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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2014 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/interface/ScrollView.h hrev47312
* src/kits/interface/ScrollView.cpp hrev47312
\file ScrollView.h
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief BScrollView class definition.
\since BeOS R3
\class BScrollView
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief A convenience class used to add scrolling to a target view.
The BScrollView class conveniently provides a container view
adding the scroll bars and target view as siblings so that when one
is moved or resized the rest can follow.
\see BScrollBar to learn more about how scroll bars work.
\sa BView::ScrollTo()
\sa BView::ScrollBy()
\sa BView::TargetedByScrollView()
\since BeOS R3
\fn BScrollView::BScrollView(const char* name, BView* target,
uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags, bool horizontal, bool vertical,
border_style border)
\brief Instantiates a new scroll view and connects it to the \a target
\param name The name of the scroll bar, can be \c NULL.
\param target The \a target view to scroll, can be \c NULL.
\param resizingMode Defines the scroll view's behavior when its parent
is resized. See BView for details.
\param flags The view flags. See BView for details.
\param horizontal Whether or not to include a horizontal scroll bar.
\param vertical Whether or not to include a vertical scroll bar.
\param border The border style to use, options include:
\sa SetTarget()
\sa SetBorder()
\since BeOS R3
\fn BScrollView::BScrollView(const char* name, BView* target, uint32 flags,
bool horizontal, bool vertical, border_style border)
\brief Instantiates a new scroll view and connects it to the \a target
view suitable for use in a BLayout.
\param name The name of the scroll bar, can be \c NULL.
\param target The \a target view to scroll, can be \c NULL.
\param flags The view flags. See BView for details.
\param horizontal Whether or not to include a horizontal scroll bar.
\param vertical Whether or not to include a vertical scroll bar.
\param border The border style to use, options include:
\sa SetTarget()
\sa SetBorder()
\since Haiku R1
\fn BScrollView::BScrollView(BMessage* archive)
\brief Archive constructor.
\param archive The message \a data to construct the scroll view from.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BScrollView::~BScrollView()
\brief Destructor method.
Deletes the scroll view, sets the target to \c NULL and frees any
memory used.
\since BeOS R3
\name Archiving
//! @{
\fn BArchivable* BScrollView::Instantiate(BMessage* archive)
\brief Creates a new BScrollView object from the \a archive message.
\return A newly created scroll view or \c NULL if the message doesn't
contain an archived BScrollView object.
\since BeOS R3
\fn status_t BScrollView::Archive(BMessage* archive, bool deep) const
\brief Archives the object into the \a archive message.
\param archive A pointer to the BMessage object to archive the object into.
\param deep Whether or not to archive child views as well.
\return A status code, \c B_OK if everything went well or an error code
\since BeOS R3
//! @}
\name Hook Methods
//! @{
\fn void BScrollView::AllAttached()
\copydoc BView::AllAttached()
\fn void BScrollView::AllDetached()
\copydoc BView::AllDetached()
\fn void BScrollView::AttachedToWindow()
\brief Hook method called when the scroll bar is attached to a window.
Checks if the window uses \c B_DOCUMENT_LOOK and adjust the size of the bars
to make room for the window resize knob.
\copydetails BView::AttachedToWindow()
\fn void BScrollView::DetachedFromWindow()
\brief Hook method called when the object is detached from a window.
\copydetails BView::DetachedFromWindow()
\fn void BScrollView::Draw(BRect updateRect)
\brief Draws the area of the scroll view that intersects \a updateRect.
\param updateRect The rectangular area to be drawn.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BScrollView::MakeFocus(bool focus)
\brief Makes the scroll view the current focus view of the window or gives
up being the window's focus view.
\copydetails BView::MakeFocus()
\fn void BScrollView::FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition)
\brief Hook method called when the scroll view is moved.
\copydetails BView::FrameMoved()
\fn void BScrollView::FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight)
\brief Hook method called when the scroll view is resized.
\copydetails BView::FrameResized()
\fn void BScrollView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message)
\copydoc BView::MessageReceived()
\fn void BScrollView::MouseDown(BPoint where)
\copydoc BView::MouseDown()
\fn void BScrollView::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code,
const BMessage* dragMessage)
\copydoc BView::MouseMoved()
\fn void BScrollView::MouseUp(BPoint where)
\copydoc BView::MouseUp()
\fn void BScrollView::WindowActivated(bool active)
\copydoc BView::WindowActivated()
//! @}
\fn void BScrollView::GetPreferredSize(float* _width, float* _height)
\brief Fill out the preferred width and height of the scroll view
into the \a _width and \a _height parameters.
\copydetails BView::GetPreferredSize()
\fn BSize BScrollView::MinSize()
\brief Return the scroll view's minimum size.
\return The minimum size of the scroll view as a BSize.
\sa BAbstractLayout::MinSize()
\since Haiku R1
\fn BSize BScrollView::MaxSize()
\brief Return the scroll view's maximum size.
\return The maximum size of the scroll view as a BSize.
\sa BAbstractLayout::MaxSize()
\since Haiku R1
\fn BSize BScrollView::PreferredSize()
\brief Return the scroll view's preferred size.
\return The preferred size of the scroll view as a BSize.
\sa BAbstractLayout::PreferredSize()
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BScrollView::ResizeToPreferred()
\brief Resizes the scroll view to its preferred size keeping the position of
the left top corner constant.
\copydetails BView::ResizeToPreferred()
\name BScrollBar
//! @{
\fn BScrollBar* BScrollView::ScrollBar(orientation direction) const
\brief Returns the BScrollBar object at the given \a direction.
\param direction The \a direction of the desired scroll bar, one of the
- \c B_HORIZONTAL to get the horizontal scroll bar
- \c B_VERTICAL to get the vertical scroll bar
\returns A pointer to the desired BScrollBar object or \c NULL
if there is no scroll bar at that location.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BScrollView::SetBorder(border_style border)
\brief Set the border style of the scroll view.
\param border The border style constant to use, on of the following:
\since BeOS R3
\fn border_style BScrollView::Border() const
\brief Return the border style used.
\return The border style constant used.
\since BeOS R3
\fn status_t BScrollView::SetBorderHighlighted(bool highlight)
\brief Highlights or unhighlights the border of the scroll view's
scroll bars.
\param highlight \c true to turn highlighting on, \c false to remove it.
\return If successful returns \c B_OK, otherwise, returns \c B_ERROR.
\since BeOS R3
\fn bool BScrollView::IsBorderHighlighted() const
\brief Returns whether or not the border is highlighted.
\return \c true if the border is highlighted, \c false otherwise.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BScrollView::SetTarget(BView* target)
\brief Sets the \a target view that the scroll bars operates on unsetting
the previous target.
\param target The \a target view to set.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BView* BScrollView::Target() const
\brief Returns a pointer to the target view.
\return A pointer to a BView object that represents the target view or
\c NULL if the target is not set.
\since Haiku R1
//! @}
\name Scripting
//! @{
\fn BHandler* BScrollView::ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message, int32 index,
BMessage* specifier, int32 what, const char* property)
\brief Determine the proper handler for a scripting message.
\copydetails BView::ResolveSpecifier()
\fn status_t BScrollView::GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* message)
\brief Reports the suites of messages and specifiers understood by the
scroll view.
\copydetails BView::GetSupportedSuites()
//! @}
\fn status_t BScrollView::Perform(perform_code code, void* _data)
\brief Perform some action. (Internal Method)
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BScrollView::LayoutInvalidated(bool descendants)
\brief Hook method called when the layout is invalidated.
The default implementation does nothing.
\param descendants Whether or not child views have also been invalidated.
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BScrollView::DoLayout()
\brief Layout view within the layout context.
\since Haiku R1