+ Added code for:

- {Get,Set}PreferredApp()
  - {Get,Set}AppHint()
  - {Get,Set}Icon()
+ Added any missing doxygen

SetIcon() is currently not implemented as I would like,
due to us needing an OBOS::BBitmap implementation.
Thus there are two versions and the GetIconData()
function until that day comes around.

git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/trunk/current@818 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
This commit is contained in:
Tyler Dauwalder 2002-08-19 08:37:50 +00:00
parent 691354c6d0
commit 55f345fd20
2 changed files with 543 additions and 19 deletions

@ -24,16 +24,17 @@ public:
status_t Install(const char *type);
status_t Delete(const char *type);
bool IsInstalled(const char *type) const;
// status_t GetIcon(BBitmap *icon, icon_size size) const;
// status_t GetPreferredApp(char *signature, app_verb verb = B_OPEN) const;
status_t GetIcon(const char *type, BBitmap *icon, icon_size size) const;
status_t GetPreferredApp(const char *type, char *signature, app_verb verb = B_OPEN) const;
// status_t GetAttrInfo(BMessage *info) const;
// status_t GetFileExtensions(BMessage *extensions) const;
status_t GetShortDescription(const char *type, char *description) const;
status_t GetLongDescription(const char *type, char *description) const;
// status_t GetSupportingApps(BMessage *signatures) const;
// status_t SetIcon(const BBitmap *icon, icon_size size);
// status_t SetPreferredApp(const char *signature, app_verb verb = B_OPEN);
status_t SetIcon(const char *type, const BBitmap *icon, icon_size size);
status_t SetIcon(const char *type, icon_size size, const void *data, size_t dataSize);
status_t SetPreferredApp(const char *type, const char *signature, app_verb verb = B_OPEN);
// status_t SetAttrInfo(const BMessage *info);
// status_t SetFileExtensions(const BMessage *extensions);
status_t SetShortDescription(const char *type, const char *description);
@ -46,8 +47,8 @@ public:
// static status_t GetWildcardApps(BMessage *wild_ones);
// static bool IsValid(const char *mimeType);
// status_t GetAppHint(entry_ref *ref) const;
// status_t SetAppHint(const entry_ref *ref);
status_t GetAppHint(const char *type, entry_ref *ref) const;
status_t SetAppHint(const char *type, const entry_ref *ref);
/* for application signatures only.*/
// status_t GetIconForType(const char *type, BBitmap *icon,
@ -70,8 +71,13 @@ public:
status_t StartWatching(BMessenger target);
status_t StopWatching(BMessenger target);
static const char* kDefaultDatabaseDir;
static status_t GetIconData(const BBitmap *icon, icon_size size, void **data, int32 *dataSize);
static const char *kDefaultDatabaseDir;
static const char *kMiniIconAttribute;
static const char *kLargeIconAttribute;
ssize_t ReadMimeAttr(const char *type, const char *attr, void *data,
size_t len, type_code datatype) const;
status_t WriteMimeAttr(const char *type, const char *attr, const void *data,

@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
// MimeDatabase.cpp
#include <Application.h>
#include <Bitmap.h>
#include <Directory.h>
#include <Entry.h>
#include <Message.h>
#include <MimeType.h>
#include <Node.h>
#include <Path.h>
#include <TypeConstants.h>
#include <ctype.h> // For tolower()
#include <ctype.h> // For tolower()
#include <fs_attr.h> // For struct attr_info
#include <iostream>
#include <new> // For new(nothrow)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "MimeDatabase.h"
@ -19,6 +23,25 @@
#define DBG(x)
#define OUT printf
// attribute names
namespace {
const char *kTypeAttr = ATTR_PREFIX "TYPE";
const char *kPreferredAppAttr = ATTR_PREFIX "PREF_APP";
const char *kAppHintAttr = ATTR_PREFIX "PPATH";
const char *kMiniIconAttr = ATTR_PREFIX "M:STD_ICON";
const char *kLargeIconAttr = ATTR_PREFIX "L:STD_ICON";
const char *kShortDescriptionAttr = ATTR_PREFIX "S:DESC";
const char *kLongDescriptionAttr = ATTR_PREFIX "L:DESC";
// icon types
enum {
namespace BPrivate {
//const char* MimeDatabase::kDefaultDatabaseDir = "/boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime";
@ -29,7 +52,7 @@ std::string
to_lower(const char *str) {
if (str) {
std::string result = "";
for (uint i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
result += tolower(str[i]);
return result;
} else
@ -86,6 +109,7 @@ MimeDatabase::InitCheck()
\param decsription Pointer to a NULL-terminated string containing the new long description
- B_OK: success
- B_FILE_EXISTS: the type is already installed
- "error code": failure
@ -125,13 +149,126 @@ MimeDatabase::Delete(const char *type)
return err;
// IsInstalled
//! Checks if the given MIME type is present in the database
MimeDatabase::IsInstalled(const char *type) const {
MimeDatabase::IsInstalled(const char *type) const
BNode node;
return OpenType(type, &node) == B_OK;
// GetIcon
//! Fetches the icon of given size associated with the given MIME type
/*! The bitmap pointed to by \c icon must be of the proper size (\c 32x32
for \c B_LARGE_ICON, \c 16x16 for \c B_MINI_ICON) and color depth
(\c B_CMAP8).
\param type The mime type
\param icon Pointer to a pre-allocated bitmap of proper dimensions and color depth
\param size The size icon you're interested in (\c B_LARGE_ICON or \c B_MINI_ICON)
MimeDatabase::GetIcon(const char *type, BBitmap *icon, icon_size size) const
attr_info info;
ssize_t err;
BNode node;
std::string attr;
uint32 attrType;
size_t attrSize;
BRect bounds;
char *buffer;
err = type && icon ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
// Figure out what kind of data we *should* find
if (!err) {
switch (size) {
attr = kMiniIconAttr;
bounds.Set(0, 0, 15, 15);
attrType = B_MINI_ICON_TYPE;
attrSize = 16 * 16;
attr = kLargeIconAttr;
bounds.Set(0, 0, 31, 31);
attrSize = 32 * 32;
err = B_BAD_VALUE;
// Check the icon and attribute to see if they match
if (!err)
err = (icon->InitCheck() == B_OK && icon->Bounds() == bounds) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
if (!err)
err = OpenType(type, &node);
if (!err)
err = node.GetAttrInfo(attr.c_str(), &info);
if (!err)
err = (attrType == info.type && attrSize == info.size) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
// read the attribute
if (!err) {
bool otherColorSpace = (icon->ColorSpace() != B_CMAP8);
char *buffer = NULL;
ssize_t read;
if (otherColorSpace) {
// other color space than stored in attribute
buffer = new(nothrow) char[attrSize];
if (!buffer)
err = B_NO_MEMORY;
if (!err)
err = node.ReadAttr(attr.c_str(), attrType, 0, buffer, attrSize);
} else {
// same color space, just read direct
err = node.ReadAttr(attr.c_str(), attrType, 0, icon->Bits(), attrSize);
if (err >= 0)
err = (err == attrSize) ? B_OK : B_FILE_ERROR;
if (otherColorSpace) {
if (!err) {
icon->SetBits(buffer, attrSize, 0, B_CMAP8);
err = icon->InitCheck();
delete[] buffer;
return err;
// GetPreferredApp
//! Fetches signature of the MIME type's preferred application for the given action.
/*! The string pointed to by \c signature must be long enough to
hold the short description; a length of \c B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH+1 is
Currently, the only supported app verb is \c B_OPEN.
\param type The MIME type of interest
\param description Pointer to a pre-allocated string into which the preferred
application's signature is copied. If the function fails, the
contents of the string are undefined.
\param verb \c The action of interest
- \c B_OK: Success
- \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: No such preferred application exists
- "error code": Failure
MimeDatabase::GetPreferredApp(const char *type, char *signature, app_verb verb = B_OPEN) const
// Since B_OPEN is the currently the only app_verb, it is essentially ignored
ssize_t err = ReadMimeAttr(type, kPreferredAppAttr, signature, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH, B_RAW_TYPE);
return err >= 0 ? B_OK : err ;
// GetShortDescription
//! Fetches the short description for the given MIME type.
/*! The string pointed to by \c description must be long enough to
@ -149,9 +286,10 @@ MimeDatabase::IsInstalled(const char *type) const {
- "error code": Failure
MimeDatabase::GetShortDescription(const char *type, char *description) const {
MimeDatabase::GetShortDescription(const char *type, char *description) const
/// DBG(OUT("MimeDatabase::GetShortDescription()\n"));
ssize_t err = ReadMimeAttr(type, "META:S:DESC", description, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH, B_RAW_TYPE);
ssize_t err = ReadMimeAttr(type, kShortDescriptionAttr, description, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH, B_RAW_TYPE);
return err >= 0 ? B_OK : err ;
@ -174,10 +312,256 @@ MimeDatabase::GetShortDescription(const char *type, char *description) const {
MimeDatabase::GetLongDescription(const char *type, char *description) const {
// DBG(OUT("MimeDatabase::GetLongDescription()\n"));
ssize_t err = ReadMimeAttr(type, "META:L:DESC", description, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH, B_RAW_TYPE);
ssize_t err = ReadMimeAttr(type, kLongDescriptionAttr, description, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH, B_RAW_TYPE);
return err >= 0 ? B_OK : err ;
// GetIconData
/*! \brief Returns properly formatted raw bitmap data, ready to be shipped off to the hacked
up 4-parameter version of MimeDatabase::SetIcon()
This function exists as something of a hack until an OBOS::BBitmap implementation is
available. It takes the given bitmap, converts it to the B_CMAP8 color space if necessary
and able, and returns said bitmap data in a newly allocated array pointed to by the
pointer that's pointed to by \c data. The length of the array is stored in the integer
pointed to by \c dataSize. The array is allocated with \c new[], and it's your responsibility
to \c delete[] it when you're finished.
MimeDatabase::GetIconData(const BBitmap *icon, icon_size size, void **data, int32 *dataSize)
ssize_t err = (icon && data && size && icon->InitCheck() == B_OK) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
BRect bounds;
const char *attr = (size == B_MINI_ICON) ? kMiniIconAttr : kLargeIconAttr;
int32 attrType;
int32 attrSize;
BBitmap *icon8 = NULL;
void *srcData = NULL;
bool otherColorSpace = false;
// Figure out what kind of data we *should* have
if (!err) {
switch (size) {
bounds.Set(0, 0, 15, 15);
attrType = B_MINI_ICON_TYPE;
attrSize = 16 * 16;
bounds.Set(0, 0, 31, 31);
attrSize = 32 * 32;
err = B_BAD_VALUE;
// Check the icon
if (!err)
err = (icon->Bounds() == bounds) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
// Convert to B_CMAP8 if necessary
if (!err) {
otherColorSpace = (icon->ColorSpace() != B_CMAP8);
if (otherColorSpace) {
icon8 = new BBitmap(bounds, B_CMAP8);
if (!icon8)
err = B_NO_MEMORY;
if (!err) {
switch (icon->ColorSpace()) {
case B_RGB32:
// Set each pixel individually, since SetBits() for B_RGB32 takes
// 24-bit rgb pixel data...
char *bgra = (char*)icon->Bits();
for (uint32 i = 0; i*4+3 < icon->BitsLength(); bgra += 4, i++) {
char rgb[3];
rgb[0] = bgra[2]; // red
rgb[1] = bgra[1]; // green
rgb[2] = bgra[0]; // blue
icon8->SetBits(rgb, 3, i, B_RGB32);
case B_GRAY1:
icon8->SetBits(icon->Bits(), icon->BitsLength(), 0, B_GRAY1);
err = B_BAD_VALUE;
if (!err)
err = icon8->InitCheck(); // I don't think this is actually useful, even if SetBits() fails...
if (!err) {
srcData = icon8->Bits();
*dataSize = icon8->BitsLength();
} else {
srcData = icon->Bits();
*dataSize = icon->BitsLength();
// Alloc a new data buffer
if (!err) {
*data = new char[*dataSize];
if (!*data)
err = B_NO_MEMORY;
// Copy the data into it.
if (!err)
memcpy(*data, srcData, *dataSize);
if (otherColorSpace)
delete icon8;
return err;
//! Sets the icon for the given mime type
/*! This is the version I would have used if I could have gotten a BBitmap
to the registrar somehow. Since R5::BBitmap::Instantiate is causing a
violent crash, I've copied most of the icon color conversion code into
MimeDatabase::GetIconData() so BMimeType::SetIcon() can get at it.
Once we have a sufficiently complete OBOS::BBitmap implementation, we
ought to be able to use this version of SetIcon() again. At that point,
I'll add some real documentation.
MimeDatabase::SetIcon(const char *type, const BBitmap *icon, icon_size size)
ssize_t err = (type && icon && icon->InitCheck() == B_OK) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
BRect bounds;
const char *attr = (size == B_MINI_ICON) ? kMiniIconAttr : kLargeIconAttr;
int32 attrType;
int32 attrSize;
BBitmap *icon8 = NULL;
void *data = NULL;
bool otherColorSpace = false;
// Figure out what kind of data we *should* have
if (!err) {
switch (size) {
bounds.Set(0, 0, 15, 15);
attrType = B_MINI_ICON_TYPE;
attrSize = 16 * 16;
bounds.Set(0, 0, 31, 31);
attrSize = 32 * 32;
err = B_BAD_VALUE;
// Check the icon
if (!err)
err = (icon->Bounds() == bounds) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
// Convert to B_CMAP8 if necessary
if (!err) {
otherColorSpace = (icon->ColorSpace() != B_CMAP8);
if (otherColorSpace) {
icon8 = new BBitmap(bounds, B_CMAP8);
if (!icon8)
err = B_NO_MEMORY;
if (!err) {
icon8->SetBits(icon->Bits(), icon->BitsLength(), 0, icon->ColorSpace());
err = icon8->InitCheck();
if (!err)
data = icon8->Bits();
} else
data = icon->Bits();
// Write the icon data
BNode node;
if (!err)
err = OpenOrCreateType(type, &node);
if (!err)
err = node.WriteAttr(attr, attrType, 0, data, attrSize);
if (err >= 0)
err = (err == attrSize) ? B_OK : B_FILE_ERROR;
if (otherColorSpace)
delete icon8;
return err;
//! Sets the icon for the given mime type
/*! This is a hacked up temporary version of this function that we'll use until
we have a sufficiently complete OBOS::BBitmap implementation.
MimeDatabase::SetIcon(const char *type, icon_size size, const void *data, size_t dataSize)
ssize_t err = (type && data) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
const char *attr = (size == B_MINI_ICON) ? kMiniIconAttr : kLargeIconAttr;
int32 attrType;
int32 attrSize;
// Figure out what kind of data we *should* have
if (!err) {
switch (size) {
attrType = B_MINI_ICON_TYPE;
attrSize = 16 * 16;
attrSize = 32 * 32;
err = B_BAD_VALUE;
// Double check the data we've been given
if (!err)
err = (dataSize == attrSize) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
// Write the icon data
BNode node;
if (!err)
err = OpenOrCreateType(type, &node);
if (!err)
err = node.WriteAttr(attr, attrType, 0, data, attrSize);
if (err >= 0)
err = (err == attrSize) ? B_OK : B_FILE_ERROR;
return err;
// SetPreferredApp
/*! \brief Sets the signature of the preferred application for the given app verb
Currently, the only supported app verb is \c B_OPEN
\param type Pointer to a NULL-terminated string containing the MIME type of interest
\param signature Pointer to a NULL-terminated string containing the MIME signature
of the new preferred application
\param verb \c app_verb action for which the new preferred application is applicable
MimeDatabase::SetPreferredApp(const char *type, const char *signature, app_verb verb = B_OPEN)
status_t err = (type && signature && strlen(signature) < B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
if (!err)
err = WriteMimeAttr(type, kPreferredAppAttr, signature, strlen(signature)+1, B_RAW_TYPE);
if (!err)
err = SendMonitorUpdate(B_PREFERRED_APP_CHANGED, type);
return err;
// SetShortDescription
/*! \brief Sets the short description for the given MIME type
\param type Pointer to a NULL-terminated string containing the MIME type of interest
@ -189,7 +573,7 @@ MimeDatabase::SetShortDescription(const char *type, const char *description)
status_t err = (type && description && strlen(description) < B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
if (!err)
WriteMimeAttr(type, "META:S:DESC", description, strlen(description)+1, B_RAW_TYPE);
err = WriteMimeAttr(type, kShortDescriptionAttr, description, strlen(description)+1, B_RAW_TYPE);
if (!err)
err = SendMonitorUpdate(B_SHORT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED, type);
return err;
@ -206,12 +590,140 @@ MimeDatabase::SetLongDescription(const char *type, const char *description)
status_t err = (type && description && strlen(description) < B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
if (!err)
WriteMimeAttr(type, "META:L:DESC", description, strlen(description)+1, B_RAW_TYPE);
err = WriteMimeAttr(type, kLongDescriptionAttr, description, strlen(description)+1, B_RAW_TYPE);
if (!err)
err = SendMonitorUpdate(B_SHORT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED, type);
return err;
// GetAppHint
//! Fetches the application hint for the given MIME type.
/*! The entry_ref pointed to by \c ref must be pre-allocated.
\param type The MIME type of interest
\param ref Pointer to a pre-allocated \c entry_ref struct into
which the location of the hint application is copied.
- \c B_OK: Success
- \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: No app hint exists for the given type
- "error code": Failure
MimeDatabase::GetAppHint(const char *type, entry_ref *ref) const
char path[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH+1];
BEntry entry;
ssize_t err = ref ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
if (!err)
err = ReadMimeAttr(type, kAppHintAttr, path, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH, B_RAW_TYPE);
if (err >= 0)
err = entry.SetTo(path);
if (!err)
err = entry.GetRef(ref);
return err;
// SetAppHint
/*! \brief Sets the application hint for the given MIME type
\param type Pointer to a NULL-terminated string containing the MIME type of interest
\param decsription Pointer to an entry_ref containing the location of an application
that should be used when launching an application with this signature.
MimeDatabase::SetAppHint(const char *type, const entry_ref *ref)
BPath path;
status_t err = (type && ref) ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
if (!err)
err = path.SetTo(ref);
if (!err)
err = WriteMimeAttr(type, kAppHintAttr, path.Path(), strlen(path.Path())+1, B_RAW_TYPE);
if (!err)
err = SendMonitorUpdate(B_APP_HINT_CHANGED, type);
return err;
// StartWatching
//! Subscribes the given BMessenger to the MIME monitor service
/*! Notification messages will be sent with a \c BMessage::what value
of \c B_META_MIME_CHANGED. Notification messages have the following
<td> Name </td>
<td> Type </td>
<td> Description </td>
<td> \c be:type </td>
<td> \c B_STRING_TYPE </td>
<td> The MIME type that was changed </td>
<td> \c be:which </td>
<td> \c B_INT32_TYPE </td>
<td> Bitmask describing which attributes were changed (see below) </td>
<td> \c be:extra_type </td>
<td> \c B_STRING_TYPE </td>
<td> Additional MIME type string (applicable to B_ICON_FOR_TYPE_CHANGED notifications only)</td>
<td> \c be:large_icon </td>
<td> \c B_BOOL_TYPE </td>
<td> \c true if the large icon was changed, \c false if the small icon
was changed (applicable to B_ICON_[FOR_TYPE_]CHANGED updates only) </td>
The \c be:which field of the message describes which attributes were updated, and
may be the bitwise \c OR of any of the following values:
<td> Value </td>
<td> Triggered By </td>
<td> \c B_ICON_CHANGED </td>
<td> \c BMimeType::SetIcon() </td>
<td> \c BMimeType::SetPreferredApp() </td>
<td> \c B_ATTR_INFO_CHANGED </td>
<td> \c BMimeType::SetAttrInfo() </td>
<td> \c BMimeType::SetFileExtensions() </td>
<td> \c BMimeType::SetShortDescription() </td>
<td> \c BMimeType::SetLongDescription() </td>
<td> \c BMimeType::SetIconForType() </td>
<td> \c B_APP_HINT_CHANGED </td>
<td> \c BMimeType::SetAppHint() </td>
\param target The \c BMessenger to subscribe to the MIME monitor service
MimeDatabase::StartWatching(BMessenger target)
@ -222,11 +734,15 @@ MimeDatabase::StartWatching(BMessenger target)
return err;
// StartWatching
//! Unsubscribes the given BMessenger from the MIME monitor service
/*! \param target The \c BMessenger to unsubscribe
MimeDatabase::StopWatching(BMessenger target)
status_t err = fMonitorSet.find(target) != fMonitorSet.end() ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
status_t err = fMonitorSet.find(target) != fMonitorSet.end() ? B_OK : B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;
if (!err)
return err;
@ -352,6 +868,8 @@ MimeDatabase::OpenOrCreateType(const char *type, BNode *result)
return err;
// TypeToFilename
//! Converts the given MIME type to an absolute path in the MIME database.
MimeDatabase::TypeToFilename(const char *type) const
@ -468,4 +986,4 @@ MimeDatabase::SendMonitorUpdate(BMessage &msg) {
} // namespace BPrivate
} // namespace BPrivate