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* Copyright 2015 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Adrien Destugues, pulkomandy@pulkomandy.tk
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/support/Referenceable.h hrev48725
* src/kits/support/Referenceable.cpp hrev48725
\file Referenceable.h
\ingroup support
\ingroup libbe
\brief Provides the BReferenceable interface and declares the BReferenceable
and BReference classes.
\class BReferenceable
\ingroup support
\ingroup libbe
\brief Implementation of reference-counted memory management.
The C++ language provides two main ways of allocating objects: on the stack,
and on the heap. Objects created on the heap must be managed by the
application and deleted when they are not needed. Objects allocated on the
stack have a lifetime limited to the execution of the block they are
declared in.
This approach is simple, but in some cases it can become quite difficult to
track ownership and lifetime of objects. The BReferenceable class allows to
implement reference counting, which allows a partially automated memory
management and some safety checks. It can also be used to implement pools
of reusable objects.
As the name implies, reference counting consists of keeping track, inside an
object, of how much references there are to it in the running application.
When the object is not referenced anymore, it can't be reached or used from
other parts of the application, so it is safe to delete or recycle the
To use reference counting for a particular class, you make it inherit
BReferenceable. This provides all the support for reference counting.
Objects are created as usual, on the stack or using the new operator.
The object can then be referenced from other places. Each time a reference
to it is kept, the owner of the reference should call AcquireReference.
When the reference is not needed, it should call ReleaseReference.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BReferenceable::BReferenceable()
\brief Initialize the object with a reference count of 1.
The creator of the object is assumed to owns the first reference to it.
\fn BReferenceable::~BReferenceable()
\brief Destructor.
The destructor should not be called directly, as the object is destructed
automatically when the last reference is released. This destructor is
public because you may still need to destroy the objects in the case where
LastReferenceReleased is overriden and you handle object destruction in
some other way.
In debug mode, the destructor checks that no references to the object are
still held. If the object was allocated on the stack, it allows exactly one
reference to be kept, which makes it possible to allocate BReferenceable
on the stack without needing to release the single reference to it.
\fn int32 BReferenceable::AcquireReference()
\brief Acquire a reference to the object.
\returns the previous reference count
If the reference count was previously 0, this will call
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\fn int32 BReferenceable::ReleaseReference()
\brief Release a reference to the object.
\returns the previous reference count
If the reference count was previously 1 (and is now 0), this will call
\fn int32 BReferenceable::CountReferences()
\brief Return the number of references to the object.
\returns the reference count.
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\fn void BReferenceable::FirstReferenceAcquired()
\brief Called when the first reference to the object is reacquired.
The default implementation does nothing. This method can be overriden to
implement reinitialization of the object, when using BReferenceable to
keep track of a pool of reusable objects.
In this use case, the objects are created (at initialization or lazily on an
as-needed basis) and stored in a pool. When an object is needed, if there
is an unused one waiting in the pool, it is reused instead of creating a
new one. Once a reference to it is acquired, this method is called and the
object can initialize itself to a clean state.
\warning This is currently not called when the object is first created, but
only on subsequent reuses.
\fn void BReferenceable::LastReferenceReleased()
\brief Called when the last reference to the object is released.
This function is called when the object is not referenced anymore. The
default implementation deletes the object using the delete operator.
This behavior can be overriden. For example, to implement an object pool,
this method would not delete the object, but instead put it back in the
free object pool, ready for reuse at a later point.
\class BReference
\ingroup support
\ingroup libbe
\brief A reference to a BReferenceable object.
BReference simplifies the use of BReferenceable and makes it more
transparent. It automatically acquires and release references to the pointed
objects. It provides an API similar to a standard C++ pointer, allowing use
of assignment and comparison operators and direct access to the object with
-> and *.
\fn BReference::BReference()
\brief Creates a reference without initializing it
An uninitialized references behaves similarly to a NULL pointer.
\fn BReference::BReference(Type*, bool)
\brief Creates and initialize a reference
The reference is set to the pointed object. If the parameter is set to
true, the reference count is not incremented, this should only be used when
referencing a freshly constructed object.
\fn BReference::BReference(const BReference& other)
\brief Copy constructor
The reference is set to the same object as the source. The reference count
of the target object is incremented.
\fn BReference::~BReference
\brief Destructor.
The reference count of the target object is decremented.
\fn void BReference::SetTo(Type*, bool)
\brief Sets a new target for the reference.
The reference to the previously targetted object is released.
A reference to the new object is acquired only if \p alreadyHasReference
is false.
\fn void BReference::Unset()
\brief Unsets the reference.
The targetted object is released. The reference is unset and can't be used
to access it anymore.
\fn ConstType* BReference::Get() const
\brief Get the target object
\returns a raw pointer to the target object.
\fn ConstType* BReference::Detach() const
\brief Detach the pointed object from the reference
\returns a raw pointer to the target object.
This returns the pointed object and unsets the reference, without
decrementing the object reference count. It is used to transfer ownership of
the reference to something else.