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<li><p>Acesta este software de calitate alpha. Realizați copii de reservă sau suferiți consecințele!</p></li>
<li><p>Installer are nevoie de o partiție pregătită. Este posibil să aveți nevoie să utilizați un <ahref="http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php">LiveCD GParted</a> sau o unealtă similară pâncă când DriveSetup este destul de avansat să se ocupe de această sarcină.</p></li>
<li>Haiku poate fi adăugat manual la gestionarul de boot <ahref="http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html">GRUB</a>. Intrucțiunile prin care se realizează asta sunt disponibile ca <ahref="http://www.haiku-os.org/get-haiku/installation-guide">ghid online</a>.</li>
<p>In the first pop-up menu you choose the source for the installation. It can be a currently installed Haiku or can come from an install CD or USB drive, etc.<br/>
The second pop-up menu specifies the target for the installation. This target partition/volume will be completely overwritten and has to be set aside beforehand by a partitioning tool like GParted.</p>
<p>Clicking the little expander widget will <i>Show optional packages</i>, if available, that you can choose to install in addition to the basic Haiku.</p>
<p>You should do a last check if you really picked the right target before starting the installation process. Click on <spanclass="button">Setup partitions...</span> to open <ahref="drivesetup.html">DriveSetup</a> and have a look at the naming and layout of the available volumes and partitions.</p>
<p><spanclass="button">Begin</span> starts the installation procedure, which basically copies the <spanclass="path">/home/</span> and <spanclass="path">/system/</span> folder onto the target volume and makes it bootable.</p>
<p>At the end of the installation procedure, the partition is automatically made bootable. However, it can happen that some other operating system or partitioning tool (accidentally) overwrites the boot sector of your Haiku volume. In this case, boot your installation CD and start the Installer. Select your Haiku boot partition from the <spanclass="menu">Onto: Please choose target</span> menu and select <spanclass="menu">Write boot sector</span> from the <spanclass="menu">Tools</span> menu to make it bootable again.</p>
<p>The other item in the <spanclass="menu">Tools</span> menu is used to <spanclass="menu">Set up a boot menu</span> that puts a menu in the boot sector to choose what operating system to boot. See topic <ahref="bootmanager.html">BootManager</a> for more information.<br/>
You don't need to run the <spanclass="app">BootManager</span> if you already use a bootmanager like GRUB, in which case you have to add Haiku manually (see above), or Haiku runs exclusively on your machine.</p>