1993-04-04 10:49:24 +00:00

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The quality of mercy is not strain['|e]d:\
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven:\
{The }Merchant{ of Venice{ IV-i}}:\
Friends{,} Romans{,} Countrymen:\
lend me your ears{;}:\
{Julius }Caesar{ III-ii}:\
{Mark }Antony
Neither a borrower nor a lender be:\
For loan oft loses both itself and friend{.}:\
Hamlet{ I-iii}:\
To be{,} or not to be{\:}:\
that is the question{\:}:\
Hamlet{ III-i}:\
Alas{,} poor Yorick{!}:\
I knew him{,} Horatio{;}:\
Hamlet{ V-i}:\
Double{,} double toil and trouble{;}:\
Fire burn and cauldron bubble{.}:\
Macbeth{ IV-i}:\
By the pricking of my thumbs{,}:\
Something wicked this way comes{.}:\
Macbeth{ IV-i}:\
{Second |2nd }Witch
Out, damned spot! out, I say!:\
Macbeth{ V-i}:\
Lady Macbeth
Unbidden guests:\
Are often welcomest when they are gone{.}:\
{King }Henry VI{,} Part I{ I-ii}:\
She is a woman{,} therefore may be woo'd{;}:\
She is a woman{,} therefore may be [won|screw'd]{.}:\
Titus Andronicus{ II-i}:\
Such duty as the subject owes the prince{,}:\
Even such a woman oweth to her husband{.}:\
{The }Taming of the Shrew{ V-ii}:\
Who is Silvia{?} what is she{,}:\
That all our swains commend her{?}:\
{The }Two Gentlemen of Verona{ IV-ii}:\
Tu-whit{,} tu-who[ - | |--]a merry note{,}:\
While greasy Joan doth keel the pot{.}:\
Love's Labo{u}r Lost{ V-ii}:\
My only love sprung from my only hate{!}:\
Too early seen unknown{,} and known too late{!}:\
Romeo{ and Juliet{ I-v}}:\
But{,} soft{!} what light through yonder window breaks{?}:\
It is the east{,} and Juliet is the sun{!}:\
Romeo{ and Juliet{ II-ii}}:\
What's in a name{?} That which we call a rose:\
By any other name would smell as sweet{.}:\
Romeo{ and Juliet{ II-ii}}:\
Good night{,} good night{!} parting is such sweet sorrow{,}:\
That I shall say good night till it be morrow{.}:\
Romeo{ and Juliet{ II-ii}}:\
A plague o['|n] both your houses{!}:\
They have made worms' meat of me{.}:\
Romeo{ and Juliet{ III-i}}:\
This royal throne of kings{,} this scepter['|e]d isle{,}:\
This earth of majesty{,} this seat of Mars{,}:\
{King }Richard II{ II-i}:\
John of Gaunt
Not all the water in a rough rude sea:\
Can wash the balm from an anointed king{.}:\
{King }Richard II{ III-ii}:\
{King }Richard II
I'll put a girdle round the earth:\
In forty minutes{.}:\
{A }Midsummer[-| ]Night's Dream{ II-i}:\
I can call spirits from the vasty deep{.}:\
Why{,} so can I{,} or so can any man{;}:\
{King }Henry IV{,} Part I{ II-iv}:\
There are more things in heaven and earth{,} Horatio{,}:\
Than are dream[t|ed] of in your philosophy{.}:\
Hamlet{ I-v}:\
The time is out of joint{;} O cursed spite{,}:\
That ever I was born to set it right{!}:\
Hamlet{ I-v}:\
Once more unto the breach{,} dear friends{,} once more{;}:\
Or close the wall up with our English dead{.}:\
{King }Henry V{ III-i}:\
{King }Henry V
Was ever woman in this humour woo['|e]d{?}:\
Was ever woman in this humour [won|screw'd]{?}:\
{King }Richard III{ I-ii}:\
{King }Richard III
Now is the winter of our discontent:\
Made glorious summer by this sun of York:\
{King }Richard III{ I-i}:\
{King }Richard III
There['s| is] a divinity that shapes our ends{,}:\
Rough[-| ]hew them how we will{.}:\
Hamlet{ V-ii}:\
There is a tide in the affairs of men:\
Which{,} taken at the flood{,} leads on to fortune{;}:\
{Julius }Caesar{ IV-iii}:\
Never{,} never{,} never{,} never{,} never{.}:\
Pray you undo this button{.}{ Thank you{,} sir{.}}:\
{King }Lear{ V-iii}:\
{King }Lear
I grow{,} I prosper{\:}:\
Now{,} gods{,} stand up for bastards{!}:\
{King }Lear{ I-ii}:\
The better part of valour is discretion{;}:\
in the which better part I have saved my life{.}:\
{King }Henry IV{,} Part I{ V-iv}:\
Asses are made to bear{,} and so are you{.}:\
Women are made to bear{,} and so are you{.}:\
{The }Taming of the Shrew{ II-i}:\
Full fathom five thy father lies{;}:\
Of his bones are coral made{;}:\
{The }Tempest{ I-ii}:\
She lov['|e]d me for the dangers I had pass['|e]d{;}:\
And I lov['|e]d her that she did pity them{.}:\
Othello{ I-iii}:\
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown{.}:\
Many good morrows to your Majesty{!}:\
{King }Henry IV{,} Part II{ III-i}:\
Mislike me not for my complexion{,}:\
The shadow['|e]d livery of the burnish['|e]d sun{.}:\
{The }Merchant{ of Venice{ II-i}}:\
Cowards die many times before their deaths{;}:\
The valiant never taste of death but once{.}:\
{Julius }Caesar{ II-ii}:\
O{h}{!|,} Pardon me{,} thou bleeding piece of earth{,}:\
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers{.}:\
{Julius }Caesar{ III-i}:\
{Mark }Antony
The play's the thing:\
Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king{.}:\
Hamlet{ II-ii}:\
How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is:\
to have a thankless child{.}:\
{King }Lear{ I-iv}:\
{King }Lear
Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my king:\
He would not in [mine|my] old age have left me naked to [mine|my] enemies{.}:\
{King }Henry VIII{ IV-ii}:\
{Cardinal }Wolsey
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night:\
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear{.}:\
Romeo{ and Juliet{ I-v}}:\
Where the bee sucks{,} there suck I{;}:\
In a cowslip's bell I lie{.}:\
{The }Tempest{ V-i}:\
O brave new world{,}:\
That has such people [in't|in it]{!}:\
{The }Tempest{ V-i}:\
Why{,} then the world's mine oyster{,}:\
Which I with sword will open{.}:\
{The }Merry Wives of Windsor{ II-ii}:\
A goodly apple rotten at the heart{\:}:\
O{h}{,} what a goodly outside falsehood hath{!|.}:\
{The }Merchant{ of Venice{ I-iii}}:\
I never kill['|e]d a mouse{,} nor hurt a fly{;}:\
I trod upon a worm against my will{,}:\
Pericles{ IV-i}:\
Golden lads and girls all must{,}:\
Like chimney sweepers{,} come to dust{.}:\
Cymbeline{ IV-ii}:\
You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!:\
O you hard hearts{,} you cruel men of Rome{.}:\
{Julius }Caesar{ I-i}:\
A horse{!|,} a horse{!|,} my kingdom for a horse{!}:\
{King }Richard III{ V-iv}:\
{King }Richard III
My salad days,:\
When I was green in judg{e}ment, cold in blood{,}:\
Antony [and|&] Cleopatra{ I-v}:\
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale:\
Her infinite variety{.}:\
Antony [and|&] Cleopatra{ II-iii}:\
Give me some music\: music, moody food:\
Of us that trade in love{.}:\
Antony [and|&] Cleopatra{II-v}:\
'Tis better playing with a lion's whelp,:\
Than with an old one dying{.}:\
Antony [and|&] Cleopatra:\
The barge she sat in, like a burnished throne,:\
Burned on the water{.} The poop was burnished gold{;|.}:\
Antony [and|&] Cleopatra:\
Done like a Frenchman - turn and turn again!:\
{King }Henry VI{,} Part I{ III-iii}:\
{Joan }Pucelle|{Saint |St{.} }Joan{ of Arc}