
429 lines
9.8 KiB

/* Header: warp.h,v 86/12/12 17:08:42 lwall Exp */
/* Log: warp.h,v
* Revision 86/12/12 17:08:42 lwall
* Baseline for net release.
* Revision 86/10/16 10:54:26 lwall
* Added Damage. Fixed random bugs.
* Revision 7.0 86/10/08 15:17:55 lwall
* Split into separate files. Added amoebas and pirates.
#ifndef WARP_H
#define WARP_H
#include "config.h" /* generated by Configure script */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <term.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* WARPLIB must be readable and writeable by warp, but not by anyone who you
* don't trust. In other words, to set up warp so everyone can play and
* no one can cheat, give warp a uid of its own and make warp setuid to
* that uid. WARPLIB must then NOT be made writeable by the world,
* since no attempt is made to encrypt saved games or anything.
* (It must be readable by the world, however, due to a strangeness in
* access.)
#define SAVEDIR "/var/games/warp"
#define NEWSFILE ""
#define HELPFILE "warp.doc"
#define LOCKFILE ".warp.lock"
#define LOGFILE "warp.log"
#define SCOREBOARD ""
#define LSCOREBOARD "warp.lowtop"
#define FSCOREBOARD "warp.funtop"
#define TMPSCOREBOARD "warp.topnew"
#define WARPMACRO "%X/Kbmap.%{TERM}"
/* warp library */
#ifndef WARPLIB /* ~ and %l only ("~%l" is permissible) */
# ifdef PRIVLIB
# else
# define WARPLIB "/usr/games/warp"
# endif
EXT char *warplib;
#define PERMMAPS 8 /* how many starmaps are permanent */
#define MAPS 20 /* how many starmaps to choose from */
/* (MAPS - PERMMAPS is # of half-gone universes) */
* Screen size info, minimum screen size is 23x40 (actually 24x80).
* YSIZE and XSIZE should be relatively prime so that a torpedo launched
* at an angle will eventually cover the whole screen.
* To calculate a new position for something:
* new_position = (current_position + delta + ?SIZE00) % ?SIZE
* This allows for negative deltas of up to ?SIZE00 (% doesn't work right
* on negative numbers).
* ?SIZE01, etc. are fudges for efficiency--they already include a delta.
#define XYSIZE 920
#define XYSIZEx4 3680
#define YSIZE 23
#define YSIZE00 2300
#define YSIZE01 2301
#define YSIZE99 2299
#define XSIZE 40
#define XSIZE00 4000
#define XSIZE01 4001
#define XSIZE99 3999
#define XSIZE02 4002
#define XSIZE98 3998
#define XSIZE03 4003
#define XSIZE97 3997
#define XSIZE08 4008
#define XSIZE92 3992
EXT char amb[YSIZE][XSIZE];
#ifdef WHOAMI
# include <whoami.h>
#ifndef isalnum
# define isalnum(c) (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c))
#ifdef TERMIO
# include <termio.h>
#elif defined TERMIOS
# include <termios.h>
# include <sgtty.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
# include <pwd.h>
#define LBUFLEN 512 /* line buffer length */
#ifdef pdp11
# define CBUFLEN 256 /* command buffer length */
# define PUSHSIZE 128
# define CBUFLEN 512 /* command buffer length */
# define PUSHSIZE 256
#ifdef pdp11
# define MAXFILENAME 128
# define MAXFILENAME 512
#define FINISHCMD 0177
/* some handy defs */
#define Ctl(ch) (ch & 037)
#define strNE(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2))
#define strEQ(s1,s2) (!strcmp(s1,s2))
#define strnNE(s1,s2,l) (strncmp(s1,s2,l))
#define strnEQ(s1,s2,l) (!strncmp(s1,s2,l))
#define sgn(x) ((x) < 0 ? -1 : (x) > 0)
/* Things we can figure out ourselves */
#ifdef SIGPROF
# define BSD42 /* do we have Berkeley 4.2? */
# define PENDING
# ifdef O_NDELAY
# define PENDING
# else
# ifdef RDCHK
# define PENDING
# endif
# endif
#define UNLINK(victim) unlink(victim)
/* Valid substitutions for strings marked with % comment are:
* %H Host name (yours)
* %L Login name (yours)
* %N Full name (yours)
* %O Original working directory (where you ran warp from)
* %X Warp library directory
* %~ Home directory
* %. Directory containing . files
* %$ current process number
* %{name} Environment variable "name". %{name-default} form allowed.
* %"prompt"
* Print prompt and insert what is typed.
* %`command`
* Insert output of command.
* %(test_text=pattern?if_text:else_text)
* Substitute if_text if test_text matches pattern, otherwise
* substitute else_text. Use != for negated match.
* % substitutions are done on test_text, if_text, and else_text.
* (Note: %() only works if CONDSUB defined.)
/* *** System Dependent Stuff *** */
/* NOTE: many of these are defined in the config.h file */
#ifndef ROOTID
# define ROOTID 0 /* uid of superuser */
# define sigset signal
# define sigignore(sig) signal(sig,SIG_IGN)
# define LOGDIRFIELD 6 /* Which field (origin 1) is the */
/* login directory in /etc/passwd? */
/* (If it is not kept in passwd, */
/* but getpwnam() returns it, */
/* define the symbol GETPWENT) */
# define GCOSFIELD 5
/* Undefine any of the following features to save both I and D space */
/* In general, earlier ones are easier to get along without */
/* Pdp11's without split I and D may have to undefine them all */
#define DEBUGGING /* include debugging code */
#define PUSHBACK /* macros and keymaps using pushback buffer */
#define CONDSUB /* allow %(cond?text:text) */
#define BACKTICK /* allow %`command` */
#define PROMPTTTY /* allow %"prompt" */
#define GETLOGIN /* use getlogin() routine as backup to environment */
/* variables USER or LOGNAME */
#define TILDENAME /* allow ~logname expansion */
#define GETWD /* use our getwd() instead of piped in pwd */
#define SETUIDGID /* substitute eaccess() for access() so that rn */
/* can run setuid or setgid */
/* if not setuid or setgid, you don't need it */
#define VERBOSE /* compile in more informative messages */
#define TERSE /* compile in shorter messages */
/* some dependencies among options */
# define eaccess access
#ifdef VERBOSE
# ifdef TERSE
# define IF(c) if (c)
# define ELSE else
# else /* !TERSE */
# define IF(c)
# define ELSE
# endif
#else /* !VERBOSE */
# ifndef TERSE
# define TERSE
# endif
# define IF(c) "IF" outside of VERBOSE???
# define ELSE "ELSE" outside of VERBOSE???
# define assert(ex) {if (!(ex)){fprintf(stderr,"Assertion failed: file %s, line %d\r\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);sig_catcher(0);}}
# define assert(ex) ;
#define TCSIZE 512 /* capacity for termcap strings */
/* End of Space Conservation Section */
/* More System Dependencies */
/* preferred shell for use in doshell routine */
/* ksh or sh would be okay here */
# define PREFSHELL "/bin/csh"
/* path to fastest starting shell */
#ifndef SH
# define SH "/bin/sh"
/* location of macro file */
# ifdef PUSHBACK
# define WARPMACRO "%./.warpmac"
# endif
/* location of full name */
# ifndef PASSNAMES
# define FULLNAMEFILE "%./.fullname"
# endif
/* a motd-like file for warp */
#ifndef WARPNEWSNAME /* % and ~ */
# define WARPNEWSNAME "%X/"
/* typedefs */
/* *** end of the machine dependent stuff *** */
/* file statistics area */
EXT struct stat filestat;
/* various things of type char */
EXT char buf[LBUFLEN+1]; /* general purpose line buffer */
EXT char *cwd INIT(NULL); /* current working directory */
/* switches */
EXT int debug INIT(0); /* -D */
# define DEB_FILEXP 64
#ifdef VERBOSE
# ifdef TERSE
EXT bool verbose INIT(true); /* +t */
# endif
/* miscellania */
EXT FILE *tmpfp INIT(NULL); /* scratch fp */
#define NOMARKING 0
#define STANDOUT 1
#define UNDERLINE 2
/* Factored strings */
EXT char nullstr[] INIT("");
EXT char readerr[] INIT("warp read error");
EXT char cantopen[] INIT("Can't open %s\r\n");
#ifdef VERBOSE
#define NOCD "Can't chdir to directory %s\r\n"
#define NOCD "Can't find %s\r\n"
EXT bool justonemoretime INIT(true);
EXT bool keepgoing INIT(true);
EXT bool friendspec INIT(false);
EXT bool piratespec INIT(false);
EXT bool amoebaspec INIT(false);
EXT bool starspec INIT(false);
EXT bool klingspec INIT(false);
EXT bool apolspec INIT(false);
EXT bool crushspec INIT(false);
EXT bool romspec INIT(false);
EXT bool prespec INIT(false);
EXT bool tholspec INIT(false);
EXT bool gornspec INIT(false);
EXT bool beginner INIT(false);
EXT bool massacre INIT(false);
EXT bool lowspeed INIT(false);
EXT bool debugging INIT(false);
EXT bool didkill INIT(false);
EXT bool experimenting INIT(false);
EXT bool scorespec INIT(false);
EXT bool metakey INIT(false);
EXT bool bombed_out;
EXT int panic INIT(0);
EXT bool madgorns;
EXT int madfriends;
EXT int inumpirates;
EXT int numpirates;
EXT int inumfriends;
EXT int numfriends;
EXT int inumamoebas;
EXT int numamoebas;
EXT int inumstars;
EXT int numstars;
EXT int inumenemies;
EXT int numenemies;
EXT int inumroms;
EXT int inumthols;
EXT int inumapollos;
EXT int numapollos;
EXT int apolloflag;
EXT int inumcrushes;
EXT int numcrushes;
EXT int inumgorns;
EXT int numgorns;
EXT int deados;
EXT int deadmudds;
EXT int smarts;
EXT int ismarts INIT(0);
EXT int numos INIT(0);
EXT int numxes INIT(0);
EXT int ient;
EXT int numents;
EXT int ibase;
EXT int numbases;
EXT int inuminhab;
EXT int numinhab;
EXT int wave;
EXT int cumsmarts;
EXT int prescene INIT(-1);
EXT int scandist;
EXT int antibase;
EXT int sm35;
EXT int sm45;
EXT int sm50;
EXT int sm55;
EXT int sm80;
EXT int sm95;
EXT int entmax;
EXT int basemax;
EXT int enemshields;
EXT int super;
EXT int whenok;
EXT int yamblast;
EXT int xamblast;
EXT int ambsize;
EXT char spbuf[1024];