\t%d\t-\tThe current working directory of the active process in the\n\t\t\tcurrent tab. Optionally the maximum number of path components\n\t\t\tcan be specified. E.g. '%2d' for at most two components.\n\t%T\t-\tThe Terminal application name for the current locale.\n\t%e\t-\tThe encoding of the current tab. Not shown for UTF-8.\n\t%i\t-\tThe index of the window.\n\t%p\t-\tThe name of the active process in the current tab.\n\t%t\t-\tThe title of the current tab. Terminal ToolTips \t%d\t-\tLa cartele di lavôr atuâl dal procès atîf te\n\t\t\tschede atuâl. In mût opzionâl, il massim numar di components di percors\n\t\t\tal pues jessi specificât. P.e. '%2d' par massim doi components.\n\t%T\t-\tIl non de aplicazion Terminal te localizazion atuâl.\n\t%e\t-\tLa codifiche de schede atuâl. No mostrât se UTF-8.\n\t%i\t-\tL'indicadôr dal barcon.\n\t%p\t-\tIl non dal procès atîf te schede atuâl .\n\t%t\t-\tIl titul de schede atuâl.
Solarized Dark Terminal colors scheme Solarizât (Scûr)
Copy Terminal TermWindow Copie
ANSI bright green color Terminal AppearancePrefView Colôr vert lusorôs ANSI
-h, --help print this help\n -t, --title set window title\n -f, --fullscreen start fullscreen\n -w, --working-directory set initial working directory Terminal TermApp -h, --help stampe chest jutori\n -t, --title stabilìs il titul dal barcon\n -f, --fullscreen invie a plen visôr\n -w, --working-directory stabilìs la cartele di lavôr iniziâl
ANSI white color Terminal AppearancePrefView Colôr blanc ANSI
Retro Terminal colors scheme Retro
Edit tab title… Terminal TermWindow Modifiche titul schede…
Settings Terminal TermWindow Impostazions
Print Terminal TermWindow Stampe
%app% settings Terminal PrefWindow window title Impostazions %app%
ANSI black color Terminal AppearancePrefView Colôr neri ANSI
Use default Terminal SetTitleWindow Dopre predefinît
ANSI yellow color Terminal AppearancePrefView Colôr zâl ANSI
Terminal System name Terminâl
Font size Terminal TermWindow Dimension caratar
Custom Terminal colors scheme Personalizât
Really close? Terminal TermWindow Sierâ pardabon?
OK Terminal TermApp Va ben
The process \"%1\" is still running.\nIf you close the Terminal, the process will be killed. Terminal TermWindow Il procès \"%1\" al è ancjemò in esecuzion.\nSe si siere il terminâl il procès al vignarà copât.
Tab title: Terminal AppearancePrefView Titul schede:
Text not found. Terminal TermWindow Test no cjatât.
Find failed Terminal TermWindow No si è rivâts a cjatâ
Color scheme: Terminal AppearancePrefView Scheme di colôr:
Match word Terminal FindWindow Peraule interie
New Terminal Terminal TermWindow Gnûf terminâl
Quit Terminal TermWindow Jes
Find previous Terminal TermWindow Cjate precedent
Match case Terminal FindWindow Coincît maiusculis/minusculis
The pattern specifying the tab titles. The following placeholders\ncan be used: Terminal AppearancePrefView Il scheme che al specifiche i titui des schedis. A puedin jessi doprâts\nchescj segnepuest:
Close Terminal TermWindow Siere
Save to file… Terminal PrefWindow Salve su file…
Background Terminal AppearancePrefView Fonts
ANSI green color Terminal AppearancePrefView Colôr vert ANSI
Copy path Terminal TermView Copie percors
Window size Terminal TermWindow Dimensions dal barcon
The process \"%1\" is still running.\nIf you close the tab, the process will be killed. Terminal TermWindow Il procès \"%1\" al è ancjemò in esecuzion.\nSe si siere la schede, il procès al vignarà copât.
Cursor Terminal AppearancePrefView Cursôr
Full screen Terminal TermWindow Plen visôr
Shell Terminal TermWindow Shell
Midnight Terminal colors scheme Miezegnot
\t%%\t-\tThe character '%'.\n\t%<\t-\tStarts a section that will only be shown if a placeholder\n\t\t\tafterwards is not empty.\n\t%>\t-\tStarts a section that will only be shown if a placeholder\n\t\t\tbetween a previous %< section and this one is not empty.\n\t%-\t-\tEnds a %< or %> section.\n\nAny non alpha numeric character between '%' and the format letter will insert a space only\nif the placeholder value is not empty. It will add to the %< section. Terminal ToolTips \t%%\t-\tIl caratar '%'.\n\t%<\t-\tAl fâs tacâ une sezion, mostrade dome se un segnepuest\n\t\t\tsuccessîf nol è vueit.\n\t%>\t-\tAl fâs tacâ une sezion, mostrade dome se un segnepuest\n\t\t\ttra une sezion precedente %< e chê chi no je vueide.\n\t%-\t-\tAl termine une sezione %< o %>.\n\nOgni caratar, che nol è alfanumeric tra '%' e une letare di formât, e inserirà un spazi dome\nse il segnepuest nol è vuiet. Al zontarà ae sezione %<.
ANSI bright white color Terminal AppearancePrefView Colôr blanc lusorôs ANSI
Blinking cursor Terminal AppearancePrefView Cursôr che al cimie
Cancel Terminal SetTitleWindow Cancele
The pattern specifying the window title. The following placeholders\ncan be used:\n Terminal TermWindow Il scheme che al specifiche il titul dal barcon. A puedin jessi doprâts\nchescj segnepuest:\n
Close active tab Terminal TermWindow Siere schede ative
Use text: Terminal FindWindow Dopre test:
Save as default Terminal TermWindow Salve come predefinît
Nothing is selected. Terminal TermWindow Nol è selezionât nie.
ANSI red color Terminal AppearancePrefView Colôr ros ANSI
Use left Option as Meta key Terminal AppearancePrefView Dopre Opzion a çampe come tast Meta
Find Terminal FindWindow Cjate
The pattern specifying the current tab title. The following placeholders\ncan be used:\n Terminal TermWindow Il scheme che al specifiche il titul de schede atuâl. A puedin jessi doprâts\nchescj segnepuest:\n
Professional Terminal colors scheme Professionâl
Font: Terminal AppearancePrefView Caratar:
Paste Terminal TermWindow Tache
The pattern specifying the window titles. The following placeholders\ncan be used: Terminal AppearancePrefView Il scheme che al specifiche i titui dai barcons. A puedin jessi doprâts\nchescj segnepuest:
ANSI bright black color Terminal AppearancePrefView Colôr neri lusorôs ANSI
Copy here Terminal TermView Copie achì
ANSI bright red color Terminal AppearancePrefView Colôr ros lusorôs ANSI
Use default shell Terminal Shell Dopre shell predefinide
Color: Terminal AppearancePrefView Colôr:
Open link Terminal TermView Vierç colegament
Text Terminal AppearancePrefView Test
Not found. Terminal TermWindow No cjatât.
Find… Terminal TermWindow Cjate…
No search string was entered. Terminal TermWindow No je stade inseride nissune stringhe di ricercje.
Text under cursor Terminal AppearancePrefView Test sot dal cursôr
Move here Terminal TermView Sposte achì
Abort Terminal Shell Interomp
\t%d\t-\tThe current working directory of the active process.\n\t\t\tOptionally the maximum number of path components can be\n\t\t\tspecified. E.g. '%2d' for at most two components.\n\t%i\t-\tThe index of the tab.\n\t%e\t-\tThe encoding of the current tab. Not shown for UTF-8.\n\t%p\t-\tThe name of the active process.\n\t%%\t-\tThe character '%'. Terminal ToolTips \t%d\t-\tLa cartele di lavôr atuâl dal procès atîf.\n\t\t\tIn mût opzionâl il massim numar di components di percors al pues jessi\n\t\t\tspecificât. P.e. '%2d' par massim doi components.\n\t%i\t-\tL'indicadôr de schede.\n\t%e\t-\tLa codifiche de schede atuâl. No mostrât se UTF-8.\n\t%p\t-\tIl non dal procès atîf.\n\t%%\t-\tIl caratar '%'.
The following processes are still running:\n\n\t%1\n\nIf you close the Terminal, the processes will be killed. Terminal TermWindow Chescj procès a son ancjemò in esecuzion:\n\n\t%1\n\nSe si siere il terminâl, i procès a vignaran copâts.
Set window title Terminal TermWindow Stabilìs titul barcon