Update translations from Pootle
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 1074880496
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 1074880496
Enable query support BFS_Initialize_Parameter Ota käyttöön kyselytuki
Enable query support BFS_Initialize_Parameter Ota käyttöön kyselytuki
2048 (Recommended) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 2048 (Suositeltu)
2048 (Recommended) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 2048 (Suositeltu)
8192 (Mostly large files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 8192 (Enimmäkseen laajat tiedostot)
8192 (Mostly large files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 8192 (Enimmäkseen isoja tiedostoja)
Disabling query support may speed up certain file system operations, but should only be used if one is absolutely certain that one will not need queries.\nAny volume that is intended for booting Haiku must have query support enabled. BFS_Initialize_Parameter Kyselytuen ottaminen pois käytöstä nopeuttaa tiettyjä tiedostojärjestelmätoimia, mutta sitä pitäisi käyttää ainoastaan, jos ollaan ehdottoman varmoja, että kukaan ei tarvitse kyselyjä.\nKaikissa Haikun alkulataustaltioissa on oltava kysely käytössä.
Disabling query support may speed up certain file system operations, but should only be used if one is absolutely certain that one will not need queries.\nAny volume that is intended for booting Haiku must have query support enabled. BFS_Initialize_Parameter Kyselytuen ottaminen pois käytöstä nopeuttaa tiettyjä tiedostojärjestelmätoimia, mutta sitä pitäisi käyttää ainoastaan, jos ollaan ehdottoman varmoja, että kukaan ei tarvitse kyselyjä.\nKaikissa Haikun alkulataustaltioissa on oltava kysely käytössä.
1024 (Mostly small files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 1024 (Enimmäkseen pienet tiedostot)
1024 (Mostly small files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 1024 (Enimmäkseen pieniä tiedostoja)
Blocksize: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Lohkokoko:
Blocksize: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Lohkokoko:
Name: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Nimi:
Name: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Nimi:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
has ConfigView on
has ConfigView on
Move to ConfigView Siirrä kohtaan
Move to ConfigView Siirrä kohtaan
Then ConfigView Sitten
Then ConfigView Sitten
value (use REGEX: in from of regular expressions like *spam*) ConfigView arvo (käytä REGEX-ohjelmisto: säännöllisistä lausekkeista kuten *spam*)
value (use REGEX: in from of regular expressions like *spam*) ConfigView arvo (käytä REGEX-ohjelmistoa: säännöllisistä lausekkeista kuten *spam*)
this field is based on the action ConfigView tämä kenttä perustuu toimintoon
this field is based on the action ConfigView tämä kenttä perustuu toimintoon
Delete message ConfigView Poista viesti
Delete message ConfigView Poista viesti
Rule filter RuleFilter Sääntösuodatin
Rule filter RuleFilter Sääntösuodatin
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-TIFFTranslator 1624888114
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-TIFFTranslator 1930083198
identify_tiff_header: couldn't set directory\n TIFFTranslator identify_tiff_header: ei voitu asettaa hakemistoa\n
identify_tiff_header: couldn't set directory\n TIFFTranslator identify_tiff_header: ei voitu asettaa hakemistoa\n
TIFF image TIFFTranslator TIFF-kuva
TIFF image TIFFTranslator TIFF-kuva
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ TIFFTranslator Settings TIFFTranslator TIFF-muunninasetukset
TIFF image translator TIFFTranslator TIFF-kuvamuunnin
TIFF image translator TIFFTranslator TIFF-kuvamuunnin
RLE (Packbits) TIFFView RLE (Pakettibitit)
RLE (Packbits) TIFFView RLE (Pakettibitit)
TIFF Settings TIFFMain TIFF-asetukset
TIFF Settings TIFFMain TIFF-asetukset
Use compression: TIFFView Käytä pakkausta:
identify_tiff_header: invalid document index\n TIFFTranslator identify_tiff_header: virheellinen asiakirjahakemisto\n
identify_tiff_header: invalid document index\n TIFFTranslator identify_tiff_header: virheellinen asiakirjahakemisto\n
ZIP (Deflate) TIFFView ZIP (Kutista)
ZIP (Deflate) TIFFView ZIP (Kutista)
Version %d.%d.%d %s TIFFView Versio %d.%d.%d %s
Version %d.%d.%d %s TIFFView Versio %d.%d.%d %s
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1913625522
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2739021859
P-faults DataSource Памылкі старонак памяці
P-faults DataSource Памылкі старонак памяці
Media nodes DataSource Медыя узлы
Media nodes DataSource Медыя узлы
Threads DataSource Патокі
Threads DataSource Патокі
MB DataSource МБ
Always on top ActivityWindow Заўсёды наверсе
Always on top ActivityWindow Заўсёды наверсе
Add graph ActivityWindow Дадаць графік
Add graph ActivityWindow Дадаць графік
Teams DataSource Групы
Teams DataSource Групы
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending Адпр.
Quit ActivityWindow Выйсці
Quit ActivityWindow Выйсці
Block cache memory DataSource Памяць блокавага кэшу
Block cache memory DataSource Памяць блокавага кэшу
Remove graph ActivityView Выдаліць графік
Remove graph ActivityView Выдаліць графік
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f МБ
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld сек.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld сек.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld м.сек
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld м.сек
CPU usage DataSource Выкарыстанне ЦП
CPU usage DataSource Выкарыстанне ЦП
@ -44,6 +42,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Файл
usage DataSource выкарыстанне
usage DataSource выкарыстанне
Additional items ActivityView Дадатковыя элементы
Additional items ActivityView Дадатковыя элементы
Network receive DataSource Атрыманне па сетцы
Network receive DataSource Атрыманне па сетцы
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f КБ/сек
Memory DataSource Памяць
Memory DataSource Памяць
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Атрым.
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Атрым.
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1913625522
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2739021859
P-faults DataSource Seitenfehler
P-faults DataSource Seitenfehler
Media nodes DataSource Media-Nodes
Media nodes DataSource Media-Nodes
Threads DataSource Threads
Threads DataSource Threads
MB DataSource MiB
Always on top ActivityWindow Immer im Vordergrund
Always on top ActivityWindow Immer im Vordergrund
Add graph ActivityWindow Graphen hinzufügen
Add graph ActivityWindow Graphen hinzufügen
Teams DataSource Teams
Teams DataSource Teams
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending Senden
Quit ActivityWindow Beenden
Quit ActivityWindow Beenden
Block cache memory DataSource Block-Cache-Speicher
Block cache memory DataSource Block-Cache-Speicher
Remove graph ActivityView Graph entfernen
Remove graph ActivityView Graph entfernen
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MiB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld Sek.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld Sek.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource CPU-Auslastung
CPU usage DataSource CPU-Auslastung
@ -44,6 +42,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Datei
usage DataSource Last
usage DataSource Last
Additional items ActivityView Zusätzliche Elemente
Additional items ActivityView Zusätzliche Elemente
Network receive DataSource Netzwerk empfangen
Network receive DataSource Netzwerk empfangen
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KiB/s
Memory DataSource Speicher
Memory DataSource Speicher
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Empfangen
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Empfangen
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 3704566709
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 234995750
P-faults DataSource P-σφάλματα
P-faults DataSource P-σφάλματα
Media nodes DataSource Κόμβοι πολυμέσων
Media nodes DataSource Κόμβοι πολυμέσων
Threads DataSource Θέματα
Threads DataSource Θέματα
MB DataSource ΜΒ
Add graph ActivityWindow Προσθήκη γραφήματος
Add graph ActivityWindow Προσθήκη γραφήματος
Teams DataSource Ομάδες
Teams DataSource Ομάδες
Hide legend ActivityView Απόκρυψη υπομνήματος
Hide legend ActivityView Απόκρυψη υπομνήματος
@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending ΑΠ
Quit ActivityWindow Έξοδος
Quit ActivityWindow Έξοδος
Block cache memory DataSource Αποκλεισμός λανθάνουσας μνήμης
Block cache memory DataSource Αποκλεισμός λανθάνουσας μνήμης
Remove graph ActivityView Αφαίρεση γραφήματος
Remove graph ActivityView Αφαίρεση γραφήματος
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld δευτ.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld δευτ.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource Χρήση ΚΜΕ
CPU usage DataSource Χρήση ΚΜΕ
@ -43,6 +41,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Αρχείο
usage DataSource χρήση
usage DataSource χρήση
Additional items ActivityView Επιπλέον αντικείμενα
Additional items ActivityView Επιπλέον αντικείμενα
Network receive DataSource Λήψεις δικτύου
Network receive DataSource Λήψεις δικτύου
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KB/s
Memory DataSource Μνήμη
Memory DataSource Μνήμη
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. ΛΗ
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. ΛΗ
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1913625522
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2739021859
P-faults DataSource P-viat
P-faults DataSource P-viat
Media nodes DataSource Mediasolmut
Media nodes DataSource Mediasolmut
Threads DataSource Säikeet
Threads DataSource Säikeet
MB DataSource Mt
Always on top ActivityWindow Aina päällimmäisenä
Always on top ActivityWindow Aina päällimmäisenä
Add graph ActivityWindow Lisää kuvaaja
Add graph ActivityWindow Lisää kuvaaja
Teams DataSource Ryhmät
Teams DataSource Ryhmät
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending Läh.
Quit ActivityWindow Poistu
Quit ActivityWindow Poistu
Block cache memory DataSource Lohkovälimuisti
Block cache memory DataSource Lohkovälimuisti
Remove graph ActivityView Poista kuvaaja
Remove graph ActivityView Poista kuvaaja
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f Mt
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld s
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld s
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource Suoritinkäyttö
CPU usage DataSource Suoritinkäyttö
@ -44,6 +42,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Tiedosto
usage DataSource käyttö
usage DataSource käyttö
Additional items ActivityView Lisäkohteet
Additional items ActivityView Lisäkohteet
Network receive DataSource Verkkovastaanotto
Network receive DataSource Verkkovastaanotto
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f kt/s
Memory DataSource Muisti
Memory DataSource Muisti
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Vast.
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Vast.
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1913625522
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2739021859
P-faults DataSource P-fautes
P-faults DataSource P-fautes
Media nodes DataSource Nœuds média
Media nodes DataSource Nœuds média
Threads DataSource Tâches
Threads DataSource Tâches
MB DataSource Mo
Always on top ActivityWindow Toujours au-dessus
Always on top ActivityWindow Toujours au-dessus
Add graph ActivityWindow Ajouter un graphe
Add graph ActivityWindow Ajouter un graphe
Teams DataSource Processus
Teams DataSource Processus
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending Tx
Quit ActivityWindow Quitter
Quit ActivityWindow Quitter
Block cache memory DataSource Mémoire cache de blocs
Block cache memory DataSource Mémoire cache de blocs
Remove graph ActivityView Supprimer un graphe
Remove graph ActivityView Supprimer un graphe
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f Mo
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sec.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sec.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource Activité CPU
CPU usage DataSource Activité CPU
@ -44,6 +42,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Fichier
usage DataSource utilisation
usage DataSource utilisation
Additional items ActivityView Éléments supplémentaires
Additional items ActivityView Éléments supplémentaires
Network receive DataSource Réception réseau
Network receive DataSource Réception réseau
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f Ko/s
Memory DataSource Mémoire
Memory DataSource Mémoire
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Rx
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Rx
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 3548050559
1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2276879962
P-faults DataSource पी-गलतियाँ
P-faults DataSource पी-गलतियाँ
Media nodes DataSource मीडिया नोडस
Media nodes DataSource मीडिया नोडस
Threads DataSource थ्रेअड्स
Threads DataSource थ्रेअड्स
MB DataSource एमबी
Add graph ActivityWindow गराफ जोड़े
Add graph ActivityWindow गराफ जोड़े
Teams DataSource टीम्स
Teams DataSource टीम्स
Hide legend ActivityView लेजेनद को छुपाएँ
Hide legend ActivityView लेजेनद को छुपाएँ
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1913625522
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2739021859
P-faults DataSource P hibák
P-faults DataSource P hibák
Media nodes DataSource Média csomópontok
Media nodes DataSource Média csomópontok
Threads DataSource Szálak
Threads DataSource Szálak
MB DataSource MB
Always on top ActivityWindow Mindig felül
Always on top ActivityWindow Mindig felül
Add graph ActivityWindow Grafikon hozzáadása
Add graph ActivityWindow Grafikon hozzáadása
Teams DataSource Csapatok
Teams DataSource Csapatok
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending Adás
Quit ActivityWindow Kilépés
Quit ActivityWindow Kilépés
Block cache memory DataSource Blokk gyorsítótár
Block cache memory DataSource Blokk gyorsítótár
Remove graph ActivityView Grafikon eltávolítása
Remove graph ActivityView Grafikon eltávolítása
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld s.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld s.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource Processzor használat
CPU usage DataSource Processzor használat
@ -44,6 +42,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Fájl
usage DataSource használat
usage DataSource használat
Additional items ActivityView További elemek
Additional items ActivityView További elemek
Network receive DataSource Fogadott adatok
Network receive DataSource Fogadott adatok
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KB/s
Memory DataSource Memória
Memory DataSource Memória
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Vétel
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Vétel
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1913625522
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2739021859
P-faults DataSource ページフォルト
P-faults DataSource ページフォルト
Media nodes DataSource メディアノード数
Media nodes DataSource メディアノード数
Threads DataSource スレッド数
Threads DataSource スレッド数
MB DataSource MB
Always on top ActivityWindow 常に前面に
Always on top ActivityWindow 常に前面に
Add graph ActivityWindow グラフの追加
Add graph ActivityWindow グラフの追加
Teams DataSource チーム数
Teams DataSource チーム数
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending 送信
Quit ActivityWindow 終了
Quit ActivityWindow 終了
Block cache memory DataSource ブロックキャッシュメモリ
Block cache memory DataSource ブロックキャッシュメモリ
Remove graph ActivityView グラフの削除
Remove graph ActivityView グラフの削除
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld 秒
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld 秒
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld マイクロ秒
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld マイクロ秒
CPU usage DataSource CPU 使用率
CPU usage DataSource CPU 使用率
@ -44,6 +42,5 @@ File ActivityWindow ファイル
usage DataSource 使用量
usage DataSource 使用量
Additional items ActivityView 追加項目
Additional items ActivityView 追加項目
Network receive DataSource ネットワーク受信バイト数
Network receive DataSource ネットワーク受信バイト数
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KB/s
Memory DataSource メモリ
Memory DataSource メモリ
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. 受信
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. 受信
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 3130452266
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 3955848603
P-faults DataSource Psl. klaidos
P-faults DataSource Psl. klaidos
Threads DataSource Gijos
Threads DataSource Gijos
MB DataSource MB
Add graph ActivityWindow Pridėti grafiką
Add graph ActivityWindow Pridėti grafiką
Teams DataSource Procesų grupės
Teams DataSource Procesų grupės
Hide legend ActivityView Nerodyti legendos
Hide legend ActivityView Nerodyti legendos
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending Išs.
Quit ActivityWindow Baigti darbą
Quit ActivityWindow Baigti darbą
Block cache memory DataSource Blokinio podėlio atmintis
Block cache memory DataSource Blokinio podėlio atmintis
Remove graph ActivityView Pašalinti grafiką
Remove graph ActivityView Pašalinti grafiką
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sek.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sek.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource Centrinio procesoriaus apkrova
CPU usage DataSource Centrinio procesoriaus apkrova
@ -42,6 +40,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Failas
usage DataSource apkrova
usage DataSource apkrova
Additional items ActivityView Papildomi elementai
Additional items ActivityView Papildomi elementai
Network receive DataSource Atsiunčiami duomenys
Network receive DataSource Atsiunčiami duomenys
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KB/s
Memory DataSource Atmintis
Memory DataSource Atmintis
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Ats.
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Ats.
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 3704566709
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 234995750
P-faults DataSource P-onderbrekingen
P-faults DataSource P-onderbrekingen
Media nodes DataSource Media-eenheid
Media nodes DataSource Media-eenheid
Threads DataSource Threads
Threads DataSource Threads
MB DataSource MB
Add graph ActivityWindow Voeg grafiek toe
Add graph ActivityWindow Voeg grafiek toe
Teams DataSource Teams
Teams DataSource Teams
Hide legend ActivityView Verberg legenda
Hide legend ActivityView Verberg legenda
@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending TX
Quit ActivityWindow Afsluiten
Quit ActivityWindow Afsluiten
Block cache memory DataSource Geheugen blok-cache
Block cache memory DataSource Geheugen blok-cache
Remove graph ActivityView Verwijder grafiek
Remove graph ActivityView Verwijder grafiek
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sec.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sec.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource CPU-gebruik
CPU usage DataSource CPU-gebruik
@ -43,6 +41,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Bestand
usage DataSource gebruik
usage DataSource gebruik
Additional items ActivityView Toegevoegde items
Additional items ActivityView Toegevoegde items
Network receive DataSource Netwerk (ontvangst)
Network receive DataSource Netwerk (ontvangst)
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KB/s
Memory DataSource Geheugen
Memory DataSource Geheugen
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1913625522
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2739021859
P-faults DataSource P-błędy
P-faults DataSource P-błędy
Media nodes DataSource Węzły multimedialne
Media nodes DataSource Węzły multimedialne
Threads DataSource Wątki
Threads DataSource Wątki
MB DataSource MB
Always on top ActivityWindow Zawsze na wierzchu
Always on top ActivityWindow Zawsze na wierzchu
Add graph ActivityWindow Dodaj wykres
Add graph ActivityWindow Dodaj wykres
Teams DataSource Zespoły
Teams DataSource Zespoły
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending TX
Quit ActivityWindow Wyjdź
Quit ActivityWindow Wyjdź
Block cache memory DataSource Pamięć bloku cache
Block cache memory DataSource Pamięć bloku cache
Remove graph ActivityView Usuń wykres
Remove graph ActivityView Usuń wykres
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sek.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sek.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource Użycie CPU
CPU usage DataSource Użycie CPU
@ -44,6 +42,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Plik
usage DataSource zużycie
usage DataSource zużycie
Additional items ActivityView Dodatki
Additional items ActivityView Dodatki
Network receive DataSource Odebrano
Network receive DataSource Odebrano
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KB/s
Memory DataSource Pamięć
Memory DataSource Pamięć
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1913625522
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2739021859
P-faults DataSource P-falhas
P-faults DataSource P-falhas
Media nodes DataSource Nós de mídia
Media nodes DataSource Nós de mídia
Threads DataSource Processos
Threads DataSource Processos
MB DataSource Mb
Always on top ActivityWindow Sempre visível
Always on top ActivityWindow Sempre visível
Add graph ActivityWindow Adicionar grafo
Add graph ActivityWindow Adicionar grafo
Teams DataSource Equipes
Teams DataSource Equipes
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending TX
Quit ActivityWindow Sair
Quit ActivityWindow Sair
Block cache memory DataSource Bloquear memória em cache
Block cache memory DataSource Bloquear memória em cache
Remove graph ActivityView Remover grafo
Remove graph ActivityView Remover grafo
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld seg.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld seg.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource Utilização da CPU
CPU usage DataSource Utilização da CPU
@ -44,6 +42,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Arquivo
usage DataSource uso
usage DataSource uso
Additional items ActivityView Itens adicionais
Additional items ActivityView Itens adicionais
Network receive DataSource Recebimento de rede
Network receive DataSource Recebimento de rede
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f Kb/s
Memory DataSource Memória
Memory DataSource Memória
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 3704566709
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 234995750
P-faults DataSource Defecțiuni de tip P
P-faults DataSource Defecțiuni de tip P
Media nodes DataSource Noduri media
Media nodes DataSource Noduri media
Threads DataSource Fire de execuție
Threads DataSource Fire de execuție
MB DataSource MiB
Add graph ActivityWindow Adaugă grafic
Add graph ActivityWindow Adaugă grafic
Teams DataSource Echipe
Teams DataSource Echipe
Hide legend ActivityView Ascunde legenda
Hide legend ActivityView Ascunde legenda
@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending TX
Quit ActivityWindow Părăsește
Quit ActivityWindow Părăsește
Block cache memory DataSource Blochează memoria tampon
Block cache memory DataSource Blochează memoria tampon
Remove graph ActivityView Elimină grafic
Remove graph ActivityView Elimină grafic
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MiB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sec.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sec.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource Utilizare procesor
CPU usage DataSource Utilizare procesor
@ -43,6 +41,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Fișier
usage DataSource utilizare
usage DataSource utilizare
Additional items ActivityView Elemente adiționale
Additional items ActivityView Elemente adiționale
Network receive DataSource Recepție rețea
Network receive DataSource Recepție rețea
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KiB/s
Memory DataSource Memorie
Memory DataSource Memorie
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1913625522
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2739021859
P-faults DataSource Ошибки страниц
P-faults DataSource Ошибки страниц
Media nodes DataSource Медиа узлы
Media nodes DataSource Медиа узлы
Threads DataSource Потоки
Threads DataSource Потоки
MB DataSource МБ
Always on top ActivityWindow Поверх всех окон
Always on top ActivityWindow Поверх всех окон
Add graph ActivityWindow Добавить график
Add graph ActivityWindow Добавить график
Teams DataSource Процессы
Teams DataSource Процессы
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending Передача
Quit ActivityWindow Выход
Quit ActivityWindow Выход
Block cache memory DataSource Память блокового кэша
Block cache memory DataSource Память блокового кэша
Remove graph ActivityView Удалить график
Remove graph ActivityView Удалить график
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f МБ
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld сек.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld сек.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld мс
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld мс
CPU usage DataSource Использование ЦПУ
CPU usage DataSource Использование ЦПУ
@ -44,6 +42,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Файл
usage DataSource (загрузка)
usage DataSource (загрузка)
Additional items ActivityView Дополнительные графики
Additional items ActivityView Дополнительные графики
Network receive DataSource Входящий трафик
Network receive DataSource Входящий трафик
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f КБ/с
Memory DataSource Память
Memory DataSource Память
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Прием
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. Прием
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 3704566709
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 234995750
P-faults DataSource P-fault
P-faults DataSource P-fault
Media nodes DataSource Mediálne uzly
Media nodes DataSource Mediálne uzly
Threads DataSource Vlákna
Threads DataSource Vlákna
MB DataSource MB
Add graph ActivityWindow Pridať graf
Add graph ActivityWindow Pridať graf
Teams DataSource Tímy
Teams DataSource Tímy
Hide legend ActivityView Skryť legendu
Hide legend ActivityView Skryť legendu
@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending TX
Quit ActivityWindow Ukončiť
Quit ActivityWindow Ukončiť
Block cache memory DataSource Bloková vyrovnávacia pamäť
Block cache memory DataSource Bloková vyrovnávacia pamäť
Remove graph ActivityView Odstrániť graf
Remove graph ActivityView Odstrániť graf
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sek.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sek.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource Využitie CPU
CPU usage DataSource Využitie CPU
@ -43,6 +41,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Súbor
usage DataSource využitie
usage DataSource využitie
Additional items ActivityView Ďalšie položky
Additional items ActivityView Ďalšie položky
Network receive DataSource Sieť - prijaté
Network receive DataSource Sieť - prijaté
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KB/s
Memory DataSource Pamäť
Memory DataSource Pamäť
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1913625522
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 2739021859
P-faults DataSource P-fel
P-faults DataSource P-fel
Media nodes DataSource Medianoder
Media nodes DataSource Medianoder
Threads DataSource Trådar
Threads DataSource Trådar
MB DataSource MB
Always on top ActivityWindow Alltid överst
Always on top ActivityWindow Alltid överst
Add graph ActivityWindow Lägg till graf
Add graph ActivityWindow Lägg till graf
Teams DataSource Processer
Teams DataSource Processer
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending TX
Quit ActivityWindow Avsluta
Quit ActivityWindow Avsluta
Block cache memory DataSource Blockcacheminne
Block cache memory DataSource Blockcacheminne
Remove graph ActivityView Ta bort graf
Remove graph ActivityView Ta bort graf
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sek.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sek.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource CPU användning
CPU usage DataSource CPU användning
@ -44,6 +42,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Arkiv
usage DataSource användning
usage DataSource användning
Additional items ActivityView Ytterligare mätvärden
Additional items ActivityView Ytterligare mätvärden
Network receive DataSource Nätverksmotagning
Network receive DataSource Nätverksmotagning
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KB/s
Memory DataSource Minne
Memory DataSource Minne
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 3704566709
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 234995750
P-faults DataSource Р-помилки
P-faults DataSource Р-помилки
Media nodes DataSource Мультимедійні вузли
Media nodes DataSource Мультимедійні вузли
Threads DataSource Потоки
Threads DataSource Потоки
MB DataSource MB
Add graph ActivityWindow Додати графік
Add graph ActivityWindow Додати графік
Teams DataSource Команди
Teams DataSource Команди
Hide legend ActivityView Сховати легенду
Hide legend ActivityView Сховати легенду
@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending TX
Quit ActivityWindow Вийти
Quit ActivityWindow Вийти
Block cache memory DataSource Блок кеш пам'яті
Block cache memory DataSource Блок кеш пам'яті
Remove graph ActivityView Видалити графік
Remove graph ActivityView Видалити графік
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld сек.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld сек.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld мілісек.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld мілісек.
CPU usage DataSource Використання CPU
CPU usage DataSource Використання CPU
@ -43,6 +41,5 @@ File ActivityWindow Файл
usage DataSource використання
usage DataSource використання
Additional items ActivityView Додаткові елементи
Additional items ActivityView Додаткові елементи
Network receive DataSource Отримано по мережі
Network receive DataSource Отримано по мережі
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KB/іек
Memory DataSource Пам'ять
Memory DataSource Пам'ять
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 3704566709
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 234995750
P-faults DataSource 页面错误
P-faults DataSource 页面错误
Media nodes DataSource 媒介节点
Media nodes DataSource 媒介节点
Threads DataSource 线程
Threads DataSource 线程
MB DataSource MB
Add graph ActivityWindow 添加图示
Add graph ActivityWindow 添加图示
Teams DataSource 团队
Teams DataSource 团队
Hide legend ActivityView 隐藏说明
Hide legend ActivityView 隐藏说明
@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending TX
Quit ActivityWindow 退出
Quit ActivityWindow 退出
Block cache memory DataSource 高速缓存
Block cache memory DataSource 高速缓存
Remove graph ActivityView 删除图示
Remove graph ActivityView 删除图示
%.1f MB DataSource %.1f MB
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sec.
%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sec.
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms
CPU usage DataSource CPU使用率
CPU usage DataSource CPU使用率
@ -43,6 +41,5 @@ File ActivityWindow 文件
usage DataSource 使用情况
usage DataSource 使用情况
Additional items ActivityView 附加项
Additional items ActivityView 附加项
Network receive DataSource 网络接收
Network receive DataSource 网络接收
%.1f KB/s DataSource %.1f KB/s
Memory DataSource 内存
Memory DataSource 内存
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.haiku-icon_o_matic 2622191328
1 french x-vnd.haiku-icon_o_matic 605140404
Select All Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Sélectionner tout
Select All Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Sélectionner tout
Add Style Icon-O-Matic-AddStylesCmd Ajouter un style
Add Style Icon-O-Matic-AddStylesCmd Ajouter un style
Color (#%02x%02x%02x) Style name after dropping a color Couleur (#%02x%02x%02x)
Color (#%02x%02x%02x) Style name after dropping a color Couleur (#%02x%02x%02x)
@ -29,14 +29,18 @@ Move Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Déplacer
Flip Control Points Icon-O-Matic-FlipPointsCmd Retourner les points de contrôle
Flip Control Points Icon-O-Matic-FlipPointsCmd Retourner les points de contrôle
warning Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport alerte
warning Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport alerte
Copy Icon-O-Matic-Properties Copier
Copy Icon-O-Matic-Properties Copier
Miter Limit Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Limite de raccord
OK Icon-O-Matic-ColorPicker OK
OK Icon-O-Matic-ColorPicker OK
Remove Control Point Icon-O-Matic-RemovePointsCmd Enlever le point de contrôle
Remove Control Point Icon-O-Matic-RemovePointsCmd Enlever le point de contrôle
Add circle Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Ajouter un cercle
Add circle Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Ajouter un cercle
Shorten Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Raccourcir
Shorten Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Raccourcir
bad news Title of error alert mauvaises nouvelles
bad news Title of error alert mauvaises nouvelles
Remove Paths Icon-O-Matic-RemovePathsCmd Enlever les chemins
Remove Paths Icon-O-Matic-RemovePathsCmd Enlever les chemins
Scale Y Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Échelle en Y
Add Control Point Icon-O-Matic-AddPointCmd Ajouter un point de contrôle
Add Control Point Icon-O-Matic-AddPointCmd Ajouter un point de contrôle
Untitled Icon-O-Matic-Main Sans nom
Save as… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Enregistrer sous…
Save as… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Enregistrer sous…
Don't save Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Ne pas sauvegarder
Change Color Icon-O-Matic-SetColorCmd Changer la couleur
Change Color Icon-O-Matic-SetColorCmd Changer la couleur
Style Icon-O-Matic-Menus Style
Style Icon-O-Matic-Menus Style
<modify path> Icon-O-Matic-PathCmd <modifier le chemin>
<modify path> Icon-O-Matic-PathCmd <modifier le chemin>
@ -47,6 +51,7 @@ bad news Icon-O-Matic-Exporter mauvaises nouvelles
<nothing to undo> Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Edit <rien à annuler>
<nothing to undo> Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Edit <rien à annuler>
Freeze Shape Icon-O-Matic-FreezeTransformationCmd Figer la forme
Freeze Shape Icon-O-Matic-FreezeTransformationCmd Figer la forme
Remove Style Icon-O-Matic-RemoveStylesCmd Enlever le style
Remove Style Icon-O-Matic-RemoveStylesCmd Enlever le style
Scale X Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Échelle en X
Cancel Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport Annuler
Cancel Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport Annuler
Add shape with style Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Shape Ajouter une forme avec un style
Add shape with style Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Shape Ajouter une forme avec un style
Remove Shape Icon-O-Matic-RemoveShapesCmd Enlever la forme
Remove Shape Icon-O-Matic-RemoveShapesCmd Enlever la forme
@ -71,6 +76,7 @@ Split Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Diviser
Nudge Control Points Icon-O-Matic-NudgePointsCommand Orner les points de contrôle
Nudge Control Points Icon-O-Matic-NudgePointsCommand Orner les points de contrôle
Remove Icon-O-Matic-StylesList Enlever
Remove Icon-O-Matic-StylesList Enlever
META:ICON Attribute Icon-O-Matic-SavePanel Attribut META:ICON
META:ICON Attribute Icon-O-Matic-SavePanel Attribut META:ICON
Translation Y Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Translation en Y
Rotate Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Pivoter
Rotate Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Pivoter
Remove Transformer Icon-O-Matic-RemoveTransformersCmd Supprimer une transformation
Remove Transformer Icon-O-Matic-RemoveTransformersCmd Supprimer une transformation
Add Transformer Icon-O-Matic-AddTransformersCmd Ajouter une transformation
Add Transformer Icon-O-Matic-AddTransformersCmd Ajouter une transformation
@ -93,11 +99,13 @@ Radial Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Radial
Perspective Icon-O-Matic-TransformersList Perspective
Perspective Icon-O-Matic-TransformersList Perspective
Gradient Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Dégradé
Gradient Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Dégradé
BEOS:ICON Attribute Icon-O-Matic-SavePanel Attribut BEOS:ICON
BEOS:ICON Attribute Icon-O-Matic-SavePanel Attribut BEOS:ICON
Invert selection Icon-O-Matic-Properties Inverser la sélection
Export as… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Exporter sous…
Export as… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Exporter sous…
Transformation Transformation Transformation
Transformation Transformation Transformation
Move Transformers Icon-O-Matic-MoveTransformersCmd Déplacer les transformations
Move Transformers Icon-O-Matic-MoveTransformersCmd Déplacer les transformations
Move Styles Icon-O-Matic-MoveStylesCmd Déplacer les styles
Move Styles Icon-O-Matic-MoveStylesCmd Déplacer les styles
Reset transformation Icon-O-Matic-StylesList Réinitialiser la transformation
Reset transformation Icon-O-Matic-StylesList Réinitialiser la transformation
Flip Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Retourner
Conic Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Conique
Conic Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Conique
Split Control Points Icon-O-Matic-SplitPointsCmd Diviser les points de contrôle
Split Control Points Icon-O-Matic-SplitPointsCmd Diviser les points de contrôle
Save Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Sauvegarder
Save Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Sauvegarder
@ -105,6 +113,7 @@ Close Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Fermer
Cancel Icon-O-Matic-ColorPicker Annuler
Cancel Icon-O-Matic-ColorPicker Annuler
Paste Icon-O-Matic-Properties Coller
Paste Icon-O-Matic-Properties Coller
Shape Icon-O-Matic-Menus Forme
Shape Icon-O-Matic-Menus Forme
Translation X Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Translation en X
Properties Icon-O-Matic-Menus Propriétés
Properties Icon-O-Matic-Menus Propriétés
Move Pivot Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Déplacer le pivot
Move Pivot Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Déplacer le pivot
Path Icon-O-Matic-Menus Chemin
Path Icon-O-Matic-Menus Chemin
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 2886374724
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 1848752768
Memory usage ProcessController Muistikäyttö
Memory usage ProcessController Muistikäyttö
Kill this team! ProcessController Tuhoa tämä säie!
Idle priority ProcessController Joutokäyntiprioriteetti
Idle priority ProcessController Joutokäyntiprioriteetti
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Käynnistä Työpöytäpalkki uudelleen
Restart Deskbar ProcessController Käynnistä Työpöytäpalkki uudelleen
Custom priority ProcessController Räätälöity prioriteetti
Custom priority ProcessController Räätälöity prioriteetti
@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ This team is already gone… ProcessController Tämä ryhmä on jo poistunut...
Error saving file ProcessController Virhe tallennettaessa tiedostoa
Error saving file ProcessController Virhe tallennettaessa tiedostoa
Real-time priority ProcessController Ajantasaprioriteetti
Real-time priority ProcessController Ajantasaprioriteetti
Your setting file could not be saved!\n(%s) ProcessController Asetustiedostosi tallentaminen epäonnistui!\n(%s)
Your setting file could not be saved!\n(%s) ProcessController Asetustiedostosi tallentaminen epäonnistui!\n(%s)
What do you want to do with the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Mitä haluat tehdä säikeelle ”%s”?
This thread is already gone… ProcessController Tämä säie on jo poistunut...
This thread is already gone… ProcessController Tämä säie on jo poistunut...
Cancel ProcessController Peru
Cancel ProcessController Peru
Display priority ProcessController Näyttöprioriteetti
Display priority ProcessController Näyttöprioriteetti
@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ Threads and CPU usage ProcessController Säikeet ja prosessorikäyttö
Urgent display priority ProcessController Kiireellinen näyttöprioriteetti
Urgent display priority ProcessController Kiireellinen näyttöprioriteetti
OK ProcessController Valmis
OK ProcessController Valmis
Damned! ProcessController Kirottua!
Damned! ProcessController Kirottua!
Debug this team! ProcessController Vikajäljitä tätä säiettä!
Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Käyttö: %s [-deskbar]\n
Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Käyttö: %s [-deskbar]\n
ProcessController System name Prosessiohjain
ProcessController System name Prosessiohjain
Real-time display priority ProcessController Ajantasanäyttöprioriteetti
Real-time display priority ProcessController Ajantasanäyttöprioriteetti
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 3577331897
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 1786411139
Show home button Settings Window Näytä aloitussivupainike
Show home button Settings Window Näytä aloitussivupainike
Username: Authentication Panel Käyttäjätunnus:
Username: Authentication Panel Käyttäjätunnus:
Copy URL to clipboard Download Window Kopioi verkko-osoite leikepöydälle
Copy URL to clipboard Download Window Kopioi verkko-osoite leikepöydälle
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Start page: Settings Window Aloitussivu:
History WebPositive Window Historia
History WebPositive Window Historia
Error opening downloads folder Download Window Virhe avattaessa latauskansiota
Error opening downloads folder Download Window Virhe avattaessa latauskansiota
Paste WebPositive Window Liitä
Paste WebPositive Window Liitä
Double-click or middle-click to open new tab. Tab Manager Välilehden avaamiseksi napsauta hiiren kakkos- tai keskipainikkeella.
Proxy username: Settings Window Välityspalvelimen käyttäjätunnus:
Proxy username: Settings Window Välityspalvelimen käyttäjätunnus:
Settings Settings Window Asetukset
Settings Settings Window Asetukset
%seconds seconds left Download Window %seconds sekuntia jäljellä
%seconds seconds left Download Window %seconds sekuntia jäljellä
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 677628532
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 3504008668
gamma AboutWindow gamma
gamma AboutWindow gamma
beta AboutWindow beeta
beta AboutWindow beeta
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f gibitavua
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f gibitavua
@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ alpha AboutWindow alfa
Error PrintJob Virhe
Error PrintJob Virhe
No Pages to print! PrintJob Ei ole tulostettavia sivuja!
No Pages to print! PrintJob Ei ole tulostettavia sivuja!
All Rights Reserved. AboutWindow All Rights Reserved.
All Rights Reserved. AboutWindow All Rights Reserved.
About %app% AboutWindow Ohjelmasta %app%
OK Dragger Valmis
OK Dragger Valmis
OK PrintJob Valmis
OK PrintJob Valmis
Green: ColorControl Vihreä:
Green: ColorControl Vihreä:
Ok AboutWindow Valmis
Version history: AboutWindow Versiohistoria:
Version history: AboutWindow Versiohistoria:
Remove replicant Dragger Poista replikantti
Remove replicant Dragger Poista replikantti
OK ZombieReplicantView Valmis
OK ZombieReplicantView Valmis
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-libtextencoding 3062073902
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-libtextencoding 1525027211
ISO Greek textencodings ISO-kreikkalainen
ISO Greek textencodings ISO-kreikkalainen
ISO South European textencodings ISO-eteläeurooppalainen
ISO South European textencodings ISO-eteläeurooppalainen
Chinese Big5 textencodings Kiinalainen Big5
Chinese Big5 textencodings Kiinalainen Big5
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ISO Arabic textencodings ISO-arabialainen
ISO Latin 9 textencodings ISO-latinalainen 9
ISO Latin 9 textencodings ISO-latinalainen 9
Japanese Shift JIS textencodings Japanilainen Shift JIS
Japanese Shift JIS textencodings Japanilainen Shift JIS
DOS Cyrillic textencodings DOS-kyrillinen
DOS Cyrillic textencodings DOS-kyrillinen
Windows Central European (CP 1250) textencodings Windows, Keski-Eurooppa (CP 1250)
Windows Cyrillic (CP 1251) textencodings Windows kyrillinen (CP 1251)
Windows Cyrillic (CP 1251) textencodings Windows kyrillinen (CP 1251)
Japanese EUC textencodings Japanilainen EUC
Japanese EUC textencodings Japanilainen EUC
Unicode textencodings Unicode
Unicode textencodings Unicode
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1638733886
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 1762695842
common B_COMMON_DIRECTORY yhteinen
common B_COMMON_DIRECTORY yhteinen
OK WidgetAttributeText Valmis
OK WidgetAttributeText Valmis
Icon view VolumeWindow Kuvakenäkymä
Icon view VolumeWindow Kuvakenäkymä
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ Add-ons ContainerWindow Lisäosat
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu Muokkaa mallinteita...
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu Muokkaa mallinteita...
Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left StatusWindow Loppuu: %time - Yli %finistime jäljellä
Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left StatusWindow Loppuu: %time - Yli %finistime jäljellä
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils Kohde nimeltä ”%name” on jo olemassa tässä kansiossa. Haluaisitko korvata sen symbolisella linkillä, jota olet luomassa?
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils Kohde nimeltä ”%name” on jo olemassa tässä kansiossa. Haluaisitko korvata sen symbolisella linkillä, jota olet luomassa?
Fewer options FindPanel Vähemmän valitsimia
Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection. FSUtils Kohdetaltiolla ei ole tarpeeksi tilaa valinnan kopioimiseksi.
Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection. FSUtils Kohdetaltiolla ei ole tarpeeksi tilaa valinnan kopioimiseksi.
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). FSUtils Asiakirjan ”%document” avaaminen sovelluksella ”%app” epäonnistui (%error).
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). FSUtils Asiakirjan ”%document” avaaminen sovelluksella ”%app” epäonnistui (%error).
Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed. FilePanelPriv Useamman kuin yhden kohteen tallentaminen ei ole sallittua.
Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed. FilePanelPriv Useamman kuin yhden kohteen tallentaminen ei ole sallittua.
@ -236,6 +237,7 @@ Temporary FindPanel Tilapäinen
Version OpenWithWindow Versio
Version OpenWithWindow Versio
Default application InfoWindow Oletussovellus
Default application InfoWindow Oletussovellus
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow Valmistaudutaan kopioimaan kohteita...
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow Valmistaudutaan kopioimaan kohteita...
Save query as template… FindPanel Tallenna kysely mallinteena...
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Näytä kansion sijainti otsikkovälilehdessä
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Näytä kansion sijainti otsikkovälilehdessä
Proceed FSUtils Jatketaan
Proceed FSUtils Jatketaan
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils Tässä kansiossa on jo joitakin kohteita, joilla on samat nimet kuin kohteilla, joille haluat suorittaa toiminnon ”%verb”.\n \nHaluaisitko korvata ne niillä kohteilla, jotka joille haluat suorittaa toiminnon ”%verb” vai haluatko kysymyskehotteen jokaiselle?
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils Tässä kansiossa on jo joitakin kohteita, joilla on samat nimet kuin kohteilla, joille haluat suorittaa toiminnon ”%verb”.\n \nHaluaisitko korvata ne niillä kohteilla, jotka joille haluat suorittaa toiminnon ”%verb” vai haluatko kysymyskehotteen jokaiselle?
@ -334,6 +336,7 @@ The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose anothe
Clean up ContainerWindow Tyhjennä
Clean up ContainerWindow Tyhjennä
after FindPanel jälkeen
after FindPanel jälkeen
Select… QueryContainerWindow Valitse...
Select… QueryContainerWindow Valitse...
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link FSUtils filename link linkki
link FSUtils filename link linkki
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState Funktio %func kohteessa\nfind_directory() epäonnistui. \nSyy: %error
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error TrackerInitialState Funktio %func kohteessa\nfind_directory() epäonnistui. \nSyy: %error
The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv Määritelty nimi on virheellinen. Valitse toinen nimi.
The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv Määritelty nimi on virheellinen. Valitse toinen nimi.
@ -445,6 +448,7 @@ contains FindPanel sisältää
Relation OpenWithWindow Suhde
Relation OpenWithWindow Suhde
Open FilePanelPriv Avaa
Open FilePanelPriv Avaa
Mount DeskWindow Liitä
Mount DeskWindow Liitä
Recent queries FindPanel Äskettäiset kyselyt
Mount ContainerWindow Liitä
Mount ContainerWindow Liitä
%capacity (%used used -- %free free) InfoWindow %capacity (%used käytetty -- %free vapaana)
%capacity (%used used -- %free free) InfoWindow %capacity (%used käytetty -- %free vapaana)
Cancel FSClipBoard Peru
Cancel FSClipBoard Peru
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance 2993758435
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-Appearance 727801787
Plain font: Font view Pelkkä kirjasin:
Plain font: Font view Pelkkä kirjasin:
Control highlight Colors tab Kontrollin korostus
Control highlight Colors tab Kontrollin korostus
Control border Colors tab Kontrollin reuna
Control border Colors tab Kontrollin reuna
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Font Selection view Don't translate
%decorName\n\nAuthors:\n\t%decorAuthors\n\nURL: %decorURL\nLicense: %decorLic\n\n%decorDesc\n DecorSettingsView %decorName\n\nTekijät:\n\t%decorAuthors\n\nVerkko-osoite: %decorURL\nLisenssi: %decorLic\n\n%decorDesc\n
%decorName\n\nAuthors:\n\t%decorAuthors\n\nURL: %decorURL\nLicense: %decorLic\n\n%decorDesc\n DecorSettingsView %decorName\n\nTekijät:\n\t%decorAuthors\n\nVerkko-osoite: %decorURL\nLisenssi: %decorLic\n\n%decorDesc\n
Reduce colored edges filter strength: AntialiasingSettingsView Vähennä värillisten reunojen suodatuksen vahvuutta:
Reduce colored edges filter strength: AntialiasingSettingsView Vähennä värillisten reunojen suodatuksen vahvuutta:
Subpixel based anti-aliasing in combination with glyph hinting is not available in this build of Haiku to avoid possible patent issues. To enable this feature, you have to build Haiku yourself and enable certain options in the libfreetype configuration header. AntialiasingSettingsView Alipikselipohjainen reunanpehmennys yhdistettynä kirjoitusmerkkiviimeistelyyn ei ole saatavilla tässä Haiku-versiossa patenttisyiden takia. Ominaisuuden saaminen käyttöön vaatii Haikun uudelleenkääntämistä ja eräiden optioiden aktivoimista libfreetype:n määrittelytiedostoissa.
Subpixel based anti-aliasing in combination with glyph hinting is not available in this build of Haiku to avoid possible patent issues. To enable this feature, you have to build Haiku yourself and enable certain options in the libfreetype configuration header. AntialiasingSettingsView Alipikselipohjainen reunanpehmennys yhdistettynä kirjoitusmerkkiviimeistelyyn ei ole saatavilla tässä Haiku-versiossa patenttisyiden takia. Ominaisuuden saaminen käyttöön vaatii Haikun uudelleenkääntämistä ja eräiden optioiden aktivoimista libfreetype:n määrittelytiedostoissa.
Scroll bar thumb Colors tab Vierintäpalkkipeukalo
Control text Colors tab Kontrollin teksti
Control text Colors tab Kontrollin teksti
Single: DecorSettingsView Yksikkö:
Single: DecorSettingsView Yksikkö:
Tooltip text Colors tab Työkaluvinkin teksti
Tooltip text Colors tab Työkaluvinkin teksti
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-InterfacesAddOn 1172292901
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-InterfacesAddOn 160108912
Interface InterfaceWindow Käyttöliittymä
Configure… InterfacesListView Aseta…
Configure… InterfacesListView Aseta…
Static IntefaceAddressView Staattinen
Static IntefaceAddressView Staattinen
None InterfacesListView Ei mitään
None InterfacesListView Ei mitään
@ -11,10 +12,12 @@ Renegotiate InterfacesAddOn Neuvottele uudelleen
The method for obtaining an IP address IntefaceAddressView IP-osoitteen hakumenetelmä
The method for obtaining an IP address IntefaceAddressView IP-osoitteen hakumenetelmä
Your gateway IntefaceAddressView Yhdyskäytäväsi
Your gateway IntefaceAddressView Yhdyskäytäväsi
Enable InterfacesListView Käytössä
Enable InterfacesListView Käytössä
Received: IntefaceHardwareView Vastaanotettu:
Revert InterfaceWindow Palauta
Revert InterfaceWindow Palauta
connected IntefaceHardwareView yhdistetty
connected IntefaceHardwareView yhdistetty
Gateway: IntefaceAddressView Yhdyskäytävä:
Gateway: IntefaceAddressView Yhdyskäytävä:
Disable InterfacesListView Ei ole käytössä
Disable InterfacesListView Ei ole käytössä
Sent: IntefaceHardwareView Lähetetty:
Disable InterfacesAddOn Ei ole käytössä
Disable InterfacesAddOn Ei ole käytössä
Configure… InterfacesAddOn Aseta…
Configure… InterfacesAddOn Aseta…
Renegotiate Address InterfacesListView Neuvottele osoite uudelleen
Renegotiate Address InterfacesListView Neuvottele osoite uudelleen
@ -26,4 +29,5 @@ Off IntefaceAddressView Pois käytöstä
MAC address: IntefaceHardwareView MAC-osoite:
MAC address: IntefaceHardwareView MAC-osoite:
Netmask: IntefaceAddressView Verkkopeite:
Netmask: IntefaceAddressView Verkkopeite:
Your IP address IntefaceAddressView IP-osoitteesi
Your IP address IntefaceAddressView IP-osoitteesi
%llu KBytes IntefaceHardwareView %llu kilotavua
disconnected IntefaceHardwareView yhteys katkaistu
disconnected IntefaceHardwareView yhteys katkaistu
Reference in New Issue
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