Update translations from Pootle
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 583443025
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 4243490201
{0, plural, one{# new message} other{# new messages}} filter {0, plural, one{# nouveau message} other{# nouveaux messages}}
Keyboard LEDs ConfigView LEDs du clavier
Log window ConfigView Fenêtre de connexion
Central beep ConfigView Sonnerie générale
@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ Method: ConfigView Méthode :
Central alert ConfigView Alerte générale
Alert ConfigView Alerte
none ConfigView aucune
You have {0, plural, one{# new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. filter Vous avez {0, plural, one{# nouveau message} other{# nouveaux messages}} pour %account.
New messages filter Nouveaux messages
New mails notification ConfigView Notification de nouveaux courriers
OK filter OK
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 583443025
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 4243490201
{0, plural, one{# new message} other{# new messages}} filter {0, plural, one{# új levél} other{# új levél}}
Keyboard LEDs ConfigView billentyűzet-villogás
Log window ConfigView naplóablak
Central beep ConfigView központi hangjelzés
@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ Method: ConfigView Művelet:
Central alert ConfigView központi jelzés
Alert ConfigView jelzés
none ConfigView nincs
You have {0, plural, one{# new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. filter {0, plural, one{# új levél} other{# új levél}} érkezett %account részére.
New messages filter Új üzenetek
New mails notification ConfigView Új üzenet értesítés
OK filter Rendben
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Getting UniqueIDs… pop3 Obtention des identifiants…
: No reply.\n pop3 : Pas de réponse.\n
: Connection refused or host not found pop3 : Connexion refusée ou hôte introuvable
Error while connecting to server %serv pop3 Impossible d'ouvrir une connexion avec le serveur %serv
Error while authenticating user %user pop3 L'utilisateur %user n'a pas pu être authentifié
Error while authenticating user %user pop3 Erreur lors de authentification de l'utilisateur %user
Destination: ConfigView Destination :
APOP ConfigView APOP
Sending password… pop3 Envoi du mot de passe…
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 2241557251
1 french x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 2924152822
Stop file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Arrêt
Creating archive: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Création de l'archive : %s
Continue file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Continuer
@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ Stopped file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Arrêté
Archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Archive
Error creating archive file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Impossible de créer l'archive
You have %ld Zip-O-Matic running.\n\n file:ZipOMatic.cpp Vous avez %ld Zip-O-Matic en fonctionnement.\n\n
{0, plural, one{# file added.} other{# files added.}} file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp {0, plural, one{# fichier ajouté.} other{# fichiers ajoutés.}}
Archive created OK file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Création de l'archive réussie
Stop them file:ZipOMatic.cpp Les arrêter
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 2241557251
1 hungarian x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 2924152822
Stop file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Leállítás
Creating archive: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Archívum létrehozása: „%s”
Continue file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Folytatás
@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ Stopped file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Megállítva
Archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Archívum
Error creating archive file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Hiba az archívum létrehozása közben.
You have %ld Zip-O-Matic running.\n\n file:ZipOMatic.cpp Már fut %ld tömörítő!\n\n
{0, plural, one{# file added.} other{# files added.}} file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp {0, plural, one{# fájl hozzáadva.} other{# fájl hozzáadva.}}
Archive created OK file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Az archívum elkészült.
Stop them file:ZipOMatic.cpp Legyen megállítva
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-PSDTranslator 489719358
Lab PSDLoader Lab
Uncompressed PSDConfig Non compressé
Indexed PSDLoader Indexé
Grayscale PSDLoader Niveaux de gris
Photoshop image translator PSDConfig Traducteur d'images Photoshop
Photoshop image translator PSDTranslator Traducteur d'images Photoshop
Version %d.%d.%d, %s PSDConfig Version %d.%d.%d, %s
Photoshop image PSDTranslator Image Photoshop
Photoshop Document (PSD File) PSDConfig Document Photoshop (fichier PSD)
Photoshop image (%s) PSDTranslator Image Photoshop (%s)
Photoshop Big Document (PSB File) PSDConfig Gros document Photoshop (fichier PSB)
PSDTranslator Settings PSDConfig Réglages du Traducteur PSD
Bitmap PSDLoader Bitmap
Compression: PSDConfig Compression :
Format: PSDConfig Format :
Multichannel PSDLoader Multi-canaux
Duotone PSDLoader Bichromie
@ -1,2 +1,22 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-PSDTranslator 3899752801
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-PSDTranslator 489719358
Lab PSDLoader Lab
Uncompressed PSDConfig Tömörítetlen
Indexed PSDLoader Indexelt
Grayscale PSDLoader Szürkeárnyalatos
Photoshop image translator PSDConfig Photoshop-kép értelmező
Photoshop image translator PSDTranslator Photoshop-kép értelmező
Version %d.%d.%d, %s PSDConfig Verzió: %d.%d.%d, %s
Photoshop image PSDTranslator Photoshop-kép
Photoshop Document (PSD File) PSDConfig Photoshop dokumentum (PSD fájl)
Photoshop image (%s) PSDTranslator Photoshop-kép (%s)
Photoshop Big Document (PSB File) PSDConfig Photoshop (Big) dokumentum (PSB fájl)
PSDTranslator Settings PSDConfig PSDTranslator Settings
Bitmap PSDLoader Bittérkép
Compression: PSDConfig Tömörítés:
Format: PSDConfig Formátum:
Multichannel PSDLoader Többcsatornás
Duotone PSDLoader Kétszínű
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-About 843957219
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-About 1763787961
Copyright © 1999-2010 by the authors of Gutenprint. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2010 par les auteurs de Gutenprint. Tous droits réservés.
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (et son noyau, NewOS)\n
Copyright © 2000 Jean-Pierre ervbefeL and Remi Lefebvre. AboutView Copyright © 2000 Jean-Pierre ervbefeL et Remi Lefebvre.
@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ Copyright © 2002-2005 Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas Digital Ltd
Be Inc. and its developer team, for having created BeOS!\n\n AboutView Be Inc. et son équipe de développement, pour avoir créé BeOS !\n\n
Copyright © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2000 Y. Takagi. Tous droits réservés.
Source Code: AboutView Code Source :
{0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# Processors:}} AboutView \"Processor:\" or \"2 Processors:\" {0, plural, one{Processeur :} other{# Processeurs :}}
Kernel: AboutView Noyau :
Copyright © 2001-2002 Thomas Broyer, Charlie Bozeman and Daniel Veillard. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 2001-2002 Thomas Broyer, Charlie Bozeman et Daniel Veillard. Tous droits réservés.
Portions of this software are under copyright.\nCopyright © 1996-2006 The FreeType Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Des portions de ce logiciel sont protégés par des droits d'auteurs.\nCopyright © 1996-2006 le projet FreeType. Tous droits réservés.
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku® and the HAIKU logo® are registered trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Le code source d'Haiku et les droits d'auteurs afférents sont la propriété de Haiku, Inc. ou de ses auteurs respectifs lorsque cela est expressément indiqué dans les sources. Haiku® et le logo® de HAIKU sont des marques déposées de Haiku, Inc.\n\n
Copyright © 1987-1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.\nAll rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1987-1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.\nTous droits réservés.
The HaikuPorts team\n AboutView L'équipe de HaikuPorts\n
%total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inaccessible AboutView %total Mio au total, %inaccessible Mio inaccessibles
Copyright © 2000-2007 Fabrice Bellard, et al. AboutView Copyright © 2000-2007 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
Contributors:\n AboutView Contributeurs :\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-About 843957219
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-About 1763787961
Copyright © 1999-2010 by the authors of Gutenprint. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2010 a Gutenprint szerzőitől. Minden jog fenntartva.
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrechtnek (NewOS kernel)\n
Copyright © 2000 Jean-Pierre ervbefeL and Remi Lefebvre. AboutView Copyright © 2000 Jean-Pierre ervbefeL és Remi Lefebvre.
@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ Copyright © 2002-2005 Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas Digital Ltd
Be Inc. and its developer team, for having created BeOS!\n\n AboutView Be Inc. és a fejlesztői csapata, a BeOS megteremtéséért!\n\n
Copyright © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright© 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. Minden jog fenntartva.
Source Code: AboutView Forráskód:
{0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# Processors:}} AboutView \"Processor:\" or \"2 Processors:\" {0, plural, one{Processzor:} other{# processzor:}}
Kernel: AboutView Kernel:
Copyright © 2001-2002 Thomas Broyer, Charlie Bozeman and Daniel Veillard. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 2001-2002 Thomas Broyer, Charlie Bozeman és Daniel Veillard. Minden jog fenntartva.
Portions of this software are under copyright.\nCopyright © 1996-2006 The FreeType Project. All rights reserved. AboutView E szoftver része szerzői jog által védettek.\nSzerzői jog © 1996-2006 The FreeType Project. Minden jog fenntartva.
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku® and the HAIKU logo® are registered trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView A Haiku kódjának szerzői jogai a Haiku, Inc.-et vagy, ha nevük a forráskódban külön ki van emelve, a kód egyes íróit illetik. A Haiku® és a HAIKU logo® a Haiku, Inc. bejegyzett védjegye.\n\n
Copyright © 1987-1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.\nAll rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1987-1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.\nMinden jog fenntartva.
The HaikuPorts team\n AboutView A HaikuPorts csapatának\n
%total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inaccessible AboutView %total MiB összesen, %inaccessible MiB nem használható
Copyright © 2000-2007 Fabrice Bellard, et al. AboutView Copyright © 2000-2007 Fabrice Bellard és munkatársai.
Contributors:\n AboutView Közreműködők:\n
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Copyright © 2002-2005 Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas Digital Ltd
Be Inc. and its developer team, for having created BeOS!\n\n AboutView Корпорации Be и ее команде разработчиков, за создание BeOS!\n\n
Copyright © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. All rights reserved. AboutView Все права защищены © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi.
Source Code: AboutView Исходный код:
{0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# Processors:}} AboutView \"Processor:\" or \"2 Processors:\" {0, plural, one{процессор:} few{# процессора:}} other{# процессоров:}}
{0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# Processors:}} AboutView \"Processor:\" or \"2 Processors:\" {0, plural, one{Процессор:} few{# процессора:} other{# процессоров:}}
Kernel: AboutView Ядро:
Copyright © 2001-2002 Thomas Broyer, Charlie Bozeman and Daniel Veillard. All rights reserved. AboutView Все права защищены © 2001-2002 Thomas Broyer, Charlie Bozeman и Daniel Veillard.
Portions of this software are under copyright.\nCopyright © 1996-2006 The FreeType Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Отдельные части этого программного обеспечения находятся под авторским правом.\nВсе права защищены © 1996-2006 Проект FreeType.
@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Be-TSKB 2335730970
Power off DeskbarMenu Wyłącz komputer
Sort applications by name PreferencesWindow Sortuj programy po nazwie
Suspend DeskbarMenu Wstrzymaj
Power off DeskbarMenu Wyłącz
Sort applications by name PreferencesWindow Sortuj aplikacje po nazwie
Suspend DeskbarMenu Uśpij
Hide clock TimeView Ukryj zegar
Applications PreferencesWindow Aplikacje
Time preferences… TimeView Ustawienia czasu...
About Haiku DeskbarMenu O Haiku
About Haiku DeskbarMenu Informacje o Haiku
Edit in Tracker… PreferencesWindow Edytuj w Trakerze…
Recent documents: PreferencesWindow Ostatnio przeglądane dokumenty:
Recent applications DeskbarMenu Ostatnio uruchomione aplikacje
Recent documents: PreferencesWindow Ostatnio używane dokumenty:
Recent applications DeskbarMenu Ostatnio uruchamiane aplikacje
Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications Aplikacje
Find… DeskbarMenu Wyszukaj…
Find… DeskbarMenu Znajdź…
Show clock Tray Pokaż zegar
Window PreferencesWindow Położenie
Defaults PreferencesWindow Ustawienia domyślne
Defaults PreferencesWindow Przywróć domyślne
Menu PreferencesWindow Menu
Recent documents DeskbarMenu Ostatnio otwarte dokumenty
Recent documents DeskbarMenu Ostatnio używane dokumenty
Auto-hide PreferencesWindow Autoukrywanie
Always on top PreferencesWindow Zawsze na wierzchu
<Deskbar folder is empty> DeskbarMenu Folder Paska Pulpitu jest pusty
Show all WindowMenu Pokaż wszystkie okna
<Deskbar folder is empty> DeskbarMenu <Katalog Deskbara jest pusty>
Show all WindowMenu Pokaż wszystkie
No windows WindowMenu Brak okien aplikacji
Deskbar System name Pasek Pulpitu
Deskbar System name Deskbar
Restart system DeskbarMenu Uruchom ponownie
Large PreferencesWindow Duże
Auto-raise PreferencesWindow Automatyczne rozszerzanie
Auto-raise PreferencesWindow Autorozszerzanie
Recent folders: PreferencesWindow Ostatnio przeglądane foldery:
Show application expander PreferencesWindow Aplikacje jako lista rozwijalna
Restart Tracker DeskbarMenu Uruchom ponownie Trackera
Close all WindowMenu Zamknij wszystkie okna
Deskbar preferences PreferencesWindow Ustawienia Panelu Pulpitu
Close all WindowMenu Zamknij wszystkie
Deskbar preferences PreferencesWindow Ustawienia Deskbara
Mount DeskbarMenu Zamontuj
Revert PreferencesWindow Przywróć
Small PreferencesWindow Małe
@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ Tracker always first PreferencesWindow Tracker zawsze na początku
Preferences B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Preferences Ustawienia
Recent folders DeskbarMenu Ostatnio przeglądane foldery
About this system DeskbarMenu Informacje o systemie
Show calendar… TimeView Wyświetl kalendarz…
Deskbar preferences… DeskbarMenu Preferencje Deskbara…
Expand new applications PreferencesWindow Uruchamiaj aplikacje rozwinięte
Show calendar… TimeView Pokaż kalendarz…
Deskbar preferences… DeskbarMenu Ustawienia Deskbara…
Expand new applications PreferencesWindow Rozwijaj uruchamiane aplikacje
Show replicants DeskbarMenu Pokaż replikanty
Hide application names PreferencesWindow Ukryj nazwy aplikacji
Icon size PreferencesWindow Rozmiar ikon
Desktop applets B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Desktop applets Aplety pulpitu
Hide all WindowMenu Ukryj wszystkie okna
Quit application WindowMenu Zakończ pracę aplikacji
Hide all WindowMenu Ukryj wszystkie
Quit application WindowMenu Zakończ aplikację
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ Radians CalcView Radiany
Enable Num Lock on startup CalcView Włącz Num Lock przy uruchamianiu
Calculating CalcView Obliczanie
Degrees CalcView Stopnie
Audio Feedback CalcView Wsparcie dźwiękowe
Audio Feedback CalcView Podpowiedzi dźwiękowe
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 755008487
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 2770162254
Scanning %refName% Scanner Analysiere %refName%
Size Info Window Größe
Rescan Pie View Erneut analysieren
@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ Modified Info Window Geändert
Abort Status View Abbrechen
Open with Pie View Öffnen mit
Open Pie View Öffnen
{0, plural, one{# file} other{# files}} Status View {0, plural, one{# Datei}, other{# Dateien}}
%a, %d %b %Y, %r Info Window %a, %d %b %Y, %r
Free on %refName% Scanner Frei auf %refName%
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 755008487
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 2770162254
Scanning %refName% Scanner Examen de %refName%
Size Info Window Taille
Rescan Pie View Réexaminer
@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ Modified Info Window Modifié
Abort Status View Abandonner
Open with Pie View Ouvrir avec
Open Pie View Ouvrir
{0, plural, one{# file} other{# files}} Status View {0, plural, one{# fichier} other{# fichiers}}
%a, %d %b %Y, %r Info Window %a, %d %b %Y, %R
Free on %refName% Scanner Libre sur %refName%
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 755008487
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 2770162254
Scanning %refName% Scanner %refName% elemzése
Size Info Window Méret
Rescan Pie View Újraelemzés
@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ Modified Info Window Módosítva
Abort Status View Megszakítás
Open with Pie View Megnyitás ezzel
Open Pie View Megnyitás
{0, plural, one{# file} other{# files}} Status View {0, plural, one{# fájl} other{# fájl}}
%a, %d %b %Y, %r Info Window %a, %d %b %Y, %r
Free on %refName% Scanner %refName% szabad területe
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 755008487
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 2770162254
Scanning %refName% Scanner %refName%をスキャン中
Size Info Window サイズ
Rescan Pie View 再スキャン
@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ Modified Info Window 更新日時
Abort Status View 中断
Open with Pie View アプリケーションで開く
Open Pie View 開く
{0, plural, one{# file} other{# files}} Status View {0, plural, one{# ファイル}, other{# ファイル}}
%a, %d %b %Y, %r Info Window %a, %d %b %Y, %r
Free on %refName% Scanner %refName%の空き領域
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 755008487
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 2770162254
Scanning %refName% Scanner Skanowanie %refName%
Size Info Window Rozmiar
Rescan Pie View Przeskanuj
@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ Modified Info Window Zmodyfikowany
Abort Status View Przerwij
Open with Pie View Otwórz za pomocą
Open Pie View Otwórz
{0, plural, one{# file} other{# files}} Status View {0, plural, one{# plik} few{# pliki} many{# plików} other{# pliku}}
%a, %d %b %Y, %r Info Window %a, %d %b %Y, %r
Free on %refName% Scanner Wolne na %refName%
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 755008487
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 2770162254
Scanning %refName% Scanner Сканируется раздел %refName%
Size Info Window Размер
Rescan Pie View Пересканировать
@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ Modified Info Window Изменен
Abort Status View Прервать
Open with Pie View Открыть в
Open Pie View Открыть
{0, plural, one{# file} other{# files}} Status View {0, plural, one{# файл}, few{# файла}, other{# файлов}}
%a, %d %b %Y, %r Info Window %a, %d %b %Y, %r
Free on %refName% Scanner Свободно на разделе %refName%
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 3819510430
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1278451458
Name PackageListView Name
Source code FilterView Quellcode
Close RatePackageWindow Schließen
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ But none could be listed here, sorry. UserLoginWindow Leider können sie hier n
System & Utilities Model Tools & System
Inactive PackageListView Deaktiviert
Refresh depots MainWindow Depots aktualisieren
The package action could not be scheduled: %Error% PackageInfoView Die Aktion konnte nicht auf das Paket angewandt werden: %Error%
Science & Mathematics Model Wissenschaft
Not logged in FilterView Nicht angemeldet
Main Menu MainWindow Hauptmenü
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ Login or Create account MainWindow Anmelden oder Benutzerkonto anlegen
Pending… PackageListView Ausstehend…
Depot FilterView Depot
{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} PackageListView {0, plural, one{# Objekt} other{# Objekte}}
OK PackageInfoView OK
Uninstalled PackageListView Deinstalliert
Stable RatePackageWindow Stabil
Unknown PackageListView Unbekannt
@ -117,6 +119,7 @@ If you do not provide an email address, you will not be able to reset your passw
It responded with: UserLoginWindow Es antwortete mit:
Authentication failed. Connection to the service failed. UserLoginWindow Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen. Verbindung zum Dienst nicht möglich.
Cancel RatePackageWindow Abbrechen
Package action failed PackageInfoView Paket-Aktion fehlgeschlagen
OK UserLoginWindow OK
Installed FilterView Installiert
Send RatePackageWindow Senden
@ -1,53 +1,134 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 988211504
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2396046881
Name PackageListView Nom
Source code FilterView Code source
Close RatePackageWindow Fermer
The captcha puzzle needs to be solved. UserLoginWindow L'énigme Captcha doit être résolue.
Changelog PackageInfoView Journal des modifications
Your rating: RatePackageWindow Votre évaluation :
The passwords do not match. UserLoginWindow Les mots de passe ne concordent pas.
Log in… MainWindow Connexion…
Rate %Package% RatePackageWindow Évaluer %Package%
Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilité :
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Cliquez sur un paquet pour afficher ses informations
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Les autres utilisateurs peuvent voir cette évaluation
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilité
for %Version% PackageInfoView pour %Version%
No changelog available. PackageInfoView La liste des modifications n'est pas disponible.
Depot: FilterView Dépôt :
Description PackageListView Description
Install PackageManager Installer
Authentication failed. The user does not exist or the wrong password was supplied. UserLoginWindow L'authentification a échoué. L'utilisateur n'existe pas, ou le mot de passe est incorrect.
Account created successfully. You can now rate packages and do other useful things. UserLoginWindow Compte créé avec succès. Vous pouvez maintenant évaluer les paquets, et faire d'autres choses utiles.
Tools MainWindow Outils
HaikuDepot System name Dépôt Haiku
Close UserLoginWindow Fermer
Rate package… PackageInfoView Évaluer le paquet…
Category FilterView Catégorie
Uninstall PackageManager Désinstaller
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Une erreur est survenue pendant l'obtention de la liste des paquets : %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Votre évaluation a été prise en compte.
<no info> PackageInfoView <pas d'info>
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Une erreur est survenue à l'initialisation du gestionnaire de paquet : %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Adresse e-mail :
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow Votre évaluation a été prise en compte. Vous pouvez la mettre à jour ou l'effacer en évaluant de nouveau le paquet.
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Très instable
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Ce nom d'utilisateur est déjà pris. Veuillez en choisir un autre.
Close PackageManager Fermer
Not logged in MainWindow Non connecté
The authentication was successful. UserLoginWindow L'authentification a réussi.
Status PackageListView État
Ignore UserLoginWindow Ignorer
Language UserLoginWindow Langue
The password is too weak or invalid. Please use at least 8 characters with at least 2 numbers and 2 upper-case letters. UserLoginWindow Le mot de passe est trop faible ou invalide. Utilisez au moins 8 caractères dont au moins 2 chiffres et 2 lettres majuscules.
Rate package RatePackageWindow Évaluer le paquet
Development Model Développement
Fatal error PackageManager Erreur fatale
The user name needs to be at least 3 letters long. UserLoginWindow Le nom d'utilisateur doit comporter au moins 3 caractères.
Log in UserLoginWindow Connexion
Repeat pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Répéter le mot de passe :
Ratings PackageInfoView Évaluations
But none could be listed here, sorry. UserLoginWindow Mais aucun ne peut être listé ici, désolé.
System & Utilities Model Système & Utilitaires
Inactive PackageListView Inactif
Refresh depots MainWindow Rafraîchir les dépôts
The package action could not be scheduled: %Error% PackageInfoView L'action du paquet n'a pas eu lieu : %Error%
Science & Mathematics Model Science & Mathématiques
Not logged in FilterView Non connecté
Main Menu MainWindow Menu principal
(%Votes%) PackageInfoView (%Votes%)
You have not solved the captcha puzzle correctly. UserLoginWindow Vous n'avez pas résolu correctement l'énigme Captcha.
Success UserLoginWindow Opération réussie
Downloading: PackageInfoView Téléchargement en cours :
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Plutôt stable
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow La réponse du service web est incompréhensible.
Log out MainWindow Déconnexion
Education Model Enseignement
Search terms: FilterView Termes à rechercher :
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Aucun avis d'utilisateurs.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Impossible de modifier l'évaluation.
Development FilterView Développement
Does not start RatePackageWindow Ne démarre pas
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Une erreur est survenue lors du rafraîchissement du dépôt : %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Le service web n'a pas pu être joint.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Il y a des problèmes dans le formulaire :\n\n
The package was not found by the web service. This probably means that it comes from a depot which is not tracked there. Rating such packages is unfortunately not supported. RatePackageWindow Le service web n'a pas trouvé le paquet. Ce dernier a probablement été retiré du dépôt duquel il provient. Dans ce cas, il n'est malheureusement plus possible d'évaluer le paquet.
Create account UserLoginWindow Créer un compte
Productivity Model Bureautique
Authentication failed UserLoginWindow L'authentification a échoué
Language RatePackageWindow Langue
Size PackageListView Taille
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Votre évaluation n'a pas été prise en compte : %s\n
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Vous devez vous authentifier pour évaluer les paquets.
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Il a répondu :
User name: UserLoginWindow Nom d'utilisateur :
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Instable mais utilisable
The email address appears to be malformed. UserLoginWindow L'adresse email semble mal formée.
Games Model Jeux
Rating PackageListView Évaluation
Logged in as %User% FilterView Connecté en tant que %User%
There was a puzzling response from the web service. UserLoginWindow La réponse du service web est incompréhensible.
Graphics Model Graphisme
Local MainWindow Local
Close MainWindow Fermer
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Langue préférée :
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow Impossible d'évaluer le paquet
Internet & Network Model Internet & Réseau
Available FilterView Disponible
Cancel MainWindow Annuler
Update RatePackageWindow Mettre à jour
Video Model Vidéo
All categories FilterView Toutes les catégories
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% MainWindow Une erreur est survenue lors du rafraîchissement du dépôt : %error%
Login or Create account MainWindow Se connecter ou créer un compte
Pending… PackageListView En attente…
Depot FilterView Dépôt
{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} PackageListView {0, plural, one{# objet} other{# objets}}
OK PackageInfoView OK
Uninstalled PackageListView Désinstallé
Stable RatePackageWindow Stable
Unknown PackageListView Inconnu
All depots FilterView Tous les dépôts
Comment language: RatePackageWindow Langue du commentaire :
Not specified RatePackageWindow Non spécifié
Available PackageListView Disponible
n/a PackageInfoView n/a
If you do not provide an email address, you will not be able to reset your password if you forget it. UserLoginWindow Si vous ne fournissez pas d'adresse email, vous ne pourrez pas réinitialiser votre mot de passe en cas d'oubli.
It responded with: UserLoginWindow Il a répondu :
Authentication failed. Connection to the service failed. UserLoginWindow L'authentification a échoué. Impossible de se connecter au service.
Cancel RatePackageWindow Annuler
Package action failed PackageInfoView L'action du paquet a échoué
OK UserLoginWindow OK
Installed FilterView Installé
Send RatePackageWindow Envoyer
Category: FilterView Catégorie :
Failed to create account UserLoginWindow La création du compte a échoué
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Il y a des problèmes dans les données saisies :\n\n
Success RatePackageWindow Opération réussie
Business Model Professionnel
Audio Model Son
About PackageInfoView À propos
Active PackageListView Actif
It was not possible to contact the web service. UserLoginWindow Impossible de joindre le service web.
Failed to create account: %s\n UserLoginWindow Impossible de créer le compte : %s\n
Cancel UserLoginWindow Annuler
@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1127371629
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1985556565
Name PackageListView Név
Source code FilterView Forráskód
Close RatePackageWindow Bezárás
Changelog PackageInfoView Változásnapló
Your rating: RatePackageWindow Saját értékelés:
The passwords do not match. UserLoginWindow A jelszavak nem egyeznek.
Log in… MainWindow Bejelentkezés…
Rate %Package% RatePackageWindow %Package% értékelése
Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilitás:
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Válasszon egy csomagot az információk megtekintéséhez
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilitás
for %Version% PackageInfoView %Version% verzióhoz
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Nincs módosítás-előzmény
Depot: FilterView Raktár:
@ -12,18 +19,31 @@ Tools MainWindow Eszközök
HaikuDepot System name Raktár
Close UserLoginWindow Bezárás
Rate package… PackageInfoView Csomag értékelése…
Category FilterView Kategória
Uninstall PackageManager Eltávolítás
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% MainWindow Hiba történt a csomagok letöltésekor %message%
Your rating was updated successfully. RatePackageWindow Az értékelés elküldése megtörtént.
<no info> PackageInfoView <nincs információ>
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% MainWindow Hiba történt a csomagkezelő indításakor: %message%
Email address: UserLoginWindow E-mail cím:
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Ez a felhasználónév már foglalt. Válasszon másikat.
Close PackageManager Bezárás
Not logged in MainWindow Nincs bejelentkezve
The authentication was successful. UserLoginWindow A felhasználóazonosítás sikeres volt
Status PackageListView Állapot
Ignore UserLoginWindow Mellőzés
Language UserLoginWindow Nyelv
Rate package RatePackageWindow Csomag értékelése
Development Model Fejlesztés
Fatal error PackageManager Végzetes hiba
Log in UserLoginWindow Bejelentkezés
Ratings PackageInfoView Értékelés
Inactive PackageListView Inaktív
Refresh depots MainWindow Raktárak frissítése
Not logged in FilterView Nincs bejelentkezve
Main Menu MainWindow Főmenü
(%Votes%) PackageInfoView (%Votes%)
Success UserLoginWindow Sikeres
Downloading: PackageInfoView Letöltés:
There was a puzzling response from the web service. RatePackageWindow A webes szolgáltatás rejtélyes választ adott.
Log out MainWindow Kijelentkezés
@ -36,26 +56,54 @@ Development FilterView Fejlesztés
Does not start RatePackageWindow Nem indul el
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Hiba történt a raktár frissítésekor: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Nem sikerült elérni a webes szolgáltatást.
Create account UserLoginWindow Felhasználói fiók létrehozása
Productivity Model Alkalmazások
Authentication failed UserLoginWindow A hitelesítés sikertelen
Language RatePackageWindow Nyelv
Size PackageListView Méret
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Az értékelés létrehozása vagy frissítése nem sikerült: %s\n
It responded with: RatePackageWindow Ezt válaszolta:
User name: UserLoginWindow Felhasználónév:
Games Model Játékok
Rating PackageListView Értékelés
Logged in as %User% FilterView Bejelentkezett mint %User%
There was a puzzling response from the web service. UserLoginWindow A webes szolgáltatás rejtélyes választ adott.
Graphics Model Grafika
Local MainWindow Helyi
Close MainWindow Bezárás
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Előnyben részesített nyelv:
Failed to rate package RatePackageWindow A csomag értékelése sikertelen
Internet & Network Model Internet és hálózat
Available FilterView Elérhető
Cancel MainWindow Mégse
Update RatePackageWindow Frissítés
Video Model Videó
All categories FilterView Minden kategória
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% MainWindow Hiba történt a raktár frissítése közben: %error%
Pending… PackageListView Folyamatban…
Depot FilterView Raktár
OK PackageInfoView Rendben
Uninstalled PackageListView Eltávolítva
Stable RatePackageWindow Stabil
Unknown PackageListView Ismeretlen
All depots FilterView Összes raktár
Comment language: RatePackageWindow Hozzászólás nyelve:
Pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Jelszó:
Not specified RatePackageWindow Nincs megadva
Available PackageListView Elérhető
n/a PackageInfoView nincs értékelve
It responded with: UserLoginWindow Ezt válaszolta:
Cancel RatePackageWindow Mégse
OK UserLoginWindow Rendben
Installed FilterView Telepítve
Send RatePackageWindow Küldés
Category: FilterView Kategória:
Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Nem sikerült a fiók létrehozása
Success RatePackageWindow Sikeres
Business Model Üzleti
Audio Model Audió
About PackageInfoView Névjegy
Active PackageListView Aktív
It was not possible to contact the web service. UserLoginWindow Nem sikerült elérni a webes szolgáltatást.
Failed to create account: %s\n UserLoginWindow %s létrehozása sikertelen\n
Cancel UserLoginWindow Mégse
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 3819510430
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1278451458
Name PackageListView 名前
Source code FilterView ソースコード
Close RatePackageWindow 閉じる
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ But none could be listed here, sorry. UserLoginWindow すみません。しか
System & Utilities Model システム & ユーティリティ
Inactive PackageListView 無効
Refresh depots MainWindow Depot を更新
The package action could not be scheduled: %Error% PackageInfoView パッケージアクションを予約できませんでした: %Error%
Science & Mathematics Model 科学 & 数学
Not logged in FilterView ログインしていません
Main Menu MainWindow メインメニュー
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ Login or Create account MainWindow ログインまたはアカウントの作
Pending… PackageListView 保留中…
Depot FilterView Depot
{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} PackageListView {0, plural, one{# アイテム} other{# アイテム}}
OK PackageInfoView OK
Uninstalled PackageListView アンインストール済み
Stable RatePackageWindow 安定
Unknown PackageListView 不明
@ -117,6 +119,7 @@ If you do not provide an email address, you will not be able to reset your passw
It responded with: UserLoginWindow 次に反応する:
Authentication failed. Connection to the service failed. UserLoginWindow 認証が失敗しました。サービスへの接続が失敗しました。
Cancel RatePackageWindow キャンセル
Package action failed PackageInfoView パッケージアクションに失敗しました
OK UserLoginWindow OK
Installed FilterView インストール済
Send RatePackageWindow 送信する
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 3819510430
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1278451458
Name PackageListView Nazwa
Source code FilterView Kod źródłowy
Close RatePackageWindow Zamknij
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ But none could be listed here, sorry. UserLoginWindow Ale żaden nie mógł zos
System & Utilities Model System & narzędzia
Inactive PackageListView Nieaktywny
Refresh depots MainWindow Odśwież listy pakietów
The package action could not be scheduled: %Error% PackageInfoView Akcja dla pakietu nie mogła zostać dodana do kolejki: %Error%
Science & Mathematics Model Nauka & matematyka
Not logged in FilterView Niezalogowany
Main Menu MainWindow Menu główne
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ Login or Create account MainWindow Zaloguj lub utwórz konto
Pending… PackageListView Oczekiwanie…
Depot FilterView Repozytorium
{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} PackageListView {0, plural, one{# element} few{# elementy} many{# elementów} other{# elementu}}
OK PackageInfoView OK
Uninstalled PackageListView Niezainstalowany
Stable RatePackageWindow Stabilny
Unknown PackageListView Nieznany
@ -117,6 +119,7 @@ If you do not provide an email address, you will not be able to reset your passw
It responded with: UserLoginWindow Odpowiedź:
Authentication failed. Connection to the service failed. UserLoginWindow Autoryzacja nie powiodła się. Nie udało się połączyć z usługą sieciową.
Cancel RatePackageWindow Anuluj
Package action failed PackageInfoView Akcja dla pakietu nie powiodła się
OK UserLoginWindow OK
Installed FilterView Zainstalowane
Send RatePackageWindow Wyślij
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 3227315095
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 4148520337
Name PackageListView Имя
Source code FilterView Исходный код
Close RatePackageWindow Закрыть
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Language UserLoginWindow Язык
Rate package RatePackageWindow Оценить пакет
Development Model Разработка
Fatal error PackageManager Неисправимая ошибка
Repeat pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Повторить пароль:
Ratings PackageInfoView Оценки
System & Utilities Model Система и утилиты
Inactive PackageListView Неактивный
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ Search terms: FilterView Условия поиска:
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Рейтинг пользователей недоступен.
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow Не удалось обновить рейтинг
Development FilterView Разработчикам
Does not start RatePackageWindow Не запускается
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow Возникла ошибка при обновлении репозитория: %error% (%details%)
It was not possible to contact the web service. RatePackageWindow Не удалось связаться с веб сервером.
Create account UserLoginWindow Создать учётную запись
@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ Language RatePackageWindow Язык
Size PackageListView Размер
Failed to create or update rating: %s\n RatePackageWindow Не удалось создать или изменить рейтинг: %s\n
User name: UserLoginWindow Имя пользователя:
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Нестабилен, но пригодный для использования
Games Model Игры
Rating PackageListView Оценка
Logged in as %User% FilterView Выполнен вход под пользователем %User%
@ -86,10 +89,12 @@ An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% MainWindow Возн
Pending… PackageListView Ожидание…
Depot FilterView Все склады
{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} PackageListView {0, plural, one{# объект} few{# объекта} other{# объектов}}
OK PackageInfoView OK
Uninstalled PackageListView Удаленные
Stable RatePackageWindow Стабильный
Stable RatePackageWindow Стабилен
Unknown PackageListView Неизвестно
All depots FilterView Все склады
Pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Пароль:
Not specified RatePackageWindow Не указана
Available PackageListView Доступен
n/a PackageInfoView н/д
@ -99,8 +104,10 @@ Installed FilterView Установлен
Send RatePackageWindow Отправить
Category: FilterView Категория:
Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Не удалось создать учётную запись
Success RatePackageWindow Выполнено успешно
Business Model Бизнес
Audio Model Аудио
About PackageInfoView О программе
Active PackageListView Активирован
It was not possible to contact the web service. UserLoginWindow Не удалось связаться с веб сервером.
Cancel UserLoginWindow Отмена
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3930183175
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 1426425234
Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir abandonner l'installation et redémarrer le système ?
Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Installeur\n\técrit par Jérôme Duval et Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n
\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n
@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ Are you sure you want to install onto the current boot disk? The Installer will
Quit Boot Manager InstallerWindow Quitter le gestionnaire de démarrage
Stop InstallerWindow Arrêter
\t\tchainloader +1\n InstallerApp \t\tchainloader +1\n
If the os-prober approach doesn't work for you, GRUB 2 uses an extra configuration file to add custom entries to the boot menu. To add them to the top, you have to create/edit a file by launching your favorite editor from a Terminal like this:\n\n InstallerApp Si os-prober ne fonctionne pas pour vous, GRUB 2 utilise un fichier de configuration supplémentaire pour ajouter des entrées personalisées dans le menu de démarrage. Pour les ajouter en haut du menu, vous devez créer ou modifier ce fichier en lançant votre éditeur préféré depuis un terminal, comme ceci :\n\n
OK InstallerApp OK
Choose the source and destination disk from the pop-up menus. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Sélectionner la source et la destination dans les listes déroulantes. Puis cliquer sur « Commencer ».
\t# Haiku on /dev/sda7\n InstallerApp \t# Haiku sur /dev/sda7\n
Install from: InstallerWindow Installer depuis :
%1ld of %2ld InstallerWindow number of files copied %1ld sur %2ld
GRUB's naming scheme for partitions is: (hdN,n)\n\n InstallerApp La convention de nommage des partitions de GRUB est : (hdN,n)\n\n
Continue InstallerWindow In alert after pressing Stop Continuer
Write boot sector to '%s' InstallerWindow Écrire le secteur d'amorce sur « %s »
Collecting copy information. InstallProgress Récupération des informations de copie.
@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ README InstallerApp LISEZ-MOI
The destination disk may not have enough space. Try choosing a different disk or choose to not install optional items. InstallProgress Le disque de destination pourrait ne pas avoir assez de place. Sélectionnez un autre disque ou retirez certains objets optionnels.
Please close the Boot Manager and DriveSetup windows before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Veuillez fermer les fenêtres du gestionnaire de démarrage et du gestionnaire de disques avant de quitter l'Installeur.
Scanning for disks… InstallerWindow Recherche des disques…
2.2) GRUB 2\n InstallerApp 2.2) GRUB 2\n
The disk can't be mounted. Please choose a different disk. InstallProgress Impossible de monter ce disque. Veuillez en choisir un autre.
?? of ?? InstallerWindow Unknown progress ?? sur ??
\tmenuentry \"Haiku Alpha\" {\n InstallerApp \tmenuentry \"Haiku Alpha\" {\n
@ -86,6 +89,7 @@ With GRUB 2 the first logical partition always has the number \"5\", regardless
Write boot sector InstallerWindow Écrire le secteur d'amorce
Cancel InstallerWindow Annuler
DriveSetup, the application to configure disk partitions, could not be launched. InstallerWindow Le gestionnaire de disques, qui permet de configurer les partitions sur le disque, n'a pas pu être lancé.
The target volume is not empty. Are you sure you want to install anyway?\n\nNote: The 'system' folder will be a clean copy from the source volume but will retain its settings folder, all other folders will be merged, whereas files and links that exist on both the source and target volume will be overwritten with the source volume version. InstallProgress Le volume cible n'est pas vide. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir poursuivre l'installation ?\n\nNote : Le dossier « system » sera une copie propre depuis le volume source, à l'exception du dossier de réglages. Tous les autres dossiers seront fusionnés, et les fichiers qui existent à la fois sur les volumes source et destinations seront écrasés par la version de la source.
No optional packages available. PackagesView Pas de paquets optionnels disponibles.
All hard disks start with \"hd\".\n InstallerApp Tout les disques durs commencent par « hd ».\n
Continue InstallerApp Continuer
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Magnify 233476436
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Magnify 2046693978
no clip msg\n In console, when clipboard is empty after clicking Copy image aucun clip\n
Make square Magnify-Main Rendre carré
Copy image Magnify-Main Copier l'image
usage: magnify [size] (magnify size * size pixels)\n Console utilisation : magnify [taille] (taille d'agrandissement * taille des pixels)\n
Stick coordinates Magnify-Main Mémoriser les coordonnées
%width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# pixel/pixel} other{# pixels/pixel}} Magnify-Main %width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# pixel/pixel} other{# pixels/pixel}}
Hide/Show grid Magnify-Main Cacher/afficher la grille
magnify: size must be a multiple of 4\n Console Loupe : la taille doit être un multiple de 4\n
Decrease pixel size Magnify-Main Réduire le grossissement
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-Magnify 233476436
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-Magnify 2046693978
no clip msg\n In console, when clipboard is empty after clicking Copy image nincs semmi a vágólapon
Make square Magnify-Main Négyzetté alakítás
Copy image Magnify-Main Kép másolása
usage: magnify [size] (magnify size * size pixels)\n Console használat: magnify [méret] (nagyítási méret * méret képpontban)\n
Stick coordinates Magnify-Main Koordináták rögzítése
%width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# pixel/pixel} other{# pixels/pixel}} Magnify-Main %width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# képpont/képpont} other{# képpont/képpont}}
Hide/Show grid Magnify-Main Rácsvonalak elrejtése/megjelenítése
magnify: size must be a multiple of 4\n Console nagyítás: a méret 4-gyel osztható kell, hogy legyen\n
Decrease pixel size Magnify-Main Képpontméret csökkentése
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Make square Magnify-Main Сделать квадрат
Copy image Magnify-Main Копировать изображение
usage: magnify [size] (magnify size * size pixels)\n Console использование: magnify [размер] (размер увеличителя * размер пикселей)\n
Stick coordinates Magnify-Main Зафиксировать координаты
%width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# pixel/pixel} other{# pixels/pixel}} Magnify-Main %width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# пиксель/пиксель} few{# пикселя/пиксель}} other{# пикселей/пиксель}}
%width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# pixel/pixel} other{# pixels/pixel}} Magnify-Main %width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# пиксель/пиксель} few{# пикселя/пиксель} other{# пикселей/пиксель}}
Hide/Show grid Magnify-Main Скрыть/показать сетку
magnify: size must be a multiple of 4\n Console увеличитель: размер должен кратным 4\n
Decrease pixel size Magnify-Main Уменьшить размер пикселя
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-MidiPlayer 471142057
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-MidiPlayer 3558603571
None Main Window Aucun
Live input: Main Window Entrée directe :
Stop Main Window Arrêt
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Cavern Main Window Grotte
Volume: Main Window Volume :
Reverb: Main Window Réverbération :
OK Main Window OK
Loading instruments… Scope View Chargement des instruments…
Off Main Window Désactivé
Dungeon Main Window Donjon
Play Main Window Lire
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-MidiPlayer 471142057
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-MidiPlayer 1046133011
None Main Window Semmi
Live input: Main Window Élő bemenet:
Stop Main Window Megállít
This tiny program\nKnows how to play thousands of\nCheesy sounding songs Main Application This is a haiku. First line has five syllables, second has seven and last has five again. Create your own. This tiny program\nKnows how to play thousands of\nCheesy sounding songs
Cavern Main Window Barlang
Volume: Main Window Hangerő:
Reverb: Main Window Visszhang:
OK Main Window Rendben
Loading instruments… Scope View Hangszerek betöltése…
Off Main Window Nincs
Dungeon Main Window Cella
Play Main Window Lejátszás
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Pairs 2193803529
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Pairs 818003250
Pairs did not find enough vector icons to start; it needs at least %zu, found %zu.\n Pairs Don't translate \"%zu\", but make sure to keep them. Paires n'a pas trouvé suffisamment d'icônes vectorielles pour démarrer; il en faut au moins %zu, seules %zu ont été trouvées.\n
%app%\n\twritten by Ralf Schülke\n\tCopyright 2008-2010, Haiku Inc.\n\n PairsWindow %app%\n\tÉcrit par Ralf Schülke\n\tCopyright 2008-2010, Haiku Inc.\n\n
Expert (8x8) PairsWindow Expert (8x8)
Beginner (4x4) PairsWindow Débutant (4x4)
You completed the game in {0, plural, one{# click} other{# clicks}}.\n PairsWindow Vous avez terminé la partie en {0, plural, one{# clic} other{# clics}}.\n
Quit game PairsWindow Quitter le jeu
Large PairsWindow Grande
Small PairsWindow Petite
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-Pairs 2193803529
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-Pairs 818003250
Pairs did not find enough vector icons to start; it needs at least %zu, found %zu.\n Pairs Don't translate \"%zu\", but make sure to keep them. Nem találtam elegendő vektoros ikon az induláshoz; legalább %zu szükséges, de csak %zu taláható.\n
%app%\n\twritten by Ralf Schülke\n\tCopyright 2008-2010, Haiku Inc.\n\n PairsWindow %app%\n\tkészítette: Ralf Schülke\n\tCopyright 2008-2010, Haiku Inc.\n\n
Expert (8x8) PairsWindow Mester (8x8)
Beginner (4x4) PairsWindow Kezdő (4x4)
You completed the game in {0, plural, one{# click} other{# clicks}}.\n PairsWindow A játékot {0, plural, one{# kattintással} other{# kattintással}} fejezte be.\n
Quit game PairsWindow Kilépés a játékból
Large PairsWindow Nagy
Small PairsWindow Kicsi
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-PoorMan 4008245771
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-PoorMan 2059301223
Website location PoorMan Emplacement du site Web
Error Server PoorMan Erreur du serveur
Settings… PoorMan Réglages…
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Log to console PoorMan Consigner vers la console
Directory: (none) PoorMan Répertoire : (aucun)
Please choose the folder to publish on the web.\n\nYou can have PoorMan create a default \"public_html\" in your home folder.\nOr you select one of your own folders instead. PoorMan Veuillez choisir le dossier à publier sur le Web.\n\nVous pouvez sélectionnez le dossier de votre choix, ou laisser PoorMan\ncréer le dossier par défaut « public_html » dans votre dossier personnel.
Log To Console PoorMan Consigner vers la console
{0, plural, one{# connection} other{# connections}} PoorMan {0, plural, one{# connexion} other{# connexions}}
Connections PoorMan Connexions
Status: Running PoorMan État : En fonction
Controls PoorMan Contrôles
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-PoorMan 4008245771
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-PoorMan 2059301223
Website location PoorMan Oldal helye
Error Server PoorMan Hibakiszolgáló
Settings… PoorMan Beállítások…
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Log to console PoorMan Naplózás konzolba
Directory: (none) PoorMan Mappa: (nincs)
Please choose the folder to publish on the web.\n\nYou can have PoorMan create a default \"public_html\" in your home folder.\nOr you select one of your own folders instead. PoorMan Kérem, válassza ki azt a mappát, ahol az oldal fájljai találhatóak.\n\nA SzegényEmber létre tud hozni egy alapértelmezett „public_html” mappát a saját mappán belül,\nvagy pedig választhat egyet ehelyett.
Log To Console PoorMan Naplózás konzolba
{0, plural, one{# connection} other{# connections}} PoorMan {0, plural, one{# kapcsolat} other{# kapcsolat}}
Connections PoorMan Kapcsolatok
Status: Running PoorMan Állapot: Fut
Controls PoorMan Vezérlők
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 3528881455
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 1130172675
Show home button Settings Window Afficher le bouton de la page d'accueil
Username: Authentication Panel Utilisateur :
Copy URL to clipboard Download Window Copier l'URL dans le presse-papiers
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Error opening downloads folder Download Window Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier d
Paste WebPositive Window Coller
Double-click or middle-click to open new tab. Tab Manager Double-cliquez ou cliquez au milieu pour ouvrir un nouvel onglet.
Proxy username: Settings Window Nom d'utilisateur du serveur mandataire :
Save page as… WebPositive Window Sauvegarder la page sous…
Settings Settings Window Réglages
%seconds seconds left Download Window %seconds secondes restantes
Confirmation WebPositive Window Confirmation
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 3528881455
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive 1130172675
Show home button Settings Window Kezdőlap-gomb megjelenítése
Username: Authentication Panel Felhasználónév:
Copy URL to clipboard Download Window Cím másolása a vágólapra
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Error opening downloads folder Download Window Hiba történt a letöltések ma
Paste WebPositive Window Beillesztés
Double-click or middle-click to open new tab. Tab Manager Új fül dupla kattintással vagy az egér középső gombjával.
Proxy username: Settings Window Felhasználónév a proxyhoz:
Save page as… WebPositive Window Oldal mentése…
Settings Settings Window Beállítások
%seconds seconds left Download Window %seconds másodperc van hátra
Confirmation WebPositive Window Megerősítés
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-cmd-dstconfig 3548307002
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-cmd-dstconfig 1861992467
Use this time dstcheck Utiliser cette heure
Ask me later dstcheck Me demander plus tard
Manually adjust time… dstcheck Ajuster l'heure manuellement…
Attention!\n\nBecause of the switch from daylight saving time, your computer's clock may be an hour off.\nYour computer thinks it is %current time%.\n\nIs this the correct time? dstcheck Attention!\n\nL'horloge de votre ordinateur est peut-être décalée d'une heure à cause du changement d'heure.\nVotre ordinateur pense qu'il est %current time%.\n\nEst-ce la bonne heure ?
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-cmd-dstconfig 3548307002
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-cmd-dstconfig 1861992467
Use this time dstcheck Ez a pontos idő
Ask me later dstcheck Kérdezze később
Manually adjust time… dstcheck Kézi beállítás…
Attention!\n\nBecause of the switch from daylight saving time, your computer's clock may be an hour off.\nYour computer thinks it is %current time%.\n\nIs this the correct time? dstcheck Figyelem!\n\nA téli-nyári óraátállítás miatt a számítógép órája lehetséges, hogy pontatlan.\nA számítógép szerint ennyi az idő: %current time%.\n\nEz a pontos idő?
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 3235278936
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 137546976
OK WidgetAttributeText OK
Add-ons FilePanelPriv Extensions
Mount settings… ContainerWindow Réglages du montage…
@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ Created: InfoWindow Créé :
Copying: StatusWindow Copie :
Capacity: InfoWindow Capacité :
Delete FilePanelPriv Supprimer
{0, plural, one{(# byte)} other{(# bytes)}} InfoWindow {0, plural, one{(# octet)} other{(# octets)}}
Save FindPanel Sauvegarder
copy FSUtils filename copy copie
Temporary FindPanel Temporaire
@ -248,6 +249,7 @@ Sorry, you cannot edit that attribute. WidgetAttributeText Désolé, vous ne po
Name ContainerWindow Nom
Reverse order ContainerWindow Ordre inverse
48 x 48 DeskWindow 48 x 48
{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} CountView Number of selected items: \"1 item\" or \"2 items\" {0, plural, one{# objet} other{# objets}}
OK OpenWithWindow OK
Add current folder FilePanelPriv Ajouter le dossier courant
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n FSUtils Impossible d'ouvrir « %document » avec l'application « %app » (Il manque le symbole : %symbol).\n
@ -292,6 +294,7 @@ Cancel PoseView Annuler
You can't move or copy items to read-only volumes. FSUtils Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer ou copiez des éléments dans un volume en lecture-seule.
Unknown FilePermissionsView Inconnu
All files and folders FindPanel Tout les fichiers et dossiers
{0, plural, one{for # file} other{for # files}} InfoWindow {0, plural, one{pour # fichier} other{pour # fichiers}}
Could not open \"%document\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n FSUtils Impossible d'ouvrir « %document » (Il manque la bibliothèque : %library).\n
The Tracker must be running to see Info windows. PoseView Le Tracker doit être en fonction pour voir les fenêtres d'informations.
Other FilePermissionsView Autre
@ -330,6 +333,7 @@ New folder %ld FSUtils Nouveau dossier %ld
All BeOS disks AutoMounterSettings Tous les disques BeOS
Used space color SettingsView Couleur de l'espace utilisé
Sorry, could not create a new folder. FSUtils Désolé, impossible de créer un nouveau dossier.
Disk mount TrackerSettingsWindow Montage des disques
multiple disks FindPanel disques multiples
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView Vous devez déposer les éléments sur une des icônes disques de la fenêtre « Disques ».
Untitled clipping PoseView Extrait sans titre
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2070021838
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 137546976
OK WidgetAttributeText Rendben
Add-ons FilePanelPriv Kiegészítők
Mount settings… ContainerWindow Csatolási beállítások…
Desktop Model Asztal
Identify ContainerWindow Azonosítás
Warning space color SettingsView Veszély jelzőszíne
@ -212,6 +213,7 @@ Created: InfoWindow Létrehozva:
Copying: StatusWindow Másolás:
Capacity: InfoWindow Kapacitás:
Delete FilePanelPriv Törlés
{0, plural, one{(# byte)} other{(# bytes)}} InfoWindow {0, plural, one{(# bájt)} other{(# bájt)}}
Save FindPanel Mentés
copy FSUtils filename copy másolata
Temporary FindPanel Ideiglenes megőrzés
@ -247,6 +249,7 @@ Sorry, you cannot edit that attribute. WidgetAttributeText Sajnáljuk, de ezt a
Name ContainerWindow Név
Reverse order ContainerWindow Fordított sorrend
48 x 48 DeskWindow 48 x 48
{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} CountView Number of selected items: \"1 item\" or \"2 items\" {0, plural, one{# elem} other{# elem}}
OK OpenWithWindow Rendben
Add current folder FilePanelPriv Jelenlegi mappa hozzáadása
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n FSUtils Nem sikerült megnyitni a dokumentumot (%document) a programmal (%app):\n\tHiányzik egy szimbólum: %symbol\n
@ -291,6 +294,7 @@ Cancel PoseView Mégse
You can't move or copy items to read-only volumes. FSUtils Írásvédett lemezre nem lehet mozgatni vagy átmásolni elemeket.
Unknown FilePermissionsView Ismeretlen
All files and folders FindPanel Minden fájl és mappa
{0, plural, one{for # file} other{for # files}} InfoWindow {0, plural, one{# fájl} other{# fájl}}
Could not open \"%document\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n FSUtils Nem sikerült megnyitni: %document\n\tHiányzó funkciótár: %library.\n
The Tracker must be running to see Info windows. PoseView Az információs ablakok megtekintéséhez futnia kell a Nyomkövetőnek.
Other FilePermissionsView Egyéb
@ -329,6 +333,7 @@ New folder %ld FSUtils Új mappa %ld
All BeOS disks AutoMounterSettings Összes BeOS lemez
Used space color SettingsView Használt terület színe
Sorry, could not create a new folder. FSUtils Nem sikerült az új mappát létrehozni.
Disk mount TrackerSettingsWindow Csatolás
multiple disks FindPanel több lemez
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView Húzzon elemeket a „Lemezek” ablakban az egyik lemez ikonjára.
Untitled clipping PoseView Névtelen kivágás
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Identify ContainerWindow Rozpoznaj
Warning space color SettingsView Błąd przestrzeni kolorów
Open OpenWithWindow Otwórz
Tracker status StatusWindow Status Trackera
Eject when unmounting AutoMounterSettings Wysuń kiedy odmontowujesz
Eject when unmounting AutoMounterSettings Wysuń podczas odmontowywania
Window ContainerWindow Okno
Decrease size ContainerWindow Zmniejsz rozmiar
You must have at least one attribute showing. PoseView Musisz mieć co najmniej jeden pokazany atrybut.
@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ Open with… ContainerWindow Otwórz za pomocą…
Write FilePermissionsView Napisz
Modified PoseView Zmodyfikowano
Make active printer ContainerWindow Ustaw jako aktywną drukarkę
Create link here ContainerWindow Stwórz link tutaj
Create link here ContainerWindow Utwórz tutaj dowiązanie
Moving: StatusWindow Przenoszenie:
before FindPanel przed
Error emptying Trash FSUtils Błąd przy opróżnianiu kosza!
On FindPanel Na
MiB WidgetAttributeText MiB
greater than FindPanel większy niż
Delete PoseView Skasuj
Delete PoseView Usuń
Select all ContainerWindow Zaznacz wszystko
Sorry, the 'Character' attribute cannot store a multi-byte glyph. WidgetAttributeText Przepraszamy, atrybut 'Character' nie może przechowywać wielobajtowych znaków.
Clean up DeskWindow Uprzątnij
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. PoseView Przepraszamy, nie możesz sk
matches wildcard expression SelectionWindow Odpowiada wieloznacznikowemu wyrażeniu
rename TextWidget As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de) zmienisz nazwę
You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file. FSUtils Nie możesz podmienić folderu lub skrótu z użyciem pliku.
Show space bars on volumes SettingsView Pokaż pasek zajętości miejsca na woluminie
Show space bars on volumes SettingsView Pokaż wskaźnik zajętości na woluminie
Invert selection ContainerWindow Odwróc zaznaczenie
Increase size DeskWindow Zwiększ rozmiar
Resize to fit ContainerWindow Dopasuj do zawartości
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Version OpenWithWindow Wersja
Default application InfoWindow Domyślna aplikacja
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow Przygotowanie do kopiowania elementów…
Save query as template… FindPanel Zapisz zapytanie jako szablon…
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Pokaż lokacje folderu na pasku
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Pokaż lokację katalogu na zakładce
Proceed FSUtils Kontynuuj
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils Niektóre obiekty już istnieją w tym folderze o nazwach identycznych co te które probujesz %verb.\n \nCzy chcesz je zamienić z tymi które próbujesz %verb czy wolisz być pytany o każdy z nich?
The mount server could not be contacted. AutoMounterSettings Serwer montujący przestał odpowiadać.
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ Automatic disk mounting AutoMounterSettings Automatyczne montowanie dysku
Original name ContainerWindow Nazwa orygialna
Find FSUtils Znajdź
Error copying file \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue? FSUtils Błąd przy kopiowaniu pliku \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nCzy chcesz kontynuować?
Single window navigation SettingsView Nawigacja pojedyńczym oknem
Single window navigation SettingsView Nawigacja pojedynczym oknem
parent folder NavMenu folder główny
contains FindPanel zawiera
Relation OpenWithWindow Relacje
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ On AntialiasingSettingsView Włącz
Defaults APRWindow Ustaw domyślne
Grayscale AntialiasingSettingsView Skala odcieni szarości
Shine Colors tab Połysk
About DecorSettingsView O
About DecorSettingsView Informacje
About decorator DecorSettingsView O dekoratorze
Off AntialiasingSettingsView Wyłącz
Choose Decorator DecorSettingsView Wybierz Dekorator
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Strong AntialiasingSettingsView Silny
Panel text Colors tab Tekst panelu
Arrow style DecorSettingsView Wygląd strzałek
Monospaced fonts only AntialiasingSettingsView Tylko czcionki o stałej szerokości
Look and feel APRWindow Look and feel
Look and feel APRWindow Wygląd i styl
Antialiasing menu AntialiasingSettingsView Menu antyaliasingu
Fonts APRWindow Czcionki
Glyph hinting: AntialiasingSettingsView Hintowanie czcionek:
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-DeskbarPreferences 2340471461
Deskbar System name Pasek Pulpitu
Deskbar System name Deskbar
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-FileTypes 3116280330
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-FileTypes 734679611
Application types… FileTypes Window Types d'applications…
Description: Application Types Window Description :
Args only Application Type Window Arguments seuls
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ Set preferred application Preferred App Menu Définir l'application préférée
Don't save Application Type Window Ne pas sauvegarder
Save changes before closing? Application Type Window Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications avant de fermer ?
File Application Type Window Fichier
{0, plural, one{# Application type could be removed} other{# Application types could be removed}} Application Types Window {0, plural, one{# Type d'application a pu être enlevé} other{# Types d'applications ont pu être enlevés}}
Version: Application Type Window Version :
Select… FileTypes Window Sélectioner…
FileTypes request FileTypes Demande de Types de Fichiers
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-FileTypes 3116280330
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-FileTypes 734679611
Application types… FileTypes Window Programtípusok…
Description: Application Types Window Leírás:
Args only Application Type Window Csak paraméterek
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ Set preferred application Preferred App Menu Előnyben részesített program me
Don't save Application Type Window Ne mentse
Save changes before closing? Application Type Window Menti a változtatásokat kilépés előtt?
File Application Type Window Fájl
{0, plural, one{# Application type could be removed} other{# Application types could be removed}} Application Types Window {0, plural, one{# alkalmazás típus eltávolítható} other{# alkalmazás típus eltávolítható}}
Version: Application Type Window Verzió:
Select… FileTypes Window Kiválasztás…
FileTypes request FileTypes Fájltípusok-kérés
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Set preferred application Preferred App Menu Установить предпо
Don't save Application Type Window Не сохранять
Save changes before closing? Application Type Window Сохранить изменения перед выходом?
File Application Type Window Файл
{0, plural, one{# Application type could be removed} other{# Application types could be removed}} Application Types Window {0, plural, one{# типов приложений было удалено} few{# типа приложений было удалено} other{# типов приложений было удалено}}
{0, plural, one{# Application type could be removed} other{# Application types could be removed}} Application Types Window {0, plural, one{# тип приложения был удален} few{# типа приложений были удалено} other{# типов приложений было удалено}}
Version: Application Type Window Версия:
Select… FileTypes Window Выбрать…
FileTypes request FileTypes Запрос типа файла
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Media 1376555819
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Media 3929254170
Couldn't add volume control in Deskbar: %s\n Media views Impossible d'insérer le contrôle du volume dans la Deskbar : %s\n
Ready for use… Media Window Prêt à servir…
Video input: Media views Entrée vidéo :
Waiting for media_server to quit. Media Window Attente de la fin du serveur de médias.
Cleaning up. Media Window Nettoyage.
Defaults Media views Par défaut
MIDI Settings Media Window Réglages MIDI
Stopping media server… Media Window Arrêt du serveur de médias…
Quit Media Window Quitter
Starting media server… Media Window Démarrage du serveur de médias…
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Starting media server… Media Window Uruchamianie serwera multimediów…
Done shutting down. Media Window Skończono zamykanie.
Video settings Media Window Ustawienia wideo
Video output: Media views Wyjście wideo:
Could not connect to the media server.\nWould you like to start it ? Media Window Nie można połączyć się z serwerem multimediów.\nUruchomić go ponownie ?
Could not connect to the media server.\nWould you like to start it ? Media Window Nie można połączyć się z serwerem multimediów.\nUruchomić go ponownie?
Restart media services Media views Ponowne uruchomienie usług multimedialnych
Couldn't remove volume control in Deskbar: %s\n Media views Nie można usunąć sterowania głośnością w Deskbarze: %s\n
Media System name Nośnik
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Network 3992214214
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Network 1167831177
Choose automatically EthernetSettingsView Choisir automatiquement
DNS: EthernetSettingsView DNS :
Gateway: EthernetSettingsView Passerelle :
Netmask: EthernetSettingsView Masque réseau :
DHCP EthernetSettingsView DHCP
@ -9,12 +10,15 @@ OK EthernetSettingsView OK
IP address: EthernetSettingsView Adresse IP :
Adapter: EthernetSettingsView Adaptateur :
Domain: EthernetSettingsView Domaine :
DNS list is invalid EthernetSettingsView La liste des DNS est invalide
Gateway is invalid EthernetSettingsView La passerelle est invalide
Revert EthernetSettingsView Rétablir
DNS Servers, comma-separated EthernetSettingsView Serveurs DNS, séparés par des virgules
<no wireless networks found> EthernetSettingsView <aucun réseau sans fil disponible>
Network System name Réseau
Mode: EthernetSettingsView Mode :
IP address is invalid EthernetSettingsView L'adresse IP est invalide
Hardware address: EthernetSettingsView Adresse matérielle :
Network: EthernetSettingsView Réseau :
The net_server needs to run for the auto configuration! EthernetSettingsView Le net_server doit être lancé pour la configuration automatique !
Disabled EthernetSettingsView Désactivé
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Адбылася памылка пры захаванні наладак.\nМагчыма, не хапае месца на дыску.
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Паведамленні
seconds of inactivity GeneralView секунд прастою
Revert PrefletWin Вярнуць
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView ОК
Type NotificationView Тып
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Немагчыма спыніць Notifications, бо сервер недаступны.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Немагчыма уключыць паедамленні, бо сервер не знойдзены.\nГэта сведчыць аб няўдалай усталёўцы InfoPopper.
OK NotificationView ОК
Important NotificationView Важна
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Немагчыма выключыць паведамленні, бо сервер недаступны.
Progress NotificationView Прагрэс
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Пошук:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Сервер паведамленняў не знойдзены.\nМагчымая прычына - няправільная ўсталёўка
Allowed NotificationView Дазволена
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Нельга захаваць наладкі, магчыма, вы не маеце доступу да дырэкторыі наладак, або дыскзапоўнены.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Не ўдалося захаваць наладкі.\nМагчыма, вы не маеце доступу да дырэкторыі наладак.
Yes NotificationView Так
Large icon DisplayView Вялікая іконка
Icon size: DisplayView Памер іконкі:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Інфармацыя
Window width: DisplayView Шырыня вакна:
Application NotificationView Праграма
Enabled NotificationView Уключаны
OK DisplayView ОК
Unknown NotificationView Невядомы
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Не ўдалося захаваць наладкі.\nМагчыма, вы не маеце доступу да дырэкторыі наладак.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Не ўдалося захаваць наладкі.\nМагчыма, вы не маеце доступу да дырэкторыі наладак.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Уключыць паведамленні пры запуску
Notifications PrefletView Абвесткі
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Сервер паведамленняў не знойдзены, гэта сведчыць аб няўдалай усталёўцы InfoPopper.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Beim Speichern der Einstellungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\nVermutlich ist nicht mehr genügend Speicher auf dem Datenträger verfügbar.
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Notifications - Benachrichtigungen
seconds of inactivity GeneralView Sekunden Leerlauf.
Revert PrefletWin Anfangswerte
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView OK
Type NotificationView Typ
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Benachrichtigungen können nicht angehalten werden, weil der Server nicht erreicht werden kann.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Benachrichtigungen können nicht aktiviert werden, weil der Server nicht gefunden wurde.\nDas bedeutet, dass die InfoPopper Installation nicht erfolgreich war.
OK NotificationView OK
Important NotificationView Wichtig
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Benachrichtigungen können nicht deaktiviert werden, weil der Server nicht erreicht werden kann.
Progress NotificationView Fortschritt
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Suchen:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Der Benachrichtiguns-Server wurde nicht gefunden.\nWahrscheinlich war die Installation nicht erfolgreich.
Allowed NotificationView Erlaubt
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Die Einstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden. Wahrscheinlich fehlt die Schreibberechtigung auf den settings-Ordner oder der freie Speicher auf dem Datenträger reicht nicht.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Beim Speichern der Einstellungen trat ein Problem auf.\nWahrscheinlich fehlt die Schreibberechtigung auf den Einstellungs-Ordner.
Yes NotificationView Ja
Large icon DisplayView Großes Icon
Icon size: DisplayView Icon Größe:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Information
Window width: DisplayView Fensterbreite:
Application NotificationView Anwendung
Enabled NotificationView Aktiviert
OK DisplayView OK
Unknown NotificationView Unbekannt
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Beim Speichern der Einstellungen trat ein Problem auf.\nWahrscheinlich fehlt die Schreibberechtigung auf den Einstellungs-Ordner.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Beim Speichern der Einstellungen trat ein Problem auf.\nWahrscheinlich fehlt die Schreibberechtigung auf den Einstellungs-Ordner.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Benachrichtigungen beim Systemstart aktivieren
Notifications PrefletView Benachrichtigungen
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Der Benachrichtiguns-Server wurde nicht gefunden.\nWahrscheinlich war die Installation nicht erfolgreich.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1032629100
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Ένα σφάλμα παρουσιάστικε κατά την διαδικάσια αποθήκευσεις των προτιμήσεων.\nΠιθανα να μην υπάρχει αρκετός αποθηκευτικός χώρος στο δίσκο.
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1127855757
Notifications GeneralView Κοινοποιήσεις
seconds of inactivity GeneralView δευτερόλεπτα αδράνειας
Revert PrefletWin Επαναφορά
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView Εντάξει
Type NotificationView Τύπος
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Αδύνατη η επικοινωνία με το σέρβερ. Οι ειδοποιήσεις δεν μπορούν να σταματήσουν.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed.
OK NotificationView Εντάξει
Important NotificationView Συμαντικό
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached.
Progress NotificationView Πρόοδος
@ -21,8 +19,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Αναζήτιση
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly
Allowed NotificationView Επιτρεπτό
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Αδυναμία αποθήκευσης των ρυθμίσεων, δεν έχετε πιθανόν δικαιώματα εγγραφής στον κατάλογο ρυθμίσεων ή ο δίσκος είναι γεμάτος.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Υπήρξε ένα πρόβλημα κατά την αποθήκευση των προτιμήσεων σας.\nΕίναι πιθανό να μην έχετε δικαιώματα εγγραφής στον κατάλογο ρυθμίσεων.
Yes NotificationView Ναί
Large icon DisplayView Μεγάλο εικονίδιο
Icon size: DisplayView Μέγεθος εικονίδιου
@ -35,10 +31,7 @@ Information NotificationView Πληροφορίες
Window width: DisplayView Πλάτος παράθυρου:
Application NotificationView Εφαρμογή
Enabled NotificationView Ενεργό
OK DisplayView Εντάξει
Unknown NotificationView Άγνωστο
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Υπήρξε ένα πρόβλημα κατά την αποθήκευση των προτιμήσεων σας.\nΕίναι πιθανό να μην έχετε δικαιώματα εγγραφής στον κατάλογο ρυθμίσεων.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Υπήρξε ένα πρόβλημα κατά την αποθήκευση των προτιμήσεων σας.\nΕίναι πιθανό να μην έχετε δικαιώματα εγγραφής στον κατάλογο ρυθμίσεων.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Ενεργοποίηση ειδοποιήσεων κατά την εκκίνηση
Notifications PrefletView Ειδοποιήσεις
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Ο εξυπηρετητής ειδοποιήσεων δε μπόρεσε να βρεθεί, αυτο σημαίνει οτι η εγκατάσταση του InfoPopper δεν ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Tapahtui virhe tallennettaessa asetuksia.\nOn mahdollista, että levytila on loppunut.
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Ilmoitukset
seconds of inactivity GeneralView joutilaisuussekunnit
Revert PrefletWin Palauta
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView Valmis
Type NotificationView Tyyppi
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Ilmoitusten pysäyttäminen epäonnistui, koska palvelinta ei tavoiteta.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Ilmoitusten käyttöönotto epäonnistui, koska palvelinta ei löydy.\nTämä tarkoittaa, että InfoPopper-asennus ei ole onnistunut.
OK NotificationView Valmis
Important NotificationView Tärkeä
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Ilmoitusten ottaminen pois käytöstä epäonnistui, koska palvelinta ei tavoiteta.
Progress NotificationView Edistyminen
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Etsintä:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Ilmoituspalvelinta ei löytynyt.\nMahdollinen syy on, että asennusta ei ole tehty oikein
Allowed NotificationView Sallittu
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Asetusten tallentaminen epäonnistui. Sinulla ei luultavasti ole kirjoitusoikeutta asetushakemistoon tai levyasema on täynnä.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Asetusten tallentamisessa oli pulma.\nOn mahdollista, että sinulla ei ole kirjoitusoikeutta asetushakemistoon.
Yes NotificationView Kyllä
Large icon DisplayView Suuri kuvake
Icon size: DisplayView Kuvakekoko:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Tiedot
Window width: DisplayView Ikkunaleveys:
Application NotificationView Sovellus
Enabled NotificationView Otettu käyttöön
OK DisplayView Valmis
Unknown NotificationView Tuntematon
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Asetusten tallentamisessa oli pulma.\nOn mahdollista, että sinulla ei ole kirjoitusoikeutta asetushakemistoon.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Asetusten tallentamisessa oli pulma.\nOn mahdollista, että sinulla ei ole kirjoitusoikeutta asetushakemistoon.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Ota käyttöön ilmoitukset käynnistymisen yhteydessä
Notifications PrefletView Ilmoitusasetukset
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Ilmoituspalvelinta ei löytynyt. Tämä tarkoittaa, että InfoPopper-asennus ei ole onnistunut.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Une erreur est survenue lors de la sauvegarde des préférences.\nVous n'avez peut-être plus suffisamment d'espace libre sur votre disque.
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Notifications
seconds of inactivity GeneralView secondes d'inactivités
Revert PrefletWin Rétablir
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView OK
Type NotificationView Type
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Les notifications ne peuvent pas être arrêtées, parce qu'il est impossible d'atteindre le serveur.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Impossible d'activer les notifications, car le serveur est introuvable.\nCela signifie que votre installation d'InfoPopper ne s'est par terminée correctement.
OK NotificationView OK
Important NotificationView Important
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Impossible de désactiver les notifications car le serveur ne peut pas être atteint.
Progress NotificationView Progression
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Rechercher :
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Impossible de trouver le serveur de notifications.\nIl est possible que l'installation ait été mal faite.
Allowed NotificationView Autorisé
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Impossible d'enregistrer les préférences. Vous n'avez probablement pas le droit d'écrire dans le répertoire des paramètres ou alors le disque est plein.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Il y a eu un problème à la sauvegarde des préférences.\nIl est possible que vous n'ayez pas le droit d'écrire dans le répertoire des réglages.
Yes NotificationView Oui
Large icon DisplayView Grande icône
Icon size: DisplayView Taille de l'icône :
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Information
Window width: DisplayView Largeur de la fenêtre :
Application NotificationView Application
Enabled NotificationView Activer
OK DisplayView OK
Unknown NotificationView Inconnu
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Il y a eu un problème à la sauvegarde des préférences.\nIl est possible que vous n'ayez pas le droit d'écrire dans le répertoire des réglages.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Il y a eu un problème à la sauvegarde des préférences.\nIl est possible que vous n'ayez pas le droit d'écrire dans le répertoire des réglages.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Activer les notifications au démarrage
Notifications PrefletView Notifications
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Impossible de trouver le serveur de notifications.\nCela signifie que votre installation d'InfoPopper ne s'est par terminée correctement.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1032629100
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView एक त्रुटि हो गई,वरीयताओं को सहेजने मे.\nयह संभव है आपकी डिस्क स्पेस खत्म हो गयी है
1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1127855757
Notifications GeneralView सूचनाएँ
seconds of inactivity GeneralView निष्क्रियता के सेकेंड
Revert PrefletWin वापस लौटना
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView ठीक है
Type NotificationView टाइप
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView सूचनाएं नहीं रोकी जा सकती है,क्योंकि सर्वर तक पहुँचा नहीं जा सका.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView सूचनाएँ सक्षम नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि सर्वर नहीं पाया जा सका है.\nइसका मतलब यह है कि आपकी जानकारी पॉपर की स्थापना सफलतापूर्वक पूरी नहीं की गयी थी.
OK NotificationView ठीक है
Important NotificationView महत्वपूर्ण
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView सूचनाएँ निष्क्रिय नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि सर्वर तक पहुँचा नहीं जा सका.
Progress NotificationView प्रगति
@ -21,8 +19,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView खोजें:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView सूचनाएं सर्वर नहीं पाया जा सकता है..\nएक संभव कारण है संस्थापन सही ढंग से नहीं कर
Allowed NotificationView अनुमति दी
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView वरीयताओं को सहेज नहीं सकते,यह संभव है बूट सेटिंग्स निर्देशिका में लिखने की अनुमति है नहीं है या डिस्क भरी हुई है.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView वहाँ एक समस्या थी वरीयताओं को सहेजने मे.\nसेटिंग्स निर्देशिका में.यह संभव है सेटिंग्स निर्देशिका में लिखने की अनुमति है नहीं है.
Yes NotificationView हाँ
Large icon DisplayView बड़े चिह्न
Icon size: DisplayView चिह्न का आकार:
@ -35,10 +31,7 @@ Information NotificationView जानकारी
Window width: DisplayView विंडो की चौड़ाई:
Application NotificationView आवेदन
Enabled NotificationView सक्षम
OK DisplayView ठीक है
Unknown NotificationView अज्ञात
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView वहाँ एक समस्या थी वरीयताओं को सहेजने मे.\nसेटिंग्स निर्देशिका में.यह संभव है सेटिंग्स निर्देशिका में लिखने की अनुमति है नहीं है.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView वहाँ एक समस्या थी वरीयताओं को सहेजने मे.\nसेटिंग्स निर्देशिका में.यह संभव है सेटिंग्स निर्देशिका में लिखने की अनुमति है नहीं है.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView स्टार्टअप पर अधिसूचना सक्रिय करें
Notifications PrefletView अधिसूचनाएं
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView सूचनाएं सर्वर नहीं पाया जा सकता है,इसका मतलब यह है कि आपकी जानकारी पॉपर की स्थापना सफलतापूर्वक पूरी नहीं की गयी थी.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Hiba történt a beállítások mentése során.\nLehet hogy elfogyott a hely a lemezen.
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Értesítések
seconds of inactivity GeneralView másodpercnyi inaktivitás után
Revert PrefletWin Visszaállít
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView Rendben
Type NotificationView Típus
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Nem lehet leállítani az értesítéseket, mert nem sikerült elérni a kiszolgálót.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Nem lehet leállítani az értesítéseket, mert nem sikerült elérni a kiszolgálót.\nEbből következően az InfoPopper telepítése sem volt sikeres.
OK NotificationView Rendben
Important NotificationView Fontos
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Nem lehet letiltani az értesítéseket, mert nem sikerült elérni a kiszolgálót.
Progress NotificationView Folyamat
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Keresés:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Az értesítéskiszolgáló nem található.\nLehet, hogy nem lett jól feltelepítve.
Allowed NotificationView Engedélyezve
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Nem lehet menteni a beállításokat, valószínűleg ön nem rendelkezik írási jogosultságokkal a beállításmappához, vagy megtelt a lemez.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Nem sikerült menteni a beállításokat, valószínűleg ön nem rendelkezik írási jogosultságokkal a beállításmappához.
Yes NotificationView Igen
Large icon DisplayView Nagy ikon
Icon size: DisplayView Ikonok mérete:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Információ
Window width: DisplayView Ablakszélesség:
Application NotificationView Program
Enabled NotificationView Engedélyezve
OK DisplayView Rendben
Unknown NotificationView Ismeretlen
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Nem sikerült menteni a beállításokat.\nValószínűleg nem rendelkezik írási jogosultságokkal a beállításmappához.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Nem sikerült menteni a beállításokat.\nValószínűleg nem rendelkezik írási jogosultságokkal a beállításmappához.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Értesítések engedélyezése indításkor
Notifications PrefletView Értesítések
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Nem sikerült elérni a kiszolgálót, és ebből következően az InfoPopper telepítése sem volt sikeres.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView 設定ファイルの保存中にエラーが発生しました。\nディスク容量が不足している可能性があります。
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView 通知
seconds of inactivity GeneralView 秒後に画面から隠されます。
Revert PrefletWin 元に戻す
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView OK
Type NotificationView タイプ
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView サーバーと通信できないので通知を止めることができません。
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView サーバーが見つからないので通知を有効にできません。\nこれは、InfoPopper のインストールがうまく完了していないことを示しています。
OK NotificationView OK
Important NotificationView 重要
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView サーバーと通信できないので通知を無効にできません。
Progress NotificationView 進行状況
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView 検索:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView 通知サーバーが見つかりません。\n考えられる原因として、インストールが正しく行われていないことがあります。
Allowed NotificationView 許可された
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView 設定を保存できません。おそらく、setingsディレクトリに書き込み権限が無いか、ディレクトリまたはディスクがいっぱいです。
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView 設定の保存時に問題があります。\nsettings ディレクトリに書き込み権限がない可能性があります。
Yes NotificationView はい
Large icon DisplayView 大きいアイコン
Icon size: DisplayView アイコンのサイズ:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView 情報
Window width: DisplayView ウィンドウの幅:
Application NotificationView アプリケーション
Enabled NotificationView 有効
OK DisplayView OK
Unknown NotificationView 不明
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView 設定の保存時に問題があります。\nsettings ディレクトリに書き込み権限がない可能性があります。
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView 設定の保存時に問題があります。\nsettings ディレクトリに書き込み権限がない可能性があります。
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView 起動時に通知を有効にする
Notifications PrefletView 通知
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView 通知サーバーが見つかりません。これは、InfoPopper のインストールがうまく完了していないことを示しています。
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Įrašant nuostatas, įvyko klaida.\nGali būti, jog diske nepakanka laisvos vietos.
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Pranešimai
seconds of inactivity GeneralView sek. pasyvumo
Revert PrefletWin Atšaukti pakeitimus
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView Gerai
Type NotificationView Tipas
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Pranešimų tarnybos sustabdyti nepavyko, nes ji nepasiekiama.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Nepavyko įgalinti pranešimų, nes pranešimų tarnyba nerasta.\nTai reiškia, jog pranešimų tarnyba nebuvo sėkmingai įdiegta.
OK NotificationView Gerai
Important NotificationView Svarbu
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Pranešimų išjungti nepavyko, nes pranešimų tarnyba nepasiekiama.
Progress NotificationView Eiga
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Ieškoti:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Pranešimų tarnyba nerasta.\nGali būti, jog ji nebuvo sėkmingai įdiegta.
Allowed NotificationView Leidžiama
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Nuostatų įrašyti nepavyko. Gali būti, jog Jums trūksta rašymo į nuostatų aplanką teisių arba diske nepakanka laisvos vietos.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Įrašant nuostatas, įvyko klaida.\nGali būti, jog Jums trūksta rašymo į nuostatų aplanką teisių.
Yes NotificationView Taip
Large icon DisplayView didelės piktogramos
Icon size: DisplayView Piktogramų dydis:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Informacija
Window width: DisplayView Lango plotis:
Application NotificationView Programa
Enabled NotificationView Įjungta
OK DisplayView Gerai
Unknown NotificationView Nežinoma
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Įrašant nuostatas, įvyko klaida.\nGali būti, jog Jums trūksta rašymo į nuostatų aplanką teisių.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Įrašant nuostatas, įvyko klaida.\nGali būti, jog Jums trūksta rašymo į nuostatų aplanką teisių.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Įjungti pranešimus sistemos paleisties metu
Notifications PrefletView Pranešimai
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Pranešimų tarnyba nerasta. Tai reiškia, jog ji nebuvo sėkmingai įdiegta.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1032629100
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Er ontstond een fout tijdens het opslaan van de voorkeuren.\nHet is mogelijk dat uw schijfruimte opraakt.
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1127855757
Notifications GeneralView Aankondigingen
seconds of inactivity GeneralView seconden inactief
Revert PrefletWin Herstellen
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView Oké
Type NotificationView Soort
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Aankondigingen kan niet worden gestopt, omdat de server niet bereikt kan worden.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Kan aankondigingen niet aanzetten omdat de server niet gevonden kan worden.\nDit betekent dat uw InfoPopper-installatie niet succesvol werd afgerond.
OK NotificationView Oké
Important NotificationView Belangrijk
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Kan aankondigingen niet aanzetten omdat de server niet bereikt kan worden.
Progress NotificationView Voortgang
@ -21,8 +19,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Zoek:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView De aankondigingen-server kon niet gevonden worden.\nEen mogelijke oorzaak is een installatie die niet correct werd uitgevoerd
Allowed NotificationView Toegestaan
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Kan voorkeuren niet opslaan, u hebt mogelijk geen schrijftoegang naar het instellingen-directory, of de schijf is vol.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Er was een probleem bij het opslaan van de voorkeuren.\nHet is mogelijk dat u geen schrijftoegang hebt naar het directory van de instellingen.
Yes NotificationView Ja
Large icon DisplayView Groot icoon
Icon size: DisplayView Icoongrootte:
@ -35,10 +31,7 @@ Information NotificationView Informatie
Window width: DisplayView Vensterbreedte:
Application NotificationView Toepassing
Enabled NotificationView Aangezet
OK DisplayView Oké
Unknown NotificationView Onbekend
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Er was een probleem bij het opslaan van de voorkeuren.\nHet is mogelijk dat u geen schrijftoegang hebt naar het directory voor de instellingen.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Er was een probleem bij het opslaan van de voorkeuren.\nHet is mogelijk dat u geen schrijftoegang hebt naar het directory voor de instellingen.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Aankondigingen aanzetten bij opstarten
Notifications PrefletView Aankondigingen
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView De aankondigingen-server kon niet gevonden worden, dit betekent dat uw InfoPopper-installatie niet succesvol werd afgerond.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Wystąpił błąd przy zapisie ustawień.\nByć może zabrakło miejsca na dysku.
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Powiadomienia
seconds of inactivity GeneralView sekund nieaktywności
Revert PrefletWin Przywróć
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView OK
Type NotificationView Typ
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Powiadomienie nie mogą być zatrzymane, bo nie można skontaktować się z serwerem.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Nie można włączyć powiadomień bo nie można odnaleźć serwera.\nTo oznacza, że instalacja InfoPopper nie została pomyślnie ukończona.
OK NotificationView OK
Important NotificationView Ważne
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Nie można wyłączyć powiadomień, bo nie można skontaktować się z serwerem.
Progress NotificationView Postęp
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Szukaj:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Nie można odnaleźć serwera powiadomień.\nByć może instalacja nie została poprawnie wykonana
Allowed NotificationView Zezwolone
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Nie można zapisać ustawień, prawdopodobnie nie masz uprawnień do zapisu w katalogu ustawień lub brakuje miejsca na dysku.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Wystąpił problem zapisu ustawień.\nByć może nie masz uprawnień do zapisu w katalogu ustawień.
Yes NotificationView Tak
Large icon DisplayView Duża ikona
Icon size: DisplayView Rozmiar ikon:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Informacje
Window width: DisplayView Szerokość okna:
Application NotificationView Aplikacja
Enabled NotificationView Włączone
OK DisplayView OK
Unknown NotificationView Nieznane
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Wystąpił problem zapisu preferencji.\nMożliwe, że nie masz uprawnień do zapisu w katalogu ustawień.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Wystąpił problem zapisu preferencji.\nMożliwe, że nie masz uprawnień do zapisu w katalogu ustawień.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Włącz powiadomienia podczas uruchamiania
Notifications PrefletView Powiadomienia
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Serwer powiadomień nie został odnaleziony, to oznacza, że instalacja InfoPopper nie została ukończona pomyślnie.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Um erro ocorreu salvando as preferências.\nÉ possível que esteja executando fora do espaço de disco.
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Notificações
seconds of inactivity GeneralView segundos de inatividade
Revert PrefletWin Reverter
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView OK
Type NotificationView Tipo
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Notificações não podem ser paradas porque o servidor não pode ser alcançado.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Não é possível habilitar as notificações porque o servidor não pôde ser encontrado.\nIsto significa que a instalação do InfoPopper não foi completada com sucesso.
OK NotificationView OK
Important NotificationView Importante
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Não foi possível desabilitar as notificações porque o servidor não pode ser alcançado.
Progress NotificationView Progresso
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Pesquisar:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView O servidor de notificações não pode ser encontrado.\nUma possível causa é uma instalação não concluída corretamente
Allowed NotificationView Permitido
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Não é possível salvar as preferências, provavelmente não há acesso de escrita ao diretório de definições ou o disco está cheio.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Houve um problema salvando as preferências.\nÉ possível que não haja acesso de escrita ao diretório de definições.
Yes NotificationView Sim
Large icon DisplayView Ícone grande
Icon size: DisplayView Tamanho do ícone:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Informação
Window width: DisplayView Largura da janela:
Application NotificationView Aplicativo
Enabled NotificationView Habilitado
OK DisplayView OK
Unknown NotificationView Desconhecido
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Houve um problema salvando as preferências.\nÉ possível que não haja acesso de escrita ao diretório de definições.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Houve um problema salvando as preferências.\nÉ possível que não haja acesso de escrita ao diretório de definições.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Habilitar notificações ao iniciar
Notifications PrefletView Notificações
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView O servidor de notificações não pode ser encontrado, isto significa que a instalação do InfoPopper não foi completada com sucesso.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1032629100
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView A apărut o eroare la salvarea preferințelor.\nEste posibil să fi rămas fără spațiu pe disc.
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1127855757
Notifications GeneralView Înștiințări
seconds of inactivity GeneralView secunde de inactivitate
Revert PrefletWin Revenire
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView OK
Type NotificationView Tip
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Înștiințările nu pot fi oprite, deoarece serverul nu poate fi contactat.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Nu se pot activa înștiințările deoarece serverul nu poate fi găsit.\nÎnseamnă că instalarea InfoPopper nu a fost completată cu succes.
OK NotificationView OK
Important NotificationView Important
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Nu se pot dezactiva înștiințările deoarece serverul nu poate fi contactat.
Progress NotificationView Progres
@ -21,8 +19,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Caută:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Serverul de înștiințări nu poate fi găsit.\nO cauză posibilă este o instalare care nu s-a realizat corect
Allowed NotificationView Permis
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Nu se pot salva preferințele, probabil că nu ai acces pentru scrierea în dosarul de configurări sau discul este plin.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView A existat o problemă la salvarea preferințelor.\nEste posibil să nu ai acces pentru scriere în dosarul de configurări.
Yes NotificationView Da
Large icon DisplayView Pictogramă largă
Icon size: DisplayView Dimensiune pictogramă:
@ -35,10 +31,7 @@ Information NotificationView Informații
Window width: DisplayView Lățime fereastră:
Application NotificationView Aplicație
Enabled NotificationView Activat
OK DisplayView Bine
Unknown NotificationView Necunoscut
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView A existat o problemă la salvarea preferințelor.\nEste posibil să nu ai acces de scriere în dosarul de configurări.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView A existat o problemă la salvarea preferințelor.\nEste posibil să nu ai acces de scriere în dosarul de configurări.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Activează înștiințări la pornire
Notifications PrefletView Înștiințări
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Serverul de înștiințări nu poate fi găsit, înseamnă că instalarea dumneavoastră InfoPopper nu a fost completată cu succes.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Произошла ошибка при сохранении настроек\nВозможно, что закончилось свободное место на диске.
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Уведомления
seconds of inactivity GeneralView секунд бездействия
Revert PrefletWin Вернуть
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView ОК
Type NotificationView Тип
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Невозможно остановить уведомления, потому что сервер уведомлений недоступен.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Невозможно включить уведомления, потому что сервер уведомлений не найден.\nЭто означает, что сервер уведомлений может быть поврежден.
OK NotificationView ОК
Important NotificationView Важно
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Невозможно отключить уведомления, потому что сервер уведомлений недоступен.
Progress NotificationView Прогресс
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Поиск:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Не найден сервер уведомлений.\nЭто означает, что сервер уведомлений может быть поврежден.
Allowed NotificationView Разрешено
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Невозможно сохранить параметры, возможно у вас нет прав на запись в директорию настроек или диск переполнен.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Возникла проблема при сохранении настроек.\nВозможно у вас нет прав на запись в директорию настроек.
Yes NotificationView Да
Large icon DisplayView Большие значки
Icon size: DisplayView Размер значков:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Информация
Window width: DisplayView Ширина окна:
Application NotificationView Приложение
Enabled NotificationView Включено
OK DisplayView ОК
Unknown NotificationView Неизвестно
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Возникла проблема при сохранении настроек.\nВвозможно у вас нет прав на запись в директорию настроек загрузки.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Возникла проблема при сохранении настроек.\nвозможно у вас нет прав на запись в директорию настроек загрузки.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Добавить уведомления в автозагрузку
Notifications PrefletView Уведомления
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Сервер уведомлений не найден.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1032629100
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Vyskytla sa chyba pri ukladaní nastavení.\nJe možné, že vám dochádza miesto na disku.
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 1127855757
Notifications GeneralView Oznamy
seconds of inactivity GeneralView sekundách nečinnosti
Revert PrefletWin Vrátiť
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView OK
Type NotificationView Typ
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Oznámenia nemožno zastaviť, pretože server nebolo možné kontaktovať.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Oznámenia nemožno zapnúť, pretože server nebol nájdený.\nTo znamená, že vaša inštalácia InfoPopper nebola úspešne dokončená.
OK NotificationView OK
Important NotificationView Dôležité
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Nie je možné vypnúť oznamy, pretože server nebolo možné kontaktovať.
Progress NotificationView Priebeh
@ -21,8 +19,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Hľadať:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView The notifications server cannot be found.\nMožná príčina je, že inštalácia nebola vykonaná správne
Allowed NotificationView Povolené
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Nie je možné zapnúť uložiť nastavenia, pravdepodobne nemáte oprávnenie na zápis do adresára nastavení zavádzania systému alebo je disk plný.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Vyskytol sa problém pri ukladaní nastavení.\nJe možné, že nemáte oprávnenie na zápis do adresára nastavení.
Yes NotificationView Áno
Large icon DisplayView Veľká ikona
Icon size: DisplayView Veľkosť ikony:
@ -35,10 +31,7 @@ Information NotificationView Informácia
Window width: DisplayView Šírka okna:
Application NotificationView Aplikácia
Enabled NotificationView Zapnuté
OK DisplayView OK
Unknown NotificationView Neznáme
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Vyskytol sa problém pri ukladaní nastavení.\nJe možné, že nemáte oprávnenie na zápis do adresára nastavení.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Vyskytol sa problém pri ukladaní nastavení.\nJe možné, že nemáte oprávnenie na zápis do adresára nastavení.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Zapnúť oznamy pri štarte
Notifications PrefletView Oznámenia
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Server oznámení nemožno nájsť. To znamená, že vaša inštalácia InfoPopper nebola úspešne dokončená.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Ett fel uppstod när inställningarna skulle sparas.\nDet är möjligt att hårddiskutrymmet håller på att ta slut.
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Aviseringar
seconds of inactivity GeneralView sekunder av inaktivitet
Revert PrefletWin Återgå
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView OK
Type NotificationView Typ
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Aviseringarna kunde inte stoppas eftersom servern inte kunde nås.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Kan inte aktivera aviseringar eftersom servern inte kunde hittas.\Det betyder att din InfoPopper-installation inte avslutades korrekt.
OK NotificationView OK
Important NotificationView Viktigt
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Kan inte inaktivera aviseringarna eftersom servern inte kan nås.
Progress NotificationView Progress
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Sök:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Aviseringsservern hittas inte.\nDet kan bero på att installationen inte är korrekt.
Allowed NotificationView Tillåten
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Kan inte spara inställningarna. Du saknar förmodligen behörighet att skriva till inställningsmappen eller så är disken full.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Ett fel uppstod vid sparning av inställningarna.\nDet är möjligt att du saknar behörighet att skriva till inställningsmappen.
Yes NotificationView Ja
Large icon DisplayView Stor ikon
Icon size: DisplayView Ikonstorlek:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Information
Window width: DisplayView Fönsterbredd:
Application NotificationView Applikation
Enabled NotificationView Aktiverad
OK DisplayView OK
Unknown NotificationView Okänd
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Ett fel uppstod när inställningarna skulle sparas.\nDet är möjligt att du saknar behörighet att skriva till inställningsmappen.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Ett fel uppstod när inställningarna skulle sparas.\nDet är möjligt att du saknar behörighet att skriva till inställningsmappen.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Aktivera aviseringar vid start
Notifications PrefletView Aviseringar
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Aviseringsservern hittas ej. Det betyder att din InfoPopper installation inte avslutades korrekt.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView Виникла помилка збереження настройок.\nМожливо, що закінчилось місце на диску.
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView Повідомлення
seconds of inactivity GeneralView секунд бездіяльності
Revert PrefletWin Повернути
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView Гаразд
Type NotificationView Тип
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Повідомлення не можуть бути зупинені, бо сервер недоступний.
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Неможливо включити повідомлення бо сервер не знайдено.\nЦе означає, що ваш InfoPopper встановлений не повністю.
OK NotificationView Гаразд
Important NotificationView Важливо
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView Неможливо відмінити повідомлення, бо сервер недоступний.
Progress NotificationView Хід
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView Пошук:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView Сервер повідомлень не знайдено.\nМожливо через некоректне встановлення
Allowed NotificationView Дозволити
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView Настройки зберегти не вдалося, можливо у Вас немає дозволу на запис для директорії настройок або диск повний.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView Виникли проблеми в збереженні настройок.\nМожливо у Вас немає дозволу на запис в директорію настройок.
Yes NotificationView Так
Large icon DisplayView Великі іконки
Icon size: DisplayView Розмір іконки:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView Інформація
Window width: DisplayView Ширина вікна:
Application NotificationView Додаток
Enabled NotificationView Включити
OK DisplayView Гаразд
Unknown NotificationView Невідомий
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView Виникла проблема в збережені настройок.\nМожливо у Вас немає доступу на запис до директорії налаштувань.
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView Виникла проблема в збереженні настройок.\nМожливо у Вас немає доступу на запис до директорії налаштувань.
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView Включити повідомлення при старті
Notifications PrefletView Повідомлення
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView Невдалося знайти сервер повідомлень, Це означає, що установка InfoPopper Вами була завершена невдало.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 68793008
An error occurred saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you are running out of disk space. GeneralView 首选项保存出错。\n您可能已经用尽了磁盘空间。
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-Notifications 164019665
Notifications GeneralView 通知
seconds of inactivity GeneralView 静止秒数
Revert PrefletWin 还原
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ OK GeneralView 确定
Type NotificationView 类型
Notifications cannot be stopped, because the server can't be reached. GeneralView 由于无法获取服务,无法禁用通知。
Cannot enable notifications because the server cannot be found.\nThis means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView 由于未发现服务,无法启用通知。\n也就意味着,您的 InfoPopper 未成功的完成安装。
OK NotificationView 确定
Important NotificationView 重要
Cannot disable notifications because the server can't be reached. GeneralView 由于无法获取服务,无法禁用通知。
Progress NotificationView 进度
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ Can't enable notifications at startup time, you probably don't have write permis
Search: NotificationView 搜索:
The notifications server cannot be found.\nA possible cause is an installation not done correctly GeneralView 未发现通知服务。\n可能是安装没有正确的完成。
Allowed NotificationView 允许
Can't save preferenes, you probably don't have write access to the settings directory or the disk is full. DisplayView 无法保存首选项,您可能不具有设置目录的写入权限或者磁盘已满。
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. DisplayView 保存首选项存在问题。\n您可能不具有设置目录的写入权限。
Yes NotificationView 是
Large icon DisplayView 大图标
Icon size: DisplayView 图标大小:
@ -36,10 +32,7 @@ Information NotificationView 信息
Window width: DisplayView 窗口宽度:
Application NotificationView 应用程序
Enabled NotificationView 启用
OK DisplayView 确定
Unknown NotificationView 未知
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. GeneralView 保存首选项存在问题。\n你可能不具有设置目录的写入权限。
There was a problem saving the preferences.\nIt's possible you don't have write access to the settings directory. NotificationView 保存首选项存在问题。\n你可能不具有设置目录的写入权限。
Enable notifications at startup GeneralView 启动时启用通知
Notifications PrefletView 通知
The notifications server cannot be found, this means your InfoPopper installation was not successfully completed. GeneralView 通知服务器无法找到。\n您 InfoPopper 没有成功完成安装。
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Password Window ScreenSaver Okno z hasłem
Screensaver settings ScreenSaver Ustawienia wygaszacza ekranu
Passwords don't match. Please try again. ScreenSaver Hasła nie zgadzają się. Proszę spróbować ponownie.
OK ScreenSaver OK
Blackness ScreenSaver Czarność
Blackness ScreenSaver Czerń
Use custom password ScreenSaver Użyj niestandardowego hasła
Done ScreenSaver Zakończono
Confirm password: ScreenSaver Potwierdź hasło:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ScreenSaver System name Хранитель экрана
Test ScreenSaver Просмотр
General ScreenSaver Общие
Fade now when mouse is here ScreenSaver Включать заставку, когда мышь находится здесь
Enable screensaver ScreenSaver Включить звставку
Enable screensaver ScreenSaver Включить заставку
Don't fade when mouse is here ScreenSaver Не включать заставку, когда мышь находится здесь
Cancel ScreenSaver Отмена
Turn off screen ScreenSaver Выключать экран через
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ OK Time ОК
Asia Time Азия
\nNow: Time \nСейчас:
Africa Time Африка
Reset to default server list Time Вернуться к исходному списку серверов
Reset to default server list Time Восстановить список серверов по умолчанию
Stop Time Остановить
Could not contact server Time Ну удалось связаться с сервером
Australia Time Австралия
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Synchronize at boot Time Синхронизировать при загрузк
Time & Date, written by:\n\n\tAndrew Edward McCall\n\tMike Berg\n\tJulun\n\tPhilippe Saint-Pierre\n\nCopyright 2004-2012, Haiku. Time Дата & Время, разработан:\n\n\t Andrew Edward McCall\n\t Mike Berg\n\t Julun\n\t Philippe Saint-Pierre\n\nВсе права защищены 2004-2012, Haiku.
Received invalid time Time Получено неверное время
Antarctica Time Антарктида
Show time zone Time Установить часовой пояс
Show time zone Time Показывать часовой пояс
Show clock in Deskbar Time Отображать часы в Deskbar
The following error occured while synchronizing:r\n%s: %s Time При синхронизации произошла следующая ошибка:r\n%s: %s
<Other> Time <Другой>
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
Terminate DebugServer Przerwij
Debug DebugServer Debug
Save report DebugServer Zapisz raport
The application:\n\n %app\n\nhas encountered an error which prevents it from continuing. Haiku will terminate the application and clean up. DebugServer W aplikacji:\n\n %app\n\nwystąpił błąd który uniemożliwia kontynuację. Haiku przerwie działanie aplikacji i posprząta po niej.
The application:\n\n %app\n\nhas encountered an error which prevents it from continuing. Haiku will terminate the application and clean up. DebugServer Aplikacja:\n\n %app\n\nnapotkała problem który uniemożliwia jej kontynuację. Haiku przerwie jej działanie i posprząta po niej.
@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
1 french x-vnd.Be-POST 3583868911
1 french x-vnd.Be-POST 3641225974
Fetching mail for %name Notifier Récupération des mails de %name
Check for mails only DeskbarView Vérifier seulement les courriels
Send pending mails DeskbarView Envoyer les courriels en attente
{0, plural, one{# new message} other{# new messages}} DeskbarView {0, plural, one{# nouveau message} other{# nouveaux messages}}
{0, plural, one{# new message} other{# new messages}} for %name\n MailDaemon {0, plural, one{# nouveau message} other{# nouveaux messages}} pour %name\n
New Messages MailDaemon Nouveaux Messages
<no accounts> DeskbarView <aucun compte>
Mail status MailDaemon État du courrier
Shutdown mail services DeskbarView Arrêter les services de messagerie
Sending mail for %name Notifier Envoi des mails de %name
{0, plural, one{# new message.} other{# new messages.}} MailDaemon {0, plural, one{# nouveau message.} other{# nouveaux messages.}}
Create new message… DeskbarView Créer un nouveau message…
{0, plural, one{# new message} other{# new messages}} MailDaemon {0, plural, one{# nouveau message} other{# nouveaux messages}}
No new messages MailDaemon Aucun nouveau message
Check for mail now DeskbarView Vérifier les courriels maintenant
No new messages DeskbarView Aucun nouveau message
@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Be-POST 3583868911
1 hungarian x-vnd.Be-POST 3641225974
Fetching mail for %name Notifier %name leveleinek fogadása
Check for mails only DeskbarView Csak a levelek lekérdezése
Send pending mails DeskbarView Függőben lévő levelek küldése
{0, plural, one{# new message} other{# new messages}} DeskbarView {0, plural, one{# új levél} other{# új levél}}
{0, plural, one{# new message} other{# new messages}} for %name\n MailDaemon {0, plural, one{# új levél} other{# új levél}} %name részére\n
New Messages MailDaemon Új levelek
<no accounts> DeskbarView <nincs fiók>
Mail status MailDaemon Levelezés állapota
Shutdown mail services DeskbarView Levelezés szolgáltatásainak leállítása
Sending mail for %name Notifier %name leveleinek küldése
{0, plural, one{# new message.} other{# new messages.}} MailDaemon {0, plural, one{# új levél.} other{# új levél.}}
Create new message… DeskbarView Új levél írása…
{0, plural, one{# new message} other{# new messages}} MailDaemon {0, plural, one{# új levél} other{# új levél}}
No new messages MailDaemon Nincs új levél
Check for mail now DeskbarView Levelek ellenőrzése most
No new messages DeskbarView Nincs új levél
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Немагчыма запусціць манітор фільтра. Імгненныя змены фільтра адключаны.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Немагчыма запусціць манітор наладак дысплея\nІмгненныя змены фільтра адключаны.
Darn. NotificationWindow Халера!
1 belarusian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Увага
OK NotificationWindow ОК
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Немагчыма запусціць манітор агульных наладак.\nІмгненыя змены фільтра будуць адключаны.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Der Filter-Monitor konnte nicht gestartet werden. Echtzeit-Filteränderungen wurden deaktiviert.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Die Überwachung der Darstellungseigenschaften konnte nicht gestartet werden.
Darn. NotificationWindow Herrje!
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Warnung
OK NotificationWindow OK
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Die Überwachung der allgemeinen Einstellungen konnte nicht gestartet werden.\nEchtzeit-Filteränderungen wurden deaktiviert.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Αδυναμία εκκίνησης του ελεγκτή φίλτρου. Απενεργοποιήθηκαν οι αλλαγές του εν ενεργεία φίλτρου.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Αδυναμία εκκίνησης του ελεγκτή ρυθμίσεων προβολής.\nΑπενεργοποιήθηκαν οι αλλαγές του εν ενεργεία φίλτρου.
Darn. NotificationWindow Να πάρει.
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Προειδοποίηση
OK NotificationWindow Εντάξει
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Αδυναμία εκκίνησης του ελεγκτή γενικών ρυθμίσεων.\nΑπενεργοποιήθηκαν οι αλλαγές του εν ενεργεία φίλτρου.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Suodatinvalvonnan käynnistäminen epäonnistui. Ajantasainen suodatin otettiin pois käytöstä.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Näyttöasetusten valvonnan käynnistäminen epäonnistui.\nAjantasainen suodatin otettiin pois käytöstä.
Darn. NotificationWindow Kehveli.
1 finnish x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Varoitus
OK NotificationWindow Valmis
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Yleisasetusten valvonnan käynnistäminen epäonnistui.\nAjantasainen suodatin otettiin pois käytöstä.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Impossible de démarrer la surveillance des filtres.\nLes changements de filtres dynamique sont désactivés.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Impossible de démarrer la surveillance des écrans de réglages.\nLes changements de filtres dynamique sont désactivés.
Darn. NotificationWindow Zut.
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Avertissement
OK NotificationWindow OK
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Impossible de démarrer la surveillance des paramètres généraux.\nLes changements de filtres dynamique sont désactivés.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow फिल्टर मोनिटर को शुरू नहीं कर पाए. लाइव फिल्टर चंगेस को हटा दिया गया हैं.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow डिस्प्ले सेत्तिंग्स मोनिटर को शुरू नहीं कर पाय.\nलाइव फिल्टर चंगेस को हटा दिया गया है.
Darn. NotificationWindow डारन.
1 hindi x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow चेतावनी
OK NotificationWindow ठीक है
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow गेनेरल सेत्तिंग्स मोनिटर को शुरू नहीं कर पायें.\nलाइव फिल्टर चंगेस को हटा दिया गया है.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nem sikerült elindítani a szűrőmonitort. Az élő szűrőváltoztatások le lettek tiltva.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nem sikerült elindítani a kijelzőbeállítás-monitort.\nAz élő szűrőváltoztatások le lettek tiltva.
Darn. NotificationWindow Javítás.
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Figyelmeztetés
OK NotificationWindow Rendben
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nem sikerült elindítani az általános beállítás-monitort.\nAz élő szűrőváltoztatások le lettek tiltva.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow フィルターモニターを開始できませんでした。フィルターのライブ変更は無効です。
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow 表示設定モニターを開始できませんでした。\nフィルタのライブ変更は無効です。
Darn. NotificationWindow くそっ。
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow 警告
OK NotificationWindow OK
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow 一般設定モニターを開始できませんでした。\nフィルタのライブ変更は無効です。
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nepavyko paleisti filtrų stebėtuvo. Į filtrų pakeitimus nebus reaguojama.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nepavyko paleisti ekrano nuostatų stebėtuvo.\nĮ filtrų pakeitimus nebus reaguojama.
Darn. NotificationWindow Po velnių!
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Įspėjimas
OK NotificationWindow Gerai
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nepavyko paleisti bendrųjų nuostatų stebėtuvo.\nĮ filtrų pakeitimus nebus reaguojama.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow De filtermonitor kon niet gestart worden. Live filterwijzigingen werden uitgeschakeld.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow De scherminstellingenmonitor kon niet gestart worden.\nLive filterwijzigingen werden uitgeschakeld.
Darn. NotificationWindow Verdomme.
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Waarschuwing
OK NotificationWindow OK
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow De monitor voor algemene instellingen kon niet gestart worden.\nLive filterwijzigingen werden uitgeschakeld.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nie można uruchomić monitora filtrów. Rezydujący filtr zmian wyłączony.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nie można uruchomić monitora ustawień wyświetlania.\nRezydujący filtr zmian wyłączony.
Darn. NotificationWindow A niech to szlag.
1 polish x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Ostrzeżenie
OK NotificationWindow OK
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nie można uruchomić monitora ustawień ogólnych.\nRezydujący filtr zmian wyłączony.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Não foi possível iniciar o monitor de filtro. Alterações de filtro "ao vivo" desabilitadas.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Não foi possível iniciar o monitor de configurações de tela.\nAlterações de filtro "ao vivo" desabilitadas.
Darn. NotificationWindow Droga.
1 portuguese (brazil) x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Aviso
OK NotificationWindow OK
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Não foi possível iniciar o monitor de configurações gerais.\nAlterações de filtro "ao vivo" desabilitadas.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nu s-a putut porni monitorul de filtru. Modificările directe ale filtrului sunt dezactivate.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nu s-a putut porni monitorul de configurări ale afișajului.\nModificările directe ale filtrului sunt dezactivate.
Darn. NotificationWindow Aiurea.
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Avertisment
OK NotificationWindow OK
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nu s-a putut porni monitorul de configurări generale.\nModificările directe ale filtrului sunt dezactivate.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Не удалось запустить фильтр монитора. Фильтр изменений в реальном времени отключен.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Невозможно запустить настройки дисплея.\nФильтр изменений в реальном времени отключен.
Darn. NotificationWindow Проклятье.
1 russian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Предупреждение
OK NotificationWindow ОК
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Невозможно запустить общие настройки монитора.\nФильтр изменений в реальном времени отключен.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nepodarilo sa spustiť monitor filtra. Živé zmeny filtra sú vypnuté.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nepodarilo sa spustiť monitor nastavení displeja.\nŽivé zmeny filtra sú vypnuté.
Darn. NotificationWindow Sakra.
1 slovak x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Upozornenie
OK NotificationWindow OK
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Nepodarilo sa spustiť monitor všeobecných nastavení.\nŽivé zmeny filtra sú vypnuté.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Kunde inte starta övervakning av filterinställningarna.\nAvkänning av ändringar i filterinställningarna avstängd.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Kunde inte starta övervakning av visningsinställningarna.\nAvkänning av ändringar i filterinställningarna avstängd.
Darn. NotificationWindow Attans.
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Varning
OK NotificationWindow OK
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Kunde inte starta övervakning av de generella inställningarna.\nAvkänning av ändringar i filterinställningarna avstängd.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Неможливо запустити монітор фільтру. Зміна фільтру в реальному часі неможлива.
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Неможливо запустити монітор параметрів дисплею.\nЗміна фільтру в реальному часі неможлива.
Darn. NotificationWindow Прокляття.
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow Повідомлення
OK NotificationWindow Гаразд
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow Неможливо запустити монітор загальних параметрів.\nЗміна фільтру в реальному часі неможлива.
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 906000487
Couldn't start filter monitor. Live filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow 无法启动过滤管理器。实时过滤修改已禁用。
Couldn't start display settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow 无法启动显示设置管理器。\n实时过滤修改已禁用。
Darn. NotificationWindow Darn。
1 english x-vnd.Haiku-notification_server 2022780929
Warning NotificationWindow 警告
OK NotificationWindow 确定
Couldn't start general settings monitor.\nLive filter changes disabled. NotificationWindow 无法启动常用设置管理器。\n实时过滤修改已禁用。
Reference in New Issue
Block a user