
38 lines
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1 norwegian_bokmål x-vnd.Haiku-Pulse 882574526
About Pulse… CPUButton Om Pulse...
About Pulse… PulseView Om Pulse
Active color ConfigView Aktiv farge
Bar colors ConfigView Linjefarger
CPU progress bar NormalPulseView CPU-fremgangsmåler
Defaults PrefsWindow Standardinnstillinger
Deskbar CPUButton Deskbar
Deskbar menu CPUButton Deskbarmeny
Deskbar mode MiniPulseView Deskbarmodus
Deskbar mode NormalPulseView Deskbarmodus
Deskbar mode PrefsWindow Deskbarmodus
Frame color ConfigView Kantfarge
Idle color ConfigView Inaktiv farge
Info CPUButton Info
Info DeskbarPulseView Info
Mini mode DeskbarPulseView Minimodus
Mini mode NormalPulseView Minimodus
Mini mode PrefsWindow Minimodus
Normal mode DeskbarPulseView Normal modus
Normal mode MiniPulseView Normalmodus
Normal mode PrefsWindow Normalmodus
OK DeskbarPulseView OK
OK PrefsWindow OK
OK PulseApp OK
OK PulseView OK
Pulse NormalPulseView Pulse
Pulse PulseWindow Pulse
Pulse settings PulseWindow Pulsinnstillinger
Quit DeskbarPulseView Avslutt
Quit MiniPulseView Avslutt
Remove replicant CPUButton Fjern replikant
Settings… PulseView Innstillinger...
Width of icon: ConfigView Ikonbredde:
You can't disable the last active CPU. CPUButton Du kan ikke slå av den siste aktive prosessoren.
You can't disable the last active CPU. PulseView Du kan ikke slå av den siste aktive prosessoren.