Nagri
Syriac UnicodeBlocks Sýrčina
Tagalog UnicodeBlocks Tagalčina
Tagbanwa UnicodeBlocks Tagbanwa
Tags UnicodeBlocks Značky
Tai Le UnicodeBlocks Tai Le
Tai Xuan Jing symbols UnicodeBlocks Symboly Tai Xuan Jing
Tamil UnicodeBlocks Tamilčina
Telugu UnicodeBlocks Telugčina
Thaana UnicodeBlocks Thaana
Thai UnicodeBlocks Thajčina
Tibetan UnicodeBlocks Tibetčina
Tifinagh UnicodeBlocks Tifinagh
Ugaritic UnicodeBlocks Ugaritské
Unified Canadian Aboriginal syllabics UnicodeBlocks Zjednotené slabikotvorné hlásky kanadských pôvodných obyvateľov
Vai UnicodeBlocks Vai
Variation selectors UnicodeBlocks Selektory variácií
Variation selectors supplement UnicodeBlocks Selektory variácií, dodatok
Vertical forms UnicodeBlocks Zvislé tvary
View CharacterWindow Zobraziť
Yi Radicals UnicodeBlocks Yi - radikály
Yi syllables UnicodeBlocks Yi - slabiky
Yijing hexagram symbols UnicodeBlocks Yijing – šesťcípe symboly
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 2137207616
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 2426642683
Aegean numbers UnicodeBlocks Egeiska siffror
Alphabetic presentation forms UnicodeBlocks Alfabetiska presentationsformer
Ancient Greek musical notation UnicodeBlocks Gammelgrekiska noter
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ Combining diacritical marks supplement UnicodeBlocks Kombinerade diakritiska te
Combining half marks UnicodeBlocks Kombinerade halvmarkörer
Control pictures UnicodeBlocks Kontrollbilder
Coptic UnicodeBlocks Koptisk
Copy character CharacterView Kopiera tecken
Counting rod numerals UnicodeBlocks Räknestavssiffror
Cuneiform UnicodeBlocks Kilskrift
Cuneiform numbers and punctuation UnicodeBlocks Kilskrift (siffror och interpunktioner)
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Be-TSKB 1962084612
1 belarusian x-vnd.Be-TSKB 2472557472
<Be folder is empty> BeMenu <Be каталёг пусты>
About Haiku BeMenu Пра Haiku
Always on top PreferencesWindow Заўсёды наверсе
Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications Праграмы
Applications PreferencesWindow Праграмы
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
1 czech x-vnd.Be-TSKB 2722191795
1 czech x-vnd.Be-TSKB 3232664655
<Be folder is empty> BeMenu <Be složka je prázdná>
About Haiku BeMenu O Haiku
Always on top PreferencesWindow Vždy na vrchu
Applications PreferencesWindow Aplikace
Auto-raise PreferencesWindow Automatické zvětšení
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
1 german x-vnd.Be-TSKB 1465644101
1 german x-vnd.Be-TSKB 4265681964
<Be folder is empty> BeMenu <Be-Ordner ist leer>
About Haiku BeMenu Über Haiku
About this system BeMenu Über dieses System
Always on top PreferencesWindow Immer im Vordergrund
Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications Anwendungen
Applications PreferencesWindow Anwendungen
Auto-hide PreferencesWindow Automatisch in den Hintergrund
Auto-hide PreferencesWindow Automatisch ausblenden
Auto-raise PreferencesWindow Automatisch nach vorn holen
Change time… TimeView Uhrzeit ändern…
Clock PreferencesWindow Uhr
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
1 french x-vnd.Be-TSKB 1962084612
1 french x-vnd.Be-TSKB 2472557472
<Be folder is empty> BeMenu <Le dossier Be est vide>
About Haiku BeMenu À propos d'Haiku
Always on top PreferencesWindow Toujours au dessus
Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications Applications
Applications PreferencesWindow Applications
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Be-TSKB 1962084612
1 japanese x-vnd.Be-TSKB 4265681964
<Be folder is empty> BeMenu <Haiku メニューフォルダーは空です>
About Haiku BeMenu Haiku について
About this system BeMenu このシステムについて
Always on top PreferencesWindow 常に手前に
Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications アプリケーション
Applications PreferencesWindow アプリケーション
Auto-hide PreferencesWindow 自動的に隠す
Auto-raise PreferencesWindow マウスオーバーで手前に
Change time… TimeView 日付と時刻の設定…
Clock PreferencesWindow 日付と時刻
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
1 norwegian_bokmål x-vnd.Be-TSKB 1962084612
1 norwegian_bokmål x-vnd.Be-TSKB 2472557472
<Be folder is empty> BeMenu <Be-mappen er tom>
About Haiku BeMenu Om Haiku
Always on top PreferencesWindow Alltid øverst
Applications PreferencesWindow Programmer
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Be-TSKB 1962084612
1 slovak x-vnd.Be-TSKB 4265681964
<Be folder is empty> BeMenu <pričinok Be je prázdny>
About Haiku BeMenu O Haiku
About this system BeMenu O tomto systéme
Always on top PreferencesWindow Vždy na vrchu
Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications Aplikácie
Applications PreferencesWindow Aplikácie
Auto-hide PreferencesWindow Automaticky skrývať
Auto-raise PreferencesWindow Automaticky aktivovať
Change time… TimeView Zmeniť čas...
Clock PreferencesWindow Hodiny
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Always on top PreferencesWindow Alltid överst
Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications Program
Applications PreferencesWindow Program
Auto-hide PreferencesWindow Dölj automatiskt
Auto-raise PreferencesWindow Höj fönstret vid närkontakt
Auto-raise PreferencesWindow Höj vid närkontakt
Change time… TimeView Ställ in tid...
Clock PreferencesWindow Klocka
Close all WindowMenu Stäng alla
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
1 simplified_chinese x-vnd.Be-TSKB 1962084612
1 simplified_chinese x-vnd.Be-TSKB 2472557472
<Be folder is empty> BeMenu <Be 文件夹为空>
About Haiku BeMenu 关于 Haiku
Always on top PreferencesWindow 置顶
Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications 应用程序
Applications PreferencesWindow 应用程序
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Welcome to the Haiku Installer!\n\n InstallerApp Herzlich Willkommen zum Haiku-
With GRUB 2 the first logical partition always has the number \"5\", regardless of the number of primary partitions.\n\n InstallerApp Bei GRUB 2 besitzt die erste logische Partition immer die Nummer \"5\", unabhängig von der Anzahl primärer Partitionen.\n\n
With GRUB it's: (hdN,n)\n\n InstallerApp Bei GRUB ist es: (hdN,n)\n\n
Write boot sector InstallerWindow Bootsektor schreiben
Write boot sector to '%s' InstallerWindow Der Bootsektor wird auf '%s' geschrieben
Write boot sector to '%s' InstallerWindow Bootsektor auf '%s' schreiben
You can see the correct partition in GParted for example.\n\n\n InstallerApp Die richtige Partition findet man beispielweise mit GParted.\n\n\n
You can't install the contents of a disk onto itself. Please choose a different disk. InstallProgress Der Inhalt eines Laufwerks kann nicht auf sich selbst installiert werden. Bitte ein anderes Ziellaufwerk wählen.
You'll note that GRUB uses a different naming strategy for hard drives than Linux.\n\n InstallerApp Wie man sieht, besitzt GRUB ein zu Linux unterschiedliches Benennungsschema für Festplatten.\n\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-ShowImage 2105704395
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-ShowImage 2479358163
%SECONDS seconds Menus Don't translate %SECONDS %SECONDS sekúnd
Browse Menus Prechádzať
Cancel ClosePrompt Zrušiť
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ ShowImage System name ZobraziťObrázok
Slide delay Menus Oneskorenie snímku
Slide show Menus Prezentácia
Stretch to window Menus Roztiahnuť do okna
The document '%s' (page %d) has been changed. Do you want to close the document? ClosePrompt Dokument „%s“ (stránka %d) bol zmenený. Chcete dokument zatvoriť?
The document '%s' has been changed. Do you want to close the document? ClosePrompt Dokument „%s“ bol zmenený. Chcete dokument zatvoriť?
The file '%s' could not be written. SaveToFile Súbor „%s“ nebolo možné zapísať.
Undo Menus Vrátiť späť
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku.TextSearch 1180598828
%APP_NAME couldn't open one or more folders. GrepWindow %APP_NAME ei voitu avata yhtä tai useampaa kansiota.
%APP_NAME couldn't open one or more folders. GrepWindow %APP_NAME ei voinut avata yhtä tai useampaa kansiota.
%s: Not enough room to escape the filename. Grepper %s: Ei kylliksi tilaa tiedostonimen ohittamiseen.
%s: There was a problem running grep. Grepper %s: Pulma grep-ohjelmaa suoritettaessa.
Actions GrepWindow Toiminnot
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2699246155
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 3486294898
%BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/s
%Ld B WidgetAttributeText %Ld B
%Ld bytes WidgetAttributeText %Ld Bytes
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace
And FindPanel Und
Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? This operation cannot be reverted. FSUtils Sollen die ausgewählten Objekte wirklich gelöscht werden? Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.
Are you sure you want to move or copy the selected item(s) to this folder? PoseView Sollen die ausgewählten Dateien wirklich in diesen Ordner kopiert oder bewegt werden?
Arrange by ContainerWindow Icons ordnen nach
Ask before delete SettingsView Vor dem Leeren nachfragen
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState Bei %func \nfind_directory() fehlgeschlagen \nGrund: %error
Attributes ContainerWindow Attribute
@ -301,6 +302,7 @@ Resize to fit QueryContainerWindow Optimale Größe
Resize to fit VolumeWindow Optimale Größe
Restore ContainerWindow Wiederherstellen
Restoring: StatusWindow Wiederherstellen von:
Reverse order ContainerWindow Reihenfolge umkehren
Revert TrackerSettingsWindow Rückgängig
Save FilePanelPriv Speichern
Save FindPanel Speichern
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2178365750
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2574176493
%BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/s
%Ld B WidgetAttributeText %Ld B
%Ld bytes WidgetAttributeText %Ld bajtov
@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ Error copying folder \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue? FSUtils
Error creating link to \"%name\". FSUtils Chyba pri vytváraní odkazu „%name“
Error deleting items FSUtils Chyba pri mazaní položiek
Error emptying Trash! FSUtils Chyba pri vyprázdňovaní Koša!
Error in regular expression:\n\n'%errstring' PoseView Chyba v regulárnom výraze:\n\n'%errstring'
Error moving \"%name\" FSUtils Chyba pri presúvaní „%name“
Error moving \"%name\" to Trash. (%error) FSUtils Chyba pri presúvaní „%name“ do Koša. (%error)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2699246155
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 3486294898
%BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/s
%Ld B WidgetAttributeText %Ld B
%Ld bytes WidgetAttributeText %Ld byte
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace
And FindPanel Och
Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? This operation cannot be reverted. FSUtils Är du säker på att du vill radera de valda objekten? Denna operation kan inte ångras.
Are you sure you want to move or copy the selected item(s) to this folder? PoseView Är du säker på att du vill flytta eller kopiera dom valda objekt(en) till denna mapp?
Arrange by ContainerWindow Sortera efter
Ask before delete SettingsView Fråga innan borttagning
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState I %func \nfind_directory() misslyckades. \nOrsak: %error
Attributes ContainerWindow Attribut
@ -301,6 +302,7 @@ Resize to fit QueryContainerWindow Anpassa
Resize to fit VolumeWindow Skala till passform
Restore ContainerWindow Återställ
Restoring: StatusWindow Återställer:
Reverse order ContainerWindow Omvänd ordning
Revert TrackerSettingsWindow Återställ
Save FilePanelPriv Spara
Save FindPanel Spara
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance 3187486915
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance 3577998894
About DecorSettingsView Über
About Decerator DecorSettingsView Über Dekorator
Antialiasing APRWindow Kantenglättung
Antialiasing menu AntialiasingSettingsView Kantenglättungs-Menü
Antialiasing type: AntialiasingSettingsView Kantenglättungstyp:
Appearance System name Erscheinungsbild
Choose Decorator DecorSettingsView Dekorator wählen
Colors APRWindow Farben
Control background Colors tab Steuerelement - Hintergrund
Control border Colors tab Steuerelement - Rahmen
@ -23,6 +26,7 @@ Menu item text Colors tab Menü - Text
Monospaced fonts only AntialiasingSettingsView Nur nicht-proportionale Schriften
Navigation base Colors tab Navigation - Grundfarbe
Navigation pulse Colors tab Navigation - Leuchtfarbe
OK DecorSettingsView OK
Off AntialiasingSettingsView Aus
On AntialiasingSettingsView Ein
Panel background Colors tab Oberfläche - Hintergrund
@ -39,5 +43,7 @@ Subpixel based anti-aliasing in combination with glyph hinting is not available
Success Colors tab Erfolg
Tooltip background Colors tab Tooltip - Hintergrund
Tooltip text Colors tab Tooltip - Text
Window Decorator APRWindow Dekorator
Window Decorator: DecorSettingsView Fenster-Dekorator:
Window tab Colors tab Reiter
Window tab text Colors tab Reiter - Text
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-FileTypes 3046973565
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-FileTypes 473999706
%1 application type Application Type Window %1 typ aplikácie
%ld Application type%s could be removed. Application Types Window %ld Typ aplikácie %s možno ostrániť.
%s file type FileType Window typ súboru %s
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Default application FileType Window Predvolená aplikácia
Description FileTypes Window Popis
Description: Application Types Window Popis:
Description: FileTypes Window Popis:
Development Application Type Window Vývoj
Development Application Types Window Vývojové
Display as: Attribute Window Tracker offers different display modes for attributes. Zobraziť ako:
Do you want to save the changes? Application Type Window Chcete uložiť zmeny?
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ FileTypes request FileTypes Požiadavka Typy súborov
FileTypes request FileTypes Window Požiadavka Typy súborov
FileTypes request Preferred App Menu Požiadavka Typy súborov
Final Application Type Window Finálne
Final Application Types Window Finálne
Gamma Application Type Window Gama
Gamma Application Types Window Gama
Golden master Application Type Window Hlavný originál
@ -141,6 +143,7 @@ Signature: Application Types Window Podpis:
Single launch Application Type Window Jednoduché spustenie
Special: Attribute Window Špeciálne:
Supported types Application Type Window Podporované typy
The application \"%s\" does not support this file type.\nAre you sure you want to set it anyway? Preferred App Menu Aplikácia „%s“ nepodporuje tento typ súboru.\nSte si istý, že ju chcete nastaviť napriek tomu?
This file type already exists New File Type Window Tento typ súboru už existuje
Type name: FileTypes Window Názov typu:
Type: Attribute Window Typ:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 2328315862
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 458432473
Account name: Config Views Імя акаунту
Account name: E-Mail Імя акаунта:
Account settings Config Views Наладкі акаунту
@ -42,7 +42,3 @@ While sending and receiving Config Window Пры адпраўцы і атрым
days Config Window дзен
hours Config Window гадзін
minutes Config Window хвілін
never Config Window ніколі
· E-mail filters Config Window · Фільтры пошты
· Incoming Config Window · Прыходзячыя
· Outgoing Config Window · Зыходзячыя
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 czech x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 1290248466
1 czech x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3715332373
Account name: Config Views Název účtu:
Account settings Config Views Nastavení účtu
Accounts Config Window Úcty
@ -28,7 +28,3 @@ While sending and receiving Config Window Během odesílání a přijímání
days Config Window dny
hours Config Window hodiny
minutes Config Window minut/y
never Config Window nikdy
· E-mail filters Config Window · filtry zpráv
· Incoming Config Window · Příchozí
· Outgoing Config Window · Odchozí
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 1746145370
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3957822883
Account name: Config Views Kontoname:
Account name: E-Mail Kontoname:
Account settings AutoConfigWindow Kontoeinstellungen
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Check every Config Window Abrufen alle
Choose Protocol E-Mail Protokoll wählen
Create new account AutoConfigWindow Neues Konto anlegen
E-mail System name E-Mail-Dienst
E-mail address: E-Mail E-Mail-Adresse
E-mail address: E-Mail E-Mail-Adresse:
Edit mailbox menu… Config Window Mailbox-Menü bearbeiten...
Enter a valid e-mail address. AutoConfigWindow Eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse angeben.
Error Config Window Fehler
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Incoming mail filters Config Views Filter für eingehende E-Mail
Login name: E-Mail Login:
Mail checking Config Window E-Mail abfragen
Miscellaneous Config Window Verschiedenes
Never Config Window show status window Nie
Next AutoConfigWindow Weiter
OK AutoConfigWindow OK
OK Config Views OK
@ -50,10 +51,10 @@ While sending Config Window Beim Senden
While sending and receiving Config Window Beim Senden und Empfangen
\nThe general settings couldn't be reverted.\n\nError retrieving general settings:\n%s\n Config Window \nDie allgemeinen Einstellungen konnten nicht zurückgenommen werden.\n\nFehler beim Abrufen der allgemeinen Einstellungen:\n%s\n
\n\nCreate a new account with the Add button.\n\nRemove an account with the Remove button on the selected item.\n\nSelect an item in the list to change its settings. Config Window \n\nNeues Konto erstellen über den \"Hinzu\" Button.\n\nZum Löschen, Konto auswählen und \"Entfernen\" klicken.\n\nKonto auswählen, um dessen Einstellungen zu ändern.
\t\t· E-mail filters Config Window \t\t· E-Mail-Filter
\t\t· Incoming Config Window \t\t· Eingang
\t\t· Outgoing Config Window \t\t· Ausgang
days Config Window Tage
hours Config Window Stunden
minutes Config Window Minuten
never Config Window nie
· E-mail filters Config Window · E-Mail-Filter
· Incoming Config Window · Eingang
· Outgoing Config Window · Ausgang
never Config Window mail checking frequency nie
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 936504879
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3361588786
Account name: Config Views Nom du compte :
Account settings Config Views Réglages du compte
Accounts Config Window Comptes
@ -31,7 +31,3 @@ While sending and receiving Config Window Pendant l'envoi et la réception
days Config Window jours
hours Config Window heures
minutes Config Window minutes
never Config Window jamais
· E-mail filters Config Window . Filtres E-mail
· Incoming Config Window . Réception
· Outgoing Config Window . Envoi
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3850363888
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 1980480499
Account name: Config Views Nome account:
Account settings Config Views Impostazioni account
Accounts Config Window Account
@ -27,7 +27,3 @@ While sending and receiving Config Window Durante l'invio e la ricezione
days Config Window giorni
hours Config Window ore
minutes Config Window minuti
never Config Window mai
· E-mail filters Config Window E-mail filtri
· Incoming Config Window In entrata
· Outgoing Config Window In uscita
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 954305167
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3957822883
Account name: Config Views アカウント名:
Account name: E-Mail アカウント名:
Account settings AutoConfigWindow アカウント設定
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Always Config Window 常に
Apply Config Window 適用
Back AutoConfigWindow 前へ
Check every Config Window メールを
Choose Protocol E-Mail プロトコルを選択してください
Create new account AutoConfigWindow 新規アカウント作成
E-mail System name メール
E-mail address: E-Mail E-mail アドレス
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ Incoming mail filters Config Views 受信メールフィルター
Login name: E-Mail ログイン名:
Mail checking Config Window メールチェック
Miscellaneous Config Window その他
Never Config Window show status window 表示しない
Next AutoConfigWindow 次へ
OK AutoConfigWindow OK
OK Config Views OK
@ -49,10 +51,10 @@ While sending Config Window 送信中に
While sending and receiving Config Window 送受信中に
\nThe general settings couldn't be reverted.\n\nError retrieving general settings:\n%s\n Config Window \n一般設定をもとに戻せませんでした。\n\n読み取り時に次のエラーが発生しました:\n%s\n
\n\nCreate a new account with the Add button.\n\nRemove an account with the Remove button on the selected item.\n\nSelect an item in the list to change its settings. Config Window \n\n追加ボタンで新規アカウントを作成してください。\n\n削除ボタンで選択したアカウントを削除してください。\n\nリストのアイテムを選択して、設定を変更してください。
\t\t· E-mail filters Config Window \t\t· メールフィルタ
\t\t· Incoming Config Window \t\t· 受信
\t\t· Outgoing Config Window \t\t· 送信
days Config Window 日毎にチェック
hours Config Window 時間毎にチェック
minutes Config Window 分毎にチェック
never Config Window 手動でチェック
· E-mail filters Config Window · メールフィルタ
· Incoming Config Window · 受信
· Outgoing Config Window · 送信
never Config Window mail checking frequency 手動でチェック
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 norwegian_bokmål x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 777369824
1 norwegian_bokmål x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3202453731
Account name: Config Views Kontonavn
Account settings Config Views Kontoinnstillinger
Accounts Config Window Kontoer
@ -27,7 +27,3 @@ While sending and receiving Config Window Under sending og mottak
days Config Window dager
hours Config Window timer
minutes Config Window minutter
never Config Window aldri
· E-mail filters Config Window E-postfiltre
· Incoming Config Window Innkommende
· Outgoing Config Window Utgående
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 dutch x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 2264289764
1 dutch x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3653676147
Account name: Config Views Accountnaam:
Account name: E-Mail Accountnaam:
Account settings Config Views Accountinstellingen
@ -41,4 +41,3 @@ While sending and receiving Config Window Tijdens versturen en ontvangen
days Config Window dagen
hours Config Window uren
minutes Config Window minuten
never Config Window nooit
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 2264289764
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3653676147
Account name: Config Views Nazwa konta:
Account name: E-Mail Nazwa konta:
Account settings Config Views Ustawienia konta
@ -41,4 +41,3 @@ While sending and receiving Config Window Podczas wysyłania i odbierania
days Config Window dni
hours Config Window godzin
minutes Config Window minut
never Config Window nigdy
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 brazilian_portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 1492060636
1 brazilian_portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 2881447019
Account name: Config Views Nome da conta
Account settings Config Views Configurações da conta
Accounts Config Window Contas
@ -32,4 +32,3 @@ While sending and receiving Config Window Enquanto envia e recebe
days Config Window dias
hours Config Window horas
minutes Config Window minutos
never Config Window nunca
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 2470242049
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3859628432
Account name: Config Views Nume cont:
Account name: E-Mail Nume cont:
Account settings Config Views Configurări cont
@ -39,4 +39,3 @@ While sending and receiving Config Window În timp ce se trimite și se recepț
days Config Window zile
hours Config Window ore
minutes Config Window minute
never Config Window niciodată
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3450803213
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 4171229277
Account name: Config Views Názov účtu:
Account name: E-Mail Názov účtu:
Account settings AutoConfigWindow Nastavenie účtu
@ -21,10 +21,13 @@ Error retrieving general settings: %s\n Config Window Chyba pri získavaní vš
Finish AutoConfigWindow Dokončiť
Incoming Config Window Prichádzajúce
Incoming E-Mail Prichádzajúce
Incoming mail filters Config Views Filtre prichádzajúcej pošty
Login name: E-Mail Prihlasovacie meno:
Mail checking Config Window Kontrola pošty
Miscellaneous Config Window Rozličné
Next AutoConfigWindow Ďalej
OK AutoConfigWindow OK
OK Config Views OK
OK Config Window OK
Only when dial-up is connected Config Window Iba ak je vytočené spojenie
Outgoing Config Window Odchádzajúce
@ -42,13 +45,11 @@ Server Name: E-Mail Názov servera:
Settings Config Window Nastavenie
Show connection status window: Config Window Zobraziť okno stavu spojenia:
Start mail services on startup Config Window Spustiť služby pošty pri štarte
The filter could not be moved. Deleting filter. Config Views Filter nebolo možné presunúť. Filter sa zmaže.
While sending Config Window Počas odosielania
While sending and receiving Config Window Počas odosielania a prijímania
\nThe general settings couldn't be reverted.\n\nError retrieving general settings:\n%s\n Config Window \nVšeobecné nastavenia nebolo možné vrátiť.\n\nChyba pri získavaní všeobecných nastavení:\n%s\n
\n\nCreate a new account with the Add button.\n\nRemove an account with the Remove button on the selected item.\n\nSelect an item in the list to change its settings. Config Window \n\nNový účet vytvoríte tlačidlom Pridať.\n\nÚčet odstránite tlačidlom odstrániť na vybranej položke.\n\nNastavenia položky zmeníte jej vybraním v zozname.
days Config Window dní
hours Config Window hodín
minutes Config Window minút
never Config Window nikdy
· E-mail filters Config Window · Filtre pošty
· Incoming Config Window · Prichádzajúce
· Outgoing Config Window · Odchádzajúce
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 1746145370
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 3957822883
Account name: Config Views Kontonamn:
Account name: E-Mail Kontonamn:
Account settings AutoConfigWindow Kontoinställningar
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Incoming mail filters Config Views Inkommande e-postfilter
Login name: E-Mail Inloggningsnamn:
Mail checking Config Window Kontrollera e-post
Miscellaneous Config Window Diverse
Never Config Window show status window Aldrig
Next AutoConfigWindow Nästa
OK AutoConfigWindow OK
OK Config Views OK
@ -50,10 +51,10 @@ While sending Config Window När sändning sker
While sending and receiving Config Window När sändning och mottagning sker
\nThe general settings couldn't be reverted.\n\nError retrieving general settings:\n%s\n Config Window \nGrundinställningarna kunde inte återställas.\n\nEtt fel uppstod när grundinställningarna skulle återställas:\n%s\n
\n\nCreate a new account with the Add button.\n\nRemove an account with the Remove button on the selected item.\n\nSelect an item in the list to change its settings. Config Window \n\nSkapa ett nytt konto via Lägg till-knappen.\n\nTa bort ett konto med Ta bort-knappen vid den valda objektet.\n\nVälj ett listobjekt för att ändra dess inställningar.
\t\t· E-mail filters Config Window \t\t· E-postfilter
\t\t· Incoming Config Window \t\t· Inkommande
\t\t· Outgoing Config Window \t\t· Utgående
days Config Window dagar
hours Config Window timmar
minutes Config Window minuter
never Config Window aldrig
· E-mail filters Config Window · E-postfilter
· Incoming Config Window · Inkommande
· Outgoing Config Window · Utgående
never Config Window mail checking frequency aldrig
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 simplified_chinese x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 2923655424
1 simplified_chinese x-vnd.Haiku-Mail 1053772035
Account name: Config Views 用户名:
Account name: E-Mail 用户名:
Account settings Config Views 用户设置
@ -42,7 +42,3 @@ While sending and receiving Config Window 在发送和接收时
days Config Window 天
hours Config Window 小时
minutes Config Window 分
never Config Window 从不
· E-mail filters Config Window 邮件过滤器
· Incoming Config Window 接收
· Outgoing Config Window 发送
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
1 german x-vnd.Be-POST 2900218551
1 german x-vnd.Be-POST 1358359182
%.1f / %.1f kb (%d / %d messages) StatusWindow %.1f / %.1f KiB (%d / %d Nachrichten)
%d / %d messages StatusWindow %d / %d Nachrichten
%num new message DeskbarView %num neue Nachricht
%num new message for %name\n MailDaemon %num neue Nachricht für %name\n
%num new message. MailDaemon %num neue Nachricht.
@ -7,9 +9,10 @@
%num new messages. MailDaemon %num neue Nachrichten.
<no accounts> DeskbarView <keine Konten>
Check for mail now DeskbarView E-Mails jetzt abrufen
Check for mails only DeskbarView E-Mails nur abrufen
Check for mails only DeskbarView E-Mails nur abrufen für
Check mail now StatusWindow E-Mails jetzt abrufen
Create new message… DeskbarView Nachricht verfassen…
Fetching mail for %name Notifier E-Mails für %name abrufen
Mail Status MailDaemon E-Mail-Status
Mail daemon status log MailDaemon E-Mail-Dienst Statusmeldungen
New Messages MailDaemon Neue Nachrichten
@ -19,4 +22,5 @@ No new messages. MailDaemon Keine neuen Nachrichten.
No new messages. StatusWindow Keine neuen Nachrichten.
Preferences… DeskbarView Einstellungen…
Send pending mails DeskbarView E-Mails senden
Sending mail for %name Notifier E-Mails von %name senden
Shutdown mail services DeskbarView E-Mail-Dienst ausschalten
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Be-POST 2900218551
1 japanese x-vnd.Be-POST 1358359182
%.1f / %.1f kb (%d / %d messages) StatusWindow %.1f / %.1f kb (%d / %d メッセージ)
%d / %d messages StatusWindow %d / %d メッセージ
%num new message DeskbarView %num 通の新着メッセージがあります
%num new message for %name\n MailDaemon %name より %num 通のメッセージが届きました\n
%num new message. MailDaemon %num 通の新着メッセージがあります。
@ -10,6 +12,7 @@ Check for mail now DeskbarView 今すぐメールをチェック
Check for mails only DeskbarView メール受信のみ
Check mail now StatusWindow 今すぐメールをチェック
Create new message… DeskbarView 新規メッセージ作成
Fetching mail for %name Notifier %name からのメールを受信中
Mail Status MailDaemon メールの状況
Mail daemon status log MailDaemon メールデーモン状況ログ
New Messages MailDaemon 新着メッセージ
@ -19,4 +22,5 @@ No new messages. MailDaemon 新着メッセージはありません。
No new messages. StatusWindow 新着メッセージはありません。
Preferences… DeskbarView メールの設定
Send pending mails DeskbarView 保留メールを送信
Sending mail for %name Notifier %name へのメールを送信中
Shutdown mail services DeskbarView 終了
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Be-POST 2900218551
1 swedish x-vnd.Be-POST 1358359182
%.1f / %.1f kb (%d / %d messages) StatusWindow %.1f / %.1f kb (%d / %d meddelanden)
%d / %d messages StatusWindow %d / %d meddelanden
%num new message DeskbarView %num nytt meddelande
%num new message for %name\n MailDaemon %num nytt meddelande för %name\n
%num new message. MailDaemon %num nytt meddelande.
@ -10,6 +12,7 @@ Check for mail now DeskbarView Kontrollera e-post nu
Check for mails only DeskbarView Kontrollera bara e-post
Check mail now StatusWindow Kontrollera e-post nu
Create new message… DeskbarView Skapa nytt meddelande...
Fetching mail for %name Notifier Hämtar e-post för %name
Mail Status MailDaemon E-post status
Mail daemon status log MailDaemon Statuslog för e-postdemon
New Messages MailDaemon nya meddelanden
@ -19,4 +22,5 @@ No new messages. MailDaemon inga nya meddelanden.
No new messages. StatusWindow inga nya meddelanden.
Preferences… DeskbarView Inställningar...
Send pending mails DeskbarView Skicka väntande meddelanden
Sending mail for %name Notifier Skickar e-post för %name
Shutdown mail services DeskbarView Stäng av e-posttjänsterna
Reference in New Issue
Block a user