
342 lines
7.6 KiB

#include <cdk.h>
* $Author: garbled $
* $Date: 2001/01/24 08:50:36 $
* $Revision: 1.2 $
* This creates a label widget.
CDKLABEL *newCDKLabel(CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, int xplace, int yplace, char **mesg, int rows, boolean Box, boolean shadow)
/* Maintain the label information. */
CDKLABEL *label = newCDKObject(CDKLABEL, &my_funcs);
int parentWidth = getmaxx(cdkscreen->window);
int parentHeight = getmaxy(cdkscreen->window);
int boxWidth = INT_MIN;
int boxHeight = rows + 2;
int xpos = xplace;
int ypos = yplace;
int x = 0;
/* Determine the box width. */
for (x=0; x < rows; x++)
/* Translate the char * to a chtype. */
label->info[x] = char2Chtype (mesg[x], &label->infoLen[x], &label->infoPos[x]);
boxWidth = MAXIMUM (boxWidth, label->infoLen[x]);
boxWidth += 2;
/* Create the string alignments. */
for (x=0; x < rows; x++)
label->infoPos[x] = justifyString (boxWidth - 2, label->infoLen[x], label->infoPos[x]);
* Make sure we didn't extend beyond the dimensions of the window.
boxWidth = MINIMUM (boxWidth, parentWidth);
boxHeight = MINIMUM (boxHeight, parentHeight);
/* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);
/* Create the label. */
ScreenOf(label) = cdkscreen;
label->parent = cdkscreen->window;
label->win = newwin (boxHeight + !!shadow, boxWidth + !!shadow, ypos, xpos);
label->xpos = xpos;
label->ypos = ypos;
label->rows = rows;
label->boxWidth = boxWidth;
label->boxHeight = boxHeight;
ObjOf(label)->box = Box;
label->shadow = shadow;
label->ULChar = ACS_ULCORNER;
label->URChar = ACS_URCORNER;
label->LLChar = ACS_LLCORNER;
label->LRChar = ACS_LRCORNER;
label->HChar = ACS_HLINE;
label->VChar = ACS_VLINE;
label->BoxAttrib = A_NORMAL;
/* Is the window null? */
if (label->win == 0)
/* Free up any memory used. */
for (x=0; x < rows; x++)
freeChtype (label->info[x]);
/* Return a null pointer. */
return ( 0 );
keypad (label->win, TRUE);
leaveok (label->win, TRUE);
/* Make the info window. */
label->infoWin = subwin (label->win,
rows, boxWidth - 2,
ypos + 1, xpos + 1);
/* Register this baby. */
registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vLABEL, label);
/* Return the label pointer. */
return (label);
* This was added for the builder.
void activateCDKLabel (CDKLABEL *label, chtype *actions GCC_UNUSED)
drawCDKLabel (label, ObjOf(label)->box);
* This sets multiple attributes of the widget.
void setCDKLabel (CDKLABEL *label, char **mesg, int lines, boolean Box)
setCDKLabelMessage (label, mesg, lines);
setCDKLabelBox (label, Box);
* This sets the information within the label.
void setCDKLabelMessage (CDKLABEL *label, char **info, int infoSize)
int x;
/* Clean out the old message. */
for (x=0; x < label->rows; x++)
freeChtype (label->info[x]);
label->infoLen[x] = 0;
label->infoPos[x] = 0;
label->rows = (infoSize < label->rows ? infoSize : label->rows);
/* Copy in the new message. */
for (x=0; x < label->rows; x++)
label->info[x] = char2Chtype (info[x], &label->infoLen[x], &label->infoPos[x]);
label->infoPos[x] = justifyString (label->boxWidth - 2, label->infoLen[x], label->infoPos[x]);
/* Redraw the label widget. */
drawCDKLabel (label, ObjOf(label)->box);
chtype **getCDKLabelMessage (CDKLABEL *label, int *size)
(*size) = label->rows;
return label->info;
* This sets the box flag for the label widget.
void setCDKLabelBox (CDKLABEL *label, boolean Box)
ObjOf(label)->box = Box;
boolean getCDKLabelBox (CDKLABEL *label)
return ObjOf(label)->box;
* These functions set the drawing characters of the widget.
void setCDKLabelULChar (CDKLABEL *label, chtype character)
label->ULChar = character;
void setCDKLabelURChar (CDKLABEL *label, chtype character)
label->URChar = character;
void setCDKLabelLLChar (CDKLABEL *label, chtype character)
label->LLChar = character;
void setCDKLabelLRChar (CDKLABEL *label, chtype character)
label->LRChar = character;
void setCDKLabelVerticalChar (CDKLABEL *label, chtype character)
label->VChar = character;
void setCDKLabelHorizontalChar (CDKLABEL *label, chtype character)
label->HChar = character;
void setCDKLabelBoxAttribute (CDKLABEL *label, chtype character)
label->BoxAttrib = character;
* This sets the background color of the widget.
void setCDKLabelBackgroundColor (CDKLABEL *label, char *color)
chtype *holder = 0;
int junk1, junk2;
/* Make sure the color isn't null. */
if (color == 0)
/* Convert the value of the environment variable to a chtype. */
holder = char2Chtype (color, &junk1, &junk2);
/* Set the widgets background color. */
wbkgd (label->win, holder[0]);
/* Clean up. */
freeChtype (holder);
* This draws the label widget.
static void _drawCDKLabel (CDKOBJS *object, boolean Box GCC_UNUSED)
CDKLABEL *label = (CDKLABEL *)object;
int x = 0;
/* Box the widget if asked. */
if (ObjOf(label)->box)
attrbox (label->win,
label->ULChar, label->URChar,
label->LLChar, label->LRChar,
label->HChar, label->VChar,
/* Draw in the message. */
werase (label->infoWin);
for (x=0; x < label->rows; x++)
writeChtype (label->infoWin,
label->infoPos[x], x,
/* Refresh the window. */
wnoutrefresh (label->infoWin);
wnoutrefresh (label->win);
* This erases the label widget.
static void _eraseCDKLabel (CDKOBJS *object)
CDKLABEL *label = (CDKLABEL *)object;
eraseCursesWindow (label->win);
* This moves the label field to the given location.
static void _moveCDKLabel (CDKOBJS *object, int xplace, int yplace, boolean relative, boolean refresh_flag)
CDKLABEL *label = (CDKLABEL *)object;
* If this is a relative move, then we will adjust where we want
* to move to.
if (relative)
xplace += getbegx(label->win);
yplace += getbegy(label->win);
/* Adjust the window if we need to. */
alignxy (WindowOf(label), &xplace, &yplace, label->boxWidth, label->boxHeight);
/* Move the window to the new location. */
moveCursesWindow(label->win, xplace, yplace);
/* Redraw the window, if they asked for it. */
if (refresh_flag)
drawCDKLabel (label, ObjOf(label)->box);
* This destroys the label object pointer.
void destroyCDKLabel (CDKLABEL *label)
int x;
/* Erase the old label. */
eraseCDKLabel (label);
/* Free up the character pointers. */
for (x=0; x < label->rows ; x++)
freeChtype (label->info[x]);
/* Free up the window pointers. */
deleteCursesWindow (label->win);
/* Unregister the object. */
unregisterCDKObject (vLABEL, label);
/* Free the object pointer. */
free (label);
* This pauses until a user hits a key...
char waitCDKLabel (CDKLABEL *label, char key)
/* If the key is null, we'll accept anything. */
if (key == 0)
wrefresh (label->win);
return (wgetch (label->win));
/* Only exit when a specific key is hit. */
char newkey;
for (;;)
wrefresh (label->win);
newkey = wgetch (label->win);
if (newkey == key)
return (newkey);