
87 lines
1.6 KiB

#define UNEXPECTED 257
#define BAD_DECIMAL 258
#define NL 259
#define SEMI_COLON 260
#define LBRACE 261
#define RBRACE 262
#define LBOX 263
#define RBOX 264
#define COMMA 265
#define IO_OUT 266
#define ASSIGN 267
#define ADD_ASG 268
#define SUB_ASG 269
#define MUL_ASG 270
#define DIV_ASG 271
#define MOD_ASG 272
#define POW_ASG 273
#define QMARK 274
#define COLON 275
#define OR 276
#define AND 277
#define IN 278
#define MATCH 279
#define EQ 280
#define NEQ 281
#define LT 282
#define LTE 283
#define GT 284
#define GTE 285
#define CAT 286
#define GETLINE 287
#define PLUS 288
#define MINUS 289
#define MUL 290
#define DIV 291
#define MOD 292
#define NOT 293
#define UMINUS 294
#define IO_IN 295
#define PIPE 296
#define POW 297
#define INC_or_DEC 298
#define DOLLAR 299
#define FIELD 300
#define LPAREN 301
#define RPAREN 302
#define DOUBLE 303
#define STRING_ 304
#define RE 305
#define ID 306
#define D_ID 307
#define FUNCT_ID 308
#define BUILTIN 309
#define PRINT 310
#define PRINTF 311
#define SPLIT 312
#define MATCH_FUNC 313
#define SUB 314
#define GSUB 315
#define DO 316
#define WHILE 317
#define FOR 318
#define BREAK 319
#define CONTINUE 320
#define IF 321
#define ELSE 322
#define DELETE 323
#define BEGIN 324
#define END 325
#define EXIT 326
#define NEXT 327
#define RETURN 328
#define FUNCTION 329
typedef union{
CELL *cp ;
SYMTAB *stp ;
INST *start ; /* code starting address */
PF_CP fp ; /* ptr to a (print/printf) or (sub/gsub) function */
BI_REC *bip ; /* ptr to info about a builtin */
FBLOCK *fbp ; /* ptr to a function block */
ARG2_REC *arg2p ;
CA_REC *ca_p ;
int ival ;
PTR ptr ;
extern YYSTYPE yylval;