Remove const from the 2nd argument. const char ** and char ** are incompatible types and it was a cost to keep the technically incompatible form for a more purist variation. NetBSD was almost the last alive OS to still keep the const argument (known leftovers: Minix and Illumos). Keep the const form for the internal purposes inside citrus and rump. Address the build breakage fallout in the same change. There are no ABI changes. Change accepted by core@.
$NetBSD: README.dirs,v 1.12 2013/01/08 13:12:26 pooka Exp $ The following is a quick rundown of the current directory structure. First, components in the kernel namespace, i.e. compiled with -D_KERNEL sys/rump/librump - rump kernel base and factions /rumpkern - kernel core, e.g. syscall, interrupt and lock support /rumpdev - device support, e.g. autoconf subsystem /rumpnet - networking support and sockets layer /rumpvfs - file system support sys/rump/include /machine - used for architectures where the rump kernel ABI is not yet the same as the kernel module ABI. will eventually disappear completely /rump - kernel headers installed to userspace sys/rump/dev - device components, e.g. audio, raidframe, usb drivers sys/rump/fs - file system components /lib/lib${fs} - kernel file system code sys/rump/net - networking components /lib/libnet - subroutines from sys/net, e.g. route and if_ethersubr /lib/libnetinet - TCP/IP /lib/libvirtif - a virtual interface which uses host tap(4) to shovel packets. This is used by netinet and if_ethersubr. /lib/libshmif - a virtual interface which uses a memory mapped file as an ethernet bus. works completely unprivileged. /lib/libsockin - implements PF_INET using host kernel sockets. This is mutually exclusive with net, netinet and virtif. The rest are out-of-kernel components (i.e. no -D_KERNEL). hypercall interface: src/lib/librumpuser The "rumpuser" hypercall interfaces are used by a rump kernel to access host resources. remote client interface: src/lib/librumpclient The rumpclient library provides remote access to rump kernel servers. system call hijacking: src/lib/librumphijack The rumphijack library allows intercepting system calls and redirecting them to a rump kernel server instead of the host kernel. In other words, it allows existing binaries to request indicated services from a rump kernel instead of from the host kernel. Users: src/lib /libp2k - puffs-to-vfs adaption layer, userspace namespace /libukfs - user kernel file system, a library to access file system images (or devices) directly in userspace without going through a system call and puffs. It provides a slightly higher interface than syscalls. src/usr.sbin/puffs rump_$fs - userspace file system daemons using the kernel fs code src/share/examples/rump Various examples detailing use of rump kernels in different scenarios. These are provided source-only.