Julian Elischer [1] and the Mach 2.5 Installation notes [2]. I was unable to pin point the exact version of Mach the fdisk utility appeared as I didn't find documentation older than version 2.5 & no source code or repo history. fdisk utility appears as a separate utility[3] in v2.5. Due to this, I've avoided stating the exact version fdisk first appeared in Mach. - Make correction pointed by textproc/igor - Bump date [1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/comp.unix.bsd/14-Dec-89$20Robert$20Baron$20(rvb)$20at$20Carnegie-Mellon$20University%7Csort:relevance/comp.unix.bsd/Hhi45vAHxDg [2] ftp://ftp.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/doc/misc/mach-i386-doc/i386_install.ps [3] ftp://ftp.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/doc/misc/mach-i386-doc/i386_manpages.ps