Document the BMenuItem class in the Haiku Book.
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* Copyright 2014 Haiku Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* John Scipione,
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/interface/MenuItem.h hrev46953
* src/kits/interface/MenuItem.cpp hrev46953
\file MenuItem.h
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief BMenuItem class definition.
\class BMenuItem
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief Display item for the BMenu class.
A BMenuItem either consists of a label or a submenu and message that
is sent to the attached menu's target when the item is selected. BMenu
and BMenuItem work in concert with each other in order to create a
menu tree hierarchy. BMenuItem's serve as nodes in the tree while
BMenu's serve as branches.
\sa SetLabel()
A menu item, unless it represents a submenu, can have a keyboard
shortcut which is a printable character used in combination with
the \key{Command} key and possibly other modifiers to invoke the item.
The shortcut is displayed right of the item's label.
\sa SetShortcut()
A menu item may also have a trigger character assigned to it that
invokes the item without using the \key{Command} key. The trigger
characters is drawn underlined in the menu item's label. Unlike
shortcuts, triggers are automatically assigned to a menu item. You
can set the trigger character explicitly by calling SetTrigger().
\sa SetTrigger()
\attention Triggers are currently disabled.
Both the shortcut character and trigger character are case-insensitive.
A menu item may be marked, which draws a checkmark on the left side
of the item. only one menu items may
be marked at a time if attached to a menu in radio mode.
\sa SetMarked()
\sa BMenu::SetRadioMode()
Menu items can also be enabled or disabled. A disabled item's label is drawn
in a lighter color to indicate that it may not be used. A disabled menu
item may not be selected or invoked. If the menu item controls a submenu the
submenu may still be opened but each of the items will be disabled.
\sa SetEnabled()
\fn BMenuItem::BMenuItem(const char* label, BMessage* message,
char shortcut, uint32 modifiers)
\brief Creates a new BMenuItem object with the specified \a label
and \a message.
\param label The text \a label that is displayed.
\param message The BMessage that is sent when the item is selected.
\param shortcut The \a shortcut characters to activate the menu item.
\param modifiers The modifier keys to active the menu item,
\c B_COMMAND_KEY is assumed.
\fn BMenuItem::BMenuItem(BMenu* menu, BMessage* message)
\brief Creates a new BMenuItem object with the specified \a menu
and \a message.
The menu item's label is derived from the \a menu name. This method
makes the menu item a submenu.
\param menu The \a menu to assign to the item.
\param message The BMessage that is sent when the item is selected.
\fn BMenuItem::BMenuItem(BMessage* data)
\brief Archive constructor.
\param data The message \a data to construct the menu item from.
\fn BArchivable* BMenuItem::Instantiate(BMessage* data)
\brief Creates a new BMenuItem object from an \a data message.
\return A newly created BMenuItem object or \c NULL if the message
doesn't contain an archived BMenuItem.
\fn status_t BMenuItem::Archive(BMessage* data, bool deep) const
\brief Archives the the BMenuItem object into the \a data message.
Adds the label and current state of the BMenuItem to the archive.
\param data A pointer to the BMessage to archive the object into.
\param deep Whether or not to archive attached menus as well.
\return A status code, \c B_OK if everything went well or an error code
\retval B_OK The object was archived successfully.
\retval B_NO_MEMORY Ran out of memory while archiving the object.
\fn BMenuItem::~BMenuItem()
\brief Destructor.
Also frees the memory used by the label or submenu.
\fn void BMenuItem::SetLabel(const char* string)
\brief Sets the menu item label to \a string.
The memory used by the label is copied so you may free the original.
Setting the label invalidates the attached menu.
\param string The \a string to set the label to.
\fn void BMenuItem::SetEnabled(bool enable)
\brief Enables or disables the menu item.
Enabling or disabling the menu item invalidates the attached menu.
\param enable \c true to enable the menu item, \c false to disable it.
\fn void BMenuItem::SetMarked(bool mark)
\brief Marks or unmarks the menu item.
Marking or unmarking the menu item invalidates the attached menu.
Marking a menu item attached to a menu in radio mode causes the currently
marked item to be unmarked.
\param mark \c true to mark the menu item, \c false to unmark it.
\sa BMenu::SetRadioMode()
\fn void BMenuItem::SetTrigger(char trigger)
\brief Set the character that activates this menu item. The triggered
character is drawn underlined in the menu.
\attention Triggers are currently disabled.
\param trigger The trigger character to set on this menu item.
\fn void BMenuItem::SetShortcut(char shortcut, uint32 modifiers)
\brief Set the keyboard shortcut of the menu item.
Setting a shortcut invalidates the attached menu.
This method will override the existing shortcut set to the window.
\param shortcut The ASCII shortcut character to set.
\param modifiers A bitmap mask of modifier keys used to activate
the shortcut.
\fn const char* BMenuItem::Label() const
\brief Returns the item's label.
\return The item's label as a const char array.
\fn bool BMenuItem::IsEnabled() const
\brief Returns whether or not the item is enabled.
\return \c true if the item is enabled, \c false if disabled.
\fn bool BMenuItem::IsMarked() const
\brief Returns whether or not the item is marked.
\return \c true if the item is marked, \c false if unmarked.
\fn char BMenuItem::Trigger() const
\brief Returns the item's trigger character.
\return The current trigger character as a char or 0 if unset.
\fn char BMenuItem::Shortcut(uint32* modifiers) const
\brief Returns the currently set shortcut and fills out \a modifiers
with a bitmap of the modifier keys required to invoke the item.
\param modifiers A pointer to a uint32 to fill out.
\return The shortcut character assigned to the menu item as a char.
\fn BMenu* BMenuItem::Submenu() const
\brief Returns a pointer to the attached menu.
\return A pointer to the attached menu.
\fn BMenu* BMenuItem::Menu() const
\brief Returns a pointer to the menu that the item is attached to.
\return A pointer to the menu that the item is attached to.
\fn BRect BMenuItem::Frame() const
\brief Returns the bounds rectangle of the menu item.
\return The bounds rectangle of the menu item in the coordinate system
of the menu that the item is attached to.
\fn void BMenuItem::GetContentSize(float* width, float* height)
\brief Fills out \a width and \a height with the content rectangle
You only need to call this method if you're implementing your own
DrawContent() method to override how the contents of the menu item
are drawn.
The content rectangle excludes the item margins and the area that
contains the checkmark, shortcut, and submenu arrow.
The content rectangle can be calculated using this method as well as
ContentLocation() to get location of the top left corner.
\param width Filled out with the \a width of the content rectangle.
\param height Filled out with the \a height of the content rectangle.
\sa ContentLocation()
\sa DrawContent()
\fn void BMenuItem::TruncateLabel(float maxWidth, char* newLabel)
\brief Truncates the label and stashes it into \a newLabel.
You are responsible for allocating \a newLabel with enough space to fit
the label including the trailing \c NUL. The method will \c NUL terminate
the string for you.
\param maxWidth The maximum number of bytes to truncate the label to.
\param newLabel The buffer to store the truncated label in.
\fn void BMenuItem::DrawContent()
\brief Hook method used to draw the menu items contents.
This method is called automatically by BMenu::Draw(), you need not call it
yourself. You may want to override this method in derived classes to do
something different than drawing a text label.
\fn void BMenuItem::Draw()
\brief Hook method used to draw the menu items.
This method is called by automatically by BMenu::Draw(). You should not need to
call this method yourself but you may want to override it in a derived class
to do something other than the default. The default draws the mark, shortcut
and possibly a right arrow to indicate there is submenu and then calls
DrawContent() to fill in the label. Lastly Highlight() is called if the item
is selected.
\fn void BMenuItem::Highlight(bool highlight)
\brief Highlights or unhighlights the menu item.
This method is called by Draw() when the item is selected or unselected.
You shouldn't need to call this method unless you override the Draw()
method in a derived class and you want to highlight differently.
\param highlight Highlights if \a highlight is \c true,
unhighlights if \c false.
\fn bool BMenuItem::IsSelected() const
\brief Returns whether or not the item is selected.
\return \c true if selected, \c false if not selected.
\fn BPoint BMenuItem::ContentLocation() const
\brief Returns the top-left point of the content rectangle.
You only need to call this method if you're implementing your own
DrawContent() method to override how the contents of the menu item
are drawn.
The content rectangle can be calculated using this method as well as
GetContentSize() to get the width and height.
\return The top-left point of the content rectangle as a BPoint in the
coordinate system of the attached BMenu.
\sa GetContentSize()
\sa DrawContent()
\fn status_t BMenuItem::Invoke(BMessage* message)
\brief Sends a copy of the model \a message to the target.
This method extends BInvoker::Invoke() to guarantee that only enabled items
attached to the menu can be invoked and automatically marks the item.
The following fields added to the \a message:
- "when" \c B_INT64_TYPE system_time()
- "source" \c B_POINTER_TYPE A pointer to the menu item object.
- "index" \c B_INT32_TYPE The index of the menu item.
\param message The message to send or \c NULL to send the message set in
the constructor.
\return \c B_OK on success or an error code on error.
\retval B_OK The message was sent successfully.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE The message was \c NULL.
\sa BInvoker::Invoke()
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