Some progress on davicom usb ethernet driver. The device is now initialized, and only the interrupt handlers are missing.

git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@34986 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
This commit is contained in:
Adrien Destugues 2010-01-10 13:57:24 +00:00
parent 3314b279e1
commit 7c7f88ea7d
2 changed files with 117 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,23 @@
// Registers
#define NCR 0x00 // Network control
#define RCR 0x05 // RX Control
#define PAR 0x10 // 6 bits - Physical address (MAC)
#define GPCR 0x1E // General purpose control
#define GPR 0x1F // General purpose
#define NCR_LBK 0x06 // Loopback mode
#define RCR_DIS_LONG 0x20 // Discard long packet
#define RCR_DIS_CRC 0x10 // Discard CRC error packet
#define RCR_ALL 0x08 // Pass all multicast
#define RCR_PRMSC 0x02 // Promiscuous
#define RCR_RXEN 0x01 // RX enable
#define GPCR_GEP_CNTL0 0x01 // Power Down function
#define GPR_GEP_GEPIO0 0x01 // Power down
//TODO: multicast support
//TODO: set media state support
@ -60,7 +76,31 @@ DavicomDevice::_ReadRegister(uint8 reg, size_t size, uint8* buffer)
READ_REGISTER, 0, reg, size, buffer, &actualLength);
if (size != actualLength) TRACE_ALWAYS("Size mismatch reading register ! asked %d got %d",size,actualLength);
return B_OK;
return result;
DavicomDevice::_WriteRegister(uint8 reg, size_t size, uint8* buffer)
if (size > 255) return B_BAD_VALUE;
size_t actualLength;
status_t result = gUSBModule->send_request(fDevice,
WRITE_REGISTER, 0, reg, size, buffer, &actualLength);
if (size != actualLength) TRACE_ALWAYS("Size mismatch reading register ! asked %d got %d",size,actualLength);
return result;
DavicomDevice::_Write1Register(uint8 reg, uint8 value)
size_t actualLength;
status_t result = gUSBModule->send_request(fDevice,
WRITE1_REGISTER, 0, reg, 1, &value, &actualLength);
return result;
@ -411,7 +451,7 @@ DavicomDevice::SetupDevice(bool deviceReplugged)
ether_address address;
status_t result = ReadMACAddress(&address);
if(result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error of reading MAC address:%#010x\n", result);
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error reading MAC address:%#010x\n", result);
return result;
@ -443,7 +483,7 @@ DavicomDevice::CompareAndReattach(usb_device device)
= gUSBModule->get_device_descriptor(device);
if (deviceDescriptor == NULL) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error of getting USB device descriptor.\n");
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error getting USB device descriptor.\n");
return B_ERROR;
@ -609,26 +649,28 @@ DavicomDevice::StopDevice()
DavicomDevice::SetPromiscuousMode(bool on)
uint16 rxcontrol = 0;
status_t result = ReadRXControlRegister(&rxcontrol);
if(result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error of reading RX Control:%#010x\n", result);
/* load multicast filter and update promiscious mode bit */
uint8_t rxmode;
status_t result = _ReadRegister(RCR, 1, &rxmode);
if (result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error reading RX Control:%#010x\n", result);
return result;
rxmode &= ~(RCR_ALL | RCR_PRMSC);
rxcontrol |= fPromiscuousBits;
rxcontrol &= ~fPromiscuousBits;
if (on)
rxmode |= RCR_ALL | RCR_PRMSC;
/* else if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)
rxmode |= RCR_ALL; */
result = WriteRXControlRegister(rxcontrol);
if(result != B_OK ) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error of writing %#04x RX Control:%#010x\n", rxcontrol, result);
/* write new mode bits */
result = _Write1Register(RCR, rxmode);
if(result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error writing %#04x to RX Control:%#010x\n", rxmode, result);
return result;
@ -698,35 +740,60 @@ DavicomDevice::_NotifyCallback(void *cookie, int32 status, void *data,
size_t actualLength = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(fIPG)/sizeof(fIPG[0]); i++) {
uint8 tmp_reg;
status_t result = gUSBModule->send_request(fDevice,
WRITE_IPG0, 0, 0, sizeof(fIPG[i]), &fIPG[i], &actualLength);
if(result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error writing IPG%d: %#010x\n", i, result);
return result;
if(actualLength != sizeof(fIPG[i])) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Mismatch of written IPG%d data. "
"%d bytes of %d written.\n", i, actualLength, sizeof(fIPG[i]));
/* disable loopback */
status_t result = _ReadRegister(NCR, 1, &tmp_reg);
if (result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error reading NCR: %#010x.\n", result);
return result;
uint16 rxcontrol = RXCTL_START | RXCTL_MULTICAST
status_t result = WriteRXControlRegister(rxcontrol);
if(result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error of writing %#04x RX Control:%#010x\n", rxcontrol, result);
tmp_reg &= ~NCR_LBK;
result = _Write1Register(NCR, tmp_reg);
if (result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error writing %#02X to NCR: %#010x.\n", tmp_reg, result);
return result;
return result;
return B_ERROR;
/* Initialize RX control register */
result = _ReadRegister(RCR, 1, &tmp_reg);
if (result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error reading RCR: %#010x.\n", result);
return result;
result = _Write1Register(RCR, tmp_reg);
if (result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error writing %#02X to RCR: %#010x.\n", tmp_reg, result);
return result;
/* clear POWER_DOWN state of internal PHY */
result = _ReadRegister(GPCR, 1, &tmp_reg);
if (result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error reading GPCR: %#010x.\n", result);
return result;
tmp_reg &= GPCR_GEP_CNTL0;
result = _Write1Register(GPCR, tmp_reg);
if (result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error writing %#02X to GPCR: %#010x.\n", tmp_reg, result);
return result;
result = _ReadRegister(GPR, 1, &tmp_reg);
if (result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error reading GPR: %#010x.\n", result);
return result;
tmp_reg &= ~GPR_GEP_GEPIO0;
result = _Write1Register(GPR, tmp_reg);
if (result != B_OK) {
TRACE_ALWAYS("Error writing %#02X to GPR: %#010x.\n", tmp_reg, result);
return result;
return B_OK;
@ -775,6 +842,7 @@ DavicomDevice::OnNotify(uint32 actualLength)
if (linkStateChange && fLinkStateChangeSem >= B_OK)
release_sem_etc(fLinkStateChangeSem, 1, B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE);
TRACE_ALWAYS("OnNotify not implemented\n");
return B_ERROR; // shoulb be B_OK when implemented :)
@ -814,6 +882,7 @@ DavicomDevice::GetLinkState(ether_link_state *linkState)
linkState->speed / 1000,
(linkState->media & IFM_FULL_DUPLEX) ? "full" : "half");
TRACE_ALWAYS("GetLinkState not implemented\n");
return B_ERROR; // B_OK

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@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ static void _NotifyCallback(void *cookie, int32 status,
status_t _SetupEndpoints();
status_t _ReadRegister(uint8 reg, size_t size, uint8* buffer);
status_t _WriteRegister(uint8 reg, size_t size, uint8* buffer);
status_t _Write1Register(uint8 reg, uint8 buffer);
/* overrides */