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2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
* Copyright 2014 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/interface/StringItem.h hrev46985
* src/kits/interface/StringItem.cpp hrev46985
\file StringItem.h
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief BStringItem class definition.
\class BStringItem
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief A list item of a text string used as a member of a BListView
or BOutlineListView.
\since BeOS R3
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
\fn BStringItem::BStringItem(const char* text, uint32 level, bool expanded)
\brief Creates a new BStringItem object which displays the \a text string.
The \a level and \a expanded parameters only apply to string items attached
to a BOutlineListView and are passed unchanged to the BListItem constructor.
\param text The \a text to display.
\param level The \a level of the item in a BOutlineListView.
\param expanded Whether or not the item is \a expanded in a
\since BeOS R3
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
\fn BStringItem::BStringItem(BMessage* archive)
\brief Archive constructor.
\param archive The message \a archive to construct the string item from.
\since BeOS R3
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
\fn BStringItem::~BStringItem()
\brief Destructor, frees the memory used by the string.
\since BeOS R3
\name Archiving
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
//! @{
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
\fn BArchivable* BStringItem::Instantiate(BMessage* archive)
\brief Creates a new BStringItem object from an \a archive message.
\return A newly created BStringItem object or \c NULL if the message
doesn't contain an archived BStringItem.
\since BeOS R3
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
\fn status_t BStringItem::Archive(BMessage* archive, bool deep) const
\brief Archives the the BStringItem object into the \a archive message.
\param archive A pointer to the BMessage to archive the object into.
\param deep This parameter has no effect for this class.
\return A status code, \c B_OK if everything went well or an error code
\retval B_OK The object was archived successfully.
\retval B_NO_MEMORY Ran out of memory while archiving the object.
\since BeOS R3
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
//! @}
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
\fn void BStringItem::DrawItem(BView* owner, BRect frame, bool complete)
\brief Hook method called when the string item is drawn.
The background is drawn either \c B_LIST_BACKGROUND_COLOR or
\c B_LIST_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR depending on whether the item is
selected or not.
Similarly, the text is drawn either \c B_LIST_ITEM_TEXT_COLOR or
The text is drawn in a lighter color if the item is disabled to indicate
that it may not be selected. A darker color is used instead if
\c B_LIST_BACKGROUND_COLOR is set to a dark color.
\param owner The string item's parent.
\param frame The frame to draw in.
\param complete Whether or not to draw the background in addition to the
item's contents.
\sa IsSelected()
\sa IsEnabled()
\since BeOS R3
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
\fn void BStringItem::SetText(const char* text)
\brief Sets the \a text string displayed by the item. The memory used by the
old string is freed.
\param text The \a text string to set in a C-string.
\since BeOS R3
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
\fn const char* BStringItem::Text() const
\returns The text set to the item.
\returns the text set to the item as a C-string.
\since BeOS R3
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
\fn void BStringItem::Update(BView* owner, const BFont* font)
\brief Hook method that's called when the \a owner changes.
This method gets called when the string item is added to a list view.
The default implementation sets the width of the list item to the width of
\a owner and sets the height to fit \a font.
\param owner The list item's new \a owner.
\param font The font set to the list item's current \a owner.
\since BeOS R3
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00
\fn float BStringItem::BaselineOffset() const
\brief Returns the offset from the top of the frame to the base line of
the text.
The baseline is the line upon which the letters "sit" and below which
descenders extend. This value is set in the Update() method.
This may be overridden by derived classes to set the base line offset.
\returns The offset to the baseline of the text as a float.
\since Haiku R1
2014-03-07 22:54:21 +04:00