2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
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* Copyright 2009-2010, Haiku. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Humdinger < humdingerb @ gmail . com >
2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
* Translators:
* Bachoru
* helix84
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
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2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
< title > Snímka obrazovky< / title >
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
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< li class = "now" > < img src = "../../images/flags/sk.png" alt = "" / > Slovenčina< / li >
< li > < a href = "../../fr/applications/screenshot.html" > < img src = "../../images/flags/fr.png" alt = "" / > Français< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "../../de/applications/screenshot.html" > < img src = "../../images/flags/de.png" alt = "" / > Deutsch< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "../../it/applications/screenshot.html" > < img src = "../../images/flags/it.png" alt = "" / > Italiano< / a > < / li >
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< li > < a href = "../../sv_SE/applications/screenshot.html" > < img src = "../../images/flags/sv_SE.png" alt = "" / > Svenska< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "../../jp/applications/screenshot.html" > < img src = "../../images/flags/jp.png" alt = "" / > 日本語< / a > < / li >
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« < a href = "poorman.html" > PoorMan< / a >
2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
:: < a href = "../applications.html#list-of-apps" class = "uplink" > Aplikácie< / a >
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
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< div class = "box-info" > The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.< / div >
2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
< h2 > < img src = "../../images/apps-images/screenshot-icon_64.png" alt = "screenshot-icon_64.png" width = "64" height = "64" / > Snímka obrazovky< / h2 >
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
< table summary = "layout" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "2" >
2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
< tr > < td > Panel:< / td > < td style = "width:15px;" > < / td > < td > < span class = "menu" > Aplikácie< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > Umiestnenie:< / td > < td > < / td > < td > < span class = "path" > /boot/system/apps/Screenshot< / span > < br / >
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
< span class = "path" > /bin/screenshot< / span > < / td > < / tr >
2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
< tr > < td > Nastavenia:< / td > < td > < / td > < td > < span class = "path" > ~/config/settings/screenshot< / span > < / td > < / tr >
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
< / table >
< p > < br / > < / p >
2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
< p > Snímky obrazovky sa robia buď pomocou aplikácie Snímka obrazovky alebo stlačením klávesu < span class = "key" > PRINT< / span > .< / p >
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
< p > < img id = "sreenshot" src = "../images/apps-images/screenshot.png" alt = "screenshot.png" / > < / p >
2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
< p > V paneli Snímky obrazovky môžete rozhodnúť, či chcete urobiť snímku celej obrazovky alebo iba aktívneho okna a či chcete v snímke zahrnúť okraj okna a kurzor myši. Taktiež môžete nastaviť oneskorenie zachytenia snímky.< / p >
< p > Pod tým nastavujete názov, formát a priečinok, do ktorého sa snímky budú ukladať, keď stlačíte tlačidlo < span class = "button" > Uložiť< / span > . Namiesto ukladania súboru na disk ho môžete < span class = "button" > Skopírovať do schránky< / span > , odkiaľ môžete snímku vložiť priamo do inej aplikácie alebo môžete zachytiť < span class = "button" > Novú snímku obrazovky< / span > .< / p >
< p > Všetky nastavenia sa zapamätajú, keď budete chcieť znova zachytiť snímku, čím sa sprístupnia praktické klávesové skratky:< / p >
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
< table summary = "shortcuts" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "4" >
2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
< tr > < td > < span class = "key" > PRINT< / span > < / td > < td style = "width:15px;" > < / td > < td > Urobí snímku obrazovky s nulovým oneskorením a spustí panel Snímky obrazovky.< / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "onelinetop" > < span class = "key" > SHIFT< / span > < span class = "key" > PRINT< / span > < / td > < td > < / td > < td > Urobí snímku obrazovky (bez otvorenia panelu) s ohľadom na posledné použité nastavenie.< / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > < span class = "key" > CTRL< / span > < span class = "key" > PRINT< / span > < / td > < td > < / td > < td > Tiež urobí snímku obrazovky bez otvorenia panelu a s uloženými nastaveniami, no neuloží snímku ako súbor, ale skopíruje ju do schránky.< / td > < / tr >
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
< / table >
< h2 >
< a href = "#" > < img src = "../../images/up.png" style = "border:none;float:right" alt = "index" / > < / a >
2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
Robenie snímkov obrazovky z Terminálu< / h2 >
< p > Existuje špeciálna aplikácia < span class = "cli" > screenshot< / span > , ktorá sa dá použiť z Terminálu alebo zo skriptu.< br / >
< span class = "cli" > screenshot --help< / span > zobrazí známe možnosti ako parametre:< / p >
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
< pre class = "terminal" > ~> screenshot --help
screenshot [OPTIONS] [FILE] Creates a bitmap of the current screen
FILE is the optional output path / filename used in silent mode. An exisiting
file with the same name will be overwritten without warning. If FILE is not
given the screenshot will be saved to a file with the default filename in the
user's home directory.
-m, --mouse-pointer Include the mouse pointer
-b, --border Include the window border
-w, --window Capture the active window instead of the entire screen
-d, --delay=seconds Take screenshot after the specified delay [in seconds]
-s, --silent Saves the screenshot without showing the application
-f, --format=image Give the image format you like to save as
[bmp], [gif], [jpg], [png], [ppm], [tga], [tif]
-c, --clipboard Copies the screenshot to the system clipboard without
showing the application window
Note: OPTION -b, --border takes only effect when used with -w, --window
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« < a href = "poorman.html" > PoorMan< / a >
2012-01-02 11:17:34 +04:00
:: < a href = "../applications.html#list-of-apps" class = "uplink" > Aplikácie< / a >
2011-12-04 00:12:53 +04:00
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