
157 lines
6.1 KiB

Doc Documentation, see below
Etc Additional things, see below
README.FIRST guess what
Util Additional utilities and support, see below
Driversource Description
------------ --------------------------------------------------------
pcvt_drv.c Driver, os-interface
pcvt_ext.c Driver, USL-VT Xserver ioctl's and 132 column support
pcvt_hdr.h Driver, global include file
pcvt_ioctl.h Ioctl's available for the driver
pcvt_kbd.c Driver, keyboard handling
pcvt_out.c Driver, VT220 emulator state machine and misc
pcvt_sup.c Driver, support code for ega's/vga's
pcvt_tbl.h Driver, character set to vga charset mapping tables
pcvt_vtf.c Driver, VT220 emulator support functions
Acknowledgements Everyone and everything who/what helped
Bibliography Useful Books and documentation
BugList Things to do
ChangeLog Driver development history
CharGen Description of the character set files
Charsets VT220 and mda/cga/hcs/ega/vga charactersets
EscapeSequences List of supported control codes & escape sequences
INSTALLATION.386BSD How to install all this onto your 386BSD system
INSTALLATION.FreeBSD How to install all this onto your FreeBSD system
INSTALLATION.NetBSD How to install all this onto your NetBSD system
Keyboard.HP Special keys and emulated VT220 keys, one style
Keyboard.VT Special keys and emulated VT220 keys, other style
Makefile Makefile for man page file pcvt.4
Manifest This file
NotesAndHints Random notes and hints
TestedHardware A list of tested Hardware, this is just what we got ...
pcvt.4 Manual page for the driver and ioctl's
(the sample files ttys.xxxxx enable network root login, check if you want it !!)
MAKEDEV.pcvt A shell script to mknod the device files
Terminfo A terminfo entry for the emulator, this IS in
fact a VT220 terminfo entry !
Termcap A termcap entry for the emulator, this IS in fact
a series of VT220 termcap entries which
are extended by 24/25/40/50 lines, 80/132
columns and HP-function key labels
pcvt.el GNU emacs configuration
rc.local sample script for driver cold initialization
ttys.pcvt sample (!) /etc/ttys for pcvt usage
ttys.pcvt.netbsd same for netbsd
ttys.pccons sample (!) /etc/ttys for pccons usage
ttys.ppcons.netbsd same for netbsd
uemacs.tar.Z.uu an example of how to use the function key labels.
It consists of some files from/for MicroEmacs 3.11a:
- dot-emacsrc, to be moved to /usr/local/.emacsrc,
startup file for micro emacs, contains setup of
the function key labels
- emacs.hlp, interactive uemacs help system
- unix.c-3.11a the source for the terminal handling
xmodmap-german X-server german keyboard mapping sample
directory description
--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
loadfont Program to download charactersets into EGA/VGA character
generator memory.
cursor Very simple program to set the cursor shape.
scon Program to control various aspects of terminal emulation,
such as: emulation mode, screen switching etc.
kcon Program to control various aspects of the keyboard such as
key remapping for national keyboards etc.
keycap A library for accessing the keycap database
ispcvt A short program usable in shell scripts to verify that the
current running kernel has pcvt compiled in and that the
the utility version and the driver version are the same.
fontedit A program to edit VT220 downloadable character sets.
userkeys A program to edit the VT220 programmable function keys.
fonts Contains uuencoded binary fontfiles following the naming rule:
<X> can be 'l' or 'h', where 'l' stands for a standard
IBM II charset and is to be loaded first for the
base characterset to support a desired resolution,
and 'h' is the extended characterset needed for proper
VT220 emulation and is to be loaded as the second set
in addition to the above mentioned base characterset.
<YYY> is the identifier for the character cell size, currently
we have:
808 = 8x8 - 50 lines on VGA, 43 lines on EGA
810 = 8x10 - 40 lines on VGA
814 = 8x14 - 28 lines on VGA, 25 lines on EGA
816 = 8x16 - 25 lines on VGA
Files distributed:
vt220l.808.uu, vt220h.808.uu
vt220l.810.uu, vt220h.810.uu
vt220l.814.uu, vt220h.814.uu
vt220l.816.uu, vt220h.816.uu
The next two are just for reference, or to design new fonts but
of no real other use:
vt100pc.814.uu - Uudecoded binary fontfile containing an
8x14 font with special display functions at 0x00..0x1f
vt100sg.814.uu - Uudecoded binary fontfile containing an
8x14 font with special display functions at 0x00..0x1f,
a special graphics char set at 0x1f..0x7f and
a supplemental graphics char set at 0x80..0xff
vttest A VT100 compatibility tester. This is a test tool for
VT100 emulation writers and terminal buyers.
demo - chardemo.vt and colors.vt: These two files are from the
MSDOS-Kermit distribution from the Columbia University.
They can be "cat"-ed to the terminal screen and display
all supported VT220 charactersets and all possible colors
- sgr.vt: A demonstration of the various display enhancement
combinations for the DECSGR escape sequence.
fed - a simple, System V curses based font-editor for the EGA/VGA
fonts in the above mentioned font - directory.
Fed was developed using Zeyd M. Ben-Halim's ncurses library,
which is avilable by ftp from
mcon - a program to control the mouse emulation via the keyboard
vgaio - a program to read and write VGA registers. CAUTION: because
you are able to change the timings without check or warning,
this program may permanently damage your monitor. If you
don't know what you are doing, DO NOT USE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!