started if the directory /var/yp exists. Now, ypbind, ypserv, and rpc.yppasswdd are started like other daemons; there are flags variables for these programs. To disable them, set the variables to "NO", otherwise, their contents are passed as flags.
131 lines
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131 lines
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#!/bin/sh -
# $NetBSD: netstart,v 1.24 1996/08/09 10:29:44 thorpej Exp $
# @(#)netstart 5.9 (Berkeley) 3/30/91
# set these to "NO" to turn them off. otherwise, they're used as flags
mrouted_flags=NO # for 'normal' use: mrouted_flags=""
rarpd_flags=NO # for 'normal' use: rarpd_flags="-a"
bootparamd_flags=NO # for 'normal' use: bootparamd_flags=""
rbootd_flags=NO # for 'normal' use: rbootd_flags=""
sendmail_flags=NO # for 'normal' use: sendmail_flags="-bd -q30m"
named_flags=NO # for 'normal' use: named_flags=""
# If your system is to be a YP server, you need to enable ypserv
# and (optionally) rpc.yppasswdd. Set these variables to "NO"
# to turn them off, otherwise they're used as flags.
ypserv_flags=NO # for 'normal' use: ypserv_flags="-d"
yppasswdd_flags=NO # for 'normal' use: yppasswdd_flags=""
# If your system is to be a YP client, you need to enable ypbind.
# Set these variables to "NO" to turn them off, otherwise they're
# used as flags.
ypbind_flags=NO # for 'normal' use: ypbind_flags=""
# set the following to "YES" to turn them on
# miscellaneous other flags
# only used if the appropriate server is marked YES above
amd_dir=/amd # AMD's mount directory
amd_master=/etc/amd/master # AMD 'master' map
# /etc/myname contains my symbolic name
hostname=`cat /etc/myname`
hostname $hostname
if [ -f /etc/defaultdomain ]; then
domainname `cat /etc/defaultdomain`
# configure all of the interfaces which we know about.
# do this by reading /etc/hostname.* files, where * is the name
# of a given interface.
# these files are formatted like the following, but with no # at the
# beginning of the line
# addr_family hostname netmask broadcast_addr options
# dest dest_addr
# addr_family is the address family of the interface, generally inet
# hostname is the host name that belongs to the interface, in /etc/hosts.
# netmask is the network mask for the interface.
# broadcast_addr is the broadcast address for the interface
# options are misc. options to ifconfig for the interface.
# dest is simply the string "dest" (no quotes, though) if the interface
# has a "destination" (i.e. it's a point-to-point link, like SLIP).
# dest_addr is the hostname of the other end of the link, in /etc/hosts
# the only required contents of the file are the addr_family field
# and the hostname.
set -- `echo /etc/hostname*`
unset tmp
while [ $# -ge 2 ] ; do
shift # get rid of "hostname"
read af name mask bcaddr extras
read dt dtaddr
if [ ! -n "$name" ]; then
echo "/etc/hostname.$1: invalid network configuration file"
cmd="ifconfig $1 $af $name "
if [ "${dt}" = "dest" ]; then cmd="$cmd $dtaddr"; fi
if [ -n "$mask" ]; then cmd="$cmd netmask $mask"; fi
if [ -n "$bcaddr" -a "X$bcaddr" != "XNONE" ]; then
cmd="$cmd broadcast $bcaddr";
cmd="$cmd $extras"
) < /etc/hostname.$1
# set the address for the loopback interface
ifconfig lo0 inet localhost
# use loopback, not the wire
route add $hostname localhost
# /etc/mygate, if it exists, contains the name of my gateway host
# that name must be in /etc/hosts.
if [ -f /etc/mygate ]; then
route add default `cat /etc/mygate`
# /etc/ifaliases, if it exists, contains the names of additional IP
# addresses for each interface. It is formatted as a series of lines
# that contain
# address interface
if [ -f /etc/ifaliases ]; then
set -- `cat /etc/ifaliases`
while [ $# -ge 2 ] ; do
ifconfig $2 inet alias $1
route add $1 localhost
shift 2