Are you sure you want to delete the selected partition?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow 您确定删除所选分区吗?\n\n如果执行该操作,分区中的所有数据将丢失,无法恢复!
Are you sure you want to initialize the partition \"%s\"? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow 您确定初始化\"%s\"分区吗?在修改写入磁盘之前,您将会再次接受询问。
Are you sure you want to initialize the partition? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow 您确定初始化分区吗?在修改写入磁盘之前,您将会再次接受询问。
Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the disk %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow 您确定将所做修改写入磁盘吗?\n\n如果执行该操作,磁盘 %s 中的所有数据将丢失,无法恢复!
Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow 您确定将所做修改写入磁盘吗?\n\n执行此操作之后,分区 %s 中的所有数据将丢失,无法恢复!
Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow 您确定将所做修改写入磁盘吗?\n\n如果执行该操作,分区中的所有数据将丢失,无法恢复!
Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected disk will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow 您确定将所做修改写入磁盘吗?\n\n如果执行该操作,选中磁盘中的所有数据将丢失,无法恢复!
Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow 您确定将所做修改写入磁盘吗?\n\n如果执行此操作,选中分区上的所有数据将丢失,无法恢复!
Cancel CreateParamsPanel 取消
Cancel InitParamsPanel 取消
Cancel MainWindow 取消
Cannot delete the selected partition. MainWindow 无法删除选中分区。
Continue MainWindow 继续
Could not aquire partitioning information. MainWindow 无法获取分区信息。
Could not delete the selected partition. MainWindow 无法删除所选分区。
Could not mount partition %s. MainWindow 无法挂载分区 %s。
Could not unmount partition %s. MainWindow 无法卸载分区 %s。
Create CreateParamsPanel 创建
Create… MainWindow 创建…
Creation of the partition has failed. MainWindow 分区创建失败。
Delete MainWindow 删除
Delete partition MainWindow 删除分区
Device DiskView 设备
Device PartitionList 设备
Disk MainWindow 磁盘
Disk system \"%s\"\" not found! MainWindow 磁盘系统 \"%s\"\"不存在!