Update translations from Pootle

This commit is contained in:
Autocomitter 2022-08-13 08:15:36 +00:00 committed by Autocommitter
parent c4af8d0676
commit 0f1217b8fb
11 changed files with 46 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french application/x-vnd.Cortex.InfoView 4128967890
1 french application/x-vnd.Cortex.InfoView 2127561920
Description DormantNodeInfoView Description
Byte order InfoView Boutisme
Connection InfoView Connexion
@ -15,11 +15,13 @@ Max. instances DormantNodeInfoView Instances max.
\n- Duration: FileNodeInfoView \n- Durée :
Latency LiveNodeInfoView Temps de latence
Media type InfoView Type de média
Live media node LiveNodeInfoView Nœud multimédia en direct
Node ID LiveNodeInfoView ID de nœud
Resolution InfoView Résolution
Chunk size InfoView Taille des fragments
File format AppNodeInfoView Format de fichier
Orientation InfoView Orientation
Live file-interface node FileNodeInfoView Nœud d'interface-fichier en direct
Channels InfoView Canaux
Sample rate InfoView Fréquence déchantillonnage
File format FileNodeInfoView Format de fichier

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french application/x-vnd.Cortex.support 1081380755
1 french application/x-vnd.Cortex.support 2769580762
Header has flags MediaString Len-tête comporte des drapeaux
Recording MediaString Enregistrement
(unknown format) MediaString (format inconnu)
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Back-center MediaString Arrière-centre
32 bit CMY MediaString 32 bits CMJ
{0, plural, other{# bit integer}} MediaString {0, plural, other{Entier # bits}}
(unknown video format) MediaString (format vidéo inconnu)
Video data between line %lu and %lu MediaString Données vidéo entre les lignes %lu et %lu
AVI format family MediaString Famille de format AVI
Homogenous buffers MediaString Tampons homogènes
Interlaced MediaString Entrelacé
@ -54,9 +55,11 @@ Front-right-center MediaString Avant-droit-centre
Side-right MediaString Côté-droit
kHz MediaString kHz
Little endian MediaString Petit-boutien
(unknown matrix mask) MediaString (masque de matrice inconnu)
Side-left MediaString Côté-gauche
{0, plural, one{# byte per buffer} other{# bytes per buffer}} MediaString {0, plural, one{# octet par tampon} other{# octets par tampon}}
32 bit CMYK MediaString 32 bits CMJN
(unknown multistream format) MediaString (format multi-flux inconnu)
8 bit integer MediaString Entier 8 bits
8 bit grayscale-index MediaString Palette de gris 8 bits
YCbCr444 MediaString YCbCr444

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal 3702716692
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal 4089361699
ANSI cyan color Terminal AppearancePrefView Γαλάζιο χρώμα ANSI
Close other tabs Terminal TermWindow Κλείσιμο άλλων καρτελών
Insert path Terminal TermView Εισάγετε την διαδρομή
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Text encoding Terminal TermWindow Κωδικοποίηση κειμένου
ANSI blue color Terminal AppearancePrefView Μπλε χρώμα ANSI
OK Terminal SetTitleWindow Εντάξει
Edit Terminal TermWindow Επεξεργασία
-h, --help print this help\n -t, --title set window title\n -f, --fullscreen start fullscreen\n -w, --working-directory set initial working directory\n Terminal TermApp -h, --help αυτό το μήνυμα βοήθειας\n -t, --title ορισμός τίτλου παραθύρου\n -f, --fullscreen έναρξη σε λειτουργία πλήρους οθόνης\n -w, --working-directory ορισμός αρχικού καταλόγου εργασίας\n
Select all Terminal TermWindow Επιλογή όλων
Confirm exit if active programs exist Terminal AppearancePrefView Επιβεβαίωση εξόδου αν υπάρχουν ενεργά προγράμματα
\t%d\t-\tThe current working directory of the active process in the\n\t\t\tcurrent tab. Optionally the maximum number of path components\n\t\t\tcan be specified. E.g. '%2d' for at most two components.\n\t%T\t-\tThe Terminal application name for the current locale.\n\t%e\t-\tThe encoding of the current tab. Not shown for UTF-8.\n\t%i\t-\tThe index of the window.\n\t%p\t-\tThe name of the active process in the current tab.\n\t%t\t-\tThe title of the current tab. Terminal ToolTips \t%d\t-\tΟ τρέχων κατάλογος εργασίας της ενεργής διεργασίας στην\n\t\t\tτρέχουσα καρτέλα. Ο μέγιστος αριθμός εξαρτημάτων διαδρομών μπορεί προαιρετικά\n\t\t\tνα οριστεί. π.χ. '%2d' για δύο εξαρτήματα.\n\t%T\t-\tΤο όνομα της εφαρμογής Τερματικό στην γλώσσα που έχετε επιλέξει.\n\t%e\t-\tΟ τρόπος κωδικοποίησης της τρέχουσας καρτέλας. Δεν θα εμφανιστεί αν η επιλεγμένη ρύθμιση είναι το UTF-8.\n\t%i\t-\tΤο αρχικό μήνυμα του παραθύρου.\n\t%p\t-\tΤο όνομα της ενεργής διεργασίας στην τρέχουσα καρτέλα.\n\t%t\t-\tΟ τίτλος της τρέχουσας καρτέλας.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 turkish x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal 3702716692
1 turkish x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal 4089361699
ANSI cyan color Terminal AppearancePrefView ANSI camgöbeği
Close other tabs Terminal TermWindow Diğer sekmeleri kapat
Insert path Terminal TermView Yolu ekle
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Text encoding Terminal TermWindow Metin kodlaması
ANSI blue color Terminal AppearancePrefView ANSI mavi
OK Terminal SetTitleWindow Tamam
Edit Terminal TermWindow Düzen
-h, --help print this help\n -t, --title set window title\n -f, --fullscreen start fullscreen\n -w, --working-directory set initial working directory\n Terminal TermApp -h, --help bu yardımı yazdır\n -t, --title pencere başlığını ayarla\n -f, --fullscreen tam ekranı başlat\n -w, --working-directory başlangıç çalışma dizinini ayarla\n
Select all Terminal TermWindow Tümünü seç
Confirm exit if active programs exist Terminal AppearancePrefView Etkin program varsa çıkarken onay iste
\t%d\t-\tThe current working directory of the active process in the\n\t\t\tcurrent tab. Optionally the maximum number of path components\n\t\t\tcan be specified. E.g. '%2d' for at most two components.\n\t%T\t-\tThe Terminal application name for the current locale.\n\t%e\t-\tThe encoding of the current tab. Not shown for UTF-8.\n\t%i\t-\tThe index of the window.\n\t%p\t-\tThe name of the active process in the current tab.\n\t%t\t-\tThe title of the current tab. Terminal ToolTips \t%d\t-\tSekmede çalışan etkin işlemin içinde çalıştığı dizin\n\t\t\tİsteğe bağlı olarak olabilecek en çok yol bileşenlerinin sayısı\n\t\t\tbelirtilebilir. Örneğin en fazla iki bileşen için '%2d'.\n\t%T\t-\tMevcut yerelleştirme için Uçbirim uygulaması adı\n\t%e\t-\tSekme kodlaması. UTF-8 için gösterilmez.\n\t%i\t-\tPencere sırası\n\t%p\t-\tSekmedeki etkin işlemin adı\n\t%t\t-\tSekme başlığı

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 catalan; valencian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2915475646
1 catalan; valencian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 464753347
Created ContainerWindow Creat
Icon AttributesView Icona
Open and make preferred OpenWithWindow Obre-ho i fes-ho preferit
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Small bitmap icon AttributesView Icona petita de mapa de bits
Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file? FSUtils Voleu trobar una aplicació adequada per obrir el fitxer?
64 x 64 ContainerWindow 64 x 64
You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file. FSUtils No podeu reemplaçar una carpeta o un enllaç simbòlic per un fitxer.
(unknown) InfoWindow (desconegut)
{0, plural, other{<# dates>}} AttributesView {0, plural, other{<# dates>}}
Trailing \\. libtracker Final \\.
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error Email Query Columns A %func \nha fallat find_directory(). \nRaó: %error
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ Include trash FindPanel Inclou la paperera
GiB WidgetAttributeText GiB
Clean up ContainerWindow Neteja
Modified FindPanel Modificat
(block size: InfoWindow (mida de bloc:
Select all QueryContainerWindow Selecciona-ho tot
Generate image thumbnails SettingsView Genera miniatures dimatges
Select… FilePanelPriv Seleccioneu...
@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ Read FilePermissionsView Lectura
There was an error writing the attribute. WidgetAttributeText Hi ha hagut un error en escriure l'atribut.
Path Default Query Columns Camí
If you rename %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? FSUtils Si canvieu de nom %target, el sistema %osName potser no es comportarà correctament!\n\nSegur que ho voleu fer?
Filesystem: InfoWindow Sistema de fitxers:
Could not open \"%name\" (%error). FSUtils No s'ha pogut muntar \"%name\" (%error).
Media parameter group AttributesView Grup de paràmetres multimèdia
%name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title Propietats de %name
@ -493,6 +496,7 @@ Duplicate ContainerWindow Duplica
16-bit integer AttributesView Enter de 16 bits
Untitled clipping PoseView Retall sense títol
The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it? FilePanelPriv Ja existeix un fitxer amb el nom \"%name\" a la carpeta especificada. El voleu reemplaçar?
, indexed InfoWindow , indexat
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView Heu de deixar anar els elements a una de les icones de la finestra \"Discs\".
Version: InfoWindow Versió:
OK PoseView D'acord

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2915475646
1 greek, modern (1453-) x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 464753347
Created ContainerWindow Δημιουργήθηκε
Icon AttributesView Εικονίδιο
Open and make preferred OpenWithWindow 'Ανοιγμα και ορισμός προεπιλεγμένου
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Small bitmap icon AttributesView Μικρό εικονίδιο bitmap
Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file? FSUtils Θα θέλατε να πραγματοποιηθεί η έυρεση μιας κατάλληλης εφαρμογής για το άνοιγμα του αρχείου;
64 x 64 ContainerWindow 64 x 64
You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file. FSUtils Δεν μπορείται να αντικαταστήσετε έναν φάκελο ή έναν συμβολικό δεσμό με ένα αρχείο.
(unknown) InfoWindow (άγνωστο)
{0, plural, other{<# dates>}} AttributesView {0, plural, other{<# ημερομηνίες>}}
Trailing \\. libtracker Περισσευούμενο \\.
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error Email Query Columns Στην %func \nαπέτυχε η find_directory(). \nΑιτία: %error
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ Include trash FindPanel Συμπερίληψη Κάδου
GiB WidgetAttributeText GiB
Clean up ContainerWindow Καθαρισμός
Modified FindPanel Τροποποιήθηκε
(block size: InfoWindow (μέγεθος block:
Select all QueryContainerWindow Επιλογή όλων
Generate image thumbnails SettingsView Παραγωγή μικρογραφιών εικόνων
Select… FilePanelPriv Επιλογή…
@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ Read FilePermissionsView Ανάγνωση
There was an error writing the attribute. WidgetAttributeText Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά την εγγραφή της ιδιότητας.
Path Default Query Columns Τοποθεσία
If you rename %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? FSUtils Αν μετονομάσετε το %target, το %osName ενδέχεται να μην λειτουργήσει σωστά!\n\nΕίστε σίγουρος;
Filesystem: InfoWindow Σύστημα αρχείων:
Could not open \"%name\" (%error). FSUtils Αδυναμία ανοίγματος του \"%name\" (%error).
Media parameter group AttributesView Ομάδα παραμέτρων πολυμέσων
%name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title %name πληροφορίες
@ -493,6 +496,7 @@ Duplicate ContainerWindow Διπλότυπο
16-bit integer AttributesView Ακέραιος αριθμός 16-bit
Untitled clipping PoseView Άτιτλο απόκομμα
The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it? FilePanelPriv το αρχείο \"%name\" υπάρχει ήδη στον προσδιορισμένο φάκελο. Θέλετε σίγουρα να το αντικαταστήσετε;
, indexed InfoWindow , με ίνδικα
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView Πρέπει να αφήσετε τα αντικείμενα σε ένα από τα εικονίδια δίσκων στο παράθυρο \"Δίσκοι\".
Version: InfoWindow Έκδοση:
OK PoseView Εντάξει

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 535392087
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2379637084
Created ContainerWindow Créé
Icon AttributesView Icône
Open and make preferred OpenWithWindow Ouvrir et en faire la préférence
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Small bitmap icon AttributesView Petite icône bitmap
Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file? FSUtils Souhaitez-vous rechercher une application appropriée pour ouvrir le fichier ?
64 x 64 ContainerWindow 64 x 64
You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file. FSUtils Vous ne pouvez pas remplacer un dossier ou un lien symbolique par un fichier.
(unknown) InfoWindow (inconnu)
{0, plural, other{<# dates>}} AttributesView {0, plural, one{<# date>} other{<# dates>}}
Trailing \\. libtracker Les \\ à la fin.
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error Email Query Columns Dans %func\nfind_directory() a échoué.\nMotif : %error
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ Include trash FindPanel Inclure la corbeille
GiB WidgetAttributeText Gio
Clean up ContainerWindow Nettoyer
Modified FindPanel Modifié
(block size: InfoWindow (taille de bloc :
Select all QueryContainerWindow Sélectionner tout
Generate image thumbnails SettingsView Générer des vignettes dimages
Select… FilePanelPriv Sélectionner…
@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ Read FilePermissionsView Lire
There was an error writing the attribute. WidgetAttributeText Il y a eu une erreur à lécriture de lattribut.
Path Default Query Columns Chemin
If you rename %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? FSUtils Si vous renommez %target, %osName pourrait ne plus se comporter correctement !\n\nÊtes vous sûr de vouloir le faire ?
Filesystem: InfoWindow Système de fichiers :
Could not open \"%name\" (%error). FSUtils Impossible douvrir « %name » (%error).
%name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title Informations sur %name
If you move the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo move the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Move\". FSUtils Si vous déplacez le dossier daccueil, %osName pourrait ne plus fonctionner normalement !\n\nÊtes-vous sûr de vouloir le faire ?\n\nPour déplacer quand même le dossier daccueil, maintenez la touche « Maj » enfoncée et cliquez sur « Déplacer ».
@ -490,6 +493,7 @@ Duplicate ContainerWindow Dupliquer
16-bit integer AttributesView Entier 16-bits
Untitled clipping PoseView Extrait sans titre
The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it? FilePanelPriv Le fichier « %name » existe déjà dans le dossier indiqué. Voulez-vous le remplacer ?
, indexed InfoWindow , indexé
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView Vous devez déposer les éléments sur une des icônes disques de la fenêtre « Disques ».
Version: InfoWindow Version :
OK PoseView OK

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2915475646
1 hungarian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 464753347
Created ContainerWindow Létrehozva
Icon AttributesView Ikon
Open and make preferred OpenWithWindow Megnyitás és előnyben részesítés
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Small bitmap icon AttributesView Kis bittérkép ikon
Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file? FSUtils Szeretne találni egy programot ami kezeli ezt a fájltípust?
64 x 64 ContainerWindow 64 x 64
You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file. FSUtils Nem lehet mappát vagy szimbolikus linket fájllal felülírni.
(unknown) InfoWindow (ismeretlen)
{0, plural, other{<# dates>}} AttributesView {0, plural, other{<# dátum>}}
Trailing \\. libtracker Záró \\.
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error Email Query Columns Ennél: %func \nsikertelen volt a find_directory(). \nOka: %error
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ Include trash FindPanel A Szemetesben is
GiB WidgetAttributeText GiB
Clean up ContainerWindow Rendrakás
Modified FindPanel Módosítva
(block size: InfoWindow (blokk-méret:
Select all QueryContainerWindow Összes kijelölése
Generate image thumbnails SettingsView Képek előnézetének létrehozása
Select… FilePanelPriv Kijelölés…
@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ Read FilePermissionsView Olvasás
There was an error writing the attribute. WidgetAttributeText Hiba történt a jellemző írása közben.
Path Default Query Columns Útvonal
If you rename %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? FSUtils %target átnevezésekor nem biztos, hogy megfelelően működik a %osName!\n\nBiztosan ezt akarod tenni?
Filesystem: InfoWindow Fájlrendszer:
Could not open \"%name\" (%error). FSUtils Nem sikerült megnyitni: \"%name\" (%error).
Media parameter group AttributesView Média paraméter csoport
%name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title %name
@ -493,6 +496,7 @@ Duplicate ContainerWindow Megkettőzés
16-bit integer AttributesView 16-bites egész
Untitled clipping PoseView Névtelen kivágás
The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it? FilePanelPriv A megadott mappában már létezik egy ilyen nevű fájl: \"%name\". Szeretnéd felülírni?
, indexed InfoWindow , indexelt
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView Húzzon elemeket a \"Lemezek\" ablakban az egyik lemez ikonjára.
Version: InfoWindow Verzió:
OK PoseView Rendben

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2915475646
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 464753347
Created ContainerWindow 作成日時
Icon AttributesView アイコン
Open and make preferred OpenWithWindow 関連付けて開く
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Small bitmap icon AttributesView 小ビットマップアイコン
Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file? FSUtils このファイルを開くことのできるアプリケーションを検索しますか?
64 x 64 ContainerWindow 64 x 64
You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file. FSUtils フォルダーをリンクまたはファイルと置き換えることはできません。
(unknown) InfoWindow (不明)
{0, plural, other{<# dates>}} AttributesView {0, plural, other{<# 日>}}
Trailing \\. libtracker 行末に \\ があります。
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error Email Query Columns %func にて\nfind_directory() が失敗。\nエラー: %error
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ Include trash FindPanel ごみ箱を含む
GiB WidgetAttributeText GiB
Clean up ContainerWindow アイコンの整列
Modified FindPanel 更新日時
(block size: InfoWindow (ブロックサイズ:
Select all QueryContainerWindow すべて選択
Generate image thumbnails SettingsView 画像のサムネイルを生成
Select… FilePanelPriv 選択...
@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ Read FilePermissionsView 読み取り
There was an error writing the attribute. WidgetAttributeText 属性の書き込み中にエラーが発生しました。
Path Default Query Columns パス
If you rename %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? FSUtils %target の名前を変更すると、%osName は正しく動作しないかもしれません!\n\n名称を変更しますか?
Filesystem: InfoWindow ファイルシステム:
Could not open \"%name\" (%error). FSUtils \"%name\" を開けません (%error)。
Media parameter group AttributesView メディアパラメーターグループ
%name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title %name の情報
@ -493,6 +496,7 @@ Duplicate ContainerWindow 複製
16-bit integer AttributesView 16 ビット整数
Untitled clipping PoseView 無名クリッピング
The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it? FilePanelPriv 指定のフォルダーに \"%name\" というファイルがすでに存在します。置き換えますか?
, indexed InfoWindow , インデックス有
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView \"Disks\" ウィンドウ内のディスクアイコンの上に項目をドラッグ&ドロップしてください。
Version: InfoWindow バージョン:
OK PoseView OK

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2915475646
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 464753347
Created ContainerWindow Skapad
Icon AttributesView Ikon
Open and make preferred OpenWithWindow Öppna och gör till förval
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Small bitmap icon AttributesView Liten bitmappsikon
Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file? FSUtils Vill du hitta ett passande program att öppna filen med?
64 x 64 ContainerWindow 64 x 64
You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file. FSUtils Du kan inte ersätta en mapp eller en mjuk länk med en fil.
(unknown) InfoWindow (okänd)
{0, plural, other{<# dates>}} AttributesView {0, plural, other{<# datum>}}
Trailing \\. libtracker Efterföljande \\.
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error Email Query Columns I %func \nfind_directory() misslyckades. \nOrsak: %error
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ Include trash FindPanel Inkludera papperskorg
GiB WidgetAttributeText GiB
Clean up ContainerWindow Rada upp
Modified FindPanel Modifierad
(block size: InfoWindow (block storlek:)
Select all QueryContainerWindow Markera allt
Generate image thumbnails SettingsView Generera bildminiatyrer
Select… FilePanelPriv Markera...
@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ Read FilePermissionsView Läsa
There was an error writing the attribute. WidgetAttributeText Fel inträffade vid skrivning av attribut.
Path Default Query Columns Sökväg
If you rename %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? FSUtils Om du byter namn på %target kommer kanske inte %osName fungera som det ska!\n\nÄr du säker på att du vill göra detta?
Filesystem: InfoWindow Filsystem:
Could not open \"%name\" (%error). FSUtils Kunde inte öppna \"%name\" (%error).
Media parameter group AttributesView Mediaparameter grupp
%name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title %name information
@ -493,6 +496,7 @@ Duplicate ContainerWindow Duplicera
16-bit integer AttributesView 16-bitars integer
Untitled clipping PoseView Namnlöst urklipp
The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it? FilePanelPriv Filen \"%name\" finns redan i den valda katalogen. Vill du ersätta den?
, indexed InfoWindow , indexerad
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView Du måste släppa objekt(en) på en av diskikonerna i fönstret \"Volymer\".
Version: InfoWindow Version:
OK PoseView OK

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 turkish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 294379846
1 turkish x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 2138624843
Created ContainerWindow Oluşturulma
Icon AttributesView Simge
Open and make preferred OpenWithWindow Aç ve tercih edilen yap
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Small bitmap icon AttributesView Küçük biteşlem simge
Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file? FSUtils Bu dosyayı açmak için uygun bir uygulama bulmak ister misiniz?
64 x 64 ContainerWindow 64 x 64
You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file. FSUtils Bir klasörü veya sembolik bağlantıyı bir dosya ile değiştiremezsiniz.
(unknown) InfoWindow (bilinmiyor)
{0, plural, other{<# dates>}} AttributesView {0, plural, other{<# tarih>}}
Trailing \\. libtracker İzleyen \\.
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error Email Query Columns %func işlevinde \nfind_directory() başarısız oldu. \nSebep: %error
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ Include trash FindPanel Çöp'e de bak
GiB WidgetAttributeText GiB
Clean up ContainerWindow Toparla
Modified FindPanel Değiştirilme
(block size: InfoWindow (blok boyutu:
Select all QueryContainerWindow Tümünü seç
Generate image thumbnails SettingsView Küçük resimler oluştur
Select… FilePanelPriv Seç…
@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ Read FilePermissionsView Okuma
There was an error writing the attribute. WidgetAttributeText Öznitelik yazılırken bir hata oluştu.
Path Default Query Columns Yol
If you rename %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? FSUtils %target% ögesini yeniden adlandırırsanız %osName düzgün çalışmayabilir.\n\nBunu yapmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?
Filesystem: InfoWindow Dosya sistemi:
Could not open \"%name\" (%error). FSUtils \"%name\" açılamadı (%error).
Media parameter group AttributesView Ortam parametreleri grubu
%name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title %name Bilgisi
@ -492,6 +495,7 @@ Duplicate ContainerWindow Çoğalt
16-bit integer AttributesView 16 bit tamsayı
Untitled clipping PoseView Adsız kırpma
The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it? FilePanelPriv \"%name\" adı belirtilen klasörde hâlihazırda mevcut. Değiştirmek istiyor musunuz?
, indexed InfoWindow , indeksli
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView Ögeleri \"Diskler\" penceresinin içindeki herhangi bir disk simgesinin üzerine bırakmalısınız.
Version: InfoWindow Sürüm:
OK PoseView Tamam