
1636 lines
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rule FSameTargetWithPrependedGrist
# SameTargetWithPrependedGrist <target> : <grist to prepend> ;
local target = $(1) ;
local gristToPrepend = $(2) ;
local grist = $(target:G) ;
if $(grist) {
grist = $(gristToPrepend)!$(grist) ;
} else {
grist = $(gristToPrepend) ;
return $(target:G=$(grist)) ;
rule InitScript
# Note: The script must have been LOCATEd before.
local script = $(1) ;
local initScript
= [ FSameTargetWithPrependedGrist $(script) : init-script ] ;
if ! [ on $(script) return $(__is_initialized) ] {
__is_initialized on $(script) = true ;
MakeLocate $(initScript) : [ on $(script) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
Always $(initScript) ;
Depends $(script) : $(initScript) ;
InitScript1 $(initScript) ;
return $(initScript) ;
actions InitScript1
$(RM) $(1)
touch $(1)
rule AddVariableToScript script : variable : value
# AddVariableToScript <script> : <variable> : <value> ;
# interpret an empty variable value as empty string
if ! $(value) {
value = "" ;
InitScript $(script) ;
VARIABLE_DEFS on $(script) += "echo $(variable)=\\\"$(value[1])\\\" >> " ;
# if the value is an array, add the other array elements
value = $(value[2-]) ;
while $(value) {
VARIABLE_DEFS on $(script)
+= "echo $(variable)=\\\" \\\$$(variable) $(value[1])\\\" >> " ;
value = $(value[2-]) ;
AddVariableToScript1 $(script) ;
actions together AddVariableToScript1
rule AddTargetVariableToScript script : targets : variable
# AddTargetVariableToScript <script> : <targets> [ : <variable> ] ;
# If <targets> contains multiple targets, their paths must not contain
# whitespaces or other characters that need to be escaped in the shell.
variable ?= $(3:E=$(targets[1]:BS)) ;
local initScript = [ InitScript $(script) ] ;
serialization = [ on $(script) return $(HAIKU_SERIALIZATION) ] ;
local variableTarget = [ NewUniqueTarget ] ;
NotFile $(variableTarget) ;
Depends $(variableTarget) : $(initScript) $(targets) $(serialization) ;
Depends $(script) : $(variableTarget) ;
HAIKU_SERIALIZATION on $(script) = $(variableTarget) ;
HAIKU_VARIABLE_NAME on $(variableTarget) = $(variable) ;
AddTargetVariableToScript1 $(variableTarget) : $(initScript) $(targets) ;
actions AddTargetVariableToScript1
echo "$(HAIKU_VARIABLE_NAME)=" >> "$script"
for value in "$(2[2-])" ; do
if [ -z "$firstSeen" ]; then
echo "$(HAIKU_VARIABLE_NAME)=\"$value\"" >> "$script"
>> "$script"
#pragma mark -
rule AddDirectoryToContainer container : directoryTokens : attributeFiles
# AddDirectoryToContainer <container> : <directoryTokens> : <attributeFiles>
local containerGrist = [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_GRIST) ] ;
local directory = [ FDirName $(directoryTokens) ] ;
directory = $(directory:G=$(containerGrist)) ;
if ! [ on $(directory) return $(__is_on_image) ] {
HAIKU_INSTALL_DIRECTORIES on $(container) += $(directory) ;
__is_on_image on $(directory) = true ;
DIRECTORY_TOKENS on $(directory) = $(directoryTokens) ;
NotFile $(directory) ;
# mark the parent dir as not to be created
local parent = [ FReverse $(directoryTokens) ] ;
parent = [ FReverse $(parent[2-]) ] ;
if $(parent) {
parent = [ FDirName $(parent) ] ;
parent = $(parent:G=$(containerGrist)) ;
DONT_CREATE on $(parent) = true ;
if $(attributeFiles) {
SEARCH on $(attributeFiles)
+= [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src data directory_attrs ] ;
ATTRIBUTE_FILES on $(directory) += $(attributeFiles) ;
return $(directory) ;
rule FilterContainerUpdateTargets targets : filterVariable
# FilterContainerUpdateTargets targets : filterVariable
local filteredTargets ;
local target ;
for target in $(targets) {
if [ on $(target) return $($(filterVariable)) ] {
filteredTargets += $(target) ;
return $(filteredTargets) ;
rule IncludeAllTargetsInContainer container
local filterVar
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_INCLUDE_IN_CONTAINER_VAR) ] ;
if $(filterVar) {
return $($(filterVar)) ;
return ;
rule PropagateContainerUpdateTargetFlags toTarget : fromTarget
if [ on $(fromTarget) return $(HAIKU_INCLUDE_IN_IMAGE) ] {
HAIKU_INCLUDE_IN_IMAGE on $(toTarget) = 1 ;
if [ on $(fromTarget) return $(HAIKU_INCLUDE_IN_PACKAGES) ] {
HAIKU_INCLUDE_IN_PACKAGES on $(toTarget) = 1 ;
rule AddFilesToContainer container : directoryTokens : targets : destName
: flags
# AddFilesToContainer <container> : <directoryTokens> : <targets>
# : [ <destName> ] : [ <flags> ]
# Supported flags:
# computeName - <destName> is the name of a shell command/function that
# computes the destination name.
# alwaysUpdate - When only updating the container, always also update the
# given targets.
local containerGrist = [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_GRIST) ] ;
local systemDirTokens
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_SYSTEM_DIR_TOKENS) ] ;
targets = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures $(targets) ] ;
# If the image shall only be updated, we filter out all targets not marked
# accordingly.
if [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_UPDATE_ONLY) ]
&& ! [ IncludeAllTargetsInContainer $(container) ]
&& ! alwaysUpdate in $(flags) {
local filterVar
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_INCLUDE_IN_CONTAINER_VAR) ] ;
if $(filterVar) {
targets = [ FilterContainerUpdateTargets $(targets)
: $(filterVar) ] ;
# If there are any targets, mark the container as to be included in
# an update, too, if it has set the update inheritance variable.
# This makes updating a target that lives in a package on an image
# work.
if $(targets) {
local updateVariable = [ on $(container) return
if $(updateVariable) {
$(updateVariable) on $(container) = 1 ;
if ! $(targets) {
return ;
local directory = [ AddDirectoryToContainer $(container)
: $(directoryTokens) ] ;
# We create a unique dummy target per target to install.
local installTargetsVar
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_INSTALL_TARGETS_VAR) ] ;
local stripExecutables
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_STRIP_EXECUTABLES) ] ;
local target ;
for target in $(targets) {
local name ;
local nameFunction ;
if $(destName) {
if computeName in $(flags) {
nameFunction = $(destName) ;
name = $(destName)/$(target:BSM) ;
} else {
name = $(destName) ;
} else {
name = $(target:BSM) ;
local installTarget = $(target) ;
if $(stripExecutables)
&& [ on $(target) return $(HAIKU_TARGET_IS_EXECUTABLE) ] {
installTarget = [ StripFiles $(target) ] ;
local destTarget = $(name:G=$(containerGrist)__$(directory:G=)) ;
TARGET on $(destTarget) = $(installTarget) ;
INSTALL_DIR on $(destTarget) = $(directory) ;
NAME_FUNCTION on $(destTarget) = $(nameFunction) ;
$(installTargetsVar) on $(target) += $(destTarget) ;
TARGETS_TO_INSTALL on $(directory) += $(destTarget) ;
# If the target is associated with catalog files, add those, too.
local catalogs = [ on $(target) return $(HAIKU_CATALOG_FILES) ] ;
if $(catalogs) {
local signature
= [ on $(target) return $(HAIKU_CATALOG_SIGNATURE) ] ;
AddFilesToContainer $(container)
: $(systemDirTokens) data locale catalogs $(signature)
: $(catalogs) ;
# If the target is associated with MIME DB entries, add those, too.
local mimeDBEntries = [ on $(target) return $(HAIKU_MIME_DB_ENTRIES) ] ;
if $(mimeDBEntries) {
# Make sure we add the entries only once by tracking the containers
# we have already added it to.
local containers = [ on $(mimeDBEntries)
if ! $(container) in $(containers) {
= $(containers) $(container) ;
CopyDirectoryToContainer $(container) : data
: $(mimeDBEntries) : mime_db : : alwaysUpdate isTarget ;
rule FFilesInContainerDirectory container : directoryTokens
local containerGrist = [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_GRIST) ] ;
local directory = [ FDirName $(directoryTokens) ] ;
directory = $(directory:G=$(containerGrist)) ;
if [ on $(directory) return $(__is_on_image) ] {
on $(directory) return $(TARGETS_TO_INSTALL) ;
return ;
rule AddSymlinkToContainer container : directoryTokens : linkTarget : linkName
# AddSymlinkToContainer <container> : <directory> : <link target>
# [ : <link name> ] ;
# If the image shall only be updated, we don't add any symlinks.
if [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_UPDATE_ONLY) ]
&& ! [ IncludeAllTargetsInContainer $(container) ] {
return ;
local directory = [ AddDirectoryToContainer $(container)
: $(directoryTokens) ] ;
if ! $(linkName) {
local path = [ FReverse [ FSplitPath $(linkTarget) ] ] ;
linkName = $(path[1]) ;
local link = $(directory)/$(linkName) ;
SYMLINK_TARGET on $(link) = $(linkTarget) ;
SYMLINKS_TO_INSTALL on $(directory) += $(link) ;
rule FSymlinksInContainerDirectory container : directoryTokens
local containerGrist = [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_GRIST) ] ;
local directory = [ FDirName $(directoryTokens) ] ;
directory = $(directory:G=$(containerGrist)) ;
if [ on $(directory) return $(__is_on_image) ] {
on $(directory) return $(SYMLINKS_TO_INSTALL) ;
return ;
rule CopyDirectoryToContainer container : directoryTokens : sourceDirectory
: targetDirectoryName : excludePatterns : flags
# CopyDirectoryToContainer <container> : <directoryTokens>
# : <sourceDirectory> : <targetDirectoryName> : <excludePatterns>
# [ : <flags> ] ;
# Supported flags: alwaysUpdate, isTarget
# isTarget: <sourceDirectory> is a target, not a path
# If the image shall only be updated, we don't copy any directories
if [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_UPDATE_ONLY) ]
&& ! [ IncludeAllTargetsInContainer $(container) ]
&& ! alwaysUpdate in $(flags) {
return ;
if ! $(targetDirectoryName) {
targetDirectoryName = $(sourceDirectory[1]:BSM) ;
# If sourceDirectory is a path, not a target, make it a target, so we can
# treat both the same way.
if ! isTarget in $(flags) {
sourceDirectory = $(sourceDirectory:G=copy-directory-to-container) ;
SEARCH on $(sourceDirectory) = ;
TARGET on $(sourceDirectory) = ;
local directory = [ AddDirectoryToContainer $(container)
: $(directoryTokens) $(targetDirectoryName) ] ;
local targetDir = $(directory)/-/$(sourceDirectory) ;
Depends $(targetDir) : $(sourceDirectory) ;
EXCLUDE_PATTERNS on $(targetDir) = $(excludePatterns) ;
SOURCE_DIRECTORY on $(targetDir) = $(sourceDirectory) ;
TARGET_DIRECTORY on $(targetDir) = $(directory) ;
DIRECTORIES_TO_INSTALL on $(directory) += $(targetDir) ;
rule AddHeaderDirectoryToContainer container : dirTokens : dirName
: flags
# AddHeaderDirectoryToContainer <container> : <dirTokens> : [ <dirName> ]
# [ : <flags> ] ;
# Supported flags: alwaysUpdate
local systemDirTokens
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_SYSTEM_DIR_TOKENS) ] ;
CopyDirectoryToContainer $(container) : $(systemDirTokens) develop headers
: [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) headers $(dirTokens) ]
: $(dirName) : -x *~ : $(flags) ;
rule AddWifiFirmwareToContainer container : driver : package : archive : extract
# AddWifiFirmwareToContainer <container> : <driver> : <package> : <archive>
# : <extract>
# complete location to wifi firmware archive
local firmwareArchive = [ FDirName
$(HAIKU_TOP) data system data firmware $(driver) $(archive) ] ;
local systemDirTokens
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_SYSTEM_DIR_TOKENS) ] ;
local dirTokens = $(systemDirTokens) data firmware $(driver) ;
if $(extract) = true || $(extract) = 1 {
ExtractArchiveToContainer $(container) : $(dirTokens)
: $(firmwareArchive) : : $(package) ;
} else {
AddFilesToContainer $(container) : $(dirTokens) : $(firmwareArchive) ;
rule ExtractArchiveToContainer container : directoryTokens : archiveFile
: flags : extractedSubDir
# ExtractArchiveToContainer <container> : <directory> : <archiveFile>
# : [ <flags> ] : <extractedSubDir> ;
# Supported flags: alwaysUpdate
# If the container shall only be updated, we extract only, if explicitely
# requested.
if [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_UPDATE_ONLY) ]
&& ! alwaysUpdate in $(flags) {
return ;
local directory = [ AddDirectoryToContainer $(container)
: $(directoryTokens) ] ;
ARCHIVE_FILES_TO_INSTALL on $(directory) += $(archiveFile) ;
ARCHIVE_SUBDIR_TO_INSTALL_FROM on $(archiveFile) = $(extractedSubDir) ;
rule AddDriversToContainer container : relativeDirectoryTokens : targets
# AddDriversToContainer <container> : <relative directory> : <targets> ;
local systemDirTokens
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_SYSTEM_DIR_TOKENS) ] ;
local directoryTokens = $(systemDirTokens) add-ons kernel drivers dev
$(relativeDirectoryTokens) ;
targets = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures $(targets) ] ;
# A driver can be in multiple categories. Avoid adding it to the bin/
# directory more than once.
local binTargets ;
local target ;
for target in $(targets) {
local containers
= [ on $(target) return $(HAIKU_DRIVER_IN_CONTAINERS) ] ;
if ! $(container) in $(containers) {
= $(containers) $(container) ;
binTargets += $(target) ;
AddFilesToContainer $(container)
: $(systemDirTokens) add-ons kernel drivers bin
: $(binTargets) ;
# If the image shall only be updated, we don't add any symlinks.
if [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_UPDATE_ONLY) ]
&& ! [ IncludeAllTargetsInContainer $(container) ] {
return ;
# get the relative symlink path prefix
local linkPrefix = ;
local i ;
for i in $(relativeDirectoryTokens) {
linkPrefix += .. ;
linkPrefix += .. bin ;
# add the symlinks
local name ;
for name in $(targets:BSM) {
AddSymlinkToContainer $(container) : $(directoryTokens)
: [ FDirName $(linkPrefix) $(name) ] : $(name) ;
rule AddNewDriversToContainer container : relativeDirectoryTokens
: targets : flags
# AddNewDriversToContainer <container> : <directory> : <targets> : <flags> ;
# Supported flags:
# alwaysUpdate - When only updating the container, always also update the
# given targets.
local systemDirTokens
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_SYSTEM_DIR_TOKENS) ] ;
local directoryTokens = $(systemDirTokens) add-ons kernel drivers
$(relativeDirectoryTokens) ;
targets = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures $(targets) ] ;
AddFilesToContainer $(container) : $(directoryTokens)
: $(targets) : : $(flags) ;
rule AddBootModuleSymlinksToContainer container : targets
# AddBootModuleSymlinksToContainer <container> : <targets> ;
# If the container shall only be updated, we don't add any symlinks.
if [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_UPDATE_ONLY) ]
&& ! [ IncludeAllTargetsInContainer $(container) ] {
return ;
local systemDirTokens
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_SYSTEM_DIR_TOKENS) ] ;
targets = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures $(targets) ] ;
# add the symlinks
local installTargetsVar
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_INSTALL_TARGETS_VAR) ] ;
local target ;
for target in $(targets) {
# Symlink to the first place where the target has been installed.
local destTarget = [ on $(target) return $($(installTargetsVar)[1]) ] ;
local installDir = [ on $(destTarget) return $(INSTALL_DIR) ] ;
if ! $(installDir) {
Echo "ERROR: AddBootModuleSymlinksToContainer: Can't create a "
"symlink to target" \"$(target)"\"." ;
Exit "ERROR: Add*ToContainer has not been invoked for it yet." ;
# chop off the system dir prefix from installDir
installDir = [ on $(installDir) return $(DIRECTORY_TOKENS) ] ;
local dummy ;
for dummy in $(systemDirTokens) {
installDir = $(installDir[2-]) ;
local name = $(target:BSM) ;
local linkTarget = [ FDirName ../../.. $(installDir) $(name) ] ;
AddSymlinkToContainer $(container)
: $(systemDirTokens) add-ons kernel boot
: $(linkTarget) : $(name) ;
rule AddLibrariesToContainer container : directory : libs
# AddLibrariesToContainer <container> : <directory> : <libs>
# Installs libraries with the appropriate links into the container.
local lib ;
for lib in $(libs) {
local abiVersion = [ on $(lib) return $(HAIKU_LIB_ABI_VERSION) ] ;
if $(abiVersion) {
local abiVersionedLib = $(lib:G=).$(abiVersion) ;
AddFilesToContainer $(container) : $(directory) : $(lib)
: $(abiVersionedLib) ;
AddSymlinkToContainer $(container) : $(directory)
: $(abiVersionedLib) : $(lib:G=) ;
} else {
AddFilesToContainer $(container) : $(directory) : $(lib) ;
rule CreateContainerMakeDirectoriesScript container : script
MakeLocate $(script) : $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR) ;
Always $(script) ;
local initScript = [ InitScript $(script) ] ;
local scriptBody
= [ FSameTargetWithPrependedGrist $(script) : script-body ] ;
LOCATE on $(scriptBody) = [ on $(script) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
Depends $(scriptBody) : $(initScript) ;
Depends $(script) : $(scriptBody) ;
# collect the directories to create
local dirsToCreate ;
local directories
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_INSTALL_DIRECTORIES) ] ;
local dir ;
for dir in $(directories) {
if ! [ on $(dir) return $(DONT_CREATE) ] {
dirsToCreate += $(dir) ;
# If the image shall only be updated, we don't create directories.
if $(dirsToCreate)
&& ( ! [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_UPDATE_ONLY) ]
|| [ IncludeAllTargetsInContainer $(container) ]
|| [ on $(container) return
Depends $(scriptBody) : $(dirsToCreate) ;
CreateContainerMakeDirectoriesScript1 $(scriptBody) : $(dirsToCreate) ;
local serializationDependency = $(scriptBody) ;
# Used to create a dependency chain between the dummy targets.
# This forces jam to build them one after the other, thus preventing
# concurrent writes to the script file when building with multiple
# jobs.
# For directories with attributes, we convert those the specified
# resource files to files with attributes and add commands to the script
# adding the attributes to the directories.
for dir in $(directories) {
local resourceFiles = [ on $(dir) return $(ATTRIBUTE_FILES) ] ;
if $(resourceFiles) {
local dirTokens = [ on $(dir) return $(DIRECTORY_TOKENS) ] ;
# translate resources file to file with attributes
local attributeFile = $(script)-attributes-$(dirTokens:J=-) ;
ResAttr $(attributeFile) : $(resourceFiles) ;
# use a unique dummy target for this file, on which we
# can define the TARGET_DIR variable
local dummyTarget = $(script)-attributes-dummy-$(dir:G=) ;
NotFile $(dummyTarget) ;
TARGET_DIR on $(dummyTarget) = $(dir:G=) ;
Depends $(dummyTarget) : $(initScript) $(attributeFile)
$(serializationDependency) ;
Depends $(script) : $(dummyTarget) ;
serializationDependency = $(dummyTarget) ;
AppendToContainerMakeDirectoriesScriptAttributes $(dummyTarget)
: $(initScript) $(attributeFile) ;
actions piecemeal CreateContainerMakeDirectoriesScript1
echo \$mkdir -p "\"\${tPrefix}$(2:G=)\"" >> $(1)
actions AppendToContainerMakeDirectoriesScriptAttributes
echo \$copyAttrs "\"\${sPrefix}$(2[2])\"" \
"\"\${tPrefix}$(TARGET_DIR)\"" >> $(2[1])
rule CreateContainerCopyFilesScript container : script
MakeLocate $(script) : $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR) ;
Always $(script) ;
local initScript = [ InitScript $(script) ] ;
local scriptBody
= [ FSameTargetWithPrependedGrist $(script) : script-body ] ;
LOCATE on $(scriptBody) = [ on $(script) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
Depends $(scriptBody) : $(initScript) ;
Depends $(script) : $(scriptBody) ;
local serializationDependency = $(scriptBody) ;
# Used to create a dependency chain between the dummy targets.
# This forces jam to build them one after the other, thus preventing
# concurrent writes to the script file when building with multiple
# jobs.
local dir ;
for dir in [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_INSTALL_DIRECTORIES) ] {
# filter the targets that shall be renamed; they have to be copied
# individually
local destTargets = [ on $(dir) return $(TARGETS_TO_INSTALL) ] ;
local remainingTargets ;
local destTarget ;
for destTarget in $(destTargets) {
local target = [ on $(destTarget) return $(TARGET) ] ;
local name = $(destTarget:G=) ;
if $(name) != $(target:BSM) {
# use a unique dummy target for this file, on which we
# can define the TARGET_DIR variable
local dummyTarget = $(script)-dummy-$(dir:G=)-$(target) ;
NotFile $(dummyTarget) ;
TARGET_DIR on $(dummyTarget) = $(dir:G=) ;
local nameFunction
= [ on $(destTarget) return $(NAME_FUNCTION) ] ;
if $(nameFunction) {
INSTALL_TARGET_NAME on $(dummyTarget) = "\\${name}" ;
} else {
INSTALL_TARGET_NAME on $(dummyTarget) = $(name) ;
NAME_FUNCTION on $(dummyTarget) = $(nameFunction) ;
Depends $(dummyTarget) : $(initScript) $(target)
$(serializationDependency) ;
Depends $(script) : $(dummyTarget) ;
serializationDependency = $(dummyTarget) ;
AppendToContainerCopyFilesScriptSingleFile $(dummyTarget)
: $(initScript) $(target) ;
} else {
remainingTargets += $(target) ;
targets = $(remainingTargets) ;
if $(targets) {
# use a unique dummy target for this directory, on which we
# can define the TARGET_DIR variable
local dummyTarget = $(script)-dummy-$(dir:G=) ;
NotFile $(dummyTarget) ;
TARGET_DIR on $(dummyTarget) = $(dir:G=) ;
Depends $(dummyTarget) : $(initScript) $(targets)
$(serializationDependency) ;
Depends $(script) : $(dummyTarget) ;
serializationDependency = $(dummyTarget) ;
OUTPUT_SCRIPT on $(dummyTarget) = $(initScript) ;
AppendToContainerCopyFilesScript $(dummyTarget) : $(targets) ;
local symlinks = [ on $(dir) return $(SYMLINKS_TO_INSTALL) ] ;
local symlink ;
for symlink in $(symlinks) {
NotFile $(symlink) ;
Depends $(script) : $(symlink) ;
Depends $(symlink) : $(initScript) $(serializationDependency) ;
serializationDependency = $(symlink) ;
AddSymlinkToContainerCopyFilesScript $(symlink) : $(initScript) ;
local targetDirs = [ on $(dir) return $(DIRECTORIES_TO_INSTALL) ] ;
local targetDir ;
for targetDir in $(targetDirs) {
NotFile $(targetDir) ;
Depends $(script) : $(targetDir) ;
Depends $(targetDir) : $(initScript) $(serializationDependency) ;
serializationDependency = $(targetDir) ;
AddDirectoryToContainerCopyFilesScript $(targetDir)
: $(initScript) ;
actions piecemeal AppendToContainerCopyFilesScript bind OUTPUT_SCRIPT
echo \$cp "\"\${sPrefix}$(2)\"" "\"\${tPrefix}$(TARGET_DIR)\"" \
actions AppendToContainerCopyFilesScriptSingleFile
if [ -n "$(NAME_FUNCTION:E)" ]; then
echo "name=\`$(NAME_FUNCTION:E) \"$(2[2])\" 2> /dev/null \` || exit 1" \
>> $(2[1])
echo \$cp "\"\${sPrefix}$(2[2])\"" \
"\"\${tPrefix}$(TARGET_DIR)/$(INSTALL_TARGET_NAME)\"" >> $(2[1])
actions AddSymlinkToContainerCopyFilesScript
echo \$ln -sfn "\"$(SYMLINK_TARGET)\"" "\"\${tPrefix}$(1:G=)\"" >> $(2[1])
actions AddDirectoryToContainerCopyFilesScript bind SOURCE_DIRECTORY
echo \$cp -r $(EXCLUDE_PATTERNS) "\"\${sPrefix}$(SOURCE_DIRECTORY)/.\"" \
"\"\${tPrefix}$(TARGET_DIRECTORY:G=)\"" >> $(2[1])
rule CreateContainerExtractFilesScript container : script
MakeLocate $(script) : $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR) ;
Always $(script) ;
local initScript = [ InitScript $(script) ] ;
local scriptBody
= [ FSameTargetWithPrependedGrist $(script) : script-body ] ;
LOCATE on $(scriptBody) = [ on $(script) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
Depends $(scriptBody) : $(initScript) ;
Depends $(script) : $(scriptBody) ;
local serializationDependency = $(scriptBody) ;
# Used to create a dependency chain between the dummy targets.
# This forces jam to build them one after the other, thus preventing
# concurrent writes to the script file when building with multiple
# jobs.
local dir ;
for dir in [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_INSTALL_DIRECTORIES) ] {
local archiveFiles = [ on $(dir) return $(ARCHIVE_FILES_TO_INSTALL) ] ;
local archiveFile ;
for archiveFile in $(archiveFiles) {
# use a unique dummy target for this file, on which we
# can define the TARGET_DIR variable
local dummyTarget = $(script)-dummy-$(dir:G=)-$(archiveFile) ;
NotFile $(dummyTarget) ;
TARGET_DIR on $(dummyTarget) = $(dir:G=) ;
local extractedSubDir = [ on $(archiveFile)
$(extractedSubDir:E=.) ;
Depends $(dummyTarget) : $(initScript) $(archiveFile)
$(serializationDependency) ;
Depends $(script) : $(dummyTarget) ;
serializationDependency = $(dummyTarget) ;
AddExtractFileToContainerExtractFilesScript $(dummyTarget)
: $(initScript) $(archiveFile) ;
actions AddExtractFileToContainerExtractFilesScript
echo extractFile "\"$(2[2])\"" "\"$(TARGET_DIR)\"" \
rule AddPackagesAndRepositoryVariablesToContainerScript script : container
AddVariableToScript $(script) : downloadDir : $(HAIKU_DOWNLOAD_DIR) ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : <build>package ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : <build>get_package_dependencies
: getPackageDependencies ;
# Add a variable to indicate whether packages dependencies shall be
# resolved. We always want to do that in non-update mode, but also in update
# mode when all packages are updated.
local updateOnly
= [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_CONTAINER_UPDATE_ONLY) ] ;
local resolvePackageDependencies ;
if ( ! $(updateOnly) || $(HAIKU_UPDATE_ALL_PACKAGES) )
&& $(HAIKU_BUILD_TYPE) != bootstrap {
resolvePackageDependencies = 1 ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : resolvePackageDependencies
: $(resolvePackageDependencies) ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : noDownloads : $(HAIKU_NO_DOWNLOADS) ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : updateAllPackages
# Add variable "systemPackages" with the packages copied/updated.
local allPackages = [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_PACKAGES_IN_IMAGE) ] ;
if $(updateOnly) && ! [ IncludeAllTargetsInContainer $(container) ] {
allPackages = [ FilterContainerUpdateTargets $(allPackages)
: [ on $(container) return $(HAIKU_INCLUDE_IN_CONTAINER_VAR) ] ] ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : $(allPackages) : systemPackages ;
# Generate the repository package lists and add variables for the
# repositories.
local repository ;
local repositoryFiles ;
for repository in $(HAIKU_REPOSITORIES) {
+= [ on $(repository) return $(HAIKU_REPOSITORY_CACHE_FILE) ] ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : $(repositoryFiles) : repositories ;
#pragma mark - Haiku Image rules
rule SetUpdateHaikuImageOnly flag
rule IsUpdateHaikuImageOnly
rule AddDirectoryToHaikuImage directoryTokens : attributeFiles
# AddDirectoryToHaikuImage <directoryTokens> : <attributeFiles>
return [ AddDirectoryToContainer $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME)
: $(directoryTokens) : $(attributeFiles) ] ;
rule AddFilesToHaikuImage directory : targets : destName : flags
# AddFilesToHaikuImage <directory> : <targets> : [ <destName> ]
# : [ <flags> ]
AddFilesToContainer $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME) : $(directory)
: $(targets) : $(destName) : $(flags) ;
rule FFilesInHaikuImageDirectory directoryTokens
return [ FFilesInContainerDirectory $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME)
: $(directoryTokens) ] ;
rule AddSymlinkToHaikuImage directoryTokens : linkTarget : linkName
# AddSymlinkToHaikuImage <directory> : <link target> [ : <link name> ] ;
linkTarget = $(linkTarget:J=/) ;
AddSymlinkToContainer $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME) : $(directoryTokens)
: $(linkTarget) : $(linkName) ;
rule FSymlinksInHaikuImageDirectory directoryTokens
return [ FSymlinksInContainerDirectory $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME)
: $(directoryTokens) ] ;
rule CopyDirectoryToHaikuImage directoryTokens : sourceDirectory
: targetDirectoryName : excludePatterns : flags
CopyDirectoryToContainer $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME) : $(directoryTokens)
: $(sourceDirectory) : $(targetDirectoryName) : $(excludePatterns)
: $(flags) ;
rule AddSourceDirectoryToHaikuImage dirTokens : flags
# AddSourceDirectoryToHaikuImage <dirTokens> : <flags> ;
CopyDirectoryToHaikuImage home HaikuSources
: [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) $(dirTokens) ]
: : : $(flags) ;
rule AddHeaderDirectoryToHaikuImage dirTokens : dirName : flags
# AddHeaderDirectoryToHaikuImage <dirTokens> : [ <dirName> ]
# : <flags> ;
AddHeaderDirectoryToContainer $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME) : $(dirTokens)
: $(dirName) : $(flags) ;
rule AddWifiFirmwareToHaikuImage driver : package : archive : extract
# AddWifiFirmwareToHaikuImage <driver> : <package> : <archive> : <extract>
AddWifiFirmwareToHaikuImage $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME) : $(driver)
: $(package) : $(archive) : $(extract) ;
rule ExtractArchiveToHaikuImage dirTokens : archiveFile : flags
: extractedSubDir
# ExtractArchiveToHaikuImage <dirTokens> : <archiveFile> : <flags>
# : <extractedSubDir> ;
ExtractArchiveToContainer $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME) : $(dirTokens)
: $(archiveFile) : $(flags) : $(extractedSubDir) ;
rule AddDriversToHaikuImage relativeDirectoryTokens : targets
# AddDriversToHaikuImage <relative directory> : <targets> ;
: $(relativeDirectoryTokens) : $(targets) ;
rule AddNewDriversToHaikuImage relativeDirectoryTokens : targets : flags
# AddNewDriversToHaikuImage <relative directory> : <targets> : <flags> ;
: $(relativeDirectoryTokens) : $(targets) : $(flags) ;
rule AddBootModuleSymlinksToHaikuImage targets
# AddBootModuleSymlinksToHaikuImage <targets> ;
AddBootModuleSymlinksToContainer $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME)
: $(targets) ;
rule AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage location : packages : flags
2013-04-29 16:13:03 +02:00
# AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage <location> : <packages> : <flags>
# Supported flags:
# nameFromMetaInfo - determine the target file name from the package meta
# info
packages = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures $(packages) ] ;
$(packages) ;
Switch build system from optional package to repositories * Build libsolv and the dependency solver part of the package kit for the build platform. * Add build tool get_package_dependencies. Given a list of package files and a list of repository files it determines the additional packages that need to be retrieved from the repositories and prints their URLs. * Add rules to work with external repositories in the build system (build/jam/RepositoryRules): - PackageRepository declares an external repository with all its packages. The URL of the repository file isn't specified. It is computed from a given base URL and the SHA256 hash of the list of package files. - GeneratedRepositoryPackageList generates a file containing the file names of all packages in a repository. - IsPackageAvailable returns whether a package is available in any repository. - PackageURL returns the URL for a package. * Declare the HaikuPorts repository for x86_gcc2 (build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/x86_gcc2). * Add rule AddHaikuImagePackages to add a package to the image and rule IsHaikuImagePackageAdded to determine whether a package has been added. * OptionalPackages: Remove all entries that just downloaded and installed an external package. AddHaikuImagePackages can be used instead and is used in the remaining entries. Also move the remaining optional package dependency declarations from OptionalPackageDependencies here. * ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Instead of the URL parameter a package name must be specified now. This allows to simplify BuildFeatures significantly, since there's no dealing with URLs anymore. "if" out the entries that aren't supported yet. * build_haiku_image: For the packages installed in system and common resolve their dependencies and download and install them as well.
2013-07-05 10:51:42 +02:00
HAIKU_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_LOCATION on $(packages) = $(location) ;
if nameFromMetaInfo in $(flags) {
AddFilesToHaikuImage $(location) packages : $(packages)
: packageFileName : computeName ;
} else {
AddFilesToHaikuImage $(location) packages : $(packages) ;
2013-04-29 16:13:03 +02:00
rule AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages packages
local package ;
for package in $(packages) {
if ! [ on $(package) return $(HAIKU_OPTIONAL_PACKAGE_ADDED) ] {
local dependencies = [ on $(package)
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages $(dependencies) ;
rule SuppressOptionalHaikuImagePackages packages
local package ;
for package in $(packages) {
if ! [ on $(package) return $(HAIKU_OPTIONAL_PACKAGE_SUPPRESSED) ] {
rule IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded package
if ! [ on $(package) return $(HAIKU_OPTIONAL_PACKAGE_EXISTS) ] {
if [ on $(package) return $(HAIKU_OPTIONAL_PACKAGE_ADDED) ] &&
! [ on $(package) return $(HAIKU_OPTIONAL_PACKAGE_SUPPRESSED) ] {
return 1 ;
return ;
rule OptionalPackageDependencies package : dependencies
HAIKU_OPTIONAL_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES on $(package) = $(dependencies) ;
if [ on $(package) return $(HAIKU_OPTIONAL_PACKAGE_ADDED) ] {
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages $(dependencies) ;
Switch build system from optional package to repositories * Build libsolv and the dependency solver part of the package kit for the build platform. * Add build tool get_package_dependencies. Given a list of package files and a list of repository files it determines the additional packages that need to be retrieved from the repositories and prints their URLs. * Add rules to work with external repositories in the build system (build/jam/RepositoryRules): - PackageRepository declares an external repository with all its packages. The URL of the repository file isn't specified. It is computed from a given base URL and the SHA256 hash of the list of package files. - GeneratedRepositoryPackageList generates a file containing the file names of all packages in a repository. - IsPackageAvailable returns whether a package is available in any repository. - PackageURL returns the URL for a package. * Declare the HaikuPorts repository for x86_gcc2 (build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/x86_gcc2). * Add rule AddHaikuImagePackages to add a package to the image and rule IsHaikuImagePackageAdded to determine whether a package has been added. * OptionalPackages: Remove all entries that just downloaded and installed an external package. AddHaikuImagePackages can be used instead and is used in the remaining entries. Also move the remaining optional package dependency declarations from OptionalPackageDependencies here. * ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Instead of the URL parameter a package name must be specified now. This allows to simplify BuildFeatures significantly, since there's no dealing with URLs anymore. "if" out the entries that aren't supported yet. * build_haiku_image: For the packages installed in system and common resolve their dependencies and download and install them as well.
2013-07-05 10:51:42 +02:00
rule AddHaikuImagePackages packages
Switch build system from optional package to repositories * Build libsolv and the dependency solver part of the package kit for the build platform. * Add build tool get_package_dependencies. Given a list of package files and a list of repository files it determines the additional packages that need to be retrieved from the repositories and prints their URLs. * Add rules to work with external repositories in the build system (build/jam/RepositoryRules): - PackageRepository declares an external repository with all its packages. The URL of the repository file isn't specified. It is computed from a given base URL and the SHA256 hash of the list of package files. - GeneratedRepositoryPackageList generates a file containing the file names of all packages in a repository. - IsPackageAvailable returns whether a package is available in any repository. - PackageURL returns the URL for a package. * Declare the HaikuPorts repository for x86_gcc2 (build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/x86_gcc2). * Add rule AddHaikuImagePackages to add a package to the image and rule IsHaikuImagePackageAdded to determine whether a package has been added. * OptionalPackages: Remove all entries that just downloaded and installed an external package. AddHaikuImagePackages can be used instead and is used in the remaining entries. Also move the remaining optional package dependency declarations from OptionalPackageDependencies here. * ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Instead of the URL parameter a package name must be specified now. This allows to simplify BuildFeatures significantly, since there's no dealing with URLs anymore. "if" out the entries that aren't supported yet. * build_haiku_image: For the packages installed in system and common resolve their dependencies and download and install them as well.
2013-07-05 10:51:42 +02:00
# AddHaikuImagePackages <packages> ;
# Adds the given packages <packages> to the image.
packages = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures $(packages) ] ;
Switch build system from optional package to repositories * Build libsolv and the dependency solver part of the package kit for the build platform. * Add build tool get_package_dependencies. Given a list of package files and a list of repository files it determines the additional packages that need to be retrieved from the repositories and prints their URLs. * Add rules to work with external repositories in the build system (build/jam/RepositoryRules): - PackageRepository declares an external repository with all its packages. The URL of the repository file isn't specified. It is computed from a given base URL and the SHA256 hash of the list of package files. - GeneratedRepositoryPackageList generates a file containing the file names of all packages in a repository. - IsPackageAvailable returns whether a package is available in any repository. - PackageURL returns the URL for a package. * Declare the HaikuPorts repository for x86_gcc2 (build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/x86_gcc2). * Add rule AddHaikuImagePackages to add a package to the image and rule IsHaikuImagePackageAdded to determine whether a package has been added. * OptionalPackages: Remove all entries that just downloaded and installed an external package. AddHaikuImagePackages can be used instead and is used in the remaining entries. Also move the remaining optional package dependency declarations from OptionalPackageDependencies here. * ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Instead of the URL parameter a package name must be specified now. This allows to simplify BuildFeatures significantly, since there's no dealing with URLs anymore. "if" out the entries that aren't supported yet. * build_haiku_image: For the packages installed in system and common resolve their dependencies and download and install them as well.
2013-07-05 10:51:42 +02:00
local package ;
for package in $(packages) {
local resolvedPackage = [ IsPackageAvailable $(package) ] ;
if ! $(resolvedPackage) {
Echo "AddHaikuImagePackages: package" $(package)
"not available!" ;
continue ;
Switch build system from optional package to repositories * Build libsolv and the dependency solver part of the package kit for the build platform. * Add build tool get_package_dependencies. Given a list of package files and a list of repository files it determines the additional packages that need to be retrieved from the repositories and prints their URLs. * Add rules to work with external repositories in the build system (build/jam/RepositoryRules): - PackageRepository declares an external repository with all its packages. The URL of the repository file isn't specified. It is computed from a given base URL and the SHA256 hash of the list of package files. - GeneratedRepositoryPackageList generates a file containing the file names of all packages in a repository. - IsPackageAvailable returns whether a package is available in any repository. - PackageURL returns the URL for a package. * Declare the HaikuPorts repository for x86_gcc2 (build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/x86_gcc2). * Add rule AddHaikuImagePackages to add a package to the image and rule IsHaikuImagePackageAdded to determine whether a package has been added. * OptionalPackages: Remove all entries that just downloaded and installed an external package. AddHaikuImagePackages can be used instead and is used in the remaining entries. Also move the remaining optional package dependency declarations from OptionalPackageDependencies here. * ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Instead of the URL parameter a package name must be specified now. This allows to simplify BuildFeatures significantly, since there's no dealing with URLs anymore. "if" out the entries that aren't supported yet. * build_haiku_image: For the packages installed in system and common resolve their dependencies and download and install them as well.
2013-07-05 10:51:42 +02:00
if ! [ on $(resolvedPackage) return $(HAIKU_PACKAGE_ADDED) ] {
HAIKU_PACKAGE_ADDED on $(resolvedPackage) = 1 ;
HAIKU_ADDED_PACKAGES += $(resolvedPackage) ;
Switch build system from optional package to repositories * Build libsolv and the dependency solver part of the package kit for the build platform. * Add build tool get_package_dependencies. Given a list of package files and a list of repository files it determines the additional packages that need to be retrieved from the repositories and prints their URLs. * Add rules to work with external repositories in the build system (build/jam/RepositoryRules): - PackageRepository declares an external repository with all its packages. The URL of the repository file isn't specified. It is computed from a given base URL and the SHA256 hash of the list of package files. - GeneratedRepositoryPackageList generates a file containing the file names of all packages in a repository. - IsPackageAvailable returns whether a package is available in any repository. - PackageURL returns the URL for a package. * Declare the HaikuPorts repository for x86_gcc2 (build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/x86_gcc2). * Add rule AddHaikuImagePackages to add a package to the image and rule IsHaikuImagePackageAdded to determine whether a package has been added. * OptionalPackages: Remove all entries that just downloaded and installed an external package. AddHaikuImagePackages can be used instead and is used in the remaining entries. Also move the remaining optional package dependency declarations from OptionalPackageDependencies here. * ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Instead of the URL parameter a package name must be specified now. This allows to simplify BuildFeatures significantly, since there's no dealing with URLs anymore. "if" out the entries that aren't supported yet. * build_haiku_image: For the packages installed in system and common resolve their dependencies and download and install them as well.
2013-07-05 10:51:42 +02:00
# download the package file and add it to the image
Integrate building the HaikuPorts bootstrap packages * Add configure option --bootstrap which allows specifying the haikuporter and HaikuPorts repository paths. * Add rules for supporting a second repository type. The PackageRepository rule is now private and RemotePackageRepository is used for remote repositories. The new BootstrapPackageRepository rule is for defining a bootstrap repository (there will probably be only the HaikuPorts cross repository) whose packages can be built as needed via haikuporter. * Rename DownloadPackage to FetchPackage. * Define repository HaikuPortsCross. * HaikuCrossDevel package(s): There are now two sets of packages: A "stage1" set with the same content as before and a final set additionally containing the libraries libbe, libnetwork, libpackage. Those are needed for building the libsolv bootstrap package while for building them we need other bootstrap packages (ICU, libz). This is basically all that's required to build a bootstrap Haiku completely from sources, with a few caveats: * There's no ICU bootstrap recipe yet (so one has to cheat and use the prebuilt package ATM). * Probably doesn't work on Haiku yet (tested on Linux only). * A 32 bit environment must be used (otherwise building the gcc 2 bootstrap package fails). * Building with multiple jobs doesn't work yet, since haikuporter uses common directories for building different packages and there's no explicit serialization yet. * Haven't tested the resulting image save for booting it. So it probably needs a bit more work before it can actually build the final HaikuPorts packages.
2013-07-21 04:10:48 +02:00
local file = [ FetchPackage $(package) ] ;
HAIKU_INCLUDE_IN_IMAGE on $(file) = 1 ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : $(file) ;
Switch build system from optional package to repositories * Build libsolv and the dependency solver part of the package kit for the build platform. * Add build tool get_package_dependencies. Given a list of package files and a list of repository files it determines the additional packages that need to be retrieved from the repositories and prints their URLs. * Add rules to work with external repositories in the build system (build/jam/RepositoryRules): - PackageRepository declares an external repository with all its packages. The URL of the repository file isn't specified. It is computed from a given base URL and the SHA256 hash of the list of package files. - GeneratedRepositoryPackageList generates a file containing the file names of all packages in a repository. - IsPackageAvailable returns whether a package is available in any repository. - PackageURL returns the URL for a package. * Declare the HaikuPorts repository for x86_gcc2 (build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/x86_gcc2). * Add rule AddHaikuImagePackages to add a package to the image and rule IsHaikuImagePackageAdded to determine whether a package has been added. * OptionalPackages: Remove all entries that just downloaded and installed an external package. AddHaikuImagePackages can be used instead and is used in the remaining entries. Also move the remaining optional package dependency declarations from OptionalPackageDependencies here. * ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Instead of the URL parameter a package name must be specified now. This allows to simplify BuildFeatures significantly, since there's no dealing with URLs anymore. "if" out the entries that aren't supported yet. * build_haiku_image: For the packages installed in system and common resolve their dependencies and download and install them as well.
2013-07-05 10:51:42 +02:00
rule AddHaikuImageSourcePackages packages
# AddHaikuImageSourcePackages <packages> ;
# Adds the given source packages for <packages> to the image.
AddHaikuImagePackages $(packages)_source ;
Switch build system from optional package to repositories * Build libsolv and the dependency solver part of the package kit for the build platform. * Add build tool get_package_dependencies. Given a list of package files and a list of repository files it determines the additional packages that need to be retrieved from the repositories and prints their URLs. * Add rules to work with external repositories in the build system (build/jam/RepositoryRules): - PackageRepository declares an external repository with all its packages. The URL of the repository file isn't specified. It is computed from a given base URL and the SHA256 hash of the list of package files. - GeneratedRepositoryPackageList generates a file containing the file names of all packages in a repository. - IsPackageAvailable returns whether a package is available in any repository. - PackageURL returns the URL for a package. * Declare the HaikuPorts repository for x86_gcc2 (build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/x86_gcc2). * Add rule AddHaikuImagePackages to add a package to the image and rule IsHaikuImagePackageAdded to determine whether a package has been added. * OptionalPackages: Remove all entries that just downloaded and installed an external package. AddHaikuImagePackages can be used instead and is used in the remaining entries. Also move the remaining optional package dependency declarations from OptionalPackageDependencies here. * ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Instead of the URL parameter a package name must be specified now. This allows to simplify BuildFeatures significantly, since there's no dealing with URLs anymore. "if" out the entries that aren't supported yet. * build_haiku_image: For the packages installed in system and common resolve their dependencies and download and install them as well.
2013-07-05 10:51:42 +02:00
rule IsHaikuImagePackageAdded package
local resolvedPackage = [ IsPackageAvailable $(package) ] ;
if $(resolvedPackage)
&& [ on $(resolvedPackage) return $(HAIKU_PACKAGE_ADDED) ] {
Switch build system from optional package to repositories * Build libsolv and the dependency solver part of the package kit for the build platform. * Add build tool get_package_dependencies. Given a list of package files and a list of repository files it determines the additional packages that need to be retrieved from the repositories and prints their URLs. * Add rules to work with external repositories in the build system (build/jam/RepositoryRules): - PackageRepository declares an external repository with all its packages. The URL of the repository file isn't specified. It is computed from a given base URL and the SHA256 hash of the list of package files. - GeneratedRepositoryPackageList generates a file containing the file names of all packages in a repository. - IsPackageAvailable returns whether a package is available in any repository. - PackageURL returns the URL for a package. * Declare the HaikuPorts repository for x86_gcc2 (build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/x86_gcc2). * Add rule AddHaikuImagePackages to add a package to the image and rule IsHaikuImagePackageAdded to determine whether a package has been added. * OptionalPackages: Remove all entries that just downloaded and installed an external package. AddHaikuImagePackages can be used instead and is used in the remaining entries. Also move the remaining optional package dependency declarations from OptionalPackageDependencies here. * ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Instead of the URL parameter a package name must be specified now. This allows to simplify BuildFeatures significantly, since there's no dealing with URLs anymore. "if" out the entries that aren't supported yet. * build_haiku_image: For the packages installed in system and common resolve their dependencies and download and install them as well.
2013-07-05 10:51:42 +02:00
return 1 ;
return ;
rule BuildHaikuImagePackageList target
if ! $(target) {
return ;
# get the file names of all added packages
local packageFiles ;
local package ;
for package in $(HAIKU_ADDED_PACKAGES) {
packageFiles += [ FetchPackage $(package) : nameResolved ] ;
# extract the versioned package names (without revision)
packageFiles = [ Match "^([^-]*)" : $(packageFiles:B) ] ;
HAIKU_IMAGE_PACKAGES on $(target) = $(packageFiles) ;
actions BuildHaikuImagePackageList
echo $(HAIKU_IMAGE_PACKAGES) | xargs -n 1 echo | LC_ALL=C sort -u > $(1)
rule AddEntryToHaikuImageUserGroupFile file : entry
local allEntries = [ on $(file) return $(HAIKU_IMAGE_USER_GROUP_ENTRIES) ] ;
if $(allEntries) {
allEntries = $(allEntries)|$(entry) ;
} else {
allEntries = $(entry) ;
Always $(file) ;
BuildHaikuImageUserGroupFile $(file) ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage system settings etc : $(file) ;
HAIKU_IMAGE_USER_GROUP_ENTRIES on $(file) = $(allEntries) ;
actions BuildHaikuImageUserGroupFile
echo "$(HAIKU_IMAGE_USER_GROUP_ENTRIES)" | tr '|' '\n' > $(1)
rule AddUserToHaikuImage user : uid : gid : home : shell : realName
if ! $(user) || ! $(uid) || ! $(gid) || ! $(home) {
Exit "Invalid haiku user specification passed to AddUserToHaikuImage." ;
local entry
= $(user):x:$(uid):$(gid):$(realName:E=$(user)):$(home):$(shell:E="") ;
AddEntryToHaikuImageUserGroupFile <haiku-image>passwd : $(entry) ;
rule AddGroupToHaikuImage group : gid : members
if ! $(group) || ! $(gid) {
Exit "Invalid haiku group specification passed to"
"AddGroupToHaikuImage." ;
local entry = $(group):x:$(gid):$(members:J=,:E) ;
AddEntryToHaikuImageUserGroupFile <haiku-image>group : $(entry) ;
rule AddLibrariesToHaikuImage directory : libs
# AddLibraryToHaikuImage <directory> : <libs>
# Installs libraries with the appropriate links onto the image.
AddLibrariesToContainer $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME) : $(directory)
: $(libs) ;
rule CreateHaikuImageMakeDirectoriesScript script
CreateContainerMakeDirectoriesScript $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME)
: $(script) ;
rule CreateHaikuImageCopyFilesScript script
CreateContainerCopyFilesScript $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME) : $(script) ;
rule CreateHaikuImageExtractFilesScript script
CreateContainerExtractFilesScript $(HAIKU_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME)
: $(script) ;
rule BuildHaikuImage haikuImage : scripts : isImage : isVMwareImage
# BuildHaikuImage <haiku image> : <scripts> : <is image> : <isVMwareImage> ;
if $(isImage) = 1 || $(isImage) = true {
IS_IMAGE on $(haikuImage) = 1 ;
} else {
IS_IMAGE on $(haikuImage) = "" ;
if $(isVMwareImage) = 1 || $(isVMwareImage) = true {
IS_VMWARE_IMAGE on $(haikuImage) = 1 ;
} else {
IS_VMWARE_IMAGE on $(haikuImage) = "" ;
local mainScript = build_haiku_image ;
SEARCH on $(mainScript) = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) build scripts ] ;
Depends $(haikuImage) : $(mainScript) $(scripts) ;
BuildHaikuImage1 $(haikuImage) : $(mainScript)
actions BuildHaikuImage1
export imagePath="$(1)"
export isImage="$(IS_IMAGE)"
export isVMwareImage="$(IS_VMWARE_IMAGE)"
$(2[1]) $(2[2-])
rule BuildVMWareImage vmwareImage : plainImage : imageSize
# BuildVMWareImage <vmware image> : <plain image> : <image size in MB>
IMAGE_SIZE on $(vmwareImage) = $(imageSize) ;
Depends $(vmwareImage) : <build>vmdkheader $(plainImage) ;
BuildVMWareImage1 $(vmwareImage) : <build>vmdkheader $(plainImage) ;
actions BuildVMWareImage1
$(RM) $(1)
$(2[1]) -h 64k -i$(IMAGE_SIZE)M $(1) &&
cat $(2[2]) >> $(1)
#pragma mark - Network Boot Archive rules
rule AddDirectoryToNetBootArchive directoryTokens
# AddDirectoryToNetBootArchive <directoryTokens>
return [ AddDirectoryToContainer $(HAIKU_NET_BOOT_ARCHIVE_CONTAINER_NAME)
: $(directoryTokens) ] ;
rule AddFilesToNetBootArchive directory : targets : destName
# AddFilesToNetBootArchive <directory> : <targets> [ : dest name ]
AddFilesToContainer $(HAIKU_NET_BOOT_ARCHIVE_CONTAINER_NAME) : $(directory)
: $(targets) : $(destName) ;
rule AddSymlinkToNetBootArchive directoryTokens : linkTarget : linkName
# AddSymlinkToNetBootArchive <directory> : <link target> [ : <link name> ] ;
: $(directoryTokens) : $(linkTarget) : $(linkName) ;
rule AddDriversToNetBootArchive relativeDirectoryTokens : targets
# AddDriversToNetBootArchive <relative directory> : <targets> ;
: $(relativeDirectoryTokens) : $(targets) ;
rule AddNewDriversToNetBootArchive relativeDirectoryTokens : targets
# AddNewDriversToNetBootArchive <relative directory> : <targets> ;
: $(relativeDirectoryTokens) : $(targets) ;
rule AddDriverRegistrationToNetBootArchive relativeDirectoryTokens : target
: links
# AddDriverRegistrationToNetBootArchive <directory> : <link target>
# : <link names> ] ;
: $(relativeDirectoryTokens) : $(target) : $(links) ;
rule AddBootModuleSymlinksToNetBootArchive targets
# AddBootModuleSymlinksToNetBootArchive <targets> ;
: $(targets) ;
rule CreateNetBootArchiveMakeDirectoriesScript script
rule CreateNetBootArchiveCopyFilesScript script
: $(script) ;
rule BuildNetBootArchive archive : scripts
# BuildNetBootArchive <archive> : <scripts> ;
local mainScript = build_archive ;
SEARCH on $(mainScript) = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) build scripts ] ;
Depends $(archive) : $(mainScript) $(scripts) ;
BuildNetBootArchive1 $(archive) : $(mainScript)
actions BuildNetBootArchive1
$(2[1]) $(1) $(2[2-])
#pragma mark - Floppy Boot Archive rules
rule AddDirectoryToFloppyBootArchive directoryTokens
# AddDirectoryToFloppyBootArchive <directoryTokens>
return [ AddDirectoryToContainer $(HAIKU_FLOPPY_BOOT_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME)
: $(directoryTokens) ] ;
rule AddFilesToFloppyBootArchive directory : targets : destName
# AddFilesToFloppyBootArchive <directory> : <targets> [ : dest name ]
AddFilesToContainer $(HAIKU_FLOPPY_BOOT_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME) : $(directory)
: $(targets) : $(destName) ;
rule AddSymlinkToFloppyBootArchive directoryTokens : linkTarget : linkName
# AddSymlinkToFloppyBootArchive <directory> : <link target>
# [ : <link name> ] ;
: $(directoryTokens) : $(linkTarget) : $(linkName) ;
rule AddDriversToFloppyBootArchive relativeDirectoryTokens : targets
# AddDriversToFloppyBootArchive <relative directory> : <targets> ;
: $(relativeDirectoryTokens) : $(targets) ;
rule AddNewDriversToFloppyBootArchive relativeDirectoryTokens : targets
# AddNewDriversToFloppyBootArchive <relative directory> : <targets> ;
: $(relativeDirectoryTokens) : $(targets) ;
rule AddDriverRegistrationToFloppyBootArchive relativeDirectoryTokens : target
: links
# AddDriverRegistrationToFloppyBootArchive <directory> : <link target>
# : <link names> ] ;
: $(relativeDirectoryTokens) : $(target) : $(links) ;
rule AddBootModuleSymlinksToFloppyBootArchive targets
# AddBootModuleSymlinksToFloppyBootArchive <targets> ;
: $(targets) ;
rule CreateFloppyBootArchiveMakeDirectoriesScript script
rule CreateFloppyBootArchiveCopyFilesScript script
: $(script) ;
rule BuildFloppyBootArchive archive : scripts
# BuildHFloppyBootArchive <archive> : <scripts> ;
local mainScript = build_archive ;
SEARCH on $(mainScript) = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) build scripts ] ;
Depends $(archive) : $(mainScript) $(scripts) ;
BuildFloppyBootArchive1 $(archive) : $(mainScript)
actions BuildFloppyBootArchive1
$(2[1]) $(1) $(2[2-])
# warning: that is quite x86 dependant...
rule BuildFloppyBootImage image : haikuLoader : archive
Depends $(image) : $(haikuLoader) ;
Depends $(image) : $(archive) ;
#MakeLocateDebug $(image) ;
BuildFloppyBootImage1 $(image) : $(haikuLoader) $(archive) ;
if $(HAIKU_KERNEL_PLATFORM) = atari_m68k {
Depends $(image) : <build>fixup_tos_boot_checksum ;
BuildFloppyBootImageFixupM68K $(image)
: <build>fixup_tos_boot_checksum ;
if $(HAIKU_KERNEL_PLATFORM) = amiga_m68k {
Depends $(image) : <build>fixup_amiga_boot_checksum ;
BuildFloppyBootImageFixupM68K $(image)
: <build>fixup_amiga_boot_checksum ;
actions BuildFloppyBootImage1
haiku_loader_size=`stat -c %s "$(>[1])"`
drivers_tgz_size=`stat -c %s "$(>[2])"`
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
# FreeBSD's stat command don't support -c/--format option
# and use %z specifier for file size
haiku_loader_size=`stat -f %z "$(>[1])"`
drivers_tgz_size=`stat -f %z "$(>[2])"`
archive_image_offset=`echo "$(ARCHIVE_IMAGE_OFFSET) * 1024" | bc`
`echo "($(FLOPPY_IMAGE_SIZE) - $(ARCHIVE_IMAGE_OFFSET)) * 1024" | bc`
if [ $haiku_loader_size -gt $archive_image_offset ] ; then
echo "Error: $(>[1]) is too big ($haiku_loader_size) to fit "
echo " before the boot archive starting at $archive_image_offset!"
exit 1
if [ $drivers_tgz_size -gt $floppy_tgz_size ] ; then
echo "Error: $(>[2]) is too big ($drivers_tgz_size) to fit "
echo " in the boot floppy ($floppy_tgz_size)!"
exit 1
$(RM) $(<)
# make an empty image
dd if=/dev/zero of=$(<) bs=1k count=$(FLOPPY_IMAGE_SIZE)
# add haiku_loader
dd if=$(>[1]) of=$(<) conv=notrunc
# add the boot drivers tgz archive
dd if=$(>[2]) of=$(<) bs=$(ARCHIVE_IMAGE_OFFSET)k seek=1 conv=notrunc
actions BuildFloppyBootImageFixupM68K
# fixup the boot sector checksum
$(>[1]) $(<)
#pragma mark - CD Boot Image rules
rule BuildCDBootImage image : bootfloppy : bootefi : extrafiles
Depends $(image) : $(bootfloppy) ;
Depends $(image) : $(bootefi) ;
Depends $(image) : $(extrafiles) ;
BOOTIMG on $(image) = $(bootfloppy) ;
BuildCDBootImageMBR $(image) : $(bootfloppy) $(extrafiles) ;
} else {
BOOTEFI on $(image) = $(bootefi) ;
BuildCDBootImageEFI $(image) : $(bootfloppy) $(bootefi) $(extrafiles) ;
actions BuildCDBootImageMBR
$(RM) $(<)
mkisofs -b $(BOOTIMG) -r -J -V bootimg -o $(<) $(>[1]) $(>[2-])
actions BuildCDBootImageEFI
$(RM) $(<)
mkisofs -b $(BOOTIMG) -eltorito-alt-boot -no-emul-boot -e $(BOOTEFI) -r -J -V bootimg -o $(<) $(>[1]) $(>[2]) $(>[3-])
#pragma mark - CD Boot PPC Image rules
rule BuildCDBootPPCImage image : hfsmaps : elfloader : coffloader : chrpscript
: extrafiles
Depends $(image) : $(elfloader) ;
Depends $(image) : $(coffloader) ;
Depends $(image) : $(chrpscript) ;
Depends $(image) : $(extrafiles) ;
Depends $(image) : $(hfsmaps) ;
MAPS on $(image) = $(hfsmaps) ;
BuildCDBootPPCImage1 $(image) : $(elfloader) $(coffloader) $(chrpscript)
$(extrafiles) ;
actions BuildCDBootPPCImage1 bind MAPS
$(RM) $(<)
mkdir -p $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd/ppc
mkdir -p $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd/boot
# CHRP Boot script
cp $(>[3]) $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd/ppc/bootinfo.txt
cp $(>[3]) $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd/boot/boot.chrp
# Haiku Bootloaders
cp $(>[2]) $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd/boot/haikuloader.xcf
cp $(>[1]) $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd/boot/haikuloader.elf
# Extras (readme files, etc)
cp $(>[4]) $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd/
mkisofs -v -hfs -part -map $(MAPS) -no-desktop -hfs-volid bootimg \
-V bootimg -hfs-bless $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd/boot -prep-boot \
boot/haikuloader.xcf -r -o $(<) $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd \
|| \
genisoimage -v -hfs -part -map $(MAPS) -no-desktop -hfs-volid bootimg \
-V bootimg -hfs-bless $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd/boot -prep-boot \
boot/haikuloader.xcf -r -o $(<) $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR)/cd
#pragma mark - EFI System Partition rules
rule BuildEfiSystemPartition image : efiLoader
Depends $(image) : $(efiLoader) ;
BuildEfiSystemPartition1 $(image) : $(efiLoader) ;
actions BuildEfiSystemPartition1
$(RM) $(<)
dd if=/dev/zero of=$(<) bs=1024 count=2880
mformat -i $(<) -n 36 -h 2 -t 80
mmd -D s -i $(<) ::/EFI
mmd -D s -i $(<) ::/EFI/BOOT
mcopy -D o -i $(<) $(>) ::/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI