With support of:\n - Mika Lindqvist\n - Adrien Destugues\n - Maksym Yevmenkin\n\nThanks to the individuals who helped...\n\nShipping/donating hardware:\n - Henry Jair Abril Florez (el Colombian)\n\t& Stefanie Bartolich\n - Edwin Erik Amsler\n - Dennis d'Entremont\n - Luroh\n - Pieter Panman\n\nEconomically:\n - Karl vom Dorff, Andrea Bernardi (OSDrawer),\n - Matt M, Doug F, Hubert H,\n - Sebastian B, Andrew M, Jared E,\n - Frederik H, Tom S, Ferry B,\n - Greg G, David F, Richard S, Martin W:\n\nWith patches:\n - Michael Weirauch\n - Fredrik Ekdahl\n - Raynald Lesieur\n - Andreas Färber\n - Joerg Meyer\nTesting:\n - Petter H. Juliussen\nWho gave me all the knowledge:\n - the yellowTAB team main サポートしてくれた方々:\n - Mika Lindqvist\n - Adrien Destugues\n - Maksym Yevmenkin\n\n支援いただいた各個人...\n\nハードウェアの発送/寄付:\n - Henry Jair Abril Florez (el Colombian)\n\t& Stefanie Bartolich\n - Edwin Erik Amsler\n - Dennis d'Entremont\n - Luroh\n - Pieter Panman\n\n経済的支援:\n - Karl vom Dorff, Andrea Bernardi (OSDrawer),\n - Matt M, Doug F, Hubert H,\n - Sebastian B, Andrew M, Jared E,\n - Frederik H, Tom S, Ferry B,\n - Greg G, David F, Richard S, Martin W:\n\nパッチの提供:\n - Michael Weirauch\n - Fredrik Ekdahl\n - Raynald Lesieur\n - Andreas Färber\n - Joerg Meyer\nテスト:\n - Petter H. Juliussen\nすべての知識を提供してくれた:\n - the yellowTAB team
Check that the Bluetooth capabilities of your remote device are activated. Press 'Inquiry' to start scanning. The needed time for the retrieval of the names is unknown, although should not take more than 3 seconds per device. Afterwards you will be able to add them to your main list, where you will be able to pair with them. Inquiry panel リモートデバイスの Bluetooth 機能がアクティブになっていることを確認してください。スキャンを開始するには「問い合わせ」ボタンを押してください。デバイスの名前を取得するに必要な時間は不明ですが、デバイス毎に 3 秒以内に完了すると思われます。その後一覧に追加ができて、ペアリングが可能になります。