Please choose the folder to publish on the web.\n\nYou can have PoorMan create a default \"public_html\" in your home folder.\nOr you select one of your own folders instead. PoorMan Silahkan memilih folder untuk menerbitkan di web.\n\nAnda dapat memiliki PoorMan membuatkan suatu \"public_html\" asali di folder rumah.\nAtau anda memilih salah satu folder milik anda sendiri.
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File Logging PoorMan Berkas Logging
Log file name: PoorMan Nama berkas pencatatan:
Status: Running PoorMan Status: Berjalan
Directory: (none) PoorMan Direktori: (none)
A default web folder has been created at \"/boot/home/public_html.\"\nMake sure there is a HTML file named \"index.html\" in that folder. PoorMan Folder web asali telah dibuatkan di \"/boot/home/public_html.\"\nPastikan ada berkas HTML bernama \"index.html\" di folder tersebut.
Dir Created PoorMan Dir Dibuat
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