
104 lines
2.3 KiB

#include <cdk.h>
char *XCursesProgramName="slider_ex";
* This program demonstrates the Cdk slider widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
/* Declare variables. */
CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
CDKSLIDER *slider = 0;
WINDOW *cursesWin = 0;
char *title = "<C></U>Enter a value:\n<R>This is a slider box.\n<L>This is a slider box.";
char *label = "</B>Current Value:";
int low = 0;
int high = 100;
int inc = 1;
int fieldWidth = 50;
char temp[256], *mesg[5];
int selection, ret;
/* Set up CDK. */
cursesWin = initscr();
cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);
/* Parse up the command line. */
while (1)
ret = getopt (argc, argv, "l:h:i:");
/* Are there any more command line options to parse. */
if (ret == -1)
switch (ret)
case 'l':
low = atoi (optarg);
case 'h':
high = atoi (optarg);
case 'i':
inc = atoi (optarg);
/* Start CDK Colors. */
/* Create the slider. */
slider = newCDKSlider (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER, title, label,
A_REVERSE | COLOR_PAIR (29) | ' ', fieldWidth, low,
low, high, inc, (inc*2), TRUE, TRUE);
/* Is the slider null? */
if (slider == 0)
/* Exit CDK. */
destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
/* Print out a message. */
printf ("Oops. Can't make the slider widget. Is the window too small?\n");
exit (1);
/* Activate the slider. */
selection = activateCDKSlider (slider, 0);
/* Check the exit value of the slider widget. */
if (slider->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No value selected.";
mesg[1] = "",
mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
else if (slider->exitType == vNORMAL)
sprintf (temp, "<C>You selected %d", selection);
mesg[0] = copyChar (temp);
mesg[1] = "",
mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
freeChar (mesg[0]);
/* Clean up.*/
destroyCDKSlider (slider);
destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
delwin (cursesWin);
exit (0);