From 34c0029e93bec9c1745a1e79e62e31659b31db06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Niels Sascha Reedijk <>
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2013 06:57:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update translations from Pootle

 .../media/media-add-ons/mixer/hu.catkeys      |  2 +-
 .../media-add-ons/multi_audio/be.catkeys      | 34 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../media-add-ons/multi_audio/hu.catkeys      | 34 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../media-add-ons/multi_audio/ja.catkeys      | 28 +++++++++++++++
 .../media-add-ons/multi_audio/pt_BR.catkeys   | 34 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../media-add-ons/multi_audio/sv.catkeys      | 34 +++++++++++++++++++
 data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/hu.catkeys      |  3 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/expander/ru.catkeys        |  4 ++-
 data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/hu.catkeys |  8 ++---
 data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/ja.catkeys |  8 ++---
 .../apps/firstbootprompt/pt_BR.catkeys        | 14 ++++----
 data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/sv.catkeys | 10 +++---
 data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/ru.catkeys    |  4 ++-
 data/catalogs/apps/installer/sv.catkeys       |  4 ++-
 data/catalogs/apps/mail/hu.catkeys            |  4 +--
 data/catalogs/apps/mail/ru.catkeys            |  6 +++-
 data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/ru.catkeys  |  6 +++-
 data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/sv.catkeys  |  6 +++-
 data/catalogs/apps/people/ru.catkeys          |  4 ++-
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/be.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/de.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/el.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/fi.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/fr.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/hi.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/hu.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/ja.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/lt.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/nb.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/nl.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/pl.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/pt_BR.catkeys     |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/ro.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/ru.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/sk.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/sv.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/uk.catkeys        |  8 +++++
 .../apps/readonlybootprompt/zh_Hans.catkeys   |  8 +++++
 data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/ja.catkeys      |  3 +-
 data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/ru.catkeys      | 19 ++++++++++-
 data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/sv.catkeys      | 10 +++++-
 data/catalogs/apps/terminal/ru.catkeys        | 14 +++++++-
 data/catalogs/kits/tracker/be.catkeys         |  4 ++-
 .../preferences/appearance/ru.catkeys         |  4 ++-
 .../catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/be.catkeys |  3 +-
 .../catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/de.catkeys |  3 +-
 .../catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/hu.catkeys |  3 +-
 .../catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/ja.catkeys |  3 +-
 .../preferences/shortcuts/pt_BR.catkeys       |  3 +-
 .../catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/sv.catkeys |  3 +-
 .../preferences/virtualmemory/be.catkeys      |  3 +-
 data/catalogs/servers/debug/ru.catkeys        |  4 ++-
 .../tests/servers/app/playground/ja.catkeys   |  9 +++--
 53 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/be.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/hu.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/ja.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/pt_BR.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/sv.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/be.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/de.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/el.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/fi.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/fr.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/hi.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/hu.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ja.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/lt.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/nb.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/nl.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/pl.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/pt_BR.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ro.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ru.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/sk.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/sv.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/uk.catkeys
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/zh_Hans.catkeys

diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/mixer/hu.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/mixer/hu.catkeys
index fad7110362..ba5511b234 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/mixer/hu.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/mixer/hu.catkeys
@@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ To master	AudioMixer		Az elsődlegesre
 Master output	AudioMixer		Elsődleges kimenet
 Setup	AudioMixer		Beállítás
 Use non linear gain sliders (like BeOS R5)	AudioMixer		Nem lineáris előerősítés csúszkák használata (mint a BeOS R5-ben)
-Gain	AudioMixer		Előerősítés
+Gain	AudioMixer		Erősítés
 Allow output channel remapping	AudioMixer		Kimeneti csatorna újraképezésének az engedélyezése
 Physical input channels	AudioMixer		Fizikai bemeneti csatornák
diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/be.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5497b93946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/be.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+1	belarusian	x-vnd.Haiku-hmulti_audio.media_addon	451057402
+Master	MultiAudio		Галоўны
+SPDIF	MultiAudio		SPDIF
+Gain	MultiAudio		Гучнасць
+Output 3D center	MultiAudio		Цэнтр Выхад 3D
+Extended Setup	MultiAudio		Пашыраныя Наладкі
+CD	MultiAudio		CD
+Tone control	MultiAudio		Кіраванне тонам
+Phone	MultiAudio		Тэлефон
+Aux	MultiAudio		Дадатковы
+Output bass	MultiAudio		Выхад басу
+Headphones	MultiAudio		Навушнікі
+Beep	MultiAudio		Званок
+Output mono mix	MultiAudio		Выхад моно мікс
+Output stereo mix	MultiAudio		Выхад стэрэа мікс
+Input	MultiAudio		Уваход
+Output treble	MultiAudio		Выхад высокіх
+Mono mix	MultiAudio		Моно мікс
+General	MultiAudio		Агульны
+Input & Output	MultiAudio		Выхад і Ўваход
+Enhanced Setup	MultiAudio		Спец. Наладкі
+Stereo mix	MultiAudio		Стэрэа мікс
+Output 3D depth	MultiAudio		Выхад глыбіня 3D
+Volume	MultiAudio		Гучнасьць
+Output	MultiAudio		Выхад
+Video	MultiAudio		Відэа
+Line	MultiAudio		Лінія
+Mic	MultiAudio		Мікрафон
+ frequency:	MultiAudio		 частата:
+Enable	MultiAudio		Уключыць
+Mute	MultiAudio		Сцішыць
+Wave	MultiAudio		Хваля
+Setup	MultiAudio		Наладкі
+Level	MultiAudio		Узровень
diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/hu.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/hu.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c061c3da02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/hu.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+1	hungarian	x-vnd.Haiku-hmulti_audio.media_addon	451057402
+Master	MultiAudio		Elsődleges
+SPDIF	MultiAudio		SPDIF
+Gain	MultiAudio		Erősítés
+Output 3D center	MultiAudio		Kimeneti 3D közép
+Extended Setup	MultiAudio		További beállítások
+CD	MultiAudio		CD
+Tone control	MultiAudio		Hangszín vezérlés
+Phone	MultiAudio		Telefon
+Aux	MultiAudio		Aux
+Output bass	MultiAudio		Kimeneti basszus
+Headphones	MultiAudio		Fejhallgató
+Beep	MultiAudio		Csipogó
+Output mono mix	MultiAudio		Kimeneti monó keverő
+Output stereo mix	MultiAudio		Kimeneti sztereó keverő
+Input	MultiAudio		Bemenet
+Output treble	MultiAudio		Kimeneti szólam
+Mono mix	MultiAudio		Monó keverő
+General	MultiAudio		Általános
+Input & Output	MultiAudio		Ki- és bemenet
+Enhanced Setup	MultiAudio		További beállítások
+Stereo mix	MultiAudio		Sztereó keverő
+Output 3D depth	MultiAudio		Kimeneti 3D mélység
+Volume	MultiAudio		Hangerő
+Output	MultiAudio		Kimenet
+Video	MultiAudio		Videó
+Line	MultiAudio		Vonalbemenet
+Mic	MultiAudio		Mikrofon
+ frequency:	MultiAudio		 frekvencia:
+Enable	MultiAudio		Engedélyezés
+Mute	MultiAudio		Némítás
+Wave	MultiAudio		Hanghullám
+Setup	MultiAudio		Beállítás
+Level	MultiAudio		Szint
diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/ja.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24ec83672c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/ja.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-hmulti_audio.media_addon	342589902
+Master	MultiAudio		マスター
+SPDIF	MultiAudio		SPDIF
+Gain	MultiAudio		ゲイン
+Extended Setup	MultiAudio		高度な設定
+CD	MultiAudio		CD
+Tone control	MultiAudio		音質調整
+Phone	MultiAudio		電話
+Aux	MultiAudio		Aux
+Headphones	MultiAudio		ヘッドフォン
+Beep	MultiAudio		ビープ音
+Input	MultiAudio		入力
+Mono mix	MultiAudio		モノラルミックス
+General	MultiAudio		一般
+Input & Output	MultiAudio		入出力
+Enhanced Setup	MultiAudio		高度なセットアップ
+Stereo mix	MultiAudio		ステレオミックス
+Volume	MultiAudio		音量
+Output	MultiAudio		出力
+Video	MultiAudio		ビデオ
+Line	MultiAudio		ライン
+Mic	MultiAudio		マイク
+ frequency:	MultiAudio		周波数:
+Enable	MultiAudio		有効にする
+Mute	MultiAudio		ミュート
+Wave	MultiAudio		Wave
+Setup	MultiAudio		セットアップ
+Level	MultiAudio		レベル
diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/pt_BR.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/pt_BR.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecf905a4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/pt_BR.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+1	portuguese (brazil)	x-vnd.Haiku-hmulti_audio.media_addon	451057402
+Master	MultiAudio		Mestre
+SPDIF	MultiAudio		SPDIF
+Gain	MultiAudio		Ganho
+Output 3D center	MultiAudio		Centro da saída 3D
+Extended Setup	MultiAudio		Configuração adicional
+CD	MultiAudio		CD
+Tone control	MultiAudio		Controle de tonalidade
+Phone	MultiAudio		Fone
+Aux	MultiAudio		Aux
+Output bass	MultiAudio		Saída do baixo
+Headphones	MultiAudio		Fones de ouvido
+Beep	MultiAudio		Bip
+Output mono mix	MultiAudio		Misturador da saída mono
+Output stereo mix	MultiAudio		Misturador da saída estéreo
+Input	MultiAudio		Entrada
+Output treble	MultiAudio		Saída de agudos
+Mono mix	MultiAudio		Misturador mono
+General	MultiAudio		Geral
+Input & Output	MultiAudio		Entrada e Saída
+Enhanced Setup	MultiAudio		Configuração Avançada
+Stereo mix	MultiAudio		Misturador estéreo
+Output 3D depth	MultiAudio		Profundidade de saída 3D
+Volume	MultiAudio		Volume
+Output	MultiAudio		Saída
+Video	MultiAudio		Vídeo
+Line	MultiAudio		Linha
+Mic	MultiAudio		Microfone
+ frequency:	MultiAudio		frequência:
+Enable	MultiAudio		Habilitar
+Mute	MultiAudio		Mudo
+Wave	MultiAudio		Onda
+Setup	MultiAudio		Configurar
+Level	MultiAudio		Nível
diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/sv.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19a87b0617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/sv.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-hmulti_audio.media_addon	451057402
+Master	MultiAudio		Master
+SPDIF	MultiAudio		SPDIF
+Gain	MultiAudio		Förstärk
+Output 3D center	MultiAudio		Utgång 3D center
+Extended Setup	MultiAudio		Utökad inställning
+CD	MultiAudio		CD
+Tone control	MultiAudio		Ton kontroll
+Phone	MultiAudio		Telefon
+Aux	MultiAudio		Aux
+Output bass	MultiAudio		Utgångsbas
+Headphones	MultiAudio		Hörlurar
+Beep	MultiAudio		Ljudsignal
+Output mono mix	MultiAudio		Utgång mono mix
+Output stereo mix	MultiAudio		Utgång stereo mix
+Input	MultiAudio		Ingång
+Output treble	MultiAudio		Utgång tredubbel
+Mono mix	MultiAudio		Monomix
+General	MultiAudio		Allmän
+Input & Output	MultiAudio		Ingång & Utgång
+Enhanced Setup	MultiAudio		Avancerad Inställning
+Stereo mix	MultiAudio		Stereomix
+Output 3D depth	MultiAudio		Utgång 3D djup
+Volume	MultiAudio		Volym
+Output	MultiAudio		Utgång
+Video	MultiAudio		Video
+Line	MultiAudio		Linje
+Mic	MultiAudio		Mic
+ frequency:	MultiAudio		 frekvens:
+Enable	MultiAudio		Aktivera
+Mute	MultiAudio		Tyst
+Wave	MultiAudio		Våg
+Setup	MultiAudio		Inställningar
+Level	MultiAudio		Nivå
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/hu.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/hu.catkeys
index 4a154d6253..610be66891 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/hu.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/hu.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	hungarian	x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup	1372142450
+1	hungarian	x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup	1387045579
 DriveSetup	System name		Lemezkezelő
 Delete	MainWindow		Törlés
 Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so!	MainWindow		Biztosan jóváhagyja az adatok felírását a lemezre?\n\nEz esetben a partíció teljes tartalma visszavonhatatlanul meg fog semmisülni.
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ The disk has been successfully initialized.\n	MainWindow		A partíció (%s) hiba
 Could not unmount partition %s.	MainWindow		Nem lehet leválasztani a partíciót (%s).
 Failed to format the partition %s!\n	MainWindow		Nem sikerült előkészíteni a partíciót: „%s”.\n
 Mount	MainWindow		Csatol
+Partition type	PartitionList		Partíció típusa:
 Create	CreateParamsPanel		Létrehoz
 Are you sure you want to format a raw disk? (most people initialize the disk with a partitioning system first) You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk.	MainWindow		Biztosan formázni szeretné a nyers lemezt? (A legtöbb esetben elő szokták készíteni a lemezt formázás előtt.) Ezt még egyszer meg kell majd erősítenie.
 Device	PartitionList		Eszköz
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/expander/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/expander/ru.catkeys
index bc43a0b23f..3e17e4cf4f 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/expander/ru.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/expander/ru.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-Expander	1269216169
+1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-Expander	2603318510
 Expand	ExpanderMenu		Распаковать
 Close window when done expanding	ExpanderPreferences		Закрывать окно после распаковки
 Set destination…	ExpanderMenu		Путь назначения для извлечения…
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ Show contents	ExpanderWindow		Показать содержимое
 Automatically show contents listing	ExpanderPreferences		Автоматически отображать содержимое архива
 OK	ExpanderPreferences		ОК
 Leave destination folder path empty	ExpanderPreferences		Оставить путь назначения пустым
+Failed to create the destination folder.	ExpanderWindow		Не удалось создать папку назначения.
+Create	ExpanderWindow		Создать
 The folder was either moved, renamed or not\nsupported.	ExpanderWindow		Папка была перемещена, переименована либо не\nподдерживается.
 The file doesn't exist	ExpanderWindow		Файл не существует
 Stop	ExpanderMenu		Остановить
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/hu.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/hu.catkeys
index b1f2e593a3..9ffa3e07b1 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/hu.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/hu.catkeys
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-1	hungarian	x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt	2544294242
+1	hungarian	x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt	2649051796
 Custom	BootPromptWindow		Egyéni
-Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Köszönjük, hogy kipróbálja a Haiku-t!\n\nA baloldali listából választhat nyelvet és billentyűzetkiosztást. Mindkét beállítást könnyen átállíthatja majd később az Asztalról.\n\nA Telepítőt vagy az Asztalt indítsuk most el?\n\nMegjegyzés: A Haiku programjait önkéntesek fordítják, folyamatosan. Könnyen megeshet hogy hiányosan, vagy hibásan fordított programokkal fog találkozni. Ha szeretné, csatlakozhat a munkához és kijavíthatja ezeket a <> oldalon. Köszönjük!
-Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Asztal
+Boot to Desktop	BootPromptWindow		Az Asztalt
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Köszönjük, hogy kipróbálja a Haiku-t, reméljük, meg lesz vele elégedve!\n\nA bal oldali listából kiválasztva a nyelvet a felület nyelve és a billentyűzetkiosztás automatikusan beállításra kerül. A későbbiekben ez bármikor módosítható a beállításoknál.\n\nMegjegyzés: a Haiku-t önkéntesek fordítják, így megeshet, hogy valami angolul jelenik meg. Ha Ön is részt szeretne venni a fordításban, akkor csatlakozhat a fordítókhoz a <> oldalon.\n\nA Telepítőt, vagy inkább az Asztalt indítsuk most el?\n
 Language	BootPromptWindow		Nyelv
 Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		A Haiku üdvözli Önt!
-Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Telepítő
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		A Telepítót
 Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Billentyűzetkiosztás
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/ja.catkeys
index 0adbe119b2..bc4b0778cb 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/ja.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/ja.catkeys
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt	2544294242
+1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt	2649051796
 Custom	BootPromptWindow		カスタム
-Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Haikuを試用していただきありがとうございます。Haikuのことを気に入っていただければ幸いです。\n\n左欄からご希望の言語とキーマップの選択がすぐできます。あとで、デスクトップからこれらの設定をすぐに簡単に変更できます。\n\nインストーラーを実行しますか、それともライブCDモードでデスクトップを起動しますか?\n\n注釈:Haikuアプリケーションや他のコンポーネントのロケール化は進行中のため、翻訳されていない部分が表示されることや翻訳がおかしいことがあります。Haikuの翻訳に協力したい方は、haiku-i18n-jp MLにてご連絡ください(。\n
-Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		デスクトップ (ライブ CD)
+Boot to Desktop	BootPromptWindow		デスクトップを起動
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Haikuを試用していただきありがとうございます。Haikuのことを気に入っていただければ幸いです。\n\n左のリストからご希望の言語とキーマップの選択がすぐできます。あとで、デスクトップからこれらの設定をすぐに簡単に変更できます。\n\nインストーラーを実行しますか、それともデスクトップの起動を続行しますか?\n
 Language	BootPromptWindow		言語
-Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Haiku へようこそ!
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Haikuへようこそ!
 Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		インストーラーを実行
 Keymap	BootPromptWindow		キーマップ
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/pt_BR.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/pt_BR.catkeys
index 849efb0335..e8d55925ed 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/pt_BR.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/pt_BR.catkeys
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-1	portuguese (brazil)	x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt	2544294242
+1	portuguese (brazil)	x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt	2649051796
 Custom	BootPromptWindow		Personalizado
-Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Obrigado por experimentar o Haiku! Nós esperamos que você se divirta!!\n\nVocê pode escolher sua língua e o layout do teclado da lista na esquerda da qual serão usadas instantaneamente. Você pode facilmente mudar ambas as configurações no Desktop depois.\n\nVocê deseja abrir o Instalar ou continuar a carregar o Desktop?\n
-Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Desktop (Live-CD)
-Language	BootPromptWindow		Linguagem
-Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Bem vindo ao Haiku!
-Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Executar Instalador
-Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Mapa de Teclas
+Boot to Desktop	BootPromptWindow		Inicializar a Área de Trabalho
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Obrigado por experimentar o Haiku! Esperamos que goste dele!\n\nVocê pode selecionar seu idioma preferido e disposição de teclado a partir da lista à esquerda, os quais serão utilizados imediatamente. Você pode facilmente alterar ambas as definições a partir da Área de Trabalho mais tarde rapidamente.\n\nDeseja executar o Instalador ou continuar inicializando a Área de Trabalho?\n 
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Idioma
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Bem-vindo ao Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Executar o Instalador
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Mapa do teclado
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/sv.catkeys
index f680a108dd..57bcf99123 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/sv.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/sv.catkeys
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt	2544294242
+1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt	2649051796
 Custom	BootPromptWindow		Anpassad
-Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Tack för att du testar Haiku! Vi hoppas att du kommer att gilla det!\n\nDu kan välja ditt föredragna språk och tangentbordslayout från listan till vänster. Du kan enkelt byta båda inställningarna från skrivbordet vid ett senare tillfälle.\n\nVill du starta Installeraren eller gå direkt till skrivbordet?\n
-Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Skrivbordet (Live-CD)
+Boot to Desktop	BootPromptWindow		Boota till Skrivbordet
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Tack för att du testar Haiku! Vi hoppas att du kommer att gilla det!\n \nDu kan ändra till det språk och tangentbordslayout du vill ha från listan till vänster. Valet kommer att gälla direkt. Du kan senare ändra båda inställningarna från skrivbordet\n\nVill du köra installationen eller fortsätta till skrivbordet?\nNotering: Översättning av Haiku till Svenska är något vi arbetar med regelbundet. Du kommer att träffa på delar som inte är översatta. Vill du hjälpa till kan du kontakta oss på <>.\
 Language	BootPromptWindow		Språk
 Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Välkommen till Haiku!
-Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Starta Installeraren
-Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Tangentbordslayout
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Kör Installationen
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Tangentkarta
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/ru.catkeys
index 5ab37fa343..e174cbf45c 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/ru.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/ru.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	russian	x-vnd.haiku-icon_o_matic	3069426771
+1	russian	x-vnd.haiku-icon_o_matic	3933520036
 Select All	Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator		Выделить всё
 Add Style	Icon-O-Matic-AddStylesCmd		Добавить стиль
 Color (#%02x%02x%02x)	Style name after dropping a color		Цвет (#%02x%02x%02x)
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ Untitled	Icon-O-Matic-Main		Новый значок
 Multi Set 	Multi Set (property name)		Множество 
 any of the other lists to	Empty property list - 2nd line		любом другом списке для того,
 Save as…	Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File		Сохранить как…
+Don't save	Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings		Не сохранять
 Change Color	Icon-O-Matic-SetColorCmd		Изменить цвет
 Style	Icon-O-Matic-Menus		Стиль
 <modify path>	Icon-O-Matic-PathCmd		<изменить путь>
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ Undo	Icon-O-Matic-Main		Отменить
 Click on a shape above	Empty transformers list - 1st line		Нажмите на форму выше
 Add Shape	Icon-O-Matic-AddShapesCmd		Добавить форму
 Contour	Transformation		Обводка
+Save changes to current icon before closing?	Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings		Сохранить изменения теущего значка перед закрытием?
 <nothing to redo>	Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Edit		<нечего возвращать>
 Perspective	Transformation		Перспектива
 Move Transformer	Icon-O-Matic-MoveTransformersCmd		Переместить трансформатор
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sv.catkeys
index e6c61f955c..ba2d09258a 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sv.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/sv.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-Installer	3015727137
+1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-Installer	3488795908
 So behind the other menu entries towards the bottom of the file, add something similar to these lines:\n\n	InstallerApp		Efter de andra menyposterna mot slutet av filen, lägg till något som liknar dessa rader:\n\n
 Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system?	InstallerWindow		Är du säker på att du vill avbryta installationen och starta om systemet
 \t}\n\n	InstallerApp		\t}\n\n
@@ -109,12 +109,14 @@ NOTE: While the naming strategy for hard disks is still as described under 2.1)
 Cancel	InstallProgress		Avbryt
 Running Boot Manager and DriveSetup…\n\nClose both applications to continue with the installation.	InstallerWindow		Kör Boot Manager och DriveSetup…\n\nStäng båda programmen för att fortsätta med installationen.
 Try installing anyway	InstallProgress		Försök installera iallafall
+So below the heading that must not be edited, add something similar to these lines:\n\n	InstallerApp		Under rubriken ska inte ändras. Lägg till något liknande till dessa rader:\n\n
 Are you sure you want to to stop the installation?	InstallerWindow		Är du säker på att du vill stoppa installationen?
 Onto:	InstallerWindow		På:
 Please close the Boot Manager window before closing the Installer window.	InstallerWindow		Stäng Boot Manager fönstret före du stänger installatione fönstret.
 3)   When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"Welcome\" and \"Userguide\" documentation. There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n	InstallerApp		3)   När du har startat Haiku första gången. Läs gärna våra dokument \"Välkommen\" och \"Användarguid\". Det finns länkar på skrivbordet och i WebPositive's bokmärken.\n\n
 Tools	InstallerWindow		Verktyg
 The mount point could not be retrieved.	InstallProgress		Monteringspunkt kunde inte läsas av.
+The target volume is not empty. Are you sure you want to install anyway?\n\nNote: The 'system' folder will be a clean copy from the source volume, all other folders will be merged, whereas files and links that exist on both the source and target volume will be overwritten with the source volume version.	InstallProgress		volymen du vill installera till är inte tom. Vill du installera ändå?\n\nNotera: System foldern kommer att tömmas och vara en 'ren' kopia från käll katalogen. Övriga mappar kommer att mergas och de filer och länkar som finns både i källmappen och destinations mappen kommer att skrivas över med källmappen.
 You can see the correct partition in GParted for example.\n\n\n	InstallerApp		Du kan se de rätta partionerna i tex GParted.\n\n\n
 \ttitle\t\t\t\tHaiku\n	InstallerApp		\t titel\t \t \t \t Haiku\n
 \tsudo <your favorite text editor> /etc/grub.d/40_custom\n\n	InstallerApp		\t sudo <valfri textredigerare> /etc/grub.d/40_custom\n\n
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mail/hu.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mail/hu.catkeys
index cf5d68669a..ee41f920be 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/mail/hu.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mail/hu.catkeys
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Enclosure: %name% (Type: %type%)	Mail	Don't translate the variables %name% and %
 Show icons & labels	Mail		Ikonok és feliratok
 Remove attachment	Mail		Eltávolítás
 Button bar:	Mail		Gombsor:
-spam	B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/spam		spam
+spam	B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/spam		Levélszemét
 Beginner	Mail		Kezdő
 Don't save	Mail		Ne mentse
 Expert	Mail		Haladó
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ The mail_daemon is not running. The message is queued and will be sent when the
 Really delete this signature? This cannot be undone.	Mail		Biztosan törli az aláírást? Ez nem vonható vissza.
 Save this message as a draft before closing?	Mail		Menti ezt az üzenetet piszkozatként bezárás előtt?
 Open	Mail		Megnyitás
-draft	B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/draft		piszkozat
+draft	B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/draft		Piszkozat
 Quote	Mail		Idézet
 Add	Mail		Hozzáadás
 Next message	Mail		Következő levél
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mail/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mail/ru.catkeys
index 9a4dc32db0..80cbf54e82 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/mail/ru.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mail/ru.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	russian	x-vnd.Be-MAIL	2646020355
+1	russian	x-vnd.Be-MAIL	233997769
 View	Mail		Вид
 %d - Date	Mail		%d - Дата
 Attach attributes:	Mail		Прикрепление атрибутов:
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Edit	Mail		Изменить
 Print	Mail		Печать
 <none>	Mail		<пусто>
 New mail message	Mail		Новое сообщение
+Untitled	Mail		Безымянный
 Automatic	Mail		Автоматическая
 Automatically mark mail as read:	Mail		Автоматически помечать письмо как прочитанное:
 helpful message	Mail		полезное сообщение
@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ Close	Mail		Закрыть
 No matches	Mail		Нет совпадений
 The mail_daemon is not running. The message is queued and will be sent when the mail_daemon is started.	Mail		Не запущен mail_daemon. Сообщение поставлено в очередь и будет отправлено как только mail_daemon будет запущен.
 Really delete this signature? This cannot be undone.	Mail		Действительно удалить эту подпись? Эту операцию будет невозможно отменить.
+Save this message as a draft before closing?	Mail		Сохранитьэто сообщение в черновики перед закрытием?
 Open	Mail		Открыть
 draft	B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/draft		Черновики
 Quote	Mail		Цитата
@@ -119,6 +121,7 @@ Account:	Mail		Аккаунт:
 Decoding:	Mail		Кодировка:
 Sorry, could not find an application that supports the 'Person' data type.	Mail		Извините, не удалось найти приложение поддерживающее тип файлов 'Персона'.
 Delete	Mail		Удалить
+Don't send	Mail		Не отправлять
 Leave as '%s'	Mail		Оставить как '%s'
 Copy	Mail		Копия
 Mail couldn't find its dictionary.	Mail		Невозможно найти файл словаря.
@@ -133,6 +136,7 @@ Font:	Mail		Шрифт:
 (Address unavailable)	Mail		(Адрес недоступен)
 Save address	Mail		Сохранить адрес
 Queries	Mail		Запросы
+Send this message before closing?	Mail		Отправить это сообщение перед закрытием?
 Save	Mail		Сохранить
 Random	Mail		Случайная
 Close and 	Mail		Закрыть и 
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/ru.catkeys
index 0e8b435053..b2f12acf11 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/ru.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/ru.catkeys
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-MediaConverter	2955071341
+1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-MediaConverter	2722282283
 Video using parameters form settings	MediaConverter		Видео использует параметры из настроек
 Video encoding:	MediaConverter		Кодирование видео:
+Error read audio frame %lld	MediaConverter		Ошибка чтения аудио кадра %lld
 No audio	Audio codecs list		Без аудио
 Error	MediaConverter		Ошибка
 Error loading a file	MediaConverter		Ошибка при загрузке файла
+Error read video frame %lld	MediaConverter		Ошибка чтения видеокадра %lld
 File Error	MediaConverter-FileInfo		Ошибка файла
 Open…	Menu		Открыть…
 Start [ms]: 	MediaConverter		Начало [мс]: 
@@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ Audio:	MediaConverter-FileInfo		Аудио:
 OK	MediaConverter-FileInfo		ОК
  seconds	MediaFileInfo		 секунд
 Source files	MediaConverter		Исходные файлы
+Error writing video frame %lld	MediaConverter		Ошибка записи видеокадра %lld
+Error writing audio frame %lld	MediaConverter		Ошибка записи аудио кадра %lld
 Cancelling	MediaConverter		Отменяется
 %d byte 	MediaFileInfo		%d байт 
 Error loading files	MediaConverter		Ошибка при загрузке файлов
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/sv.catkeys
index 19cfd8a106..8bdf20b8df 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/sv.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/sv.catkeys
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-MediaConverter	2955071341
+1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-MediaConverter	2722282283
 Video using parameters form settings	MediaConverter		Video med parametrar från inställningar
 Video encoding:	MediaConverter		Videokodning:
+Error read audio frame %lld	MediaConverter		Fel vid inläsning av ljudstycke %lld
 No audio	Audio codecs list		Inget ljud
 Error	MediaConverter		Fel
 Error loading a file	MediaConverter		Fel vid inläsning av en fil
+Error read video frame %lld	MediaConverter		Fel vid inläsning av bildruta %lld
 File Error	MediaConverter-FileInfo		Filfel
 Open…	Menu		Öppna...
 Start [ms]: 	MediaConverter		Start [ms]:
@@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ Audio:	MediaConverter-FileInfo		Ljud:
 OK	MediaConverter-FileInfo		OK
  seconds	MediaFileInfo		 sekunder
 Source files	MediaConverter		Källfiler
+Error writing video frame %lld	MediaConverter		Fel vid skrivande av bildruta %lld
+Error writing audio frame %lld	MediaConverter		Fel vid skrivning av ljudstycke %lld
 Cancelling	MediaConverter		Avbryter
 %d byte 	MediaFileInfo		%d bytes
 Error loading files	MediaConverter		Fel vid inläsning av filer
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/people/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/people/ru.catkeys
index 7d340e096b..c04c04006e 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/people/ru.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/people/ru.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	russian	x-vnd.Be-PEPL	3273435274
+1	russian	x-vnd.Be-PEPL	2332202134
 Edit	People		Изменить
 Error	People		Ошибка
 City	People		Город
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Nickname	People		Прозвище
 Quit	People		Выход
 Name	People		Имя
 Revert	People		Вернуть
+Don't save	People		Не сохранять
 Undo	People		Отменить
 E-mail	People		E-mail
 Load image…	People		Выбрать рисунок…
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ Launching the FileTypes preflet to configure Person attributes has failed.\n\nEr
 Home phone	People		Домашний телефон
 Save as…	People		Сохранить как…
 Redo	People		Отменить
+Save changes before closing?	People		Сохранить изменения перед выходом?
 Paste	People		Вставить
 Drop an image here,\nor use the contextual menu.	People		Перенесите сюда фотографию\nили используйте контекстное меню.
 Save	People		Сохранить
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/be.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e0a44558b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/be.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	belarusian	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Карыстальніка
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Мы дзякуем вас за спробу усталяваць Haiku. Спадзяемся, што вам спадабаецца!\n\nВы можаце абраць пажаданую мову інтэрфейса і раскладку клавіятуры ў левым спісе. Гэтыя параметры таксма могуць быць змененыя пазней.\n\nЖадаеце запусціць Усталёўшчык ці загрузіць Дэсктоп?\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Дэсктоп (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Мова
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Вітаем!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Запусціць Усталёўшчык
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Расклад клавіятуры
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/de.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d49c269566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/de.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	german	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Benutzerdefiniert
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Danke für das Interesse an Haiku!\n\nAus der nebenstehenden Liste können Sprache und Tastaturlayout gewählt werden. Die Einstellungen werden sofort verwendet, lassen sich aber jederzeit im laufenden System ändern.\n\nSoll die Installation gestartet werden oder soll weiter zum Desktop gebootet werden?\n\nDie Übersetzung der Haiku-Anwendungen und anderer Komponenten ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Wer auf nicht übersetzte Texte stößt und bei der Arbeit helfen möchte, findet dazu weitere Informationen auf der Webseite <>.
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Desktop (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Sprache
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Willkommen bei Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Installer starten
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Tastaturschema
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/el.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/el.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..020661b56f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/el.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	greek, modern (1453-)	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Προσαρμοσμένο
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Ευχαριστούμε που δοκιμάζετε το Haiku! Ευχόμαστε να σας αρέσει!\n\nΜπορείτε να επιλέξετε τον επιθυμιτή γλώσσα σας και τη διάταξη πληκτρολογίου από τη λίστα στα αριστερά που θα χρησιμοποιείται έπειτα στιγμιαία. Μπορείτε εύκολα να αλλάξετε και τις ρυθμίσεις για την επιφάνεια εργασίας.\n\nΘέλετε να εκτελέσετε τον Εγκαταστάση ή να συνεχίσετε την εκκίνηση στην επιφάνεια εργασίας;\nΣημείωση: Για τις υπόλοιπες γλώσσες, πρoστίθεται μια ενημέρωση:\"Σημείωση: Η μετάφραση των εφαρμογών του Haiku και άλλων περιεχομένων χρειάζεται ακόμη προσπάθεια.. Θα βρείτε συχνά τμήματα χωρίς μετάφραση, αλλά εαν θέλετε μπορείτε να συνεισφέρετε σε αυτή τη δουλεία στο <>.\"
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Επιφάνεια εργασίας (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Γλώσσα
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Καλώς ήλθατε στο Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Έναρξη Εγκατάστασης
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Διάταξη πληκτρολογίου
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/fi.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/fi.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62d844cace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/fi.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	finnish	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Oma
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Kiitoksia siitä, että kokeilet Haikua! Toivomme, että pidät siitä!\n\nVoit valita ensisijaisen kielen ja näppäimistöasetuksen vasemmalla näkyvästä luettelosta. Asetukset otetaan käyttöön välittömästi. Voit helposti vaihtaa molempia asetuksia myöhemmin työpöydältäsi.\n\nHaluatko suorittaa asennusohjelman tai jatkaa alkulautausta työpöydälle?\n Huomaa: Ponnistelemme edelleen Haiku-sovellusten ja muiden komponenttien kotoistamiseksi. Kohtaat usein suomentamattomia merkkijonoja, mutta jos haluat, voit liittyä työhön osoitteessa <>.
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Työpöytä (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Kieli
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Tervetuloa Haikuun!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Suorita asennusohjelma
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Näppäinkartta
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/fr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/fr.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8799ce7ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/fr.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	french	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Personnalisé
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Merci d'essayer Haiku ! Nous espérons que vous l'aimerez !\n\nVeuillez choisir votre clavier et votre langue préférés dans la liste à gauche. Ils seront pris en compte instantanément. Plus tard, vous pourrez facilement modifier à la volée ces deux réglages à partir du bureau.\n\nVoulez-vous exécuter le programme d'installation ou continuer le démarrage du bureau ?\n\nNote : La traduction des applications et des autres parties d'Haiku n'est pas terminée. Vous trouverez souvent des phrases non traduites, mais si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez apporter votre contribution sur <>.\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Bureau (CD Live)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Langue
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Bienvenue dans Haiku !
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Lancer l'installeur
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Disposition du clavier
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/hi.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/hi.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3915e098ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/hi.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	hindi	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		कस्टम 
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	धन्यवाद हाइकु को इस्तमाल करने के लिए! हम आशा करते हैं की आप को यह पसंद आया होगा!\n\nआप अपने मनपसंद भाषा और कीबोर्ड लेयाओउट चुन सकते है लिस्ट में से. आप बाद में दोंनो चीज़ बदल सकते है डेस्कटॉप पर से.\n\nक्या आप इंस्टॉलर रन करना चाहेंगे या फिर डेस्कटॉप को बूट करना जारी रखना चाहेंगे?\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		डेस्कटॉप (लाइव सीडी)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		भाषा
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		हाइकू में आपका स्वागत है!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		इंस्टॉलर चलाएँ
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		कीमैप
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/hu.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/hu.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..125fcca6c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/hu.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	hungarian	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Egyéni
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Köszönjük, hogy kipróbálja a Haiku-t!\n\nA baloldali listából választhat nyelvet és billentyűzetkiosztást. Mindkét beállítást könnyen átállíthatja majd később az Asztalról.\n\nA Telepítőt vagy az Asztalt indítsuk most el?\n\nMegjegyzés: A Haiku programjait önkéntesek fordítják, folyamatosan. Könnyen megeshet hogy hiányosan, vagy hibásan fordított programokkal fog találkozni. Ha szeretné, csatlakozhat a munkához és kijavíthatja ezeket a <> oldalon. Köszönjük!
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Asztal
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Nyelv
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		A Haiku üdvözli Önt!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Telepítő
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Billentyűzetkiosztás
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ja.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07e8ff2ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ja.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		カスタム
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Haikuを試用していただきありがとうございます。Haikuのことを気に入っていただければ幸いです。\n\n左欄からご希望の言語とキーマップの選択がすぐできます。あとで、デスクトップからこれらの設定をすぐに簡単に変更できます。\n\nインストーラーを実行しますか、それともライブCDモードでデスクトップを起動しますか?\n\n注釈:Haikuアプリケーションや他のコンポーネントのロケール化は進行中のため、翻訳されていない部分が表示されることや翻訳がおかしいことがあります。Haikuの翻訳に協力したい方は、haiku-i18n-jp MLにてご連絡ください(。\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		デスクトップ (ライブ CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		言語
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Haiku へようこそ!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		インストーラーを実行
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		キーマップ
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/lt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/lt.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37bc75aa02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/lt.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	lithuanian	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Pasirinktinė
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Dėkojame, kad nusprendėte išbandyti „Haiku“! Mes tikimės, kad ši operacinė sistema Jums patiks!\n\nIš sąrašo kairėje galite išsirinkti norimą kalbą ir klaviatūros išdėstymą – šių nuostatų pakeitimai bus iškart pritaikyti. Taip pat lengvai jas galėsite pasikeisti ir vėliau, jau naudodamiesi sistema.\n\nAr norite paleisti įdiegimo programą, ar išbandyti „Haiku“ aplinką, ją paleidžiant tiesiai iš šios laikmenos?
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Išbandyti „Haiku“
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Kalba
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Sveiki, čia – „Haiku“!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Paleisti įdiegimo programą
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Klaviatūros išdėstymas
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/nb.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/nb.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72745e63cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/nb.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	bokmål, norwegian; norwegian bokmål	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Tilpasset
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Takk for at du prøver ut Haiku! Vi håper du vil like det!\n\nDu kan velge hvilket språk du foretrekker og tastaturoppsett fra sliten til venstre, som så vil bli tatt i bruk umiddelbart. Du kan enkelt endre begge innstillingne fra skrivebordet senere.\n\nØnsker du å kjøre installasjonsprogrammet, eller fortsette oppstartsprosessen fra CD-en?\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Skrivebord (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Språk
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Velkommen til Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Kjør installeringsprogram
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Tastaturspråk
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/nl.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/nl.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ff6b985ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/nl.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	dutch; flemish	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Aangepast
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Bedankt om Haiku uit te proberen! We hopen dat Haiku u bevalt!\n\nU kunt uw voorkeurstaal en -toetsenbordindeling kiezen uit de lijst, waarna deze onmiddellijk gebruikt zullen worden. U kunt beide instellingen later eenvoudig wijzigen vanaf het bureaublad.\n\nWenst u het installatieprogramma uit te voeren of verder op te starten naar het bureaublad?
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Bureaublad (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Taal
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Welkom bij Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Activeer Installer
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Toetsenbordindeling
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/pl.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/pl.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2747468734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/pl.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	polish	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Własne
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Dziękujemy za wypróbowanie Haiku! Mamy nadzieję, że Ci się spodoba!\n\nMożesz wybrać swój język i układ klawiatury z listy po lewej stronie, które to zostaną następnie użyte. Możesz później łatwo zmienić oba ustawienia w ustawieniach Pulpitu.\n\nChcesz od razu przejść do instalatora, czy może kontynuować rozruch do Pulpitu?\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Pulpit (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Język
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Witaj w Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Uruchom instalator
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Układ klawiatury
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/pt_BR.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/pt_BR.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bab2737c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/pt_BR.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	portuguese (brazil)	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Personalizado
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Obrigado por experimentar o Haiku! Nós esperamos que você se divirta!!\n\nVocê pode escolher sua língua e o layout do teclado da lista na esquerda da qual serão usadas instantaneamente. Você pode facilmente mudar ambas as configurações no Desktop depois.\n\nVocê deseja abrir o Instalar ou continuar a carregar o Desktop?\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Desktop (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Linguagem
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Bem vindo ao Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Executar Instalador
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Mapa de Teclas
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ro.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ro.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1aef81b81d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ro.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	romanian	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Personalizat
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Vă mulțumim că ați încercat Haiku! Sperăm că o să vă placă!\n\nPuteți să selectați limba preferată și aranjamentul de tastatură din lista din stânga care vor fi apoi utilizate automat. Puteți să schimbați ușor mai târziu cele două configurări de pe Desktop.\n\nDoriți să rulați Programul de instalare sau continuați să porniți sistemul?\nNotă: Localizarea aplicațiilor Haiku și a altor componente este un efort susținut. Veți întâlni frecvent șiruri netraduse, dar dacă doriți, puteți să vă implicați în muncă la <>
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Birou (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Limbaj
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Bun venit în Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Rulează Instalator
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Hartă de taste
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ru.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09fff61206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/ru.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Пользовательская
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Большое спасибо за то, что решили попробовать Haiku.\nМы очень надеемся, что она вам понравится!\n\nИз списка слева вы можете выбрать предпочитаемый язык и клавиатурную раскладку, которые активируются немедленно. Вы легко сможете изменить эти настройки после запуска рабочего стола без перезагрузки.\n\nВы хотите запустить Установщик или продолжить загрузку рабочего стола?\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Рабочий стол (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Язык
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Добро пожаловать в Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Запустить Установщик
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Раскладка клавиатуры
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/sk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/sk.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cff9042088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/sk.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	slovak	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Vlastná
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Ďakujeme, že skúšate Haiku! Dúfame, že sa vám bude páčiť!\n\nZo zoznamu vľavo môžete vybrať váš preferovaný jazyk a rozloženie klávesnice, ktoré sa ihneď použije. Obe nastavenia môžete neskôr jednoducho za behu zmeniť z pracovného prostredia.\n\nChcete spustiť inštalátor alebo pokračovať v zavedení pracovného prostredia?\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Pracovné prostredie (živé CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Jazyk
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Vitajte v Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Spustiť inštalátor
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Mapa klávesov
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/sv.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd9be87f1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/sv.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Anpassad
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Tack för att du testar Haiku! Vi hoppas att du kommer att gilla det!\n\nDu kan välja ditt föredragna språk och tangentbordslayout från listan till vänster. Du kan enkelt byta båda inställningarna från skrivbordet vid ett senare tillfälle.\n\nVill du starta Installeraren eller gå direkt till skrivbordet?\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Skrivbordet (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Språk
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Välkommen till Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Starta Installeraren
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Tangentbordslayout
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/uk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/uk.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aae650d52d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/uk.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	ukrainian	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		Задане
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	Дякуємо за ваше зацікавлення Haiku. Ми надіємося що вона Вам сподобається!\n\nВи  можете вибрати бажану мову і розкладку клавіатури зі списку зліва при використанні. Ви можете просто змінити обидві настройки Робочого столу на льоту .\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Робочий стіл (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		Мова
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Ласкаво просимо в Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Виконати встановлення
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Розкладка
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/zh_Hans.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/zh_Hans.catkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5b90ab242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/readonlybootprompt/zh_Hans.catkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1	english	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
+Custom	BootPromptWindow		自定义
+Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <>.\"	欢迎使用 Haiku!希望喜欢它!\n\n您可以从左边的列表中选择首选语言和键盘类型,它们将马上启用。您可以在进入桌面之后进行修改。\n\n您希望运行系统安装器,还是继续引导进入桌面?
+Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		桌面系统 (Live-CD)
+Language	BootPromptWindow		语言
+Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		欢迎使用 Haiku!
+Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		运行系统安装器
+Keymap	BootPromptWindow		键盘映射
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/ja.catkeys
index 962f357cb8..139d5ad999 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/ja.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/ja.catkeys
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-StyledEdit	2434449144
+1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-StyledEdit	3208803155
 StyledEdit	System name		StyledEdit
 This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? 	SaveAlert		このファイルは読み取り専用です。変更を\"%s\"ドキュメントに保存しますか?
 Paste	Menus		貼り付け
 OK	LoadAlert		OK
 File	Menus		ファイル
 ???	LoadAlert		???
+Modified	StatusView		変更あり
 Lines:	Statistics		行数:
 Italic	Menus		イタリック
 Left	Menus		左揃え
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/ru.catkeys
index f7b027fa81..c135065b24 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/ru.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/ru.catkeys
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-StyledEdit	3117187160
+1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-StyledEdit	3208803155
 StyledEdit	System name		Стильный редактор
+This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? 	SaveAlert		Этот файл отмечен только для чтения. Сохранить изменения в документе \"%s\"? 
 Paste	Menus		Вставить
 OK	LoadAlert		ОК
 File	Menus		Файл
 ???	LoadAlert		???
+Modified	StatusView		Изменён
 Lines:	Statistics		Строк:
 Italic	Menus		Наклонный
 Left	Menus		По левому краю
 Search backwards	FindandReplaceWindow		Искать снизу вверх
+Unlock file	StatusView		Разблокировать
 Size	Menus		Размер
 Save	QuitAlert		Сохранить
 Page setup…	Menus		Настройка печати…
@@ -19,21 +22,27 @@ Cancel	SaveAlert		Отмена
 Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\".	RevertToSavedAlert		Невозможно вернуть, файл не найден: \"%s\".
 Case-sensitive	FindandReplaceWindow		Учитывать регистр
 Green	Menus		Зеленый
+Reload	NodeMonitorAlerts		Перезагрузить
 Yellow	Menus		Желтый
 Replace in all windows	FindandReplaceWindow		Заменить во всех окнах
 Wrap lines	Menus		Перенос строк
 Quit	Menus		Выход
+File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it?	NodeMonitorAlerts		Файл \"%file%\" был удален другой программой, восстановить его?
 Document statistics	Statistics		Статистика документа
 Cancel	RevertToSavedAlert		Отмена
+Autodetect	Menus		Автоопределение
 Document	Menus		Документ
 Save changes to the document \"%s\"? 	QuitAlert		Сохранить изменения в файле \"%s\"? 
 Edit	Menus		Изменить
+Revert	RevertToSavedAlert		Вернуть
 Font	Menus		Шрифт
 Replace all	FindandReplaceWindow		Заменить все
 Statistics…	Menus		Статистика…
 Default	Open_and_SaveAsPanel		По умолчанию
 Replace next	Menus		Заменить далее
+\"%s\" has unsaved changes.\nRevert it to the last saved version? 	RevertToSavedAlert		\"%s\" имеет несохраненные изменения.\nВернуться его до последней сохраненной версии?
 Cancel	FindandReplaceWindow		Отмена
+Text encoding	Menus		Кодировка
 Close	Menus		Закрыть
 Save	SaveAlert		Сохранить
 Words:	Statistics		Слов:
@@ -43,10 +52,13 @@ Don't save	QuitAlert		Не сохранять
 Align	Menus		Выровнять
 Color	Menus		Цвет
 Red	Menus		Красный
+OK	QuitAlert		ОК
 Open…	Menus		Открыть…
 Center	Menus		По центру
 Blue	Menus		Синий
+Unable to unlock file\n\t%s	QuitAlert		Невозможно разблокировать файл\n\t%s
 Cyan	Menus		Бирюзовый
+line %d, column %d	StatusView		линия %d, позиция %d
 OK	Statistics		ОК
 Magenta	Menus		Пурпурный
 New	Menus		Новый
@@ -57,13 +69,17 @@ Find:	FindandReplaceWindow		Найти:
 Error saving \"%s\":\n%s	SaveAlert		Ошибка сохранения \"%s\":\n%s
 Copy	Menus		Копировать
 Cut	Menus		Вырезать
+File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it?	NodeMonitorAlerts		Файл \"%file%\" был изменен другой программой, перезагрузить его?
 Replace	FindandReplaceWindow		Заменить
 Find again	Menus		Найти далее
 Cancel	QuitAlert		Отмена
 Find…	Menus		Найти…
 Select all	Menus		Выделить всё
 Don't save	SaveAlert		Не сохранять
+Recover	NodeMonitorAlerts		Восстановить
 Error loading \"%s\":\n\t%s	LoadAlert		Ошибка загрузки \"%s\":\n\t%s
+Ignore	NodeMonitorAlerts		Игнорировать
+Read-only	StatusView		Только чтение
 Undo typing	QuitAlert		Отменить ввод
 Black	Menus		Черный
 Untitled 	StyledEditWindow		Новый документ 
@@ -73,5 +89,6 @@ Encoding	Open_and_SaveAsPanel		Кодировка
 Characters:	Statistics		Символов:
 Save as…	Menus		Сохранить как…
 Redo typing	QuitAlert		Повторить ввод
+Reload…	Menus		Перезагрузить…
 Replace…	Menus		Заменить…
 Right	Menus		По правому краю
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/sv.catkeys
index 0b28bbfa8e..eb5f64cedb 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/sv.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/stylededit/sv.catkeys
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-StyledEdit	894766086
+1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-StyledEdit	3208803155
 StyledEdit	System name		SkrivStiligt
+This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? 	SaveAlert		Denna fil är markerad som endast läsbar. Vill du spara ändringarna till dokumentet \"%s\"?  
 Paste	Menus		Klistra in
 OK	LoadAlert		OK
 File	Menus		Arkiv
 ???	LoadAlert		???
+Modified	StatusView		Ändrad
 Lines:	Statistics		Rader:
 Italic	Menus		Kursiv
 Left	Menus		Vänster
 Search backwards	FindandReplaceWindow		Sök bakåt
+Unlock file	StatusView		Låsupp fil
 Size	Menus		Storlek
 Save	QuitAlert		Spara
 Page setup…	Menus		Sidinställningar...
@@ -31,6 +34,7 @@ Autodetect	Menus		Identifiera automatiskt
 Document	Menus		Dokument
 Save changes to the document \"%s\"? 	QuitAlert		Spara ändringar till dokumentet "%s"? 
 Edit	Menus		Redigera
+Revert	RevertToSavedAlert		Återställ
 Font	Menus		Font
 Replace all	FindandReplaceWindow		Ersätt alla
 Statistics…	Menus		Statistik...
@@ -48,10 +52,13 @@ Don't save	QuitAlert		Spara inte
 Align	Menus		Justera
 Color	Menus		Färg
 Red	Menus		Röd
+OK	QuitAlert		OK
 Open…	Menus		Öppna…
 Center	Menus		Mitten
 Blue	Menus		Blå
+Unable to unlock file\n\t%s	QuitAlert		Kan inte låsaupp fil\n\t %s
 Cyan	Menus		Cyan
+line %d, column %d	StatusView		rad %d, kolumn %d
 OK	Statistics		OK
 Magenta	Menus		Magenta
 New	Menus		Ny
@@ -72,6 +79,7 @@ Don't save	SaveAlert		Spara inte
 Recover	NodeMonitorAlerts		Återskapa
 Error loading \"%s\":\n\t%s	LoadAlert		Fel vid inläsning "%s":\n\t%s
 Ignore	NodeMonitorAlerts		Ignorera
+Read-only	StatusView		Skrivskyddad
 Undo typing	QuitAlert		Ångra inmatning
 Black	Menus		Svart
 Untitled 	StyledEditWindow		Namnlös 
diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/terminal/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/terminal/ru.catkeys
index 6b29a0c641..57eb2a308f 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/apps/terminal/ru.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/apps/terminal/ru.catkeys
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal	2912171349
+1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal	3561344903
 Not found.	Terminal TermWindow		Текст не найден
 Switch Terminals	Terminal TermWindow		Переключить терминалы
 Change directory	Terminal TermView		Сменить каталог
+Cursor	Terminal AppearancePrefView		Курсор
+Professional	Terminal colors scheme		Профессионал
 OK	Terminal TermWindow		ОК
 New Terminal	Terminal TermWindow		Новый терминал
 Terminal couldn't start the shell. Sorry.	Terminal TermApp		Терминал не смог запустить оболочку. Простите.
@@ -19,8 +21,11 @@ Font:	Terminal AppearancePrefView		Шрифт:
 Copy here	Terminal TermView		Копировать сюда
 Really close?	Terminal TermWindow		Действительно закрыть?
 Copy	Terminal TermWindow		Копировать
+Color scheme:	Terminal AppearancePrefView		Цветовая схема:
 Window title:	Terminal TermWindow		Заголовок окна:
 Unrecognized option \"%s\"\n	Terminal arguments parsing		Нераспознанная опция \"%s\"\n
+Blue	Terminal colors scheme		Синий
+Custom	Terminal colors scheme		Настроена вручную
 %app% settings	Terminal PrefWindow	window title	Настройки терминала
 Cancel	Terminal SetTitleWindow		Отмена
 Increase	Terminal TermWindow		Увеличить
@@ -44,6 +49,8 @@ The following processes are still running:\n\n\t%1\n\nIf you close the Terminal,
 Insert path	Terminal TermView		Вставить путь
 Haiku Terminal\nCopyright 2001-2009 Haiku, Inc.\nCopyright(C) 1999 Kazuho Okui and Takashi Murai.\n\nUsage: %s [OPTION] [SHELL]\n	Terminal TermApp		Haiku Терминал\nCopyright 2001-2009 Haiku, Inc.\nCopyright(C) 1999 Kazuho Okui and Takashi Murai.\n\nИспользование: %s [OPTION] [SHELL]\n
 No search string was entered.	Terminal TermWindow		Не введена строка поиска
+Font size	Terminal TermWindow		Размер шрифта
+Blinking cursor	Terminal AppearancePrefView		Мигающий курсор
 Don't save	Terminal PrefWindow		Не сохранять
 Set window title	Terminal TermWindow		Установить заголовок окна
 Terminal	System name		Терминал
@@ -55,11 +62,16 @@ Find…	Terminal TermWindow		Найти…
 The process \"%1\" is still running.\nIf you close the Terminal, the process will be killed.	Terminal TermWindow		Процесс \"%1\" все еще работает.\nЕсли вы закроете Терминал, то этот процесс будет уничтожен.
 Move here	Terminal TermView		Переместить сюда
 \t%d\t-\tThe current working directory of the active process in the\n\t\t\tcurrent tab. Optionally the maximum number of path components\n\t\t\tcan be specified. E.g. '%2d' for at most two components.\n\t%i\t-\tThe index of the window.\n\t%p\t-\tThe name of the active process in the current tab.\n\t%t\t-\tThe title of the current tab.\n\t%%\t-\tThe character '%'.	Terminal ToolTips		\t%d\t-\tТекущая директория активного процесса текущей вкладки.\n\t\t\tОпционально можно указать максимальное число отображаемых компонентов пути.\n\t\t\tНапример '%2d' отобразит последние 2 компонента.\n\t%i\t-\tНомер окна.\n\t%p\t-\tНазвание активного процесса в текущей вкладке.\n\t%t\t-\tЗаголовок текущей вкладки.\n\t%%\t-\tСимвол процента - '%'.
+Retro	Terminal colors scheme		Ретро
 Error!	Terminal getString		Ошибка!
 New tab	Terminal TermWindow		Новая вкладка
 The pattern specifying the tab titles. The following placeholders\ncan be used:\n	Terminal AppearancePrefView		Этот шаблон описывает заголовки вкладок.\nВозможно использовать следующие переменные:\n
 Selected background	Terminal AppearancePrefView		Выделенного фона
+Slate	Terminal colors scheme		Шифер
+Text under cursor	Terminal AppearancePrefView		Текст под под курсором
+Midnight	Terminal colors scheme		Полночь
 Decrease	Terminal TermWindow		Уменьшить
+Default	Terminal colors scheme		По умолчанию
 Create link here	Terminal TermView		Создать ссылку здесь
 Close	Terminal TermWindow		Закрыть
 Text	Terminal AppearancePrefView		Текста
diff --git a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/be.catkeys
index bbea15998d..8314ff27d6 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/be.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/kits/tracker/be.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	belarusian	x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker	3779634732
+1	belarusian	x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker	2580969822
 common	B_COMMON_DIRECTORY		агульны
 OK	WidgetAttributeText		ОК
 Icon view	VolumeWindow		Від іконак
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ Decrease size	DeskWindow		Паменшыць памер
 Size	ContainerWindow		Памер
 All disks	AutoMounterSettings		Усе дыскі
 Would you like to find some other suitable application?	FSUtils		Жадаеце пашукаць іншую падыходзячую праграму?
+Ask before deleting for good	SettingsView		Спытаць перад выдаленнем
 Finish: %time - %finishtime left	StatusWindow		Завяршэнне: %time - засталося %finishtime
 Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n	FSUtils		Немагчыма адкрыць \"%document\" праграмай \"%app\" (Не хапае: %library). \n
 no items	CountView		няма элементаў
@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ New folder	FilePanelPriv		Новы каталог
 %name info	InfoWindow	InfoWindow Title	%name інфа
 Favorites	FavoritesMenu		Выбранае
 Add-ons	VolumeWindow		Дапаўненні
+Move deleted files to Trash first	SettingsView		Перасунуць выдаленыя файлы спярша ў Сметніцу
 Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash.	PoseView		Прабачце, вы не можаце капіяваць элементы ў Сметніцу.
 List view	VolumeWindow		Від спісу
 matches wildcard expression	SelectionWindow		супадае з падстановачнымі выразамі
diff --git a/data/catalogs/preferences/appearance/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/preferences/appearance/ru.catkeys
index ec815655f2..3b571e4a7a 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/preferences/appearance/ru.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/preferences/appearance/ru.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance	1428480647
+1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance	3266657197
 Plain font:	Font view		Простой шрифт:
 Control highlight	Colors tab		Подсветка элемента
 Control border	Colors tab		Граница элемента
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ Tooltip background	Colors tab		Фон подсказки
 Selected menu item background	Colors tab		Фон выбранного пункта меню
 Antialiasing	APRWindow		Сглаживание
 Navigation base	Colors tab		Основа навигации
+Selected list item text	Colors tab		Текст выделенного пункта меню
 Window border	Colors tab		Рамка окна
+Double:	DecorSettingsView		Двойной:
 Window tab text	Colors tab		Текст заголовка окна
 Document text	Colors tab		Текст документа
 Navigation pulse	Colors tab		Навигационная пульсация
diff --git a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/be.catkeys
index ae3c7f17ad..4e2c5f0177 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/be.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/be.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	belarusian	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	3397621807
+1	belarusian	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	341885426
 Error, NULL state description?\n	ShortcutsSpec		Памылка, апісанне стану NULL?\n
 MoveMouse	ShortcutsSpec		РухацьМыш
 OK	ShortcutsWindow		ОК
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Shortcuts was couldn't open your KeySet file!	ShortcutsWindow		Рэдактар
 *Multi \"*MoveMouseTo 100% 0\" \"*MouseButton 1\"	ShortcutsWindow		*Множнае \"*РухацьМышДа 100% 0\" \"*КнопкаМышы 1\"
 SendMessage	ShortcutsSpec		АдаслацьПаведамленне
 MoveMouseTo	ShortcutsSpec		РухацьМышДа
+Option	ShortcutsSpec	Name for modifier on keyboard	Параметр
 Save	ShortcutsWindow		Захаваць
 *MouseButton 1	ShortcutsWindow		*КнопкаМышы 1
 *MoveMouse +20 +0	ShortcutsWindow		*РухацьМыш +20 +0
diff --git a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/de.catkeys b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/de.catkeys
index c020d07210..deff86116c 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/de.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/de.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	german	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	3397621807
+1	german	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	341885426
 Error, NULL state description?\n	ShortcutsSpec		Fehler, NULL Status Beschreibung?\n
 MoveMouse	ShortcutsSpec		Bewege Maus
 OK	ShortcutsWindow		OK
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Shortcuts was couldn't open your KeySet file!	ShortcutsWindow		Die Tastenbelegun
 *Multi \"*MoveMouseTo 100% 0\" \"*MouseButton 1\"	ShortcutsWindow		Maus nach oben ins linke Eck und Maustaste 1 drücken
 SendMessage	ShortcutsSpec		Nachricht senden
 MoveMouseTo	ShortcutsSpec		Bewege Maus nach
+Option	ShortcutsSpec	Name for modifier on keyboard	Option
 Save	ShortcutsWindow		Speichern
 *MouseButton 1	ShortcutsWindow		*Maustaste 1 drücken
 *MoveMouse +20 +0	ShortcutsWindow		*Maus 20 Pixel nach rechts bewegen
diff --git a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/hu.catkeys b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/hu.catkeys
index fe0129d8e4..a5bb8a1ca3 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/hu.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/hu.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	hungarian	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	3397621807
+1	hungarian	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	341885426
 Error, NULL state description?\n	ShortcutsSpec		Hiba, NULL állapotleírás?\n
 MoveMouse	ShortcutsSpec		EgérMozgatás
 OK	ShortcutsWindow		Rendben
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Shortcuts was couldn't open your KeySet file!	ShortcutsWindow		A Parancsgombok n
 *Multi \"*MoveMouseTo 100% 0\" \"*MouseButton 1\"	ShortcutsWindow		*Multi \"*EgérMozgatásIde 100% 0\" \"*EgérGomb 1\"
 SendMessage	ShortcutsSpec		ÜzenetKüldés
 MoveMouseTo	ShortcutsSpec		EgérMozgatásIde
+Option	ShortcutsSpec	Name for modifier on keyboard	Opció
 Save	ShortcutsWindow		Mentés
 *MouseButton 1	ShortcutsWindow		*EgérGomb 1
 *MoveMouse +20 +0	ShortcutsWindow		*EgérMozgatás +20 +0
diff --git a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/ja.catkeys
index 93ed4726ad..be99ce927a 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/ja.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/ja.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	3397621807
+1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	341885426
 Error, NULL state description?\n	ShortcutsSpec		エラー、記述がありません?\n
 MoveMouse	ShortcutsSpec		MoveMouse
 OK	ShortcutsWindow		OK
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Shortcuts was couldn't open your KeySet file!	ShortcutsWindow		キーセット
 *Multi \"*MoveMouseTo 100% 0\" \"*MouseButton 1\"	ShortcutsWindow		*Multi \"*MoveMouseTo 100% 0\" \"*MouseButton 1\"
 SendMessage	ShortcutsSpec		SendMessage
 MoveMouseTo	ShortcutsSpec		MoveMouseTo
+Option	ShortcutsSpec	Name for modifier on keyboard	オプション
 Save	ShortcutsWindow		保存
 *MouseButton 1	ShortcutsWindow		*MouseButton 1
 *MoveMouse +20 +0	ShortcutsWindow		*MoveMouse +20 +0
diff --git a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/pt_BR.catkeys b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/pt_BR.catkeys
index 1b46a42532..ce6e89db02 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/pt_BR.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/pt_BR.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	portuguese (brazil)	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	3397621807
+1	portuguese (brazil)	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	341885426
 Error, NULL state description?\n	ShortcutsSpec		Erro, descrição de estado em branco?\n
 MoveMouse	ShortcutsSpec		Mover o Mouse
 OK	ShortcutsWindow		OK
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Shortcuts was couldn't open your KeySet file!	ShortcutsWindow		O Atalhos não po
 *Multi \"*MoveMouseTo 100% 0\" \"*MouseButton 1\"	ShortcutsWindow		*Multi \"*MoveMouseTo 100% 0\" \"*MouseButton 1\"
 SendMessage	ShortcutsSpec		Enviar Mensagem
 MoveMouseTo	ShortcutsSpec		Mover Mouse Para
+Option	ShortcutsSpec	Name for modifier on keyboard	Opção
 Save	ShortcutsWindow		Salvar
 *MouseButton 1	ShortcutsWindow		*Botão do Mouse 1
 *MoveMouse +20 +0	ShortcutsWindow		*Mover Mouse +20 +0
diff --git a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/sv.catkeys
index 573692bb4c..053ea29133 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/sv.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/sv.catkeys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	3397621807
+1	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-Shortcuts	341885426
 Error, NULL state description?\n	ShortcutsSpec		Fel: NULL i tillståndsbeskrivning?\n
 MoveMouse	ShortcutsSpec		FlyttaMus
 OK	ShortcutsWindow		OK
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Shortcuts was couldn't open your KeySet file!	ShortcutsWindow		Genvägar kunde i
 *Multi \"*MoveMouseTo 100% 0\" \"*MouseButton 1\"	ShortcutsWindow		*Flera \"*FlyttaMusTill 100% 0\" \"*Musknapp 1\"
 SendMessage	ShortcutsSpec		SkickaMeddelande
 MoveMouseTo	ShortcutsSpec		FlyttaMusenTill
+Option	ShortcutsSpec	Name for modifier on keyboard	Alternativ
 Save	ShortcutsWindow		Spara
 *MouseButton 1	ShortcutsWindow		*Musknapp 1
 *MoveMouse +20 +0	ShortcutsWindow		*FlyttaMusenTill +20 +0
diff --git a/data/catalogs/preferences/virtualmemory/be.catkeys b/data/catalogs/preferences/virtualmemory/be.catkeys
index 57a7881ccd..dce4dacb0b 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/preferences/virtualmemory/be.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/preferences/virtualmemory/be.catkeys
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-1	belarusian	x-vnd.Haiku-VirtualMemory	4238590117
+1	belarusian	x-vnd.Haiku-VirtualMemory	2090796060
 Quit	SettingsWindow		Выйсці
+Automatic swap management	SettingsWindow		Вызначаць аўтаматычна
 Turn off	SettingsWindow		Адключыць
 Disabling virtual memory will have unwanted effects on system stability once the memory is used up.\nVirtual memory does not affect system performance until this point is reached.\n\nAre you really sure you want to turn it off?	SettingsWindow		Адмова ад ужывання уяўнай памяці можа спарадзіць нечаканыя праблемы ў функцыянаванні праграмаў падчас працы сістэмы ў рэжыме скарыстання усёй фізічнай памяці. Але майце на ўвазе, што да таго моманту як сістэма вычарпае ўсю фізічную памяць, наладкі ўяўнай памяці ніяк ня будуць ўплываць на агульную прадукцыйнасьць сістэмы.\n\nВы упэўнены у тым, што сістэма не павінна карыстацца уяўнаю памяццю?
 Requested swap file size:	SettingsWindow		Запатрабаваны памер уяўнай памяці:
diff --git a/data/catalogs/servers/debug/ru.catkeys b/data/catalogs/servers/debug/ru.catkeys
index 756b521a69..bf2f316939 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/servers/debug/ru.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/servers/debug/ru.catkeys
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
-1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-debug_server	3203333611
+1	russian	x-vnd.Haiku-debug_server	1440673937
+Terminate	DebugServer		Завершить
 Debug	DebugServer		Отладить
+Save report	DebugServer		Сохранить отчёт
 The application:\n\n      %app\n\nhas encountered an error which prevents it from continuing. Haiku will terminate the application and clean up.	DebugServer		Программа:\n\n      %app\n\nобнаружила ошибку, которая мешает продолжению её работы. Haiku завершит эту программу и немного приберется за ней.
diff --git a/data/catalogs/tests/servers/app/playground/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/tests/servers/app/playground/ja.catkeys
index 524967819d..1331e3ab36 100644
--- a/data/catalogs/tests/servers/app/playground/ja.catkeys
+++ b/data/catalogs/tests/servers/app/playground/ja.catkeys
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-Playground	2065816734
+1	japanese	x-vnd.Haiku-Playground	3859386218
 Line	Playground		直線
-Fill	Playground		塗りつぶし
+Fill	Playground		塗りつぶす
 Over	Playground		上書き
 Quit	Playground		終了
 Rect	Playground		四角形
@@ -9,21 +9,20 @@ Click and drag to draw an object	Playground		クリック&ドラッグでオ
 Controls	Playground		コントロール
 Round rect	Playground		角丸四角形
 Alpha:	Playground		不透明度:
-Mode:	Playground		モード:
+Mode:	Playground		描画モード:
 Submenu	Playground		サブメニュー
 Copy	Playground		コピー
 Cancel	Playground		キャンセル
 Clear	Playground		消去
 Blend	Playground		ブレンド
 Invert	Playground		反転
-Clear all drawing objects?	Playground		すべてのオブジェクトを削除しても良いですか?
+Clear all drawing objects?	Playground		オブジェクトをすべて削除しても良いですか?
 Width:	Playground		幅:
 Alpha	Playground		アルファ
 New object	Playground		新規オブジェクト
 Test	Playground		テスト
 Add	Playground		加算
 Playground	System name		プレイグラウンド
-Erase	Playground		削除
 File	Playground		ファイル
 Subtract	Playground		減算
 Ellipse	Playground		楕円