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# create directories that will remain empty
AddDirectoryToHaikuImage home Desktop ;
AddDirectoryToHaikuImage var log ;
AddDirectoryToHaikuImage var tmp ;
# TODO: Remove the variables we don't need.
BEOS_BIN = touch sync ln listarea listattr listsem listport
true false ls df mount unmount cp mv ps sh mkdir sleep
grep cat less clockconfig du rm date find locate xargs
isvolume shutdown safemode sysinfo kill diff cmp
renice rmattr addattr listdev pwd chmod chown chgrp dd
tee md5sum catattr query lsindex mkindex roster listimage
quit open translate setvolume waitfor uname iroster keymap
strace rmdir error ifconfig ping traceroute arp pppconfig
ppp_up gdb tail head zip unzip mountvolume top finddir groups
id env basename factor tty dstcheck comm modifiers version
csplit cut beep screen_blanker fortune play eject uptime sed gawk mimeset
BEOS_APPS = MiniTerminal Terminal Expander People ShowImage Clock Pulse
Playground SoundRecorder BitmapDrawing Magnify DiskProbe AboutHaiku
StyledEdit CDPlayer
BEOS_PREFERENCES = Backgrounds DataTranslations FileTypes Fonts Media Menu
Mouse Keyboard Keymap Screen ScrollBar Sounds Time VirtualMemory
Workspaces ScreenSaver
BEOS_SYSTEM_LIB = libbe.so libstdc++.r4.so libnet.so libmedia.so libtracker.so
libtranslation.so libbind.so libnetapi.so libsocket.so libdebug.so
libtextencoding.so libz.so libfreetype.so libpng.so libappserver.so
libdevice.so libgame.so libscreensaver.so libroot.so
BEOS_SYSTEM_SERVERS = registrar debug_server syslog_daemon media_server
media_addon_server input_server app_server fake_app_server
BEOS_NETWORK_INTERFACES = ethernet loopback ppp ;
BEOS_NETWORK_PPP = ipcp modem pap pppoe ;
BEOS_NETWORK_PROTOCOLS = icmp ipv4 raw route tcp udp ;
BEOS_ADD_ONS_ACCELERANTS = radeon.accelerant nv.accelerant mga.accelerant
nm.accelerant vesa.accelerant
BEOS_ADD_ONS_TRANSLATORS = STXTTranslator RTF-Translator PNGTranslator
JPEGTranslator GIFTranslator
BEOS_ADD_ONS_MEDIA = mixer.media_addon legacy.media_addon
BEOS_ADD_ONS_MEDIA_PLUGINS = aiff_reader avcodec mp3_decoder musepack
raw_decoder wav_reader mov_reader au_reader avi_reader mp3_reader ogg
speex vorbis
# ac3_decoder theora matroska
BEOS_ADD_ONS_INPUT = <input>keyboard <input>mouse canna screen_saver ;
BEOS_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_AUDIO = ich_ac97 auvia emuxki ;
BEOS_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_GRAPHICS = radeon.driver nv.driver nm.driver mga.driver
BEOS_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_MISC = keyboard scsi_dsk scsi_cd dprintf null zero random
ps2_hid <driver>tty console <driver>config
BEOS_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_NET = ipro1000 rtl8139 rtl8169 sis900
via-rhine wb840 net_stack_driver
# bcm440x bcm570x (only available with GPLd add-ons)
BEOS_ADD_ONS_BUS_MANAGERS = pci isa ide scsi config_manager ;
BEOS_ADD_ONS_KERNEL_MISC = ide_isa generic_ide_pci block_io fast_log
ide_adapter locked_pool scsi_periph intel keyboard vga_text
BEOS_DATA_FILES = timezone_files keymap_files ;
# modules
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons kernel bus_managers
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons kernel busses ide
: generic_ide_pci ide_isa ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons kernel console : vga_text ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons kernel file_systems : bfs ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons kernel generic
: block_io fast_log ide_adapter locked_pool scsi_periph ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons kernel partitioning_systems : intel ;
# drivers
AddDriversToHaikuImage : console dprintf keyboard null random
<driver>tty zero ;
AddDriversToHaikuImage audio multi : $(BEOS_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_AUDIO) ;
AddDriversToHaikuImage disk scsi : scsi_cd scsi_dsk ;
AddDriversToHaikuImage graphics : $(BEOS_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_GRAPHICS) ;
AddDriversToHaikuImage input : ps2_hid ;
AddDriversToHaikuImage misc : <driver>config ;
AddDriversToHaikuImage net : $(BEOS_ADD_ONS_DRIVERS_NET) ;
# kernel
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system : kernel_$(TARGET_ARCH) ;
# libs
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system lib : $(BEOS_SYSTEM_LIB) rld.so ;
# servers
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system servers : $(BEOS_SYSTEM_SERVERS) ;
# apps
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos : Deskbar Tracker ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos bin : $(BEOS_BIN) consoled <bin>route ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos apps : $(BEOS_APPS) ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos preferences : $(BEOS_PREFERENCES) ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage beos bin : more : less ;
# scripts and data files
local bootScripts = Bootscript SetupEnvironment Netscript ;
SEARCH on $(bootScripts) = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) data system boot ] ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system boot : $(bootScripts) ;
# TODO: Use data/etc/termcap or src/libs/termcap.src?
local etcFiles = fortunes profile termcap ;
etcFiles = $(etcFiles:G=etc) ;
SEARCH on $(etcFiles) = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) data etc ] ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos etc : $(etcFiles) ;
local fontDir = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) data etc fonts ] ;
local psFonts = [ Glob $(fontDir)/psfonts : *.afm *.pfb ] ;
local ttFonts = [ Glob $(fontDir)/ttfonts : *.ttf ] ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos etc fonts psfonts : $(psFonts) ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos etc fonts ttfonts : $(ttFonts) ;
local kanbeDir = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) data etc KanBe ] ;
local kanbeDefault = [ Glob $(kanbeDir)/default : *.canna *.gz ] ;
local kanbeDic = [ Glob $(kanbeDir)/dic : *.cbp ] ;
local kanbeDicCanna = [ Glob $(kanbeDir)/dic/canna
: *.cld *.ctd *.cbd *.dir ] ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos etc KanBe default : $(kanbeDefault) ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos etc KanBe dic : $(kanbeDic) ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos etc KanBe dic canna : $(kanbeDicCanna) ;
AddDirectoryToHaikuImage beos etc KanBe dic group ;
AddDirectoryToHaikuImage beos etc KanBe dic user ;
# TODO: We must get rid of this earlier or later.
# if [ -e /boot/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts/Swiss721.ttf ]; then
# $cp ${sPrefix}/boot/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts/Courier10Pitch.ttf $targetDir/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts/
# $cp ${sPrefix}/boot/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts/Swiss721_Bold.ttf $targetDir/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts/
# $cp ${sPrefix}/boot/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts/Swiss721.ttf $targetDir/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts/
# fi
local libnetFiles = networks protocols resolv.conf services ;
libnetFiles = $(libnetFiles:G=libnet-files) ;
SEARCH on $(libnetFiles) = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src kits network libnet ] ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos etc : $(libnetFiles) ;
local keymapFiles = [ GLOB $(SUBDIR) : *.keymap ] ;
keymapFiles = $(keymapFiles:BG=keymap) ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos etc Keymap : $(libnetFiles) ;
local timezones = [ FTimeZoneBinaries $(HAIKU_TIME_ZONE_SOURCES) : : true ] ;
for timezone in $(timezones) {
local dir = [ on $(timezone) return $(RELATIVE_TIMEZONE_DIR) ] ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos etc timezones $(dir) : $(timezone) ;
local driverSettingsFiles = <driver-settings>kernel ;
SEARCH on $(driverSettingsFiles)
= [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) data settings kernel drivers ] ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage home config settings kernel drivers
: $(driverSettingsFiles) ;
# TODO: This looks like it belongs to someones UserBuildConfig.
# if [ -e data/settings/kernel/drivers/vesa ]; then
# $cp ${sPrefix}data/settings/kernel/drivers/vesa \
# $targetDir/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/
# fi
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage home config settings
: /boot/beos/etc/timezones/Europe/Paris : timezone ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage home config settings kernel drivers
: <keymap>US-International : Key_map ;
# boot loader
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system : zbeos ;
# boot module links
AddBootModuleSymlinks config_manager bfs block_io fast_log generic_ide_pci isa
ide ide_adapter ide_isa intel locked_pool pci scsi scsi_cd scsi_dsk
# add-ons
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons accelerants
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons Translators
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons media : $(BEOS_ADD_ONS_MEDIA) ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons media plugins
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons input_server devices
: <input>keyboard <input>mouse ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons input_server filters : screen_saver ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons input_server methods : canna ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons kernel network
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons kernel network interfaces
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons kernel network ppp
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons kernel network protocols
AddFilesToHaikuImage beos system add-ons Screen\ Savers
#pragma mark -
# Set image name and directory defaults and locate the image.
HAIKU_IMAGE_NAME ?= haiku.image ;
HAIKU_IMAGE_SIZE ?= 80 ; # 80 MB
# Set the default installation directory.
# the pseudo target all image contents is attached to
NotFile haiku-image-contents ;
# prepare the script that initializes the shell variables
HAIKU_IMAGE_INIT_VARIABLES_SCRIPT = <HaikuImage>haiku.image-init-vars ;
MakeLocate $(script) : $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR) ;
Always $(script) ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : sourceDir : $(HAIKU_TOP) ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : outputDir : $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR) ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : tmpDir : $(HAIKU_TMP_DIR) ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : installDir : $(HAIKU_INSTALL_DIR) ;
#AddVariableToScript $(script) : isImage : 1 ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : imageSize : $(HAIKU_IMAGE_SIZE) ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : addBuildCompatibilityLibDir
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : bfs_shell : bfsShell ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : fs_shell_command : fsShellCommand ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : <build>copyattr ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : <build>makebootable ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : <build>rc ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : <build>resattr ;
#AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : $(HAIKU_IMAGE) : imagePath ;
# causes a cyclic dependency
AddVariableToScript $(script) : imagePath
# create the other scripts
HAIKU_IMAGE_MAKE_DIRS_SCRIPT = <HaikuImage>haiku.image-make-dirs ;
HAIKU_IMAGE_COPY_FILES_SCRIPT = <HaikuImage>haiku.image-copy-files ;
CreateHaikuImageMakeDirectoriesScript $(HAIKU_IMAGE_MAKE_DIRS_SCRIPT) ;
CreateHaikuImageCopyFilesScript $(HAIKU_IMAGE_COPY_FILES_SCRIPT) ;
# Convenience wrapper rule around BuildHaikuImage.
rule _BuildHaikuImage
# _BuildHaikuImage <image target> : <isImage> ;
local image = $(1) ;
local isImage = $(2) ;
# build the image
# specified by the user.
BuildHaikuImage $(image) :
: $(isImage)
# remove the scripts we have generated
RmTemps $(image) :
# build the image
_BuildHaikuImage $(HAIKU_IMAGE) : true ;
NotFile haiku-image ;
Depends haiku-image : $(HAIKU_IMAGE) ;
# install Haiku into a directory
NotFile install-haiku ;
_BuildHaikuImage install-haiku : 0 ;