2012-11-16 01:36:54 +04:00
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* Copyright 2009, Haiku. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Humdinger < humdingerb @ gmail . com >
* Translators:
* Adriano Duarte
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2017-06-24 01:19:23 +03:00
< li > < a href = "../../ca/applications/charactermap.html" > < img src = "../../images/flags/ca.png" alt = "" / > Català< / a > < / li >
2012-11-16 01:36:54 +04:00
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2017-06-24 01:19:23 +03:00
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2012-11-16 01:36:54 +04:00
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2017-06-24 01:19:23 +03:00
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2012-11-16 01:36:54 +04:00
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2014-05-31 02:02:36 +04:00
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2017-06-24 01:19:23 +03:00
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2016-05-06 05:15:13 +03:00
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2017-06-24 01:19:23 +03:00
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2012-11-16 01:36:54 +04:00
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2015-01-17 20:26:33 +03:00
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2013-02-18 00:51:59 +04:00
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2012-11-16 01:36:54 +04:00
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< h2 > < img src = "../../images/apps-images/charactermap-icon_64.png" alt = "charactermap-icon_64.png" width = "64" height = "64" / > Mapa de Caracteres< / h2 >
< table summary = "layout" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "2" >
< tr > < td > Deskbar:< / td > < td style = "width:15px;" > < / td > < td > < span class = "menu" > Aplicativos< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > Localização:< / td > < td > < / td > < td > < span class = "path" > /boot/system/apps/CharacterMap< / span > < / td > < / tr >
2014-04-05 20:48:32 +04:00
< tr > < td > Definições:< / td > < td > < / td > < td > < span class = "path" > ~/config/settings/CharacterMap settings< / span > < / td > < / tr >
2012-11-16 01:36:54 +04:00
< / table >
< p > < br / > < / p >
< p > O Mapa de Caracteres mostrará ao usuário o código UTF-8 de cada caractere que uma fonte suporta.< / p >
< img src = "../images/apps-images/charactermap.png" alt = "charactermap.png" / >
< p > À esquerda temos os blocos padronizados, junto com uma função de filtro acessível. Opcionalmente, pode-se escolher também < span class = "menu" > Mostrar blocos privados< / span > do menu < span class = "menu" > Ver< / span > . A direita mostra os caracteres reais nesses blocos, usando a fonte especificado no menu < span class = "menu" > Fonte< / span > . Abaixo pode-se mudar o tamanho da fonte. E mais abaixo, os valores do caractere atualmente sob o cursor do mouse é mostrado em hexadecimal, decimal e notação UTF-8.< / p >
< p > Você pode arrastar e soltar um caractere diretamente do mapa de caracteres para dentro de um editor de texto ou clicar com o botão direito do mouse em um deles para então < span class = "menu" > Copiar caractere< / span > (< span class = "key" > ALT< / span > < span class = "key" > C< / span > ) ou < span class = "menu" > Copiar como cadeia de byte de escape< / span > (< span class = "key" > SHIFT< / span > < span class = "key" > ALT< / span > < span class = "key" > C< / span > ). Resultando, então, < tt > €< / tt > ou < tt > \xe2\x82\xac< / tt > .< / p >
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2015-01-17 20:26:33 +03:00
« < a href = "bootmanager.html" > Gerenciador de Inicialização< / a >
2013-02-18 00:51:59 +04:00
:: < a href = "../applications.html#list-of-apps" class = "uplink" > Aplicativos
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2012-11-16 01:36:54 +04:00
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