
326 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2005-2007, Haiku Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Michael Lotz <mmlr@mlotz.ch>
#ifndef _MESSAGE_H
#define _MESSAGE_H
#include <BeBuild.h>
#include <DataIO.h>
#include <Flattenable.h>
#include <OS.h>
#include <Rect.h>
#include <AppDefs.h> /* For convenience */
#include <TypeConstants.h> /* For convenience */
class BBlockCache;
class BMessenger;
class BHandler;
class BString;
struct entry_ref;
// Name lengths and Scripting specifiers
enum {
// app-defined specifiers start at B_SPECIFIERS_END + 1
class BMessage {
uint32 what;
BMessage(uint32 what);
BMessage(const BMessage &other);
virtual ~BMessage();
BMessage &operator=(const BMessage &other);
// Statistics and misc info
status_t GetInfo(type_code typeRequested, int32 index,
char **nameFound, type_code *typeFound,
int32 *countFound = NULL) const;
status_t GetInfo(const char *name, type_code *typeFound,
int32 *countFound = NULL) const;
status_t GetInfo(const char *name, type_code *typeFound,
bool *fixedSize) const;
int32 CountNames(type_code type) const;
bool IsEmpty() const;
bool IsSystem() const;
bool IsReply() const;
void PrintToStream() const;
status_t Rename(const char *oldEntry, const char *newEntry);
// Delivery info
bool WasDelivered() const;
bool IsSourceWaiting() const;
bool IsSourceRemote() const;
BMessenger ReturnAddress() const;
const BMessage *Previous() const;
bool WasDropped() const;
BPoint DropPoint(BPoint *offset = NULL) const;
// Replying
status_t SendReply(uint32 command, BHandler *replyTo = NULL);
status_t SendReply(BMessage *reply, BHandler *replyTo = NULL,
bigtime_t timeout = B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT);
status_t SendReply(BMessage *reply, BMessenger replyTo,
bigtime_t timeout = B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT);
status_t SendReply(uint32 command, BMessage *replyToReply);
status_t SendReply(BMessage *the_reply, BMessage *replyToReply,
bigtime_t sendTimeout = B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT,
bigtime_t replyTimeout = B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT);
// Flattening data
ssize_t FlattenedSize() const;
status_t Flatten(char *buffer, ssize_t size) const;
status_t Flatten(BDataIO *stream, ssize_t *size = NULL) const;
status_t Unflatten(const char *flatBuffer);
status_t Unflatten(BDataIO *stream);
// Specifiers (scripting)
status_t AddSpecifier(const char *property);
status_t AddSpecifier(const char *property, int32 index);
status_t AddSpecifier(const char *property, int32 index, int32 range);
status_t AddSpecifier(const char *property, const char *name);
status_t AddSpecifier(const BMessage *specifier);
status_t SetCurrentSpecifier(int32 index);
status_t GetCurrentSpecifier(int32 *index,
BMessage *specifier = NULL, int32 *what = NULL,
const char **property = NULL) const;
bool HasSpecifiers() const;
status_t PopSpecifier();
// Adding data
status_t AddRect(const char *name, BRect aRect);
status_t AddPoint(const char *name, BPoint aPoint);
status_t AddString(const char *name, const char *aString);
status_t AddString(const char *name, const BString &aString);
status_t AddInt8(const char *name, int8 value);
status_t AddInt16(const char *name, int16 value);
status_t AddInt32(const char *name, int32 value);
status_t AddInt64(const char *name, int64 value);
status_t AddBool(const char *name, bool aBoolean);
status_t AddFloat(const char *name, float aFloat);
status_t AddDouble(const char *name, double aDouble);
status_t AddPointer(const char *name, const void *aPointer);
status_t AddMessenger(const char *name, BMessenger messenger);
status_t AddRef(const char *name, const entry_ref *ref);
status_t AddMessage(const char *name, const BMessage *message);
status_t AddFlat(const char *name, BFlattenable *object,
int32 count = 1);
status_t AddData(const char *name, type_code type,
const void *data, ssize_t numBytes,
bool isFixedSize = true, int32 count = 1);
// Removing data
status_t RemoveData(const char *name, int32 index = 0);
status_t RemoveName(const char *name);
status_t MakeEmpty();
// Finding data
status_t FindRect(const char *name, BRect *rect) const;
status_t FindRect(const char *name, int32 index, BRect *rect) const;
status_t FindPoint(const char *name, BPoint *point) const;
status_t FindPoint(const char *name, int32 index, BPoint *point) const;
status_t FindString(const char *name, const char **string) const;
status_t FindString(const char *name, int32 index, const char **string) const;
status_t FindString(const char *name, BString *string) const;
status_t FindString(const char *name, int32 index, BString *string) const;
status_t FindInt8(const char *name, int8 *value) const;
status_t FindInt8(const char *name, int32 index, int8 *value) const;
status_t FindInt16(const char *name, int16 *value) const;
status_t FindInt16(const char *name, int32 index, int16 *value) const;
status_t FindInt32(const char *name, int32 *value) const;
status_t FindInt32(const char *name, int32 index, int32 *value) const;
status_t FindInt64(const char *name, int64 *value) const;
status_t FindInt64(const char *name, int32 index, int64 *value) const;
status_t FindBool(const char *name, bool *value) const;
status_t FindBool(const char *name, int32 index, bool *value) const;
status_t FindFloat(const char *name, float *value) const;
status_t FindFloat(const char *name, int32 index, float *value) const;
status_t FindDouble(const char *name, double *value) const;
status_t FindDouble(const char *name, int32 index, double *value) const;
status_t FindPointer(const char *name, void **pointer) const;
status_t FindPointer(const char *name, int32 index, void **pointer) const;
status_t FindMessenger(const char *name, BMessenger *messenger) const;
status_t FindMessenger(const char *name, int32 index, BMessenger *messenger) const;
status_t FindRef(const char *name, entry_ref *ref) const;
status_t FindRef(const char *name, int32 index, entry_ref *ref) const;
status_t FindMessage(const char *name, BMessage *message) const;
status_t FindMessage(const char *name, int32 index, BMessage *message) const;
status_t FindFlat(const char *name, BFlattenable *object) const;
status_t FindFlat(const char *name, int32 index, BFlattenable *object) const;
status_t FindData(const char *name, type_code type,
const void **data, ssize_t *numBytes) const;
status_t FindData(const char *name, type_code type, int32 index,
const void **data, ssize_t *numBytes) const;
// Replacing data
status_t ReplaceRect(const char *name, BRect aRect);
status_t ReplaceRect(const char *name, int32 index, BRect aRect);
status_t ReplacePoint(const char *name, BPoint aPoint);
status_t ReplacePoint(const char *name, int32 index, BPoint aPoint);
status_t ReplaceString(const char *name, const char *aString);
status_t ReplaceString(const char *name, int32 index, const char *aString);
status_t ReplaceString(const char *name, const BString &aString);
status_t ReplaceString(const char *name, int32 index, const BString &aString);
status_t ReplaceInt8(const char *name, int8 value);
status_t ReplaceInt8(const char *name, int32 index, int8 value);
status_t ReplaceInt16(const char *name, int16 value);
status_t ReplaceInt16(const char *name, int32 index, int16 value);
status_t ReplaceInt32(const char *name, int32 value);
status_t ReplaceInt32(const char *name, int32 index, int32 value);
status_t ReplaceInt64(const char *name, int64 value);
status_t ReplaceInt64(const char *name, int32 index, int64 value);
status_t ReplaceBool(const char *name, bool aBoolean);
status_t ReplaceBool(const char *name, int32 index, bool aBoolean);
status_t ReplaceFloat(const char *name, float aFloat);
status_t ReplaceFloat(const char *name, int32 index, float aFloat);
status_t ReplaceDouble(const char *name, double aDouble);
status_t ReplaceDouble(const char *name, int32 index, double aDouble);
status_t ReplacePointer(const char *name, const void *pointer);
status_t ReplacePointer(const char *name,int32 index,const void *pointer);
status_t ReplaceMessenger(const char *name, BMessenger messenger);
status_t ReplaceMessenger(const char *name, int32 index, BMessenger messenger);
status_t ReplaceRef( const char *name,const entry_ref *ref);
status_t ReplaceRef( const char *name, int32 index, const entry_ref *ref);
status_t ReplaceMessage(const char *name, const BMessage *message);
status_t ReplaceMessage(const char *name, int32 index, const BMessage *message);
status_t ReplaceFlat(const char *name, BFlattenable *object);
status_t ReplaceFlat(const char *name, int32 index, BFlattenable *object);
status_t ReplaceData(const char *name, type_code type,
const void *data, ssize_t numBytes);
status_t ReplaceData(const char *name, type_code type, int32 index,
const void *data, ssize_t numBytes);
void *operator new(size_t size);
void *operator new(size_t, void *pointer);
void operator delete(void *pointer, size_t size);
// Private, reserved, or obsolete
bool HasRect(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasPoint(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasString(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasInt8(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasInt16(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasInt32(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasInt64(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasBool(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasFloat(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasDouble(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasPointer(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasMessenger(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasRef(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasMessage(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool HasFlat(const char *, const BFlattenable *) const;
bool HasFlat(const char *, int32 n, const BFlattenable *) const;
bool HasData(const char *, type_code , int32 n = 0) const;
BRect FindRect(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
BPoint FindPoint(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
const char *FindString(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
int8 FindInt8(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
int16 FindInt16(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
int32 FindInt32(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
int64 FindInt64(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
bool FindBool(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
float FindFloat(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
double FindDouble(const char *, int32 n = 0) const;
class Private;
struct message_header;
struct field_header;
friend class Private;
friend class BMessageQueue;
status_t _InitCommon();
status_t _InitHeader();
status_t _Clear();
status_t _FlattenToArea(message_header **_header) const;
status_t _CopyForWrite();
status_t _Reference(message_header *header);
status_t _Dereference();
status_t _ResizeData(int32 offset, int32 change);
uint32 _HashName(const char* name) const;
status_t _FindField(const char* name, type_code type,
field_header** _result) const;
status_t _AddField(const char* name, type_code type,
bool isFixedSize, field_header** _result);
status_t _RemoveField(field_header* field);
ssize_t _NativeFlattenedSize() const;
status_t _NativeFlatten(char *buffer, ssize_t size) const;
status_t _NativeFlatten(BDataIO *stream, ssize_t *size = NULL) const;
void _PrintToStream(const char* indent) const;
message_header* fHeader;
field_header* fFields;
uint8* fData;
area_id fClonedArea;
mutable BMessage* fOriginal;
BMessage* fQueueLink;
// fQueueLink is used by BMessageQueue to build a linked list
uint32 fReserved[10];
// deprecated
BMessage(BMessage *message);
virtual void _ReservedMessage1();
virtual void _ReservedMessage2();
virtual void _ReservedMessage3();
status_t _SendMessage(port_id port, team_id portOwner, int32 token,
bigtime_t timeout, bool replyRequired,
BMessenger &replyTo) const;
status_t _SendMessage(port_id port, team_id portOwner,
int32 token, BMessage *reply, bigtime_t sendTimeout,
bigtime_t replyTimeout) const;
static status_t _SendFlattenedMessage(void *data, int32 size,
port_id port, int32 token, bigtime_t timeout);
static void _StaticInit();
static void _StaticCleanup();
static void _StaticCacheCleanup();
static int32 _StaticGetCachedReplyPort();
enum { sNumReplyPorts = 3 };
static port_id sReplyPorts[sNumReplyPorts];
static long sReplyPortInUse[sNumReplyPorts];
static int32 sGetCachedReplyPort();
static BBlockCache* sMsgCache;
#endif // _MESSAGE_H