diff --git a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/EthernetSettingsView.cpp b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/EthernetSettingsView.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a03cb32c1a..0000000000
--- a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/EthernetSettingsView.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2004-2009, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
- *
- * Authors:
- *		Andre Alves Garzia, andre@andregarzia.com
- *		Stephan Assmuß
- *		Axel Dörfler
- * 		Fredrik Modéen
- *		Hugo Santos
- *		Philippe Saint-Pierre
- */
-#include "EthernetSettingsView.h"
-#include "Setting.h"
-#include <InterfaceKit.h>
-#include <GridView.h>
-#include <GroupView.h>
-#include <LayoutItem.h>
-#include <SpaceLayoutItem.h>
-#include <File.h>
-#include <Path.h>
-#include <Directory.h>
-#include <FindDirectory.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <NetServer.h>
-#include <support/Beep.h>
-static const uint32 kMsgApply = 'aply';
-static const uint32 kMsgRevert = 'rvrt';
-static const uint32 kMsgClose = 'clse';
-static const uint32 kMsgField = 'fild';
-static const uint32 kMsgMode = 'mode';
-static const uint32	kMsgChange = 'chng';
-static void
-SetupTextControl(BTextControl *control)
-	// TODO: Disallow characters, etc.
-	// Would be nice to have a real
-	// formatted input control
-	control->SetModificationMessage(new BMessage(kMsgChange));
-//	#pragma mark -
-EthernetSettingsView::EthernetSettingsView(Setting* setting)
-	: BView("EthernetSettingsView", 0, NULL),
-	fCurrentSettings(setting)
-	SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR));
-	// build the GUI
-	BGroupLayout* rootLayout = new BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL);
-	SetLayout(rootLayout);
-	BGridView* controlsGroup = new BGridView();
-	BGridLayout* layout = controlsGroup->GridLayout();
-	// insets
-	float inset = ceilf(be_plain_font->Size() * 0.7);
-	rootLayout->SetInsets(inset, inset, inset, inset);
-	rootLayout->SetSpacing(inset);
-	layout->SetSpacing(inset, inset);
-	BPopUpMenu* modeMenu = new  BPopUpMenu("modes");
-	modeMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Static", new BMessage(kMsgMode)));
-	modeMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("DHCP", new BMessage(kMsgMode)));
-	fTypeMenuField = new BMenuField("Mode:", modeMenu);
-	layout->AddItem(fTypeMenuField->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 1);
-	layout->AddItem(fTypeMenuField->CreateMenuBarLayoutItem(), 1, 1);
-	fIPTextControl = new BTextControl("IP Address:", "", NULL);
-	SetupTextControl(fIPTextControl);
-	BLayoutItem* layoutItem = fIPTextControl->CreateTextViewLayoutItem();
-	layoutItem->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(
-		fIPTextControl->StringWidth("XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX") + inset,
-	layout->AddItem(fIPTextControl->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 2);
-	layout->AddItem(layoutItem, 1, 2);
-	fNetMaskTextControl = new BTextControl("Netmask:", "", NULL);
-	SetupTextControl(fNetMaskTextControl);
-	layout->AddItem(fNetMaskTextControl->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 3);
-	layout->AddItem(fNetMaskTextControl->CreateTextViewLayoutItem(), 1, 3);
-	fGatewayTextControl = new BTextControl("Gateway:", "", NULL);
-	SetupTextControl(fGatewayTextControl);
-	layout->AddItem(fGatewayTextControl->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 4);
-	layout->AddItem(fGatewayTextControl->CreateTextViewLayoutItem(), 1, 4);
-	// TODO: Replace the DNS text controls by a BListView with add/remove
-	// functionality and so on...
-	fPrimaryDNSTextControl = new BTextControl("DNS #1:", "", NULL);
-	SetupTextControl(fPrimaryDNSTextControl);
-	layout->AddItem(fPrimaryDNSTextControl->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 5);
-	layout->AddItem(fPrimaryDNSTextControl->CreateTextViewLayoutItem(), 1, 5);
-	fSecondaryDNSTextControl = new BTextControl("DNS #2:", "", NULL);
-	SetupTextControl(fSecondaryDNSTextControl);
-	layout->AddItem(fSecondaryDNSTextControl->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 6);
-	layout->AddItem(fSecondaryDNSTextControl->CreateTextViewLayoutItem(), 1, 6);
-	fErrorMessage = new BStringView("error", "");
-	fErrorMessage->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT);
-	fErrorMessage->SetFont(be_bold_font);
-	fErrorMessage->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, B_SIZE_UNSET));
-	layout->AddView(fErrorMessage, 1, 7);
-	// button group (TODO: move to window, but take care of
-	// enabling/disabling)
-	BGroupView* buttonGroup = new BGroupView(B_HORIZONTAL);
-	fRevertButton = new BButton("Revert", new BMessage(kMsgRevert));
-	fRevertButton->SetEnabled(false);
-	buttonGroup->GroupLayout()->AddView(fRevertButton);
-	buttonGroup->GroupLayout()->AddItem(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue());
-	fApplyButton = new BButton("Apply", new BMessage(kMsgApply));
-	buttonGroup->GroupLayout()->AddView(fApplyButton);
-	rootLayout->AddView(controlsGroup);
-	rootLayout->AddView(buttonGroup);
-	close(fSocket);
-EthernetSettingsView::_PrepareRequest(struct ifreq& request, const char* name)
-	// This function is used for talking direct to the stack.
-	// It's used by _ShowConfiguration.
-	if (strlen(name) > IF_NAMESIZE)
-		return false;
-	strcpy(request.ifr_name, name);
-	return true;
-	fApplyButton->SetTarget(this);
-	fRevertButton->SetTarget(this);
-	fIPTextControl->SetTarget(this);
-	fNetMaskTextControl->SetTarget(this);
-	fGatewayTextControl->SetTarget(this);
-	fPrimaryDNSTextControl->SetTarget(this);
-	fSecondaryDNSTextControl->SetTarget(this);
-	fTypeMenuField->Menu()->SetTargetForItems(this);
-	// display settigs of first adapter on startup
-	_ShowConfiguration(fCurrentSettings);
-EthernetSettingsView::_ShowConfiguration(Setting* setting)
-	// Clear the inputs.
-	fIPTextControl->SetText("");
-	fGatewayTextControl->SetText("");
-	fNetMaskTextControl->SetText("");
-	fPrimaryDNSTextControl->SetText("");
-	fSecondaryDNSTextControl->SetText("");
-	bool enableControls = false;
-	fTypeMenuField->SetEnabled(setting != NULL);
-	if (setting) {
-		fIPTextControl->SetText(setting->IP());
-		fGatewayTextControl->SetText(setting->Gateway());
-		fNetMaskTextControl->SetText(setting->Netmask());
-		BMenuItem* item;
-		if (setting->AutoConfigured() == true)
-			item = fTypeMenuField->Menu()->FindItem("DHCP");
-		else
-			item = fTypeMenuField->Menu()->FindItem("Static");
-		if (item)
-			item->SetMarked(true);
-		enableControls = setting->AutoConfigured() == false;
-		if (setting->fNameservers.CountItems() >= 2) {
-			fSecondaryDNSTextControl->SetText(
-				setting->fNameservers.ItemAt(1)->String());
-		}
-		if (setting->fNameservers.CountItems() >= 1) {
-			fPrimaryDNSTextControl->SetText(
-					setting->fNameservers.ItemAt(0)->String());
-		}
-	}
-	//We don't want to enable loop
-	if (strcmp(fCurrentSettings->Name(), "loop") == 0) {
-		_EnableTextControls(false);
-		fTypeMenuField->SetEnabled(false);
-	} else
-		_EnableTextControls(enableControls);
-EthernetSettingsView::_EnableTextControls(bool enable)
-	fIPTextControl->SetEnabled(enable);
-	fGatewayTextControl->SetEnabled(enable);
-	fNetMaskTextControl->SetEnabled(enable);
-	fPrimaryDNSTextControl->SetEnabled(enable);
-	fSecondaryDNSTextControl->SetEnabled(enable);
-	if (!fCurrentSettings)
-		return;
-	fCurrentSettings->SetIP(fIPTextControl->Text());
-	fCurrentSettings->SetNetmask(fNetMaskTextControl->Text());
-	fCurrentSettings->SetGateway(fGatewayTextControl->Text());
-	fCurrentSettings->SetAutoConfigure(
-		strcmp(fTypeMenuField->Menu()->FindMarked()->Label(), "DHCP") == 0);
-	fCurrentSettings->fNameservers.MakeEmpty();
-	fCurrentSettings->fNameservers.AddItem(new BString(
-		fPrimaryDNSTextControl->Text()));
-	fCurrentSettings->fNameservers.AddItem(new BString(
-		fSecondaryDNSTextControl->Text()));
-	fApplyButton->SetEnabled(false);
-	fRevertButton->SetEnabled(true);
-	_ApplyControlsToConfiguration();
-	_SaveDNSConfiguration();
-	_SaveAdaptersConfiguration();
-	if (fCurrentSettings->AutoConfigured())
-		_TriggerAutoConfig(fCurrentSettings->Name());
-	BPath path;
-	if (find_directory(B_COMMON_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path) != B_OK)
-		return;
-	path.Append("network/resolv.conf");
-	BFile file(path.Path(), B_CREATE_FILE | B_ERASE_FILE | B_WRITE_ONLY);
-	if (file.InitCheck() != B_OK) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "failed to open %s for writing: %s\n", path.Path(), 
-			strerror(file.InitCheck()));
-		return;
-	}
-	BString content("# Generated by Network Preflet\n");
-	for (int j = 0; j < fCurrentSettings->fNameservers.CountItems(); j++) {
-		if (fCurrentSettings->fNameservers.ItemAt(j)->Length() > 0) {
-			content << "nameserver\t"
-				<< fCurrentSettings->fNameservers.ItemAt(j)->String() << "\n";
-		}
-	}
-	file.Write(content.String(), content.Length());
-	BPath path;
-	status_t status = _GetPath("interfaces", path);
-	printf("Path = %s\n", path.Path());
-	if (status < B_OK)
-		return;
-	FILE* fp = NULL;
-	if (fCurrentSettings->AutoConfigured())
-		return;
-	if (fp == NULL) {
-		fp = fopen(path.Path(), "w");
-		if (fp == NULL) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "failed to open file %s to write "
-				"configuration: %s\n", path.Path(), strerror(errno));
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	fprintf(fp, "interface %s {\n\t\taddress {\n",fCurrentSettings->Name());
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tfamily\tinet\n");
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\taddress\t%s\n",fCurrentSettings->IP());
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tgateway\t%s\n",fCurrentSettings->Gateway());
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tmask\t%s\n",fCurrentSettings->Netmask());
-	fprintf(fp, "\t\t}\n}\n\n");
-	if (fp) {
-		printf("%s saved.\n", path.Path());
-		fclose(fp);
-	} else {
-		// all configuration is DHCP, so delete interfaces file.
-		remove(path.Path());
-	}
-EthernetSettingsView::_TriggerAutoConfig(const char* device)
-	BMessenger networkServer(kNetServerSignature);
-	if (!networkServer.IsValid()) {
-		(new BAlert("error", "The net_server needs to run for the auto "
-			"configuration!", "OK"))->Go();
-		return B_ERROR;
-	}
-	BMessage message(kMsgConfigureInterface);
-	message.AddString("device", device);
-	BMessage address;
-	address.AddString("family", "inet");
-	address.AddBool("auto_config", true);
-	message.AddMessage("address", &address);
-	BMessage reply;
-	status_t status = networkServer.SendMessage(&message, &reply);
-	if (status != B_OK) {
-		BString errorMessage("Sending auto-config message failed: ");
-		errorMessage << strerror(status);
-		(new BAlert("error", errorMessage.String(), "OK"))->Go();
-		return status;
-	} else if (reply.FindInt32("status", &status) == B_OK
-			&& status != B_OK) {
-		BString errorMessage("Auto-configuring failed: ");
-		errorMessage << strerror(status);
-		(new BAlert("error", errorMessage.String(), "OK"))->Go();
-		return status;
-	}
-	return B_OK;
-EthernetSettingsView::_GetPath(const char* name, BPath& path)
-	if (find_directory(B_COMMON_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path, true) != B_OK)
-		return B_ERROR;
-	path.Append("network");
-	create_directory(path.Path(), 0755);
-	if (name != NULL)
-		path.Append(name);
-	return B_OK;
-MatchPattern(const char* string, const char* pattern)
-	regex_t compiled;
-	bool result = regcomp(&compiled, pattern, REG_NOSUB | REG_EXTENDED) == 0
-		&& regexec(&compiled, string, 0, NULL, 0) == 0;
-	regfree(&compiled);
-	return result;
-EthernetSettingsView::_ValidateControl(BTextControl* control)
-	static const char* pattern = "^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01][0-9]{2}|[0-9]"
-		"{1,2})(\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})){3}$";
-	if (control->IsEnabled() && !MatchPattern(control->Text(), pattern)) {
-		control->MakeFocus();
-		BString errorMessage;
-		errorMessage << control->Label();
-		errorMessage.RemoveLast(":");
-		errorMessage << " is invalid";
-		fErrorMessage->SetText(errorMessage.String());
-		beep();
-		return false;
-	}
-	return true;
-EthernetSettingsView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message)
-	switch (message->what) {
-		case kMsgMode:
-			if (BMenuItem* item = fTypeMenuField->Menu()->FindMarked())
-					_EnableTextControls(strcmp(item->Label(), "DHCP") != 0);
-			fApplyButton->SetEnabled(true);
-			fRevertButton->SetEnabled(true);					
-			break;
-		case kMsgRevert:
-			_ShowConfiguration(fCurrentSettings);
-			fRevertButton->SetEnabled(false);
-			break;
-		case kMsgApply:
-			if (_ValidateControl(fIPTextControl)
-				&& _ValidateControl(fNetMaskTextControl)
-				&& (strlen(fGatewayTextControl->Text()) == 0
-					|| _ValidateControl(fGatewayTextControl))
-				&& (strlen(fPrimaryDNSTextControl->Text()) == 0
-					|| _ValidateControl(fPrimaryDNSTextControl))
-				&& (strlen(fSecondaryDNSTextControl->Text()) == 0
-					|| _ValidateControl(fSecondaryDNSTextControl)))
-				_SaveConfiguration();
-			break;
-		case kMsgChange:
-			fErrorMessage->SetText("");
-				//We don't want to enable loop
-				if (strcmp(fCurrentSettings->Name(), "loop") == 0)
-					fApplyButton->SetEnabled(false);
-				else
-					fApplyButton->SetEnabled(true);
-			break;
-		default:
-			BView::MessageReceived(message);
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/EthernetSettingsView.h b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/EthernetSettingsView.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 95664eed2c..0000000000
--- a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/EthernetSettingsView.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2004-2007 Haiku Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
- *
- * Author:
- *		Andre Alves Garzia, andre@andregarzia.com
- *		Axel Dörfler
- * 		Fredrik Modéen 
- *		Hugo Santos
- */
-#include "Setting.h"
-#include <ObjectList.h>
-#include <View.h>
-#include <posix/regex.h>
-class BButton;
-class BMenuField;
-class BPath;
-class BTextControl;
-class BStringView;
-class EthernetSettingsView : public BView {
-								EthernetSettingsView(Setting* setting);
-		virtual					~EthernetSettingsView();
-		virtual	void			MessageReceived(BMessage* message);
-		virtual	void			AttachedToWindow();
-		virtual	void			DetachedFromWindow();
-				void			SaveProfile(BString profileName);
-				void			LoadProfile(BString profileName);
-				bool			_PrepareRequest(struct ifreq& request,
-									const char* name);
-				void 			_ShowConfiguration(Setting* setting);
-				void			_EnableTextControls(bool enable);
-				void			_SaveConfiguration();
-				void			_SaveDNSConfiguration();
-				void			_SaveAdaptersConfiguration();
-				void			_ApplyControlsToConfiguration();
-				status_t		_GetPath(const char* name, BPath& path);
-				status_t		_TriggerAutoConfig(const char* device);
-				bool			_ValidateControl(BTextControl* control);
-				BButton*		fApplyButton;
-				BButton*		fRevertButton;
-				BMenuField*		fDeviceMenuField;
-				BMenuField*		fTypeMenuField;
-				BTextControl*	fIPTextControl;
-				BTextControl*	fNetMaskTextControl;
-				BTextControl*	fGatewayTextControl;
-				BTextControl*	fPrimaryDNSTextControl;
-				BTextControl*	fSecondaryDNSTextControl;
-				BStringView*	fErrorMessage;
-					// TODO: DNS settings do not belong here, do they?
-				BObjectList<BString> fInterfaces;
-				Setting*		fCurrentSettings;
-				int32			fStatus;
-				int				fSocket;
diff --git a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesAddOn.cpp b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesAddOn.cpp
index 3b3639c4b5..e68f3adda5 100644
--- a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesAddOn.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesAddOn.cpp
@@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ InterfacesAddOn::CreateView(BRect *bounds)
 	float w, h;
 	BRect r = *bounds;
 #define H_MARGIN	10
 #define V_MARGIN	10
 #define SMALL_MARGIN	3
 	if (r.Width() < 100 || r.Height() < 100)
 		r.Set(0, 0, 100, 100);
 	ResizeTo(r.Width(), r.Height());
 	BRect rlv = r;
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ InterfacesAddOn::CreateView(BRect *bounds)
 	rlv.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH;
 	fListview = new InterfacesListView(rlv, "interfaces", B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES);
 	fListview->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(INTERFACE_SELECTED_MSG));
-	fListview->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(CONFIGURE_INTERFACE_MSG));	
-	AddChild(new BScrollView(NULL, fListview, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW 
+	fListview->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(CONFIGURE_INTERFACE_MSG));
+	AddChild(new BScrollView(NULL, fListview, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW
 			| B_FRAME_EVENTS, false, true));
 	r.top = r.bottom - 60;
-	fConfigure = new BButton(r, "configure", "Configure" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, 
+	fConfigure = new BButton(r, "configure", "Configure" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS,
 	fConfigure->GetPreferredSize(&w, &h);
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ InterfacesAddOn::CreateView(BRect *bounds)
-	*bounds = Bounds();	
+	*bounds = Bounds();
 	return this;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ InterfacesAddOn::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg)
 	int nr = fListview->CurrentSelection();
 	InterfaceListItem *item = NULL;
-	if(nr != -1) {		
+	if(nr != -1) {
 		item = dynamic_cast<InterfaceListItem*>(fListview->ItemAt(nr));
@@ -131,26 +131,26 @@ InterfacesAddOn::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg)
-		fOnOff->SetLabel(item->Enabled() ? "Disable" : "Enable");
-		fOnOff->Show();		
+		fOnOff->SetLabel(item->IsDisabled() ? "Enable" : "Disable");
+		fOnOff->Show();
 		if (!item)
-		NetworkWindow* nw = new NetworkWindow(item->GetSetting());
+		NetworkWindow* nw = new NetworkWindow(item->GetSettings());
 		if (!item)
-		item->SetEnabled(!item->Enabled());
-		fOnOff->SetLabel(item->Enabled() ? "Disable" : "Enable");
+		item->SetDisabled(!item->IsDisabled());
+		fOnOff->SetLabel(item->IsDisabled() ? "Enable" : "Disable");
diff --git a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesListView.cpp b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesListView.cpp
index 95bbec44c8..b9503b4bfe 100644
--- a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesListView.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesListView.cpp
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 #include "InterfacesListView.h"
-#include "Setting.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -22,42 +21,17 @@
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/sockio.h>
-#include <IconUtils.h>
 #include <File.h>
+#include <IconUtils.h>
+#include <net_notifications.h>
+#include <NetworkDevice.h>
+#include <NetworkInterface.h>
+#include <NetworkRoster.h>
 #include <Resources.h>
 #include <AutoDeleter.h>
-#include <net_notifications.h>
-class SocketOpener {
-	SocketOpener()
-	{
-		fSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
-	}
-	~SocketOpener()
-	{
-		close(fSocket);
-	}
-	status_t InitCheck()
-	{
-		return fSocket >= 0 ? B_OK : B_ERROR;
-	}
-	operator int() const
-	{
-		return fSocket;
-	}
-	int	fSocket;
+#include "Settings.h"
 // #pragma mark -
@@ -77,25 +51,30 @@ our_image(image_info& image)
+// #pragma mark -
 InterfaceListItem::InterfaceListItem(const char* name)
-	: 
+	:
 	BListItem(0, false),
-	fIcon(NULL), 	
-	fSettings(new Setting(name))
+	fIcon(NULL)
-	_InitIcon();
+	fInterface.SetTo(name);
+	_Init();
 	delete fIcon;
+	delete fSettings;
-void InterfaceListItem::Update(BView* owner, const BFont* font)
-	BListItem::Update(owner,font);	
+InterfaceListItem::Update(BView* owner, const BFont* font)
+	BListItem::Update(owner,font);
 	font_height height;
@@ -110,21 +89,21 @@ InterfaceListItem::DrawItem(BView* owner, BRect /*bounds*/, bool complete)
 	BListView* list = dynamic_cast<BListView*>(owner);
 	if (!list)
 	font_height height;
 	BFont font;
 	float fntheight = height.ascent+height.descent+height.leading;
-	BRect bounds = list->ItemFrame(list->IndexOf(this));		
+	BRect bounds = list->ItemFrame(list->IndexOf(this));
 	rgb_color oldviewcolor = owner->ViewColor();
 	rgb_color oldlowcolor = owner->LowColor();
 	rgb_color oldcolor = owner->HighColor();
 	rgb_color color = oldviewcolor;
-	if ( IsSelected() ) 
+	if ( IsSelected() )
 		color = tint_color(color, B_HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND_TINT);
 	owner->SetViewColor( color );
@@ -140,35 +119,35 @@ InterfaceListItem::DrawItem(BView* owner, BRect /*bounds*/, bool complete)
 	BPoint namePt = iconPt + BPoint(32+8, fntheight);
 	BPoint driverPt = iconPt + BPoint(32+8, fntheight*2);
 	BPoint commentPt = iconPt + BPoint(32+8, fntheight*3);
 	drawing_mode mode = owner->DrawingMode();
-	if (fSettings->Enabled())
-		owner->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER);
-	else {
+	if (fSettings->IsDisabled()) {
 		owner->SetBlendingMode(B_CONSTANT_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY);
 		owner->SetHighColor(0, 0, 0, 32);
-	}
+	} else
+		owner->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER);
 	owner->DrawBitmapAsync(fIcon, iconPt);
-	if (!fSettings->Enabled())
+	if (fSettings->IsDisabled())
 		owner->SetHighColor(tint_color(oldcolor, B_LIGHTEN_1_TINT));
 	owner->DrawString(Name(), namePt);
-	if (fSettings->Enabled()) {
+	if (fSettings->IsDisabled())
+		owner->DrawString("Disabled.", driverPt);
+	else {
 		BString str("Enabled, IPv4 address: ");
 		str << fSettings->IP();
 		owner->DrawString(str.String(), driverPt);
-		if (fSettings->AutoConfigured())
+		if (fSettings->AutoConfigure())
 			owner->DrawString("DHCP enabled", commentPt);
 			owner->DrawString("DHCP disabled, use static IP address", commentPt);
-	} else 
-		owner->DrawString("Disabled.", driverPt);
+	}
@@ -176,12 +155,16 @@ InterfaceListItem::DrawItem(BView* owner, BRect /*bounds*/, bool complete)
+	fSettings = new Settings(Name());
+	// Init icon
 	BBitmap* icon = NULL;
-	const char* mediaTypeName = "";
-	int media = fSettings->Media();
+	const char* mediaTypeName = NULL;
+	int media = fInterface.Media();
 	printf("%s media = 0x%x\n", Name(), media);
 	switch (IFM_TYPE(media)) {
 		case IFM_ETHER:
@@ -190,6 +173,14 @@ InterfaceListItem::_InitIcon()
 		case IFM_IEEE80211:
 			mediaTypeName = "wifi";
+		default: {
+			BNetworkDevice device(Name());
+			if (device.IsWireless())
+				mediaTypeName = "wifi";
+			else if (device.IsEthernet())
+				mediaTypeName = "ether";
+			break;
+		}
 	image_info info;
@@ -207,12 +198,12 @@ InterfaceListItem::_InitIcon()
 	size_t size;
 	// Try specific interface icon?
 	const uint8* rawIcon = (const uint8*)resources.LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE, Name(), &size);
-	if (!rawIcon)
+	if (rawIcon == NULL && mediaTypeName != NULL)
 		// Not found, try interface media type?
 		rawIcon = (const uint8*)resources.LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE, mediaTypeName, &size);
-	if (!rawIcon)
+	if (rawIcon == NULL)
 		// Not found, try default interface icon?
-		rawIcon = (const uint8*)resources.LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE, "wifi", &size);
+		rawIcon = (const uint8*)resources.LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE, "ether", &size);
 	if (rawIcon) {
 		// Now build the bitmap
@@ -244,7 +235,7 @@ InterfacesListView::AttachedToWindow()
@@ -298,42 +289,16 @@ InterfacesListView::FindItem(const char* name)
-	SocketOpener socket;
-	if (socket.InitCheck() != B_OK)
-		return B_ERROR;
+	BNetworkRoster& roster = BNetworkRoster::Default();
+	BNetworkInterface interface;
+	uint32 cookie = 0;
-	// iterate over all interfaces and retrieve minimal status
-	ifconf config;
-	config.ifc_len = sizeof(config.ifc_value);
-	if (ioctl(socket, SIOCGIFCOUNT, &config, sizeof(struct ifconf)) < 0)
-		return B_ERROR;
-	uint32 count = (uint32)config.ifc_value;
-	if (count == 0)
-		return B_ERROR;
-	void* buffer = malloc(count * sizeof(struct ifreq));
-	if (buffer == NULL)
-		return B_ERROR;
-	MemoryDeleter deleter(buffer);
-	config.ifc_len = count * sizeof(struct ifreq);
-	config.ifc_buf = buffer;
-	if (ioctl(socket, SIOCGIFCONF, &config, sizeof(struct ifconf)) < 0)
-		return B_ERROR;
-	ifreq* interface = (ifreq*)buffer;
-	MakeEmpty();
-	for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-		if (strcmp(interface->ifr_name, "loop") != 0) {
-			AddItem(new InterfaceListItem(interface->ifr_name));
-	//		printf("Name = %s\n", interface->ifr_name);
+	while (roster.GetNextInterface(&cookie, interface) == B_OK) {
+		if (strncmp(interface.Name(), "loop", 4) && interface.Name()[0]) {
+			AddItem(new InterfaceListItem(interface.Name()));
-		interface = (ifreq*)((addr_t)interface + IF_NAMESIZE 
-			+ interface->ifr_addr.sa_len);
-	}	
+	}
 	return B_OK;
@@ -345,17 +310,17 @@ InterfacesListView::_UpdateList()
 	return B_OK;
 InterfacesListView::_HandleNetworkMessage(BMessage* message)
 	const char* name;
 	int32 opcode;
 	if (message->FindInt32("opcode", &opcode) != B_OK)
 	if (message->FindString("interface", &name) != B_OK
 		&& message->FindString("device", &name) != B_OK)
@@ -370,14 +335,14 @@ InterfacesListView::_HandleNetworkMessage(BMessage* message)
 			if (item)
 			if (item)
 				AddItem(new InterfaceListItem(name));
 			if (item) {
diff --git a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesListView.h b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesListView.h
index 8fe0919a6a..da6db828b0 100644
--- a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesListView.h
+++ b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/InterfacesListView.h
@@ -11,17 +11,19 @@
-#include <String.h>
-#include <ListView.h>
-#include <ListItem.h>
-#include <Bitmap.h>
 #include <net/if.h>
 #include <net/if_dl.h>
 #include <net/if_media.h>
 #include <net/if_types.h>
-#include "Setting.h"
+#include <Bitmap.h>
+#include <ListView.h>
+#include <ListItem.h>
+#include <NetworkDevice.h>
+#include <NetworkInterface.h>
+#include <String.h>
+#include "Settings.h"
 class InterfaceListItem : public BListItem {
@@ -30,17 +32,18 @@ public:
 	void DrawItem(BView* owner, BRect bounds, bool complete);
 	void Update(BView* owner, const BFont* font);
-	inline const char*		Name()			{ return fSettings->Name(); }
-	inline bool				Enabled()		{ return fSettings->Enabled(); } 
-	inline void				SetEnabled(bool enable){ fSettings->Enable(enable); }
-	inline Setting*			GetSetting()	{ return fSettings; } 
+	inline const char*		Name()			{ return fInterface.Name(); }
+	inline bool				IsDisabled()	{ return fSettings->IsDisabled(); }
+	inline void				SetDisabled(bool disable){ fSettings->SetDisabled(disable); }
+	inline Settings*		GetSettings()	{ return fSettings; }
-	void 					_InitIcon();
+	void 					_Init();
 	BBitmap* 				fIcon;
-	Setting*				fSettings;
+	BNetworkInterface		fInterface;
+	Settings*				fSettings;
diff --git a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/Jamfile b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/Jamfile
index 62e5779270..a1a9eaf844 100644
--- a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/Jamfile
+++ b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/Jamfile
@@ -1,26 +1,37 @@
 SubDir HAIKU_TOP src tests kits net preflet InterfacesAddOn ;
+SEARCH_SOURCE += [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src apps networkstatus ] ;
+SEARCH_SOURCE += [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src preferences network ] ;
 UseHeaders [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src tests kits net preflet ] ;
 UseHeaders [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src servers net ] : true ;
 UsePrivateHeaders net shared ;
 UseLibraryHeaders agg icon ;
-AddResources Interfaces : 
-       InterfacesIcons.rdef 
+AddResources Interfaces :
+       InterfacesIcons.rdef
-Addon Interfaces : 
+Addon Interfaces :
-	Setting.cpp
+	# from src/preferences/network
-	: 
-	be 
-	<nogrist>NetworkSetup 
+	Settings.cpp
+	# from src/apps/networkstatus
+	RadioView.cpp
+	WirelessNetworkMenuItem.cpp
+	:
+	be
+	<nogrist>NetworkSetup
+	libbnetapi.so
 	libicon.a libagg.a
diff --git a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/NetworkWindow.cpp b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/NetworkWindow.cpp
index 9ee801e775..743808df79 100644
--- a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/NetworkWindow.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/NetworkWindow.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * Author:
  *		Andre Alves Garzia, andre@andregarzia.com
- * 		Fredrik Modéen  
+ * 		Fredrik Modéen
 #include "NetworkWindow.h"
@@ -13,18 +13,19 @@
 #include <GroupLayout.h>
 #include "EthernetSettingsView.h"
+#include "Settings.h"
-NetworkWindow::NetworkWindow(Setting* setting)
+NetworkWindow::NetworkWindow(Settings* settings)
 	: BWindow(BRect(50, 50, 269, 302), "Network", B_TITLED_WINDOW,
 	SetLayout(new BGroupLayout(B_HORIZONTAL));
-	fEthernetView = new EthernetSettingsView(setting);
+	fEthernetView = new EthernetSettingsView(); // settings);
-	SetTitle(setting->Name());
+	SetTitle(settings->Name());
diff --git a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/NetworkWindow.h b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/NetworkWindow.h
index a0adee7f39..d7f7fc6324 100644
--- a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/NetworkWindow.h
+++ b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/NetworkWindow.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * Author:
  *		Andre Alves Garzia, andre@andregarzia.com
- * 		Fredrik Modéen  
+ * 		Fredrik Modéen
@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@
 #include <Window.h>
-#include "EthernetSettingsView.h"
+class Settings;
+class EthernetSettingsView;
 class NetworkWindow : public BWindow {
-					NetworkWindow(Setting* setting);
+					NetworkWindow(Settings* setting);
 	virtual			~NetworkWindow();
 	virtual bool	QuitRequested();
 	virtual void	MessageReceived(BMessage* mesage);
diff --git a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/Setting.cpp b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/Setting.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 12f609804d..0000000000
--- a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/Setting.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2004-2007 Haiku Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
- *
- * Author:
- *		Andre Alves Garzia, andre@andregarzia.com
- */
-#include "Setting.h"
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <net/if.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <resolv.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/sockio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <net/if_dl.h>
-#include <net/if_media.h>
-#include <net/if_types.h>
-#include <File.h>
-#include <Path.h>
-#include <String.h>
-#include <AutoDeleter.h>
-Setting::Setting(const char *name)
-	:
-	fAuto(true),
-	fEnabled(false)
-	fSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
-	fName = name;
-	ReadConfiguration();	
-	close(fSocket);
-Setting::_PrepareRequest(struct ifreq& request)
-	//This function is used for talking direct to the stack. 
-	//It´s used by _ShowConfiguration.
-	const char* name = fName.String();
-	if (strlen(name) > IF_NAMESIZE)
-		return false;
-	strcpy(request.ifr_name, name);
-	return true;
-	ifreq request;
-	if (!_PrepareRequest(request))
-		return;
-	BString text = "dummy";
-	char address[32];
-	sockaddr_in* inetAddress = NULL;
-	// Obtain IP.	
-	if (ioctl(fSocket, SIOCGIFADDR, &request, sizeof(request)) < 0)
-		return;
-	inetAddress = (sockaddr_in*)&request.ifr_addr;
-	if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &inetAddress->sin_addr, address,	
-			sizeof(address)) == NULL) {
-		return;
-	}
-	fIP = address;
-	// Obtain netmask.
-	if (ioctl(fSocket, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &request,
-			sizeof(request)) < 0) {
-		return;
-	}
-	inetAddress = (sockaddr_in*)&request.ifr_mask;
-	if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &inetAddress->sin_addr, address,
-			sizeof(address)) == NULL) {
-		return;
-	}
-	fNetmask = address;
-	// Obtain gateway
-	ifconf config;
-	config.ifc_len = sizeof(config.ifc_value);
-	if (ioctl(fSocket, SIOCGRTSIZE, &config, sizeof(struct ifconf)) < 0)
-		return;
-	uint32 size = (uint32)config.ifc_value;
-	if (size == 0)
-		return;
-	void *buffer = malloc(size);
-	if (buffer == NULL)
-		return;
-	MemoryDeleter bufferDeleter(buffer);
-	config.ifc_len = size;
-	config.ifc_buf = buffer;
-	if (ioctl(fSocket, SIOCGRTTABLE, &config, sizeof(struct ifconf)) < 0)
-		return;
-	ifreq *interface = (ifreq *)buffer;
-	ifreq *end = (ifreq *)((uint8 *)buffer + size);
-	while (interface < end) {
-		route_entry& route = interface->ifr_route;
-		if (route.flags & RTF_GATEWAY) {
-			inetAddress = (sockaddr_in*)route.gateway;
-			fGateway = inet_ntoa(inetAddress->sin_addr);
-		}
-		int32 addressSize = 0;
-		if (route.destination != NULL)
-			addressSize += route.destination->sa_len;
-		if (route.mask != NULL)
-			addressSize += route.mask->sa_len;
-		if (route.gateway != NULL)
-			addressSize += route.gateway->sa_len;
-		interface = (ifreq *)((addr_t)interface + IF_NAMESIZE 
-			+ sizeof(route_entry) + addressSize);
-	}
-	uint32 flags = 0;
-	if (ioctl(fSocket, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &request, sizeof(struct ifreq)) == 0)
-		flags = request.ifr_flags;
-	fAuto = (flags & IFF_AUTO_CONFIGURED) != 0;
-	fEnabled = (flags & IFF_UP) != 0;
-	if (ioctl(fSocket, SIOCGIFMEDIA, &request, sizeof(struct ifreq)) == 0)
-		fMedia = request.ifr_media;
-	// read resolv.conf for the dns.
-	fNameservers.MakeEmpty();
-	res_init();
-	res_state state = __res_state();
-	if (state != NULL) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < state->nscount; i++) {
-			fNameservers.AddItem(
-				new BString(inet_ntoa(state->nsaddr_list[i].sin_addr)));
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/Setting.h b/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/Setting.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 97534966ba..0000000000
--- a/src/tests/kits/net/preflet/InterfacesAddOn/Setting.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2004-2007 Haiku Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
- *
- * Author:
- *		Andre Alves Garzia, andre@andregarzia.com
- */
-#ifndef SETTING_H
-#define SETTING_H
-#include <ObjectList.h>
-#include <String.h>
-class Setting {
-	public:
-		Setting(const char* name);
-		virtual ~Setting();
-		void SetName(BString name);
-		void SetIP(BString ip) {fIP = ip; }
-		void SetGateway(BString ip) {fGateway = ip; }
-		void SetNetmask(BString ip) {fNetmask = ip; }
-		void SetAutoConfigure(bool t) {fAuto = t; }
-		void Enable(bool enable) { fEnabled = enable; }
-		const char* IP()  {return fIP.String(); }
-		const char* Gateway()  {return fGateway.String(); }		
-		const char* Netmask()  {return fNetmask.String(); }
-		const char* Name()  {return fName.String(); }
-		bool 		AutoConfigured() {return fAuto; }
-		bool		Enabled()	{ return fEnabled; }
-		int			Media()		{ return fMedia; }
-		BObjectList<BString> fNameservers;
-		void ReadConfiguration();
-	private:
-		bool 	_PrepareRequest(struct ifreq& request);
-		int 	fSocket;
-		BString fIP;
-		BString fGateway;
-		BString fNetmask;
-		BString fName;
-		bool 	fAuto;
-		bool	fEnabled;
-		int		fMedia;
-#endif /* SETTINGS_H */