- Separate the suser part of the bsd44 secmodel into its own secmodel and directory, pending even more cleanups. For revision history purposes, the original location of the files was src/sys/secmodel/bsd44/secmodel_bsd44_suser.c src/sys/secmodel/bsd44/suser.h - Add a man-page for secmodel_suser(9) and update the one for secmodel_bsd44(9). - Add a "secmodel" module class and use it. Userland program and documentation updated. - Manage secmodel count (nsecmodels) through the module framework. This eliminates the need for secmodel_{,de}register() calls in secmodel code. - Prepare for secmodel modularization by adding relevant module bits. The secmodels don't allow auto unload. The bsd44 secmodel depends on the suser and securelevel secmodels. The overlay secmodel depends on the bsd44 secmodel. As the module class is only cosmetic, and to prevent ambiguity, the bsd44 and overlay secmodels are prefixed with "secmodel_". - Adapt the overlay secmodel to recent changes (mainly vnode scope). - Stop using link-sets for the sysctl node(s) creation. - Keep sysctl variables under nodes of their relevant secmodels. In other words, don't create duplicates for the suser/securelevel secmodels under the bsd44 secmodel, as the latter is merely used for "grouping". - For the suser and securelevel secmodels, "advertise presence" in relevant sysctl nodes (sysctl.security.models.{suser,securelevel}). - Get rid of the LKM preprocessor stuff. - As secmodels are now modules, there's no need for an explicit call to secmodel_start(); it's handled by the module framework. That said, the module framework was adjusted to properly load secmodels early during system startup. - Adapt rump to changes: Instead of using empty stubs for securelevel, simply use the suser secmodel. Also replace secmodel_start() with a call to secmodel_suser_start(). - 5.99.20. Testing was done on i386 ("release" build). Spearated module_init() changes were tested on sparc and sparc64 as well by martin@ (thanks!). Mailing list reference: http://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-kern/2009/09/25/msg006135.html
$NetBSD: README.dirs,v 1.9 2009/09/04 10:54:44 pooka Exp $ Runnable Userspace Meta Programs Quick rundown of the current directory structure: sys/rump/librump - kernel runtime emulation /rumpkern - kernel core, e.g. syscall, interrupt and lock support /rumpuser - userspace namespace support for rump, *NO* -D_KERNEL provides e.g. malloc() and some syscalls /rumpcrypto - kernel cryptographic routines /rumpdev - device support, e.g. autoconf subsystem /rumpnet - networking support and sockets layer /rumpvfs - file system support sys/rump/include /machine - used for architectures where the rump ABI is not yet the same as the kernel module ABI. will eventually disappear completely /rump - rump headers installed to userspace sys/rump/dev - device components sys/rump/fs - file system components /lib/lib${fs} - kernel file system code compiled out of /sys with -D_KERNEL sys/rump/net - networking components /lib/libnet - subroutines from sys/net, e.g. route and if_ethersubr /lib/libnetinet - TCP/IP /lib/libvirtif - a virtual interface which uses host tap(4) to shovel packets. This is used by netinet and if_ethersubr. /lib/libsockin - implements PF_INET using host kernel sockets. This is mutually exclusive with net, netinet and virtif. Users: src/lib /libp2k - puffs-to-vfs adaption layer, userspace namespace /libukfs - user kernel file system, a library to access file system images (or devices) directly in userspace without going through a system call and puffs src/usr.sbin/puffs rump_$fs - userspace file system daemons using the kernel fs code